Page 1: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Established 1967 Sub. 50c.

Sunday 20th November 2016

Sharing Advent hope and joy……..

There is a lovely tradition in Lucan, one that brings together

all who share the Christian faith in our community. The

Methodists, Presbyterians, Church of Ireland and Roman

Catholic communities share the symbolism of the Advent

wreath. The Advent wreath holds five candles three purple,

one pink and the centrally placed white one, these are all

framed within a wreath of evergreens.

Each Sunday of the Advent season we light a candle on the wreath symbolising our anticipation of the

coming of Christ – the light of the world - which we will celebrate at Christmas. What is unique

about the Lucan Ecumenical tradition is that on each of the Advent Sundays members of each

tradition visit the church of one of the other traditions with a greeting from the Community and

bringing a Candle inscribed with the name of the community sending greetings. This means that at the

end of Advent each church has a candle from the three other churches burning with their own in the

wreath, and each community has been visited by the three others bearing greetings in the Lord. It is a

simple but important visual of our bearing of united witness to the Lord, a celebration of our common

faith and baptism.

Advent offers us a time of preparation for the great feast of Christmas. It is above all a time for

spiritual preparation, and we have somehow to disengage a little from the inevitable frenzy of

materialism that we will call be caught up in to some extent, in order to focus on the wonderful event

at the heart of the season. Attend Church this Advent whatever tradition you belong to and make it a

time of prayerful waiting.

We need consciously to make every effort to put Christ back into Christmas and to reclaim it as a

truly wonderful festival of faith. If you’re sending Christmas Cards why not chose cards with a

distinctly religious theme and message – Robin red breasts in the snow with a “Happy Holidays”

greeting somehow miss the mark. Choose a card with a nativity scene and a religious greeting.

All the materialism of Christmas should never blind us to our responsibility towards the needy;

perhaps Advent can be a time for giving, not just to those who will return the compliment but more

importantly to those with nothing.

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul and many other charities have much need of our help and are

grateful for anything we can give especially in the run up to Christmas.

Advent commences on Sunday 27th November.

Fr. Philip Curran


Page 2: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community

Centre, Lucan

Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01


Email [email protected]

Opening hours: Monday to

Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day,

convenience, please arrive before 12.30 p.m. in the

morning, and before 3.45pm in the afternoon, as

we close promptly.

Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761

07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to


MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service)

helpline and MABS mortgage arrears helpline

are both on the same number 0761 07 2000.

Our services are free and confidential.

Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday

nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and

referral line 1890 350250. Please note that FLAC

provides Free Legal Advice and not Free Legal


Be Winter Ready Advice for the Elderly and their Families and


The Government has launched its “Be Winter

Ready” 2016/17 information campaign. Details can

be found on the website. The

following extract deals specifically with advice for

the elderly or infirm.

Keeping Well and Warm:

Keep warm, eat well and avoid unnecessary travel.

You should eat regular hot meals and drink plenty

of fluids, this will keep you warm and will give

you energy to keep active.

Ensure you have sufficient supplies of food and of

any prescription medicine you may need. Keep

active indoors.

Have sufficient fuel supplies to maintain adequate

heating in your home.

Ask your relatives and neighbours for help if you

need it. Keep their phone numbers on a list beside

your phone.

Personal Safety – Staying Safe:

In icy weather, wear well-fitted shoes with non-slip

soles if you have to go out but try to limit walking

outside during the cold weather.

Consider wearing a personal alarm so that family

or neighbours are alerted if you fall.

If you have a fall, even a minor one, make sure you

visit your doctor for a check-up.

Fall prevention in your home

Leave a low energy light on at night time,

preferably one with a high light output

Use a non-slip shower or bath mat.

Make sure wires or cords from lamps, telephones

etc. do not trail where you walk.

Arrange furniture so that you can easily move

around all your rooms.

Remove rugs or use non-slip tape or backing so

rugs will not slip.

Consider installing hand rails on both sides of the


Keep safe this winter – for more information


Keeping an eye on the elderly and infirm

Try to call on elderly relatives and neighbours, and

offer to assist them in severe weather.

Ensure that they have sufficient supplies of food

and medications.

Ensure that they have sufficient fuel supplies to

maintain adequate heating in their homes.

If you have any doubts about the safety of an

elderly or infirm person seek the assistance of the

Garda Síochána or local social services.

Sudanese Association of Ireland

Cultural Event

A Sudanese Cultural

Event under the theme

Back to the Roots is being held as part of

Social Inclusion Week which is sponsored by

South Dublin County


At Rosse Court Resource Centre

Rosse Ct Ave, Balgaddy, Lucan

19th of November 2016 at 15:00 - 19:00

Exhibition, Fashion Show

Music and Traditional Food

And lots more…….

Page 3: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

'Dancing at Lughnasa' with Lucan Drama

Wonderful News!!! our Festival Team were

victorious again last weekend with their production

of 'Subtraction' by Kevin McFillen having won 1st

place in Gorey and 2nd place in Letterkenny

including two Best Actor awards for George

Hogan, Best Director for Vincent Casey and

nomination for best actress for Elaine Butler. Out

of 5 festivals Lucan Drama won three first places

and two second places. Well done to Vincent,

George, Elaine, Joe and Jack

Lucan Drama has now qualified to go forward to

The One Act all Ireland (Open Section), which

takes place in The Mill Theatre, first weekend in

December. The team will be up against the best

groups in Irish Amateur Theatrics. A fabulous

achievement! Find us on Facebook

Email [email protected]

Bernie 0864015794; Sheila 0872547725

Woodview Residents Mass for our deceased residents will be celebrated

on Saturday 19th Nov next at 7pm in St Patrick's

Church Esker.

Older Voices for Change Older Voices for Change is an established

advocacy group voicing opinions on issues that are

affecting older people within the Clondalkin,

Lucan, Newcastle and Palmerstown area.

If you feel you would like to work with us to make

a difference please contact:

Eithne 085 7846007

Mairead 086 8446071

David 087 9402684

Lucan Senior Citizens Wed 23rd Nov: St. Marys Parish Centre, 10.30 –


Fundraiser Night In aid of

Holles St. Hospital NICU

Kildrought Lounge Main Street, Celbridge.

Date: Sat Nov 19th, at 8pm.

Admission €5. Raffle on the night.

Your support will be greatly appreciated.

It will be a FUN NIGHT, in aid of a very

important service.

Tiny babies in need of special services in

the Neonatal ICU, Holles Street, will be


'Dancing at Lughnasa' by Brian Friel

will be performed

Tuesday Nov 22nd right through

to Sat Nov 26th, 8 30pm Spa Hotel

If availing of the 'The Theatre and Play’

offer for €25 please be in Spa 7pm

approx. (booking for this offer 6280494,

Spa Hotel)

Tickets for play only €12 Concession

€7(at door).

5 great nights of theatre! A wonderful

play, great banter, lots of discussion,

catch up with friends and easy parking.

Festive Flowers

Back by popular demand!

Demonstrator – Suzanne Keena

St. Mary’s Parish Centre

Monday 28th November, 8pm.

Admission €10 incl.

Mulled Wine & Treats

Proceeds to Lucan Senior Citizens

The ACRE Project

Annual indoor Christmas Fair

26-27 November

11-5 p.m.

Salesian College, Celbridge

Page 4: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Parish Notes

St Mary’s, Lucan

Ministers of the Word

The roster for Ministers of the Word

for December 2016, January and

February 2017 was sent to all who

receive it by email on 16th November.

A copy is available for collection in the

sacristy for those Ministers who have not received

it by e-mail.

Readers scheduled for the month of December

2016 should note that the roster applies to the

Masses on Christmas morning, Sunday 25th

December – 8.45, 9.45, 11 and 12.15.

Christian Meditation

We meet each Tuesday at 8pm in The Bungalow.

Everyone welcome. Sr. Geraldine, 6217158

Holy Communion for the sick and housebound

If you wish to avail of this service or if you know

someone who does, please contact one of the


Bethany Group

Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be

there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost

following the death of a loved one. We meet on

the 2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-

11.30am, also on the 4th Thursday of each month

from 8pm - 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041

Parish of Divine Mercy, Lucan South

St. Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown

Bethany Bereavement Support Group

This is a voluntary parish based ministry which

aims to help and support those who have suffered a

loss through bereavement or otherwise. Grieving is

a natural process which can be helped by someone

listening with empathy and understanding. We

meet on the third Wednesday of each Month

from 8pm to 9pm in the Pastoral Centre, St.

Patrick’s Church. This is a free, confidential

service and is available to everyone in Lucan and

the outlying areas.

We can be contacted through the Parish office: Tel:

(01) 628 1018 or 089 2507213, or

Email: [email protected]

St. Mary's Parish

Annual Mass of Remembrance

Our Annual Mass for all our departed

relatives and friends will take place

on Wednesday 23rd November at 8pm.

At this Mass, the names of those from our

parish community who died in the past 12

months will be specially remembered.

The names of all those on the November List

of the Dead will automatically be included.

Justice and Peace

Christmas Fair St Mary's Parish Centre


Sunday 27th November

from 9.30 am till 1.30 pm.

Lots of novel ideas and the old reliables will be

on offer at keen prices. The charities we are

supporting this year are Fr Peter McVerry's

Trust for the Dublin homeless , and the Haiti

Disaster Appeal.

Annual Mass of Remembrance Our Annual Mass for all our departed relatives

and friends especially those Parishioners who

died in the past year , will take place on

Saturday 19th November at 6.30pm

All welcome

St. Vincent de Paul Church collection at all Masses

THIS Saturday / Sunday 19th/20th November

Many thanks for your generosity.

Legion of Mary Annual Mass

for Deceased Legionaries Our Annual Mass for all our deceased

Legionaries will take place on Wednesday, 23rd November at 10am

in St Mary’s Church, Lucan

The Legion of Mary meet every Wednesday in the Bungalow at 6.30pm.

New members are more than welcome.

Page 5: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Misneach –

Nourishing Hope

The reflective events are taking

place on Sunday the

27th November, on the cusp

between the months of November (traditionally a

month of Remembrance, Honour and Reflection)

and December (Traditionally a month of Hope, Joy

and Celebration) – to create a space and time for

people to honour and celebrate lives present and

lives passed and to move into December and the

Christmas season with hope and celebration.

The events are free of charge and people of all ages

are welcome to attend. The five venues this year

are as follows:

- St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin (6pm)

- The Augustine Church in Limerick (4pm),

- The Augustinian Church in Galway (3.30pm)

- Pieta House Bereavement Centre, McAuley


Balloonagh in Tralee (4pm).

- Pieta House Highfield Lawn, Bishopstown Cork


Pieta House CEO Brian Higgins says it’s symbolic

that Misneach will take place in late November,

just on the cusp of December.

“We chose this date to allow people to move into

Christmas with a sense of hope. When people are

gathered on the day we want to move from

remembrance, honour and reflection into hope, joy

and celebration”

“At Pieta House, our values are to treat everyone

with respect and dignity, to be rooted in

compassion and care, to generate and nourish hope

and to empower. We see Misneach as a real way to

embody our values at Pieta House”

“Misneach, an ancient Irish word means both ‘hope

and courage’ and so we want to create a space for

people who have been bereaved by suicide to

reflect and celebrate the lives of people they’ve

lost, and it’s also for people who can celebrate that

they have worked through the issues that had

brought them to a point of suicide but who can now

move forward in a more hope-filled future”

“We would like to think that Misneach will also

appeal to anyone who supports our work, anyone

who has gone through our services or anyone who

wants to support someone who has used our


So please join us in what is hoped will be an annual event from this November on, to honour

the lives of people who have passed away and to

celebrate the people that are still with us. For further information and updates:

Website: Call: 01 6282111

Email: [email protected]

The Garda Survivors Support Association

(GSSA) Presents

An Evening of Seasonal Music & Song


Fiona Murphy


In Concert with

The Band of An Garda Siochana

Music Director: Pat Kenny

Compere: Ray Kennedy (RTE)


Sports and Conference Centre

Thursday 8th December 2016

(Performance starts at 8pm sharp)

Wine and mince pie reception during


Tickets: €25

For tickets contact:

Margaret Dixon: 086 845 1949

Michael & Eileen Griffin: 086 8704365

Breda Hand: 086 828 1651 Christmas Cards for Sale

In Aid of Nagarhope Nagarhope Christmas Cards for sale.

Six lovely designs. Pack of 12 for €5.

Contact Niamh on 087-0666891 or call to 191

Beech Park. Will also be on sale at the Justice &

Peace Fair in the Parish Centre on Sunday 27th

November. All proceeds go directly to helping

children in Nepal. Thank you for your support.


In Aid of Pieta House

Box of 10 - €5

Available in St Mary's Parish Centre


In Aid of The Alzheimer's Society of Ireland

Box 12 for €10

Available in St Mary's Parish Centre


In Aid of Peter McVerry Trust

Box for €5

Available in St Mary's Parish Centre

Page 6: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email


Michael Anderson

5th Anniversary - 16th November In loving memory of my dear brother

Silent thoughts of times together

Hold memories that last forever

Loved and remembered always

Frank and Ann xxx

Hugh Dignam In memory of Hugh Dignam, Finnstown Cottage

who died 20th November 1987.

Missed and remembered always his son Joe

Breda Eiffe

2nd Anniversary – 22nd November They say there is a reason,

They say that time will heal,

But neither time nor reason,

Will change the way we feel,

For no-one knows the heartache,

That lies behind our smiles,

No-one knows how many times,

We have broken down and cried,

We want to tell you something,

So there won't be any doubt,

You're so wonderful to think of,

But so hard to be without.

Sadly missed by Jimmy, Clodagh and the Lads

Breda Eiffe

2nd Anniversary - 22nd November At night time when

The stars shine bright

We look up Ma

And say goodnight xx

Sadly missed by your son Viv and partner Joanne

Free transport The Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Volunteer Driver

Service’ is a free transport service available to

patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment in St.

Vincent’s Hospital or Tallaght Hospital. To avail

of this service, please talk to your healthcare

professional or call Gail in the Irish Cancer Society

on 01 2310 566.

On Parkland Walks

Elegant wooden fencing set along the

water courses and hazards of St Catherine's

Earth moving and contouring of landscape also


A beautiful ancient beech, whose contorted and

twisted roots fascinate children of all ages may

sadly be in terminal decline - hope not yet

While autumn stillness retains the blaze of colour,

the soft tip-down of falling leaves, as they touch

earth, gives playtime among the rustling mosaics.

A Spinning leaf held high on a strand of gossamer

An early morning walk under the azure sky as

tentative birdsong drifts through the chill air

Sunlit flights of gulls as they feed in the playing


The cacophony of roosting crows as the night


Tracks to badgers' homeland (setts) seen near the

great beech

Those gentle highland cattle and grazing sheep

all give the wayfarer a pastoral place

Happy Days


Pilgrimages Fatima

1 - 8th June 2017 - 4 - Nights in Fatima and 3 -

Nights in Costa Da Caparica. Spiritual Director:

Fr. Charles Cunningham. Cost: €799 fully

inclusive. For information please contact: Sheila

Fahey/Denis Fahey 043 6687512, or 087 251

0072. This is the Centenary of the Apparitions.


Departing from Dublin for 9 nights on 8th May


Spiritual Director: Fr Aloysius. Cost €599 p.p.s.

Price includes: Return day flight from Dublin , half

board basis, luxury coach transfers accompanied by

local guide, full religious programme operated by

Marian Pilgrimages, 24 hour emergency assistance,

all airport and local taxes, fully comprehensive

insurance. Contact Pat and Phil 087 2238911

Medjugorje Mass St Mary's Church, Lucan

5th December at Mass at 7.30pm

(Confessions and Rosary at 6.50pm)


Gold chain in Lucan Village last

Thursday 10th November.

Handed into Lucan Garda Station.

Page 7: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Liffey Sound 96.4fm Thank you to everyone who kindly

supported our fundraising church

gate collection at St. Patrick's

Church, Esker, last weekend. This

weekend, we are fundraising at the

Church of the Divine Mercy in

Balgaddy. Fundraising is vital for the organisation

and necessary to keep your local community radio

station on air.

We are currently looking for new volunteers to join

our Sports team on "Sports Club" on Saturdays at

4pm. We are looking for raw talent, if you are

passionate about sports, especially local sport, we

will provide you with full training. Making radio is

highly creative, it builds confidence and develops

your communication and team building skills. And

it is fun! If interested, please email our Station

Manager, Mairéad,

[email protected] or phone on 01-


Our very own Mrs G. from Mrs G's recipes

interviewed celebrity chef, Neven Maguire this

week, you can listen back to the lively interview on

podcast on our website and pick up some valuable

tips on preparing Christmas dinner and much more!

"Mrs G's recipes", her regular programme, is

broadcast on the first Sunday of every month at

11.30am. or catch up on Facebook or


Liffey Sound- Your station, your voice!

Esker Active Retirement Association Hi to all our Members.

We had a very different day at our club today as we

had arranged for Jale Egan, an Iridologist and

Nutritionist to come and give us a talk. Jale is a

lovely lady from Turkey who is married to an Irish

man from the West of Ireland. She has a brilliant

personality and sense of humour and she gave us a

very interesting talk on what our eyes can tell us

about our health. She also gave us some really

good information on how the foods we are eating

may cause illnesses and gave us advice on what we

should include in our diet. She answered all our

questions and spent a lot of her time with us so we

are really grateful to her. Indeed if anyone wants

to avail of Jale’s services, you can contact her on

087 9911626 or email her [email protected]

We would like to thank Computers R Us across the

road from our hall in the village who came to our

assistance today with computer help. Both Jale and

ourselves are very grateful.

Next week we will have our usual card games,

walking football and bowls/ badminton.

Upcoming events

We are going to the Spa Hotel to support our local

Drama Group Fri 25th Nov. Dinner first followed

by the play Dancing at Lughnasa” so we’re all

looking forward to our night out.

We also have a couple of very nice little surprises

for you all over the next few weeks so make sure

you don’t miss them.

Again, any newcomers wanting to join us, feel free

to drop into the centre at St Andrews Church Hall,

in Lucan (it’s the Church just past Stagg Cycles

and there is car parking inside the gates) any

Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm or call me on 086

1269 043 for details of our club. We are a very

friendly bunch and you’ll be made very welcome

by all.

Marian (Club Secretary)

Comóradh 1916 Omós Do na Laochra

Music, Song and Poetry

Springfield Hotel Sunday 27th November 2016

at 8 p m

Choir of Saint Mary’s Nativity, Leixlip

Ceoltóirí an Righe, (Donal Fallon & Co)

Scoil Rince Uí Dhúill

Evelyn Campbell, harpist, singer

Ann Geraghty, Jim Doyle

Phoebe O’Leary, Sheila Duffy

Frank Houlihan, Fear a’ Tí

Cead isteach € 5, children free

Proceeds to Peter Mc Verry Trust

Tea Dance Palmerstown Community & Youth

Centre (beside Supervalu)

Sunday 27th November

Pre Christmas Celebration

3pm – 6pm

Live Band – Unity

Only €5

Light Refreshments, Raffle and Prizes

More informtion – 01-6166981

Page 8: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Lucan Active Retirement Association A great day was had by all our members at Fairy

House Races. Lots of winners on the horse racing,

but our winning streak did not end there. The

Marie Keating Foundation had a raffle and out of

10 prizes L.A.R.A. members won 7.

Congratulations to the winners!

Christmas Dinner Fri Dec 9th, Lucan Golf Club.

Christmas Party Dec 15th.

Whist Results Tues 15th Nov: 1st Michael Bradley,

2nd Joe Kinsella, 3rd Joyce Fallon.

Lucan ICA Tues 22nd Nov: Crafty Ladies

meet as usual 10am – 12.30pm.

Wed 23rd Nov: We will have a

few games of Scattergories with

Patrice – we all look forward to

that night of fun and arguments!!!

We had a terrific attendance of members on

Wednesday night doing a class of Floral

Arrangements under the guidance of Phil Hopkins.

We all went home with lovely arrangements. Great

to see Mary Cunningham and Ann McCarthy back

– Let the fun begin!!

Thank you Phil, for a lovely night.

Huge congratulations to Fiona Guinan who is

graduating on Tuesday next from the National

College of Art and Design with a degree B.Des

(honours), in Craft Design Metals. We are all very

proud of Fiona, she is a very talented lady.

We enjoyed the table quiz in the Gresham Hotel on

Monday night. We came in 3rd place which was a

great achievement as the standard was very high.

Birdie is off to the dance at

Lughnasa in the Spa Hotel this

coming week! Really looking

forward to Lucan Drama’s


Another great production this

coming week is Hairspray by

the pupils of St. Joseph’s College! A great musical!

Best wishes to all involved.

Congratulations to Scoil Mhuire,

Airlie/Woodview Heights on taking a gong for

Best Script for their 1916 film. The award was

made on Wednesday last by the Fís Film Project

which encourages film making in primary schools.

Above – some Scoil Mhuire students with the


Congratulations also to Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada

who put the fear of God into those All Blacks with

an Irish version of the Haka!

There should be no problems for the Irish team in

the return game this weekend!!!

And won’t it be brilliant if Ireland gets to host the

Rugby World Cup in 2023 – what a scoop it would


Who saw the Super Moon on Monday last? While it was mostly covered with

cloud, one clever person managed to

put up a photo of a wrap hanging in his

bedroom window – it was a spectacular

‘super moon’!

The real thing was still quite

spectacular very early on Tuesday morning.

Presentation Day this coming Monday, 21st

November – Time was when the pupils of Scoil

Mhuire GNS got the day off school each year, as

part of the celebrations for the Order. No doubt

they will still remember the Presentation Sisters on

this special day.

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Lucan Community College Reading Week: Our English department continue

their promotion of literacy and reading by

organising this week’s reading week. Under the

heading D.E.A.R (drop everything and read),

students and teachers take a class each day to read

from a book of their choice.

Study Seminar: Our 3rd year students enjoyed a

very beneficial study seminar this week. All the

students participated in workshops where they

were given advice on study techniques which will

hopefully reap benefits when they take their exams

next year.

Soccer: Well done to our senior boys’ team who

had a brilliant 10-1 win over Firhouse CS in their

recent league game. Daniel Grant was top scorer

with 5 goals, Danny McSweeney got 2 and Amos

Nohilly and Luke Maguire scored a goal each.

Mark Young was man of the match. Our u-15

boys’ team were unlucky to lose out to Confey

College in their match on a 2-1 scoreline. Dominic

Carr and Joshua Giurgi gave great performances

and Jake McEntee scored a brilliant goal. Special

mention to the aforementioned Joshua Giurgi who

has been selected to represent the Irish u-15 team

in Poland this week.

Coláiste Phádraig CBS Student achievements: Many congratulations to

5th yr Calvin Davis who won a gold medal at the

Irish round of the International Junior Science

Olympiad 2016 held in DCU recently. 126 of the

brightest students in the country were invited to

take part in the Olympiad on the basis of academic

excellent attained in science in the Junior Cert

2016 but only 6 would be selected after a gruelling

two and a half hour science exam. Calvin, along

with the 5 others, will now represent Ireland in

World Junior Science Olympiad to be held in Bali,

Indonesia in December, the first student from the

school to achieve such a remarkable feat. The

Olympiad is a hugely prestigious international

competition for students from across the globe who

excel in the sciences in state examinations so we

wish our representative all the best. Calvin is an

extremely ambitious, diligent and pleasant student

who studied ferociously for the Olympiad exam so

it is great to see his hard work being rewarded. He

is an outstanding ambassador for the school and we

are all immensely proud of him.

Calvin Davis with his Olympiad Gold Medal is

congratulated by Mr. Geraghty

Dáire Byrne almost made it a remarkable double

celebration for the school in the Irish round of the

EU Junior Science Olympiad which was held in

DCU on 5th November. Students had to select a

science subject and then sit a two and a half hour

exam in that particular subject. Dáire chose physics

along with 135 others and performed exceptionally

well to finish in 5th place. Unfortunately only the

top 4 qualified for the EU final to be held in

Copenhagen in December. Well done to Dáire on

coming so close to making it a magnificent few

International Night for Parents

St. Mary’s B.N.S. is hosting its first

International Night for Parents on

Thursday November 24th starting at

7.30pm. Parents have kindly volunteered

to provide a traditional dish from their

country on that night. This will be a

perfect opportunity for the school to

promote inclusion.

St. Mary’s has thirty nine nationalities

represented in the school and they are

having a week of celebrating this

wonderful diversity with activities for the

boys. They are busy doing projects on all

the countries and parents have offered to

come into the classes to speak to the boys

about their countries.

We look forward to meeting all parents

for this wonderful evening and


Page 10: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

days for the school and he can take great pride in

performing so well to get so far in the competition.

Well done to 6th yr Ryan Rafter who came 4th

overall in a prestigious shooting competition held

in Germany during the mid-term entitled the

“BRSO Hamminkeln Cup and German

Championships 2016” 70 of the best benchrest

shooters in Europe attended the competition and

Ryan was representing Team Ireland. Benchrest

shooting consists of shooting a target from 50m

with a .22 calibre benchrest rifle. Ryan’s team took

home a whole host of trophies and medals and even

though he was the youngest competitor there, he

managed to finish in a highly respectable 4th place

overall in Europe. Ryan is very passionate about

his shooting and trains regularly with the National

Rimfire Benchrest Association of Ireland. He is

already planning and practising for the next

European Championships to be held in Slovenia in

2017 where hopefully he can improve on his 4th

place finish.

Talent Show 2016: Well done to Jeffrey Li who

won the latest “Lucan’s Got Talent” show held in

the school on Friday 28th October. The range of

talents and skills on show in the final was hugely

impressive and the audience were extremely taken

with a number of the acts in particular. However, it

was down to the judges Ms. Ryan, Matthew Slevin

and Garreth Slevin to select the winners and after a

hard fought battle Jeffrey’s beautiful classical

piano performance was announced as the winner.

In 2nd place was a talented musical group

consisting of Eimhin Stones, Shaun O’ Brien, Josh

O’ Sullivan and his brother Lucca while Evan

Carroll came 3rd with a moving rendition of a self-

penned song. Well done to all who qualified for the

final and had the guts to stand and perform in front

of 250 of their peers. A big thanks to the TY

students who helped Ms. Bonner organise and run

the show to a high standard. The school would like

to thank “Megabytes” in Lucan for kindly

supplying the sound equipment. It was a wonderful

occasion for the school and 220e was also raised

for the trip to Zambia next year so well done to

everyone who supported the Talent Show.

Hurling: Hard luck to our u16 hurling team who

were beaten 7-13 to 1-12 by a very strong St.

Fintan’s Sutton team in the Dublin League “B”

final last in Abbotstown on Tuesday. Our team had

impressed en route to the final with a series of

stylish displays but Fintan’s were hugely

impressive on the day and ran out deserved

winners. Lucan trailed 3-9 to 0-7 at half time and

Sutton rarely looked like relinquishing this

commanding lead. Matthew Dunne was Lucan’s

stand-out performer once again as he scored an

impressive 1-09 of the team’s total while Colm

Walsh and Evin Dowling also got on the score

sheet. The majority of the panel will still be

eligible for the u16s next year so the team can take

heart from performing so well in getting to the final

despite this disappointing loss.

Soccer: Well done to our u17 soccer team who

advanced to the 3rd round of the u17 Leinster

Junior Cup after defeating St. Benildus College 5-2

aet on Wednesday. Benildus took an early lead

before Sé Curley equalised from the spot after

Thomas Oluwa was fouled. Lucan went behind

again with 20 mins remaining but with just 2 mins

remaining Yasser Mahrouk rescued the team with a

fine finish after a stunning through ball from Aaron

Rogers. Extra time was needed and further goals

from Thomas Oluwa and Yasser (2), saw the team

clinch a hard fought win and saw Yasser claim the

match ball for a brilliant hat-trick.

The U15 soccer team advanced to the 2nd round of

the Leinster Minor Cup after a fine 2-1 win against

Coláiste Pobail Setanta last week. Lucan had to

come from behind to see off their talented

opponents and goals from Adam Lambe and a

stunning long range strike from Warren Curran

secured the win. James Harold impressed for the

team as he tormented the right back time and again

with his trickery, elusiveness and skill while Jamie

Callaghan was superb in defence throughout. Our

1st yr team begin their Leinster Cup campaign next

week when they take on Coláiste na hInse Laytown

so we wish them well.

The school would like to congratulate former pupil

Andy Boyle on being selected for the Irish

International panel for last week’s World Cup

Qualifier against Austria. Andy has had a

remarkable season with Dundalk and fully

deserved his call up so hopefully we’ll be seeing

more of him in the green jersey in the coming

years. Andy captained our school team to Leinster

Junior Cup success in 2007 and since then he has

gone on to forge a fine career for himself with

Dundalk, winning 3 titles in a row and playing in

the Europa League this season.

Lucan Community College P.A.

are holding our

Annual Bingo Night on Thursday 1st December at 8.30pm

in the Lord Lucan Pub.

Great monetary prizes, raffle, spot prizes.

Please come along and support us.

Mince pies and snacks provided.

10 euro per person.

Page 11: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

St. Catherine’s Well on the Black Avenue Readers may recall our

feature on St. Catherine’s

Well, at the end of

August, when we

published this photo from

1936, showing a neat

white-washed structure

with some locals from the

day - Phil Brady, Maura

Cormack, Pauline

Cormack, Paddy

Lannigan, Ollie Lannigan

and Paddy Brady.

The moment was captured

by May Vallom.

The next picture shows the site as it was for many years, when

it was overgrown and mostly went unnoticed by passers-by.

Fingal County Council took note of May’s picture, and got out

the cutters and paint brushes, and did a great job sprucing the

wells up. It is now a quite attractive eye-catching little site,

and just in case anyone doesn’t know – the water in the larger

well was for drinking, and that in the smaller well was used for

eye ailments.

Well done to Fingal, and also to those who looked after the old

photo, and brought it to their attention!

Page 12: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

ST. MARY’S LUCAN BRIDGE CLUB Results: 14th. Nov. 2016 N/S: 1st. Sheila Fallon & Eileen Lynch

2nd.Betty Stanley & Kathleen Collery

3rd. Melita Gorman & Barbara Clarke

E/W: 1st. Phil Devlin & Monica Gaffney

2nd. Ann Bolger & Betty Fitzpatrick

3rd. Paula Doyle & Maureen Murray

Tournament Director 21/11/2016: Carmel


Notice: Red rule book was taken by mistake last

Monday. Please, return it to a member of the


ST. MARY’S CARDS 1st: Prim Dempsey

2nd: John Carey

3rd: John O’Mahony

4th: Christy Corrigan.

Lions Club "Serving the Community since 1988"

Christmas Food Appeal in

Tesco , Lucan and Celbridge,

on Friday 25th and Saturday

26th November

Christmas Food appeal in Eurospar,

Lucan on 9th, 10th and 11th December.

Christmas Food Appeal SuperValu, Lucan

on 17, 18 and 19 December.

If you would like to help us out at any of the above

venues (volunteer for one or two hours to collect)

or if you require any further information please


President Ray Barnes [email protected]

(Mob: 086 2394616)

PRO Mattie McCabe [email protected]

(Mob; 087 9006999).

Winter Days get colder,

Nights get darker,

Snow gets whiter,

Lights get brighter,

Sweaters get thicker,

Books get bigger,

Blankets get warmer,

Chimneys get hotter,

Snuggling gets nicer,

Hearts get closer.

Cross Care Connectedness Supports for Family Carers

Isolation is one of the most commonly cited issues

that Family Carers report experiencing. This

seminar is about bringing Family Carers together to

show them some of the supports that are available

to them.

On November 29th 2016 from 10am – 1pm.

Lunch will be served from 1 pm to 2pm.

St. Paul’s Church, Arran Quay, Dublin 7.

Speakers will include:

Alone: Breaking Isolation through Befriending

Care Alliance Ireland: Online supports for

Family Carers

Family Carers Ireland: National Supports for

Family Carers

Later Life Mediation: Helping Families make

care plans for loved ones.

Arran Quay is beside the Smithfield Luas Stops,

and there are many buses that stop nearby. Respite

cover for your loved one can be arranged.

Please contact Rosemary for details at

[email protected] or phone 086-8269977.


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of

attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.

It is more important than the past, than education,

than money, than circumstances, than failures, than

successes, than what other people think, say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or


It will make or break a company...a church...a


The remarkable thing is we have a choice every

day regarding the

Attitude we embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past...

We cannot change the fact that people will act in a

certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play the one string we

have, and that is our attitude...

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to

me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you...we are in charge of our


Charles Swindoll.

Page 13: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Political Notes Mayor Guss O’Connell, PC Community Alliance [email protected] 0876838254

Facilities: I was delighted this week, as Mayor, to

meet with the FAI Chief Executive John Delaney,

and in doing so to welcome the collaborative work

between the FAI, South Dublin County Council

and Esker Celtic which will see a dedicated framed

football pitch developed in Hermitage Park. This

is a first for a Local Authority and I was delighted

to support it when it came up at the Corporate

Policy Group which I chair. This week too, saw

the Council agreeing to support a large number of

Community Grants (Totalling in excess of

€57,000). Following a recent review, these

community grants are now given out twice at set

times of the year, the next truancy will be in

February. If your club applied and was not

successful (I have had some calls) you should

enquire from the Community Section.

Cllr Paul Gogarty Independent Community Alliance “Not just at election time”

Tel: 087-2752489 Email: [email protected]

Lucan’s traffic gridlock: I’ve mentioned this

already, but traffic congestion levels are again

reaching 2006 Celtic Tiger levels, exacerbated by

the regrettable rezoning decisions made in the

1980s and 1990s by Councillors from the largest

political parties which turned Lucan into a

dormitory suburb with few local jobs and a dearth

of facilities and infrastructure. We need joined up

thinking and in this regard I believe South Dublin

needs to take the lead role in waking up the various

agencies to the crisis. This is why I’ve tabled a

motion for the next Area Committee meeting

calling on SDCC to undertake a comprehensive

qualitative survey to identify where and when

people travel in cars and what alternatives can and

should be provided. No point tinkering in a

vacuum. We need real information to justify


Cllr. Ed O’Brien - Fianna Fáil Constituency Office, 9/10 The Village Centre,

Lucan. Ph: 01 6105811. Mob: 087 7997609

E mail: [email protected]

Leader Fianna Fáil Group on South Dublin County

Council. Phoenix Park Tunnel: I welcome the re-opening

of the Phoenix Park tunnel which will provide

service to Connolly station for commuters from

Lucan. On foot of this I have again called on the

Minister for Transport to open Kishogue railway

station to provide proper access to residents of

Lucan to train services into and out of the city


Cash for Cars: My motion to ask SDCC to clear

all “cash for cars” signs from the locality was

passed without debate at this month’s council

meeting. It comes after the successful prosecution

of an individual using these signs to trade.

Clinics: Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

by appointment at my constituency office.

Cllr. William Lavelle - Fine Gael Chairman of SDCC Planning & Transport Committee.

36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan.

0874107885. [email protected]

New direct rail service: but Kishogue station still

closed! Having campaigned for many years to have

the Phoenix Park tunnel reopened, I am delighted

that services will begin using it on Monday - with

new peak time rail service from Adamstown to the

City Centre. But I am disappointed that the

Minister Shane Ross and out-of-touch national

agencies continue to refuse to open the €6.35

million Kishogue rail station close to Griffeen

Avenue. Lucan is clogged with traffic. We need

more public transport options!

School bus services? A number of years ago

SDCC commissioned a detailed proposal for

school bus services. At this week’s Council

meeting I asked the Chief Executive to apply for

funding in 2017 while next week’s Transport

Policy Committee, which I chair, will consider the


Frances Fitzgerald TD- Fine Gael Tánaiste, Minister for Justice and Equality

01 457 7712 / [email protected]

Direct Trains from Adamstown: City Centre

From Monday, there will be direct commuter

services running from Adamstown to the City

Centre via the Phoenix Park Tunnel line. I have

continuously been a supporter of the need to

reopen the tunnel to benefit commuters going

direct to the city centre. I also highlighted the need

for additional services from Adamstown in Iarnród

Éireann’s recent public consultation.

Rugby World Cup 2023: I was delighted to attend

the official launch of Ireland's bid to host the

Rugby World Cup in 2023. This would be an

excellent opportunity to showcase Ireland to the


WhatWouldYouDo: I launched a National

Awareness Campaign on Domestic Violence –

WhatWouldYouDo, calling on everyone to say that

this violence is not right and it must stop. Search

the campaign website for

information and advice.

Page 14: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Cllr Vicki Casserly - Fine Gael Local Councillor Lucan/Palmerstown Tel: 0858317982. Email: [email protected] Facebook:

Esker Celtic: I was delighted to visit Esker Celtic

along with Esker Celtic Representatives, John

Delaney of the FAI and SDCC Management

following commitment from both organisations for

funding for a purpose built playing area in the

grounds of Esker Celtic for Children with

Disabilities participating in the Football for All

Programme. This is a huge positive step for

persons with disability to have a choice to

participate in Sport. It is the first time our council

have invested so deeply in a resource for children

with disabilities. I am honored to have played a

role in that. Congratulations to all in Esker Celtic

for your ongoing commitment and dedication to the


Hillcrest & Ardeevin Trees: I have made ongoing

representations to SDCC for commitment to have

Hillcrest and Ardeevin included in Tree

Management Programme for 2017.

Cllr. Liona O’Toole Independent Chair of Lucan/Palmerstown Area Commitee [email protected]


Local Policing Forum: Many residents from

Lucan attended the Local Policing Forum held last

week. Items raised included anti-social behaviour,

road safety particularly at school time, parks

becoming havens for anti-social behaviour and

abandoned cars. I continue to work on these issues

with local residents and council/Gardaí.

Newcastle Road: I arranged a meeting with the

engineers from South Dublin County Council to

discuss issues raised by residents and club

members in relation to the back entrance/exit at

Supervalu and entrance to Lucan Harries/Weston

Hockey clubhouse car park and the layout of the

road in the area in general including the bus lane.

Public Lighting: The council continue to roll out

“Public Lighting Energy” saving lights in the

Lucan area. I have requested that these lights be

installed along the Adamstown Road (Courtney’s

Hill) into the village to increase visibility.

Lucan Library Phone 6216422

Creating a Meaningful Christmas

Friday 25 November, 11am-12.30pm

With Psychotherapist Geraldine Conlon

Essential skills on how to manage Christmas in a

less stressful way and enjoy it too.

Now booking, contact the library

Junior Einstein Workshop (for Science Week)

Wednesday 23 November, 3.30-4.30pm

Hands on Science Activity for 8 -12 year olds.

Now booking, via


Lucan Library

Christmas Craft Fair

Friday 2nd & Saturday

3rd December 10am-4pm

Ceramics, candles, cakes, soaps,

natural ornaments, jewellery,

knitwear and more – there’s sure to

be something for everyone so come

along to support local crafts people

and pick up some nice presents for


All welcome

Transport Users After years of campaigning the Phoenix Park rail tunnel is about to be used again. The last time this

tunnel operated for passenger use was in 1984. The long awaited reopening has a sting in the tail. It

won’t stop at Heuston Station. This is a major step back in transport planning as existing trains at peak

times are full. If this train does not stop at Heuston it will do little to ease overloading. The existing

buses serving Heuston can go into this station to serve Platform 10 where this new service can stop as

they did in the past. Its encouraging more public transport use we should be doing not putting

obstacles in their way. T. Newton 086 3127364.

Page 15: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Senior football update. Cuala lost their latest

league game on Sunday which means that Lucan

Sarsfields are guaranteed to retain their division

one status for next season.

Minor B Camogie were to be in championship

action away to Naomh Mearnog but that has been

put off for a week while minor C had a home

encounter that they lost against Ballinteer.

Minor Football were in league action away to

Oliver Plunkets where they won 4:09 to 2:10.

The Clubs Annual General Meeting is to be held

on Thursday 24th of November while Mass will be

celebrated at the clubhouse on Thursday November

17th at 8pm for the repose of the souls of club

members, relatives and friends who have passed

away during the past year.

The 25 card drive is on Friday night 9pm.

Best of Luck to all club players currently taking

part in Dublin trials and development squads.

The Cupla Focal club is back in action on

Monday nights 8pm.

Set Dancing is back on Wednesday nights while

the Bingo continues every Wednesday evening at

8:30pm with free tea/coffee.

Club Shop is newly stocked and back in action and

is open on Thursday 7pm-9pm and on Saturday


Lucan District Credit Union Academy is on

Saturday mornings 9:30am is the start for Girls and

10am for the Boys. New members (5+) always


Pictured are some of the

U15 Ladies Football

with their

newly sponsored kit

from M-Tech Electrical.

Lotto. €15,000 was the prize on offer for this

weeks Lotto. This week, there was no winner

where the numbers were 7, 10, 18 and 19. This

week’s sponsor was Coláiste Laichtín and next

weeks €15,500 draw will be managed by Team

Josephine Donoghue. Tickets can be purchased

online, at the club, in Carey’s Newsagents or in

Vesey Arms or Kenny’s Bar.






Lucan Sarsfields GAA

Every Wednesday

€10 per book

Free Teas & Coffees

From 8.30pm

Over 18s only

Page 16: Fr. Philip Curran - Lucan Newsletter · Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email

Church Notices – 20th November 2016

Sunday - Our Lord Jesus Christ King of The Universe

St. Mary's Lucan Sunday Masses:

Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am,

9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7 pm

Weekday Masses – Monday to Saturday 10am.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns

Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday

7.30 pm – 9.00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after

10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass

Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend.

We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at

least one month before ceremony.

Divine Mercy Lucan South Sunday Masses:

Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 10.30 am and 12 noon

Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15 am

Adoration and Prayer

Adoration – Friday 10 am – 3 pm

Prayer Group - Monday 7.30 – 8.30 pm

Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45 am – 10.45 am

Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an

information meeting before making arrangements

or booking dates.

Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship

Crèche and Children’s Ministry.

All Welcome.

St. Patrick's Esker / Dodsboro / Adamstown Sunday Masses:

Vigil Saturday, 7.00 pm, 9 am, 10.30 am and

12 noon Folk Mass

Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after

10am and 7pm Masses

Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd

Saturday at 12.30pm.

At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate

preparation. Applications between 10am and

1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after

any Mass as Parents are required to attend a pre-

Baptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be

accepted on the telephone or by email.

St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am

St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am

Lucan Methodist Church Sunday: 10am Holy Communion

Gospel Baptist Church Pastor Les Hill

Church Office: 085-190 2454


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