
5.How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation: Question 5

I used various ways and techniques to attract/address my audience. As an example, I decided to use colours that stand out such as red. This is due to the fact that it’s a colour with many connotations, the idea of this causes the audience to be intrigued by what the magazine has to offer and what its about. I also decided to vary the size of some texts on the cover to stick to the stereotypical front cover of a magazine, the reason for this was to keep a style that the audience would be used to and comfortable with. I changed the size of some texts with the intention to intrigue the audience once again. By doing so, the main parts of the magazine are able to stand out to the audience. Due to the feedback that I’ve gained, I know that I was successful in choosing the current font for the title to create the effect of drawing in and attracting the reader. I chose this font because I myself felt that it would stand out and looked unique

Front Cover

Contents Page

I decided to base my contents page on a reflection of my front cover. Specifically, the front cover and colour scheme. This is to maintain consistency in the magazine. I chose to maintain consistency because I felt it would’ve been less effective to challenge the stereotype due to the fact that it could’ve meant making differences such as e.g. different font, colour, no page numbers etc. In my opinion, this would’ve made the magazine look less professional and attractive. I decided to outline and enlarge specific texts to draw the audience in. At first, I decided I was going to use a white background with black writing, but I then came to the decision that it would be more effective to use a black background with white writing. This is due to the fact that it allowed me to make better use of colours such as the black and red outlining.

Double-Page Spread (DPS)For my double-page spread, I decided this would be where I really focus on attracting the audience. I came to the decision that I would do this by showing the significance of the cover star and dedicating her section of the magazine completely to her. I did so by using colours that can be familiarised with her shot rather than the “EntertainU” logo. At first, I was thinking about the background colour being a combination of black and purple. I changed my mind because I felt white creates better links to the cover star. As an example, her smile and enthusiastic and posture represent her as pure good-hearted, like the colour white.

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