Page 1: Issue No. 17 Nov 2016 to Jan 2017 - Diocese of Southwell · 11/17/2016  · Issue No. 17 - Nov 2016 to Jan 2017 ... Heather

Issue No. 17 - Nov 2016 to Jan 2017

Welcome to the 17th edition of the Newark and Southwell Deanery Newsletter.

“What goes up … must come down”

Although sometimes it’s hard to work out which way is up! As we come to the end of 2016, there seems to be

no doubt that this will go down as an extraordinary year. Our vote to leave the European Union in the summer

and the election of Donald Trump in the USA are the two most obvious examples. It seems like the graphics we

see on the TV news have been all over the place!

In the Deanery, we have not been immune from change either. It has been my

privilege to join you as your new Area Dean, and we are delighted to welcome

new clergy into the Deanery; Louise Holliday in Balderton, Mandy Cartwright in

the East Trent group and Anna Alls as Growing Disciples priest in Ollerton and the

surrounding area. We are also very aware of the challenges that the new Parish

Share allocation formula is bringing to some parishes next year.

Yet, as this year ends, we turn again to a familiar story. A baby born to a young

mother in difficult circumstances, who became a refugee in Egypt, and then grew

up and worked with people in an obscure part of the Roman empire, far away

from the centres of power. He was executed for treason, though that wasn’t the end of the story …

And people said … this is God’s way; that this is his actual word among us in ‘flesh and blood’. The one who was

‘up’ has come ‘down’ to be with us, not because he had to but because he chose to. Then, through the turmoil

of all the centuries since, people have found this person has given their lives meaning and purpose … and they

still do today.

This is the good news which it is both our duty and our

joy to share in the communities where we are set. I know

that there are many calls on our time in the life of our

churches, but I believe we have an unrivalled

opportunity to share this message as we commit

ourselves to working together in 2017, to grow disciples

younger, wider and deeper.

As we do so, I understand that there is concern across the Deanery about the changes to Parish Share

allocation in 2017. These changes were made after consultation at two Deanery Synods earlier in the year, so it

has been a concern to find that for some parishes this has been a surprise. No system is perfect and when

substantial changes are made it is good practice to review them. So, we are planning to hold an open meeting

at some point early next year to look at this allocation process to see if modifications need to be made for

2018. If you would like to talk this through with me either individually or with your PCC directly then please get

in touch with Louise Riley at the Deanery Office to make a time.

With best wishes for a great Christmas and a happy new year in 2017.

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There was a stand in joke at the last Deanery Synod which is rippling

out further that I now have my own Archdeaconry with my own

team, but in the beginning life was very different! Priest-in-Charge

of the Parish of Ollerton with Boughton has since the end of July,

seen my oversight increase with the transitioning of 3 clusters of

churches to a Family of 12 churches in the communities of Ollerton

Village, New Ollerton, Boughton, Bilsthorpe, Earking, Egmanton,

Kirton, Kneesall, Laxton with Moorhouse, Walesby, Wellow with


I have been blessed to work with, to use the words of a colleague, the

‘Dream Team’! Janice Hannington, over the last 2 years, has trained

for Reader ministry and we rejoiced with her as she was recently

licensed as Reader. In recent months, the team has grown with the

addition of Philip Howson as Curate, Heather Brown and Joan Wood

as Readers and Margaret Groves as a Self-Supporting Priest. We

await Anna Alls formally joining us in December as a ‘Growing

Disciple Priest’. We are also exploring an appointment of a Children

and Family Worker. The team of Readers and Clergy is also blessed

with the support of 2 Recognised Lay Ministers: Andrea Ellis

(Children’s Ministry) and Pat Evans (Pastoral Care) and 3 Lite Leaders:

Margaret Grey, Rachael and Mark Harrison-Bust. This is not negating

the support of good churchwardens, retired and other ministers and

the good ministry which is going on all the time – some hidden to

many but not to God!

Life up North brings its joy and challenges. With change, comes

challenge – it is par for the course! We share a vision of enabling our

12 churches to increasingly become a Family: united in their diversity:

honouring local churches in all their uniqueness and diversity but also

looking beyond themselves for the sake of the other 11 churches.

Part of this vision is enabling the Family to see that together we share

more resources and will be better off for having come together as we

seek to build God’s Kingdom in the North of the Deanery. We have

centralised some of the things we are doing and the ministerial team

is committed to working across the 12 churches so that all the

churches get to know the ministers and the team is enriched by

working with each other in different pairings. Our churches are

already commenting that they are enjoying having different ministers

to lead the services. A particular highlight for me was bringing all our

12 churches together for one act of worship at the end of August. It

was great to see around 75 people from across the family of churches

worshipping together as one and then partaking in tea and cake from

across the Family. One or two members asked when we are going to

do this again!

As you will imagine, there is diversity in abundance in our Family.

Our Family consists of two ex-mining villages with adjoining and

surrounding rural villages. We have a Shrine church at Egmanton,

Laxton still follows the ancient tradition of allocating the fields to

local farmers on an annual basis and Wellow hosts a Maypole, to

name but a few unique features. There are 9 schools ranging from a

Private school, Secondary Academy, Church schools and Community

schools. Within the Family exists some of the most deprived

communities which find themselves in the bottom 10% nationally for

multiple deprivation. We have a diversity of worship styles from

traditional BCP services to Messy Church! I could say more about

diversity but I think you get the picture!

As we embrace the Diocesan Vision for joining in God’s transforming

mission to the world and Growing Disciples: “wider, younger,

deeper”, we consider crucial to all of this will be relationship building.

Being where people are in our communities: building upon the good

link with schools, exploring fresh expressions of Church; developing

the partnerships with other organisations, building upon and creating

new initiatives with ‘occasional office’ follow up; being intentional in

forming discussion groups across the Family and growing disciples

where those gathered share a meal together and set the agenda for

the discussion topics (We call this Hot Potato Discussions!). I wonder

what ideas we might continue to come up with as a team as we pray

together and consider what Growing Disciples: ‘wider, younger,

deeper’ might look like in our communities.

As the team continues to come together and our family of churches

increasingly become a Family, please pray for us that we might

honour and please God in all that we do in Christ’s name and in the

power of the Holy Spirit that more people may come to know Jesus

as their friend and Lord and Saviour.


Zoe Burton

Life up North in the Deanery



Saturday 10 December

in St Laurence Church


Displays, arrangements and


on the theme


Stalls and activities

Seasonal refreshments

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It has been really good to join the Riverside group as associate priest.

September is a time of new beginnings. For me it is a new beginning

and the start of something exciting and new. I have gone through

quite a few changes in the last few months. My three years of

curacy working with the Retford Area Team Ministry came to a

conclusion with the Bishop signing me off in January, but I continued

to work with them till the end of August. For the last year of my

curacy I worked in a group of local villages. God very often asks you

to do things before you know completely what the future holds. I put

in my intention to retire from my full time job of teacher at Ratcliffe

College where I taught Religious Studies and taught Dyslexics. Once

this had happened negotiations started for my position of Associate

Priest working with Mark Adams.

I live at Sutton on Trent with my husband Jim Hadley so although I

don’t live within the parishes I am very local. I come from a farming

family in Leicester and I am over joyed to be working in a rural

setting. When I am not working as priest I am looking forward to

supporting Jim in his business and I am hoping to change one of the

farm buildings into an artist’s print studio. To relax I love to garden,

especially the kitchen garden, walking and reading. Between us Jim

and I have five children and by various routes we have seven


At this time of year especially in rural churches we think about the

harvest being gathered in. Harvest is so different from when I was

younger - it all took so much longer. Watching the steam thrashing

at the Sutton festival made me think back to how labour intensive

harvest used to be and how important team work was. It reminds me

of how labour intensive it is being involved in the Christian Church

and how important team work is , something Paul was well aware of

as he wrote to the churches commending different people for their

work and asking others to care for other workers.

I look forward to leading, guiding and supporting the local churches

and the area team in our respective ministries.

Rev Georgie



Deanery Synod Meetings: Wednesday 8th February

7.00 for 7.30 pm start Venue tbc

Deanery Confirmation Service:

Sunday 22nd October St Paulinus, Ollderton

A Plea for Photographs !

Do you have any photographs of the Deanery

(whether it be church pic/countryside/events that

have happened) that we might use in our


Please email to Louise at

[email protected]

New Associate Priest joins the Riverside Group

Southwell Minster needs new Foundation Governor Mrs Penny Peterson, the deanery’s previous Lay Chair, stands down from her position as Foundation Governor at The Minster School. We are extremely grateful to her for her service and dedication. Thank you Penny ! We are also looking for someone to tread in her shoes. If you are interested and would like to talk this through please do give me a call. Canon Mark Adams 01636 555082

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The Hayes Conference Centre in

Swanwick, Derbyshire is a lovely setting

for conferences, especially when there is

need for quiet contemplation and a lack of

distraction at times. So it was to

Swanwick I travelled for two back to back

conferences at the beginning of October.

The first conference of 130 delegates was

for the National Deanery Network and the

second was our own Diocesan

Conference; three days each allowing me

a complete morning of nothing being

organised which was a luxury. So I held

my own retreat sitting alone in the lounge

reading a book about the Ashes victory in

2015; no phone ringing no e-mail facility

on, no meetings and if anything this

“session” was extremely helpful reminding

me of the need to have times of stillness,

quietness and reflection.

The National

Deanery Network

conference is held

every two years and

is open to all

deaneries in England

for both lay and

ordained leaders with

some attendees holding other positions of

interest within their particular deanery or

diocese. The main theme of the

conference was around the “Reform and

Renewal” programme being titled “More

for Less”. The Conference Bishop was the

Rt. Rev Peter Hancock from Bath and

Wells, who was last in the Area when he

introduced our new Dean of Southwell

Minster, Nicola Sullivan who was

previously the Archdeacon of Bath. He

was out spiritual guide as

we listened to a variety of

speakers and discussed

their challenges to us.

The main speakers were:

Rt Revd Ric Thorpe

(Bishop of Islington) who talked about

church planting and growing new and

existing congregations.

Emma Buchan, from the Archbishop’s

Evangelism Task Group, talked about

witness and evangelism especially with

the “Thy Kingdom

Come” movement and

the 24/7 prayer initiative.

Canon John Spence,

Financial Chair of the

Archbishops’ Council who talked to us

about the place of deaneries in the new

way money is being release from the

Church Commissioners to develop

strategies to increase disciples. John has

an incredible grasp of detail and accuracy

along with a very dry sense of humour all

the more remarkable when you consider

that he has been blind for many years,

including time when he was head of

Lloyds bank!

Canon Roger Matthews, from the

Chelmsford Diocese, who talked about

reimagining ministry with a particular slant

on regrouping churches in different sorts

of teams or benefices.

There were times for group discussions,

questions and answers with the speakers,

a couple of workshops (e.g. using and

abusing social media) and socialising with

delegates from all around the country.

What was interesting was the common

themes when meeting others, the desire

to grow disciples and, of particular interest

to us, how we look after the rural ministry.

The next National Deanery Network

conference will be between the 5th and 7th

of October 2018.

The Diocesan Conference had the

theme “Growing Disciples – Wider,

Younger and Deeper” and I had

experience of what the Bishop’s initiative

hopes to achieve immediately the

conference started. I was sat by myself at

the front of the main hall (I try to sit at the

front so that I can see better, hear easily

and make the speakers at the front feel

wanted) and was joined by the Dean,

Ven. Nicola Sullivan. The average of

those at my table immediately dropped as

I am older than the dean. We were deep

in conversation when our table was filled

by the Younger Leadership College dean

and interns – I rejoiced because the

average of the table members plummeted

to well below 40. The team from the

college were

inspirational as they

explained what they

were aiming to do in

recruiting and

training 1000 young

leaders aged, between 15 and 30, within

the diocese. The new college is part of the

Bishop’s plans for the future in growing


There were four guest speakers who

helped us to think about our response to

achieving “Growing disciples – Wider,

Younger, Deeper”. Mark Tanner was at

the time just ceasing to be the Warden of

Cranmer Hall, the theological college at St

John’s College of the University of

Durham and a week after the conference

was consecrated Bishop of Berwick to

work in the Diocese of Newcastle. He was

the link throughout the conference with

reflections on

discipleship being “A

long obedience” with

all the difficulties

involved and how to

look beyond our own

stumbling blocks. He

considered the

discipleship of David, Mary and Paul

through his own experiences as a vicar in

Doncaster, of those who had come to

faith, of those who had shared their own

coming to Jesus journeys. We had two

contrasting addresses from two

contrasting Bishops – Bishop Ric Thorpe

and Bishop Philip North.

Bishop Ric spoke again about church

planting and growing new congregations

as he had done at the other conference.

As a bishop he has a national

responsibility for church

planting so I was not

surprised to hear a similar

address, his passion and

enthusiasm for his work is

infectious but I pray he

develops more ideas for

the rural deaneries sooner

rather than later. Bishop Philip is an Anglo

-catholic cleric, part of the Forward in

Faith group, and is very much engaged in

the Reform and Renewal programme. His

specific priority is to minister to the larger

housing estates which have largely been

forgotten by everyone in any form of

authority and his challenge was very

serious. “The Church which

abandons the poor abandons

the Gospel” was his theme. I

have rarely heard a more

passionate address from any

priest; he had no hand outs,

fancy presentations or

gimmicks just the love of the

poor and the Gospel pouring out of him. It

was a privilege to hear him especially as

A Reflection on Swanwick

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Sacrista Prebend Tuesday 8th November 2016 Helpful Habits: Enabling Oneself and Others to Pray Sustaining a regular pattern of personal prayer can be difficult. This Quiet Day will provide a practical introduction and exploration of prayer, based on Graham Pigott’s Grove Booklet, Helpful Habits: Exploring Personal Prayer. The Revd. Canon Graham Pigott is a retired Anglican priest who leads quiet days and retreats and accompanies others on their spiritual journeying. Art at Sacrista Prebend On Saturday 19th November 2016, the Revd Jean Lamb, a priest and artist living and working in Nottingham, will lead a Quiet Day at Sacrista Prebend Retreat House on the subject of 'New Art in our Cathedrals'. (This day was postponed from 2015.) Jean's mission statement is 'To enable others to see the glory of God in Creation through the eyes of Jesus and with the love of the Holy Spirit' and on this day Jean will help us to explore the wealth of new images displayed or embedded in the stones and glass of our medieval Monuments. Saturday 3rd December 2016 Christians Reflecting Theologically Among Muslims: a study day This study day will reflect on how Christians living among Muslims have responded theologically to questions of prophethood, suffering and the triune nature of God. We will consider a number of examples from across the history of Christian-Muslim interaction and provide opportunity to think about implications for today. The Revd. Jacqueline Hoover, freelance instructor in Islamic studies and Teaching Affiliate at the University of Nottingham, and The Revd. Dr. Jon Hoover, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham will lead this day. All of our Quiet Days begin at 9.45am with coffee, and end at 3.30pm with tea and cake. Please bring your own sandwiches. For all enquiries and to book a place on any of the days, please contact Sacrista Prebend, 4 Westgate Southwell Notts NG25 0JH. Telephone 01636 816833, e-mail [email protected]

he had a wisdom of how to deploy

ministry into the estates, in line with the

Reform and Renewal Programme.

The fourth keynote speaker was Amy Orr-

Ewing who is a vicar’s wife, a mother and

works at the Oxford Centre for Christian

Apologetics in Oxford. Amy has spoken

all over the world including the White

House and the Middle East. For us her

main themes were how to reach the

Under 40s in their various age group

categories and the Orr-Ewings move to

the countryside to establish a church

plant which now has a membership of

over 500 which meets for worship in a

circus big top tent! She was so

inspirational and had me thinking as to

where we could pitch a similar one in our


There was time to converse and socialise

with many clergy and lay persons in the

diocese in social and discussion times,

meal times and in the bar.

Driving home from the two conferences I

had time to reflect on the challenges facing

us in the very near future – Growing

Disciples Wider Younger Deeper within the

Reform and Renewal initiative. I am still

reflecting because there is no easy answer

but there is a willingness to be involved and

a focus for prayer. To help me make some

sense of the challenge, and this may help

you, I am holding this quote from the


“God’s plans are not democratic,

sensible or obvious”

Michael Wilson

Food Hygiene Certificate Course ‐ Are you Interested ?

Rev Greg Price will be running another Food Hygiene Certificate Course on Sat 25th February 2017, 9.30am - 3.30pm at a venue in Tuxford. The cost will be a special price of £15 for everybody. A photo driving licence or passport will need to be brought for identification, and sandwiches for lunch. (Hot drinks will be provided). Anyone serving food/drinks needs to hold this qualification. To apply please will you send a cheque payable to 'Tuxford PCC' for the re-quired amount, together with your name and a contact number/e-mail ad-dress plus a postal address to Hygiene Course, 30 Lincoln Road, Tuxford NG22 0HP. The closing date is the 17th February 2017, but please note there are only 11 places!! Please will you send any queries to [email protected] There are only 11 places!!

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Check out Southwell Minster’s website for more information

What’s on in November Messy Minster November 2nd 3.30pm – 5.30pm in Trebeck Hall Friday Lunchtime in the Cathedral Mirabilé Friday 4th November 12.15 – 1pm in the Minster Winter Craft Fair Saturday November 5th 10am – 4pm in the Minster, entry by £2 donation, under 16’s free. Festive & Crafty Christmas decorations Workshop as part of the above in the ABP – small charge may apply 10 – 3pm The Friends of Southwell Cathedral An illustrated talk in the State Chamber of the ABP by Charlie Leggatt ‘Forty Years on – China in the final year of Chairman Mao’ Finger food and wine/soft drinks from 6.15pm, talk at 7pm Remembrance Sunday 13th November Music in the Great Hall with Jeremy Jepson (Counter Tenor) Sunday 13th November at 7pm Friday Lunchtime in the Cathedral - Daytime Voices Friday 18th November at 12.15pm in the Minster Southwell Choral Society: Mozart Requiem Saturday 19th November at 7.30pm in the Minster

What’s on in December Lowes Wong Carol Concerts Tuesday 6th December at 7pm, Wednesday 7th 2pm and Wednesday 7pm

Messy Minster Wednesday 7th December at 3.30pm in Trebeck Hall Lord Lieutenant’s Carol Service Friday 9th December at 7pm in the Minster Holly Wreath Workshop, £25 each, booking essential tickets from the Cathedral shop. At the ABP Saturday 10th December 10am – 12.30pm Cantamus Girl’s Choir Christmas Concert Saturday 10th December at 7.30pm in the Minster Emergency Services Carol Service Tuesday 13th December at 7.30pm in the Minster Carols for Everyone Saturday 17th December at 7.30pm in the Minster – (tickets required) Messiaen’s LA Nativite Du Seigneur with Simon Hogan Sunday 18th December at 6.30pm in the Minster Friday Lunchtime in the Cathedral Ceremony of carols (Minster Girl’s Choir) Friday 9th December at 12.15pm in the Minster Carols for Everyone Saturday 17th December at 7.30pm in the Minster Minster Chorale: Handel’s Messiah Monday 19th December at 7.30pm in the Minster Cathedral Carol Services Friday 23rd December at 7pm and Saturday 24th December at 7pm

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Serving Tuxford, Weston, Markham Clinton, Normanton on Trent & Marnham


Sun 4th December 2016

For more information, e-mail: [email protected].

Closing date: Sat 26th Nov 2016

Serving Tuxford, Weston, Markham Clinton, Normanton on Trent & Marnham


Sat 10th

December 2016

For more information email: [email protected] or call Gill Fendley on

01636 821866 mob: 07963391140. Closing date: Thurs 3rd Dec 2016


Sun 11th December, 5.00 pm Carol Service at Matthew’s, Normanton-on-Trent

Tues 13th December 7.00 pm Carol Service at St Nicholas’, Tuxford

Thurs 15th December 7.00pm Carol Service at All Saints, Weston

Sun 18th December 6.00pm Carol Service at All Saints, West Markham

Wed 21st December 6.30pm Christingle Service at St Wilfred’s, Marnham

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In The Deanery

Special Advent & Christmas Services FARNSFIELD ST. MICHAEL Sunday 27th November ADVENT SUNDAY: 6pm Advent Carol Service Sunday 11th December Advent 2 : 4pm Christingle Service Tuesday 20th December : 1.45pm Primary School Service Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve : 4.00pm Blessing the Crib : 6.30pm Christmas Carol Service : 11.30pm First Mass of Christ Sunday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY : 10.30am Family Service with Holy Communion KIRKLINGTON ST. SWITHIN Sunday 27th November ADVENT SUNDAY: 9.30am ‘Family Care’ Toy Service Sunday 18th December Advent 4 : 6pm Christmas Carols Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve : 10.00pm First Mass of Christ MAPLEBECK ST. RADEGUND Sunday 11th December Advent 3 : 6pm Advent & Christmas Carols Sunday 25th December (SEE WINKBURN ST. JOHN) WINKBURN ST. JOHN Wednesday 14th December : 6.30pm Advent & Christmas Carols Sunday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY : 9.30am Family Communion

The Parish Church of St Giles, Balderton

Advent Carol Service Sunday 27th November at 6.00 pm Gift Service Sunday 4th December at 9.30 am Parish Eucharist with Nativity Presentation Sunday 18th December at 9.30 am Carol Service Wednesday 21st December at 7.00 pm Christmas Eve: 3.00 pm Christingle 11.30 pm Christmas Eve Eucharist Christmas Day: 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Family Service

Carol Service at All Saints, Barnby in the Willows Monday 12th December At 7.00 pm

The Churches of Farndon with Thorpe and

Hawton with Cotham 12th November 7.30 pm “Voices” Concert, St Peter’s, Farndon ******************* Saturday 26th November 2-5pm Hawton Christmas Fair Gifts/ Stalls/Raffle/Tombola/Produce/Cakes/Carols by Candleight/ Penny Trail ******************* 12.30 - 3.30 pm Mince Pie Munch Tickets £2.50 to include a drink and cake or mince pie (from church members) ******************* Thursday 1 5th December Carols by Candelight at Hawton ******************* Sunday 18th December Christingle Service, Hawton ******************* Wednesday 21st December 6.30 pm Carols on the Green For more information visit out website at

30th. October

The Archdeacon preaches

at Kelham Church.

6th. November

Bishop Paul preaches

at South Muskham Church.

12th. November

A race evening will be held at

Rolleston Village Hall

commencing at 6.30 pm.

Tickets cost £10 each.

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The Newark and Southwell Circuit of the Methodist Church is seeking to appoint a

CHILDREN AND FAMILIES WORKER in Newark and the surrounding area

We are looking for someone who will work with local congregations to develop and grow our current engagement with children and families.

Working across one church in Newark and two churches in the surrounding

villages, the role includes:

Seeking ways to help develop the Christian faith of the children and families who are already part of the churches

Developing the existing links with church and community groups,

including local schools

Leading and supporting the existing volunteer teams of two Messy Churches.

This is a part time appointment (10 hours per week), to be reviewed after 3

years, and includes occasional evenings and Sundays. We are offering a salary of £10 per hour plus expenses. An enhanced DBS is required and it is

a genuine occupational requirement that the post holder is a Christian.

Further information, job description and application form can be obtained from: Rev. Philip Macdonald (Tel: 01636 702154, email:

[email protected]) or Rev. Mark Roberts (Tel: 01636 706264, email:[email protected]) or from the circuit website

Applications must be received by midnight on Friday 18th November 2016

Interviews will take place in the week commencing 28 November 2016.

A national campaign to fund local homeless projects in England. Church Urban Fund are challenging youth organisations,

community groups, churches, and individuals throughout England to “sleep out” this Advent, and help transform lives and communities across the country. By giving up a night of comfort that most of us are lucky enough to take for granted, this challenging experience brings home the daily reality of life for many homeless people in England. You could sleep out in a church or community hall, garage, or a garden shed! You could even spend the night in a local stable and reflect on the Christmas story of Mary and Joseph. For more information on The Advent Sleepout Challenge and how you can get involved check out our website!

Your Deanery Newsletter This is your newsletter. A way of communicating with each other. To

make it successful we need to receive your offerings. The deadline for the next issue is 15th January (for the Feb to April issue). Please send in your

entries to [email protected]

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Have you checked out the

Church of England

Portal System yet?

A new faster and more accurate way

to access the church database,

parish buying, parish returns, a

church near you, and more

For more information contact Frazer

McNish at the Diocesan office

The following churches are in vacancy in our deanery at the moment. If you would like to support them by attending any of their services please contact the deanery office for more information on service times.

Edingley, Halam, Newark St Leonards, Coddington, Christ Church Please hold them in your prayers.

Area Dean: Revd Mark Adams Lay Chair; Mr Michael Wilson Treasurer: Vacant Deanery Administrator: Mrs Louise Riley Deanery Office: (Mon/Tues/Thurs 9.00 - 4.00 ) The Vicarage, Norwell, Notts, NG23 6JT Tel: 01636 555082 Email: [email protected]

Newark & Southwell Deanery Leadership Team

Useful Contact Information

The Right Reverend Paul Williams Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham

[email protected]

Revd Lucy Cleland, Chaplain to the Bishop

[email protected]

Mr Nigel Spraggins, Chief Executive

[email protected]

Archdeacon David Picken David.Picken

Mrs Jo Padmore Executive Personal Assistant

Jo Padmore ([email protected])

For Stats for Mission

Returns and On-Line Data entries: Mr Fraser McNish

01636 817244 [email protected]

Canon Tony Tucker will carry on all printing

and communication services as Jubilate

Communications. Please give him a call to

discuss any requirements you have.

Tel: 07968814189

Email: [email protected]

To advertise your events or services

please email nsdeaneryoffice@

Deanery Prayer

Most merciful God,

our creator and redeemer,

in baptism you called us

to be members,

one of another as witnesses

to your saving power.

Grant that, united in your love,

and confident in your promise

to be with us always,

we may be led by your Holy Spirit,

to be your living body in this deanery,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Newark & Southwell Deanery website pages can be found at


On the diocesan website

Page 12: Issue No. 17 Nov 2016 to Jan 2017 - Diocese of Southwell · 11/17/2016  · Issue No. 17 - Nov 2016 to Jan 2017 ... Heather

This year’s Ride and Stride event, on

September 10th, supporting

Nottinghamshire’s Historic Churches

Trust started with rain which at times

was possibly Biblical in proportion

during the morning. I set off from

Southwell Minster with hope and

determination, as Readers were

arriving for their special service and

other visitors came to see the

Cathedral. My target this time were

the churches in the Newark and

Southwell Deanery which are west of

the A616, east of the A614 and north

of the River Trent.

From Southwell, I headed to

Hockerton, crossing the A617 In a

“monsoon” to Winkburn (St John of

Jerusalem) followed by

Mapplebeck (St Radegund) where

the rain stopped for a few

moments. Eakring (St Andrew),

Bilsthorpe (St Margaret) and into

Farnsfield (St Michael & All Angels)

nearly saw me calling it a day as

being wet was becoming

uncomfortable. However, after a

drink and a biscuit a circuit around

Edingley (St Giles), Kirklington (St

Swithin) appropriate but wrong

month, and Halam (St Michael) saw

rain stop, which was good as there was a

wedding taking place. However as I left

Halam before the bride had arrived the

water from above dropped heavily again.

The B6368 was wet and miserable before I

arrived at Holy Trinity, Southwell.

The decision to keep going on the planned

route was taken with some thought and as I

passed the Brakenhurst Campus, it was the

right one to have made. Lunch was taken in Halloughton (St

James) before an

interesting search for the

Priory Church of St Peter,

Thurgarton. Drier roads

and a glimpse of sunshine

spurred me on to

Hoveringham (St Michael)

then back through

Thurgarton to Bleasby (St Mary) where

I met the first other cyclists of the day!

The cycling was then easy along the

Trent valley through Morton &

Fiskerton (St Denis), Rolleston (Holy

Trinity), Averham (St Michael & All

Angels), Kelham (St Wilfred) ending

this section at Upton (St Peter & St


The last leg of returning to Southwell

involved visiting Our Lady of Victories

R.C. church, Southwell Methodist

church and through the passage way to

the Minster (Blessed Virgin Mary) but

now dry and very relieved.

Many thanks to the number of

courteous drivers who passed me

carefully; also to the many churches

which provided refreshments as I

signed in. I tried to leave a calling

card in each church I visited and did

take some photographs mainly

when rain permitted. Hopefully

someone will have noticed.

As Lay Chair, I believe I have now

not visited only 3 churches in the

Deanery of Newark & Southwell.

They are for the future! However

the 20 churches visited in rain and

sun were my target for 2016, so I

thoroughly enjoyed a good

shower and some liquid

refreshment when I returned


Michael Wilson

Deanery Lay Chair.



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