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DTP2 – Verifying The Divertor Remote Handling Equipment For ITER

M.Siuko 1), J.Järvenpää 1),J. Mattila 2), C.Damiani 3), J.Palmer 4)

1. VTT Systems Engineering, Tekniikankatu 1, P.O.Box 1300, 33101 Tampere, Finland2. Tampere University of Technology, PO Box 589, 33101 Tampere, Finland3. Fusion For Energy, Josep Pla 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral- Edificio B3, 9ª planta08019 Barcelona - Spain4. ITER Organization, Cadarache Joint Work Site, 13108 St. Paul-Lez-Durance, France

e-mail contact of the main author: [email protected]

Abstract. A major issue for the successful operation and long term availability of ITER reactor is the ITERreactor maintenance, which has to be done by remote controlled devices. Therefore, detailed design of theassociated RH equipment and verification of its operation before ITER construction by way of prototypes andmock-ups, is considered an essential activity. The most important to meet the goal is the use of virtual techniquesand virtual prototyping. However, the virtual prototyping shows just the behavior considered and modeled.Therefore, the real hardware is needed to expose the clearances, show the flexibility of structures, to point outthe weak points of the proposed design.The ITER divertor maintenance equipment will be tested in a test facility designated for that, DTP2. The testfacility consists of the reactor mock-up, the reactor component transporters and various tools used forrefurbishment. Essential element for the remote handling system is an operator control and command systemwith combination of graphical user interface, visualisation system and camera vision system. The work in DTP2is just about to start. The divertor cassette transporter completing the DTP2 research platform will soon bedelivered to Tampere. In this paper the DTP2 and its basic activities are explained and also some future activitiesare discussed.

1. Introduction

The ITER Tokamak machine aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility offusion power. It is also the first fusion device producing thermal energy at the level of anelectricity-producing power station. As a tokamak device, part of the plasma confiningmagnetic field is taken care by the plasma itself, so even minor disturbances can cause theplasma damage to the reactor walls and the divertor area. Also so called normal operationconditions produce high energy neutrons which are absorbed by components inside thereactor vessel leaving them beta and gamma activated to a level of several hundreds of Graysper hour. Therefore there is no human access into reactor and all the ITER in-vesselmaintenance has to be made in a remote controlled manner. [4]

2. ITER divertor maintenance

The lower part of the reactor chamber is called divertor. The divertor is the region of thehighest neutron flux density in the reactor. Due to erosion of the plasma-facing surfaces andthe possible need for improving the basic divertor design, its periodic replacement andrefurbishment in the hot cell is foreseen at least 3 times during ITER’s 20 year operationallifetime. The ITER machine divertor componets are integrated into cassettes to minimize thenumber of activated components to be handled during the ITER maintenance. Thissimplifies the divertor replacement operations and allows divertor cassettes to be refurbishedin hot cell.There are 54 divertor cassettes to fully cover the toroidal divertor. Each of the cassettesweights approx. 9 tons and each of the cassettes is mounted on the toroidal rails in the reactorvessel. The cassettes are removed from the vessel and transported out from the vessel by

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remote handling devices called “cassette movers”. A mover carrying the cassette in and outthe reactor along the radial rails in the maintenance tunnel is CMM (Cassette MultifunctionalMover). To carry a cassette the CMM is equipped with an end-effector. There are many typesof end-effectors suitable for different types of handling tasks. For carrying cassettes there areCentral Cassette End-Effector (CCEE), Second Cassette End-Effector (SCEE) and StandardCassette End Effector (StCEE). The SCEE is used specifically to remove the cassettesimmediately to the left of the vessel access port. [4], [2]

Figure 1. The Cassette Multifunctional Mover (CMM) with an end effector SCEE.

3. DTP2 test facility

One of the most important issues for the successful operation and long term availability ofITER reactor is the ITER reactor maintenance, which has to be done by remote controlleddevices. Therefore, detailed design of the associated RH equipment and verification of itsoperation before ITER construction by way of virtual and hardware prototypes and mock-ups,is considered very important. An essential tool to for developing maintenance devices is theuse of virtual techniques and virtual prototyping. In early phase the complicated operationenvironment is presented as 3D-CAD model. By adding kinematic features and motion, themaintenance tasks, movers, robots and tools can be designed and presented in the sameenvironment. Further, by adding also the dynamic behavior, the maintenance devices can betested through the complete modeled tasks.

However, the virtual prototyping shows just the behavior considered and modelled by thedesigner. Therefore, the real hardware is needed to expose the clearances, show the flexibilityof structures, to point out the weak points of the proposed design, like the combination ofclearances, flexibility and the control accuracy.

Therefore, after developing the outline engineering design for the CMM and its SCEE, theEuropean Participant Team for ITER intends to construct hardware prototypes. Theseprototype devices will subsequently be used for the detailed development of ITER divertor

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remote handling procedures within a purpose built test facility which replicates the lower partof the ITER vessel, the divertor region. An experimental programme will be carried out in thetest facility to demonstrate and test the remote maintainability of the ITER divertor. The"Divertor Test Platform" (DTP2) facility will present 27° sector of the ITER Vacuum Vessel.The facility is constructed in the laboratory hall of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finlandin Tampere. The DTP2 laboratory is a joint venture activity between F4E, Euratom Tekes,Tampere University of Technology (TUT) and VTT. The facility is constructed in Tampere,Finland and operated by the Finnish Fusion Association, TEKES. [1]

Figure 2.Components for DTP2 are procured form European companies.

Four separate procurement contracts were executed within European Industry for the supplyof the major DTP2 sub-systems (See FIG. 2.) namely, a mock-up of the ITER divertor region(Divertor Region Mock-up, DRM), a mock-up cassette, a prototype cassette mover(CTM+SCEE, See FIG.1. & FIG. 3.) and the mover control hardware. The main element ofthe DTP2 is the DRM, a large fabricated structure which replicates the geometry of the lowerpart of the ITER vessel in the region of one radial port. The DRM provides the necessaryradial and toroidal rails to support the divertor cassette, and the rails for remote handlingequipment which carries out the divertor maintenance (See FIG. 4.).

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Figure 3. CMM under load test in factory.

The control system hardware is delivered without the software, so in parallel to themechanical development, the software development is being carried out by staff of the DTP2host organisation. All these DTP2 sub-systems were brought together in Tampere during 2006and 2007. The first part of the divertor region mock-up was installed during 2007 and is fullyprepared for the arrival of the cassette mover (expected Autumn 2008 ). After obtaining themover, the DTP2 will be fully operational for performing RH trials. The planning and designof another mover carrying cassette toroidally is on the way. Also the planning for the full 63degree divertor mock-up started in 2008. [3]

Figure 4. Divertor Region Mock-up is a heavy steel structure which can be extended further to coveralso other maintenance tests.

4. CMM test program

The scope of the first phase of the test programme is to verify the operation of the planneddivertor cassette removal process, and to develop it further where seen necessary. Theremoval is done with CMM carrying the seconf cassette end-effector (SCEE), assisted by a

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manipulator arm. The manipulator arm is used to handle tools for releasing the cassettelocking to the vessel rails.

4.1. Test environment

In the real operational environment there is no human aspect to consider, but on DTP2, whiletesting and developing the RH equipment, human safety has to be taken into account. Withinthe DTP2 facility, there are two platforms where the movers can be tested. The first one is theCMM test stand allowing space for testing and tuning all the mover joints, without and withthe cassette. The second one is the Divertor Region Mock-Up (DRM) representing thevacuum vessel sector and radial rails. On DRM the CMM can perform only movementsallowed by the limited space between the rails. When the CMM movements are studiedcarefully, research persons are under continuous risk of being injured by moving devices.Therefore both test platforms are surrounded by a safety fence. When any of the doors of thefence are opened, all equipment motion is stopped. Operation can only be continued byhaving a “dead man’s handle” device (in this case wireless), which must be pressedcontinuously by the operator in the active area. There are also several emergency stopswitches around the platform disabling all the motion of the devices in the case they areactuated.

4.2. The operator control system of the DTP2

The operator control system of DTP2 remote maintenance equipment combines severaltechniques. There is a camera system providing operator actual camera views where it ispossible. The use of cameras is limited due to their reach to critical points, so the most usedaid is a computer model of the operation environment. By complementing camera informationwith a calibrated computer model, the operator can get views required to drive themaintenance manipulators into wanted positions. While moving the device, the positioninformation of the movers and manipulators are sent to the virtual model which is updatedpractically in real-time (See FIG. 5.).

Figure 5. Control of complicated tasks can greatly be eased by using virtual model .

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The command of the devices can be done by joy stick, numerically from the key pad, bypointer device from the graphical user interface or by combination of these methods. The useof the computer model provides many possibilities for ensuring that the operator keeps theequipment in the allowed area or path and for preventing unwanted collisions. Formanipulator tasks requiring force feedback, like inserting tools for the cassette lockingoperations, a force feedback input device is used.

4.3. The DTP2 control room

The control room lay out is based on two operators and one supervisor. The operators have anumber of computer screens on their desk. Additionally, there are two data projectorspointing onto the wall infront of the operators (See FIG. 6.). The supervisor can select theviews shown on the wall to be able to follow the work and to point out issues to discuss withthe operating team. The work and information flow of the team, the appearance of theinformation shown, the log files stored, and the ways to store the maintenance procedure forlater use are important topics to be studied during the further DTP2 development work.

Figure 6. Operators in DTP2 control room use camera view and virtual model to control the divertormaintenance devices.

4.4. Extension of the DTP2

During 2009 the tests with the CMM+SCEE will be carried out. The continuing divertormaintenance test programme with an additional in-vessel mover, the CTM (Cassette ToroidalMover), requires the DRM to be extended toroidally. After this extension DRM will cover a

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63 degree sector of the vessel divertor area and will allow also in-vessel movers to operate inthe reactor mock-up. The CTM will carry the cassettes toroidally from the reactor to thevicinity of the radial mover (CMM). The CTM will be designed and manufactured in 2009and 2010. After that it will be installed into DTP2 and integrated to the operation controlsystem for testing and further analysis. On the CTM there will be a manipulator arm to assistthe cassette releasing operations in the same way as is done by the CMM manipulator for theSecond cassette.

4.5. Practising the cassette replacement process

THE DTP2 environment provides an ideal facility to train and prepare the real reactormaintenance related routines. Besides the technical issues, there are also other type ofprocesses to explore and practise during the DTP2 experiments.

QA procedures of procurements, ensuring data exchange between subcontractor andF4E/ITER to meet ITER PLM-system.QA procedures for the divertor maintenance tasks, how to prepare the maintenance period,how to organize operator guidance through the maintenance procedure, how to handleunexpected events, storing information and experience for future operation.The level of CMM and manipulator arm automation vs. manual operations.

During all the divertor maintenance and the cassette replacement trials in DTP2, theoperations will be recorded and analysed in a way that allows them to be analysed to provideinformation for the real ITER maintenance processes.

5. Conclusions

The DTP2 test program includes mechanical, electrical end software engineering to get themaintenance equipment working. However, simplicity of the maintenance tasks, operationinstructions and operator user interface are necessary as well. Also the processes to obtainreliable maintenance equipment, processes to obtain controlled maintenance procedures andprocesses providing records of decisions made and data used will be developed. [5]

During the DTP2 operation, all the elements of ITER remote handling activities should bestudied and developed. As a result, most of the issues will already have a solution when realmaintenance work on ITER starts.

6. Acknowledgement

This work, supported by the European Communities under the contract of Associationbetween EURATOM/TEKES, was carried out within the framework of the European FusionDevelopment Agreement. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflectthose of the European Commission.This report was prepared as an account of work by or for the ITER Organization. TheMembers of the Organization are the People's Republic of China, the European AtomicEnergy Community, the Republic of India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the RussianFederation, and the United States of America. The views and opinions expressed herein donot necessarily reflect those of the Members or any agency thereof. Dissemination of theinformation in this paper is governed by the applicable terms of the ITER JointImplementation Agreement.

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7. References

[1] Siuko, M., Vilenius, M., Mattila, J., Muhammad, A., Linna, O., Sainio, A., Mäkelä, A.,Poutanen, J., Verho, S., Mäkinen, H., Luomaranta, M. & Saarinen, H. 2006. Provision of testmodels and software for the CMM system. Fusion Yearbook, Association Euratom-Tekes,Annual Report 2005, VTT Publications 606 Espoo. VTT. pp. 58-60

[2] Siuko, M., Vilenius, M., Mattila, J., Verho, S., Mäkinen, H., Saarinen, H.& Keto, K. 2006.CMM design finalization. Fusion Yearbook, Association Euratom-Tekes, Annual Report2005, VTT Publications 606 Espoo. VTT. pp. 60-61.

[3] Mattila, J., Poutanen, J., Saarinen, H., Kekäläinen, T., Siuko, M., Palmer, J., Irving, M.,Timperi, A., 2007, “The design and development of Iter divertor RH equipment @ DTP2facility”, Proceedings of the Tenth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power,Tampere, Finland

[4] J. Palmer, M. Irving, J. Järvenpää, H. Mäkinen, H. Saarinen, M. Siuko, A. Timperi, S.Verho, The design and development of divertor remote handling equipment for ITER, FusionEngineering and Design, Volume 82, Issues 15-24, October 2007, Pages 1977-1982

[5] M. Siuko, J.Järvenpää, J. Mattila, J.Palmer, C.Damiani, The Status of DTP2 (DivertorTest Platform 2) Project, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock Germany, 2008,accepted to be published.

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