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    Exchange Profile Update Tool 1

    Microsoft Exchange ServerProfile Redirector Tool

    Published: February 2004

    Updated: September 2005

    Applies To: Exchange Server 2003 SP2


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    Exchange Profile Update Tool 2


    Use the Microsoft Exchange Server Profile Redirector tool (exprofre.exe), also known as the Exchange

    Profile Update tool, to update Microsoft Office Outlook profiles after you move mailboxes across Exchange

    organizations or administrative groups. Exprofre.exe modifies the default Outlook profile so that users can

    successfully log on to their mailboxes after the move. Therefore, users can continue to use the same profile

    after a cross-administrative group or cross-organizational move.

    Note If you are moving mailboxes in an Exchange organization that is set to native mode, or if youare moving mailboxes between servers in the same administrative group, you do not need to useexprofre.exe.

    The Exchange Server Profile Redirector tool is supported when it is run on the following operating systemsand applications:

    Windows 2000 (all editions)

    Windows XP (all editions)

    Windows Server 2003 (all editions)

    Outlook 98 to Outlook 2003

    Note Exprofre.exe does not run if Outlook is currently running on a client computer. A warningappears stating that Outlook must be closed to run the tool.

    Exprofre.exe uses information from Active Directory directory service and the current default Outlook

    profiles to perform the following steps:

    1. Backs up the default profile.

    2. Looks for an X.500 e-mail address, which indicates that the mailbox has been moved.

    3. Updates the default profile with the new user and server properties.

    4. Resets the offline address book (OAB).

    5. If the version of Outlook is earlier than Outlook 2003, deletes or renames the offline cache (.ost) file.

    6. Deletes or renames the Favorites (.fav or .xml) file.

    Note Exprofre.exe updates only the default profile. Exprofre.exe does not create new profiles; itonly modifies existing profiles.

    Exprofre.exe creates a backup profile before it modifies the default profile if the tool is not completedsuccessfully. The backup profile name consists of the old profile name with "exprofre" added to the end. For

    example, if the default profile name is "John Smith," the backup profile name is "John Smith exprofre." If you

    must revert to the backup profile, ensure that any file name extensions that have been changed are changed

    back to their original extension and, if it is required, that the file name matches the backup profile name. For

    example, when the tool creates the backup profile, it renames John Smith's Favorites file to "John Smith

    exprofre." To revert to John Smith's backup profile, you must change extension of the Favorites file back to

    .fav and the name of the file to "John Smith exprofre" to match the backup profile name.

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    Exchange Profile Update Tool 3


    Go the Exchange Server 2003 downloads page at for Exchange Server 2003 in the right pane, and then clickExchange Profile Update.

    Using Exprofre.exe

    You can run exprofre.exe after you move mailboxes from one Exchange organization to another or from one

    administrative group to another. You can use a logon script or Group Policy to run the tool for Outlook users.

    Note It is recommended that you use a logon script to run the tool so that users' Outlook profilesare updated when they first log on after the mailbox move. See the sample command sections inthis document for more information.

    Note Because this tool is run at logon time and requires that no other MAPI applications arerunning, the tool does not work on a Terminal Server that has multiple users. On a Terminal Server,all profiles must be recreated.

    Note By design, additional Contact folders are removed from the offline address book (OAB) aftera mailbox migration on Outlook 2003 (profile is migrated across forests). You need to manually add

    the CAB again.

    Table 1 describes the options that are available whether you run exprofre.exe at a command prompt or from a


    Note The server fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is now stored in the PR_Profile_Server_FQDNproperty.

    exprofre.exe [/?] [/targetgc=] [/logfile=] [/v]

    [/f] [/a] [/r] [/o] [/p=] [/n]

    Table 1 Exprofre.exe Command Options



    /? Displays help.

    /targetgc Specifies the target global catalog server (required). The source and target forests

    should be using the same authentication method; otherwise, the tool may stop


    /logfile Specifies the path and file name for the log file. The default is exprofre.log in the tmp

    directory, which is saved on the client computer. You can also redirect the log file to a

    server share by using the format /logfile=.
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    Exchange Profile Update Tool 4

    /v Turns on verbose output.

    /f Keeps the Favorites file (.fav or .xml). If this option is not specified, the tool renames

    the extension of the Favorites file to .exprofre.

    /a Keeps the offline address book (.oab) files. If this option is not specified, the tool

    deletes the .oab files and resets Outlook to check the server for an updated set of .oab


    /r Specifies read-only mode.

    /o Deletes instead of renames the offline cache file (.ost). If this option is not specified, the

    tool renames the extension of the .ost file to .exprofre. (This option is not required for

    Outlook 2003 or later versions. The .ost file for Outlook 2003 or later versions is always


    /p Specifies the front-end proxy server if you are using Outlook 2003 with RPC/HTTP

    turned on.

    /n Clears the Outlook nickname cache file (.nk2 or .nick). If this option is not specified,

    the tool keeps the nickname file.

    /s Updates profiles based on a change in server name instead of a change inlegacyExchangeDN.

    /q Suppresses pop-up notifications.

    Sample Command for Moves across Exchange Organizations

    If you are moving mailboxes across Exchange organizations (cross-forest moves), it is recommended that you

    use only the /v and /n command options. All other options should be omitted to enable the tool to use its

    default settings. Because the user is moving to a new forest, most of the Outlook information stored on the

    user's workstation will be obsolete and must be updated with information about the new forest. By default, the

    tool deletes most of this obsolete information.

    The following is a sample command for a mailbox move across Exchange organizations:

    Exprofre.exe /targetgc= /v /n /logfile=

    Sample Command for Moves across Administrative Groups

    If you are moving mailboxes across Exchange sites or administrative groups (in the same Exchange

    organization), much of the information stored on the user's computer is still valid because they have not moved

    to another forest. In this scenario, it is recommended that you keep the offline address book, favorites, and

    nickname files.

    The following is a sample command for a mailbox move across administrative groups:

    Exprofre.exe /targetgc= /v /f /a

    /logfile= /n

    Sample Log File

    The following is sample output from the exprofre.exe tool.

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    Exchange Profile Update Tool 5

    [16:08:58] ************** Beginning exprofre run **************

    [16:08:58] Starting exprofre on Windows 5.1.2600 at 16:08:58 11/20/03

    Log File = "\\server1\shared\exprofre.log"

    Read Only = "No"

    OS version = 5.1.2600Outlook 11 is installed.

    Default profile name = "John"

    Profile user = "/o=TIFOREST1/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients"

    Properties for the provider were successfully updated

    The default user profile and/or Outlook files were changed

    [16:08:59] !!!!!!!!!! exprofre completed!

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