
Physical Education Standard Grade

Physical Education Standard Grade

DIFFERENTIATED TASKS ( all questions are from past papers)


Topic :- joints,muscles body structure

FOUNDATION2007 q10 muscles and joints

1. Which of the following statements are true and which are false

Type of jointtruefalseThe elbow is a hinge joint in the upper body

The shoulder is a ball and socket in the lower body

The knee is a hinge joint in the lower body

The hip is a hinge joint in the upper body


1b. Jumping is an important movement in many activities.

Choose a team activity_________________________________________________

From this activity name a skill/technique where jumping is important.

Skill/technique _____________________________________________________ 1

1c. Muscles work in pairs.

Name two muscles in the upper leg that work as a pair to allow movements.

1st muscle____________________________________________________ 1

2nd muscle___________________________________________________ 1

1d. Explain how the muscles of the upper leg work together when jumping.



___________________________________________________________________2 162GENERAL 2005 question 71a.. There are many parts that hold joints together.Which of the following are true and which are false.Tick one box each time.partFunctionTruefalseCartilageReduces friction between bones

LigamentsConnect muscle to bone

TendonsConnect bone to bone

MusclesContract and relax to produce movement

41b.Choose an activity Name a skill/technique that requires the movement of the ball and socket joint.


Skill/technique that requires the movement of the ball and socket joint.

_______________________________________________________________ 1

Describe how movement of the ball and socket joint helps you to perform the skill/technique.



___________________________________________________________________ 2

1c.Choose an activity

Name a skill/technique that requires the movement of the hinge joint.


Skill/technique that requires the movement of the hinge joint.

_______________________________________________________________ 1

Describe how movement of the hinge joint helps you to perform the skill/technique.



___________________________________________________________________ 21632. 2002 general q3c&d muscles and joints2a. A bicep curl is a training exercise.Complete the following paragraph by filling in the missing words. Choose from the box below.

Ligaments tendons hinge elbow

Extends Contracts Ball and socket Shoulder

The main joint used in a bicep curl is the_________________________ joint. This is

an example of a _______________________ joint. As the triceps muscles relaxes, the

biceps muscle________________________. The ______________________ joins the

muscle to the bone, which pulls on the forearm to flex and lift the weight. 4

2b.The knee joint is important in performing many skills or techniques.Choose an activity and a skill or technique where the knee joint is important.


Skill technique___________________________________________________

Describe the movement of the knee joint when performing this skill.




2c, Describe how the muscles, tendons and bones work together to produce this movement.





________________________________________________________________ 3

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