  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


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    General Knowledge Questions

    2ovember #6, !"## 7 sdeducare

    #.*ho is the present Attorney Genera% of 8ndia9

    A. Ani% (a'od'ar

    /. /a%a (rishnan

    ). So%i Sorabji

    +. Goo%am 5ssaji ahanvati

    !.he highest pea' in 2i%agiri is ca%%ed 9

    A. Annapurna &ea'

    /. Gurushi'ar pea'

    ). +odabetta

    +. Gangothri

    3.*hen was first asteroid found9

    A. #;"#

    /. #0"#

    ). #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    6.*hat does the abbreviation 8$1 stand for9

    A. 8nternationa% $aritime 1unds

    /. 8nternationa% $onetary 1und

    ). 8nternationa% $utua% 1unds

    +. 8ndian $utua% 1unds

    C.*hat is the nationa% anima% of ur'ey9

    A. Grey *o%f 

    /. *hiteDtai%ed +eer

    ). /rown /ear

    +. Eebra

    ;.*hat does 8)$& stand for9

    A. 8nternet )onnection $odem &rotoco%

    /. 8ntranet )ontro% $essage &rogram

    ). 8nterna% )onf%ict $anagement &rogram

    +. 8nternet )ontro% $essage &rotoco%

    0.8n the $ahabharata, who was 'nown as F$atsyagandhi9

    A. Satyavati

    /. +raupadi

    ). (unti

    +. Gandhari

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    /. Goa

    ). Shri ?ari (ota

    +. )hennai

    #".*ho was e%ected to the 4o' Sabha from $umbai 2orthD*est after Suni% +utt demise9

    A. Sanjay +utt

    /. Sanjay 2irupam

    ). &riya +utt

    +. 2amrata +utt

    ##.*hich is the p%ace of worship for judaism9

    A. Synagogue

    /. 1irst temp%e

    ). 2o church or temp%e

    +. $onastery

    #!.*hich of the fo%%owing B2 agencies has its head@uarters at &aris9

    A. B25S)

    /. 84

    ). 1A

    +. 8$

    #3.*hich of the fo%%owing /ritish co%onies became independent in #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    +. $auritius

    #=.1rom the )onstitution of which country was the concept of the 1undamenta% Rights in the

    8ndian )onstitution borrowed 9

    A. Austra%ia

    /. South Africa

    ). Bnited (ingdom

    +. Bnited States of America

    #6.*hat is the approximate p%aying time of fu%% version of Fana Gana $ana, the 2ationa%

    Anthem of 8ndia 9

    A. =! seconds

    /. 6! seconds

    ). C! seconds

    +. ;! seconds

    #C.*hen did Afghanistan ends monarchy and became a repub%ic9

    A. #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    +. !!"" /)

    #0.he contro% command of Army is %ocated at

    A. &une

    /. Bdhampur

    ). 4uc'now

    +. $how


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    a. 18th

    b. 17th

    c. 16th

    d. 15th

    2. Netrino !"servatory #$N!% &ro'ect is located near which of the following


    a. Anamalai Hills

    b. Nilgiri Hills

    c. Khasi Hills

    d. Patkai Hills

    ). *here was fi rst the +sia,-ro&e eeting #+/-% smmit held(

    a. Thailand

    b. Malaysia

    c. ndia

    d. Pakistan

    . *ho has "een awarded the No"el Prie for medicine 2010(

    a. !ichard Heck

    b. "i#ichi Negishi

    c. Akira S$%$ki

    d. !&bert "d'ards

    . +'ay 3ayaram is a well known … &layer.

    a. (admint&n

    b. )&l* 

    c. Tennis

    d. H&ckey

    4. 5o6ic red sldge7 a waste &rodct from making which metal7 "rst ot of

    a 8ngarian factory9s reservoir reached :an"e ;iver of -ro&e(

    a. +&,,er 

    b. Al$min$m

    c. -ithi$m

    d. !$bidi$m

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    =. /resh 5endlkar is associated with …

    a. Prime Minister0s !elie* $nd

    b. Telec&m !eg$lat&ry A$# th&rity &* ndia

    c. 2N

    d. N&ne &* these

    >. !mkar /ingh and +nisa /ayyed are associated with which of the

    following games(

    a. H&ckey

    b. (asketball

    c. Sh&&ting

    d. +ricket

    10. *ith which com&any wold yo associate Partha /. ?hattacharyya(

    a. +&al ndia -imited

    b. NTP+

    c. 3+

    d. (harat "lectr&nics -imited

    11. ;o"ert -dwards shares an association with(

    a. Physics

    b. +hemistry

    c. (i&l&gy

    d. Mathematics

    12. 5he total nm"er of medals that $ndia has won in Common *ealth

    @ames 2010 is …

    a. 141

    b. 14

    c. 14

    d. 145

    1). *hich of the following is a 5ennis Player(

    a. an +arter 

    b. )reg /&nes

    c. /&hnny eissm$ller 

    d. N&ne &* these

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    1. 8. ;. ?hardwa' is the governor of …

    a. Karnataka

    b. Kerala

    c. Tamil Nad$

    d. Andra Pradesh

    1. *ho has "een awarded the No"el -conomics Prie2010(

    a. Peter )ranger 

    b. /illy +&&,er 

    c. ale M&rtensen

    d. N&ne &* these

    14. 3aita&r nclear &ower &lant is in which city(

    a. !atnagiri

    b. Nag,$r 

    c. P$ne

    d. M$mbai

    1. *ho is known as the Father of the @reen ;evoltion in $ndiaD(

    a. N&rman "rnest (&rla$g

    b. M. S. S'aminathan

    c. /. S. Th&ms&n

    d. N&ne &* these

    20. ?rning ?rightE $rom /harmila and the /trggle for Peace in ani&r

    has "een written "y …

    a. Ar$ndhati !ay

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    b. ee,ti Priya Mehr&tra

    c. Shi9ani /ain

    d. N&ne &* these

    21. /oth orean PohangGclass corGvette sank "ecase of which of the

    following tor&edoes(

    a. ang )e&n

    b. 2lchi M$nd&k

    c. +he&nan

    d. N&ne &* these

    22. Naoto an7 the Prime inister of 3a&an was &receded "y …

    a. :$ki& Hat&yama

    b. :&n Ki

    c. +hiang ;ell

    d. :$k&t& ;iang

    2). /rikmar ?aner'ee is associated with which of the following(

    a. At&mic "nergy +&mmissi&n

    b. (haba At&mic !esearch +entre

    c. e*ence !esearch And e9el&,ment 3rganisati&n

    d. N&ne &* these

    2. *ho "ilt the ?rihadishwara 5em&le(

    a. !a

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK



  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    b. (harti A@A

    c. -+

    d. (a

    b. 1>61

    c. 1>81

    d. 441

    )=. 8ow many $ntegrated 5est ;anges does :;:! have(

    a. 1



    d. ?

    )>. 5he $ntegrated -dcation for :isa"led Children scheme was lanched

    in …

    a. 1>5?

    b. 1>65

    c. 1>7?

    d. 1>>1

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    0. *hen was the ;ral -lectrifi Gcation Cor&oration Kimited incor&orated

    as a Com&any nder Com&anies +ct7 1>4(

    a. 1>6>

    b. 1>71

    c. 1>8>

    d. 1>>1

    1. Fort *illiam is located in …

    a. +hennai

    b. )&a

    c. K&lkata

    d. Mys&re


    2. 5he $ndian 5ennis &layer who trned to 8ollywood filmmaking is …

    a. -eander Paes

    b. N. Night Shyamlan

    c. i

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    . For measring the diameter of a thin wire7 yo wold se …

    a. Scre' dri9er 

    b. Scre' ga$ge

    c. Scre' metre

    d. Meas$ring ta,e

    0. -l seLo del celta has "een written "y …

    a. Pabl& Ner$da

    b. Shakes,eare

    c. Mari& -l&sa

    d. N&ne &* these


    CU;;-N5 +FF+$;/

    1. c. 16th

    . b. Nilgiri Hills

    . a. Thailand

    ?. d. !&bert "d'ards

    5. a. (admint&n

    6. b. Al$min$m

    7. b. Mari& argas

    8. a. Prime Minister0s !elie* $nd

    >. c. Sh&&ting

    14. a. +&al ndia -imited

    11. c. (i&l&gy

    1. a. 141

    1. b. )reg /&nes

    1?. a. Karnataka

    15. d. N&ne &* these

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    16. a. !atnagiri

    17. a. &st&chny S,ace +enter 

    18. d. K.S. Sri,athi

    1>. a. N&rman "rnest (&rla$g

    4. b. ee,ti Priya Mehr&tra

    1. c. +he&nan

    . a. :$ki& Hat&yama

    . b. (haba At&mic !esearch +entre

    ?. a. !a11

    >. d. Mang&

    4. d. 1>76

    1. d. (&th a and b

    . b. Agric$lt$re

    . d. (a. c. 1>7?

    ?4. a. 1>6>

    ?1. c. K&lkata

    ?. c. i. b. Scre' g$age

    54. c. Mari& -l&sa

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan current

    G(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%

    (now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz

    2ovember ;, !"## 7 sdeducare

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Raj. mein $ax. Area wa%a Ei%aD aisa%mer.

    $in. Area wa%a Ei%a: +ho%pur.

    $ax. Area wa%a Sambhag: odhpur.

    $in. Area wa%a Sambhag: /haratpur.

    Sanchi Stupa 'isne banwayaDAsho'a.

    $ugha% Samrajya 'a antim Sasha'D/ahadur Shah afar.

    /harat Ratna pane wa%i #st $ahi%aD8ndira Gandhi.

    *or%d mein sabse jyada )offee utpada' desh


    )ountry of )opper


    apans o%d name


    (aunsi 2adi 5@uatorL/humadhya Re'haM 'o ! baar cross 'arti h9


    4otus temp%eD+e%hi

    Go%den emp%eDAmritsar

    $ina'shi temp%eD$adurai.

    ?uman ?eart 'a weight 'itna hota hai9

     NApprox 3"" Gram> 

    8ndian +iamond 8nstitute 'ahan hai9


    )ountry of emp%es9


    Raj. 'i &awan Brja &ariyojana:

    #st: AmarsagarLaisa%merM.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    !nd: +evgarhL)hittorgarhM.

    3rd: /inthriLodhpurM.

    $us%im 4eague ne &a'istan +iwas 'ab manaya9LB&"0M


    #st o%ympic game hua tha9


    8ndia 'a !nd Station 'ahan %agaya gaya9


    anDGanD$an gaane mein %agne wa%a time9

     NApprox 6! sec> 

    esus 'a birth 'ahan hua9


    0 SeptD*or%d 4iterary +ay#C SeptD*or%d one +ay

    !C SeptD+ay of the +eaf 

    !; SeptD*r%d ourism +ay

    Shi%pgram:?awa%a GaonLBdaipurM.

    Sampurn Sa'shar Ei%a:Ajmer.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Sampurn Sa'shar Adivashi Ei%a:+ungarpur.

    &%anetarium: /ir%a &%anetarium.

    8ndias Re%igions:








    Raj. mein $arb%e:

    *hite: Rajsamand - $a'rana.

    /%ac': /hains%anaL&RM.

    Ie%%ow: aisa%mer.

    Green: Bdaipur, +ungarpur.

    &in': Sirohi, a%ore.

    /R8) desh 'aunse h9

     N/rai%, Russia, 8ndia, )hina> 

    Gandharw 2atya 'a re%ation ain +harm se.

    +happa%i (hya%DA%war.

    *agad 'i $eeraDGawari /ai

    Sanvidhan ' 'is Annuched mein Supreme )ourt ' 2yadhish par $ahabhiyog cha%ne 'a

    pravdhan haiD #!=.

    (is $ahadweep mein +esert nahi haiD 5urope.

    /ihari Samman se Sammanit #st RajasthaniD +r. ai Singh 2eeraj.

    Raj. Sahitya Academy dwara jari month%y magaineD $adhumati.

    8ndia 'a &ittsburghD amsedpurLhar'handM.

    8ndia 'a $anchesterD Ahamdabad.

    8ndia 'a Si%icon StateD (arnat'a.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    /harat 8spat &radhi'aran 'i sthapana 'ab hui9


    &unjab 'a 'aunsa sthan ?osery udyog ' %iye famous hai9


    he &ermanent $embers of Bnited 2ations are 6

    #. )hina

    !. 1rance

    3. Russia

    =. /ritan

    6. America

    *ho was the first recipient of +ada Saheb &ha%'e Award9

     N+evi'a Rani> 

    *hich is the /rightest &%anet9

     Nenus> 8t is 'nown as F$orning Star.

     F?amsa +amayanti painting 'is'i 'riti hai9

     NRaja Ravi arma> 

    /hopa% Gas ragedy mein 'is gas 'a risaw hua tha9

     N$ethy% 8socyanate> 

    Aditya )ement 4td. 'ahan haiLR&S)"0M9


    $andan 'is durg 'a shi%pi thaL5"0M9


    a%abshahi hee% 'is +istrict mein hai9


    /hitti )hitra 'i dristhi se 'ahan 'i ?awe%iyan famous hai9 NShe'hawati> 

    Raj. mein )handan ' forest 'in +istricts mein h9

     N)hittorgarh, Bdaipur, Rajsamand> 

    Sagwan ' 1orest 'ahan9

     N/aran, /answara> 

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    2epanagarL$&M 'is Bdyog ' %iye famous hai9

     NA'hbari (aga> 

    (anpur 'is Bdyog ' %iye 1amous hai9

     N)hamda Bdyog> 

    4o'sabha Adhya'sh apna tyagpatra 'ise sambhodhit 'arta h9

     N4o'sabha Bpadhya'sh 'o> 

    8ndia 'i sima mein e'matra sa'riya wa%amu'hi9

     N/airan +weep> 

    odhpur Aurved Bniversity 'a naam bada% 'ar 'is'e naam par ra'ha gaya h9

     NSrwapa%%i Radha'rishnan> 

    (a'ori Rai% +a'eti 'aand 'ab hua9

     N!"th Asian Ath%etics )hamp. !"#3 'ahan hona prastavit h9

     N2ew +e%hi> 

    Samudra ' upar sabse %ambe pu%L=0($M 'a nirman 'is desh ne 'iya h9


    Raj. A'shya Brja 2igam 'i sthapana 'ab hui9


    (ewa%adeo &a'shi Abhyaranya 'is 2? par sthit hai9


    /engu (isaan Ando%an 'a 2etratwa 'isne 'iya9

     NRamnarayan )houdhary> 

    *or%d 'a sma%%est cean9

     NArctic cean>

    *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan current

    G(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%

    (now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz

    2ovember ;, !"## 7 sdeducare

    /agor Sabhyata ' ut'hanan 'a 'arya 'isne 'iya9 N+r. .2. $ishra> 

    Gems - ewe%%ery se re%ated S5E 'ahan sthapit 'iya h9

     NSitapura L&RM> 

    8ndia &opu%ationwise:





    6DAndhra &radesh.

    )ities &opu%ationwise:

    #Do'yo.!D2ew +e%hi.



    6D$exico )ity.

    CD2ew Ior'.



  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK






    Raj. mein Air )argo )omp%ex 'ahan sthapit 'iya gaya h9


    $arb%e 5xport ' %iye F)ontainer +epot 'ahan sthapit hoga9

     N(hema%i LBdaipurM> 

    B( 'a 2ationa% /ird:Robin Redbreast.

    $anga% par %anded on #st Spaceship:dyssey.

    2)) $otto:Bnity - +iscip%ine.

    Sma%%est 2ationa% &ar':Guindy,

    Raj. mein So%ar 5nergy 'a $i%' )hi%%ing &%ant F/haratpur mein hai.

     F8marti &athhar ' utpadan mein Raj. 'a 8ndia mein 1irst sthan hai.

    Rajpramu'h 'i post 'a name FRajyapa% 'ab diya9LRAS";M


    Raj. 'i F)ha'wada Ghatna 'is se re%ated h9LRAS";M

     NSarwajani' a%ashya 'a Bse> 

    Air%ines Go%d )up 'is se re%ated hai9 LRAS 

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


     FSAAR) 'a ?J 'ahan hai9


    Saas /ahu 'a emp%e 'ahan h9 LRAS 

    +efining $oments ' writer9 LRASD";M

     NRajendra She'har> 

    $adhya'a%in $ewat ' famous Saint 'aun the9 LRASD";M


    Arjun Award se sammanit Raj. 'i 1irst *omen Swimmer9

     NReema +utta> 

    Raj. 'a (esharD5D?ind9

     N(avi Shyama%das> 

    &rithviraj Raso ' writer9 LRASD 

     FRatiGhat ' naam se jana jane wa%a i%a9


    /ardo%i (isaan Ando%an 'a netratwa 'isne 'iyaLRASD 

    +e%hi 'e Su%tan shash'on ne 'is bhasa 'o saran'shan diyaLRAS 

    ?adoti &athar 'i mitti 'aisi haiLRASD 

    So%ar 5nergy &rojects mein Raj. 'a 8ndia mein #st ran'.

    Raj. mein Sing%e *indow Act #D#D!"## se %agu.

    R&S) mein sadasya san'hya 6 se badha'ar ;.

    u%u e' jati hai, jis'a re%ation 'is country se h9LRAS

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    !nd /udh Sabha 'a aayojan 'isne 'iya9LRAS

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    awai /andhL&a%iM 'i niwn 'ab ra'hi gayi9


    Shardu% (he% idya%aya 'ahan hai9L&o%ice";M


    Gogaji 'i anamstha%i9


    Rampuriya ?awe%iyan 'ahan hai9


    1ather of Sans'rit Grammar



    *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan current

    G(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%

    (now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz

    2ovember ;, !"## 7 sdeducare

    Santra utpadan mein Raj. 'a 'aunsa +istrict famous hai9L&o%iceD##M


    2ainuRam 'is ando%an se re%ated the9

     N/undi &raja $anda% Ando%an> 

     F8nternationa% $onetary 1und 'i #st woman head9

     N)hristine 4agarde>

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Raj. 'i #st saha'ari samiti # 

    *or%d 'a o%dest 2ationa% 1%ag F+enmar' 'a h.

    #st Antibiotic drug in d wor%d9

     N&enici%%in,discovered by A%exander 1%emingD#

    Raj. 'a +hatuD2agar9LR&S)D##M


    Raj. mein #st idhansabha 'a samay9L&atwarD"

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    (is Raja 'e vansaj Gurjar &ratihar 'ahe jane %age9 LR&S)D##M


    Raj. 'i #st )ement 1actory 'ahan sthapit 'i gayi9LR&S)D##M


    Annie /esent 'a birth 'is desh mein hua9


    atican 'is nadi ' 'inare basa hai9


    4uni nadi ' 'inare bharne wa%a me%a9

     N$a%%inath &ashu $e%a> 

    88D*or%d *ar mein &ear% ?arbour par attac' 'isne 'iya9


    )ha'su mein Sit%a mata 'a mandir 'isne banwaya9

     N$aharaja 8shwari Singh> 

    erahta%i +ance 'is %o'deota se re%ated hai9


    8ndia 'i 3rd $i%itary Academy FGaya mein sthapit.

    Rastriya a%ia eevDGanga +o%phin.

    ab &ush'ar 'i pahariyon mein bhari barish hoti hai to 'ahan baad ati haiLRAS"0M9


    $eenmata rog 'a 'aran9LRAS"0M


    Raj. 'i /ahurupiya 'a%a 'o ane' countries mein pradarsit 'arne wa%e9LRAS 

    2obe% &rieD##:

    )hemistry: +an Shechtman.

    &hysics: Sau% &er%mutter and /rian Schmidt - Adam Riess.

    $edicine: /ruce /eut%er, u%es ?offmann.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Raj. 'a 1irst vi%%age )ourt aipur ' F/assi mein sthapit.

    Supreme )ourt mein ab $ax. 3# udges.

    Raj. )ongress &radesh Adhya'sh: +r.)handrabhan.

    Raj. &o%ice $ahanidesha':?arish )handra $eena.

    !"th )ommonwea%th Games, !"#= mein FG%asgo LScot%andM mein honge.

    #;th Asian Games, !"#= mein F8chion LS.(oreaM mein honge.

    aipur, 8ndia 'a #"th biggest eDcommerce 'endra hai.

    1rench pen !"## *innerD

    $a%eD Rafe% 2ada%LSpainM.

    1ema%eD 4ee 2aL)hinaM.

    BSA 'i Repub%ican party 'a symbo% 'ya hai9


     F$e'he%a 'is state 'i traditiona% costume hai9


    Raj. se #st S) warg 'i 1ema%e 4o'sabha SadasyaDSushi%a /angaruLa%oreM.

    Raj. se #st S warg 'i 1ema%e 4o'sabha SadasyaDBsha +evi $eenaLSwai $adhopurM

    Raj. se #st 1ema%e Rajyasabha SadasyaD Sharda /hargawaL)ongressM.

    Raj. se sarvadhi' baar chuni gayi 1ema%e 4o'sabha sadasyaD asundhra RajeL/&M.

    2agarjun Sagar &ariyojana 'is nadi par hai9


    ?eera'und +am 'is nadi par hai9


    Gandhi Sagar +am F)hamba% nadi par hai.

    Sabse jyada time ta' &$ rahne wa%e personDawahar 4a% 2ehru.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Sabse 'am time ta' &$ rahne wa%e personD)h. )haran Singh.

    B&A presidentDSonia Gandhi.

    8ndira Gandhi radhawasta &ension 'ab start hui9

     N#< 2ov !"";P

    &radhanmatri Rogar Iojana 'ab start hui9


    8ndia 'i FSanvidhan 2irmatri Sabha ' tota% 'itne adhiveshan hue9


    Sanvidhan Sabha 'i F&rarup Samiti 'a gathan 'ab hua9

     N!< Aug # 'ise 'ahte hain9


    /hediyon - un'e prajanan ' %iye famous 8ndia 'a e'matra abhyaranya9

     N(umbha%garh Abh.> 

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan currentG(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%

    (now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz

    2ovember ;, !"## 7 sdeducare

    &ate% 4o'Geet +anga% 'ahan 'a famous h9


    2agade 'a adugar:Ram (ishan So%an'i.

    Surnaai 'a adugarD&epe (han.

    (harta% 'a adugarD Sadi@ (han.

     Fande $atram 'is boo' se %iya gaya9


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    *or%d 'i sabse wide nadi9


    /eeja' &ahari 'is sabhyata se re%ated h9LRD" 

    ungbhadra &ariyojana 'ahan h9


    $arwar 'a &ratapDRao )handraSen.

    (a%iyug 'a (arnDRao 4un'aran.

    Si'sha SantD Swami (eshwanand.

    /as'etba%% 'o Raj. 'a Rajya 'he% 'ab chunaD# 

    &aris 'is nadi ' tat par sthit hai9


     F$andariya - Fejariya word 'is se re%ated hai9

     NShare $ar'et> 

    (harif 'i 1asa% 'ab 'aati jati hai

     N2ovember ' prarambh mein> 

    Raj. 'a first (isaan Ando%an 'ahan hua9LRD#"M


    &ratap Singh /arhath 'i janmstha%i9LRpscD#"M


     N8ndus )ivi%iation> word use 'arne wa%a first scho%ar9

     Nohn $arsha%%> 

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    ?aa% hi mein 'aunsa desh *or%d 'a %argest auto mar'et bana hai9


    Si%isedh hee% 'ahan hai9LRD#"M


    ?amare So%ar System ' sabse nadi' spira% ga%axy9


     FSanyasiyon 'a Su%tan ' naam se 'aun jana jata h9LRD#"M

     N?ammiduddin 2agauri> 

    /anas Sans'riti 'is se re%ated hai9LRD#"M


    8ndias 2ationa%D




    ?o%y boo'DGita.




    A@uatic Anima%DRiver +o%phi

    Raj. 'i 'is )hitra'a%a sai%i mein &ashuD&a'shi 'o vishesh sthan mi%ta hai9LRD#"M


    har 'a 'a%pvri'sh9LRpscD#"M


     FSecond Strong *omen of )ommonwea%th 'a 'hitab pane wa%i Rajasthani mahi%a9LRD"

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    8ndia mein ?arit (ranti 'a prarambh 'in'e prayas se hua9

     N$.S. Swaminathan> 

    ?arit (ranti ' anamdata9

     N2orman /or%oge> 

    harshahi si''e 'is riyasat mein cha%te the9LRD" 

    #st footba%%er jise %ifetime achievement ' %iye +hyan )hand Award mi%a9

     NShabbir A%i> 

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan current

    G(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%

    (now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz2ovember ;, !"## 7 sdeducare


    A%war 1ort:/a%a +urg.

    /undi 1ort:aragarh.

    Red /u%% ' FSebastian ette% ne #st 8ndian Grand &rix 1ormu%a ne race jiti.

    ohar $e%aD)hittorgarh.

    ain Sadhvi B$RA (A2*AR desh 'i first Sadhvi hai jinpe 6 Rs. 'a &osta% Stamp ari 'iya gaya


    hunjhunu F)opper dhatu ' %iye famous hai.

    8ndia ' 'is state 'i prati vya'ti earning sabse jyada hai9


    &rati ya'ti $in. earning wa%a state9


    ?a%dighati Iudh 'o F(hamnor 'a Iudh 'isne 'aha9

     NAbu% 1aa%> 

    /haratpur 1ort 'a nirman 'isne 'arwaya9

     NRaja Surajma%>

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    4AS5RD 4ight Amp%if%cation by Stimu%ated 5mission of Radiation.

    )urrency f B.A.5.9D+irham.

    4argest &roducer f )oa% 8n 8ndiaD*est /enga%.

    Raj. 'i &rachintam anDati9L/S)D#"M


    /asantgarh 'a si%a%e'h 'aha h9L/S)D#"M


    6C 'a baisin 'is i%e mein hai9 LRASD#"M


    har 5xpress Raj. ' 'is Ei%e se prarambh hoti hai9L/.5dD#"M


    Gu%abo 'is fie%d ' %iye famous hai9L/S)D 

    $anda%garhL/hi%waraM mein 'is'i samadhi sthit h9

     NRana Sanga> 

    Rajasthan 'a Rajya &ushp9LRD#"M


     FAtomic 2umber 'a aavish'ar F$ose%ey ne # 

    anjatiDSambandhit Ei%a:





  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    &ush'ar $e%a 'ab bharta hai9

     N(arti' &oornima> 

    Goa 'i officia% %anguage9


    1irst 2uc%ear &ower &%ant in 8ndia9

     Narapur Atomic &ower Station> 

     FRao aitsi ro )hand 'is bhasa mein h9LRD 

    Raj. mein Ei%e - $anda% 'i san'hya9L/.5dD#"M

     N33 Ei%e, ; $anda%> 

    #st 4o'sabha Spea'er:Ganesh ashudev $ava%an'ar

    #6th 4o'Sabha spea'er:Smt. $eera (umar

    #st Lmus%imMwoman ru%er: Rajia /egum

    Aditya )ement 4td. 'ahan hai9LRD" 

    Gang 2ahar 'a nirman GangaSingh ji ne 'ab 'arwaya9LRAS#"M


    8ndia 'a %ongest tunne% jo haa% hi mein -( mein prarambh hua h9

     N&ir &anja% rai%way tunne%L#". 

    Registan 'a Saagwan 'ise 'ahte hain9


    a%ar, Rayan 2ritya FGarasiya anjati se re%ated h.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    /hi%wara F$anda% - 2ahar 2ritya ' %iye famous h.

    (achhi Ghodi 2rityaDShe'hawati se re%ated.

    2ationa% 8nstitute of cean echno%ogy 'ahan h9


    Gi%i ?o%i 'ahan 'he%i jati h9


    8ndia ' top 1orest wa%e State:LReportD" 

    8ndia mein Fa%ab dwara max. sinchit bhumi wa%a rajya9


    (ai%pani irth Stha% 'ahan h9


    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan current

    G(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%(now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz

    2ovember ;, !"## 7 sdeducare

     F$atherana (a%a 'a re%ation 'is i%e se hai9


    #st Genera% Secretary of 8ndian 2ationa% )ongressD+adabhai 2aoroji.

    #st cyber po%ice station in 8ndiaD/anga%ore.

    #st commercia% te%ephone exchange in the wor%d D2ew ?avenLBSAM

    $ain chhapai hetu famous i%a9

     NSawai $adhopur>

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


     F/um 2ritya hetu famous i%a9


     FShim%a Samjota 'in countries ' beech hua tha9


    8ndia 'a 1irst &armanu &ari'shan 'ab hua9

     N#0 $ay # 

    8ndia 'a 1irst FSurya $andir9

     NRana'pur 'a ain $andir> 

    (hariya, Raswani, Sobha%a, Bdisbhar 'is i%e ' Gaon hai9LRAS"0M


    Approx. weight of human ?eart9

     N3"" Gram> 

    ne barre% mein 'itne %itre hote hain9

     N#6< 4itres> 

    Raj. 'a sabse bada 1ish utpada' dam9

     N(anota +am> 

    Ghaggar nadi 'a &a'istan mein naam9

     N?a'ra 2adi> 

    1amous ain tirth stha% F2a'oda 'is i%e mein hai9LRAS0;M


    /ir%a $useum 'aha hai9


    8ndia 'a 1irst - /iggest &rivate Stee% &%ant9


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


     FGo%den 1ibre 'ise 'ahte hain9


    Amrita +evi $rigwan 'ahan hai9LRD"0M


    #=== 'hambho wa%a mandir9LRD"0M


    (iradu 'a $andirD/armer.L&o%iceD;M

     Fwin )ity 'inhe 'ahte h9

     N?yderabad - Secunderabad> 

    4ast $ugha% 5mperor f 8ndiaD/ahadur Shah Eafar.

     F)hita% 'i $atrabhumi 'is abhyaranya 'o 'ahte hain9

     NSitamata Abh.> 

    hewa (a%a ' %iye famous i%a9


     FRaj. 'a &unjab 'ise 'ahte h9


    aipur 'o FRangshri 'a +weep 'isne 'aha9 N).. Raman> 

    8ndia 'a &$ apni post 'i sapath 'is'e sama'sh %eta hai9


    *or%d 1amous &yramids 'ahan hai9


    &ipaji 'a mandirDSamdariL/armerM.

    Raj. 'a 4oh &urushL8ron $anMD +amodar yas.

    /answara 'a paramparagat 'he%DAadiya.

    1oot /as'et of RajasthanD?anumangarh.

    /hairon Singh +igita% 4ibraryDBdaipur.

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    +aan RegionD(aro%i, +ho%pur.

    8ndia ' 'is state mein Sishu $rityu +ar sabse 'am hD(era%.

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Rajasthan )urrent Affairs, Rajasthan current

    G(, Rajasthan currentg', Rajasthan Genera% (now%edge Jui, Rajasthan Genera%

    (now%edges. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge Quiz

    2ovember 6, !"## 7 sdeducare

    #M *ho won the 1ootba%% *or%d )up in #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    #;M *hat is sodium ch%oride9

    cM Sa%t

    #0M *ho is the patron saint of music9

    bM St. )eci%ia


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    *hich ran' does wor%d champion ishwanathan Anand ho%ds in the wor%d chess ran'ings9

    2nd place

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 8ndia G(, 2ew Genera% (now%edge. 4eave a

    )omment K

    General knowledge of india – 11

    2ovember #, !"## 7 sdeducare

    he %argest canti%ever bridge of 8ndia is?owrah /ridge

    he ?ima%ayan $ountaineering 8nstitute is

    %ocated in +arjee%ing

    he head@uarter of 5uropean )ourt of usticeL5)M are situated at 4uxembourg

    he host of first %ympics in #0

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    he main crop of $egha%aya is rice

    he major minera%s found in Bttar &radeshare %imestone and do%omite

    he head@uarter of 8nternationa% Atomic5nergy Agency L8A5AM are situated at ienna

    he first recipient of /harat Ratna award in#

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    he buoyancy depends on the mass of the%i@uid disp%aced

    he countrys first indigenous%y bui%t missi%eboat was 82S ibhuti

    he first %aunch of the missi%e Frishu% wasmade in September, #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    5ng%and by *i%%iam )axton

     he dance performed by women to invo'erain in /ihar is ata atin

    he department of Atomic 5nergy wasestab%ished in #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    &enici%%in was invented by A. 1%eming

    Raja Rammohan Roy advocated widowremarriage and womans education

    Raja Rammohan Roy was the founder of the/rahmo Samaj

    Sma%% amounts of iodine are necessary in our

    diet toA: compensate for underactive the thyroidg%and

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 8ndia G(, 2ew Genera% (now%edge. 4eave a

    )omment K

    General Knowledge of India

    ctober !=, !"## 7 sdeducareQ : Author of the book India wins Freedom is :

    Ans : Abdul Kalam AzadQ : Biological fixation of nitrogen occurs most commonly in :

    Ans : Peas

    )ities &opu%ationwise


    !D2ew +e%hi


    =D$umbai6D$exico )ity

    CD2ew Ior'



  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    8ndiaD)hina (i )ommon /oarder (i 4ambai (itni ?e9

    Ans.36"" (ms

    +u u 'now9 (is Shahr (o range )ity (ahte ?ai 9

    AnsD2AG&BR L$aharashtraM

    +o u (now9 *or%d (a Sabse /ada $ahasagr ?5

    Ans T &RAS?A2 $A?ASAGR

    +u u (now9 &aga% (utte L+ogM ( (aatne se (on sa Rog ?o aata ? 9


    +u u (now9 8nsano $e = ype ( /%ood Group ?ote ?eU.

    Ans:DA,/,A/ - .

    r ! ype ( 1actor ?ote ?eU

    Ans:DRh &ositive - 

    Rh 2egative.

    *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 8ndia G(, 2ew Genera% (now%edge. 4eave a

    )omment K

    General Knowledge of India

    ctober !#, !"## 7 sdeducare

    8n which of the fo%%owing caves, !0 new caves have been discovered 9

    LAM Ajanta cavesL/M 5%ephanta caves

    L)M 5%%ora caves

    Ans : L/M

    *ho was the ?indu 'ing shown p%aying on the eena, on ancient coins 9

    LAM Shivaji

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    L/M Asho'a

    L)M Samudragupta

    L+M i'ramaditya

    Ans : L)M

    ama $asjid in +e%hi was bui%t by9

    LAM Shahjahan

    L/M ?umayun

    L)M ehangir

    L+M A'bar

    Ans : LAM

    *hich upheava% too' p%ace in /enga% immediate%y after #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK





    8n which of the fo%%owing $ahi River fa%%s9

    LAMGu%f of (achchh

    L/MRanna of (achchh

    L)MGu%f of (hambat

    L+M4itt%e Rann of 'achchha

    Ans : L)M

    *hich of the fo%%owing states is the %argest producer of /anana in 8ndia9





    Ans : L+M

    *hich was 2 a po%itica% party at the time of its foundation9

    LAMSi''im +emocratic 1ront

    L/M$io 2ationa% 1ront

    L)MShiv Sena

    Ans : L)M

    *ho introduced the system of )ivi% Services 9

    LAM 4ord ?ardinge

    L/M *i%%iam /entic'

    L)M *arren ?astings

    L+M 4ord +a%housie

    Ans : L/M

    he famous brone image of 2ataraja is a fine examp%e of 9

    LAM )ho%a art

    L/M $auryan art

    L)M Gandhara art

    L+M Gupta art

    Ans : LAM

    1resco paintings of Ajanta caves is the art of 9

    LAM Rastra'utas

    L/M Guptas

    L)M $auryas

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    L+M (ushans

    Ans : L/M

    *ho among the fo%%owing $ugha% ru%ers banned music and dancing 9

    LAM Aurangeb

    L/M /abar

    L)M ?umayun

    L+M ehangir

    Ans : LAM

    *ho among the fo%%owing are credited to have bui%t the famous 5%%ora caves9

    LAM Satavahanas

    L/M )heras

    L)M Rashtra'utas

    L+M )ho%as


    he caves and roc'Dcut temp%es at 5%%ora are of9

    LAM /uddhist and ain

    L/M ?indu and ain

    L)M ?indu, /uddhist and ain

    L+M /uddhist


    *hen did the 8ndian 2ationa% )ongress as' for the +ominion Status 9

    LAM #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 8ndia G(, 2ew Genera% (now%edge. 4eave a

    )omment K

    Current gk of India

    ctober !", !"## 7 sdeducare

    !"th Asian Ath%etics )hamp. !"#3 'ahanhona prastavit h9

     N2ew +e%hi> 

    Samudra ' upar sabse %ambe pu%L=0($M 'anirman 'is desh ne 'iya h9

     N)hina odhpur Aurved Bniversity 'a naam bada% 'ar'is'e naam par ra'ha gaya h9

     NSrwapa%%i Radha'rishnan> 

    ?uman ?eart 'a weight 'itna hota haiDApprox 3"" Gram8ndian +iamond 8nstitute 'ahan hD Surat)ountry of emp%esD2epa%

    8n #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    >2irbhay> is the )ruise $issi%e deve%oped by

    8ndia with #"""'m Range.

    8ndia has one of the wor%ds highest rates ofabortion

    8ndia has the 3rd %argest mi%itary force in thewor%d

    enus is the hottest p%anet in our so%arsystem with surface temperature above =6" ).Sound trave%s = times faster in water than inair

    So%ar 5nergy &rojects me Raj 'o 8ndia me #stran'Raj me Sing%e *indow Act #D#D!"## se %agu

    /ardo%i (isaan Ando%an 'a netratwa 'isne'iya9

     NSardar &ate%> +e%hi 'e Su%tan shash'on ne 'is bhasa 'o

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    saran'shan diya9 N1arsi> 

    danceDstatesV/aboo +anceD$anipurV)hape%i,(ajri,(aranDB&


    Ganga 'o /ang%adesh mein F&adma - */enga% mein F?oogh%y 'ahte hain./urma, 8ndia se 'ab a%ag hua9

     N# *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 8ndia G(, 2ew Genera% (now%edge. 4eave a

    )omment K

    ctober #=, !"## 7 sdeducare

    *here is the o%dest oi% refinery in 8ndia %ocated 9LaM +igboiLbM )ochinLcM $athuraLdM Guwahati

    Ans : LaM/andipur Sanctuary is %ocated in the State of 9LaM ami% 2aduLbM Bttar &radeshLcM (arnata'aLdM $adhya &radeshAns : L)M

    he hot deserts of the wor%d are genera%%y found near 9LaM he e@uatorLbM he do%drumsLcM he horse %atitudesLdM he undrasAns : L)M

    )handragupta $aurya bui%t #st grt empire in 8ndia with he%p of9LaM)hana'ya


    #C ctober #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    LaM he forma% proc%amation of SwadeshiLbM &artition of /enga% too' effectAns : L/M

    Gandhiji started Satyagraha in #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Ans : L/M

    8nterim Government formed by 82) in Sep #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    /ui%dings constructed by which $ugha% represent c%imax in evo%ution of $ugha% arhitecture9LaM A'barLbM AurangebLcM Shahjahan

    Ans : L)M

    /etween which periods were the three Round ab%e )onfrences he%d in4ondon 9LaM #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    Ans : L)M

     Sharada Act dea%s with 9

    LAM 8ntercaste marriage

    L/M &o%ygamy

    L)M )hi%d $arriage

    L+M *idow remarriage

    Ans : L)M

    )ripps $ission visited 8ndia during

    the regime of9

    LaM4ord *e%%ington

    LbM4ord 4in%ithgow

    LcM4ord *ave%%

    LdM4ord $ountbatten


    he system of budget was introduced in 8ndia during the viceroya%ty of 9

    LaM Ripon

    LbM )anning

    LcM +a%housie

    LdM 5%gin

    Ans L/M

    Juit 8ndia $ovement started at 9

    LaM 4ahore on u%y ;, #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    L/M $anchester

    L)M )a%cutta

    L+M /ombay

    Ans : LAM

    *ho was the %eader of a number of antiD/ritish revo%ts in Samba%pur 9

    LAM Sayyid Ahmad /are%vi

    L/M Surendra Sai

    L)M Btirat Singh

    Ans : L/M

    (ing George visited 8ndia during the viceroya%ty of 9

    LAM 4org )uron

    L/M 4ord Rippon

    L)M 4ord Reading

    L+M 4ord ?ardinge

    Ans : L+M

    he first Governor Genera% of /enga% was 9

    LAM 4ord )%ive

    L/M 4ord *e%%es%ey

    L)M *arren ?astings

    L+M 4ord )ornwa%%is

    Ans : L)M

    *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 8ndia G(, 2ew Genera% (now%edge. 4eave a

    )omment K

    current gk

    ctober ##, !"## 7 sdeducare

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    BC(harat ka Ne,&lianC kise kaha

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    ndia k irst )&9ern&r )eneral ka$n theD

    aren Hesting

    B/aliya'ala (aag hatyakand ki

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK



    Bndia ki sabse badi Antardesiya -a9ania ardrabh&&mi kis state mein hai FAS#4>GD


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    ?uman ?eart 'a weight 'itna hota haiD Approx 3"" Gram

    8ndian +iamond 8nstitute 'ahan hD Surat

    )ountry of emp%esD2epa%

    8n # to india

    So%ar 5nergy &rojects me Raj 'o 8ndia me #st ran'

    Raj me Sing%e *indow Act #D#D!"## se %agu

    R&S) me sadasya san'hya 6 se badha'ar ;

    2iyagra &rapatD 2ewyor'

    ?aaron hee%on 'i /humiD 1in%and

    5iffe% owerD &aris

    Roof of *or%dD &amir

    /ardo%i (isaan Ando%an 'a netratwa 'isne 'iya9

     NSardar &ate%> 

    +e%hi 'e Su%tan shash'on ne 'is bhasa 'o saran'shan diya9



    V/aboo +anceD$anipur







    *hich soi% has the %argest Q of the %and area of the wor%dDAridiso%s

    *hich is 'nown as F(a%p aru of RajasthanD(hejari

    *hich city is 'nown as FSo%ar )ity9


    V*ho was 'nown as Fhe !nd Asho'a9


  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    *eight of /a%%s

    V1oot /a%%: 3

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    So%icitor Genera% of 8ndia:

    Rohinton 2ariman.

    Additiona% So%icitor Genera% of 8ndia:


    J:Sha'ing &a%sy is another name of which disease9

    &ar'insons diseas.

    V&e%%agra is a%so ca%%ed:

    =+ syndrome.

    Go%a'nath S &unjab caseL#

    V2ation% Security GuardsL2SGMD#

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    J: *ho was 'nown as F/abar of /ritish 8ndia9

    Robert )%ive.

    V1irst 8ndianDowned newspaper Nhe )rescent> 

    L1ounderDGau%u 4a'shminarasu )hettyM.

    J: *hich p%aces are connected by the Adams bridge9

    +hanush'odi L8ndiaM - 

    a%aimannar LSri%an'aM.

    Vhe &acific cean was so named by:


    *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 2ew Genera% (now%edge, Rajasthan

    G(. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge

    ctober #", !"## 7 sdeducare

    J:i%% now how many 1i%m Actors have won /harat Ratna9

    #.L$G RamchandranM

    VAt d time of 8ndependnce of 8ndiaL#

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    ( Saraswat:

    #.Scientific Adviser to the +efence $inister

    !.Secretary +efence R-+

    3.+irector Genera% +efence Research -+eve%opment rg[ L+R+M.

    J:*hich part of $umbai is 'nown as %d *omans 8s%and9


    V*hich was the #st vaccine ever to be deve%oped9


    V*or%d ?ea%th +ay Apr;

    J:*hich state become the #st to %aunch hea%th insurance po%icy covering a%% its peop%e9


    V*or%ds #st desert Geopar' opens in )hina

    J: *hich range is the most suitab%e for cu%tivation of a%% crops9

    #6 to =" +egree )e%sius

    V8 too had a dream boo' written by:

    erghese (urien.

    Vf which countrys year in 8ndia has started recent%y with #6 month programme Ninfinite



    V?ridaynath AwardD4ata $angesh'r

    V*or%d ourism +ay!;Sept

    heme:ourism 4in'ing )u%tures

    !"##?ost )ountryD5gypt


    8nf%ation in some commodities, def%ation in others

    *or%d ?istor, 8ndian ?istory, 8ndian 5conomy, 8ndian &o%ity, Genera% Science, Geography of 8ndia, /oo's and

    Authors, Awards and ?onours, *or%d : $isce%%aneous, 8ndia : $isce%%aneous, Genera% (now%edge Jui,)urrent G(,

    currentg', Genera% (now%edges, )urrent Affairs, G525RA4 (2*45+G5 JB8E,)BRR52 A11A8RS,G525RA4

    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 2ew Genera% (now%edge, Rajasthan

    G(. 4eave a )omment K

    General Knowledge

    ctober #", !"## 7 sdeducare

    J:*hich )ountry so%d FA%as'a to America in #0C;9


    J:*ho was the #st scientist to use a computer %anguage for his computer9

    (onrad Euse.

    rganisationD $ember )ountries:

    B2D #

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    5veryone is co%ourb%ind at birth

    +o%phins s%eep with # eye

    J:*ho scripted Gandhijis favourite Song Faishnav an toU9

    2arsinh mehta

    V)entra% 1ood echno%ogica% Research 8nstitute situated in:


    J:Among ?yderabad, /hopa%, 4uc'now- /ang%ore which city is %ocated most east *ard9


    VSi%ver )h%oride is a%so 'nown as F?orn Si%ver.

    R/8 25* RA5SLSeptM:

    /an' Rate]CQ.



    Repo Rate]0.!6Q

    Reverse Repo Rate];.!6Q.

    /ase Rate]

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    V2ationa% 8nnovation )ounci% ?ead:


    J:he Regu%ationD88, passed by the british govt was re%ated to9

    Abo%ition of Sati.

    VSuger in b%ood-urine is tested with:

    /endicts So%ution.

    J:*ho won si%ver meda% in the Archery *or%d )up fina% he%d in 8stanbu%9

    +eepi'a (umari.

    V)hairman of 8&4: Rajeev Shu'%a.

    J:*hich mugha% 'ing coronatedL&attbhishe'aM twice9


    Vhe *or%ds most active vo%cano is:

    )otopaxi LSouth AmericaM.

    J:Recent%y, *hich country has given women the right to vote and run in municipa% e%ections9

    Saudi Arabia

    V8ndias #st woman awanDShanti igga.


    $itrame%aD+ Savar'ar,#

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    (2*45+G5, &5RS2A48I,*?S *?,82+8A G(,*R+S A2+ )A/B4ARI,/BS825SS G(,S)852)5 G(,

    528R2$52 G(, A$AE82G 1A)S,/A2( & A2+ )45R8)A4 5A$ JB5S82S,82+8AS 5)2$I,/RA82

    5AS5RS,82+BSRI 25*SD82+8A,S&RS G(,)$&5885 5A$ JB5S82S A2+

    A2S*5RS,?8SRI,G5GRA&?I,82+8A2 )2S8B82 A2+ 6 I5AR &4A2,G( 1R $/A 52RA2)5

    5A$82A82S, $A,S2A& !"#",825R85* 5)?28JB5S, GRB& +8S)BSS82, RA84*AI R5)RB8$52S,

    B&S), 8AS, 1R55 JB8EE5S!"##,)urrent G(, G( Jui,india current g',4atest G(, &ar%iament of 8ndia, Genera%

    (now%edge )urrent,)urrent G(, current genera% 'now%edge, currentg', Genera% (now%edge oday ,)urrent Affairs,

    4atest G(,

    &osted in dai%y Genera% (now%edge Juestion, Genera% (now%edge, Gerera% (now%edge of

    india, india current g', 8ndia Genera% (now%edge, 2ew Genera% (now%edge, Rajasthan

    G(. 4eave a )omment K

    )reate a free website or b%og at *ord& | he Gar%and heme.

    • Categorieso #"th

    o #!th

    o !"## &opu%ation

    o !"th 181A *or%d )up !"#= wi%% be he%d in

    o 3rd grade teacher rajasthan

    o 3rd grade teacher so%ved paper

    o 3rd grade teacher vacancy

    o 3rd grade teacher vacancy in rajasthan

    o =!=!! )onstab%e and Rife%man jobs by Staff Se%ection )ommission under )A&1

    and Assam Rif%es

    o 6" post

    o 60th 1i%mfare Awards LSouthM !"#!

    o 60th 2ationa% 1i%m Awards

    o 60th 2ationa% 1i%m Awards Resu%ts

    o 6

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    o About (arnata'a

    o About (era%a

    o About $adhya &radesh

    o About $anipur

    o About $egha%aya

    o About $ioram

    o About 2aga%and

    o About 2obe% rganiations

    o About rissa

    o about &o%itica% &arties

    o About &unjab

    o About Rajasthan

    o about Rajasthan S&RS

    o About Si''im

    o about sports

    o About ami% 2adu

    o About ripura

    o About Bttar &radesh

    o About Bttara'hand

    o About *est /enga%

    o Accountant and Supervisor L8M in )&& T +ec !"##

    o A)R5)

    o A)R5) T acancy of !# &ost T App%y /efore

    o Admit )ard

    o admit card 8)S8

    o admit card scra jan !"#!

    o A1)A

    o A1)A "#O!"#!

    o A1)A !"#!

    o A1)A jan !"#!

    o A1)A %ast date

    o A1)A test

    o agricu%ture sy%%abus

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    o agvb !;< post

    o agvb app%y on%ine

    o agvb dec !"##

    o agvb officer

    o A8555 !"#! $oc' est

    o A8555 !"#! $oc' est n%ine T ff%ine

    o A8555D !"#!

    o A8555D !"#! )hec' Stauts

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    o A8555D !"#! resu%t

    o A88$S Recruitment +ec !"## T &ersona% Assistant acancies

    o A8$A +ecember $A !"##

    o aime A&G52)

    o ajmer

    o A$5R 24

    o A'shardham emp%e

    o a%% india exam

    o A%%ahabad

    o Andhra &radesh )urrent Affairs

    o Andhra &radesh current G(

    o Andhra &radesh Geography

    o Andhra &radesh G(

    o Andhra &radesh ?istory

    o Andhra &radesh news

    o Andhra &radesh ourist

    o Anima%

    o Annua% Academy Award *inners

    o Annua% Academy Award *inners 8ndia

    o Answer (ey /ihar )G4 LSachiva%ayaM & 5xam +own%oad /ihar Sachiva%aya

    L)G4M Admit )ard

    o answer 'ey net physics

    o Answer 'ey of R&S) !nd Grade So%ved &aper #st paper LG.(.M

    o ap po%ice !!

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    o App%y for various posts as advertised in ?aryana Staff Se%ection )ommission

    Advt. 2o. !O!"##

    o App%y in +e%hi 5%ectricity Regu%atory )ommission for posts of +irector

    o App%y 2ow

    o App%y n%ine at 2A4 for the posts of echnica% Assistant

    o app%y on%ine bhe%

    o App%y n%ine for recruitment in aipur har Gramin /an'

    o App%y n%ine for the posts of Bpper +ivision )%er' and $u%titas'ing Staff in

    5.S.8 )orporation

    o App%y n%ine in Supercomputer 5ducation and Research )entre

    o app%y on%ine rpsc

    o A&&S) Group # n%ine App%ication 1orm !"##D#!

    o A&&S) Group 8 Services Recruitment

    o A&R84

    o A&SR) ?a%% ic'ets +own%oad

    o A&SR) unior Assistant 1inance Admit )ard

    o apstatepo%ice

    o apstatepo%ice dec !"##

    o aptet

    o aptet !"#! resu%ts

    o aptet admit card

    o aptet admit card jan !"#!

    o Aptet Answer 'ey !"#!

    o aptet ca%% %etter

    o aptet dec !"##

    o aptet resu%t !"##

    o Aptet so%ved paper

    o Aptet So%ved &aper !"#!


    o Arjuna

    o Arjuna Award

    o Arjuna Award winners

    o Arjuna Award winners !"##

    o Arjuna Award winners 8ndia

    o art sy%%abus

    o Arunacha% &radesh

    o Arunacha% &radesh current G(

    o Arunacha% &radesh Geography

    o Arunacha% &radesh G(

    o Arunacha% &radesh ?istory

    o Arunacha% &radesh ourist

    o Asho' )ha'ra

  • 8/18/2019 General Knowledge Current GK


    o asi

    o Asian Games

    o Assam

    o Assam )urrent Affairs

    o Assam current G(

    o Assam Genera% (now%edge

    o Assam Geography

    o Assam G(

    o assam gramin ban'

    o Assam ?istory

    o Assam ourist

    o Assistant

    o Assistant and )%er' recruitment 5xamination by $& &rofessiona% 5xamination


    o Assistant &rofessor

    o Associate &rofessor

    o Auditor

    o August

    o awahar%a% 2ehru Bniversity

    o awahar%a% 2ehru Bniversity invites app%icat"##

    o Awardees

    o Awards and ?onours

    o Ayurveda 1acu%ty obs /y ?aryana &S)

    o /.S. Abdur Rahman Bniversity vacancy !"##

    o /.S. Abdur Rahman Bniversity vacancy !"#!

    o /abasaheb /himrao Ambed'ar Bniversity Recruitment !"##

    o /ahai emp%e

    o /ahujan Samaj &arty

    o /aijnath emp%e

    o /andhavgarh 2ationa% &ar'

    o /anga%ore $etro Rai% )orporation 4td. 5xecutive Asst L8M vacancy !"##

    o /anga%ore $etro Rai% )orporation 4td. vacancy !"##

    o /anga%ore $etro Rai% )orporation 4td. vacancy !"#!

    o /anga%ore Bniversity

    o /anga%ore Bniversity /.Sc #st Semester 5xam

    o /anga%ore Bniversity /A 3rd Sem O /?$ #st Sem O /)om 6th Semester Resu%t

    !"## ut

    o /anga%ore Bniversity Resu%ts !"##

    o /an'

    o /an' ob

    o /asic facts about 8ndia

    o basic teacher up

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