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Promotion of physics in the CEI countries and

Integrating Access to Research Infrastructures in Europe

Sofia, 23 – 25 November 2014

Fundamental physical research in

the National Academy of Sciences

of Ukraine for EU infrastructure


Anatoly ZAGORODNY National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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• National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (brief


• Current state of the fundamental physical research

in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


• Ukrainian National Grid.

• Potential collaboration within the EU-infrastructure


• Conclusions.

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According to the national legislation the National Academy of

Sciences of Ukraine is the highest scientific institution of Ukraine

funded by the Goverment. It integrates all researchers of its

institutions and carries out studies in various branches of knowledge,

develops scientific fundamentals for technological, socio-economic

and cultural advancement of the nation. According to its Statute, the

Academy enjoys the rights of self-government in making decisions

about its own activities.

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine consists of 3 sections:

- physical, technological and mathematical sciences;

- chemical and biological sciences;

- social sciences and humanities

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Departments • Department of Mathematics;

• Department of Information Science;

• Department of Mechanics;

• Department of Physics and Astronomy;

• Department of the Earth Science;

• Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Materials


• Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Power


• Department of Nuclear Physics and Power Engineering;

• Department of Chemistry;

• Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and

Molecular Biology;

• Department of General Biology;

• Department of Economical Sciences;

• Department of history, philosophy and Law;

• Department of Literature, Language and Art Studies.

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International Collaboration

NASU realizes international collaboration within the

framework of more then 150 agreements with the academies,

foundations, scientific organizations, universities and

corporations from 50 countries.

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International collaboration CERN (ALICE, CMS, LHCb, WLCG)

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna)

CNRS (France)

IIASA (Laxenburg, Austria)



European Grid Initiative (technical level)




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Current state of physical research in

Ukraine Physical research in NASU are carried out in about 30

institutes from 3 Academy Departments (physics and

astronomy; nuclear physics and power engineering;

physical and technical problems of material science).

More then 4000 scientists deal with the studies in physics

and astronomy.

The largest physical institutes are the following:

National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute for Physics

and Technologies (NSC KIPT), Kharkiv, which includes:

Institute of solid-state physics, material science and

technologies (fundamental and applied aspects of low-temperature and

high-temperature superconductivity; physics of radiation effects and radiation

technologies; pure and super-pure metals and semiconductors, carbon and

graphite materials).

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Institute of high-energy physics and nuclear physics

(Interaction of electrons and photons of intermediate energies (up to 2 GeV) with

nuclei; quantum electrodynamics in substance, including crystal; nuclear reactions

and structure of nuclei interacted with heavy nuclei and low-energy mult-icharged


Institute of plasma electronics and new methods of

acceleration (fundamental and applied aspects of plasma electronics and

new methods of charged particle acceleration, development of beam and beam-

plasma technologies; physics of charged beam-plasma interaction; construction of

high-current accelerators of electrons and ions for the use in beam-controlled

fusion problems; fundamental problems of electrodynamics and interaction of

electromagnetic waves with non-stationary media).

Akhiezer Institute for theoretical physics (quantum field theory

and elementary-particle physics; supersymmetry and supergravitation theories;

electroweak interactions and hadron electrodynamics; nuclear physics; theory of

interaction of high-energy particles with matter; theory of nonlinear systems;

statistical physics; solid-state physics and radiation physics).

Institute of Plasma Physics (fusion oriented theory and experiment,

including magnetic plasma confinement in stellarators and electromagnetic traps;

high-temperature plasma diagnostics; divertor and plasma facing materials;

development and application of pulsed and quasi-stationary plasma accelerators;

plasma technologies).

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• Institute of Physics, Kiev (condensed matter physics, including the physics

of soft matter; physics of lasers, nonlinear and singular optics, holography;

surface physics, and plasma emission electronics, physics of

nanostructures, including heterostructures in semiconductors, nanoparticle

solids; physics of liquid crystal and polymer environments; interaction of

laser radiation with matter, electronic phenomena and phase transitions on

the surface of solids; physics of biological systems).

• Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev (theory of nuclei and

nuclear reactions; quantum field theory; high-energy physics and

astrophysics; statistical physics and kinetics; theory of solids, soft matter

physics; plasma theory; mathematical methods and computational modeling

in theoretical physics).

• Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev (high-energy physics, nuclear

physics, radiation processes in solids, fusion theory, physics of low

temperature plasma).

• Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev (interaction processes of

electromagnetic radiation with matter; low-dimensional systems, micro- and

nanoelectronics; optoelectronics and solar energetics; semiconductor

materials science, sensor systems).

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• Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev (electronic structure of solids,

superconductivity, magnetic phenomena, physical bases and

searching for principally new metallic materials, principally new

facilities for modern engineering on the base of these materials).

• Verkin Institute for Low-temperature Physics, Kharkiv (low and

ultralow temperature physics; solid state physics; nanophysics and

nanotechnologies, including nanobiophysics; mathematical physics,

analysis and geometry; physical and engineering problems of

materials science).

• Institute of Applied Physics, Sumy (quantum field theory, plasma

electronics, physics of solids).

• Institute of Electron Physics, Uzhgorod (quantum field theory,

electronics, physics of solids, electron spectroscopy).

• Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, Lviv (methods of

statistical physics and computer simulations, theory of liquids and

solutions, theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena,

theory of solids, soft matter physics).

• Institute of Radioastronomy, Kharkiv (centimeter and decameter

radioastronomy, space and geophysical plasma).

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The main areas of physical science in Ukraine 1. High-energy physics and nuclear physics

(fundamental interactions, microscopic structure of nuclei, nuclear


2. Solid state physics (structure of solids, physics of semiconductors,

magnetic properties, superconductivity, phase transitions,

low-dimensional structures, hetero-structures,

surface physics).

3. Low-temperature and ultra-low-temperature physics

(superconductivity, quantum liquids, magnetic and electric

properties of solids, cryogenic crystals).

4. Optics and laser physics (quantum and singular optics, molecular


5. Soft matter physics (physics of liquids and polymers, liquid crystals,

biopolymers, DNA).

6. Plasma physics (fusion plasma, plasma electronics, plasma

diagnostics, various aspects of fusion reactor ITER, plasma

facing materials, low temperature plasma and plasma technologies).

7. Radiophysics and radioelectronics.

8. Astronomy and radioastronomy.

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Main recent achievements (experiments)

• Participation in the experiments on LHC (numerical

processing and analysis of experimental data (CMS,

LHCb), theoretical background, designing and

production of detector elements, software for data

processing (ALICE)). The Ukrainian physicist are

among those related to discovery of the Higgs


• Determination of cosmological parameters of

galactic objects by observing of 40 radio sources

with super high resolution. Observation of

decameter waves generated by electrons with main

quantum number of the order of 300.

• Observation of lightnings in the atmospheres of

distant planets using the earth tools.

• Observation of high-temperature magnon Bose-

Einstein condensation (international team).

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Main recent achievements (experiments)

• Observation of electric field generation by rotating

and flowing liquid helium.

• Observation and discovering of the physical nature of

specific (fractional) Brownian motion in liquid


• On the basis of the observations from the satellite

telescopes within the minimal extension of the SM

new restrictions are established for the masses of

particles – candidates for DM carriers.

• Discovering new unusual properties of surface


• Observation and justification of the defect

(dislocation) nature of supersolid state of Helium-4.

• Discovering of negative thermal expansion coefficient

of fullerites at low (about 10 K) temperatures.

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Main recent achievements (theory)

• Well before the experimental discovery of graphene in

2004, a number of very important theoretical

predictions has been made regarding the peculiar and

unique properties of this novel two-dimensional

material, including metal-insulator phase transition.

Prediction of unconventional quantum Hall effect in

graphene. The discovery of the anomalous quantum

Hall effect unambiguously proved the Dirac nature of

quasiparticles in graphene (this result is cited by

A.Geim and K.Novoselov in their Nobel Lectures).

• Ellaborating the theory of phase transition of the I-st


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Main recent achievements (theory)

• Theory of reheating of the universe after inflation. Its

specific feature consists in taking into account the

effect of parametric resonance, which turns out to be

critical for the estimates of the rate of creation of

bosons by the oscillating scalar field.

• A multidimensional theory of gravity and the

corresponding cosmological models based on the

concept of a braneworld describing the properties of

dark matter and dark energy.

• Derivation of explicit expression for the matrix

elements of the spin field operator. All n-point

correlation functions of the Ising and Potts models on

the two- dimensional lattice of arbitrary finite sizes are


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Main recent achievements (theory)

• Theoretical discovering of the spintronic properties of

non-magnetic helical molecules and helical structures.

• Kinetic theory adapted for a description of

electron/hole current through a single

molecule/molecular wire embedded in between the

electrodes. It has been found that a kinetic recharge of

molecule/molecular wire strongly control the tunnel

regime of charge transmission.

• A novel physical mechanism of transitions in flexible

molecular system is proposed to explain the

temperature-independent of the onset of desesitization

of P2X3 receptors in nerve cells as well as the

degradation of PER2 proteins in fibroblastes.

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Main recent achievements (theory)

• The theory of interacting of the vortex state nanodots

with AC magnetic fields and spin-polarized electrical

currents is developed. The efficient methods of control of

polarity and chirality of vortex state nanodots are

proposed. That makes perspective the using of magnetic

vortices as memory elements.

• The approach for describing the conformational

mechanics of DNA double helix is developed, and

appropriate models of conformational vibrations and

structural transformation of DNA macromolecule are

proposed. The interpretation of low-frequency vibrational

spectra (<100cm-1) of polynucleotides and DNA is done.

The soliton mechanism of long-range action effects in

stressed DNA macromolecules is proposed and varified.

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Main recent achievements (theory)

• Most important properties (spectra, degeneracies, etc.) of

various q-deformations of quantum harmonic oscillator,

their two- and multi-parametric generalizations have

been explored.

• Description of the properties of vacuum in the presence

of background fields with nontrivial topology. Vacuum

polarization effects in gauge theories. Establishing of the

relationship between the symmetry (including the

Lorentz one) breaking patterns in the fermion and boson


• Application of the theory of the vacuum polarization by

singular background fields to study the influence of

topological defects in graphene on its electronic


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Main recent achievements (theory)

• Description of Aharonov-Bohm effect in scattering of

nonrelativistic electrons by a penetrable magnetic


• Elaborating the generalized hydrodynamics theory of

liquids on the basis of original method of generalized

collective modes, which allows one within the framework

of unique formalism to study spectra of generalized

collective excitations, time correlation functions, as well

as wave-vector and frequency dependent transport

coefficients in dense liquids and mixtures.

• Consistent kinetic theory of dusty plasmas with regard to

absorption of plasma particles by grains.

• Description of the electro-mechanical properties of

nanotubes doped by fullerenes.

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Ukrainian National Grid

40 clusters, ~4500 CPU,

~500 ТВ (HDD), ~500 TB (SE).

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Center is in JINR



Russian Grid

International Desktop

Grid Federation

Ukraine singed

MoU with






on April 25 in


International cooperation of UNG

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Recently the Ukrainian authorities

adopted the principal decision

concerning associate membership of

Ukraine in EU-program Horizon 2020.

It is expected that the Agreement will

be signed next January.

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Opportunities for cooperation within

EU- infrastructure

ELI : Extreme Light Infrastructure

Potential partners from the Ukrainian side:

Institute of Physics

Institute of Applied Physics

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Institute of Physics for ELI Current state and achievements:

• Experience in the operation of a Femtosecond Laser Center for

collective use ( In

the case of accession to the European project, this experience

can be extended to foreign users - Femtosecond Laser Center

is almost ready to be included in European research


• Experience with excimer lasers, available setups and supplies

to start work;

• Available hardware capabilities of optical diagnostics of

nanostructures: femto-nanosecond techniques "pump-probe"

optical Kerr shutter and other time-resolved methods, optical

spectroscopy over a wide spectral and temperature ranges,

pump-probe spectroscopy of induced absorption and

secondary emission, Z-scan method.

• A new approach to producing 2D periodic plasmon structures,

formed by “in situ” synthesized metal nanoparticles in polymer

matrix has been developed.

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Institute of Physics for ELI Proposed projects:

1. Study of filamentation of ultrashort laser pulses (ultashort pulses in

gaseous and solid-state media and their interaction with transparent

and opaque materials using time-resolved microscopy methods, in

particular polarization microscopy, transient absorption microscopy,

and others).

2. Study of plasmonic enhancement of the local field of laser pulses

by metallic nanostructures (one of the objectives of the project ELI is

to study the interaction of radiation with matter at extremely high

intensity. Start work in this direction may be done before petawatt

lasers become operational. It can be done by focusing laser energy of

available gigawatt lasers in small volumes by local field enhancement

of surface plasmons on metal nanostructures).

3. Amplification of femtosecond pulses in the ultraviolet range using

excimer amplifiers (the idea is to use a wide range of excimer

amplification to amplify femtosecond pulses. Benefits of excimer

amplifiers: electric pump, scalability of power by increasing the size of

the camera, high quality of beam due to the optical homogeneity of the

active medium of gas).

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Institute of Physics for ELI Proposed projects: 4. Laser control of dynamics of electronic excitations in structured

nanocomposite (the influence of high power femtosecond laser pulses

may substantially modify the nanocomposite by changing size and

shape of nanoparticles. Therefore it is interesting to study the impact

of femtosecond radiation on the dynamics of electronic excitations in

structured nanocomposite. As periodically ordered structures may be

used to control laser generation or to achieve coupling between light

wave and surface plasmons).

5. Study of using of the short and intense laser pulses in infektology,

oncology and photodynamic therapy (infektology: antimicrobial and

antibacterial influence of blue, violet and near-ultraviolet spectrum of

the laser radiationin a continuous and femtosecond regimes;

oncology: personalization of tumors of different localization based on

a study of the optical characteristics to find the wavelength of the

laser radiation, which leads to apoptosis, photodynamic therapy: the

use of two-photon absorption using femtosecond pulses to increase

the efficiency and the penetration depth of the radiation).

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Institute of Applied Physics for ELI Current state and achievements:

Experience in theoretical description of strong pulse

laser fields with regard to the resonant effects

produced by generation of virtual particles that can

lead to coherent induced radiation and absorption of

laser field by electron/positron.

Proposed project: Resonant and coherent QED

effects in strong pulse laser field ( studies of QED

phenomena in the pulse laser field such as electron

scattering by nuclei and molecules, electro-positron

pair generation, spontaneous bremsstrahlung of

electron in the presence of nuclei, elaborating the

theory of resonant laser field enhancement).

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Opportunities for cooperation within


Graphene Flagship Potential partners from the Ukrainian side:

Institute of Physics

Institute of Metal Physics,

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical


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Institute of Physics for Graphene Flagship Among the 11 directions of the project (http://graphene- there are 2 packages, where we

expect fruitful cooperation:

Work Package 3: Fundamental Science of Graphene and

2D Materials Beyond Graphene;

Work Package 10: Nanocomposites.

Scientific achievements in the field of the project:

Research experience in the field of layered semiconductors

(PbI2),nanostructures of CdSe, CdS, ZnO of different dimensions, in

particular, atomically precise nanoplatelets , and nanocomposites;

know-how of production of 2D materials and other nanostructures;

available standard equipment and original set-ups for optical

diagnostics of nanomaterials; experience and technical capabilities

of quantum-chemical calculations of nanoobjects using the computer

cluster of the Institute and UNG infrastructure;

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Institute of Physics for Graphene Flagship

Fundamental physics of 2D materials and nanocomposites by

experimental (optical methods) and theoretical (quantum

chemistry using grid) approaches, namely the following:

kinetics of electronic excitations (surface plasmons,


new mechanisms of luminescence;

giant spin splitting;

local field enhancement of light-matter interaction;

nonlinear phenomena (inverse Raman scattering, cross-

phase modulation, filamentation etc);

design and development of production methods of 2D

materials and nanocomposites (femto- nanosecond laser

ablation in liquids, chemical synthesis).

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Institute of Metal Physics for Graphene Flagship Current state and achievements:

possible ordered distributions of impurity atoms over sites or

interstices in graphene lattice are predicted and the ranges of

interatomic-interaction-energy values providing (low-temperature)

stability for the graphene-based substitutional and interstitial

superstructures are defined, the effects of correlation and ordering

in the spatial distribution of point (impurity atoms, vacancies) and

linear (atomic steps, grain boundaries, dislocations) defects in

graphene for their separate and simultaneous presence are studied.

Particularly, the ordering of point defects can open a band gap in

energy spectrum of graphene, enhance its conductivity up to

dozens (10–30) of times.

Within the theory of electron density functional ab initio

calculations are performed for: electron zones, phonon spectrum,

electron-phonon and phonon-phonon interaction in two-

dimensional allotropic form of carbon (graphene). A number of

unique physical properties of graphene are to be correctly

interpreted based on the exact information about the above

mentioned characteristics

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Institute of Metal Physics for Graphene Flagship Proposed project: Configuration and size effects in electronic

transport within the graphene containing point and/or line defects

1) to ascertain statistical-thermodynamic and physical-kinetic

peculiarities of structure formation and physicochemical properties

of the graphene-based solid solutions, taking into account

interactions of impurity (ad)atoms and vacancies.

2) to study electronic structure and transport characteristics

graphene-based systems depending on (substitutional or interstitial)

type and kind of dopant atoms, their concentration and static lattice


3) to perform quantum-statistical calculation (using a many-electron

operator representation of spinors) for the band-covalent structure of

graphene-based intercalation compounds and predict a role of the

covalent-bond fluctuations in the mass defect of the current carriers,

magnetoresistance, magnetostriction, and ‘catalyst–reagent’-type

‘solid-phase’ reaction;

4) to develop recommendations regarding the optimization of the

ways of implementation of obtained theoretical results; to explain

experimentally revealed phenomena.

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Opportunities for cooperation within


Life-time Prediction of Nanodevices

Potential partners from the Ukrainian side:

Institute of Metal Physics Current state and achievements

The results of the study conducted by the researchers of the Kurdyumov

Institute for Metal Physics and National Scientific Centre `Kharkov

Institute for Physics and Technology` have allowed to develop the

conception about atomic mechanisms of the stability loss of nanocrystals

both three-dimensional and one-dimensional (carbyne), as well as to

propose the experimental methods to determine the strength of these


Proposed project: Development of the strategy for life-time prediction

of the highly-effective new-generation emitters on the basis of one-

dimensional nanochains of carbon (carbyne).

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Opportunities for cooperation within


SKA: Square Kilometer Array

Potential partners from the Ukrainian side:

Institute of Radio Astronomy Current state and achivements

Ukraine remains the world leader in the field of the low frequency radio

astronomy (in the decameter wavelength range – frequencies from 10 to

30 MHz). This leadership is based on the design, construction and

operation of the giant highly effective radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN,

and GURT elements (8 – 80 MHz) (GURT system is under construction

now). The whole effective area of these instruments is 0.3 square

kilometer. It is more than effective area of LOFAR and is close to that of

the coming SKA.

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Institute of Radio Astronomy for SKA In the 2013 year report of the project ERA – NET,

contract no 262162 “Report on the status and

opportunities of the astronomical community in the East-

European countries” it is pointed out that “Countries with

facilities in the radio astronomy domain, such as Ukraine,

could consider joining the LOFAR consortium, building on

the existing expertise. Involvement in SKA would also be

a significant step for Ukraine”. The low frequency radio

astronomical research facilities of Ukraine (unique radio

telescopes and observatories with area of several

hectares), highly qualified scientific groups, and big

positive international cooperation experience will provide

further progress in joint investigation, education,

innovation, and reliable open access to local and

distributed resources.

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Opportunities for cooperation within



Potential partners from the Ukrainian side:

Institute of Radio Astronomy Current state and achievements

Since 2007 the Institute of Radio Astronomy actively participates in

the world-largest organization investigating the geospace - the

European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT). Since

2009 Ukraine is affiliated with EISCAT as a associate member. The

principal scientific concept of the Program proposed by the

Ukrainian party gives the basis for the development of facilities for

HF and UHF 3D diagnostics of natural and artificially stimulated

ionospheric inhomogeneities in the Arctic Region.

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Institute of Radio Astronomy for EISCAT-3D Participation in EISCAT makes it possible to solve the

following problems of geospace research:

1. Studying the formation mechanisms for a wide range of

natural and stimulated plasma fluctuations in aurora region

and mid-latitudes.

2. Investigating the transfer mechanisms for powerful

geospace disturbances top-down (from interplanetary space

and Sun) and bottom-up (from Earth’s surface and


3. Improving physical models of ionospheric disturbances

transfer from auroral to mid-latitude ionosphere.

4. Refining the models of dynamic wave interaction between

neutral and charged atmospheric gas components.

5. Studying the space distribution and intensity of global

thunderstorm activity, investigating its dependence versus

global climatic variations.

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Opportunities for cooperation within

EU-infrastructure EuHIT: European High-performance

Infrastructures in Turbulence

Potential partners from the Ukrainian side:

Verkin Institute for Low Temperature

Physics Current state and achievements

A special place in the study of quantum turbulence in recent years is

occupied by a quartz tuning fork technique when the piezoelectric

properties of quartz make it possible to turn the mechanical vibrations in

the measured variable electrical signal. This provides an opportunity to

explore the generation and development of turbulence in a wide range of

forces that are applied, and the velocity fluctuations accurately. The

Institute has experience in the application of such methods in the studies

of turbulence.

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Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics

for EuHIT Proposed project: Quantum turbulence in

superfluid systems. Clarification of the transition from laminar to turbulent flow

regime and study the properties of quantum turbulence in

superfluid solutions 3Ne-4Ne in a wide range of temperature,

pressure and concentration.

The study of the near-boundary layers of liquids and the

influence of roughness on the walls of the origin, evolution and

extinction of turbulence.

Identification of dissipative processes at different stages of

development of turbulence. Analysis of the contribution of viscos

dissipation and acoustic emission.

Feasibility study of turbulence suppression by the use of ultra-

light materials with anomalously high porosity

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• Ukraine shares CEI vision of the Key-

priorities stated in the Agenda for 2014-2016;

• In some fields of physics Ukraine still ranks

among the countries with high level of

physical science. NASU has a human power

and research facilities to maintain the

appropriate level of physical studies.

• NASU is interested in extension of

international collaboration and participation

in EU-programs, in particular, the HORIZON-


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• The Ukrainian physicists are interested to

join in forthcoming projects and consortiums

formed by the EU-partners.

• After getting associate membership of

Ukraine in the HORIZON-2020 the Ukrainian

physicists will be eligible to initiate the

creation of consortia coordinated by the

Ukrainian side in various fields of physics.

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What help of CEI would be desirable

• Share the experience of scientific policy making;

• To extend application of CEI Instruments and

Cooperation Tools to Ukraine;

• To join efforts in promotion common priorities

and proposals to Horizon 2020;

• To take us on board in your future coming

consortiums, in particular those for Horizon


• In order to discover possibilities of mutually

beneficial cooperation it would be desirable to

continue discussion on the expert level.

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The inscription on the board in Latin

“Locus Perennis Dilicentissime cum libella

librationis quae est in Austria et Hungaria

confecta cum mensura gradum meridionalium et

paralleloumierum Europeum… MDCCCLXXXVII…”

Scientists from the Vienna

Imperial-Royal Military

Geographical Institute

after careful study

identified the location of

the intended geographical

center of Europe, and in

1887 was established

historical mark

Ukraine is a Central European country

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