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“If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was

smiling” ~Paul


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Well who is there for you no matter what? Who takes up for

you when you’re wrong? Who still is by your side once you get into a disagreement? Who steps up and plays father role when he is nowhere to be found? Who tells you right from wrong? Who would you always love the most no matter what? Who has always been there for me since day one? Who supports all of my decision? Who has raised me? Who do I have the most respect for? Who will always understand me? Who always forgives me? Who is always helping me? Who is the most loyal person in my life? Who is the most beautiful person in the world? Who is the strongest person in my life? Who makes me laugh? Who made me into the young man I am today? Who makes my day amazing? Who is my best friend?

~ continued

Dedication Page

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Who brightens my day? Who is fearless? Who is honest?

Who is intelligent? Who is a fun person to chill and hang out with? Who is a wonderful woman? Who is unique in every way? Who is awesome? Who is cool? Who is caring? Who is a Saint? Who is incredible? Who is influential? Who is a good listener? Who is a problem-solver? Who is a real parent when it’s time to be one? Who is my partner in crime? Who is giving? Who is my lifelong teacher? Who is the first person I see every morning I wake up? ~continued

Dedication Page

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Dedication Page

My Mother

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I believe that I will graduate from high school go to college and

go straight through no one will stop me. The way I will get through high school will be to remind focus and stay on top of all my grades. Soon as I see my grades began to lack and fall get help from the teacher of that class so I can stay on top of the game. Also that teacher will see that I am actually trying and maybe try to look out for me because I came to him/her seeking help. I will not hang will the wrong crowd of people because hanging with the wrong group of people will have an impact on you. I believe I can do whatever I put my mind to because I have my own mind set. At the end of the day you have to look out for yourself so that’s what I am doing now I can say I did it. High school prepares me for college and college prepares me for life. With that being said I believe I can make it to the level of college.

~ continued

I believe

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Once I make it to college I believe I can maintain to stay in tuned so

I can start to set up for life. Your mother and father won’t be there for you forever, I believe that I have to go out and get it on my own. Many people may have different ideas on how to get it on their own I chose to get it on my own the right way. When I go to college I hear a lot about people going out and partying a lot. I believe half of the time the ones that goes and parties every night is the ones failing and dropping out. I believe if I can maintain and mange my time I will be able to make through college well. If I see that I won’t be able to hang out and party while I’m in college ill just sacrifice so I can be someone in life. In college I will meet many of different people to make sure that I don’t get together with the wrong people I will ask myself is anything they doing wrong?

~ continued

I believe

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If so I will know that’s not the right group of

people I should be with because it’s not going get me anywhere but in jail or dead. I believe I can finish high school and go to college and finish with no problems. Also I believe I have the right mind set and I have my head right so I will be able to accomplish my goals

I Believe

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Novella 1: “The child is father of the man” –This IS

WHO I AM Chapter 1: Family/Friends/Teachers Tree Chapter 2: Who I AM Chapter 3: HOW Do You Measure a Life Chapter 4: My Most Treasured Item Chapter 5: I’ve Learned That Chapter 6: An Important Place Chapter 7: What is your definition of success ~ continued

Table of Contents

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Chapter 8: Tattoos on This School Chapter 9: An important object Chapter 10: Questions and Answers Chapter 11: Poem What Graduation Means To Me Chapter 12: I Wish I Could Go Back

Novella 2: Senioritis Chapter 13: I would like to thank Chapter 14: I learned from you Chapter 15: Thank you ~continued

Table of Contents

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Chapter 16: Either I apologize for Chapter 17: Top Ten Moments from your years

at Karr Novella 3: It’s So Hard to Say Good-bye

Chapter 18: Letter from you to your future self Chapter 19: A letter from a parent Chapter 20: Comment Page Chapter 21: My Last Goodbye

Novella 4: Edna Karr Chapter 22: Goodbye

Table of Contents

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“The child is father of the man”--THIS IS WHO I AM

Novella 1:

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Kendra: My mother Kendra have influenced me to

stay in school. She showed me I don’t need anyone, I can do everything on my own. Some words she told me “Never let someone tell you what you can’t be”.

Joseph: My father Joseph have influenced me to be a better man than he was. He influenced me to never give up on your child because I know how it feels. Last, he showed me how you should treat a lady.


Chapter 1: Tree of Life

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John: My brother John have influenced my life and showed

me how to be their for someone when they’re down. He showed me no matter what he will always be there for me. Lastly, he has influenced my life because without him I wouldn’t know how to drive and as much as I do about cars.

Jonquil: My sister Jonquil have influenced me to be the best that I can be. She have influenced me by being there for me when my mother was sick as if she was my mother. She showed me I shouldn’t look down on others.


Chapter 1:

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Shawn: My nanny Shawn have influenced my life also

by being there foe me when my mother was sick. Also by opening her house up to me as if it was my own. If I ever need anything she’s right there to get it for me if I couldn’t.

Rodney: My paran Rodney have influenced my life by being there for me when my father wasn’t. The influenced my life by helping out with things I would need. Lastly, putting time in with me.


Chapter 1:

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Kevin: My step father Mr. Kevin influenced my

life by being here for me and my mother. He influenced my life by helping my mother and looking after her in her time of need. Last, he influenced my life my having father to son talks with me.

Chapter 1:

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My mother has a major influence on how I act.

Every time I began to get off on the wrong foot she would sit me down and talk to me. If I didn’t have her I don’t know where I would be. When I lose my mother I hope I am able to maintain without going out and doing something stupid. My mother has influenced the way I think because I know she don’t except nothing but the best from me. So I tend to give my all so I can make her proud.

Chapter 2: Who I Am

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Chapter 3: Measure

LifeGod Mother


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Chapter 3:

Brother Sister


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Chapter 3:

Dogs Car


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Chapter 3:

Job School


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Chapter 3:

Phone Life

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Why is my car my most treasured item? One

reason why my car is my most treasured item is because my car is my all. Without my car I wouldn’t be able to get around anymore. My car is my way to and from school. Without my car I wouldn’t be able to go to school nor to work! I wouldn’t be able to ask my mother because she has to work every morning for six o’ clock. I need to be at school everyday mainly for two reasons. One because I am a senior and I need to gradate. Two because I want to be something in life. I need my car for work because without my car I wouldn’t have a job. ~continued

Chapter 4: Most Treasured

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Which means I won’t have any money. So, Yes!

My car is my most treasured item as one can see my car is an important piece of my life. Without my car life wouldn’t be the same! The way I look at things if I didn’t have a car I wouldn’t have a lot of the things I have today. My car (Smokey) is my most treasured item.

Chapter 4:

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i. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover (8)ii. You control yourself no one else does (9)iii. The truth will set you free (10)iv. Everything is not as it seems (11)v. You have to follow before you can lead (12)vi. At the end of the day you’re all you have (13)vii. A lot more to life than I thought (14)viii.Life is what you make it (15)ix. You are judge by the group of people you

hang with (16)x. Education is the most important (17)

Chapter 5: I’ve Learned That

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School is and important place that influenced

me because this is where everything starts. High school is one of the most important parts of my life. After high school my next step is college. I rather go to college having knowledge from high school then going without any. School is a huge part of success by going to school one may find a higher paying job. Than other that doesn’t having some type of education behind there name.

Chapter 6: An important place

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My definition of success is setting a goal

and being able to accomplish your goal. Being able to finish or complete something is success. For example one of my goals are graduate on time in 2014. When I graduate that’s going to be a part of success because a goal I set for myself was to graduate on time. The real definition of success is “The accomplishment of an aim or purpose”.

Chapter 7: Definition of success

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Chapter 8: Tattoos on

This Skin If I were to get a tattoo

of some type of symbol of Edna Karr on my body it will be a cougar. Why? I will choose to put a cougar on my body because I wouldn’t really want to put the words “Edna Karr” on my body. A cougar is a nice picture and will stand out. {Second to None}

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Chapter 9: Important

object What’s a important

object? My phone! But why is my phone important ? Well my phone is the way I get in contact with my family. When I’m leaving work ill call my mother to let her know I'm on my way in. In case of a emergency I’ll be able to call the police.

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What is the best advice you received from your parents? A few words that stood with me that my

mother told me were “Don’t give up on anything, you can do anything you want.” Often I think I’m not good enough at some things, than I remember those words. After so long on trying to accomplish a task eventually I achieve. Which makes me happy because as much as I thought I couldn’t do something I continue to try and finally got though it.

Chapter 10: Q’s and A’s


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This is some of the best advice that I have received from my mother because, never I never go wrong when I think and remember those words she told me. When I first started High School and things were different from middle school I thought I wouldn’t be able to do and make it though High School, but I just remembered and believe. Every time I get to the point to where I want to quit or give up on something I look at the situation as life and death it’s one path you would want to take so try to make the best out of it.

Chapter 10:


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What is your most disappointing experience this year?

My biggest disappointing thus year is not being able to attend homecoming. The reason why I couldn’t attend homecoming is because my job forget I had request that day off. The only way I would’ve been able to go to homecoming is if someone would’ve came in to work for me. Everyone I asked to switch with me didn’t have a ride or was busy. Now I was stuck at work not being able to attend my senior homecoming. If I would’ve just walked out from work I would’ve been without a job.

Chapter 10:


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I was in a bad situation without and could’ve been without a job. I decided to stay and stick it out so I would have a job.

Chapter 10:


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What age should people be able to do what they

want with their babies without parental consent? The age people should be able to do with they

want with their babies is eighteen. Why do I think eighteen? I say one should be eighteen because that’s the age one becomes legal at that age. You wouldn’t need your parent for anything dealing with your baby. If one has a cool parent they may be more leaning towards their child. For example if one mother is not cool and their child is underage if may be harder for one. At the age of eighteen you are on your own and able to provide for your own. Advice just wait till one makes eighteen.

Chapter 10:


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What is the most important thing I learned in high

school? The most important thing I learned in high school is

that you met a lot of different characters. What do I mean by one meets different characters? You met a lot of kids that want to be down with others. Also one will met kids that are different from you. All that matters is that you remember who you are. One thing I always did and still do today don’t do anything I haven’t been doing. Never let anyone talk you into something if you don’t want to do. I learned that you have to remember who you are and maintain.

Chapter 10:


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What is the most important words in the English

language? There are three words in the English language to

me that are the most important. One of the words are “Please”. Why is please a important word in the English language? Well because please is the way one gets what he/she wants. The other two words in the English language that are important go together. Those words are “Thank You”. Why is Thank You a important word in the English language? Because after one gets what he or she wants the words that should come behind it are Thank You.

Chapter 10:


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What is the biggest mistake my parents made

raising me? I don’t believe my parents made any mistake

raising me! I believe my father made a mistake by not being around for me. I believe if he would’ve been around more and showed me right from wrong I would be better. My mother tried to be the father figure but she can’t because she doesn't go though with boys do. If my father was here for me and prepare me for the world I would’ve not been in some of the things I'm in now!

Chapter 10:


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What are three teachers you going to

remember at Karr and why? One teacher I will remember will be Mrs. Woods.

I took Mrs. Woods class my tenth grade year. I will remember Mrs. Woods by a few words “Use your technique”. Another teacher I will miss will be Ms. Parker because I had fun with her in first and second period. My last teacher will be Ms. Laigast and I will miss her for getting mad at the class when the Saints lose a game. (GET WELL SOON)

Chapter 10:


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What is something you wish you would’ve

known three years ago? Something I wish I would’ve known three

years ago was that every year of high school is important to me. I didn’t know over all the (GPA) will be average together. If I would’ve known I would’ve push myself even harder so I can have a better future. I wish I can go back and do better so my four year would be better and will show how smart I really am.

Chapter 10:

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This is my time to shineto live a life that is mineThis is my time to glowand let my true feelings showThis is my time to cryto laugh, to grieve, to sighThis is my timeand only mineI won't let it pass me bylike a fading star in the Midnight skyIts my time this is my timeThis Is My Time.

Chapter 11: What Graduation means to


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If I had one day to return in life it would be the

moment when I went to get my first car. Why would I go to that day? Well I’ll go back because I was in a rush to get a car. I didn’t get what I really wanted I got anything just because I wanted my own. I’ll go back and take my time and try to find a car that I really want. I’ll make sure that the car drive good and has no big problems that I wouldn’t be able control. I will take time to look at things such as how much money will I be spent on gas. Also I will see how much it will be with car insurance on that particular car.


Chapter 12: I wish I Could Go Back

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Chapter 12:

How would be able to tell if this a good car or not ? How would I be able to tell if I should buy this car? Well I’ll ask myself would I be able to hand this car down to my child later on in life if one is needed. That’s how I’ll make my decision on if I will but the car or just leave the car on the lot!!

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Novella 2:

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Thank you John and Jonquil for always being here

for me and when I needed you guys. John thank you for telling me what is right and making sure I stay on the right track in school and out of school. We can together and as one and will always be loyal and keep it real.Jonquil thank you for stepping up for me when I was right and wrong. Ever since I can remember you have been crazy about and I love the relationship we have.

~ Thank you both for all!!!!

Chapter 13: I would like to thank you

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I’ve learned from Ms. Parker

that adjusting many be hard when you are new to things. I’ve learned you have to give respect to get receive respect. Ms. Parker showed me and showed me I can do anything. I’ve learned you push yourself the hardest for better results.

Chapter 14: I learned

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Ms. Lu thank you for being here from me since

the day I met you. Even though I gave you a hard time you stayed with me and looked out for me. You wish the best for me and made sure I was on top on everything school wise.

Ms. Parker thank you for coming to Edna Karr and helping me with my senior project and helping me stay on task. I want to thank you for showing me this website to make my project look better. (

Chapter 15: Thank You

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Why I act the things I do? Why I act the way I act? I am the way I am because at the end of the day all you have is yourself. Why do I feel like at the end of the day all I have is I? Well because I came in this world by myself and at the end of the day that’s how I will leave this world. No one can die for you so every decision I make I make it wisely and don’t think twice about it. After it’s done it’s over it already happened and nothing you can do to change the past. That’s why I live life by these two words (Regret Nothing). Why do I live by them words? If you did something in life you did it for a reason. So why am the way I am because I am different and I don’t regret nothing and life it’s a one in life things. (YOLO) You Only Live Once.

Chapter 16:

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Chapter 17: Top Ten Moments from Karr

Football Games Basketball Games


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Chapter 17:

Freshmen Parade Pep Rallies


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Chapter 17:

Tenth Grade Christmas Program


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Chapter 17:

College visits Fieldtrips


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Chapter 17:

Being a Senior Graduation Pictures

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“It’s So Hard to Say Good-bye”

Novella 3:

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Chapter 18: Letter to

Self Dear: Joshua Romant

Stay on top of everything and remember education is the most important of all. I want you to remember to put everything to the side and make sure you are okay before you think about others.

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Chapter 19: Letter from parent

Nice, but need to work on more pictures and bring yourself out in your

Autobiography…. Kendra


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Chapter 20:

Comment PageAmanda

Josh has came a long way and I am proud of him.

I think his scrapbook is put together very well.

Kenisha Looking at Josh

Scrapbook I thought it was well put together.

I like how he explained his self very well

I wish him luck on it.


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Chapter 20:

Squeak Josh scrapbook was

very unique It was the best I

ever seen I Love you and gone

miss you when you leave

Darione Josh scrapbook was

marvelous! You’re going you

make it somewhere in life.

I really wish you the best and I’ll miss you. I love you Josh! GOOD JOB!!!

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I know way too many people here right now that I didn't know last yearwho are y'all?I swear it feels like the last few nights we've been everywhere and backbut I just can't remember it allwhat am I doing, what am I doing?oh yeah thats right, I'm doing me, I'm doing meI'm living life right now manand this what I'm do 'til it's over'til it's over, it's far from over

Chapter 21: My Last Goodbye


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alright, bottles on melong as someone drink itnever drop the ball, y'all thinkingmaking sure the young money ship is never sinkingbout to set it off in this Jada PinkettI shouldn't have drove, tell me how I'm getting homeyou too fine to be laying down in bed aloneI can teach you how to speak my language Rosetta stoneI swear this life is like the sweetest thing I've ever knowngot to go thriller Mike Jackson on these

Chapter 21:


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all I need is a red jackets with some zipperssuper good smidoke a package of the swishasI did it over night, it couldn't happen any quickery'all know them, but it me eitherbut point the biggest skeptic out I'll make them a believerit wouldn't be the first time I've done it throwing hundredswhen I should be throwing ones bitch I run it ahh

Chapter 21:


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Uhhh,one thing bout music when it hits you feel no painand I swear I got this that makes these go insaneso they tell me that they love me I know better than that it's just gameit's just what comes from fameand I'm ready for that I'm just sayingI really can't complain, everything is koshertwo thumbs up, ebert and roeper

Chapter 21:


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I really can't see the end getting any closerbut I'll probably still be the man when everything is overso I'm riding through the city with my high beams oncan you see me can you see me get your visine ony'all just do not fit the pictureturn your widescreen onif you thinking Imma quit before I die dream onman they treat me like a legendam I really this coldI'm really too young to be feeling this oldit's about time you admit it who you kidding mannobody's ever done it like I did itahh

Chapter 21:

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“Edna Karr Idol: My Last Goodbye”

Novella 4:

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I want everyone to remember me as a cool

person that was nice an care free. Memories I will take with me is all the special

moments I had with friends and classmates.

Chapter 22: Goodbye

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