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Published online 10 January 2008 Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, No. 4 1369–1379doi:10.1093/nar/gkm1169

EXOG, a novel paralog of Endonuclease G in highereukaryotesIwona A. Cymerman1, Inn Chung2, Benedikt M. Beckmann2,

Janusz M. Bujnicki1,3 and Gregor Meiss2,*

1Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology,Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warsaw, Poland, 2Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry,Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, D-35392 Giessen, Germany and 3Institute ofMolecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61-614Poznan, Poland.

Received November 1, 2007; Revised and Accepted December 19, 2007


Evolutionary conserved mitochondrial nucleasesare involved in programmed cell death and normalcell proliferation in lower and higher eukaryotes. Theendo/exonuclease Nuc1p, also termed ‘yeast Endo-nuclease G (EndoG)’, is a member of this class ofenzymes that differs from mammalian homologs bythe presence of a 5’–3’ exonuclease activity inaddition to its broad spectrum endonuclease activ-ity. However, this exonuclease activity is thought tobe essential for a function of the yeast enzyme inDNA recombination and repair. Here we show thathigher eukaryotes in addition to EndoG contain itsparalog ‘EXOG’, a novel EndoG-like mitochondrialendo/exonuclease. We find that during metazoanevolution duplication of an ancestral nuclease geneobviously generated the paralogous EndoG- andEXOG-protein subfamilies in higher eukaryotes,thereby maintaining the full endo/exonucleaseactivity found in mitochondria of lower eukaryotes.We demonstrate that human EXOG is a dimericmitochondrial enzyme that displays 5’–3’ exonu-clease activity and further differs from EndoG insubstrate specificity. We hypothesize that in highereukaryotes the complementary enzymatic activitiesof EndoG and EXOG probably together account forboth, the lethal and vital functions of conservedmitochondrial endo/exonucleases.


Mitochondria contain at least one highly conserved sugar-non-specific nuclease that contributes to vital and lethalfunctions in eukaryotes (1–3). One of the functionally best

studied representatives of these mitochondrial enzymesfrom lower eukaryotes is the endo/exonuclease Nuc1pfrom budding yeast (4,5). Several investigations haveclearly defined that besides to a lethal role during celldeath Nuc1p is also required for normal cell proliferationand similar functions have been reported for itsCaenorhabditis elegans and mammalian homologs, CPS-6and Endonuclease G (EndoG), respectively (6–11).Whereas during programmed cell death yeast Nuc1p

and C. elegans EndoG are activated in a caspase-independent manner, the role of mammalian EndoG inapoptosis apparently is of much higher complexity, asexperimental results concerning its recruitment havedisclosed a partially controversial situation (9,12–14).Moreover, the finding that a knock out of EndoG inmice apparently does not lead to any obvious abnormalityin this organism has been quite perplexing and causedscepticism regarding a vital function of this endonucleasein mammals (15–17).To carry out its dual role in cell death and normal cell

proliferation Nuc1p is endowed with two differentenzymatic activities. Besides having a broad spectrumendonuclease activity towards DNA and RNA the enzymealso exerts 50–30 exonuclease activity enabling it to inducesingle stranded gaps into double stranded DNA in thecourse of DNA recombination and repair events (4).Interestingly, this exonuclease activity is not found inknown mammalian EndoG family members, which arepure endonucleases (7,18–21).The controversial results concerning the cellular role of

mammalian EndoG and its lack of 50–30 exonucleaseactivity prompted us to search for similar enzymes thatmight back up or complement EndoG function inmammals. Interestingly, we found paralogous genes inhigher eukaryotes, previously termed endonuclease G-like-1,that obviously result from duplication of an ancestralendo/exonuclease gene (Figure 1). Though the human

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +49 641 99 35410; Fax: +49 641 99 35409; Email: [email protected]

� 2008 The Author(s)

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endonuclease G-like-1 gene has been described twicepreviously, demonstrating ubiquitous expression on themRNA level in all tissues tested, it has not been shownyet whether it encodes a functional enzyme and what the

properties and functions of this enzyme would be (22,23).Here we show that the gene product of endonucleaseG-like-1 is a mitochondrial endo/exonuclease displayingboth, endonuclease and 50–30 exonuclease activity. Due to

Figure 1. Sequence and evolutionary analysis of EndoG and EXOG. (A) Alignment of human EXOG and EndoG protein sequences with homologousproteins fromC. elegans and yeast. Human EXOG contains a predicted helical transmembrane segment (TMS, residues 16–38) within the leader sequence(residues 1–41) and a predicted C-terminal coiled coil domain as indicated above the sequences. The asterisks denote the amino acid residues Ser137,His140 and Gly277 of EXOG exchanged in this study. b-strands are shown as arrows and helices as spiral lines. (B) Phylogenetic maximum likelihood(ML) tree of EXOG protein and its homologs. The branches containing more than one sequence were compressed and are indicated by a square. Note,branches of the tree are named according to the taxa of organisms encoding the sugar non-specific nucleases. Values at the nodes indicate the statisticalsupport for the particular clades calculated according to aLRT test. (C) Genomic structure and domain organization of EXOG and EndoG. The humanEXOG gene locates to chromosome 3 (3p21.3) and contains six exons spanning a genomic region of 28.35 kb. EXOG is a protein of 368 amino acidresidues, corresponding to a theoretical mass of 41.1 kDa. The human EndoG gene is located on chromomsome 9 (9q34.1) and contains three exonsspanning 4.15 kb. Human EndoG is a protein of 297 amino acid residues corresponding to a calculated mass of 32.6 kDa.

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its complementary enzymatic activities and a commonevolutionary origin with EndoG we termed this novelendo/exonuclease ‘EXOG’. Intriguingly, together EndoGand EXOG unite all enzymatic activities found in fungalsingle protein endo/exonucleases, suggesting that inhigher eukaryotes the major mitochondrial nucleaseactivity and hence its vital and lethal cellular functionsare probably distributed over these two enzymes.


Bioinformatic analyses

Sequence alignments, selection of evolutionary modelsand phylogenetic reconstructions by the maximum like-lihood (ML) method were performed using PROMALS(24), PROTTEST (25), and PHYML (26,27) followed byaLRT tests (28). Secondary structure and transmembraneregion predictions were carried out via the GeneSilicometa-server gateway (29) and according to programDSSP (30).

Cell culture, transfection and immunoprecipitation

MCF-7, HeLa and HEK-293 cells cultured according tostandard conditions were used in transfection experimentsusing TransFast or PolyFect reagents. EXOG (Endonu-clease G-like-1) cDNA was obtained from Invitrogen(ULTIMATEHORF CLONE ID: IOH41653). For tran-sient expression EXOG and EndoG cDNAs (31) wereamplified by PCR and inserted into p3�-FLAG-CMV-14,EXOG cDNA also into pEGFP-N1 and pEGFP-C1.Immunoprecipitation of 3�FLAG-tagged proteins wasachieved using EZviewTM Red ANTI-FLAG� M2Affinity Gel. Where intended, apoptosis was induced24 h post transfection using staurosporine at a finalconcentration of 3 mM and cells were fixed after 3 h ofincubation.

Mitochondrial subfractionation

Mitochondria were isolated with the QproteomeMitochondria Isolation Kit. Immediately after isola-tion mitochondria were sonicated and then centrifuged at90 000 r.p.m. for 50min at 48C (Beckman Coulter, OptimaMax Ultracentrifuge), resulting in the mitochondrialmembrane (pellet) and soluble fractions (supernatant),respectively. Western blotting was conducted usingfollowing antibodies: anti-cytochrome c; anti-FLAG M2;anti-COXIV; anti-TOM20, and IgG anti-mouse secondaryantibody. Chemiluminescent detection was performedusing an ECL kit according to the manufacturer’sprotocol.

Immunostaining and confocal microscopy

For immunostaining cells on cover slips were fixed withice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde/PBS, washed with PBSand incubated with primary antibodies (rabbit anti-GFP;mouse anti cytochrome c) diluted 1:500 in blockingsolution (10% horse serum, 2% BSA, 4% sucrose and0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS) at 48C overnight. Afterwashing in PBS cells were treated with secondary

antibodies (anti rabbit IgG-Alexa488; anti mouse IgG-Alexa594) diluted 1:500 as above for 1.5 h at RT. ALEICA TCS SP2 AOBS microscope was used for confocalimaging. DAPI and pDsRed2-Mito (40) were used asnuclear and mitochondrial staining markers, respectively.

Post embedded immunogold cytochemistry and electronmicroscopy

Osmium-free embedding and immunolabeling were per-formed according to protocols published previously (32).Ultrathin sections were subjected to immunoreactionswith a primary rabbit anti-GFP antibody (Abcam, ab290-50) diluted 1:50 in TBST (50mM Tris buffer, pH 7.4, 0.6%NaCl and 0.1% Triton) and secondary anti rabbit IgGantibody (Merck MOPA-31565) coupled to 5 nm goldparticles (dilution 1: 25 in TBST). Electron microscopyimages were captured using a Jeol 1200 EX transmissionelectron microscope operating at 80 kV.

Recombinant protein production and site-directedmutagenesis

Recombinant EXOG was expressed in Escherichia coliBL21Star(DE3) cells using the pET160/GW/D-TOPOvector and purified by Ni2+-NTA-affinity chromatogra-phy under denaturing conditions. Renaturation wasperformed according to the iFOLD2 system (Novagen)by flash dilution into a buffer consisting of 50mM HEPESpH 7.5, 1.5M sorbitol, 1mM TCEP; 24mM NaCl and1mM KCl. The concentration of unfolded and refoldedrecombinant EXOG was determined spectrophotometri-cally at 280 nm using a molar extinction coefficient of"=40480. The purity of EXOG variants was determinedby SDS-PAGE. Site-directed mutagenesis was done usingPCR as described previously (33).

Discontinuous native PAGE (BN-PAGE)

To assess the oligomeric state of EXOG, a protocol for adiscontinuous native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresiswas followed, known as ‘blue native’ or ‘BN-PAGE’,using a 5–35% native polyacrylamide gradient gel undernon-reducing conditions and the dye Blue G (Serva), asdescribed earlier in detail (34,35).

Enzymatic activity assays

Enzymatic assays with supercoiled, open circular andcircular single stranded DNA from phage �X174 weredone in 50mM Tris pH 7.0, supplemented with 2.5mMMgCl2 and MnCl2, each. If not stated otherwise a typicalcleavage reaction was performed with a final concentra-tion of 240 nM refolded, recombinant EXOG and 70 ng/mlDNA. Cleavage products were separated by agarose gelelectrophoresis and the program ImageJ ( was used to quantify individual bands fromethidium bromide stained gels. In order to determinerelative cleavage rates the decrease in concentration of theindividual substrates (supercoiled, open circular or circu-lar single stranded DNA, respectively) was measured andthe initial amount of substrate was set at 1 or 100%.

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The cleavage of radioactively labeled oligonucleotideswas analyzed by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis as well as thin layer anion-exchange chro-matography under denaturing conditions. Denaturingpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed using25% polyacrylamide gels containing 7M urea in 1�TBE-buffer. Thin layer chromatography was performed using alysate of total yeast RNA in 7M urea as the eluens. Toassess the polarity of the exonuclease activity of EXOG,the 27- and 12-mer oligonucleotides (EXOUP 50-CCAAGATATCAGGCGCCAGATCTTCCC-30 and EXOUP-50 50-CCAAGATATCAG-30) were radioactively labelledeither at their 50-ends with [g32P]-ATP and polynucleo-tidekinase or, at their 30-ends with [a32P]-ddATP andterminal desoxynucleotidyl transferase. Double strandedoligonucleotide substrates were produced by annealing ofthe unlabeled complementary strand. The exonucleasesRecJf and ExoI were used to digest the labeled oligonu-cleotides according to the recommendation of the supplier(NEB), leading to the production of mononucleotides(RecJf) and dinucleotides (ExoI) used as size markers.After the separation of cleavage products by electropho-resis or on DEAE-cellulose thin layer plates at 658C, datawere collected by autoradiography.


Phylogenetic analysis of EndoG paralogs

With the aim to identify enzymes that might back up orcomplement EndoG function in mammals, sequencesearches with PSI-BLAST (36,37) and bovine EndoG asthe query, were performed, that resulted in the identifica-tion of a total of 562 similar protein sequences.Alignments of these protein sequences revealed thepresence of a distinct family of sugar non-specificnucleases in higher eukaryotes each encoded on a differentchromosome than their paralogous EndoG counterparts.On the primary sequence level these paralogs can beclearly distinguished from the previously known EndoG-family members by the presence of an ‘SRGH’ catalyticmotif instead of ‘DRGH’ and an additional C-terminaldomain of approximately 70 amino acid residues length(Figure 1A and Supplementary Figure S1). In order totrace the evolutionary origin of these EndoG paralogs,168 representative protein sequences were chosen for theconstruction of an evolutionary tree (Figure 1B). Amonghigher eukaryotes the tree reveals two branches of sugarnon-specifc nucleases corresponding to orthologs of thepreviously studied EndoG-proteins and orthologs of thenewly discovered EndoG-paralogs, which both are presente.g. in Xenopus laevis and Homo sapiens (see Supplemen-tary Figures S1 and S2). The tree suggests that a dupli-cation of an ancestral endo/exonuclease gene leadingto these nuclease subfamilies occurred after the separationof animalia and fungal lineages and at the latest in thecommon ancestors of deuterostomes. A more detailedsubtree of EndoG- and EXOG-protein subfamilies is givenin Supplementary Figure S2. In humans, a paralog—wenamed ‘EXOG’—was found which is encoded by a genepreviously named ‘endonuclease G-like-1’. This gene is

located on chromosome 3, whereas the human EndoG-gene locates to chromosome 9 (Figure 1C) (21).

Given the differences in sequence composition anddomain organization between EndoG and its paralogEXOG we next wanted to find out whether EXOG isa functional enzyme, where the enzyme is located in thecell and what the enzymatic properties of this enzymewould be.

Endonuclease G-like-1 encodes a functional enzyme

In order to test whether endonuclease G-like-1 encodes anactive enzyme, we expressed 3�FLAG fusion proteins ofhuman EXOG, and, for comparison, of bovine EndoG inmammalian cell lines. Confocal imaging of transfectedHeLa cells employing antibodies against the 3�FLAG-tag revealed that EXOG, similarly to EndoG, localizes tomitochondria (Figure 2A, left panel). To detect a putativeendonuclease activity of mitochondrial EXOG we purifiedEXOG and EndoG from transiently transfected HEK293-cells by immunoprecipitation and performed cleavageassays using various circular DNA substrates (super-coiled, open circular, and circular single stranded DNAfrom phage �X174). Of note, though being expressed inparallel from similar constructs, an approximately 25times higher yield of immunoreactive EndoG compared toEXOG was obtained from the immunoprecipitationexperiments. For the DNA cleavage assays, therefore,concentrations were adjusted and the same amount ofimmunoreactive material from EXOG and EndoG pre-parations was used (Figure 2A, right panel). In contrast toEndoG, which cleaved all three substrates with nearlyidentical rates, EXOG only cleaved circular singlestranded DNA efficiently (Figure 2B). This demonstratesthat EXOG indeed is a functional mitochondrial enzymedisplaying endonuclease activity preferentially, but notexclusively (see below), on single stranded DNA and thatEndoG and EXOG clearly differ in their substratespecificities. The question whether EXOG also displaysexonuclease activity, as demonstrated earlier for yeastNuc1p (4,7), had to be assessed by the cleavage ofradioactively labeled oligonucleotide substrates asdescribed below, since such an activity can hardly beseen from cleavage experiments using circular DNAmolecules.

EXOG locates to the inner mitochondrial membrane

In order to characterize the subcellular localization ofEXOG in more detail we investigated the localizationof transiently expressed fusion proteins of EXOG withEGFP by mitochondrial subfractionation, immunogoldstaining and confocal laser scanning microscopy(Figure 3). Following mitochondrial subfractionationEXOG and EndoG were both found in membranefractions, co-localizing with CYTC, COX-IV andTOM20 (Figure 3A). These proteins reside in theintermembrane space (IMS) and inner (IMM) or outer(OMM) mitochondrial membranes, respectively, stronglypointing towards a membrane association (IMM orOMM) of EXOG. However, in electron micrographsof immunogold stained samples of mitochondria from

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transfected cells expressing EXOG, the protein was veryoften found delineating the cristae, thereby revealing anassociation of EXOG with the inner mitochondrialmembrane (Figure 3B), similarly as found for the yeasthomolog Nuc1p and mammalian EndoG (1,8).

AnN-terminal hydrophobic transmembrane segmentaccounts for mitochondrial uptake of EXOG

To define the region responsible for association of EXOGwith the inner mitochondrial membrane we reanalyzed the







10′ 30′ 60′ 90′ 120′ 10′ 30′ 60′ 90′ 120′ocli







3X-FLAG Mitochondria DAPI Overlay 55




kDa EX











Figure 2. EXOG is a functional enzyme preferring single strandedDNA. (A) Confocal imaging and immunoblotting of 3�FLAG-taggedhuman EXOG and bovine EndoG. Both proteins localize tomitochondria as visualized by confocal imaging using antibody againstthe 3�FLAG-tag and pDsRed2-Mito as a mitochondrial marker (leftpanel). The proteins run on SDS-PAGE as visualized by westernblotting (right panel) with the expected sizes of 30.4 kDa (EndoG) and40 kDa (EXOG). (B) Immunoprecipitated EXOG displays strongnicking activity towards supercoiled DNA (�X174 RFI) and preferscleavage of circular single stranded DNA (�X174 Virion). In contrast,bovine EndoG cleaves all substrates with nearly identical rates.











200 nm200 nm

Mitochondria Overlay






Figure 3. Submitochondrial localization of EXOG. (A) Mitochondrialsubfractionation of cells expressing 3� -FLAG tagged EndoG andEXOG reveal the localization of the proteins in membrane fractions(P, pellet) and exclude their presence as soluble proteins of theintermembrane space or the mitochondrial matrix (S, supernatant).(B) Electronmicrographs showing ultrathin sections of cells transfectedwith C-terminally EGFP-tagged EXOG and EndoG. Both proteinsare often found delineating the cristae, pointing towards an associationwith the inner mitochondrial membrane. White arrows exemplaryindicate positive signals from immunogold stained particles. (C) Require-ment of the predicted transmembrane helix for mitochondrial uptakeof EXOG. Blocking of the MLS by N-terminal fusion of EGFP(EGFP-EXOG) to EXOG abrogates mitochondrial uptake of EXOG,whereas fusion of EGFP to the C-terminus (EXOG-EGFP) allowsmonitoring the mitochondrial localization of the enzyme. The first 15amino acid residues of the MLS are dispensable for mitochondrialuptake of EXOG (�1-15-EXOG-EGFP), whereas amino acid resi-dues 16–41 comprising the putative helical transmembrane segment(�1-41-EXOG-EGFP) are required for mitochondrial localizationof EXOG.

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primary sequence of the protein and identified a hydro-phobic N-terminal transmembrane segment (TMS, resi-dues 16–38) folding into a putative transmembrane helixwithin the potential signal peptide (Figure 1A). Toinvestigate the role of the putative TMS we deleted theregion comprising amino acid residues 1–15 as well as theentire predicted signal sequence that includes the putativetransmembrane helix (residues 1–41). Whereas the �1-15-EXOG-EGFP variant was still found localizing tomitochondria as analyzed by confocal laser scanningmicroscopy, �1-41-EXOG-EGFP was evenly distributedin the cytosol of transfected cells, demonstrating that thefirst 15 amino acid residues are not essential formitochondrial localization of EXOG but that the regionspanning amino acid residues 16–41 comprising thepredicted helical TMS most likely is required formitochondrial uptake of EXOG (Figure 3C).

Recombinant EXOG is a dimeric enzyme with preferencefor single stranded DNA

To further characterize the enzymatic properties of EXOGwe expressed in E. coli a version devoid of the potentialN-terminal signal sequence (residues 1–41) but insteadfused to an N-terminal His-tag. Recombinant EXOG hadto be renatured from inclusion bodies by flash dilutioninto a buffer derived from the iFold-2 system, and uponSDS-PAGE, EXOG migrated as a single band corre-sponding to its theoretical molecular mass of approxi-mately 40 kDa with a purity of usually more than 95%(Figure 4A, left panel). The recombinant enzyme turnedout to be a dimer in solution as analyzed by adiscontinuous native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisassay known as ‘blue native PAGE’ (Figure 4A, rightpanel). Importantly, recombinant EXOG from E. colidisplayed the same preference for single stranded virion








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90min

% S





































Blue native PAGE













l 2M

nCl 2


l 2C

oCl 2


l 2


l 2M

nCl 2


l 2C

oCl 2


l 2


l 2M

nCl 2


l 2C

oCl 2


l 2


Figure 4. Recombinant EXOG is a homodimer. (A) Recombinant EXOG expressed in E. coli could be purified via Ni2+-NTA affinitychromatography under denaturing conditions and was refolded by flash dilution into a renaturation buffer derived from the iFold-2 system. On SDS-PAGE, the protein (2.7 mg) runs with the expected size of 40 kDa (left panel). Blue Native PAGE reveals that full length EXOG (2.7 mg) and theEXOG-�C variant (2.7 mg) are homodimers in solution (right panel), as derived from a comparison with the migration of BSA (66 kDa) andovalbumin (44 kDa) (5 mg each) on the same gel. (B) Quantitative analysis of the relative activity (decrease in relative amount (%) of substrate versustime) of recombinant EXOG towards single and double stranded DNA substrates (�X174 DNA), as derived from three independent cleavageexperiments analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. (C) Influence of different divalent metal ions on the substrate specificity of EXOG. Single anddouble stranded DNA substrates (�X174 DNA) were incubated with EXOG for 10min in a buffer consisting of 50mM Tris pH 7.0, supplementedwith 2.5mM of the indicated divalent metal ions.

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DNA (7–10� over open circular DNA and 14–20� oversupercoiled DNA) as the full length enzyme transientlyexpressed in mammalian cells (Figure 4B). However, uponprolonged incubation with recombinant EXOG, super-coiled and open circular DNA were also cleaved by theenzyme, resulting in the production of linear fragments ofvarious sizes, as represented by a ‘smear’ upon agarosegel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. Theaddition of non-ionic detergents such as Tween-20 tothe renaturation and reaction buffer further enhanced theoverall activity of refolded EXOG but did not changethe preference of the enzyme for single stranded DNA(data not shown). Interestingly, supercoiled DNA isreadily relaxed to the open circular form upon incubationwith recombinant EXOG, similarly as seen with theimmunoprecipitated enzyme preparation in Figure 1B,confirming a robust nicking activity displayed by EXOG(Figure 4B). As seen with EndoG, a variety of divalentmetal ions can act as a cofactor for EXOG, but thesedifferent metal ions do neither influence the preference ofEXOG for cleavage of single stranded DNA (Figure 4C),nor induce significant changes in the 50–30 exonucleaseactivity of EXOG (see Figure 6A). It should be noted here,that without addition of metal ions the EXOG prepara-tion does not show nuclease activity (data not shown).

A detailed description of the biochemical properties ofrecombinant EXO and of two selected homologousenzymes, Nuc1p and EndoG, is compiled in Table 1 andSupplementary Figure S3.

Exchange of His140 from the catalytic SRGH-motifinactivates EXOG

The active site of sugar non-specific nucleases fromvarious pro- and eukaryotes structurally is highly con-served (38,39). The availability of crystal structures fromSerratia nuclease and NucA from Anabaena species(38,40,41) thus allowed us obtaining models of the activesites of EndoG and EXOG (Figure 5A). Since the aminoacid composition of the catalytic motif of EXOG differsfrom that of most other mitochondrial sugar non-specificnucleases (SRGH- versus DRGH-motif) we produced bysite-directed mutagenesis the single mutants S137D and

H140A (Figure 5B) and measured their activity usingsingle stranded virion DNA as substrate (Figure 5C andD). Prior to performing activity assays (see Materials andMethods section) the protein concentrations of theindividual mutants were determined spectrophotometri-cally from the supernatant after renaturation by flashdilution and centrifugation as described under Materialsand Methods, in order to account for possibly differentlevels of refolding of the mutant enzymes. As a result,reversion of Ser137 from the catalytic motif of EXOG tothe more common aspartic acid residue did neithersignificantly change enzymatic activity nor substratespecificity of EXOG, suggesting that the serine residue isnot responsible for the differences in enzymatic propertiesand the substrate specificity of EXOG compared toEndoG. In contrast, exchange of His140 to Ala abolishedenzymatic activity. This is in line with our previous findingthat the histidine residue from the catalytic DRGH-motifof related enzymes acts as a general base in the proposedmechanism of phosphodiester bond cleavage (31,39,42).

An SNP-related mutation inactivates EXOG

During our studies on EXOG we found an exonic SNP inthe databases concerning exon 6 of the EXOG encodinggene that leads to variants of the enzyme with either aglycine or a valine residue at position 277 close to thepredicted C-terminal coiled coil domain in the protein(Figure 1C). To investigate the effect of this SNP-relatedamino acid exchange on EXOG activity we produced bysite directed mutagenesis the G277V variant. Intriguinglyand unexpectedly, the mutation of Gly277 to Val had asimilar effect on enzyme activity as the mutation of theconserved active site histidine residue His140 to Ala,indicating that the related SNP might play an importantrole in determining EXOG activity in humans (Figure 5Cand D).

Deletion of the C-terminal domain inactivates EXOG

In contrast to previously characterized mammalianEndoG proteins EXOG-proteins posses a C-terminaldomain that is predicted to fold into a coiled-coil structure(Figure 1A and Supplementary Figure S1). Deletion of

Table 1. Biochemical characteristics of selected mitochondrial sugar-non-specifc nucleases from lower and higher eukaryotes

Name aNuc1p b,cEndoG dEXOG

Organism S. cerevisiae B. taurus H. sapiensIntracellular localization IMM IMS, IMM, MM IMMCatalytic motif DRGH DRGH SRGHNumber of residues 329 299 368Theoretical mass 37.2 kDa 32.2 kDa 41.2 kDaOligomeric structure Homodimer Homodimer Homodimer50–30 exonuclease activity Yes No YesType of DNA ends 50-PO�

4 , 30-OH 50-PO�

4 , 30-OH 50-PO�

4 , 30-OH

Me2+ ion requirement Co2+�Mn2+�Mg2+>Zn2+�Ca2+ Co2+>Mn2+>Mg2+�Ni2+



Substrate specificity ssDNA, RNA> dsDNA ssDNA, dsDNA, RNA ssDNA> dsDNA, RNA?e

pH-optimum 7.0–7.5 6.0 (5.0–8.0) 6.0 (ssDNA), 5.5 (dsDNA)

aDake et al. (1988); bLow, 2003; cSchafer et al., 2004; dthis work, see also Supplementary data; eon RNA, 50–30 exonuclease but no endonucleaseactivity could be detected (Meiss, unpublished); IMM, inner mitochondrial membrane; IMS, inter membrane space; MM, mitochondrial matrix.

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this domain leads to a pronounced reduction in EXOGactivity, revealing that the presence and most likely theproper positioning of this domain of EXOG is crucial forits enzymatic activity (Figure 5C and D). Since Gly277locates close to the C-terminal domain, it is tempting tospeculate that the SNP-related G277V mutation mightinterfere with the correct positioning of this domainrelative to the catalytic domain of EXOG, therebyinactivating the enzyme.

EXOG is an endo/exonuclease displaying 5’–3’ exonucleaseactivity

Since the single protein endo/exonuclease Nuc1p fromyeast shows 50–30 exonuclease activity we next investigatedthe presence of such an activity in human EXOG byanalyzing the cleavage of 12-mer and 27-mer oligonucleo-tides that were radioactively labeled at either the 50- or the30-end by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis aswell as denaturing thin-layer ion exchange chromatogra-phy. Interestingly, EXOG shows a 50–30 exonucleaseactivity towards single and double stranded DNA(Figure 6 and Supplementary Figure S4), as demonstratedby the removal of the label from the 50-labeled oligodeox-ynucleotides by the enzyme. As seen from Figure 6A, onssDNA the enzyme produces di- and mononucleotides,whereas on the dsDNA substrate dinucleotides were thepredominant product. In these assays, we also used wildtype EXOG and the active variant S137D as well as allother mutant forms of the enzyme (H140A, G277V and�C) with changes abolishing activity (Figure 6B andSupplementary Figure S4). The EXOG variants H140A,G277V and �C did not show the 50–30 exonucleaseactivity, indicating that the observed exonuclease activitydoes not result from a possible co-purified contamination.This result further suggests that endo- and exonucleolyticactivity towards DNA is catalyzed by the same active sitein the enzyme, since exchange of the catalytic histidineresidue His140 abolishes both, endo- and exonucleaseactivity in EXOG.

When the 30-labeled substrate was subjected to cleavageby EXOG only internal cleavage of the single strandedDNA was observed (Supplementary Figure S4), indicatingthat removal of the label from the 50-end in addition tointernal cleavage of a substrate indeed result from acombined endo/exonuclease activity in EXOG. EXOG didshow little, if any, endonuclease activity on ribosomalRNA substrates in comparable experiments, however,exerted 50–30 exonuclease activity towards single strandedRNA (data not shown).






























Serratia nuclease (1g8t)




NucA (1zm8)











5′ 10′






20′ 5′ 10′1′ 20′ 5′ 10′1′ 20′ 5′ 10′1′ 20′ 5′ 10′1′ 20′Mar


Figure 5. Mutational analysis of EXOG. EXOG has a serine residue inposition 137 instead of an Asp as found in EndoG and most othersugar-non-specific nucleases. An exonic SNP found in the humanendonuclease G-like-1 gene leads to variants with either a Gly or a Valat position 277. In contrast to EndoG, EXOG has an additionalC-terminal coiled-coiled domain. (A) Comparison of the active site

structures of sugar non-specific nucleases. Based on the knowncrystal structures of homologous sugar non-specifc nucleases theactive site structural motif of EXOG was modeled. (B) Purificationand renaturation of single amino acid exchange and deletion variants ofrecombinant EXOG, as monitored by SDS-PAGE. (C) Relative activityof EXOG variants towards single stranded DNA as analyzed byagarose gel electrophoresis. Reversion of Ser137 to Asp only mildlylowers the activity of EXOG, whereas the substitution of the active siteresidue His140 to Ala and the SNP-related exchange of Gly277 to Val,as well as the deletion of the C-terminal domain inactivate the enzyme.(D) Plot of data as described under (C) derived from three independentcleavage experiments.

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Nuc1p, also termed ‘yeast EndoG’, is a single mitochon-drial sugar non-specific endo/exonuclease that regulateslife and death in yeast (8,13). In C. elegans and mammalsthe Nuc1p homolgs CPS-6 and EndoG exert similarfunctions, yet the pathways leading to their activation aredifferent (9,12,14). We find that rather than containing asingle sugar non-specific nuclease, as found in lowereukaryotes, mitochondria of higher eukaryotes in additionto EndoG contain members of the paralogous EXOG-protein subfamily. Whereas mammalian EndoG is a pureendonuclease cleaving single and double stranded DNAand RNA with nearly identical rates, we find that humanEXOG is a mitochondrial endo/exonuclease with nickingactivity towards supercoiled DNA, a preference for singlestranded DNA and 50–30 exonuclease activity. Suchdifferences in enzymatic activities and substrate specifi-cities suggest a subdivision of cellular functions betweenthese two paralogous enzymes in higher eukaryotes. Itsactivities in principle endow EXOG with the ability togenerate single stranded gaps in double stranded DNArequired for DNA recombination and repair (7), pointingtowards a role of EXOG in normal cell proliferationsimilarly as seen with yeast Nuc1p (8,10). Though suchfunctions have been previously reported for EndoG (10),it seems more likely that this enzyme rather plays a majorrole in programmed cell death than DNA recombinationand repair. Interestingly, several studies have previouslydescribed an enzymatic activity in mammalian mitochon-dria similar to yet clearly distinct from EndoG, whoseenzymatic activities, e.g. preference for single strandedDNA, and whose biochemical properties, e.g. molecularweight, very much resemble those of EXOG proteins asdescribed in this study (43,44). Whether these enzymaticactivities correspond to EXOG currently is unknown andremains to be shown.A combination of the results of mitochondrial sub-

fractionation and electron microscopy experimentsrevealed that EXOG resides in the inner mitochondrialmembrane. We assume that a predicted TMS, which verylikely folds into a helix (TMH), serves to mediateassociation of EXOG with the inner mitochondrialmembrane. Upon staurosporine induced apoptosis,EXOG remained clearly mitochondrial, whereas cyto-chrome c was increasingly released from mitochondria(Supplementary Figure S5).The identification of EXOG as a novel mitochondrial

endo/exonuclease provides an entirely new perspective forinvestigations on the role of mitochondrial nucleasesduring cell death and normal cell proliferation ineukaryotes. Our finding that EXOG and EndoG havecomplementary and partially overlapping enzymaticactivities might explain why single knock-outs of EndoGin mice do not lead to an obvious phenotype, since EXOGcould have simply stood in for at least some of the lostEndoG functions. Thus, it will be interesting to see theeffects of double knock-out studies of EndoG and EXOGin mammals. Interestingly, we demonstrate that a singlenucleotide polymorphism (SNP) found in exon 6 of theEXOG gene inactivates the enzyme. As it has been shown


7 nt

27 nt

13 nt

EXOG S137D H140A G277V

5′-labelled ssDNA 5′-labelled






er x




er x













,- a















5′-labelled ssDNAEXOG

5′-labelled dsDNA EXOG

2 nt

12 nt

7 nt

1 nt


l 2M

nCl 2


l 2C

oCl 2


l 2


l 2M

nCl 2


l 2C

oCl 2


l 2






Figure 6. EXOG is an endo/exonuclease that exerts 50–30 exonucleaseactivity. (A) Exonuclease activity of EXOG on 50-labeled single anddouble stranded DNA (50-CCAAGATATCAG-30) as revealed byproduction of di- and mononucleotides in the presence of differentdivalent metal ion cofactors. Shown is an autoradiogram afterseparation of cleavage products by 25% denaturing (7M urea)polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Products from cleavage of thesubstrates with the REase EcoRV (7 nt) and the exonucleases RecJf(50–30 exonuclease producing mononucleotides, 1 nt) and ExoI (30–50

exonuclease leaving a dinucleotide (2 nt) upon ultimate cut) were usedas size markers. (B) EXOG variants H140A, G277V and �C do notshow 50–30 exonuclease activity. Autoradiogram after separation bydenaturing thin layer anion-exchange chromatography of productsfrom the cleavage of single stranded DNA by EXOG. Products fromcleavage of the corresponding double stranded substrate with theREases EcoRV (7 nt) and NarI (13 nt) as well as [g32P]-ATP were usedas length markers. The migration of mono- and dinucleotides isindicated by arrowheads.

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that intronic SNPs in the EXOG gene are associated withtype II diabetes (23) we hypothesize that this exonic SNPmight also be associated with the development of this orother diseases, since it determines the availability ofEXOG activity in humans. In conclusion, we proposeintegrating EXOG into future investigations on the celldeath and cell proliferation scenario previously solelylinked to EndoG, as our results establish the concept of asplit mitochondrial endo/exonuclease function in highereukaryotes.


Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.


We thank Jan Kosinski for critically reading the manu-script, Heike Bungen for technical assistance, GrzegorzWilczynski and Adam Gorlewicz for advice and expertizein post embedding and electron microscopy, and JacekJaworski for the kind gift of pDsRed2-Mito. I.A.C. isrecipient of a scholarship from SMM (PostgraduateSchool of Molecular Medicine) and has a younginvestigator award from FNP (Foundation for PolishScience). J.M.B. was supported by a grant from the NIH(1R33CA97899-01A from the NCI). I.C., B.M.B., andG.M. were supported by grant Pi 122/20-1 and theinternational research training group GRK 1384 fromthe DFG (German Science Foundation). Funding to paythe Open Access publication charges for this article wasprovided by DFG (German Science Foundation).

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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