  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    My favorite geographical theme is crystals. I am interested in this theme for many reasons,

    crystals are beautiful biproducts of earths natural rock cycle, they have healing powers, and can be used

    to identity ones socio-ecocomonic status throughout history, and even to the present day. I think that

    the theme of crystals is important for it can be used as a hook to introduce a geological, a

    humaniatairan, and even a business perspective in your Social Studies/Geography secondary classroom.

    In this portfolio I focus on crystals that are associated with ones biological birth date, that is birthstones,

    instead of a random assortment of crystals.

    Those crystals include, from the website

    Garnet (January, red)

    Amethyst (Feburary, purple)

    Aquamarine (March, blue)

    Diamond (april, clear)

    Emerald (May, green)

    Alexandrite (June, green or purple)

    Ruby (July, red)

    Peridot (August, green)

    Sapphire (September, blue)

    Tourmaline (October, pink or green)

    Topaz (November, light blue)

    Tanzanite (december, medium dark blue)

    Zircon (December, gold)

    Turquoise (December, bluey green)

    The reason why I chose to find resources for these crystals is due to the fact that it allows students a

    chance to identify with at least one stone based on the month they were born; a form of identification

    with the least controversy surrounding it.
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    First I would begin with a geological perspective. I would teach the students about the rock

    cycle. The resource I acquired for this section is a non-fiction textbook. Earth Studies 12e by Tarbuck,

    Lutgens, and Tasa (2009) gives you scientific information based off of scientific inquiry (hypothesis,

    theory, and methods) on how and why crystals are formed in the earth. The third chapter of this

    textbook, Rocks: Materials of the Solid Earth, is an excellent resource to use for it explains the different

    aspects of the rock cycle, including different phenomenoms that can occur during the formation of a

    crystal. There are also definitions of the key terms used throughout the chapter. Any of the figures or

    tables in this textbook could be used as an activity for the students.

    The best part about this textbook is that it comes with an interactive DVD called GEODe that

    tests you on different parts of the chapter. I would use this at the end of a section as a type of game

    with my students. You could split the class in two, and have the group members discuss what the

    answer could be before giving me the answer to enter. You could also use this as a form of evaluation to

    see if the students are getting it. Hand out a printed PowerPoint of the DVD questions, and have the

    students write down in ink what they believe the answer is before you enter it, and have them hand it in

    at the end, it is up to you if you want the evaluation be worth anything. Another interactive resource

    this textbook provides you is a website that has quiz reviews, critital thinking excerices, internet wide

    key term searches, and links to specific web sources for each chapter.

  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    Another non-fiction resource I used was Judy Halls triology of The Crystal Bible. These bibles

    provide information on the colour, appearance, rarity, source, additional properietes/attributes, healing,

    position (i.e. where to wear on the body), specific colours and forms. The next page is an example of

    how Hall layouts the information provided to her readers

    B1= The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals(2003)

    B2= The Crystal Bible 2(2009)

    B3= The Crystal Bible 3(2012)

    Garnet: B1 page 135, B3 page 139+274

    Amethyst: B1 page 53, B2 page 224

    Aquamarine: B1 page 67/68

    Diamond: B1 page 122

    Emerald: B1 page 126

    Moonstone: B1 page 190

    Alexandrite: B1 page 83

    Ruby: B1 page 250, B3 page 151+204+238

    Peridot: B1 page 212

    Sapphire: B1 page 252

    Toumaline: B1 page 296

    Topaz: B1 page 292

    Tanzanite: B1 page 323, B2 page335

    Zircon: B2 page 354

    Turquoise: B1 page 305

  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    To follow along with the geological perspective, I used the website to

    figure out where the largest depoists of crystals are around the world. I would then give the students a

    map of the world with each countries name on it, North Americas map would also include the names of

    the different states and provinces, and have the students create a legend for each crystal and have them

    be able to represent where each of the deposits are located. You could also create a Jeoporady version

    where the whole class participates orally, or have student individually or in partners fill in the blank on

    the Jeopardy page.

    Garnet :Adirondack Mountains especially the Gore Mountain in New York

    Amethyst:Brazil, and Thunder Bay Ontario. All over world

    Aquamarine: Brazil, Ural Mountains Russia, Angola, Kenya, Central Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria,

    Mozambique, Pakistan, Tanzania, Colorado USA, Zambia

    Diamond:Africa, all over world

    Emerald: Columbia, Brazil, Afghanistan, Austraila, Austria, Bulgaria, China, India, Madagascar, Nambia,

    Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, Tanzanie, USA, Zimbabwe

    Alexandrite:Russia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, India, Burma, Madagscar, Zimbabwe

    Ruby: 1800 miles of Himalayas. Streching from Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Kashmir-Nepal-China-


    Peridot:45 miles out of Red Sea off Eqyptian coast at Aswan Kashmir region

    Sapphire:India, Burma, Ceylon, Thialand, Veitnam, Australia, Brazil, Africa

    Tourmaline: Brazil, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzia, Mozambique,

    Madagascar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Califorina and Maine USA

    Topaz: Brazil, Ural Mountains Russia, China, Pakistan, Germany, Namiba, Poland, Zimbabwe, Nigeria,

    Mexico, USA (Nevada, Texas, and New Hampshire)


    Zircon:Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thialand, Myanmar, Austria

    Turquoise:Mexico, various USA locations, Israel, Iran, Afganistan, China
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    photo by Peter Klages, found on planetariums webpage

    You can even take an astrological spin on said crystals. The next page is a highlighted list of the

    crystals that connect to the Zodiac, found in Judy Halls first of three guide books Crystal Bible: A

    Definitive Guide to Crystals (2003). An assignment you could do with your students is have them draw

    out the constellation of their zodiac identity. If because of geographical position one can not view the

    constellation of their zodiac, they could draw one of the major constellations found in their sky. You

    could also take your students to a planetarium if that is something available within the proximity of your

    school. One in Halifax can be found at Saint Marys University. The website states that its size is ideal

    for small groups (up to 30) and allows for a close interaction between the operator and the audience. It

    also asks teachers to contact them, which I am hoping means they will direct their show to base it on

    what you are trying to teach; in this case the presentors would show the students the constellations of

    Zodiacs, so that they could try to draw it.

    This is the link to the planetarium:
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    I would next introduce a more humanitiarian perspective of crystals. The blog posted August


    2009 on the websitewww.mindbodygreen.comexplains the first seven Chakras. An activity you can

    do with your students after introducing the Chakras is have them fill in the blanks of location,

    emtotional issues, colour, healing, and ask them to include a crystal that could be related to

    healing/aligning the Chakras. Another activity you can do visually and physically enhances the students

    involvement in the class is to have, depending on the number of crystals you have at your disposal, a

    student or one from a small group lay on the floor and have students place the proper crystal in the

    Chakra layout.

    Place a brown stone between and slightly beneath your feet, a red stone on root chakra, an

    orange stone below navel, a yellow stone on solar plexus, pink stone on heart, blue stone on throat,

    indigo on third eye, purple stone at crown (Judy Hall, 373).


    Root Chakra


    Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded


    Location: base of spine in tailbone area


    Emotional issues: survival issues such as financial independence, money,

    and food


    Colour: red


    Healing: Kundalini (bridge pose) yoga, red foods, hot spices


    Sacral Chakra


    Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences


    Loaction: lower abdomen, 2 inches below navel, 2 inches in


    Emotional issues: sense of abundance, well being, pleasure, sexuality


    Colour: orange


    Healing: cobra pose, orange food, nuts
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals



    Solar Plexus Chakra


    Our ability to be confident and in control of our lives


    Location: upper abdomen in the stomach area


    Emotional issues: self-worth, self confiendence, self esteem


    Colour: yellow


    Healing: Kundalini (boat pose) yoga, dancing (hips), yellow foods such as

    grains and fiber


    Heart Chakra


    Our ability to love


    Location: center of chest just above heart


    Emotional issues: love, joy, inner peace


    Colour: green


    Healing: Bikram yoga, green food and tea


    Throat Chakra


    Our ability to communicate


    Location: thoart


    Emotional Issues: communication, self expression of feelings, the truth


    Colour: blue


    Healing: shoulder stand, singing, chanting, juices and teas, blue fruits


    Third Eye/Brow Chakra


    Our ability ot focus on and see the big picture


    Location: forehead between the eyes


    Emotional Issues: intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make


  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals



    Colour: indigo


    Healing: childs pose, forward fold, eye exercises, herbal oil treatment,

    purple fruit, chocolate, lavender


    Crown Chakra


    Our ability to be fully connected spiritually


    Location: very top of head


    Emotional Issues: inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality,

    pure bliss


    Colour: violet


    Healing: meditation, running or cardio, breathing fresh clean air, sunshine

    The next page is also from Judy Halls first guide. It lists off the first ten charkas and the highlighted

    crystals are the birthstones associated with the healing and bonding of the Chakras.

  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    Theories of Abundance/Art/Jewelry

    Throughout history, Kings and Queens from all over the world wanted crowns and pieces of

    jewelry that were full of beautiful crystals from their respective country. There was an abundance of

    crystals upon first finding them, and therefore royalty was able to purchase said crystals to show their

    status. The photograph below of a couple of Denmarks Crown Jewels captured by artist Dennis Jarvis,

    whom travels the world to capture images he believes represents a country, is one example of


    An assignment you can do with your students is to have them make a choice of which of the

    fourteen crystals associated with birthstones they would like to focus on. That is your basis for dividing

    them into small groups. Said group is responsible for making a PowerPoint presentation on how said

    crystal has been used throughout history, and even today to show an individuals socio-economic status,

    they should use narratives as at least one of their references. Individually get students to write what

    they think their crystal could represent in the future, any future (1 day from now or 16,738 days).
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals



    You can use this in your teaching as a type of background noise for when students are working on

    assignments or their projects. You could even bring in a crystal singing bowl so that the students can try

    their hand at making music, and have them reflect on how making those sounds made them feel. Below

    each address is YouTubes description of the video.

    Crystal singing bowl music resonance with 13 Hz binaural alpha waves which balance the brain

    hemispheres and bring clarity and visual meditation to the listeners.

    -Active Meditation

    -Brain healing

    -Accessing the subconscious

    Sound healing ceremony with crystal bowls, gongs, and drums

    Energy medicine therapist Jason Wood conducts a meditative sound healing ceremony at the Unitarian

    Society of Ridgewood NJ. During this spontaneous presentation, Jason uses the alchemy of sound to

    assist the listener in achieving a state of heightened awareness and a space for transformative

    emotional healing. Composition has been developed specifically to invite a multidimensional experience,

    leading the listener to an altered state
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    For a business perspective on crystals I turn to the mining and the importation and exportation

    of crystals. Here is one example of a video you could have your students watch and respond/reflect to.

    After viewing this video, students are to individually respond to the following questions:


    What role do women have in this this mining experience?


    What are some of the dangers miners in this mine face on a daily basis?


    While working


    Their relationships with others


    Did the mining in this video reflect the type of mining you envision? Explain how it was

    either similar or different.


    Amethyst in this mine is surround by what type of soil?


    Do you think that the mining of Amethyst in Canada is similar or different? Explain yourperspective.
  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    This final project is one that links all three perspectives of the geography of crystals. The

    students in groups no larger than six will do research on the mining of crystals. They can choose from











    The students are to focus on the possible positive and negative impacts mining said crystal has

    on society and the environment, one of the resources must be one of the two articles below. Give

    students a copy of both abstracts found below and get the groups to choose from there. In this project

    students must also include the geological facts (colour, appearance, rarity, source, and healing) of their

    crystal, and the crystals major source of need in importing and exporting said crystal (mining companies,

    jewelry shops, rock shops, specialty light shops, yoga studios, etc.). To be handed in and presented to

    the class. Preferably done on poster board, or Bristol board so that it can be hung up in the hallway so

    that all students can view their findings.

    Sustainable development in the mining industry: clarifying the corporate perspective (2000)

    Gavin Hilson a, Barbara Murock b

    This paper examines sustainable development in the corporate mining context, and provides

    some guidelines for mining companies seeking to operate more sustainably. There is now a burgeoning

    literature that examines sustainable development in the context of minerals and mining, most of which

    is concerned with sustainability at global and national scales. What is often challenging to ascertain,

    however, from these numerous perspectives on sustainable mineral extraction, minerals and metals

    recycling, environmental management, and social performance, is how sustainable development applies

    to mining companies themselves, and what steps a mine must take in order to improve the

    sustainability of operations. Since mining processes have the potential to impact a diverse group of

    environmental entities, and are of interest to a wide range of stakeholder groups, there is ample

  • 5/19/2018 Geography of Crystals


    opportunity for the industry to operate more sustainably. Specifically, with improved planning,

    implementation of sound environmental management tools and cleaner technologies, extended social

    responsibility to stakeholder groups, the formation of sustainability partnerships, and improved training,

    a mine can improve performance in both the environmental and socioeconomic arenas, and thus

    contribute enormously to sustainable development at the mine level.

    Sustainable development: can the mining industry afford it? (2001)

    D. Humphreys

    Adopting the values of sustainable development implies an increase in the mining industrys

    environmental and social costs. For an industry already offering poor returns on capital this is potentially

    a problem. An examination of the historical record, however, reveals that past increases in

    environmental and social costs have been more than offset by developments in industry productivity.

    The emergence of information and communication technologies seems likely to extend this trend into

    the future. The particular challenges being faced by mining in the US appear to be less to do with rising

    environmental costs than with competition from countries which have recently opened up to foreign

    mining investment and to a strong dollar. It seems likely that industrys adoption of more sustainable

    practices will require, and could even promote, improved returns to capital in mining.

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