  • 1.Congressional Briefing 2014 ACUTA Annual Conference by Kenneth Salomon

2. The Congressional Landscape Congressional (and some Administration) Developments Only 3. 2014 Mid-Terms Start with the outlook for the 2014 mid-term election 4. 2014 Mid-Terms: The House Party breakdown of the 113th Congress, House Source: National Journal & The Cook Political Report 199 233 5. 2014 Mid-Terms: The Senate Party Breakdown of the 113th Congress, Senate 50 Two Independents, Angus King (I-Maine) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), caucus with the Dems Source: National Journal & The Cook Political Report 6. 2014 Mid-Terms: The Senate Defeat from the jaws of victory: GOP losses in 2010 and 2012 7. 2014 Mid-Term Election 8. Changes Coming at the Top Shift in congressional education policy leadership in 2015 Education Committees Senate HELP Chairman Harkin (IA) retiring Sen. Alexander (R) or Murray (WA) replacement House Ranking Member Miller (CA) retiring Rep. Scott (VA) replacement Commerce Committees Senate Chairman Rockefeller (WV) retiring Senators Boxer (CA) or Nelson replacement? House Ranking Member Waxman (CA) retiring Reps Eshoo (CA) or Pallone (NJ) replacement? 9. 2014-2015 Higher Education Congressional Landscape Major Topics in 2014-2015 HEA Reauthorization Copyright Act update Telecommunications Act update Broadband and wireless broadband deployment Data security and privacy TEACH Act 10. The HEA HEA Reauthorization picking up steam House Senate Some focus areas Accreditation Cost of attendance Student loan servicing Quality and innovation Completion and outcomes E-learning and MOOCs Competency vs. seat time 11. 2014 Education Policy Landscape: HEA Whats going to happen next? Hearings, hearings, hearings When will reauthorization be completed? 12. Copyright Act Copyright for 21st Century House Judiciary Committee hearings NTIA/DOC White Paper 13. Telecommunications Rewrite House Energy and Commerce Committee Staff paper soliciting ideas Hearings Multi-year process 14. Broadband & Spectrum Court repeal of FCC Open Internet Order Congressional reaction Partisan bills pro and con Partially in response to the Court, FCC Chairman Wheeler, and the Comcast-Time Warner merger Oversight of spectrum auctions 15. Data Breach and Security Congressional reaction to Target/Neiman Marcus data breaches = 16. TEACH Act TEACH Act of 2014 Development of accessibility guidelines for electronic instructional materials and related information technologies in higher education institutions. Senator Warren: Currently, not all technologies used at colleges and universities are accessible to students with disabilities, even though non- discrimination laws require accessibility. 17. Questions? Kenneth Salomon [email protected] +1.202.585.6904 @TCLobbying The purpose of this slide show is to provide news and information on legal issues and all content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

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