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Formal Proposal

Title of my magazine I want to call my music magazine RAVE! I think that this is approriate as this type of language is common in the age group my magazine is aimed at and is used to as another word to describe a form of dancing to certain types of music, it therefore relates to my target audience and fits in well with my chosen genres of music as hip-hop and R&B is the type of music which people “rave” to. The use of the capital letters makes it seem as if the word is being shouted out and the exclamation mark emphasises this and makes the word seem loud which again relates well with hip-hop and R&B as they are commonly loud genres of music.

Explaination of choice of genreI have chosen to base my magazine on a range of different hip-hop and R&B genres. I have chosen these two types of genre because they are the types of music that I enjoy most and listen to alot, so it is these genres that I specifically have a good knowlegde of and am passionate about. I frequently check the charts to find new music created by artists within theses genres and keep up to date with R&B and hip-hop news and gossip therefore I have many ideas and knowledge of what is to be expected in these types of music magazines.

My target audience My target audience is going to be females aged 15-25, hip-hop music is commonly associated more with black males, but both types of music is popular with the younger generation, specifically teenagers which is why I have chosen this age range and as I know more about what females would like in a music magazine I have chosen to aim my magazine at this gender as many females also likes these genres of music.

Initial ideas about front page For the front cover I would like one main image of someone who looks like an hip-hop or R&B artist that dominates the page. I would like the image to be a close up and the person in the image to look fun and vibrant, to be wearing jewellery and maybe have coloured hair and piercings. I would like the masthead to be bold and bright and the colours used on the front cover to stand out, I would also like the page to look like these is alot going on with sell lines and a footer, I would like the sell lines to relate with the main image , and to include many different R&B/hip-hop artists and important information related to these two genres. I would also like different popular hip-hop/R&B artists to be listed in the footer. I am also thinking about using a catch phrase underneath the masthead to make my magazine more unique and unpredictable like the genres of the music ive chosen, something like “the music that matters” or “music the way you like it”.

Initial ideas about contents pageI would like the same masthead to be used again on the contents page but I want it to be smaller than on the front page and the word contents to be in a bold dominating colour that stands out and is outlined in a contrasting colour. I think the background colour on the contents page should be dark and there should be a few images used on the page that use vibrant colours so that they stand out on the background. I want the page to be seperated with two different sections for the genres and this to be shown using different bold colours for the page numbers and titles in each section and with the use of subheadings. I would like one subheading to be R’ N’ B but instead of using > ‘ < I want to use a small musical note and I would like the other subheading to be “hip to the hop”. I would also like one of the images used to be bigger and be positioned between the two different sections with a small paragraph of writing under the image that relates to it and some more detailed sell lines to be used so that it gives an insight into the sort of information the audience can find in the magazine.

Page 2: Formal Proposal

Intial ideas about double page spreadI would like an interview to be used on the double page spread, I want this interview to be with someone who I am portraying to be a new R&B/hip-hop artist and I want the questions to be about how they got into the music industry and their journey to fame. I want the images on the double page spread to be related to the writing and the main titles and subheadings used to be in bright bold colours that stand out and are bigger than the rest of the writing so that the seperate the bits of information up .

Intial ideas about photographs I want one image to be used on my front cover that is a close up of someone who looks like an R&B or hip-hop artist that dominates the page. The rest of the images used on my contents and double page spread I would like to be smaller images of R&B/hip-hop artists that relate to the text and fit in well with the images associated with these genres of music.

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