Page 1: EXPOShanghai Newsletter - Expo 2010 · 2010 will knock your socks off, architecturally speaking. Astounding structures at previous Expos have served as hallmarks of mankind’s industrial,

Newsletter Countdown: 584 days to go Newsletter No.8 September 24


Expo Fact So far, 15 countries have declared their national pavilion designs.

THE Shanghai Week of Expo2010 in Zaragoza kicked off onSeptember 8 with four agreementssigned in the Spanish city, whichis holding Expo 2008 with wateras its theme.

Croatia signed a participationcontract with the Expo 2010Organizer in its pavilion in themorning, followed by threeSpanish cities — Zaragoza, Bilbaoand Santiago — which committedto participate in the Urban BestPractices Area of Expo 2010.

“Today coincides with the 600-day countdown to the opening ofExpo 2010 and so far 221 countriesand international organizationshave officially confirmed theirparticipation,” said Shanghai ViceMayor Yang Xiong.

Yang is also the Executive ViceChairman of the ExecutiveCommittee of World Expo 2010Shanghai China.

As a major promotion for Expo2010, the Shanghai Week featureda forum themed “From Zaragozato Shanghai — to the HarmoniousWorld” held at Zaragoza Univer-sity and an evening gala show onSeptember 11 at the CongressPalace in the Zaragoza Expo site.

A galaxy of Expo organizers,consultants and experts onarchitecture and environmentalprotection delivered presenta-tions on “Water” and “BetterCity, Better Life,” the themes forExpo Zaragoza and ExpoShanghai respectively.

Shanghai a shining lightat Expo Zaragoza

“Expo 2010 will become afiesta with more than 100 culturalperformances to be staged at thesite each day during the 184-dayevent,” Chinese delegate to theBIE, Zhou Hanmin said. He saidgroup tickets would go on sale onSeptember 28 priced at 160 yuan(US$27) each person whileindividual tickets will start sellingon May 1, 2009.

“We hope more Spanish peoplewill visit Expo Shanghai and more

Spanish media will cover Expo2010,” Zhou said.

To attract visitors, the ShanghaiGovernment held Shanghai Weekin France last winter and willcontinue its road show in theUnited States, United Kingdom,eastern Europe, Southeast Asiaand Africa this year and next year.

After China, Spain has thesecond largest number of chosencases for the Urban Best PracticesArea, with six cases from five

cities. They are — New Horizonsfor Public Housing (air tree),submitted by Madrid; BilbaoGuggenheim from Bilbao; CiutatVella: the Historic Center ofBarcelona; District of Innovationfrom Barcelona; Santiago deCompostela: a Historic City as aModel for the Future, fromSantiago; and Urban Developmentand Environment Sustainabilityfor 10,000 Subsidized Housesfrom Zaragoza.

The China Pavilion at Expo Zaragoza

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2 Newsletter No. 8, September 24 2008

Expo Fact

In Brief

Expo 2010 will show 59 cases of Urban Best Practices from cities around the world.

What is Expo Online?

VISITORS to World Expo 2010Shanghai China will be able to gethands-on experience with “greentechnology” and walk through ahouse of the future that features thelatest in energy-saving design.

Construction began this monthin the Urban Best Practices Area ofthe Expo site on a Shanghai-designed concept house thatembodies the most advancedenergy-saving technology. It isexpected to be completed within12 months.

The “Eco-Home in Shanghai”aims to achieve zero energyconsumption inside the structure.

Plants will help cool thebuilding and skylights will filterthe sun to help make rooms airy,according to officials from theShanghai Xian Dai ArchitecturalDesign Co Ltd.

In addition, the building will tapsolar and wind power. Rain will becollected and light-emitting diode(LED) technology adopted forlighting.

The four-storey buildingcontaining eight apartments andcovers 3,000 square meters of landin the Puxi section of the Exposite. It features the naturalventilation system of Shanghai’sshikumen alley houses and ageothermal heating system,another highlight of the “Eco-Home.”

The building will display theamount of energy and carbonemission it has saved by usingsolar power and other moderntechnology, said Wang Wei of theShanghai Institute of Architecture

Expo’s green homeof the future

Focus on physicalchallengesWORLD Expo 2010 Shanghai willfeature a special pavilion thatshows how life has changed forthe handicapped people in Chinain the past 30 years. Called “LifeSunshine,” the 810-square-meterfacility will be located inside theExpo’s themed pavilions area. Allits exhibtion items will be movedto the Shanghai Special OlympicsMuseum after the Expo.

Innovative designsfor Expo productsEXPO Shanghai Organizer willhold a competition for innovativedesigns for Expo-licensedproducts in a bid to reach the 5billion yuan (US$731 million)sales target. Entries close onNovember 16. The results will beannounced in mid-December.Participants should send theirentries, participation forms, andvideo data to the Expo Bureau at3588 Pudong Road S. More detailsat

Delights in storefor Expo visitorsTHIRTY sightseeing routesdesigned for the 70 millionanticipated visitors to Expo 2010have been announced by theShanghai tourism authorities. The30 routes, drawn by 15 travelagencies, will take visitors to localhistoric buildings, ancient townsaround Shanghai, shopping sitesand other tourist attractions. Theagencies were selected from morethan 800 participants in a competi-tion organized by the ShanghaiTourism Administration in July.

Transit buses andhubs underwaySHANGHAI plans to complete 60comprehensive public transporthubs prior to the opening of Expo2010. The facilities include the un-der-construction Hongqiao transporthub, which will host Metro expresstrains between Shanghai andBeijing, transit buses and long-dis-tances buses as well as easy accessto Hongqiao Airport. Authoritiesplan to complete 110 kilometers ofspecial transit bus lanes across thecity to prepare for a sharp increasein commuters during the Expo.

and Construction Sciences, themain developer of the “Eco-Home” project.

The entire structure will bebuilt with materials recycled fromurban solid waste. Its furnitureand appliances will be bothenvironmen-friendly and user-friendly. For example, the bedscan monitor your blood pressureand heartbeat; and domesticrobots can do your housework.

Visitors will have a chance tomake bricks from waste materialsand take them back home assouvenirs.

In addition to “Eco-Home,”scientists also discussed the use of

solar energy, indoor and outdoorair cooling technology andlighting for the Expo.

“LED technology, or lightemitting diodes, will be used forlandscape lighting, indoor andoutdoor signage and trafficdirection while protecting people’seyesight and avoiding lightpollution in the Expo site,” saidHao Luoxi of Tongji Universityand the Expo’s chief LEDdesigner.

“Exhibition centers and opensquares will have their ownlighting design. All the LEDsystems will be suitable for furtheruse after the Expo,” he added.

Construction has begun on a concept house which will feature themost advanced measures in energy-saving technology.

WHAT’S the differencebetween Expo Online and theExpo 2010 official Website?

Expo’s official Website( ismainly focused on onlineinformation and providingparticipation services.

Expo Shanghai Online, animportant part of World Expo2010 Shanghai China, is an

introduction, a supplement andan extension of the event.

Utilizing Web 3D, video-on-demand and virtual communi-ties, World Expo has becomemore than a simple collectionof exhibits for visitors.

By taking Expo 2010 online,visitors will be able to activelyparticipate and interactaccording to their differentneeds and personal interests.

It serves as a comprehensive,international platform thatcombines promotions, tourguides, virtual tours with loadsof Expo education.

Countries and internationalorganizations, includingUzbekistan, Turkey, Cameroon,Dominica, Hungary and 16 UNorganizations have confirmedtheir participation in ExpoOnline.

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Expo Fact Urban Best Practices Area and Expo Online are new inventions for Expo.

CHINA is already known for itsheart-stopping structures, like theNational Stadium or Bird’s Nest,which hosted the Beijing Olympicsopening ceremony, and Shanghai’sawe-inspiring skyline.

So it’s a good bet that Expo2010 will knock your socks off,architecturally speaking.

Astounding structures atprevious Expos have served ashallmarks of mankind’s industrial,technological and artistic develop-ment. The best known is the EiffelTower, built for the 1889 ParisWorld Exposition.

Expo Shanghai will mark 159years in the Expo history when itopens on May 1, 2010. With lessthan 600 days before the curtainrises, construction on fivepermanent structures is well underway. Let’s take a look at thesemonuments.

China PavilionConstruction start: Dec 18, 2007Location: Pudong site, east tothe Lupu Bridge

The red 63-meter-high ChinaPavilion, “The Crown of the East,’’is the most anticipated andstunning modern interpretation oftraditional Chinese architecture. Itis rich with Chinese symbols, fromauspicious red paint to latticedwindows and calligraphy on walls.

The most distinctive feature isthe roof, something of an invertedpyramid, with layer upon layerprecisely fitted dougong bracketsof the type in use for more than2,000 years.

World Expos are known for their breathtaking architecture, just like the Eiffel Towerthat opened at the 1889 fair. With Expo 2010 having just entered its 600-day

countdown, our staff reporter Hu Min looks at major Expo structures in the city.

Architectural stunners

The 20,000-square-meterpavilion explores the theme“Chinese Wisdom in UrbanDevelopment” and emphasestraditional Chinese values ofharmony, spirituality and balancewith nature.

Expo CenterConstruction start: Jun 7, 2007Location: Pudong site, east tothe Lupu Bridge

The seven-storey glass-roofedbuilding, with one level under-ground, will be the informationand media center and a venue for

official ceremonies, meetings andforums. The large conference hallcan seat 2,600 people. There are atotal of 108 meeting rooms inside.

About 20 percent of the woodand steel for construction wastaken from other structuresdemolished on the site.

After the Expo, the building willbe used as an internationalconvention center with space forexhibitions and cultural events.

Expo VillageConstruction start: Feb 8, 2007Location: Pudong site

Only part of the village will beretained after Expo 2010. The restwill be demolished and thematerials recycled.

The village will accommodateExpo delegations from participat-ing countries and organizations aswell as Expo service staff. Itincludes several luxury andeconomy hotels. Hanting Hotel hasalready opened there in February.

Theme PavilionsConstruction start: Nov 10, 2007Location: Both in Pudong andPuxi sites

The huge US$175 million pavilionwill have an intriguing roof thatreminds visitors of folded whitepaper birds, ready to fly.

The pavilion will explore theExpo theme “Better City, BetterLife” in three aspects: City,Humanity and Earth, and illustratethe intrinsic relationships amongthem.

Two other aspects of the Expotheme — “Footprints” and“Dreams” — will be explored inan renovated old factory buildingin the Expo’s Puxi section.

Performance CenterConstruction start: Dec 30, 2007Location: Pudong site

The 45,000-square-meter Perfor-mance Center looks like a hugeflying saucer. The futuristicbuilding can stage all kinds ofperformances and art shows withstate-of-the-art facilities. It willbecome a regular venue forentertainment after the Expo inShanghai.

The Expo Performance Center (above) will be dazzling with itsflying saucer shape while the Theme Pavilions (below) will

feature an intruguing roof design.

Three of the star attractions at Shanghai Expo are (from left) the China Pavilion, the Expo Center and the Expo Village.

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4 Newsletter No. 8, September 24 2008

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THE Denmark Pavilion at WorldExpo 2010 Shanghai China willshowcase a fairy tale world withthe Little Mermaid, the country’ssymbol, making her first visit tothe city.

But the Danes won’t miss theirmermaid too much — her stay inShanghai will be filmed andscreened back in Denmark.

The Little Mermaid statue isone of Denmark’s major touristattractions and sits on a rock inCopenhagen harbor. The winningteam behind the design of thepavilion hopes to bring it toShanghai.

Carsten Boyer Thogersen,Denmark’s Shanghai ConsulGeneral, said he is confident thestatue will make the journey toShanghai.

“We are applying for approvalfrom the Danish Government andit is almost certain the copperstatue will sit on a piece of marbleto welcome visitors to the pavilionduring the Shanghai Expo,”Thogersen said.

The idea of the statue came toCarl Jacobsen, son of the founderof Carlsberg, after he becamefascinated by a ballet about thefairy tale. Sculptor EdwardEriksen then created the statue in1913.

The Denmark Pavilion consistsof an outdoor and an indoor areawhich are united in one circle. Thepavilion aims to give visitors the

Little Mermaid may graceDanes fairy tale pavilion

SPAIN’S capital city Madrid hasgiven a glimpse of its highly eco-logical exhibition for the Urban BestPractices Area at Expo 2010 — abamboo building and an eco-boule-vard, the two most outstanding ar-chitectural designs in the city.

The city’s display, entitled “NewHorizons for Public Housing,”stood out among 106 proposalsfrom 87 cities worldwide.

The idea of the 18-meter

Madrid reveals energy-saving bamboo housebuilding of bamboo, which willhelp control temperatures andreduce noise, originated from aresidential block in southernMadrid. It will be rebuilt in theExpo site to demonstrate itsenergy efficiency.

The building represents anadvanced habitation model,incorporating the concept ofenvironment via the use ofrenewable energy and materials,

Spanish officials said.Energy-saving glass, which can

absorb light, will be installed inpart of the building to adjust to theclimate of Shanghai and minimizethe effect of emissions.

Visitors will be able to explorehow water, wind and sunlight aretransformed into electricity withzero pollution inside the building,which will be fully self-efficient inenergy generation.

They will also be able to witnessan energy recycling system whichcollects hydrogen substances inwater and solar power for renew-able energy.

The system is currently beingused in Madrid to achieve zero gasemission from the local powersupply. In addition, changes toresidential structures in Madrid aswell as urban facelift projects willalso be on display.

chance to savor the best aspects ofDanish urban life.

The pavilion, called“Welfairytales” — a blend of thewords “welfare” and “fairy tales”— will also feature a salt waterpool filled with water from theDanish harbor. The mermaid isexpected to make its Chinesedebut at the pool.

Thogersen said the harborsuffered industrial pollution 20years ago, but had been purifiedand now local people even swimat the sea, which is a “goodshowcase of Denmark’s style ofsustainability.”

Meanwhile, Chinese artistshave been invited to submit

outstanding sculptures for publicdisplay during the six-month Expoevent. One masterpiece will bechosen each month to be ondisplay at the Expo site, said theShanghai Organizer.

Above: An artist’simpression of how

Denmark’s famed “LittleMermaid’’ statue would look

in the Danish Pavilion atExpo 2010.

Bureau of ShanghaiWorld Expo Coordination

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