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  • 7/24/2019 Hindu Vocab


    scampering --cat

    run quickly with light steps due to fearor excitement.


    create or perform spontaneously withoutany preparation

    reconnaissance----TER !"!ER #$

    preliminary surveying or research%exploration

    purport-novel and does notpurport to solve any of themyriad mysteries

    appear or claim to do something esp. falsely


    scattered fragments % typically of somethingwrecked or destroyed

    mangle---cutting &ody viscera%nerval &reakdown%

    severely mutilated % disfigure &ycutting % tearing % crushing &eyondrecognition


    scatter or spread things over a surface orarea

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    violent or damaging disorder % chaosprofusely


    madly % in an uncontrolled mannerexgratia

    done with a sense of moral o&ligationrather than &ecause of any legal

    requirement'esp. with reference to payingof moneykin

    one(s family and relationsransacked

    go hurridly through a place stealing thingsand causing damage


    a person who physically attacks another.


    the area near or surrounding a particularplace

    undercutoffer goods or services at a lower pricesthan a competitorimpede

    delay or prevent


    deli&erately cruel or violent


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    an approach or proposal made to someonewith the aim of opening negotiationsproposal % offer

    outragean extremely strong reaction of anger %shock or indignationplausi&le

    seems reasona&le or pro&a&leconcoct

    create or devise 'esp a story or plan)exemplary

    serving as desira&le modelcontentious

    controversial% involving heated argumentstout

    'of a person) somewaht fat or heavily &uildapex

    reaching a high point or climaxrevive

    restore to life % resurrect% regain life

    cauldron" situation characteri*ed &y insta&ility andstrong emotions.


    " very large or fiercely &urning fire


    "n intense military campaign intended to

    &ring a&out a swift victory.

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    +teal goods from% 'typically using force andin a time of war or civil disorder


    Release from a leash or restraint %releaseratify

    making it officially valid % approve% sanctionsluggish

    +low-moving or inactive.% slow % la*y.amiss

    ,ot quite right inappropriate or out ofplace.antecedent

    " thing or event that existed &efore orlogically precedes another


    encourage or assist to do something

    $eli&erately destroy% damage% or o&struct'something).

    "pprehension"nxiety or fear that something &ad orunpleasant will happenThwart

    !revent 'someone) from accomplishingsomethingcontigents

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    !ossi&le% or lia&le% &ut not certain% to occurincidental casual su&ject to chance

    oration" formal speech% esp. one given on aceremonial occasion.conspicuous

    +tanding out so as to &e clearly visi&le % prominent - noticea&lesloppycareless and unsystematichapha*ard

    lacking any o&vious principle oforganisationprima facie

    &ased on first impression % accepted ascorrect untill proved otherwise


    conformity to facts % accuracyretract

    draw % pull % withdrawdismaldepressing or drearymelee

    a confused fightevade

    escape or avoidskirmish

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    an episode of irregular or premedidatedfighting


    raise a sensitive topic for discussionado

    trou&le % difficulty % fusspalpa&le

    a&le to touched or felt % so intense as to &ealmost touched or felt

    consessiona thing that is grantedchauvinism

    exaggerated or aggressive patroitismprofound

    very great or intense


    represent something as &eing larger %greater % &etter or worse that it really isaccord

    give or grant someone

    memoirsa historical account or &iography writtenfrom personal knowledgecynical

    &eleiving that people are motivated &y selfinterestreconciliations

    the reesta&lishing of cordial relations

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    form a mental picture of something not yetknown or existing


    decree % a formal authori*ationavert

    turn awaynarcissism

    excessive erotic interest in oneself andone(s physical apperance% extremelyselfishness % egoisticpremise

    pre requisitestultify

    cause to lose enthusiasm and initiation


    consider to &e unworthy of one(sconsiderationcensure

    express severe disapproval of% expression offormal disapproval

    u&iquitouspresent % appearing or found everywhere %omnipresentclamorous

    &latant 'done openly and unshamedly)%conspicously offensively loudflurry

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    a small swirling mass of somethingappeasement

    pacify or placate 'relieve or satisfy ) &y

    acceding to their demandsshrill

    high pitch and piercing voice /soundlegitimate

    conforming to the law or to rules

    dissenthold or express opinions that are atvariance with those previously% commonlyor officiallly expressed.frills

    a thing resem&ling such a ship inappearance or functionecclesiatical

    of or relating to the christian church or itsclergyundermine

    dig or excarvate &eneath'a &uilding) so asto make it collapse .egalitarianof % relating to or &elieving in the principlethat all people are equal and deserve equalrights and oppurtunitieshonorifies

    a title or word implyfying or expressinghigh status % politness or respect


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    living or occuring at the same time.echelon

    a level or rank in an organisation % a

    profession or societyem&race

    hold someone closely in one(s arms sign ofaffection 'hug)mace &earer

    is a person who carries mace either a real

    weapon or ceremonialheralds

    an offcial messenger of newseulogy

    a speech or peace of writings that praisessomeone or something highly % typically

    who has just diedpropitiation

    the act of prpitiating or appeasing godspirit or personlofty

    of imposing heightsappurtenancesan accessory or other items associated witha particular activity or style of livingperquisites

    a thing regarded as a special right orprivilage enjoyed as a result of onesposition


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    failing to o&serve the limits of what ispermitted or aprropriate


    &e appropriate or necassaryimpetus

    the force or energy or momentum withwhich a &ody movestarnish

    lose or cause to lose luster

    helmsteering wheel % a position of leadership orcontrol


    acer& % harsh or corrosive in toneun&ridled


    impose and collectaugment


    hitcha temporary pro&lem or interuptionintrusion

    the action of intruding % interferenceenact

    put into practiseencroach

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    intrude on ' a person(s territory)advance gradually and in a way that causesdamage

    peddlingtry to sell &y going house to house 'illegalydrug or stolen items).sparring

    make the motions of &oxing withoutlanding heavy &lows as a form oftraining'&oxing).


    an enlightening or astonishing disclosurecontra&and

    goods that are &een imported or exportedillegally.

    pugilista professional &oxerkingpin

    a main or large &olt in a central position.depute

    appoint or delegate % authori*eparolethe release of prisoner temporarily &eforecompletion of sentence.sworn

    testimony given under oathforgery

    the action of forging or producing a copy ofa document % signature % 'counterfeit) %

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    descri&e or portray something preciselyrhetoric

    the art of effective or persuasive speakingor writing %using language effectively to please orpersuadetoilwork extremely hard orincessantlyexhort

    0er&+trongly encourage or urge 'someone) todo something.

    +ynonymsadmonish - urge - adviserefrain

    0er&+top oneself from doing something.,oun" repeated line or num&er of lines in a

    poem or song% typically at the end of eachverse.+ynonymsver&. a&stain - for&ear - hold &ack - restrainnoun. chorus - &urden - tag - undersongsu&sequently

    following in time and order ' 1""$ E2,)


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    "djective3haracteri*ed &y comprehension of theparts of something as intimately

    interconnected and explica&le only &yreference to the whole.3haracteri*ed &y the treatment of the wholeperson% taking into account mental andsocial factors% rather than just thephysical...gloom

    ,oun!artial or total darkness." state of depression or despondency45economic gloom5.+ynonymsdarkness - gloominess - o&scurity - dark -murk

    commemorate0er&Recall and show respect for 'someone orsomething) in a ceremony.+erve as a memorial to.+ynonymscele&rate - solemni*e - remem&er

    adversary,oun6ne(s opponent in a contest% conflict% ordispute.The $evil.+ynonymsopponent - antagonist - enemy - foe - rival -competitor


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    ,oun'in +outh "frica) " policy or system ofsegregation or discrimination on grounds

    of race.+egregation in other contexts.stalemate

    ,oun" position counting as a draw% in which aplayer is not in check &ut cannot moveexcept into check.

    0er&1ring to or cause to reach stalemate4 5thecurrently stalemated peace talks5.+ynonymsdeadlock - impasse - dead end - cul-de-sacdestitute


    7ithout the &asic necessities of life.,ot having.+ynonymsneedy - indigent - poor - necessitous -penuriousar&itrary


    1ased on random choice or personal whim%rather than any reason or system.'of power or a ruling &ody) 8nrestrainedand autocratic in the use of authority.+ynonymshigh-handed


    ,oun" sudden desire or change of mind% esp.

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    one that is unusual or unexplained." windlass for raising ore or water from amine.

    +ynonymscaprice - fancy - vagary - whimsy - quirk -fadcapricious

    "djective9iven to sudden and unaccounta&lechanges of mood or &ehavior.

    +ynonymswhimsical - wayward - fickle - freakish -crotchetycontrary

    "djective6pposite in nature% direction% or meaning.,oun

    The opposite.+ynonymsadjective. opposite - adverse - reverse -opposed - conversenoun. opposite - reverse - converse -contrast - antithesisdoctrine

    ,oun" &elief or set of &eliefs held and taught &ya church% political party% or other group." stated principle of government policy%mainly in foreign or military affairs4 5theonroe $octrine5.+ynonymstenet - ism - teaching - dogma


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    "dver&8ntil now or until the point in time underdiscussion.

    +ynonymsso far - yet - heretofore - up to nowcaveat

    ,oun" warning or proviso of specificstipulations% conditions% or limitations." notice% esp. in a pro&ate% that certain

    actions may not &e taken without informingthe person who gave the notice.+ynonymswarning - cautiongenocide

    ,ounThe deli&erate killing of a large group of

    people% esp. those of a particular ethnicgroup or nation.ostensi&ly

    "dver&"pparently or purportedly% &ut perhaps notactually4 5portrayed as a &lue-collar type%ostensi&ly a carpenter5.

    +ynonymsseemingly - apparentlyavowdely

    &y open declarationirritants

    ,oun" su&stance that causes slight

    inflammation or other discomfort to the

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    &ody." thing that is continually annoying ordistracting.

    autonomy,oun'of a country or region) The right orcondition of self-government% esp. in aparticular sphere." self-governing country or region.+ynonyms

    self-government - independence&esieged

    0er&+urround 'a place) with armed forces inorder to capture it or force its surrenderlay siege to.3rowd around oppressively surround and

    harass4 5she spent the whole day &esieged&y newsmen5snu&

    0er&Re&uff% ignore% or spurn disdainfully4 5hesnu&&ed faculty mem&ers and studentsalike5.

    ,oun"n act of showing disdain or a lack ofcordiality &y re&uffing or ignoring someoneor something."djective'of a person(s or animal(s nose) +hort andturned up at the end4 5snu&-nosed5.+ynonyms


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    ,oun"n em&arrassing or tactless act or remarkin a social situation.

    +ynonymsgaffe - error - misstep - &lunder


    ,oun" person who has had long experience in aparticular field% esp. military service4 5aveteran of two world wars5.


    ,oun"n extremely confused% complicated% orem&arrassing situation4 5the 7atergateim&roglio5.+ynonymsentanglement - complication


    0er&ake or shape 'a metal o&ject) &y heating itin a fire or furnace and &eating orhammering it.ove forward gradually or steadily.,oun

    " &lacksmith(s workshop a smithy.+ynonymsver&. counterfeit - falsify - fake - fa&ricatenoun. smithyaccede

    0er&"ssent or agree to a demand% request% or


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    "ssume an office or position.+ynonymsassent - agree - consent - comply - accept -


    ,oun" planned route or journey." travel document recording these.+ynonymsroutestint

    0er&+upply an ungenerous or inadequateamount of 'something)4 5stowage roomhasn(t &een stinted5.,oun" person(s fixed or allotted period of work4

    5his varied career included a stint as amagician5." small short-legged sandpiper 'genus3alidris) of northern Eurasia and "laska%with a &rownish &ack and whiteunderparts.+ynonymsver&. limit - restrict - scrimp - confine -

    skimp - scantnoun. limitation - restriction - restraint -confinementdetractors

    ,oun" person who disparages someone orsomething.


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    0er&Regard or represent as &eing of little worth.+ynonyms

    depreciate - &elittle - decry - underestimateprecis

    make a summary 'of).su&tle

    "djective'esp. of a change or distinction) +o delicateor precise as to &e difficult to analy*e or

    descri&e.'of a mixture or effect) $elicately complexand understated.+ynonymssu&tile - fine - delicate - nice - sharpeffacing


    Erase 'a mark) from a surface4 5wordseffaced &y frost and rain5 5his anger waseffaced when he stepped into the open air5.ake oneself appear insignificant orinconspicuous.elitism


    The advocacy or existence of an elite as adominating element in a system or society.The attitude or &ehavior of a person orgroup who regard themselves as &elongingto an elite.predominant


    !resent as the strongest or main element.

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    :aving or exerting control or power.+ynonymsprevalent - prevailing - dominant -


    ,oun" messenger or representative% esp. one ona diplomatic mission.+ynonymsemissary - messenger - legate - am&assador

    - deputyreneging

    0er&9o &ack on a promise% undertaking% orcontract.contention


    :eated disagreement."n assertion% esp. one maintained inargument.+ynonymsquarrel - strife - dispute - argument -contestrationale

    ,oun" set of reasons or a logical &asis for acourse of action or a particular &elief4deprive

    0er&$eny 'a person or place) the possession oruse of something.

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    +ynonymsdivest - &ereave - ro& - strip - dispossessposits

    0er&"ssume as a fact put forward as a &asis ofargument.,oun" statement made on the assumption that itwill prove to &e true.scavenger

    ,oun"n animal that feeds on carrion% dead plantmaterial% or refuse." person who searches for and collectsdiscarded items.+ynonymsdustman - sweepererroneously

    mistakenly4 in a mistaken manner 5hemistakenly &elieved it5.decennial

    "djectiveRecurring every ten years.;asting for or relating to a period of ten


    "djective'of a person) +omewhat fat or of heavy&uild.,oun" kind of strong% dark &eer &rewed with

    roasted malt or &arley.

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    +ynonymsstrong - sturdy - corpulent - ro&ust -stalwart - tough

    de&ase0er&Reduce 'something) in quality or valuedegrade.;ower the moral character of 'someone)45war de&ases people5.+ynonyms

    degrade - a&ase - demean - humiliate -deteriorateiniquitous

    characteri*ed &y iniquity wicked &ecause itis &elieved to &e a sin 5iniquitous deeds55he said it was sinful to wear.perpetuate

    0er&ake 'something% typically an undesira&lesituation or an unfounded &elief) continueindefinitely.!reserve 'something valued) from o&livionor extinction.+ynonyms

    immortali*e - eterni*e - eternali*elitigation

    a legal proceeding in a court a judicialcontest to determine and enforce legalrights.grotesque


    3omically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

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    ,oun" very ugly or comically distorted figure%creature% or image.

    +ynonymspreposterous - ludicrous - fantastic -fantasticaluphill

    "dver&2n an ascending direction up a hill or slope45follow the track uphill5.

    "djective+loping upward ascending.,oun"n upward slope.+ynonymsadver&. upwardadjective. difficult - hard - arduous -toilsome - la&orious

    noun. ascent - upgrade - rise - acclivityapathy

    ,oun;ack of interest% enthusiasm% or concern.+ynonymsindifference - unconcern - torpor -listlessness

    callous"djective+howing or having an insensitive and crueldisregard for others.+ynonymsunfeeling - insensitive - heartless - hard

    dilly dallyingto waste time . esp. in decision making

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    "djectiveTending to cause harm.

    +ynonymsharmful - injurious - prejudicial -deleterious - noisomeconsensus

    ,oun9eneral agreement.+ynonyms

    accord - agreement - unanimityconsonance

    ,oun"greement or compati&ility &etweenopinions or actions.The recurrence of similar sounds% esp.consonants% in close proximity 'chiefly as

    used in prosody).+ynonymsharmony - accord - concord - unison -concordanceeventually

    "dver&2n the end% esp. after a long delay% dispute%

    or series of pro&lems4 5eventually% aftermidnight% 2 arrived at the hotel5.+ynonymsfinally - at last - ultimately - in the end -lastlyprecursor


    " person or thing that comes &efore

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    another of the same kind a forerunner." su&stance from which another is formed%esp. &y meta&olic reaction.

    +ynonymsforerunner - har&inger - predecessor -heraldarson

    ,ounThe criminal act of deli&erately setting fireto property4 5police are treating the fire as

    arson5.+ynonymsincendiarism - fire-raisingfracas

    ,oun" noisy distur&ance or quarrel.+ynonyms

    hu&&u& - ruction - row - uproar - dinsolidarity

    ,oun8nity or agreement of feeling or action% esp.among individuals with a common interestmutual support within a group."n independent trade union movement in

    !oland that developed into a masscampaign for political change and inspiredpopular opposition...+ynonymsunityfringes


    "n ornamental &order of threads left looseor formed into tassels or twists% used to

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    edge clothing or material.0er&$ecorate 'clothing or material) with a


    "djective0ery weak or slight4 5the tenuous link&etween interest rates and investment5.0ery slender or fine insu&stantial4 5atenuous cloud5.

    +ynonymsthin - slender - slight - weak - flimsy -delicate - fine


    ,oun9reat sorrow or distress.Things that cause sorrow or distress


    0er&3onfirm or support 'something that has&een questioned)4 5the court upheld his

    claim for damages5.aintain 'a custom or practice).amenities

    ,oun" desira&le or useful feature or facility of a&uilding or place.The pleasantness of a place or a person.mire

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    ,oun" stretch of swampy or &oggy ground.0er&

    3ause to &e stuck in mud.+ynonymsnoun. mud - oo*e - slough - sludge - morass- &og - slimever&. muddychid


    +cold or re&uke4 5she chided him for notreplying5.pivotal

    "djective6f crucial importance in relation to thedevelopment or success of something else.

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    0er&Express sharp disapproval or criticism of'someone) &ecause of their &ehavior or

    actions.,oun"n expression of sharp disapproval orcriticism.+ynonymsver&. reprove - reprimand - reprehend -scold - up&raid - chidenoun. reprimand - reproof - reproach -


    ,oun;eadership or dominance% esp. &y onecountry or social group.placate

    0er&ake 'someone) less angry or hostile.+ynonymsappease - pacify - soothe - propitiate -mollifymea culpa


    "n acknowledgment of one(s fault or error.tur&ulence

    ,oun0iolent or unsteady movement of air orwater% or of some other fluid.3onflict confusion4 5political tur&ulence5.+ynonyms

    turmoil - unrest - distur&ance - commotion

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    "djective6f% &ased on% or serving as a hypothesis.,oun

    " hypothetical proposition or statement45

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    0er&;eave the main su&ject temporarily inspeech or writing.

    prose,oun7ritten or spoken language in its ordinaryform% without metrical structure.0er&Talk tediously4 5prosing on a&out female&eauty5.intervention

    ,ounThe action or process of intervening.2nterference &y a country in another(saffairs.+ynonymsinterference - interposition - mediation -


    "djective$ifficult to find% catch% or achieve.$ifficult to remem&er or recall.+ynonymsevasive - elusoryautocratic

    "djective6f or relating to a ruler who has a&solutepower.Taking no account of other people(s wishesor opinions domineering.+ynonyms

    autocratical - despotic

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    ,oun" performance or interpretation% esp. of adramatic role or piece of music.

    " visual representation or reproduction.+ynonymsrendering - translation - interpretation -performanceforays

    ,oun" sudden attack or incursion into enemy

    territory% esp. to o&tain something a raid45the garrison made a foray againstRichard(s camp5.0er&ake or go on a foray4 5the place intowhich they were for&idden to foray5entrench

    0er&Esta&lish 'an attitude% ha&it% or &elief) sofirmly that change is very difficult orunlikely.Esta&lish 'a person or authority) in aposition of great strength or security.+ynonyms


    ,ounThe state or practice of refraining fromsexual intercourse.+ynonymspurity - virtue


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    disincentive4 a negative motivationalinfluence.erradicate

    0er&!ut an end to destroy.+ynonymsextirpate - uproot - exterminate - root out -destroytransgress


    2nfringe or go &eyond the &ounds of 'amoral principle or other esta&lishedstandard of &ehavior).'of the sea) +pread over 'an area of land).+ynonymsinfringe - contravene - violate - exceed - sin- trespassstigma

    ,oun" mark of disgrace associated with aparticular circumstance% quality% or person45the stigma of mental disorder5.'in 3hristian tradition) arkscorresponding to those left on >esus( &ody

    &y the 3rucifixion% said to have &eenimpressed &y divine...+ynonyms&rand - stain - taintreferendum

    ,oun" general vote &y the electorate on a single

    political question that has &een referred tothem for a direct decision.

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    The process of referring a political questionto the electorate for this purpose.+ynonyms


    ,oun" nonparticipating o&server a spectator.+ynonymsspectator - &ystander - looker-on - viewer -&eholdernonetheless

    "dver&2n spite of that nevertheless.+ynonymsnevertheless - notwithstanding - still - yet -though'T"1 1:2% !:2R 1:2)garner

    0er&9ather or collect 'something% esp.information or approval)4 5garnerevidence5.+ynonymsstore - collect - hoard - gather - accumulate

    - stocklaud

    to praise esp in a pu&lic contextslack off

    a&ate4 &ecome less in amount or intensitytruce

    ,oun"n agreement &etween enemies or

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    opponents to stop fighting or arguing for acertain time4 5the guerrillas called a three-day truce5.

    +ynonymsarmistice - respite - cease-fireproclaim

    0er&"nnounce officially or pu&licly4 5themanifesto proclaimed that imperialismwould &e the coalition(s chief o&jective5.

    $eclare something one considers importantwith due emphasis.+ynonymsdeclare - announce - promulgate - pu&lish -pronouncedespair


    The complete loss or a&sence of hope.0er&;ose or &e without hope4 5to despair of everknowing5.+ynonymsnoun. desperation - hopelessness -despondencyver&. despond

    lacklustrelacking &rilliance or vitalitylaureate

    ,oun" person who is honored with an award foroutstanding achievement.

    "djective7reathed with laurel as a mark of honor.

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    "djective'of a person) +trong% healthy% and full ofenergy.3haracteri*ed &y or involving physicalstrength% effort% or energy4 5vigorousaero&ic exercise5.+ynonyms

    strong - energetic - ro&ust - forceful -powerful


    0er&'of a plant) 1ecome dry and shriveled.'of a person% lim&% or the skin) 1ecomeshrunken or wrinkled from age or disease.

    +ynonymsfade - wilt - sear - languish - droop - shrivelimpunity

    ,ounExemption from punishment or freedomfrom the injurious consequences of anaction.repeal

    0er&Revoke or annul 'a law or congressionalact).,ounThe action of revoking or annulling a law orcongressional act.

    +ynonymsver&. annul - revoke - rescind - cancel -

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    a&rogate - a&olishnoun. revocation - cancellation -annulment - a&rogation

    unequivocal"djective;eaving no dou&t unam&iguous4 5anunequivocal answer5.+ynonymsunam&iguous - definite - clear - distinct -explicitincongruous

    "djective,ot in harmony or keeping with thesurroundings or other aspects ofsomething not in place.+ynonymsinappropriate - improper - unsuita&le -


    ,ounThe theory or philosophy of law." legal system.+ynonymslawcopious

    "djective"&undant in supply or quantity.+ynonymsa&undant - plentiful - profuse - ample - rich- generoussuffregette

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    ,oun" woman seeking the right to vote throughorgani*ed protest.

    latter"djective+ituated or occurring nearer to the end ofsomething than to the &eginning.1elonging to the final stages of something.+ynonymslast - final - late - ultimate - recenttantamount

    "djectiveEquivalent in seriousness to virtually thesame as4 5the resignations were tantamountto an admission of guilt5.+ynonymsequivalent - equalakin

    "djective6f similar character4 5genius and madnessare akin5.Related &y &lood.+ynonymsrelated - kindred - similar - cognate -

    affined - alikefacet

    ,oun6ne side of something many-sided% esp. ofa cut gem." particular aspect or feature of something.+ynonyms

    aspect - side

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    captivity4 the state of &eing imprisoned 5hewas held in captivity until he died5 5theimprisonment of captured..

    mens rea

    ,ounThe intention or knowledge of wrongdoingthat constitutes part of a crime% as opposedto the action or conduct of the accused.


    "djectiveExtremely unpleasant.orally &ad wicked4 5as vile a rogue asever lived5.+ynonymsmean - &ase - villainous - nasty - foul -scurvy - sordidper se"dver&1y or in itself or themselves intrinsically45it is not these facts per se that areimportant5.futile


    2ncapa&le of producing any useful resultpointless.+ynonymsvain - useless - unavailing - fruitless - idle -nugatorymor&id


    3haracteri*ed &y or appealing to ana&normal and unhealthy interest in

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    distur&ing and unpleasant su&jects% esp.death and disease.6f the nature of or indicative of disease.

    +ynonymsunhealthy - diseased - unsound - ill - sicklyinsightful

    exhi&iting insight or clear and deepperception 5an insightful parent5 5thechapter is insightful and suggestive ofnew...defamation

    a false accusation of an offense or amalicious misrepresentation of someone(swords or actionsatrocities

    ,oun"n extremely wicked or cruel act4 5war

    atrocities5." highly unpleasant or distasteful o&ject45the house was a split-level atrocity5.cognisance

    awareness4 having knowledge ofrupture

    0er&'esp. of a pipe% a vessel% or a &odily partsuch as an organ or mem&rane) 1reak or&urst suddenly.,oun"n instance of &reaking or &urstingsuddenly and completely4 5a small hairlinecrack could develop into a rupture5.


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    ver&. &reak - sever - snap - &urst - crack -tearnoun. &reak - hernia - &reaking - &reach -

    fracture - splitvociferous

    "djective'esp. of a person or speech) 0ehement orclamorous.+ynonymsnoisy - loud - clamorous - uproarious -


    0er&3ancel or postpone the punishment of'someone% esp. someone condemned todeath).,oun

    " cancellation or postponement of apunishment.+ynonymsver&. respitenoun. respite - postponement



    8sed as an intensifier% often to qualify ametaphor4 5a verita&le price explosion5.+ynonymsreal - true - actual - genuine - very -authentic



    " thin decorative covering of fine woodapplied to a coarser wood or other material.

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    0er&3over 'something) with a decorative layerof fine wood.

    +ynonymsvarnish - plywood


    "djective3ausing anxiety or concern.+ynonymstrou&lesome - worrying - anxious - uneasymasquerading

    0er&!retend to &e someone one is notstagnate

    0er&'of water or air) 3ease to flow or move&ecome stagnant.

    3ease developing &ecome inactive or dull.incum&ent

    "djective,ecessary for or resting on 'someone) as aduty or responsi&ility.,ounThe holder of an office or post.


    ,oun7illingness to secretly allow or &e involvedin an immoral or illegal act.+ynonyms

    indulgence - sufferance

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    ,ounThe handle of a weapon or tool% esp. a

    sword% dagger% or knife.+ynonymshandle - haft - gripclout

    ,oun" heavy &low with the hand or a hardo&ject.

    0er&:it hard with the hand or a hard o&ject.+ynonymsnoun. rag - patchver&. strike - hit


    the practice of pushing dangerous events to

    the verge of disaster in order to achieve themost advantageous outcome.corollary

    ,oun" proposition that follows from 'and isoften appended to) one already proved."djective

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    +ynonymsdisentangle - untangle - ravel - undo - solve


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    ,oun"n unexpected and unfortunateoccurrence.

    " minor dispute or disagreement.implausi&le

    "djective,ot seeming reasona&le or pro&a&le failingto convince not &elieva&le.+ynonymsimpro&a&le - unlikely - un&elieva&le -


    the state of &eing cancelled or annulled.ratchet

    ,oun" device consisting of a &ar or wheel with aset of angled teeth in which a pawl% cog% or

    tooth engages% allowing motion in onedirectio...0er&6perate &y means of a ratchet.+ynonymsratchet wheelstrident

    "djective;oud and harsh grating.!resenting a point of view% esp. acontroversial one% in an excessively andunpleasantly forceful way.+ynonymssharp - gratingdetente

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    the easing of tensions or strained relations'especially &etween nations)radicalisation

    is the process in which an individualchanges from passiveness or activism to&ecome more revolutionarypervasive

    "djective'esp. of an unwelcome influence or physicaleffect) +preading widely throughout an

    area or a group of people.+ynonymspenetrating - penetrative


    ,ounThe act or offense of speaking sacrilegiouslya&out 9od or sacred things profane talk.


    ,ounThe action or process of gradually reducingthe strength or effectiveness of someone orsomething through sustained attack or

    pressure.The gradual reduction of a workforce &yemployees( leaving and not &eing replacedrather than &y their &eing laid off.+ynonymsa&rasion - wear - frictionindigenous

  • 7/24/2019 Hindu Vocab


    "djective6riginating or occurring naturally in aparticular place native4 5the indigenous

    peoples of +i&eria5.+ynonymsnative - a&original - native-&ornlineage

    ,oun;ineal descent from an ancestor ancestryor pedigree.

    " sequence of species each of which isconsidered to have evolved from itspredecessor4 5the chimpan*ee and gorillalineages5.+ynonymspedigree - ancestry - parentage - descent -race - origin

    credence,oun"cceptance of something as true45psychoanalysis finds little credence amonglaymen5.The likelihood of &eing true plausi&ility45&eing called upon as an expert lendscredence to one(s opinions5.

    +ynonyms&elief - trust - faith - credit - confidence -reliancedecry

    pu&lically denounce % declare?o&scurantist

    a person who is deli&erately vague.0"98E meaninig '"djective

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    6f uncertain% indefinite% or unclearcharacter or meaning4 5patients with vaguesymptoms5.

    Thinking or communicating in anunfocused or imprecise way4 5he had &eenvague a&out his activities5.).resurgent

    "djective2ncreasing or reviving after a period of littleactivity% popularity% or occurrence.


    ,oun+omething or someone that onevehemently dislikes." formal curse &y a pope or a council of the

    3hurch% excommunicating a person ordenouncing a doctrine.+ynonymscurse - malediction - imprecation - malison- &anrealm


    " kingdom4 5the peers of the realm5." field or domain of activity or interest45the realm of applied chemistry5 5it is&eyond the realms of possi&ility5.+ynonymskingdom - region - sphere - domain - area -field


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    "djective'of a deity) :aving unlimited power a&le todo anything.

    ,oun9od.+ynonymsalmighty - all-powerfulepithet

    ,oun"n adjective or descriptive phrase

    expressing a quality regarded ascharacteristic of the person or thingmentioned.+uch a word or phrase as a term of a&

    ,oun" surprise attack &y people lying in wait in

    a concealed position.0er&ake a surprise attack on 'someone) froma concealed position.+ynonymsnoun. am&uscade - wait - trap - snarever&. waylay - am&uscade

    perish0er&+uffer death% typically in a violent% sudden%or untimely way.+uffer complete ruin or destruction.+ynonymsdie - pass away


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    ,oun" group of ships or vehicles travelingtogether% typically accompanied &y armed

    troops% warships% or other vehicles forprotection.0er&'of a warship or armed troops) "ccompany'a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.slain


    =ill 'a person or animal) in a violent way.urder 'someone).populace

    0er&ake 'a liquid) tur&id or muddy &ydistur&ing the sediment4 5winds roil thesewaters5.

    'of a liquid) ove in a tur&ulent% swirlingmanner4 5the sea roiled &elow her5.+ynonymsmuddy - rileinsurgency

    an organi*ed re&ellion aimed atoverthrowing a constituted government

    through the use of su&version and armedconflictapprehend

    0er&"rrest 'someone) for a crime.8nderstand or perceive.heckle

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    0er&2nterrupt 'a pu&lic speaker) with derisiveor aggressive comments or a&use.

    ,oun" heckling comment.+ynonymshackle - com&placard

    ,oun" poster or sign for pu&lic display% either

    fixed to a wall or carried during ademonstration.0er&3over with placards.+ynonymsposter - &ill - notice


    0er&!ush% el&ow% or &ump against 'someone)roughly% typically in a crowd.,ounThe action of jostling.+ynonymsver&. shove - push - hustle - thrustnoun. push - shove - thrust

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