


R. O. Kuehl and J. O. Rawlings

Institute of StatisticsMimeo Series No. 384




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0.04 0.05" should be "0.95 0.94 0.95",

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4.1 The Analysis .~ . . . . . . . .. .... 254.2 Genetic InterP7e~ations of Dial1e1 Statistics 27




General Remarks . '. . . . . . . . . .Parent Population Estimators • . . . . .Derived Population Estimators . . . . . .


General Remarks . . . . . . . .Genetic Model With Two Alleles .Extension to Multiple Alleles .


5.4 Discussion 54





Introduction . . . . . . . . . . .Exact Variances of Parent Population

Estimators 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • • 0 • • •

Exact Variances of Derived PopulationEstimators . . . . . . . . . .

Numerical Evaluations of Estimator Variances





6.4.1 General Remarks . . . . . . . . . . 656.4.2 Relative Efficiencies of Derived-

to "i'Parent , Popula tion. Estimators. 66

6.5 Consequences of Random Experimental Error. . 84

6.5.1 Parent Population Estimators. . 846.5.2 ·Derived Population Estimators . . . 89

6.6 No~mal Approximations of Variances 92






7.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 977.2 Suggestions for Further ·Research .... 104


. 129

. 140

. . . 106


Expectations of Diallel StatisticsDerivations of the Exact Variances for

Parent Population Estimators . . . . . . . 118Derivations of Exact Variances for Derived

Population Estimators . . . . .. . .Moments and Functional Expectations for the

Binomial Distribution . . . ...•..




APPENDIX . . . . . .





>.~~&~.... l ,




2.1 Analysis of variance of the diallel cross. . . .. 4

2.2 Analysis of variance and expected mean squares oftp,e modified diallelcross . . . . . . . . ... 8

2.3 Partitions of the analysis of variance andexpectation of mean squares for. a diallelexperiment excluding selfs . . . . . . . 10

4.1 'Mean squares and expected mean squares for theanalysis of means from a dial leI experimentexcluding selfs and reciprocals .. ..... 26

4.2 Diallel matings with resulting number and geneticvalues of the Fl progeny . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Genotypic value and number of inbred parents,utilized in the 'diallel cross . . ...' .

Exact variances and covariance for geneticportions of MSg . c . a and MSs . c . a from thediallel analys1s of variance . . . . . . 58

Variances and covariances of diallel estimatorsletting Pi=Pj=P, ai=aj~a, and Ui=Uj=l . ... 67

A2 2 2 ~* 2* 2Values' of [V(6A)/(6A) ]/[V(6A )j(Ey6A ) J fo~specified values of n, a, m, and p . . .,. 71

Coefficients of variation of ~X for specifiedcombinations of n, a, m, and p . . . . . . . . . 72

Coefficients of,variation of 6~* for specifiedcombinations of nand m . . .. . . . . . . . 73

Additive genetic variance of the parent populationfor 10 loci and specified valuesofa and p . . . 73

Average additive genetic variance of derivedpopulation for 10 loci and specified values ofn·, a, an.d p . . . 0 • • •• ,. • • • ., • • 74

~2 "2 2 "_2* , 2* 26.8 Values of' [V(C>j»/(O"D) J/[V«(5fi )/(EYO"D ) J for

specified v.:a1ue,s of n, m, and p . . . .. . . . . 76

6.9 Coefficients of variation of ~fi for severalcombinations of n, m, and'p . . 76


The dia11e1 cross has been utilized for a riumber of

years to investigate the nature of gene action in plant

populations. Numerous analyses and interpretations of the

diallel experiment have evolved as a result of the research.

Basically, the dialle1 cross i~ its current context is con­

stituted by all possible crosses among ,a set of parents.

A discussion of the modifications of the dia1le1 cross

and the associated analyses is presented in Section 2. At

least two inference populations are used in the interpreta­

tion of the analysis of the dial1e1 cross. One is the ran­

dom mating parent population from which the crosses are a

random sample. The second is the set of parents utilized

for the dial1el cross. Much controversy exists as to the

appropriateness and validity of the two methods.

To infer about a specific group of parents requires

the assumption that the genes are distributed among the par­

ents at random; i.~., the covariance of the gene effects is

zero. This assumption is not fulfilled in most practical

situations. However, it the crosses are a random sample of

some original random mating population, the assumption is

not necessary. In a discussion by Cockerham (1963) of the

problems associated with obtaining estimates of genetic

variances from a specific set of parents and their crosses,

the desirability of having some base of reference other than

the set of genetical material in the sample was pointed out.


A reference base suggested by Cockerham (1963) was the ran-

dom mating population wholly constituted from the set of

lines used for a diallel cross.

Certain criteria must be satisfied before a new refer-

ence base can be utilized for any genetic mating system and

its analysis. It must be possible to define genetic param-

eters for the reference base, and it must be possible to ob-

tain estimators for the parameters. Further, the error of

inference from the estimators to the reference base must be

evaluated to determine whether or not the use of a new ref-

erence base is worthwhile.

In the present problem, an attempt was made to provide

estimators and their variances from a diallel analysis for

genetic variances of the random mating population derived

from a set of completely inbred parents. The above estima-

tors were compared to the estimators for genetic variances

of the random mating population from which the crosses were

a random sample.

In Section 3, the homozygous parents to be used for the

diallel mating are considered to be a random sample from a

population of homozygous individuals, constituted by in-

breeding a random mating population. They are described

later in terms of sampling variables and distributions,

which provides a workable base for solving the problem.

The analysis of a diallel cross excluding._ reciprocal

crosses is described in Section 4. The statistics from the


analysis are written in terms of genotypic values and the

sampiing variables of Section 3 for a ,gene model consisting

of additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive epistatic


The results of Sections 3 and 4 are utilized in Sec-

tions 5 and 6 to obtain unbiased estimators and their vari-

ances for genetic parameters of the two reference popula-

tions. The variances of the estimators are given for the

gene model in the absence of epistasis and the relative ef-

ficiency of the two sets of estimators is evaluated numeri-

cally. The usefulness of some biased estimators for derived

population para~eters also is investigated .

.rhe exact sampling variances of some diallel estimators

are compared to their normal approximations for specific

cases of the additive and dominance gene model to determine

the usefulness of normal approximations to variances of

quadratic forms utilized in genetic studies.

The utility of the derived population as a reference

base is discussed in Section 7, along with some additional

ramif~cations and proposed extensions of the methods used in

the dissertation.



The analyses of diallel crosses presented by a number

of authors differ as to content of the statistical and ge-

netical analyses and the scope of inference associated with

the analyses.

An orthogonal analysis of variance of a complete dial­

leI design, including reciprocal Fl crosses and selfs,was

given by Yates (1947). Letting Yqr be the phenotypic value

of an individual following a mating between the qth parent

and the r th parent, the analysis of a complete diallel in-

volving p parents is as given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Analysis of variance of the diallel cross


Lines (general)

Reciprocal sumsafter lines(specific)

Maternal effects


Yq • = L.Yqr ,r




12(p-l) (p-2)

Sums of squares

G= L (yq .+y. q )2/2P - 2Y~./p2q

S= L: (Yqr+Yrq)2/4q,r

- L (Yq . +Y. q)2/2p + Y~ . /p2q

M= ~ (Yq . -Y .q) 2/2pq

R= L (Yqr-Yrq ) 2/4q,r

Y.. = ~ Yqr = ~ 2:: Yqr...q,r q r


Using Yate's ana1ysis,Hayman (1954a) interpreted the

mean squares in terms of a genetical model patterned after

Mather's (1949) description of a polygenic system with addi-

tive and dominance effects. Hayman further partitioned

Specific Sum of Squares, S, into three parts to obtain

further information on dominance effects. The partitions


Sl = (y•. _p~Yqq)2/p2(p_1), with 1 df;q .


Kempthorne (1956) introduced genetical interpretations

of the mean squares in Yate's analysis, extending the ge-

netic model to include arbitrary alleles and epistasis. The

population parameters given genetic interpretation were


= mean of the random mating parent population

= mean of the population of possible inbredlines

= genotypic variance in the parent population

= variance of the inbred lines

covariance of inbred lines and the progeny ofthe inbred lines

C(P.o.) = covariance of parent and offspring in theoriginal random mating population.


Expected mean squares were expressed in terms of the popula­

tion parameters, and it was found that only in the absence

of epistasis could the dial leI give unbiased information

about the population parameters.

The main distinction between Hayman's (1954a) and Kemp­

thorne's (1956) analyses is the ,reference base for which in­

ferenc~s are made from the analysis. Kempthorne interpreted

the results in terms of the parent random mating population

that has given rise to the homozygous parents by inbreeding,

whereas Hayman r~stricted interpretations to the specific

set of parents utilized in the diallel cross.

Griffing (1958) presented an analysis similar to Kemp-

thorne's, but included a component in the model to account

for recip:r;-ocal effects. The relationships between Kemp-

thorne's and Griffing's population parameters are

+ 62s.c.a

Cov(P.O.) = ~.c.a

where Griffing utilized the concepts of general combining

ability (g.c.a) and specific combining ability (s.c.a) de­

fined and applied by Sprague and Tatum (1942).

Various modifications of the analysis of variance of

_ diallel crosses have been presented by Griffing (1956, 1958),


Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956), and Cockerham (1963) in

which parents and/or reciprocal matings were excluded from

the analysis.

Griffing (1956, 1958) gave the analysis in two forms,

one omitting inbred parents and the second omitting inbred

parents and reciprocal matings. Specific and general com-

bining ability variances were presented in terms of genetic

variances where the genetic model included additive, domi-

nance, and all types of epistatic effects for an arbitrary

number of loci with a~bitrary alleles (Griffing, 1956). The

ti 1 i t t ti . 62 d 62 wgene ca n erprea ons g1ven g.c.a an s.c.aere

where 6~ is the additive genetic variance, 6~ is the domi­

nance genetic variance, and 6lA is the additive-by-additive

epistatic variance; etc.

Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956), omitting selfs and re-

ciprocal matings from the analysis, considered an arbitrary

but uniform degree of inbreeding in the parents. The vari-

ances of specific and general combining ability were given

in terms of covariances of full-sib and half-sib relatives.

The genetic model was equivalent to that of Griffing (1956),

with the exception that Griffing considered only completely

e_.inbred parents. The modified dia11e1 analysis with p par-

ents and k replications is given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Analysis of variance and expected mean squaresof the modified dia11e1 cross


Source df SS E(MS)

Repli-cates k-l R

General p-1 G 1 2: y2 2 2=k(p-2) q .. (5 + k6s . c. a


_ 2(p-1)C + k(p-2)62p-2 g.c.a

tit Specific p(p-3) /2 S = L; (y2 /k)- C - G 6 2 +k62qr.,r

Error (k-1) (n-1) E= L: y2 - S - G - R - C (52qrt


n=[p(p-1)/2] -1

C2Y~ ..

= kp{p-1)

The model used for the analysis in Table 2.2 is

q , r 1 , 2, ... , p; q<r

t = 1,2,···,k,


yield resulting from a cross of the qth

line grown in the tth replicate; p, the

a measure of general combining ability of

a measure of the specific combining

ability of a cross between the qth and r th lines; kt , a rep­

lication effect; andeqrt, the experimental error associated

wi th Yqrt .

Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956) showed that

6~.c.a=COV(FS)-2 Cov(HS) and6:. c . a=COV(HS). The covariance

of full sibs was given as

~ where Yqrt is the

line with the r th

general mean; gq'

the qth line; Sqr'


and the covariance of half-sibs was given as

where F represents the degree of inbreeding in the parents.

With a single diallel experiment, it was shown that additive

and dominance genetic variances could be unbiasedly esti-

mated only in the absence of epistasis. Additional compo-

nents of genetic variance could be estimated if a series of

diallel experiments was conducted with different levels of·

inbreeding. In addition, the analysis was presented for ob-

taining estimates of the interactions of genotypic components


of variance with environments represented by locations and


In a general discussion of mating designs,Cockerham

(1963) presented the diallel analysis, excluding selfs. The

new features of the analysis were the expectations of the

mean squares and translation of the components of variance

into covariances of relatives involving reciprocals. The

analysis included maternal and reciprocal sums of squares as

given by Yates (1947) with general and specific sums of

squares as given by Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956). A por-

tion of the analysis for k replicates and p parents is given

in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Partitions of the analysis of variance and ex­pectation of mean squares for a diallel experi­ment excluding selfs









:k-l ..




(p-l) (p-2)/2

(k-l) (p2_p_l )


62 + k6~ + 2k6~.c.a

+ k(p-2)6~ + 2k(P-2)6~.c.a

62 + k62 2r + 2k6s . c . a

6 2 + k62 + 2kCS;r

62 + k62r

6 2


In the analysis shown in Table 2.3, 62 is the error

variance, 6;= (Cps+Cms) 12-Crs ' (5~=Cf-Crf- (Cps+Cms-2Crs)"

6~.c.a=Crf-2Crs' and 6:. c . a=Crs ' where Cf=Cov (full sibs),

C f=CoV (reciprocal full sibs), C =Cov (maternal half-sibs),r ms.

Cps=Cov (paternal half-sibs), and Crs=Cov (reciprocal half-

sibs). In the absence of reciprocal effects,

(52 =C =Cov(HS) and 62 =C -2C =COV(FS):2 Cov(HS),g.c.a rs s.c.a rf rswhich agrees with Matzinger and Kempthbrne (1956). One is

able to test the hypothesis that 6~=O and that 6~=O, where

6~ and 6; refer to the variances of red(iprocal and maternal

effects respectively.

Hayman (1954b) and Jinks (1954) presented an analysis

of a complete dialle1 cross among a set of homozygous par-

ents. The analysis was designed to provide information

mainly on the distribution of genes in the parents, on aver-

age degree of dominance, and on certain components of genetic

variance with inferences from the analysis restricted to the

parental lines.

The genetic model was restricted ~o additive and domi-

nance effects with two alleles each at an arbitrary number

of loci. The regression of array covariance, Wr , on array

variance, Vr , was plotted to obtain evidence of nonadditive

gene effects, where deviations from unit slope provided evi-

dence that nonallelic interactions were present. Wr is the

covariance between the parents and their offspring in the

r th array of the diallel table. If the quantities, Wr-Vr ,


were homogeneous, the results of the experiment were consid­

ered to conform to the biometrical model and the analysis

was performed. If, however, the Wr-Vr values were hetero­

geneous, the data for interacting lines or crosses causing

the disturbances were either removed or adjusted and the

usual analysis was performed on the remaining crosses.

Kempthorne (1956) objected to the procedure of removing

crosses from the analysis on the basis that, if the parents

were regarded as a random sample from some larger popula-

tion, the reduced set of parents could not be so regarded.

Gilbert (1958) felt that the objection lost its force if in-

ferences were directed to the parental lines in the experi-


Hayman (1957) derived aX2 statistic from the diallel

analysis of variance (Hayman, 1954a) to test for the pres­

ence of epistasis. The test was made possible by the inclu-

sion of F2 families in the experiment, and essentially de­

termined the failure or nonfailure of the F2 family to

conform to its expectation from its ancestors under the

simple dominance model.

Hayman (1958) extended the dialleloanalysis to include

F2 families to increase the accuracy of measurement of the

components of genetic variation. Dickinson and Jinks (1956),

extended the analyses of Hayman and Jinks to include arbi-

trary inbreeding of parental lines in the diallel cross.

e\.~_ .../


Hayman (1960) attempted to relate the main lines of ap-

proach to analyzing and interpreting the diallel cross. In

so doing, he considered the homozygous parents as a random

sample from an inbred but originally random mating popula-

tion. Population parameters were translated into components

of genetic variances defined by Hayman (1954b), and the

population parameters were related to those given by Kemp-

thorne (1956) and Griffing (1958). Hayman then provided a

set of unbiased estimators and a set of maximum likelihood

estimators from the dial1el analysis for the population pa-

rameters. The variance-covariance matrix of the unbiased

estimators for population parameters and genetic components

was given, where variances and covariances of the quadratic

functions were derived under the assumption of normally dis­

tributed effects in the model. From the nature of the vari-

ances, it was suggested that at least 10 parents should be

used if the dia11e1 cross was to provide useful estimators

of the population parameters.

Considering the interpretation of the genetic param­

eters defined by Hayman (1954b) £or a fixed set of lines,

one might ask whether or not these parameters more appropri-

ate1y apply to a random mating population defined by the

gene frequencies of the set of lines. If the parameters are

appropriate ~or such a population, there is an error of in-

ference associated with estimators of the parameters. To

make inferences to a reference population, an adequate


genetic sampling plan is necessary to determine the error of


In the following sections, an attempt is made to pro­

vide estimators and their associated errors from a diallel

analysis for genetic variances of the random mating popula­

tion derived from the set of completely inbred parents used

for the diallel mating.

e'''... /



The sampling variables used in the·solution of this

problem and their probability distributions can be illus­

trated by initially considering a random mating diploid

population in linkage equilibrium consisting of genotypes

having m loci, each with two alleles (Band b). The alleles

is imposed on the random mating population, such that Pi

does· not change ,. to form a completely inbred population of

homozygous geno1:.ypes. The frequency of the genotypes, BB

and bb, at the i th locus in the inbred population will be Pi

and (l~Pi)' respectively.

Let X={1,2" .. ,m} be the set of m loci. A homozygous

genotype in the population is completely defined by specify­

.ing the set of loci, eJthat has the positive alleles, BB,

since the remainder of the loci, ~~-~, must have the nega­

tive alleles, bb. For example, with two loci, ~={1,2)

specifies the genotype BI BI B2B2 , a={21 specifies the geno­

type bl b l B2B2 , etc. Thus all possible homozygous genotypes

for the m loci are specified by considering all possible

subsets of X, including the empty set, ~=g, and the complete

set, a=4C. The relative frequency of a genotype in the in-

bred population is given by



Let X(a) denote the number of lines having genotype a

in a particular random sample of inbred lines. The geno­

typic composition of a particular sample of n lines from the

-inbred population is specified by the X(~)'s for that sample


= n. (3,2)

If welet ~i=\aliea}, !,~" ~i is the set of all a contain­

ing the i th locus, the number of lines in the ~ample.that

contains the set of positive alleles, BB, at the i th locus


Yi = L X(a).aC'~i .


Conversely, the number of lines in the sample that contain

the negative alleles, bb, at thei th locus is n-Yi' The

relative frequency of the B allele at the i th locus in the

sample is given by


and the frequency of the b allele is I-Pi~

. Likewise, letting ~ij={al(i,j)£a~, the number of lines

in the sample containing the set of positive alleles, BB, at

both the i th and jth loci is



The set of random variables, X(~), has a joint mu1ti­

nominal distribution with probability density function

f[X(a.)] =

n-yn:11 pYi(l-p.) i

ide i 1

. TT X(~)!



subject to (3.2).

The Y1 are marginal sample values associated with the

distribution of the two alleles, Band b, at the i th locus,

and they are binomially distributed with probability density'



where YI'Y2'···'Ym are mutually independent if the parent

population is assumed to be in linkage equilibrium.

To exemplify the random variables and their density

functions, consider a random mating parent population of

genotypes having two alleles at each of two loci. The com-

pletely inbred population derived from the random mating

population w.ill have the following distribution of homo­

zygous genotypes:


Bl Bl B2B2

B1Bl b2b2

b l b l B2B2

b l b1b2b2

Relative frequencyl

f 12 = PlP2

f l = Pl{1-P2)

f 2 = (1-Pl)P2

f ... (1-Pl)(1-P2)



Suppose a random sample of size n is drawn from the in-

bred population; the sample array will appear as:

ExpectedNumber of relative

Genotype genotypes2 frequency

Bl B1B2B2 X12 f 12

Bl B1b2b2 Xl f l

b1blB2B2 X2 f 2

b1b1b2b2 X f

The marginal totals for the two loci are

Number of Expected relativeGenotype genotypes frequency

BlBl -- Yl = X12 + Xl PI = f 12 + f 1

b1b1-- n-Yl = X2 + X I-PI f 2 + f

--B2B2 Y2 X12 + X2 P2 = f 12 + f 2

--b2b2 n-Y2 = Xl + X I-P2 ... f 1 + f (3.9)

IThe subscripts of f and X are simplythe ~ designa­tions of (3.1) and (3.2), respectively, omitting theparentheses. The absence of a subscript refers to the emptyset, 0.=0.



The frequency of the B allele in the sample at loci 1 and 2

is Pl=yl/n and P2=Y2/n, respectively. The number of lines

that have BB genotypes at both loci 1 and 2 isW12""X12 when

only two loci are concerned.

The random variable, Wij , is a result of the nature of

sampling sets of genotypes of size n from a population.

Several samples of n genotypes having different distribu­

tions of genotypes within each sample can have identical

distributions of gene frequencies. Therefore, samples of

genotypes can be aggregated into groups in which all samples

within the group have the same distribution of gene fre­

quencies but there may be a different distribution ofgeno-

types for each sample. The random variable, Wij , is indica­

tive of the differing distributions of genotypes.

In the framework of the previous example, suppose two

four-line samples are drawn from the inbred population with

the following distribution of genotypes for each sample:

Number of genotypesGenotype Sample I Sample 2

Bl Bl B2B2 Xl2 == I Xl2 == 2

BIBl b2b2 Xl 2 Xl == 1

bl b l B2B2 X2 1 X2 == 0

bl b1b2b2 X "" 0 X == 1

n "" 4, n == 4


In both samples, the marginal values, Yl and Y2' are the

same; !..!.., Yl=X12+Xl -3 and Y2=X12+X2=2. Hence, in both

samples, PI=3/4 and P2=1/2. The distribution of genotypes

in the two samples is different, but the distribution of

gene frequencies is identical. It remains to determine the

,relevance of W12=X12 , which is accomplished by considering

the multinomial density function associated with the two­

locus example. From (3.6),

f[X(a.)] n! X12 Xl X2 X= X'X 'X 'X IfI2 f l f 2 f. 1· 2· 12· -


Making the transformation, W12=XI2 , YI=X12+X1 , Y2=X12+X2 ,

and recalling that n=XI2+Xl +X2+X,

is a joint density function of W12 , Y1' and Y2 . Now if the

marginal values, Y1 and Y2' are fixed, which is equivalent

to having constant distribution of gene frequencies, the re-

maining variable is W12 . Essentially, the distribution of

W12 must be determined conditional on Yl and Y2' which is

f(W12 !Yl'Y2)=[f(W12 'Yl'Y2)]/[f(Yl)f(Y2)]' since Yl and Y2

are mutually independent. Since f(Yi) is binomial, (3.7),

the conditional distribution. of W12 given Yl and J2 is


Y1: Y2:(n-Y1):(n-Y2):f(W12 IYl'Y2) = n:w12:<Y1-W12>:<Y2-W12>:<n-YI-Y2+W12):

which is the hypergeometric density function.

The above situation can be illustrated with a 2x2 table,

where the cell totals are the numbers of each genotype in

the sample and the marginal totals represent the number of

homozygous genotypes for each locus as shown below.

B2B2 b2b2

BIBI W12 YI-W12 Yl

blbl Y2-W12 n-YI-Y2+W12 n-Yl

Y2 n-Y2 n

When n, Yl' and Y2 take specified values in the 2x2

table, it is apparent that there is still one degree of

freedom left to determine the cell values. The distribution

of values is determined by f(W12 \Y1'Y2)' the hypergeometric


Extension to more loci in the model introduces more

such variables. In fact, for m, the 2x2 table becomes

m dimensional and there are C;) such hypergeometric


variables; !.~., one hypergeometric variable, Wij' for each

pair of loci.

The extension to four loci, for example, produces the

following set of Wij from (3.5):

Then the conditional distribution of any Wij given the set

of Yi's, 1. =(Yl'Y2,""Ym) is


by consideration of an m-dimensional table similar to the

2x2 tables in two dimensions but summed over all dimensions

except i and j to give a 2x2 table.



Some conditional expectations of interest are

F~ = E(Wijl~) = nPiPj

f2 = E[(Wij-nPiPj)21~J

F3 = E[(Wij-nP i Pj)3IzJ

n3= (n-l) (n-2)Pi (l-Pi ) (l-2Pi )Pj (l-Pj ) (1-2Pj )

P4 = E[(Wij -nPi Pj )4IzJ

= (n-l) (~:2) (n-3)Pi (l-Pi)Pj (l-Pj )[ (n+l) - 6nPi (l-Pi )

- 6nPj (l-Pj ) + 3n(n+6)Pi (l-Pi )Pj (1-Pj )]. (3.12)

The formulas of (3.12) are conditional moments of Wij '

given the Yi' and are obtained from the moments of the hyper­

geometric distribution shown by Kendall and Stuart (1958).

To designate the conditional expectation of Wij' given

the Yi' the symbol Ew/ y is used as opposed to the more con­

ventional notation in (3.12). In turn, expectation over the

distribution of y is indicated by the symbol Ey . Then total

expectation of any function, g(W,Z), is expressed as


In later derivations, upon extension to m>2loci con-

ditional covariances and higher-order product moments of the

set of Wij are required. Symbolically,

(3.13 )

,-. ,.-. :,,'


til. must be determined for r,s=1,2 and j~t, where i and k may

or may not be equal.

It can be shown that the product moment in (3.13) is

equal to zero under the specified conditions. The result

is demonstrated for r=s=l and i=k, the covariance of Wij and

Wit' which is


However, it can be shown that

Therefore, the average conditional covariance of Wijand

Wit in (3.14) is zero.

For the product moment in (3.13) to be zero it is only

necessary to show that.


and for r,s=l,2 and jtt, the equality in (3.15) can be demon-




4.1 The Analysis

The dial leI cross considered for this problem includes

all possible crosses among a sample of n inbred lines, ex-

eluding reciprocal crosses, so that there are the n(n-l)/2

Fl'S plus the n inbred parents involved. The model used

to analy~ethe results from the Fl cross means in a repli­

cated experiment is



where Yqq is the mean of the qth inbred parent, PI is the

mean of the population of inbred lines, gq is defined as in

(4.1), and ~qq is the mean experimental error associated

with the Yqq observational mean.


Table 4.1 Mean squares and expected mean squares for theanalysis of means from a dial leI experiment,excluding selfs and reciprocals

Source df Meansquare

E (mean square)

General (n-l) MSg . c .a «5~/k) + 6'2 + (n-2)0'

Specific n(n-3)/2 MSs . c . a (6~/k) + (52s.c.a

Error f e MSE~ (O'~/k)

MS. g.c.a

MSs •c . a[

2 1 2 2 2]= 2;Yqr - (n-2)L:Yq , + (n-l) (n-2)Y., /n(n-3)/2q<r . q .

aMSE is the usual experimental error mean squaredivided by the number of replications, k.

The mean square among inbred parents is

MSI = [~Y~q -(2.tYqqY/n}(n-l). (4.3)

The error variance for the parents, 6~, is estimated from a

replicated experiment and the estimator is denoted as MSE!,

The expectation of the above statistics is then

E(MSI) = (O~/k) + 6~

E(MSE1) = e>g/k, (4,4)

where 6i is the component of variance among inbred lines.

', .. .r


Additional information can be obtained from the mean

product between the inbred parents and their offspring,

which is

loIP(l.O) = [~YqqYq. - ~(tYq~q~/qrJ !(n-l)(n-2),

where Yq.=~Yqr from (4.1) andr

E[MP(I.O)] = aI.O'



where 61 . 0 is the covariance of inbred line$ and their prog­

eny. The means for the n(n-l)/2 Fl's; Yj and the n parents,

YI , are computed in the usual manner.

4.2 Genetic Interpretations of Diallel Statistics

The expected values of the diallel statistics must be

expressed in terms of the genetic parameters of the ref-

erence population of interest in order to find unbiased

estimators of the genetic parameters. The first step in ac­

complishing the translation is to express the diallel

statistics in terms of the sampling variables of Section 3

and genotypic values to be introduced. These expressions

are derived in the remaining portions of Section 4.

The most general model of gene action utilized includes

additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive epistatic gene

effects. Two special cases of this model also investigated

are .(i) additive and dominance gene effects and (ii) addi­

tive and additive-by-additive gene effects.

Random experimental error is assumed equal to zero, for

the present, in all of the derivations, and attention is


focused on the genetic components of interest. Even though

random error is not included in the model, the mean squares

and products are referred to as diallel statistics in

Sections 4 and 5. The consequences of adding random experi-

mental error to the model are taken up in Section 6.

The mean squares and products computed for the diallel

analysis, expressed in terms of sampling variables and

genotypic values, are illustrated for two loci. All pos­

sible crosses among the n inbred parents sampled at random

result in the n(n-l)/2 FIts shown in Table 4.2. Genotypic

Table 4.2 Diallel matings with resulting number and geneticvalues of the Fl progeny

e Mating type Fl Number of Fl genotypic'-../

genotype FIts value

Bl Bl B2B2 x BI BI B2B2 · BIBlB2B2 X12(X12-l )/2 ul + u2 + t 12

x BI Bl b2b2 BIBIB2b2 XI2Xl ul + a2u2

x Pl bI B2B2 Bl bIB2B2 X12X2 alul + u2

x bl bl b2b2 B1bI B2b2 X12X alul + a2u2

BIal b2b2 x B'lBIb2b2 BIBIb2b2 Xl(Xl-I)/2 ul - u2 - t 12

x b1b1B2B2 BI b1B2b2 XI X2 alul + a2u2

x b1b1b2b2 Bl bl b2b2 XIX alul - u2

bl bl B2B2 x b1blB2B2 bl bl B2B2 X2(X2-l )/2 -ul + ul - t 12

x blblb2b2 blbIB2b2 X2X -ul + a2u2

bI b1b2b2 x blblb2b2 b1b1b2b2 X(X-l)/2 -ul - u2 + t12



values are assigned, following the model of Comstock and

Robinson (1948), with the addition of additive-by-additive

epistatic values to their additive and dominance model,

The symbols, ui and ai' are those used by Comstock and Robin­

son (1948), The factor, t 12 , in the genotypic value intro­

duces into the genetic model additive-by-additive interaction

between loci 1 and 2.

The quantity, Y,.::: 2 Yqr I for the' diallel analysis isq<r

obtained from Table 4.2 by multiplying the genotypic value

times the number of each genotype and summing all such

terms, which is


1 . 1 .::: ~X12(X12-1)(ul+u2+t12) + ... + 2X(X-l)(-ul-u2+ t 12)

= n(~-l) ~ (2Pi -l)ui + n2 L: Pi (l-Pj.>aiui1 i

Hence, the genotypic mean of the diallel FIls is

2YY ::: n(n-l)

where Pf""Yi/n and X12=W12 are defined in Section 3. Summa­

tionover the i subscript refers- to summation over the two



To obtain MSg .c. a' Table 4.1, the sum of squares of progeny

totals, L y2 , is required . The progeny totals, Yq . =2: Yqr ,q q. r


-(n-YI-I)ul - (n-Y2-l )u2 + Ylalul + Y2a 2u2

+ (X-l)t12 · (4.8)

There are X12 terms like (i), Xl terms like (ii),X2 terms

like (iii), and X terms like (iv) for the diallel mating.

Recall that YI=XI2+X I , Y2=XI2+X2 , and n=X12+XI +X2+X. The

mean square is

31e',-, MSg . c . a · [i?:. /in-2) - 4Y~ /n Cn-2)}C n- 1 )

= n3 L Pi (I-Pi) [(n-2)Ui + (1-2Pi)ai ui

(n-I)(n-2) i l n

2(n-2) J2 n(n-4) , 2

n (1-2P j /l)t12, + (n-l)2 Pl(1-Pl)P2(1-P2)tI 2

2n2(rn P p >[(n-2)

+ (n-I)(n-2} "12-n 1 2' n uI+ (1-2PI)aIul




= [ ",",y2 I ,",y2 2 y2 ]/n(n-3)q-zr qr - (n-2) ~ q. + (n-I) (n-2) .. 2


+ (n_l)(n~2)(n_3)1~(W12-nPiPj)[(n-l) - n2Pi(1-Pi)]aiuit12


n2- (n~1)Pl(l-Pl)P2(1-P2)]

- 2n(n-l)(W12-nPlP2)(l-2Pl)(1-2P2)Jt~2' (4.10)


The values required to obtain the statistic, MSI, (4.3)--

the number and genotypic value of the inbred parents--are

listed in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Genotypic value and number of inbred parentsutilized in the diallel cross

Genotype Number of genotypes Genotypic value

Bl Bl B2B2 X12 ul + u2 + t 12

Bl Bl b2b2 Xl ul - u2 - t 12bl bl B2B2 X2 -ul + u2 - t 12

b l bl

b 2b 2 X -ul - u2 + t 12

Obtaining totals and sums of squares in the usual manner,


=[tY~q - (t: yqq)2/n}(n-l)

= 4n 2:;P.(l-P.)[u, - (1-2PJ'1i)t12 J2

(n-l) i ~ ~ ~ F

+ 1~:~~~§)Pl(1-Pl)P2(1-P2)t~2 + (n~1)(W12-nPIP2)[UIU2

+ (1-2Pl )ul t12 + (1-2P2)u2t 12 - (1-2Pl)(1-2P2)t~2J

16 [ n2 2J. 2+ n(n-l) L(n-1)P1 (1-P1)P2(1-P2) - (W12-nP1P2) t 12 •



The covariance of the inbred parents and their Fl progeny,

,MP(I.O), is obtained in a manner similar to mean squares ex­

cept that cross products are used instead of squares, which is

1oIP(I,O) = [ i?qqYq • - ~~Yq.v~~Yqr)] j[(n-l)(n-2)]

II (:~l) t: Pi(l-Pi ) CUi - (1-2Pj~i'>t12J2

2n2 ""V+ (n-1) (n-2) L..J Pi (l-Pi ) (1-2Pi ) [ui - (1-2Pj~i) t 12Jaiui


+ 4n(n-4)p (l-P )P (1-P )t2(n_l)2 1 1 2 2 12

+ n(::~)t~-2) [(n~~)Pl (1-Pl)P2(1-Pa) - (W12-nP1P2)~ t~2

4 2- (n_lY(W12-nP1P2)(1-2P1)(1-2P2)t12

2(n-4) ~ ( ( ,+ (n-l)(n-2)~ W12-nPi P j ) 1-2Pi )ui t 12

2n ~ 2+ (n-l)(n-2) ~(W12-nPiPj)(1-2Pi) a i ui t 12

4+ (n_l)(W12-nPlP2)ulu2

·2n ~+ ( 1)( 2) LJ (1-2P.)(W12-nP1·P.)u·.a .u .•n- n- i~j J J 1 J J

Finally, the mean of the inbred parents is



The genetic model assuming the absence of dominance is

readily investigated in the framework of this section by al-

lowing ai=O in all the formulas. Likewise, in the absence

of epistasis, t 12 =O in all the formulas. In the absence of

epistasis, the gene model can be extended to include an ar-

bitrary number of loci, m, since the two-locus model· is suf-

~icient to illustrate the most general expressions of the

diallel statistics.

The diallel statistics become, upon letting tl2=O and

extending to m loci,

YI = ~ (2Pi-l )ui

n3 ~ r,(n-2) ] 2 2MSg . c . a =. (n-l) (n-2) t Pi (I-Pi) L n + (1-2P i )a i u i

+ 2n2 >' (W .. _np.p.)[(n-2) J

(n-l)(n-2) 1<j 1J 1 J • n + (1-2Pi)ai

X [(n;2) + .(l-2Pj )ajJUiUj ,

4n ""'" 2 2 2MSs . c . a = (n-l) (n-2) (n-3) ~Pi(l-Pi)[n Pi(l-Pi)-(n-l)}aiui1

-1 n~)(w .. -nP.P.)(1-2P.)(1-2P.)]a.u.a.u·.n- .. 1J 1 J 1 . J 1 1 J J


+ 4 '" (W .. -nP .P . ) u . u .(n-l) ,Li. J.J J. J J. Jl<J





5.1 General Remarks

For the present investigation, unbiased estimators are

to be obtained from the dia11el analysis for genetic param­

eters of two separate reference populations. One reference

population is the random mating population from which the

dial1el crosses are a random sample. The second is a random

mating population derived wholly from the diallel parents.

The genetic parameters of interest in the populations are

the mean and the partitions of the total genetic variance.

Estimators are derived from the dia1le1 analysis by

equating the diallel statistics to their expectations, which

are given in terms of the genetic parameters. Solutions of

the equations for the genetic parameters in terms of the

diallel statistics are taken as the estimators.

The partitioning of genetic variance for the additive,

dominance, and additive-by-additive genetic model is given

below for a random mating population in equilibrium for two

loci each with two alleles, as outlined by Cockerham (1954).

An analysis of the population produces the following set of

genetic parameters;


(i) population mean

p = 4 (2Pi-1)Ui + 24: Pi(1-Pi)aiu i + ( 2P1-1) (2P2-1)t121 1

(ii) additive genetic variance

(iii) dominance genetic variance

(iv) additive-by-additive genetic variance


The symbols ai' ui' and t12 represent the genotypic values

as assigned to the genotypes in Table 4.2. The Pi repre­

sents the frequency of the positive allele, Bi , at the i th


5.2 Parent Population Estimators

The results for estimation of genetic parameters in the

parent random mating population have been given for a gen-

era1.gene model by Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956) for the

modified dia11e1 experiment, and by Kempthorne (1956) for

the complete dia11e1.

In the context of the present problem, the most general

gene model considered consists of additive, dominance, and


additive-by-additive epistasis at two loci,each with two

alleles. The mean and genetic variances of the parent popu­

lation are those shown in (5.1) with the gene frequencies

shown in (5.1); i.~., the frequency of the positive allele,

Bi , at the i th locus is Pi.

The expectation of the diallel statistics in terms of\

the parent population parameters of (5.1) are shown below in

(5.2). The detailed expectations are given in Section 9.1.

E(y) = )J

E(MS )s.c.a







The quantity, PI' is the mean of the population of complete­

ly inbred lines derived from the random mating population.

The quantities, D and F, in (5.3) are related to the param­

eters, ,D and F, defined by Hayman (1960) in the absence of

epistasis. If there is no dominance or if gene frequencies

are one-half, then F=O and D=26~. Also, if there is no

dominance P=PI' Examination of the statistics and their ex­

pectations reveals that only p and PI can be estimated un­

biasedly from the analysis. The estimators are

A -]J == Y

1\ -PI == YI •

222The genetic variances, 6A, 6D, and 6AA cannot be estimated

unbiasedly from the Fl analysis ~inc~ there are two equa­

tions and three unknowns if the mean squares are equated to

their expectations.

Addition of MSI and MP(I.O) to the analysis introduces

a like numbe~ o,f additional parameters, D and F. However,

if gene frequencies are one-half, the inclusion of either

MSI or MP(I.O) in the analysis allows unbiased estimation of. \

222 26A, 0D' and·6.AA since F=O and D=26A when Pi=1!2.

The results are in agreement with those obtained by

Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956) in that it is not possible

to estimate unbiasedly the genetic components of variance

with a single diallel experiment at one level of inbreeding

in the presence of epistasis. The results obtained show


that the present gene model is sufficient to indicate that

inclusion of more epistatic effects in the model only in­

creases the difficulties of estimation from the dia11e1


In the absence of epistasis, there is a change of defi­

nition for the genetic parameters in (5.1) associated with

the reference population and a change in the expected values

of the statistics associated with the dial1e1 analysis. The

population parameters in the absence of epistasis are ob­

tained from (5.1) by allowing t 12=0 and extending the model·

to include m loci. The expectations of the dia11e1 stat is-

tics are obtained in the manner described earlier and demon-

strated for the more complete genetic model in Section 9.1.

The resulting expectations are those given in (5.2) with the

a~A terms omitted.

The unbiased estimators p, 6~, and 6~ in the absence of

epistasis are

1\P = Y

2(MS -MS )(n-2) g.c.a s.c. a


These results are well known and have been presented by Mat-

zinger and Kempthorne (1956).

In addition, the statistics computed from the parental

information provide estimators for PI' D, and F, which are

Equivalent results were presented by Hayman (1960) for the

estimators of D and F.

In the absence of dominance, the genetic parameters of

interest are p, 6~, and 6~A' There will be, of course, no

domin~nce genetic variance. The genetic parameters of the

random mating population in the absence of dominance can be

obtained from those in (5.1) by allowing ai=O. The expecta­

tions of the dia1le1 statistics are those given in (5.2)2 2with 6D=F=0 and D=26A.

2 2The unbiased estimators of p, 6A, and 6AA , from the Fl

analysis in the absence of dominance, are

p = y

A20AA = 2 MSs.c.a (5.7)

Since the expectations of MSI and MP(I.O) contain a~ and 6~A'

it is possible to include one or both statistics in the

analysis to obtain least square solutions for estimators of

o~ and 6~A' Also, the mean of the inbred parents is an un­

biased estimator of f in the absence of dominance.

•-- 42

5.3 Derived Population Estimato~s

5.3.1 General Remarks. In this section, the dia11e1

estimators are obtained for genetic parameters of the random

mating population derived entirely from the completely in-

bred parents of the dial1e1 cross, referred to as the de~

rived population. The gene frequencies of the derived popu-

lation are identical with the gene frequencies of the set of

inbred lines from which the population was derived in the

absence of forces that change gene frequency.

Ordinarily, the estimators for the derived population

parameters are obtained by equating the dial1e1 statistics

to their expectations in terms of the derived population ge-

netic parameters. Then solutions for the genetic parameters

in terms of the diallel statistics are taken as the estima-

tors. However, only the conditional expectations of the

diallel statistics are used, since we are concerned only

with those samples that give rise to the same derived popu~

lation. Such estimators are considered to be conditionally


However, the average values of the derived population

paramet~rs can be expressed as linear functions of the par­

ent population parameters," Since the expectations of the

statistics are known in terms of the parent population pa-

rameters, it is most convenient to make use of the linear

relationships of the two sets of parameters in solving for

unbiased estimators of the derived population parameters.


A proof that these estimators are identical to those ob-

tained by taking conditional expectations follows.

Let S be the vector of diallel statistics. The condi-

tional expectation of S is


where M is a nonsingular square matrix whose elements are

functions of n, and 9p is the vector of derived population

parameters defined such that (5.8) is true. The condi­

tionally unbiased estimator of ~ is then


The average value of derived population parameters are


where N is a nonsingular square matrix whose elements are

functions of n, and ~p is the vector of parent population

parameters. The unbiased estimator of Ey(9~) is then de­

fined as


It must be shown that ~~$~.

The unconditional expectation of S is



using (5.8) and (5.10). Then the unbiased estimator of the

vector of parent population parameters ~ is


,F~om (5.11), the unbiased estimator of' Ey(~) is

using (5.13).1'\ 1\

Hence 9*~9* which was to be shown.-p ~"

The vectors of population parameters, ~p and !p' can be'

modified to the genetic model assumed, but they are re-

stricted to the same number of elements as contained in S.-The matrix N is found from the relationship in (5.10) and

can be used in conjunction with (MN)-l in (5.13) to deter­

mine M- l . The matrix (MN)-l is known for very general ge-

netic models from previous results on estimation of parent

population parameters. However, this method does not allow

determination of the exact variances of the estimators. To

obtain their exact variances, the estimators must be derived

using conditional expectations of the diallel statistics as

shown in (5.8). Since exact variances are desired, the

estimators are found using conditional expectations in the

following section, which necessarily restricts the gene

model to two alleles.

5.3.2 Genetic Model with Two Alleles. For the case of

two alleles, the genetic parameters of interest in the de­

rived population are those shown in (5.1), where the


frequencies of the two alleles at the i locus are Pi and

I-Pi. Therefore, for two loci, the derived population pa­

rameters are

(i) population mean,

(ii) additive genetic variance,

(iii) dominance genetic variance,

(iv) additive-by-additive genetic variance,


where the asterisk in (5.14) distinguishes the derived popu-

lation parameters from the parent population parameters.

The estimators for the derived population parameters

are obtained by equating the diallel statistics to their ex-

pectations, which are given in terms of the derived popula-

tion genetic parameters. Solutions for the genetic param-

eters in terms of the diallel statistics are taken as the

estimators. However, only the conditional expectations of

,~ the dial leI statistics are used since we are concerned only


with those samples that give rise to the same derived popu-


The conditional expectations for the diallel statistics

of Section 4.2 are shown in Section 9.1. The conditional

expectation of the mean of the Fl's is


where p~=~ (2Pi-l)ui+(2Pl-l) (2P2-l)t12 is the mean of thel.

population of completely inbred lines obtained from the de-

rived population. The coefficient of p* illustrates an in­

crease in the amount of heterozygosis in the derived popula-

tion relative to that of the parent population.

The conditional expectation of the mean of the diallel

parents is


The conditional expectations of the mean squares and

product of the diallel analysis are


n *'- (n-2) n

n 2

+ 2(n-l) (n-2)F*

+ n n*' _ n iF*(n-2) (n-3) (n-2) (n-3)


= n D* 4n(n-2)~*(n-l) + (n-l)2 AA

n n* n(n-4) 6¥* n2 iF*2 (n-l) + (n-l) 2 AA - 4(n-l) (n-2) (5.17)

2* 2* 2* ( 14)The parameters, 6A ' 6n ' and 6AA , are shown in 5. .

and F* are the derived population equivalents ton and F


shown in (5.3).

Solving (5.15) and (5.16) for p~ and p*, the following

unbiased estimators are obtained

A* = (n-l)y + lYI'P n n (5.18)

,Observation of equations (5.17) reveals that there are

four equations in five unknowns, which precludes obtaining

unbiased estimators of any of the genetic components of

variance except with gene frequencies of one-half. In that


case, F*=O and D*=2~*, and inclusion of either MSI or

MP(I.O) allows unbiased estimation of the genetic components

of variance--a situation analogous to that encountered for

estimation of components of genetic variance in the parent


The additive and dominance gene model in the absence of

epistasis is considered by allowing t12=O in all formulas

and extending to m loci. In the absence of epistasis, the

conditional expectations of the diallel statistics are those

shown in (5.15) through (5.17) with the 6~~ terms omitted.

Setting the statistics equal to their conditional ex-

pectations and solving for the parameters gives the follow-

ing set of estimators for the derived population parameters.

~D2* = (n-l)(n-3)MS + 4(n-1)2MSn(n-2) s.c.a n3 (n-2) g.c.a

(n-l)- I­n Y + -yn I

= (n-l)en

(n-1) (n-2)/\2 F.



It is important to realize that the unbiased estimators

for derived population parameters are unbiased over those

diallel samples that lead to the same derived population,<

i.~., those dial leI samples having the same set of Pi' which

is quite different from obtaining unbiased estimators from a

fixed sample for its specific derived population.

If for the additive and dominance model the parental

* 2*analysis is ignored, one set of estimators for p , 6A ' and

2*6 n obtained from the analysis of the FIls is

( ~2*) 2(n-l) (n-2)MSvA b~= n3 g.c.a

(dn2*)b = (n-I)(n-2)(n-3)MS3 s.c.a·


However, there is a bias associated with each of the estima-

tors in (5.20). The average bias for each of the estimators


4(n-l) 2 "C"l 2 2= - 3 ~ P.(l-Pi)a.u ... 1 1 1n 1



The set of biased estimators presented in (5.20) is one of

many possible sets of biased estimators available from the

Fl analysis.

In the absence of dominance, the genetic parameters of

the derived population are found from (5.14) by letting ai=O

in all of the formulas. Then for the additive and additive-

by-additive epistatic models, the conditional expectations

of the diallel statistics are those shown in (5.15) through

* 2* 2* * * *(5.17) with D =26A ' 6D =F =0, and PI=P. Using only the

statistics from the Fl analysis, unbiased estimators for p*,2* 2*6A ' and (5AA are

A* ­}1 = Y

2(n-l)2MS2 s.c.a·


The parental analysis can be included to aid in the estima-

* 2* 2*tion of p , 6A ' and 6AA by using a least squares estimation


For completeness, consider the additive genetic model

in the absence of dominance and epistasis by allowing t12=0

and ai=O in all the formulas. The conditional expectation

of the diallel statistics are those given in (5.15) through

* _2* 2* _2* * * *(5.17) with D =26A ' 6D =O-AA=F =0, and Pr=P. The unbiased

* 2*estimators of p and 6A from the FI analysis are


. (5.23)

5.3.3 Extension to Mu1tip1eoA11eies. In this section,

the results of Section 5.3.1 are used to show that the esti-

mators obtained in Section 5.3.2 with two alleles do not

change with the extension to a multiple allelic system. The

result is illustrated for the additive and dominance genetic

model with an arbitrary number of loci, each with an arbi-

trary number of alleles.

The estimators for parent population genetic variances

have been presented by Matzinger and Kempthorne (1956) and

Griffing (1956) with the extension to an arbitrary number of

alleles. The number of alleles did not affect their results

on estimation from the diallel experiment.

The present extension required a change to the genetic

notation used below.

Kempthorne (1954, 1957) described the random mating

population for one locus and s alleles with genotypic array,

sL p.p.B.B ..

i, j=l ~ J ~ J


The genotypic value of BiBj is denoted by Zij' which is

equal to Zji' the genotypic value of BjBi . The effects of

the alleles, B1 ,B2 , ··.,Bs ' at a locus are u 1 ,U2 '···'Us ' re­

spectively. Now Zij=P+«i+«j+dij , where Ui andUj are the

additive effects of the i and j alleles and dij is the domi­

nance deviation. Also u i =~ PiZij-P. The genetic param-J

eters for the population with one locus are given as

(i) mean,

(ii) additive genetic variance,

(iii) dominance genetic variance,

62 = L p. p .z~. - p2D i,j 1 J 1J .

where summation is over the s alleles.


Similarly, the population of inbred lines derived from

the random mating population by inbreeding without selection

will have the following mean and variance.


(i) mean

(ii) variance


The extension to m loci is accomplished by summing all

parameters for m loci; ~.~., the mean for locus m in the

random mating population is P(m)=L:,Pi(m)PJ'(m)Zij(m) and the. 1. , J

mean for all loci is LP(m)=~ L~Pi(m)Pj(m)Zij(m)J. Them m 1.,j .

derived population parameters are those shown in (5.24) upon

substitution of proper gene frequencies.

The procedure used to obtain the estimators for derived

population variances is outlined in Section 5.3.1. The vari­

ances of the derived population are averaged over all derived

populations; !..2,.., the expected value of the derived popula-

tion variances are taken with respect to Pi in order to ob­

tain the elements of the N matrix, (5.10). The average

values are linear combinations of parent -population vari-

ances for which estimators from the diallel "analysis are ob­

tained. As before, Pi=Yiln' where Yi is now multinomially

rather than binomially distributed.:..2* 2*Expectation of OA and 60 yields

E (62*) - 2(n-l) (n-2) [(n-2) 62 602] + 2 (:;1) 2D"_ (Ii-I) (n-2) FY A - n3 "2 A + n3



Upon proper substitution of estimators for parent population

parameters from (5.5), the estimators for.6~ and 6~* are

identical to the estimators found for the two-allele case in

Section 5.3.2.

Results on the estimation of parent population param­

eters and the brief presentation in this section lead to the

speculation that the number of alleles does not affect the

form of t~e estimators for derived population parameters.

5.4 Discussion

Both the similarities and the differences associated

with the estimation of genetic parameters in the two refer-

ence bases cpnsidered for the dial leI experiment are of in-

terest. The basic similarity is the generality of genetic

model one can assume for purposes of estimation. In both

cases, the genetic parameters can be estimated unbiasedly

only in the absence of epistasis or in the absence of domi-

nance. In the presence of both dominance and additive-by­

additive epistasis, there are no unbiased estimators for the

genetic variances of either reference population unless gene

frequencies are one-half; however, there are unbiased esti-

mators for the means of these populations. The basic dif-

ference lies in the utilization of the parental analysis for


estimation. In the presence of dominance, statistics from

the parental analysis are required for unbiased estimators

of genetic parameters of the derived population, whereas

they are not required for the parent population estimators.

The results of Section 5.3.1 provide a convenient means

for obtaining unbiased estimators of the derived population

parameters for a general gene model. The method should prove

useful in extending results to mating designs other than the

diallel in that one can dispense with the formulation of the

statistics of the analysis in terms of the sampling variables

and genotypic values as was done in Section 4. It is only

necessary to obtain the average value of the derived popula-

tion parameters as a linear function of the parent population

parameters and take usual estimators from the analysis of

parent population parameters to obtain an unbiased. estimator

of the linear function.



6.1 Introduction

The exact variances of the unbiased estimators for the

parent population and derived population parameters are ob­

tained for the genetic model, including only additive and

dominance effects with two alleles at each locus. The vari-

ances of the biased estimators of derived population param-

eters (5.21) are also considered .

. The variances of the derived population estimators are

compared to the variances of the parent population esti-

mators as an indication of the relative efficiency of the

derived population estimators.

Initially, only variances of the genetic portion of the

estimators shown in (5.5) and. (5.l9) are presented. The

consequences of random experimental error and replication

are discussed in Section 6.5.

6.2 Exact Variances of Parent

Population Estimators

The estimators of parent population parameters in the

absence of epistasis are

1\ ­}J = Y"2 26A = (n_2){MSg .c . a - MSs . c . a )

"'26D = MSs . c . a '

as shown in (5.5).


The exact variance of ~~ is

4 2[V(MSg c a) + V(MS s c a)(n-2) . . . .

- 2 COV(MSg . c .a , MBs . c . a )],

and the exact variance of a~ is V(an2 )=V(MS ).s.c.a

V(MBg . c . a ), V(MBs . c .a ), and Cov(MSg . c . a , MBs,c.a) are

obtained by use of the mean squares shown in (4.14) with the

variables Pi and Wij' which are binomially and hypergeo­

metrically distributed, respectively. The variances and co-

variance are found from the expectations,

V(MSg,c,a) = E{MSg . c . a )2 - [E(MBg . c ,a)]2

V(MBs,c.a) = E(MSs ,c.a)2 - [E(MSs ,c.a)]2

e and

Cov(MBg,c,a' MBs,cta) = E[(MSg.c,a)(MSs.c.a)]

- E(MSg.c.a)E(MBs.c.a)·

Due to their complexity, the derivations of the above

variances and covariance are given in Section 9.2. The

final form of the two variances and covariance are shown

in Table 6,1. At the present time, the formulas of Table

6.1 appear to be unfactorable in their present form. How-

ever, with the simplifying assumption of only additive gene

effects, the variance of MSg.c,a in Table 6.1 is a function

of the variance of the sampling variance of gene frequencies.

For example, in the absence of dominance, the variance of

the estimator for additive genetic variance for one locus

can b~ expressed as

e e "Table 6.1 Exact variances and covariance for genetic portions of MSg . c . a and MSs . c . a

from the dia11e1 analysis of variance

V(MSg . C •a )

= 2 12 2~[(n-2)4(n2p2'·-2nP3'·+P4'·)n (n-1) (n-2) i 1 1 1

+ 4(n-2)3(n3p2i-4n2p3i+snp4i-2PSi)ai + 6(n-2)2(n4p2i-6n3P3i+13n2P4i-12nP5i+4P6i)a~

+ 4(n-2)(nSp2i-8n4p3i+2Sn3p4i-38n2p5i+28nP6i-8P7i)a~

+ ( n6P2'· -10nSp3' . +41n4P4' . -88n3Ps' . +104n2P6' . - 64nP7' . +16P8' . )a~Ju~ + ( :1) L: Ci CJ. - 2: C~1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i<j i

V(MSs •c •a )

= 16 ~ { 2 2n2 (n-1)2 (n-2)2(n-3)2 -? 1.n (n-1) Jl2i - 2n(n-1) (n


+ [6n2 (n-1) + (n-1)2 + n4Jp4i - [6n(n-1) + 4n3 JpSi

+ (6n2+2n-2)P6" - 4nP7'· + PS' .1 a~u~ + (~3) L 0n2 .6n2 . - 2: 6n

41·1 1 1) 1 1 n n " 1 J .. . 1<J . 1



Table 6.1 (continued)

COV(MSg •c •a ' MSs • c •a )

ie ~

_ 4 ""'{ 2 2 2·- n2 (n-l)2(n-2)2(n-3) ~ (n-2) [-n (n-l)P2i + n(n +2n-2)P3i - (3n


+ 3nPSi - P6i J + 2(n-2)[-n3 (n-l)P2i + n2 (n2 +4n-4)P3i - 5n(n2+n-l)P4i + (9n2+2n-2)PSi

- 7nP6i + 2P7i]ai + [-n4 (n-l)P2i +n3 (n +6n-6)P3i - n2 (7n2 +13n-13)P4i

+ n(19n2 +12n-12)PSi - (25n2 +4n-4)P6i + 16nP7i - 4P8iJa~}a~u1

+ C.On2

. - [2: c.] [2: (52.J,iFj ~ J i ~ i n~


22222 2Ci = (n-2)Pi(1-Pi)[1 + (1-2Pi)a i ] u i + 4Pi (1-Pi) aiui

6 2Di


= 4p~(1-p.)2a~u~~ ~ ~ ~

= E (y~)Y ~



where the quantity inside the square brackets is n2 times

the variance of the sampling variance of gene frequency.

For completeness, the variance of Q=y is

8(2n-3)~ P~(1-p.)2a~u~ + 8n~, Pl' (1-Pi)(1-2Pl·)al,u2l'n(n-3)~ 1 1 1 1 ~

1 1

= 10 + nlHl - !F _ 2(2n-3)62n n n(n-l) D'

6.3 Exact Variances of Derived

Population Estimators

The appropriate variances for the estimators of derived

population parameters are the average conditional variances,

i.~., conditional on fixed sample gene frequencies, Pi' The

average conditional variances are appropriate because the

parameters of interest are for the equilibrium random mating

population completely specified by the sample gene fre-

quencies. Hence, the· only source of genetic variability in

the estimators must be due to differences among the diallel

estimators arising from samples having the same marginal gene. .

frequencies but different genotypic distributions.

The unbiased estimators for the additive and dominance

genetic model of Section 5.3.2 are considered. The esti-

mator for additive genetic variance is from (5.19).


~2* = 2(n-l)(n-2)MS + 2(n-l)2£ (n-l)(n-2)AA n3 g. c •a n3 - n3 F.

Its variance is

- 4(n-l):(n-2)coV*(D,9). (6.1)n

"'2*The components of V(6A

) are derived in Section 9.3 and

are giv~n below as average conditional variances and co­


.'-......-, '"V*(D)


= 4 "" DiD.(n-l) .L..... Jl.<J

= 16 2:: D. [(n-2) 62(n-l)(n-2)i~j l. [2 Aj

+ 4 ~D.(F.-D.) + 1 LF.F.(n-l) i~j l. J J (n-l) i~j l. J

V*(MS ) = 4 ~[(n-2)62. + 62 .J" f(n-2)62 .g.c.a (n-l)i~· 2 Al. D~ L 2 AJ

1\COV*(MSg •c . a , D)

"-Cov*(MSg . c .a ' F)




Collecting terms for (6.1),


- 4(n-l) (n_2)2" [2C F 2~n-l~D ][2C F 2(n-l)D J- n6 «j i - i + n-2 i j - j + (n-2) j



The estimator for 6~* from (5.19) is

and its variance is



2 2 . 4 ( )4= (n-1) (n-3) ¥*(MS ) + 16(n-1) ¥*(MS ) + n-~ v*(n)n2(-n_2)2 s.c.a n6(n_2)2 g.c.a n

4 . 3+ (n-1) ¥*(;) + 8(n-l) (n-3)CoV*(MS MS



)n6 n4(n-2)2 s.c.a

2(n-1)3(n-3)C *(MS fi) + 2(n-1)3(n-3)CoV*(MS , F)n4(n-2) ov s.c.a' n'(n-2) s.e.a

8(n-1)4 * A 8(n-1)~c'ov*(MS , F~)6 COY (MSg c a' D) + 6 g c an (n-2) . . n (n-2) . .

2(n-~)4cov*(a, F). (6.4)n

The component variances and covariances of (6.9) needed in

addition to those in (6.2) are derived in Section 9.3, and

they are

V*(MS ) = 8." 62 .62s.c.a ( 3) LJ D Djn n- i<j 1


Cov*(MSs . c . a , F) = 0

COV*(MSs . c . a ' a) = 0

CoV*(MSg . c . a ' MSs . c . a ) = O.

Upon collecting terms for (6.4),



= 8(n-1) 2 (n-3) :6 62 62n3 (n-2)2 i<j Di Dj

+ 4(n-~)3! L [<n:2)C'i ~ Di + F,i] [cn:2)Cj - Dj + FjJ 1 (6.6)n ~i<j .


[(n-2) 2 2 ]Ci = 2 6Ai + 6Di .


The conditional variance of the estimator of p*,

(5.19), is zero; hence, the average conditional variance

of ~* is always less than the variance of p.The unbiased estimators discussed above require informa-

tion from the inbred parents, in addition to the Fl's in the

diallel experiment. It is of interest to investigate some

of the properties of certain biased estimators that utilize

information from Fl's only. O· 2*The biased estimators forA

and 6~* are from (5.20) as follows.

2(n-l) (n-2)1I83 . g.c.a


with bias,


= (n-l)(n-2)(n-3)MS3 s.c.a '


with bias

Their variances are

1\V«(52*)A b

2 2= 4(n-l) (n-2) ¥*(MS )n6 g.c.a

and222= (n-l) (n-2) (n-3) ¥*(M8 . )

n6 s.c.a

8 (n-l)2 (n-2)2 (n-3) L: (j2 62= n7 . . Di Dj'



6.4 Numerical Evaluations of Estimator Variances

6.4.1 General Remarks. It is difficult to compare

analytically the relative efficiencies of the estimators

from the parent and the derived population parameters. How-

ever, some measure of the goodness of the derived population

estimators is necessary to evaluate the proposed procedure

of inference to derived populations. In this section, the

two sets of variances for several spe6ificcases under the

additive and dominance genetic model will be evaluated and

compared. For this purpose, let

u· = Uj = 1·1

a i = a j = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5

Pi :::: Pj = 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95

n :::: 5, 10, 15, 20

m = 2, 10, 100, 1000,

which give a total of 448 combinations of n, a, m, and p.

The value of 1 is assigned u because u4 enters as a constant

multiplier for each of the variances. The restriction that

all ai' all ui' and all Pi are equal is an unrealistic but

necessary restriction in order to reduce the n~merical evalu-

atton to a manageable task.

The variances of the unbiased estimators evaluated were

A 4V(6~) :::: (n_2)2[V(MSg .c . a ) + V(MSs . c .a )

- 2 Cov (MSg . c . a , MSs . c. a) ]


V(6~) = V(MSs . c . a )

V(~~*) = v*[2(n-l)(n-2)MS + 2(n-l)28 _ (n-l)(n-2)F]'n3 g.e.a n3 n3


= v*[(n-l)(n-3)MS . +n(n-2) s.e.a

(n_l)2A (n-l)20 ]- 3 D+ 3 F,n n

4(n-l)2MSn3 (n-2). g.e.a

where V(MSg . e •a ), V(MSs . e . a )' and COV(MSg . e .a , MSs . c .a ) are

"2* "2*shown in Table 6.1 and V(OA ) and V(On ) are shown in (6.3)

and (6.6).

Upon letting Pi=Pj=P, ai=aj=a, and ui=Uj=l, the vari­

ances in (6.14) took the form shown in Table 6.2. The

formulas of Table 6.2 were evaluated on the IBM 1410 digital

computer located in the School of Textiles at North Carolina

State of the University of North Carolina at Raleigh.

6.4.2 Relative Efficiencies of Derived-to-Parent

P9Pulation Estimators. In order to compare the relative ef-

ficiencies of derived population to parent population esti-

mators of additive and dominance genetic variance, the fol-

lowing ratios were computed.


[V(~~)/(6~)2J/[V(6~*)/(Ey6~*)J. (6.9)

A ratio >1 indicates that the derived population esti-

mators are relatively more efficient, while a ratio <1 in-

dicates that parent population estimators are relatively

2* 2*more efficient. The v~l~es, Ey6A and Ey6D ' used in

(6.9) are the average values over all possible derived

e • ~

Table 6.2 Variances and covariances of dial1el estimators letting Pi=Pj=P, ai=aj=a,and ui:::Uj=1

V(MS -) = m. [(n-2)4(n2p'-2np'+p') + 4(n-2)3(n3p'-4n2p'+5np'-2p')ag.c.a n2 (n-1)2(n-2)2 2 3 4 2 3 4 5

2432" 2+ 6(n-2) (n Pi-6n P3+13n P4-12nPS+4P6)a

+ 4(n-2) (n5p'-8n4p'+25n3p'-38n2p'+28np'-8p')a32 3 4 567

+ (n6P2-10n5p3+41n4p4-88n3~5+104n2p6-64nP7+16P8)a4J + 2m(m-~) ~.m(n-1)C2

V(MSs . c • a )

~ 2 "216m

2 2{n2 (n-l)2Pi - 2n(n-1)(n2+n-l)p~ + [6n2 (n-l) + (n-l)2 + n4]p~n (n-l) (n-2) (n-3)

- [6n(n-l) + 4n3 Jp' + (6n2 +2n-2)p' - 4np' + p'la4 + 4m(m-l) - ID n25 6 7 8) n(n-3)



Table 6.2 (continued)

Cov(MSg . c . a ' MSs . c . a )

(e .(e

= 224m

2 f(n-2)2[-n2

(n-l)P2 + (n3


-2n)P3 - (3n2

+n-l)P4 + 3nP5 - P6 Ja2n (n-I) (n-2) (n-3) l .

+ 2(n-2)[-n3 (n-l)P2 + (n4 +4n3 -4n2 )pj - (5n3 +5n2 -5n)P4 + (9n2+2n-2)PS - 7np6 + 2p7Ja3

+ [-n4 (n-l)P2 + (n5+6n4-6n3 )p3 - (7n4+l3n3 -l3n2 )p4 + (l9n3 +l2n2-l2n)P5

- (25n2+4n-4)p~ + l6np~ - 4p~Ja4} - mCD

"V(~~*) = 8m(m-l~(n-l)[(n_2)C + 4(n-2)p(l-p) (1-2p)a + 4(n-l)p(1-p)]2'n

V<62*) - 4m(m-l) (n-l)2(n-3)D2 + 32m(m-l)(n-l)3[C _ 2(n-2)p(1-p)(1-2p)a - (n-2)p(1-p)J2D - n3 (n-2)2. n6(n_2)2 .


C = (n-2)p(1-p)[1 + (l-2p)a]2 + 4p2(l_p)2a2

D = 4p2(1-p)2a 2.



populations such that they are expressed in terms o,f the

gene frequencies of the parent population.

In addition, the coefficient of variation for each of

the estimators was computed, which is

1\C.v. = 100(69/9), (6.10)

1\ 1\where ~9 is the standard error of 9, the unbiased estimator

of 9.

~, ~,

In the present problem, 9 represents the parameters

2* 2*6A ' or 6n .

The coefficient of variation is supplementary in that

it provides an indication of the precision of estimation

for each of the populations, in addition to the information

on the relative efficiencies of estimation for one population

relative to the other as given by the ratios (6.9). The

coefficients of variation presented in the tables do not

include random experimental error and could be considered as

minimum values, since the addition of random error would in-

flate the values presented.

The coefficient of variation is a quantitative measure,

which requires one to set an arbitrary limit on the value

of a coefficient of variation as a criterion for whether

or not an estimator can be considered good in the sense of

being precise. Ordinarily, an estimator for a mean is con-

sidered poor if the coefficient of variation is as high

as 50, but variances are ordinarily estimated with less

precision than means. Allowing for an additional inflation



of the coefficient of variation due to random error, the

estimators obtained will be considered sufficiently precise

if the coefficient of variation is <40.

Results on the evaluation of the ratio for additive

variance estimators, (6.9), with specified values of n, a,

m, and p are given in Table 8.3. Values for 1000 loci dif­

fer only slightly from those for 100 loci and are eliminated

from the table. Also, results for n=15 are eliminated since

-the trend for increasing n is well illustrated with those

values used in the table. The coefficients of variation for

"2 "2*6A and 6A are shown in Tables 6.4 and 6.5, respectively, for

specified values of n, a, m, and P. It should be noted that

~2*the coefficient of variation for vA is independent of gene

frequency and degree of dominance.

Generally, the derived population estimator is more ef-

ficient than the parent population estimator; and as both m

and n become larger the ratio becomes smaller, as shown in

Table 6.3. Extremely high values of the ratio for some cases

of p=0.75, 0.95 are accounted for by a divergence of the gen-

etic variances of the two populations at these points. Obser-

vation of additive genetic variance for the two populations

in Tables 6.6 and 6.7 reveals additive genetic variance in the

parent population to be much smaller than that of the derived

population at these crucial points, hence causing the ratios

to be very large. An increase in the degree of dominance

appears to accentuate the high and low points in the tables.

e (e (e

Table 6.3 Values of [V(6~)/(6~)2J/[V(6~*)/(E6:*)2J for specified values of D, a,m, and p Y

~0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20 : 10 20P

0.05 2 8.0 8.8 9.1 7.9 8.1 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.8 8.4 7.8 7.610 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.7

100 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

0.25 2 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.4 1.3 2.6 1.6 1.3 3.4 1.8 1.410 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.2 1.1

100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.1

0.50 2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.9 1.6 1.5 4.7 3.2 3.0 11.2 6.3 5.710 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.5 1.3 4.4 2.2 1.8

100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.9 1.3 1.1. 3.6 1.7 1.3

0.75 2 1.7 1.7 1.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 24.2 15.3 13.3 890.9 258.7 148.010 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.3 7.0 3.4 2.7 245.5 48.4 22.2

100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.1 5.0 2.1 1.5 172.1 24.4 7.9

0.95 2 8.0 8.8 9.1 11.6 12.5 12.8 1852.4 580.3 268.6 109.8 32.1 3.310 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.3 282.9 73.6 33.3 17.3 5.3 2.6

100 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 104.6 18.3 7.2 6.9 2.4 1.6


e (e .(e

Table 6.4 Coefficient of variation of ~f for specified combinations of n, a, m, and p

~5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.510 IS 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 .20 5 10 15 20


0.05 2 141 99 80 69 140 95 76 66 142 94 75 64 145 93 74 6310 90 61 49 48 90 60 48 31 91 60 38 41 92 60 47 41

100 73 49 39 34 73 49 39 33 74 49 39 33 75 49 39 331000 71 47 38 33 71 47 38 33 72 48 ,38 33 73 48 38 33

0.25 2 66 43 35 30 68 40 31 26 81 42 31 26 93 45 33 2710 70 46 37 32 73 46 37 31 79 48 37 33 86 49 38 32

100 71 47 38 32 73 47 37 33 79 49 39 33 85 50 39 331000 71 45 38 32 74 48 38 33 79 49 39 33 85 50 99 33

0.50 2 55 35 28 23 69 42 33 28 108 60 47 40 168 84 65 5510 64 45 36 31 75 47 37 32 99 55 42 36 140 66 49 41

100 70 47 38 32 77 48 38 33 97 53 41 34 133 61 45 371000 71 47 38 32 77 49 38 33 97 53 41 34 133 61 45 37

0.75 2 66 43 35 30 95 63 51 43 246 130 100 '84 1487 599 367. 27810 70 46 37 32 82 52 41 35 177 83 61 51 1049 311 193 145

100 71 47 38 32 79 49 39 33 157 67 48 39 922 232 130 911000 71 45 38 32 79 49 39 33 155 66 47 38 911 222 121 84

0.95 2 141 99 80 69 173 118 95 82 2152 795 503 377 524 187 113 4210 90 61 49 43 102 48 55 47 1127 386 241 179 279 104 66 50

100 73 49 39 34 78 50 40 34 716 201 118 86 184 73 50 401000 71 47 38 33 75 48 38 33 662 172 98 70 171 69 48 39


Table 6.6 Additive genetic variance of the parent popula-tion for 10 loci and specified values of a and pe


~ 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50

0.05 0.95 1.99 3.43 5.25

0.10 1.80 3.53 5.83 8.71

0.25 3.75 5.86 8.44 11.48

0.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

0.75 3.75 2.11 0.94 0.23

0.90 1.80 0.65 0.07 0.07

0.95 0.95 0.29 0.01 0.12

e (e (e

Table 6.7 Average additive genetic variance of derived population for 10 loci andspecified"va1ues of n, a, and p

"a 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5- 10 20n 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20 5p \0.05 0.76 0.86 0.90 1.23 1.58 1.78 1.82 2.54 2.96 2.53 3.73 4.45

0.10 1.44 1.62 1.71 2.23 2.83 3.17 3.22 4.40 5.09 4.40 6.33 7.46

0.25 3.00 3.38 3.56 4.04 4.91 5.38 5.34 6.82 7.61 6.92 9.10 10.27

0.50 4.00 4.50 4.75 4.12 4.59 4.80 4.48 4.86 4.96 5.08 5.31 5.23

0.75 3.00 3.38 3.56 2.24 2.21 2.17 1.74 1.42 " 1.20 1.52 1.00 0.65

0.90 1.44 1.62 1.71 0.85 0.76 0.71 0.45 0.26 0.16 0.25 0.11 0.07

0.95 0.76 0.86 0.90 0.41 0.35 0.32 0.18 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.06





For increasing degrees of dominance, the absolute magnitude

of difference between high and low values in the table in-

creases when p<0.95.

The effects of m and n must be considered jointly in

order to come to any sensible conclusions. Apparently, as

m and n both become large, the ratio tends to a limiting

value near unity, indicating that both estimators become

equally efficient for all gene frequencies and degrees of

for precise estimates of additive variance in the parent

population. There are cases where at least 20 or more par-

ents may be necessary, ~.K., with p~0.50 and a~l.O. Values

of the coefficient of variation for d~* in Table 6.5 indi­

cate that n=lO parents are sufficient for precise estimates

of additive variance in the derived population.

Values of the ratio for dominance variance estimators,

(6.9), are shown in Table 6.8 for specified values of n,

m, and p. The ratio is independent of the degree of dominance.

"2 A2*The coefficients of variation for 6D

and 6D are shown in

Tables 6.9 and 6.10, respectively. The dominance genetic

variances of the two populations are shown in Tables 6.11

and 6.12.

Table 6.8 Values of [V(~~)/(6fi)2J/[V(a~*)/(Ey6~*)2Jforspecified values of n, m, ana p


0.05, 0.95 0.25, 0.75 0.505 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20

2 126.4 125.8 179.0 10.0 14.1 26.8 3.9 2.9 2.9

10 15.1 14.4 20.3 2.7 2.7 4.0 1.8 1.3 1.2

100 2.4 1.8 2.3 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.1 1.0

1000 1.3 0.7 0.6 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.1 1.0

Table 6.9 Coefficients of variation for ~fi for several com-binations of n, m, and pa

e 0.05, 0.95 0.25, 0.75 0.50'-' 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

2 468 250 185 153 106 57 44 38 71 27 18 13

10 217 114 84 69 74 33 24 19 65 25 15 11

100 91 43 30 24 64 25 16 12 63 24 15 11

1000 67 26 17 13 63 24 15 11 63 24 15 11

aCoefficients of variation for "2 are independent _·.--"0.,4.'

6Dof a.

e 77

Table 6.10 Coefficients of variation of "2* for specified'- 6Dvalues of n, m, and pa

~0.05, 0.95 0.25, 0.75 0.50·

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

2 42 22 15 11 34 15 10 7 36 16 10 8

10 56 30 20 15 45 20 13 10 48 22 14 10

100 59 31 21 16 47 21 14. 10 51 23 15 11

1000 59 32 22 16 47 21 14 10 51 23 15 11

aCoefficients of variation for "2* are independentOnof a.

Table 6.11 Dominance genetic variance of the parent popu­lation for 10 loci and specified values ofa and p

~a0.05, 0.95

0.10, 0.90

0.25, 0.75

















The estimator of dominance variance in the derived popu-

lation is generally more efficient than that of the parent

population estimator with the exception where p=0.95, 0.05

and m=1000. There also appears to be a tendency for the

ratio to approach a limiting value, possibly near unity, as

both m and n increase in magnitude.

"2 "2*The coefficients of variation for 6n and 6n do not

change with a change in the degree of dominance and are sym-

metrical around p=0.5. It appears that a diallel sample

size of n=lO is sufficient for good estimation of 6~*. Good

estimation of 6~ requires a diallel sample size of at least

n=l5 except for p=0.5, where n=lO ~ppears to be sufficient.

For both sets of estimators considered, sampling appears

to play an important role in determining the relative ef-

ficiency of the estimators, as one would suspect. The param-

eters to be estimated in the derived population become more


like their counterparts in the parent population as the sample

size of the diallel increases; bence, the variances of their

estimators would be expected to become more like those for

the parent population. Also, the number of loci seems to have

an important role and their effect on the relative efficiencies

must be considered jointly with the sample size, as indicated


The situations considered may be 'somewhat artificial due

to the physical limitations encountered in the numerical

evaluations. Also, it is highly unlikely that all genes

controlling any character have the same frequency in a popu-

lation or that all loci exhibit the same degree of dominance.

An attempt was made to study the possible effects of this

restriction by considering 10 subsets of 10 loci with vary­

ing combinations of the other parameters, n, a, and p. In

all cases considered, the averages over the 10 subsets fell

in the expected region assuming 100 loci with parameters

equal to the average of the 10 subset parameters. Thus, the

assumption of equal parameters in the numerical evaluations

did not appear to be too misleading.

The mean square error of the biased estimators for the

derived population parameters is shown in Table 6.13, let-

ting ui=uj=l, Pi=Pj=P, and ai=aj=a. The mean square error

of an estimator is its .variance plus the square of its bias.

The formulas of Table 6.13 were obtained from the variance

and the bias of each estimator shown in (6.7).


Table"6.13 Mean s~uare error of biased estimators for 6~*and On ' where ui:Uj=l, Pi=Pj=P, andai=ajl:a "

MSE(6A2*)b = 8m(m-l)(n-l)(n-2)2 l(n_2)p(1_P)[1 + (1-2p)a]2n6


A numerical evaulation of the mean square error of the

biased estimators, the genetic variances of the derived popu-

lation, and the bias of the estimators were made using par-

ticular values of n, a, m, and p. The ratios of the variances

for parent population estimators to the mean square error for

biased derived population estimators were computed.

Table 6.14 illustrates the general results of the in-

vestigation for additive variance estimators. The gene fre-

quencies and degrees of dominace are some of those used in

Table 6.3 for purposes of comparison.

The same general patterns of behavior occurred with the

biased estimators as with the unbiased estimators for the de-

rived population parameters. However, the biased estimators

were less efficient than the unbiased estimators, if the

mean square error was considered as the measure of ,efficiency

for the biased estimators. The efficiency of the biased estima-

tors was also computed using their variance rather than the

mean square. When the variance was used as a measure of ef-

ficiency, the biased estimators had a higher relative ef-

ficiency than did the unbiased estimators.

But the magnitude of the bias associated with the est i-

mator must also be considered. The bias associated with the

biased estimator ranges from roughly 60 percent of the addi­

tive variance for n=5 to roughly 25 percent of the additive

variance for n=20.


tit Table 6.14 Additive genetic variance of derived population,62*. bias of (&~*)b; and the ratio,

A 'V(a2)/MSE(~2*) for specific values of n, a,A A bm, and p

I;:n p=0.05, a=0.55 10 15 20

2 0'2* 0.25 0.32 0.34 0.36ABlas -0.13 -0.09 -0.06 -0.05Ratio 15.55 10.80 9.81 9.32

10 "2* 1.23 1.58 1.72 1.78• 6ABlas -0.65 -0.43 -0.31 -0.24Ratio 5.56 3.17 2.63 2.24

100 62* 12.30 15.85 17.16 17.84Bias -6.51 -4.31 -3.13 -2.45Ratio 3.63 1.98 2.63 2.24

1000 2* 123.01 158.47 171.56 178.35

•••O'ABlas -65.06 -43.09 -31.29 -24.46Ratio 3.45 1.86 1.52 1.37

p=0.75, a=0.5

2 62* 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.43ABlas -0.31 -0.19 -0.13 -0.10,Ratio 1.57 1.64 2.03 1.83

10 6 2* 2.24 2.21 2.19 2.17Bias -1.56 -0.95 -0.67 -0.52Ratio 1.15 1.00 1.03 1.06

100 6i* 22.35 22.11 21.86 21.70Blas -15.60 -9.45 -6.69 -5.17Ratio 1.05 0.87 0.88 0.89

1000 6H* 223.50 221.06 218.56 216.98Blas -156.00 -94.50 -66.89 -51.66Ratio 1.04 0.86 0.86 0.88

e 83

Table 6.14 (continued)''<-..-.'

S':n p=0.75, a=1.55 10 15 20

2 62* 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.13Btas -0.17 -0.08 -0.05 -0.04Ratio 14.94 7.32 8.57 10.26

10 .' 02* . 1.52 1.00 0.77 0.65Bias . -0.84 -0.41 -0.26 -0.20Ratio 6.65 2.27 1.99 1.99

100 o~* 15.15 9.96 7.70 6.47B as -8.40 -4.05 -2.64 -1.96Ratio 5.03 1.23 0.87 0.76

1000 o~* 151.50 99.56 77.00 -84.00 -40.50 -26.44 -19.59Ratio . 4.87 1.13 0.76 0.64



The biased dominance variance estimators for the de-

rived population parameters produced results similar to

the biased additive variance estimators (Table 6.15). In

all cases, the biased estimators were less efficient than

the unbiased estimators with the mean square error com-

parison. If the variance of the biased estimator was used

as an efficiency measure, the biased estimators were more

efficient than the unbiased estimators" .However , the bias

of the dominance variance estimator was roughly 80 percent

of 62* for n=5 to roughly 30 percent of 62* for n=20.D D

The unbiased estimators for derived population param-

eters would be more desirable for use than the biased esti-

mators, since they are more efficient. Also, the bias

associated with the biased estimators is quite large, and

it seems to be relatively easy to correct for the bias by

the use of information from the parental analysis.

6.5 Consequences of Random Experimental Error

6.5.1 Parent Population Estimators. The estimators

and their variances shown in Section 6.1 pertain to the

genetic portion of the model and ignore any random contribu-

tion due to experimental error. In this section, the change

in estimators from the dia1le1 and their variances upon in-

elusion of random experimental error for the strictly addi-

tive and dominance genetic model in the absence of epistasis

are indicated.


~ Table 6.15 Dominance genetic variance of derived population,2* "2* and the ratio,6n ; bias of (OD )b;

V(a~)/MSE(~*)b for specified values of n, a,m, and p

S p=0.25, 0.75; a=0.5n 5 10 15 20

2 ~~:s 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07-0.05 -0.03 -0.02 -0.02

Ratio 2.35 1.71 1.87 2.25

10 2* 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.346B~as -0.24 -0.15 -0.11 -0.09Ratio 1.14 0.55 0.55 0.60

100 6B* 3.08 3.29 3.36 3.40Blas -2.40 -1.52 -1.09 -0.85Ratio 0.8,6 0.31 0.24 0.22

e 1000 2* 30.75 32.91 33.64 34.016J;)Blas -24.00 -15.19 -10.89 -8.46Ratio 0.84 0.29 0.21 0.19

p=0.50; a=1.0

2 6 2* 0.35 0.41 0.44 0.45B~as -0.26 -0.16 -0.12 -0.09Ratio 1.86 0.67 0.52 0.46

10 62* 1.76 2.07 2.20 2.27nBlas -1.28 -0.81 -0.58 -0.45Ratio 1.52 0.52 0.38 0.33

100 6 2* 17.60 20.70 21.99 22.68B~as -12.80 -8.10 -5.81 -4.51Ratio 1.45 0.48 0.35 0.31

1000 62* 176.00 207.00 219.85 226.81B£as -128.00 -81.00 -58.07 -45.13Ratio 1.45 0.48 0.35 0.30

e 86

Table 6.15 (continued)"-

S p=0.50; a=0.5n 5 10 15 20

2 6 2* 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.11Blfas -0.06 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02Ratio 1.85 0.70 0.55 0.47

10 6~* 0.44 0.52 0.55 0.57Bias -0.32 -0.20 -0.15 -0.11Ratio 1.53 0.51 0.38 0.33

" 100 2* 4.40 5.18 5.50 -3.20 -2.03 -1.45 -1.13Ratio 1.45 0.45 0.35 0.31

1000 62* 44.00 51.75 54.96 56.70B£as -32.00 -20.25 -14.52 -11.28Ratio 1.45 0.48 0.35 0.30



The error contribution to an observation, YqrJ in

(4.1) is eqr , where the eqr are assumed to be normal and

independently distributed variables with mean zero and

v~riance 62/k, and are independent of the genetic effects.e

For the purpose of estimation, it is assumed that a rep1i-

cated experiment has been conducted that yielded an error

variance with f e degrees of freedom (Table 4.1). In the

absence of epistasis, the estimators for the genetic vari-

ances in the parent population are


The variances of the estimators in (6.11) differ from

those shown in Section 6.2 due to the addition of random

error to the model. The variances are

A2V(6n)e = V(MSs.c.a)e + V(MSE) - 2 Cov(MSs . c . a ' MSE) ,



~ V(MS g . c . a ) + 4 [(n-2)6A2 +k(n-1) 2


Cov(MSs,c.a' MSE)e ~ 0

Cov(MSg . c . a ' MSs.c.a)e = Cov(MSg . c . a , MSs . c . a )·


2+ 8 [(n-2)62 + 2(n -n-2)62 J62

k(n-1)(n-2)2 A n(n-3) D e


k 2n(n-1) (n-2)2(n-3)


The subscript e on the expressions in (6.12) and (6.13) dis-

tinguishes the variances under the model, including. random

erro~ from the variances where random error was ignored.

Where there is no subscript, the values of V(MSg . c . a ),

V(MSs . c . a )' and Cov(MSg . c . a , MSs . c . a ) are the variances

and covariance shown in Table 6.1. Similarly, values for

V(~) and v(2~) are the variances shown in Section 6.2,

ignoring random error.

Observation of the variances in (6.13) reveals the

genetic portion of the variance is unaffected by increased

replication, whereas the portions of the variances contain-

ing random experimental error become smaller as the replica-

tion is increased. Hence, replications in the environmental

sense cannot improve the initial genetic sample.


6.5.2 Derived Population Estimators. The variances of

the estimators for parameters of the derived population also

change if random experimental error is included in the

model. In addition to the random error component, eqr , in

(4.1) the random component of error must be considered for-

observations on the parental values, (4.2), defined as Sqq

where the aqq are assumed to be normal and independently. 2

distributed variables with mean zero and variance 6b/k. It

is assumed that an experiment has been conducted to yield an

estimate of error variance for the parents, MSE I , with f I

degrees of freedom.

Upon addition of random error to the model, the estima-

tors for the derived population variances in (5.19) become

~D2* (n-l)(n-3)(MS -MSE) + 4(n-l)2(MS -MSE)n(n-2) s.c.a n3 (n-2) g.c.a

(n-I) ?,.. (n-l) 2"- D + 3 F,

n3 n

where1\D = MSI - MSE I1\F = 2 MSI - 4 MP(I.O) - 2 MSE I . (6.14)


The variances and covariances of the dial leI statistics

2* 2*used to estimate 6A and 6D are shown in Table 6.16. From

Section 6.3, the variances for derived population estimators

are average conditional variances.

e (e .(e

Table 6.16 Average conditional variances and covariances of ·diallel statistics used toestimate derived population parameters





MSg . c . a

MSs •c •a


4 "'V 2 2 2 2 4-. ~~oDiDj + k( -1) [2D + (6e5/k) ]6() + -2- 6:)

~<J n . k f I

16 ~ [(n-2) 2 21 4"" 1 ""V(n-l)(n-2)~oDi[ 2 6AJo + 6DJ

o + (n_l)~oDi(Fi-Dj) + (n_l)~.FiFj~FJ . ~FJ ~FJ

16 [(n-2) 2 2J 2 16 2 2+ k(n-l)(n-2)[ 2 6A + 6D 6 6 + k(n-l) (n_2)[D + (6:)/k)]6e

+ 8 F62 + 8 64 + 8 64k(n-l) 6 k2 (n-l) 0 k2f


4 "'"' L(n-2) 2 2 JrJn-2) 2 2 ]; ~ < &j [ . 2 6Ai + 6Di [2 6Aj + 6Dj

+ 4 [(n-2) 62 + 62J62 + 2 64k(n-l) L 2 A D e k2 (n-l) e

8 "'"' 62 62 + 8 6262 + 4 64n(n-3)~. Di Dj kn(n-3) D e k2n(n-3) e




Table 6.16 (continued)

(oe ore




" A(D, F)

1\(D, MSg . c . a )

"(F, MSg . c . a )

(F, MSs • c •a )

(D, MSs . c . a )

(MSg . c . a , MSs . c . a )


(2/k2 f )64e e

(2/k2 f )64I b

2 '" 2 2 2 2 4. -- o~.DiFj + k(n_l)[2D + F + 2(6b/k)]6& + (4/k f I )6blr=J

(n-2) ~ ( ) ( ).• ~,.~2Di-Fi 2Dj -Fjl<J

(n-2) "" (2D. -F.) (2D .-F.) - 2 ~ (2D· -F·) [(n-2) 6 2 . + 6 2 .J2(n-l)i~ 1 1 J J (n-l)i~j 1 1 [2 AJ DJ

-. ,2 ~ , (2D-F) 6~





6.6 Normal Approximations of Variances

The sampling variances in (6.12) are the exact sampling

variances for the particular problem considered herein.

Ordinarily, the sampling variances used for mean squares

are derived under the assumption that all effects in the

model are normal and independently distributed, and the mean

squares are functions of a chi square variable. Under

normality assumptions, the variance of" a mean square, MS,

is V(MS) = (2/d.f.)[E(MS)]2.

For the problem under discussion, the genetic portion

of the model has as its basis the multinomial distribution

and only the random errors are considered to come from

normal populations. Therefore, the normality assumption

leads to approximations of the exact variances of the mean

squares. The point is illustrated with MSg . c . a ' Under

the normality assumption for all effects, its variance is

V(MSg •c •a ) = 2 f(n-2)62 + 62 + 6~]2(n-l)l 2 A D ~

= 2 [(n-2) (52 + 6D2l2(n-l) 2 A IJ

+ 4 [(n-2)62 + 6D2JOe2 + 2 64

k(n-l)[ 2 A k2 (n-l) e'


Comparing the approximate variance in (6,15) with the true

sampling variance in (6.12), it can be seen that the last

two terms are identical. The closeness of the approximation

depends on how well V(MSg,c.a) is approximated by


2 r(n-2)o2 (2)2(n-l)l 2 A +n .

The exact variance of MSg . c . a is shown in detail in Table

6.1. At the risk of being repetitious, it is stressed that

the difference comes about as a result of the basic dis-

tribution assumed for the genetic effects.

Likewise, the variance of MSs . c . a changes from the

form in (6.12) to

4 (2 0:)2V(MSs . c •a ) = n(n-3)~n + ~ . (6.16)

Again, the degree of approximation depends upon how well

[4/n(n-3)]6~ approximates V(MSs . c . a ) shown in Table 6.1.

The covariance of MSg . c . a and MSs . c . a becomes zero under the

hormal approximation.

Considering only the changes in (6.15) and (6.16) that

result from the change in the underlying assumption regard­

ing the distribution of the genetic effects, the normal ap­

proximations of V(6~) and V(a~) can be compared to the true

variances evaluated in Section 6.3. Contributions from

random error were ignored for the evaluations since they

occur with equal value in the two sets of variances. Hence,

the quantities evaluated and compared with V(~~) and V(~~)

of Section 6.4 are

4 f 2 [ (n-2 ) 0 2 2] 2 4 4 }= (n-l)2 (n-l) 2 A + On + n(n_3)60




The subscript N in (6,17) distinguishes the normal approxi-

mations to the variances from the true variances as evalu-

ated in Section 6.4.

The variances in (6.17) were evaluated in the same man-

ner as outlined in Section 6.4. The following ratios were

then computed.

(6.18 )

A2 A2 ~2where V(6A)N and V(6n)N are shown in (6.17) and V(6A) and

V(~~) were evaluated in Section 6.4. The normal approxi~

mations of the variances are too low if the ratios in (6.18)

are <1 and too high if the ratios are >1.

Some of the results are presented in Table 6.17 to il-

lustrate the general pattern of behavior of the ratio of

the two variances for the estimator of additive genetic vari-

ance. The most obvious development is that the normal ap-

proximation appears to be very good with a large number of.

loci, malOO, for all gene frequencies and degrees of domi-

nance. When the value of m is low, several trends are evi-

dent. First, the normal variance underapproximates the

true variance for low and high gene frequencies, while it

overapproximates at intermediate gene frequencies and low

degree of dominance. An increase of the degree of dominance

results in a decrease of the normal approximation relative

to the true variance, in most cases. The results.for a=O.5

are similar to those for a=O.O and the results for a=1.5


a, are similar to those for a'""LO. Therefore results for a==0.5

and a::::l.5 were omitted from Table 6.17.

Table 6.17 "2 ~ for specified values ofV(6A)N/V ( A) n, a, m,and p

~0.0 1.0

5 10 15 20 S 10 15 20p

0.05 2 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.2610 0.62 0'.60 0.59 0.58 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63

100 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.05 0.04 0.051000 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99

0.50 2 1.67 1.82 1.88 1.90 0.80 0.78 0.75 0,7310 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.93

100 1.01 1.01 1.01 1. 01 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.991000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00

0.75 2 1.15 1.18 1.18 1.19 0.40 0.25 0.22 0.2010 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.77 0.63 0.58 0.56

100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.93 0.931000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 0,99 0.99 0.99

0.95 2 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.0310 0.62 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.34 0.20 0.16 0.14

100 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.84 0.70 0.65 0.631000 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0,98 0.96 0.95 0.94

The results shown in Table 6.18 illustrate the be­

havior of the ratio, V(a~)N/V(~). The results are similar

to those shown in Table 6.17 for the additive variance.

However, degree of dominance has no effect on the ratio and

the results are symmetrical around p:.::0.5;£..g., the results

for p::::0.25 are equal to the results for p=0.75. Again, the

normal approximation seems to be very good with large number

of loci at all gene frequencies, especially for intermediate

gene frequencies.

that as the number of loci becomes large the distribution

approaches the normal; hence the variances of estimators from

a sample of the population would tend to variances obtained

under assumptions of normality.

Hayman (1960) presented a complete variance matrix of

diallel estimators where the variances and covariances were.

obtained under the assumption of normality.





7.1 Discussion

Most variance estimation procedures in quantitative

genetics are based on the assumption that the experimental

material is a random sample from the population of inference.

Sometimes, however, it is desirable to 'make inferences to a

population that is wholly derived in some prescribed way

from the parents of the experimental material. The use of a

reference base population derived wholly from the parents of

a diallel cross has been studied in this investigation for

the estimators of genetic variance that may be obtained from

the diallel experiment.

Certain assumptions were imposed on the developments

contained herein. In all cases, regular diploid Mendelian

'inheritance was assumed, and both the parent population and

derived population were assumed to be in linkage equilibrium.

The effects of finite sampling from the parent population

were taken into consideration in the development. However,

the development of the random mating derived population was

assumed to proceed in such a manner that random drift was

unimportant. Initially, the genetic model included additive,

dominance, and additive-by-additive epistatic gene effects

" with two alleles at each of two loci. The genetic model was

extended to include an arbitrary number of loci and alleles

in the 'absence of epistasis. The genetic model must be


restricted if genetic variances are to be estimated from

the diallel experiment. The usual genetic model assumed for

the diallel analysis is the additive and dominance model in

the absence of epistasis. In some populations, however,

dominance variance may have no significance. And in these

cases the additive and additive-by-additive epistatic genetic

model can be considered.

Unbiased estimators of genetic variances of the parent

population are available from the diallel analysis consisting

of only the Fl crosses either in the absence of dominance or

in the absence of epistasis. Analysis of the inbred parents

is not required for estimation of genetic variances in the

parent population, nor does it aid in the estimation of these

variances--a well-known result.

Unbiased estimators of the genetic parameters in the

derived population under the additive and additive-by-additive

epistatic model were obtained that required no information

on the parents. For the additive and dominance genetic model

in the absence of epistasis, however, it was necessary to use

information from the analysis of the inbred parents to obtain

unbiased estimators of the derived population parameters.

The estimators for the genetic variances in the derived

populations were obtained in such a manner that they were

unbiased with respect to the particular subset of diallel

samples that give rise to the same derived population. That

is, the conditional expectations of the estimators are equal



to the genetic variances of the particular derived popula­

tion that will be formed from that set of diallel parents,

which implies that the estimators are also unbiased with re-

spect to their unconditional expectations. Also in the

absence of epistasis the mean for a specific derived popula-

tion can be estimated without genetic error from the dial leI

experiment. The mean is the only parameter that can be esti-

mated without genetic error.

The complexity of the exact variances of the estimators

of the derived and parent population parameters ruled out

any analytical comparison of their relative efficiencies.

Consequently, numerical evaluations of the variances and

coefficients of variation of the estimators were made for

the additive and dominance genetic model in order to obtain

information on the usefulness of the derived population

estimators relative to the parent population estimators.

With few exceptions, the estimators for derived popu-

lation parameters were relatively more efficient than esti-

mators for parent population parameters for the cases in-

vestigated in the numerical analysis. There was an indica-

tion that the estimators became equally efficient or nearly

so for large numbers of parents and large numbers of loci

considered jointly, especially at intermediate gene frequencies.

For populations with intermediate gene frequencies, the

method of estimating parameters of the derived population is

recommended. If gene frequencies tend to the extremes, there


are cases where use of the derived population base may not

be appropriate. However, this is also true for the parent

population base, depending on conditions of the other param­

eters, !.~., number of loci and degree of dominance.

Consideration of the results on the coefficients of

variation indicate the need for at least fifteen or more

parents for the diallel to obtain good estimators for the

parent population reference base. The use of ten parents is

. sufficient to obtain the same degree of precision in esti­

mating derived population parameters.

It would be desirable in some cases to be able to pro­

vide estimates of the derived population parameters from

the information contained only in the analysis of the Fl

crosses. For the additive and dominance genetic model such

estimators must necessarily be biased. However, if the

bias is not too large, the advantage of not having to use

parental information might outweigh the slight bias in­


For this reason, biased estimators for the derived

population parameters were provided for the additive and

dominance genetic model, which included information from

the analysis of the Fl crosses only. Using mean square

error as a measure of their efficiencies, it was found that

the biased estimators were less efficient than the unbiased

estimators. In addition, the bias of the estimators for

genetic variances was very larg,e, varying around 25 percent


for the additive variance and around 30 percent for the

dominance 'variance, when n=20. The bias became larger when

n, the number of parental lines, was reduced. In view of

the large bias and the large error mean square, the estima­

tion for this'model without parental information was con-

sidered useless.

The exact sampling variances of estimators for addi-

tive and dominance variance in the parent population were

. compared to their normal approximations ordinarily used.

A numerical analysis of the two sets of variances showed

that the variances used under normality assumptions provid-

ed very good approximations to the exact variances and

warranted their use in the analysis. The approximations

were especially good for large numbers of loci and inter-

mediate gene frequencies. The approximations were poor

when 2 or 10 loci were involved and especially so when

gene frequencies were near 0.05 or 0.95.

Comstock and Robinson (1951) obtained experimental

results on the estimates of components of variance from a

series of quantitative genetical experiments on corn. They

compared the dispersion of observed mean squares with that

expected from normal theory and concluded that the assump-

tion of normality was realistic for the material with which

they were working.


There is also a considerable savings in time and effort

if the normal approximations are used as opposed to the exact

variances. The derivation of the exact variances is a com-

p1icated and cumbersome operation as compared to the deri-

vation of the normal approximations.

If one accepts the normal approximations to estimator

variances, the difficulties encountered in determining good

estimators for any reference base are reduced considerably.

For the present, consider the derived population reference

base. Following the procedures set forth in Section 5.3.1,

the average values of derived population parameters may be

expressed as linear functions of the parent population

parameters. Estimators for the functions are obtained from

the diallel analysis. The estimators obtained for the average

values of the derived population parameters are unbiased

over those diallel samples that give rise to the same derived

population. The variances of the estimators can be obtained

from the analysis of the diallel cross under the assumption

of normality in the linear model. Where the variance of a2

mean square, MS, will be V(MS)=2[E(MS)] Id.f. With the

assumption of normality, there is no need to obtain the

formula expressing mean squares in terms of sampling varia-

bles and genetic values (Section 4) that were used primarily

to derive the true variances. These results hold for the

additive and dominance genetic model for any number of loci,

,It each with an arbitrary number of alleles.


The problem considered herein is not the same as the

case where a plant breeder takes a set of available lines and

uses them in a diallel experiment to estimate derived pop­

ulation parameters. The above case calls for exact estimators

in the sense that there is no genetic error of estimation.

In the absence of the ability to develop exact estimators,

the distribution of the diallel samples giving rise to

identical derived populations must be considered in order to

determine expectations of the estimators and variances of the

estimators. The distribution of the diallel samples in this

problem are based on the idea of sampling the parents from

some parent population. Selection or other forces in the

development of a specific set of lines may upset the

assumption of independence of gene distributions necessary

in the development of the results contained herein.

Questions arise as to whether or not the equilibrium

derived population is a realistic reference base or if the

equilibrium population can be attained in practice. Theoret-

ically, of course, the answer to both questions is yes. In

practice, linkage and random drift due to finite samples can

cause some difficulty in approaching an equilibrium pop-

ulation for which genetic variances can be defined. Linkages

slow up the approach to equilibrium and finite populations

introduce the problem of gene fixation and inbreeding. These

forces are discussed earlier in regard to the present problem.


The composition of synthetic populations as reservoirs

of genetic variability offer an example of derived popula­

tions, provided the original parents of the population are

chosen such that the assumptions listed above are not vio­

lated. Although synthetics are best suited for naturally

cross-pollinating species, they can be maintained with cer­

tain self-pollinating species such as tobacco where artifi­

cial cross-pollinating is easily accomplished.

The selection potential of a population could be evalu-

ated prior' to its synthesis. Ordinarily, the genetic po-

tential of the experimental material would be evaluated

relative to some parent population. However, with the tech-

niques of estimating genetic variances for a derived popula-

tion, the genetic variability could be predicted for the

specific population derived from the experimental material.

The technique of estimating genetic variances for de-

rived populations is highly recommended for use in obtaining

knowledge of the gene action in plant populations, as de-

rived populations are more representative of the real situa-

tion in breeding programs. The potential of this method of

estimation should be investigated further both theoretically

and with actual experimentation. Some suggested extensions

on the problem are presented in Section 7.2.

7.2 Suggestions for Further Research

A number of extensions of the genetic model should be

·tt considered for the use of the derived population as a


referenc~ base for the analysis of mating designs. Certainly

efforts should be made to refine the estimation techniques in

order to include ~ore ~eneral epistatic effects with an

arbitrary number of loci and alleles. 'Perhaps an approach

similar to that used in Section 5.3.1 would provide such an

extension. Further elucidations on the effects of linkage

disequilibrium in the derived population and the effects of

random drift in forming the derived population are in order.

The consideration of arbitrary inbreeding of the parents

would broaden the choice of mating designs one could utilize

for inferences to the derived population reference base.

It would also be desirable to have the technique fit

into the framework of covariances of relatives, such that the

covariances obtained from the" mating design could be trans-

lated directly into genetic variances appropriate for the

derived population. Such a transition would simplify exten-

sions to other mating designs.

It appears that many of the extensions to generalize the

genetic model and use of different mating designs might be

accomplished through techniques introduced in Section 5.3.1.

Efforts in the direction of generalizing the method contained

therein may prove to be fruitful.


Cockerham, C. C. 1954. An extension of the concept of par­titioning hereditary variance for analysis of covariancesamong relatives when epistasis is present. Genetics 39:859-882.

Cockerham, C. C. 1963. Estimation of genetic variances,pp. 53-94. In W. D. Hanson and H. F. Robinson (ed.),Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. NationalResearch Council Publication 982, National Academy ofScience, Washington, D.C.

Comstock, R. E., and Robinson, H. F. 1948. The components ofgenetic variance in populations of biparental progeniesand their use in estimating the average degree ofdominance. Biometrics 4:254-266.

Comstock, R. E., and Robinson, H. F .. 1951. Consistency ofestimates of variance components. Biometrics' 7:75-82.

Dickinson, A. G., and Jinks, J. L.'analysis of diallel crosses.

1956. A generalizedGenetics 4l~65-78.

Gilbert, N. E. G. 1958. Diallel cross in plant breeding.Heredi ty 12:0477-492.

Griffing, B. 1956. A generalized treatment of the use ofdiallel crosses in quantitative inheritance. Heredity10:31,:,,50.

Griffing, B. 1958. Application of sampling variables in theidentification of methods which yield unbiased estimatesof genotypic variance components. Australian J. BioI.Sci. 11:219-245.

Hayman, B. I. 1954a. The analysis of variance of dialleltables. Biometrics 10:235-244.

Hayman, B. I. 1954b. The theory and analysis of diallelcrosses. Gene~ics 39:789-809.

Hayman, B. I. 1957. Interaction, heterosis and diallelcrosses. Genetics 42:336-355. '

Hayman, B. I. 1958. The theory and analysis of diallelcrosses II. Genetics 43:63-85.

Hayman, B. I. 19'60. The theory and analysis of diallelcrosses III. Genetics 45:155-172.


Jinks, J. L. 1954. The analysis of continuous variation ina dialleI cross of Nicotiana rustica varieties.Genetics 39:767-788.

Kempthorne, O. 1954. The correlation between relatives ina random mating population. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)B143 (910): 103-113.

Kempthorne, O. 1956. The theory of the diallel cross.Genetics 41:451-459.

Kempthorne, O. 1957. An Introduction to Genetic Statistics.. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

Kendall, M. G., and Stuart, A., 1958. The Advanced Theoryof Statistics. Charles Griffin and Company Limited,London.

Mather, K. 1949. Biomet'rical Genetics. Methuen and Company,London.

Matzinger, D. F., and Kempthorne, O. 1956. The modifieddiallel table with partial inbreeding and interactionswith environment. Genetics 41:822-833 .

Sprague, G. F., and Tatum, T. A., 1942. General vs.specific combining ability in single crosses of corn.J. A~. Soc. Agron. 34:923-932.

Yates, F. 1947. Analysis of data from all possiblereciprocal crosses between a set of parental lines.Heredity 1:287-301.



9.1 Expectations of Diallel Statistics

The expectations of the diallel statistics presented in

Section 4.2 are derived in this section. The expectations

of the statistics are performed in two steps. The total ex-I

pectation is obtained by first taking the conditional expec-

tation with respect to Wl2 given the y,. and secondly taking

expectations of the conditional expectation With respect to

y. Hence, total expectation is given by E=EyEw/ y where Ew/ y

denotes the conditional expectation of Wl2 given y and Ey

denotes expectation with respect to y. Expectations of

functions of the Pi required in this section are given in

Section 9.4.

The conditional expectation of the mean of the FIls,

(4.7), is

Since Ew/y(W12)=nPIP2

Ew/y(Y) = ~ (2Pi -1)ui + (~~1)~ Pi (l-Pi )aiu i

n * I *(n-l)P - (n-1)ft I'


The expectation of Ew/y(Y) with respect to Yi is

Now from (9.37) in Section 9.4, expectations of the functions

of Pi are

where the last expectation holds due to the independence of

Yi and Yj'

Substituting proper expectations,

The conditional ex~ectation of MSg . c . a ' (4.9), is



.'_. 110

- :(1-2P2)t12] [(n~2)iU2 + (1-2P2)a2u2 - *(1-2P1)ti~J

(n-4)2 [n2+ n(n-1)(n-2) (n-I)P1(1-P1 )P2 (1-P2 )

From (3.12), the conditional expectations of interest are


Substitution of the proper conditional expectations yields



" [(n-2)='(n-l)(n-2)~Pl(1-Pi) 'n u i + (1-2Pi )a i u ii ..

(n-2) J2 n(n-4)2 2n (1-2Pj~1)t12 + (n_l)2P1(1-P1)P2(1-P2)t12

n3 2* + n(n-4)262*= 2(n-l)(n-2)6A 4(n-l)2 AA

n * n2- (n-2)D + 2(n-l)(n-2)F*. (9.3)


Expanding ~/y(MSg.c.a) and taking expectation with

respect to y,


E(MSg . c . a )

= EyEw/y(MSg.c.a)

n3 ~r.(n-2)2 2 2 2 2= (n-l)(n-2) ~L n2 EyPi(l-Pi)ui + EyPi (1-Pi )(1-2P i ) aiui

(n-2)2 2 2+ n2 EyPi(1-Pi)Ey(1-2PjFi) t 12

2(n-2)2- n2 EyPi(1-Pi)Ey(1-2PjFi)uit12

Substituting proper expectations from (9.37) and collecting


[1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2= (n-2) ~A + i6AAJ + 6n + i6AA'

The conditional expectation of MSs . c . a ' -(4.10), is




+ Cn-i) (n~2) (n-3) i~Ew/y(w12-nPlP2 )

X[(n-l) - n2~i(1-Pi}Jaiuit12 + n(n-l)(:-2)(n-3) l(n2


XC 2 n2Ew(y(W12-nPIP2) - (n_l)Pl(1-Pl)P2(1-P2)]

- 2n(n-l)Ew/Y(W12-nPlP2)l-2Pl)(1-2P2)Jt~2'

Recalling the conditional expectations in (3.12),

4n "" 2 2 2= (n-l)(n-2)(n-3)~ Pi(l-Pi)[n Pi(l-Pi ) - (n-l)]aiui


2n2 2+ (n_l)2P1 (1-Pl)P2(1-P2)t12 ..

n(n-2) 2* 2n 62* n2 2*= (n-l)(n-3)6n - (n-2)(n-3) A + 2(n_l)26AA

n * n *+ (n-2)(n-3)D - (n-2)(n-3)F



Taking the expectation of Ew/y(MSs.c.a) with respect

to y,

= E(MSs . c •a )

= 4n "'" [n2E P2 (1_P )2 _ (n l)E P (1 P ) ]a2u2(n-l)(n-2)(n-3)~ y i i - . Y i - iii

2n2 2+ (n_l)2EyPl(1-Pl)EyP2(1-P2)t12

= 4L P~(1-P1)2a~u~ + 2Pl(1-Pl)P2(1-P2)t~2i

The conditional expectation of MSI,.(4.11), is

16n(n-2) 2 8+ 2 PI (I-PI) P2 (1-P2 ) t 12 + ( 1)Ew/y(W12-nPIP2)

(n-l) . n-

X[ul u2 + (1-2Pl )ul t 12 + (1-2P2 )u2 t 12 - (1-2Pl)(1-2P2)t~2]

Recalling conditional expectations from (3.12),


+ 16n(n-2)p (l-P )P (l-P )t2(n_l)2 1 1 2 2 12

== n n* + 4n(n-2) 62*(n-i) (n-1)2 AA'

The expectation of the expansion of Ew/y(MSI) with respect

to y is

= E(MSI)

which yields, upon substitution of expectation from (9.37),

E(MSI) = 44: Pi (l-Pi)[ui - (l-2Pj~i)t12]2J.

2+ 16Pl(l-P1)P2(l-P2)t12

2= D + 46AA . (9.8)

The quantity D in (9.8) is related. to the parameter D

defined by Hayman (1960)., where in the absence of epistasis,

•D = 4~ Pi(l-Pi )u~.




The conditional expectation of MP(I.O), (4.12),is

+ 4n(n-4) P (l-P )P (l-P )t2(n_l)2 1 1 2 2 12

+ (n-~)~n-2) ~ Pi (1-Pi)(1-2Pi) CUi


4(n-4) L n2+ n(n-l) (n-2) [(n-l) P1 (1-P1)P2 (1-P2)

- Ew/y(W12-nPIP2)2Jt~2

4 2- (n-l) Ew/y(W12-nPIP2)(1-2Pl)(1-2P2)t12

2(n-4»)1 ( (+ (n-l) (n-2)

ttjEw/ y W12-nPi Pj) 1~2Pi)uit12

+ ( 1~( 2)LE / (W12-np.p.)(1-2p.)2a.u.t12n- n- i~j w y 1 J 1 1 1

and upon substitution for the conditional expectations,

EW/y(W12-nPIPZ) = 0

Z n2Ew/y(W1Z-nPIPZ) = (n-l) P1 (1-P1)PZ(1-P2),

we have


2n " . 2= (n_l)~Pi(l-Pi)[Ui - (1-2Pj /: i )t12 ]i

4n(n-4)+ (n_l)2Pl(1-Pl)P2(1-P2)t12

2n2 ~+ . ~Pi(1-Pi)(1-2Pi)[ui - (1-2PJ'1i)t12Jaiui(n-l)(n-2) i F

n * n(n-4)2 2* n2 *= 2(n-l)D + (n-l)26AA - 4(n-l) (n_2)F .

The expectation of the expansion of Ew/y(MP(I.O)] with re­

spect to y gives

= E[MP( I.0)]

= (:~l)~[EyPi(l-Pi)U~1

which upon proper substitutions for the expectations from

(9.37) yields

E[MP(LO) ]


= 2~ Pi(l-Pi)[ui - (1-2Pjpi)t12)2~

+ 2L Pi(l-Pi) (1...;2Pi)[ui - (1-2pjpi)t12 j a i u ii

+ 4Pl(1-Pl)P2(1-P2)tf2

112= 2D - 4F + 6AA


The quantity, F, in (9.11) is related to the parameter,

F', defined by Hayman (1960), where in the absence of epi-


F = -84:Pi(1-Pi)(1-2Pi)aiu~.~


Finally, the conditional expectation of YI , (4.13), is

= ~ (2Pi -l)ui + ~(4nPIP2 - 2nPl - 2nP2 + n)t12~


The total expectation of YI is then


= 2: (2Pi-l)ui + (2Pl-l)(2P2-1)t12i

= PI' (9.14)

where PI is the mean of the population of completely inbred

lines derived from the random mating parent population.


9.2 Derivations of the Exact Variances

for Parent Population Estimators

In this section, V(MSg . c . a ), V(MSs . c . a ), and Cov(MSg . c . a ,

MSs . c . a ) as shown in Table 6.1 are derived. The two vari-

ances and covariance of the mean squares of the dial leI

analysis are used to obtain the variances of the estimators

for cs~ and 6~ of the parent population.. The derivations are

given for the genetic portion of the mean squares shown in

(4.14) for the additive and dominance gene model with an

arbitrary number of loci.


V(MSg . c . a ) = E[MSg . c . a - E(MSg . c . a)]2

2·· 2= E[MSg . c . a ] - [E(MSg . c . a )l. (9.15)

From (5.6),

E(MSg . c . a )


for simplicity.

= L: c.. 1.1.


Substituting for MSg . c . a and E(MSg . c .a ) in (9.15) from

(4.14) and (9.16), respectively,


V(MSg • c . a )

· E! (n-l~~n-2) ~ Pi (I-Pi) [(n;2 l + (1-2Pilai] 2u~

2n2 ~ [(n-2)+ (n-l)(n-2)i~j(Wij-nPiPj) n

+ (1-2PilaJl (n;2 l + (1-2Pj }aj )ui u j }2 -[ f:CiY= E n

6 {L: p. (l-P·) [(n-2) + (1:"2P.)a.J 2u2i l. 2(n_1)2(n_2)2 I i 1 1 n 1 1 )

4n4 {~ [(n-2)+ E. . (w·· -nP .P . )

(n-1)2(n-2)2 .. <j .1J 1 J. n

+ (1-2Pi l aJ ~(n;2l + (1-2Pj la j ]ui u jf+ E 4n

5 2: (w .. -np.p.)r (n-2){n-1)2(n-2)2 i <j 1J 1J L n

+ (1"-2Pi )uJ [(n~2) + (1-2Pj )Uj ] UiUj ~ Pi (l-P i )[ (n~2)1

... (1-2P i )a i] 2Ui - [~cJ 2. (9.17)

Considering the conditional expectation of (9.17) term by

term,it is seen that the third term goes to zero, since

EW/y(Wij-nPiPj)~O. Expansion of the second term of (9.17)



E . 4n4

.. .( ~ (W P P ) 2 f.(n-2) (1-2P.)a.J 2[(n-2)(n-l)2(n-2)2~. ij-n i j l n + 1 1 n

+ (1-2P.)a '12u?u~ + 2~ ~ (WiJ·-nPiPJ.) (Wik-nPiPk ) [(n-2)

J j 1 J i j<k n~i

+ (1-2Pi

)aiJ2 t(n~2) + (1-2Pj )a j ] t(n~2)

+ (1-2Pk)ak}.i~UjUk + i~ ~.(, (Wij-nPiPj)(Wkt-nPkP.(,)t(n~2)~i,j .

'+ (1-2P )aJ [(n-2) + (1-2P.)alL(n-2)i i n J ~[ n

The conditionsl expectation of the first term of the ex-

pans ion is

]2 2 [(n-2) U2 2+ (1-2P.) a . u . P . (l-P .) + (1-2P.) a. u ..

1 1 1 J J n J J J

The expectations of the last two terms of the 'expansion go

conditional expectation; hence, upon collecting terms after

conditional expectation,

•'- 121

V(MSg •c •a )

= E n6

fL:p (l-P )[(n-2)Y(n-1)2(n~2)2liii n

+ E 4n6

LP.(1-p.)[(n-2)Y(n-l)3(n-2)2 i <j 1 1 n

J2 2 [(n-2) 122+ (1-2P.)a. u.P.(l-P.) + (1-2P.)a. u.

1 1 1 J. J. n . J J J


Now, since Pi and P. are independent, the expectation of the. J

second term of (9.18) with respect to y can be obtained from

the results of Section 9.1, equations (9.3) and (9.4),

letting t 12=O in those equations. The expectation of the

second term in (9.18) is then

(n~l)?=.{(n-2)Pi(1-Pi)[l + (1-2Pi)aiJ2u~1<J

+ 4P~(1-Pi)2a~u~Jt(n-2)Pj(1-Pj)[1 + (1-2Pj)aj]2u~

2 2 2 21+ 4pj (l-Pj) ajuj 5

Expansion of the first· term in (9.18) yields



From the results above, the expectation of the second term

in (9.19) yields

")'1 222t<j l(n-2)Pi(1-Pi)[l + (1-2Pi)ai) ui

+ 4P~(1-Pi)2a~u~1{(n-2)Pj(1-Pj)[l + (1-2Pj)ajJ2u~

Collection of terms for (9.18) then gives

V. (MSg . c . a ) = E n6

~ P~(1_p.)2[(n-2) + (1-2P.)a.]4u~Y(n_l)2(n_2)2 i 1 1 n . 1 1 1


Now to obtain the expectation of the first term in (9.20),

we expand the term and take expectation of individual terms

with respect to y. Since Pi=Yi/n, Ey(pi)=Ey(yi/nr)=u~i/nr,

where the u~i are the u~ shown in (9.36) for the i th locus.

Substitution of the expectations for (9.20) yields the final

result in Table 6.1 for V(MSg . c . a )'

The exact variance of the mean square for specific com-

bining abil±ty is

V(MSs . c . a )

From (5.6),

2= E[MSs . c . a - E(MSs . c . a )l





for simplicity.

Substituting for MSs . c . a arid E(MSs . c . a ) in (9.21) from

(5.6) and (9.22), respectively,

= Ehn-l) (:~2) (n-3) ~ Pi (1-Pi )[n2

P i (I-Pi) - (n-l) ]a~u~

82 n2+ n(n-3) i~ [(Wij-nPiPj ) - (n-l)Pi (I-Pi)Pj (l-Pj )

e - (n~2)(Wij-nPiPj)(1-2Pi)(l-2Pj)]aiUiajujl2 - [~6~iJ2

l6n2 I ' 2· 2 2}2= E .22 2 2: Pi{l-Pi)[n Pi(l-Pi ) - (n-l)]aiui

(n-l) (n-2) (n-3) i

64 [" 2 n2

+ E 2L.,[(W' ·-np·p.) - (n_l)Pi(l-Pi)PJ.(I-PJ.)n (n-3)2 i<j 1J 1 J

n 12- (w· .-np·P.)(1-2p.)(1-2P.)]a.u.a.u.

(n-2) 1J 1 J 1 J 1 1 J J

2 2 1{"'" . 2 n2

- (n-l)]aiui Ji~[~ij-nPiPj) - (n_I)Pi(l-Pi)~j(l-Pj)

- (n~2)(Wij-nPiPj)(1-2Pi)(l-2Pj)]aiUiajUjJ



Upon taking conditional expectation, the third term of


The last two terms of (9.24) go to zero on conditional

expectation since it was shown in (3.15) that


for r, s~, and j~~, where i mayor may not be equal to k.

The foregoing statement implies that the conditional ex-

pectations of the products of functions for Wij and Wk~'

j~t, can be taken as the product of the conditional ex-

pectations. As a result, the last two terms of (9.24) go

to zero, since the conditional expectations of each member

of the products within the square brackets are zero because

22·Ew/y(Wij-nPiPj) =[n /(n-l)]Pi(l-Pi)Pj(I-Pj ) and

Ew/y(Wij-nPiPj ) =0. The expectation of the first term of

(9.24) requires P2' P3' and P4' shown in (3.12), after which

expectation with respect to y yields

Upon collecting terms for (9.23),

V(MSs . c .• a )

_[L: 62.J 2. D1.1.

2= E 2 l6n 2 22: P~(l-Pi)2[n2Pi(I-Pi) - (n-l) ] 2atut

(n-l) (n-2) (n-3)i

32n2 ~ 2+ E. 2 22 ~ Pi (l-Pi)[n Pi (I-Pi)

(n-l) (n-2) (n-3) i<j

22· 2 2 2- (n-I)]a i ui Pj (I-Pj )[n Pj(l-Pj ) - (n-l)]ajuj

8,",22 ",2 2~4+ ( -3) ~6D"6D" -2~6D1."OD" - ~i 6D1."·n n i<j 1. J i<j J



But, expectation of the second term in (9.25) yields

22; 6~i6~. from (9.37), andi<j J

V(MSs . c .a )


Now to obtain the expectation of the first term in (9.26),

the term is expanded and expectation is taken with respect

to y. Since Pi=yi!n, Ey(pi) = Ey(yi!nr)=u~1!nr, where the

u~i are the u~ shown in (9.36) for the i th locus. Substitu­

tion of the expectations for (9.26) yields the final result

shown in Table 6.1 for V(MSs.c,a)'

The covariance of MSg . c . a and MSs.c,a is

COV(MSg . c . a ' MSs.c,a)

= E[MSg . c .a - E(MSg.c,a)][MSs,c.a - E(MSs.c,a)]

= E[(MSg.c.a)(MSs,c.a)] - E(MSg,c.a)E(MSs.c,a)' (9.27)

Substituting from (9.16) and (9.22),

Cov(MSg,c.a' MSs . c . a ) = E[(MSg.c,a)(MSs.c,a)]

- [zr Ci][~ 6~i]

Substituting for MSg . c . a and MSs . c . a yields


2n2 ' ."" .' [(n-2) ] [(n-2)+ (n-l)(n-2)~(Wij-nPiPj)n + (1-2Pi)ai n

1<J .

+ (1-2Pj )aj]ui uj}{ (n-l)(:~2)(n-3)~ Pi(1-Pi)[ n2Pi(1-Pi)

- (n-l)]a~U~ +8 [(wij



)2 - n2

p .(1_P.)P.(1_P.)n(n-3) i<j (n-l) 1 1 J J

- (n~2) (Wij-nPiPj ) (1-2Pi ) (1-2Pj)]aiUiajUj - [2i c~ [~6~iJ

•= E[ n

3 ~ P (l-P ) [(n-2)(n-l) (n-2) ~ i i. n

+ E l6n{L:(W ._np.p.)[(n-2)(n-l)(n- 2) (n-3) i<j iJ 1 J n

- (l-2Pi)aiJ[(n~2) + (1-2PJ.)aJ uiu.]l L: [(w

iJ·-nPi P.)2

.J J li<j J

n2- (n-I)Pi(l-Pi)Pj(l-Pj ). ,

- (n~2) (Wij-nPiPj ) (1-2Pi ) (1-2Pj ) jaiUiajUj1(9.28)

The conditional expectation of the second term in (9.28)

is zero, using the expect~tions in (3.12) and the result of

the relationship shown in (3.15), Details of the expectation


of the second term in (9.28) are not shown here, but can

easily be shown to give the indicated result,

Upon collecting terms for (9.28),

Cov(MSg,c,a' MSs •c . a )

+ (1-2Pi )a i] 2u~J {(n-l) (:~2) (n-3) ~ Pi (1-P i )[n2

Pi (I-Pi)

(n-l) la~un - [~c~ [Lt /)~J

= E{ 4n4 L p 2 (1_P )2[(n-2)

(n-l)2(n-2)2(n-3), iii n

+ (1-2Pi)ai] 2[n2P i (I-Pi) - (n-l) ]a~u1

+ 4n4 L;p. (l-P.) [(n-2)

(n-l)2(n-2)2(n-3)i~j 1 1 n


Si,nce the Pi are independent, the expectation of the second

term of (9.29) is from the results of Section 9.1,

L: (C.)(62 .), so upon collection of terms,i~j 1 DJ


= E"! 4n4

P2 (1_P )2i(n-2)Cov(MSg . c •a ' MSs . c . a ) 2 2 ~(n-l) (n-2) (n-3)"i i i n

+ (1-2Pi)ai]2[n2Pi(1-Pi) - (n-l)Ja~ut}

Upon expansion of the first term in (9.30) and taking ex­

pecta'tion where E(P::)=E(y::!nr)=u'., one obtains the final1 1 r1

result shown for COV(MSg . c . a , MSs •c . a ) in Table 6.1.

9.3 Derivations of Exact Variances for

Derived Population Estimators

In this section, the average conditional variances and

covariances are derived for the genetic portion of the

diallel statistics used to estimate genetic variances of the

derived population. The derivations are shown for the addi-

tive and dominance genetic model using the formulas in equa-

tions (4.14) to give the final results shown in Section 6.3.

The conditional variance of a statistic, 9, used to

estimate a derived population parameter is


From Section 9.1 upon conditional expectation of a diallel

statistic, all functions of the W.. became zero, leaving1J

only functions of the Pi' which were constant with respect

to conditional expectation. 1\ "Hence, upon obtaining 9-Ew!y(9)

in (9.31), only a function of the Wij " remains. This result


simplifies the derivation of the variances and also the co-

variances, since only conditional expectations of the

squares and cross products of the functions of the Wij are

needed. The point is illustrated with the conditional1\ 1\

variance of D. Now, D=MSI, where MSI is shown in (4.14).A 1\ 1\ 2

The conditional variance of D is V(D)w=Ew/y[D-Ew/y(D)] .


Then using the above result,


which is only a function of the term invo~ving the Wij that1\

appears in (D). This result can easily be verified for all

diallel statistics in (4.14).


Evaluating (9.32) gives


= Ew/ y t(n~l){;j (Wij-nPiPj)UiUj] 2

= E / [ 64 L: (W .. -nPi P . )2u~u~w Y~n-l)2i<j 1J J J

From Section 3,


= E / (W .. -nP.P.)E / (w.k-nP.Pk )w y 1J 1 J W Y 1 1

:;: o.Also


Then the only remaining term to be evaluated in (9.33) is

v*(~)w = Ew/yr. 64 2.L.(Wij-nPiPj)2U~u~J 'L(n-l) 1<J

which yields from (3.12)


J'\which is the conditional variance of D. The average condi-


tional variance of D is


V*(D) =

and since the Pi are independent and from (9.37)

the average conditional variance of Dis

= (n~l) .2:.Di Dj ,l<J .

as shown in (6.2), where Di=4Pi(1-Pi)u~.1\

The conditional variance of F=2MSI-4MP(I.O), (5.7), is

upon substitution from (4.14),

since all cross products of Wij functions are zero on ex­

pectation from Section 3. Now using (3.12),


64n2 "V 2 2 2 2= 2 2 LJE / (Wi,-nP.P.) [U-2P.)a. + (1-2pJ.)aJ,] uiuJ'(n-l) (n-2) i<j w Y J 1 J 1 1


1\which is the conditional variance of F. The average condi-

~ * ~ * ~tional variance of F is V (F) = Ey[V (F)wJ, whereupon sub-

stituting expectations from (9.37),

V*(F) = (n_l~tn_2)~jPi(1-Pi)U~[(n-2)Pj(1-Pj)(1-2Pj)2

+ 4p~(1-p.)2Ja~u~J J J J

+ (128 L:P1(1-P.i.)(l-2Pi)aiU~Pj(1-Pj)(1-2Pj)n-l)i<j

= 16 2:;D. [(n-2)~ + 62 ](n-l)(n-2)i~j 1 2 Aj Dj

which is shown in (6.2) where C5A2 .=2P.(1-P.)[1+ (1-2P.)a.J2u~,


6~j=4P~(1-Pj)2a~u~, and Fj=-8Pj(1-Pj)(1-2Pj)ajU~.

The conditional variance of MSg . c . a , (4.14), is

V*(MS ) - E [MS - E (MS ) J2g.c.a - w/y g.c.a w/y g.c.a

J[(n-2)J J2+ (1-2P.)a. . + (1-2P.)a. u·u·.1 1 n J J 1 J (9.35)


The expectation of (9.35) was derived in Section 9.2 from

equation (9.17) and was shown to be

. . ~ 2 2 [(n-2) J2 2+ (1-2P.)a. u·P·(l-P.) + (1-2P·)a. u·,1 1 1 J J n J J. J

which is then the conditional variance of MSg . c . a ' The

average conditional variance of MSg •c .a is then

which was shown to be, from (9.18) in Section (9.2),

V*(MSg . c •a ) =

which is shown in (6,2),

The conditional variance of MSs . c . a ' (4.14) is



= Ew/y[MSs.c.a - Ew/yCMSs.c.a)]2

[8 .', 2 n2

= Ew/ y n(n-3)i~[CWij-nPiPj) - (n-l) PiCl-Pi)PjCl-Pj)

- (n~2)CWij-nPiPj)Cl-2Pi)(1-2Pj)]aiUiajUjJ2,

which upon expansion is the term in (9.24) of Section 9.2,

and the conditional variance is, using (3.12),

* l28n "" 2V (MSs.c.a)w II 2 2 3 L..[Cn-l) - n PiCI-Pi)][Cn-l)(n-l) Cn-2) (n-3) i<j

2 2 2 2 2- n PjCI-Pj)]PiCI-Pi)PjCI-Pj)aiUiajuj.

The average conditional variance using C9.37) is

which is shown in C6.5).1\

The conditional covariance of D and MSg . c . a is

1\ 1\

= Ew/y[D - Ew/y(D)][MSg.c.a - Ew/y(MSg.c.a)]

= EW/Y[cn~l)i~ CWij-nPiPj)UiU~ {cn_~~~n_2)i~(Wij-nPiPj)


Since expectation of cross products of Wij functions

zero, the conditional covariance is

* ACov (MSg •c •a ' D)w

~ l6n4 L Pi (i-Pi) r(n-2)

(n-l)3(n-2)i<j L n

+ a i (1-2Pi )] U~Pj(1_Pj)[(n~2) + a, (1-2P,)1 u~J J J J'

using (3.12). The average conditional covariance using

expectations from (9.37) is

* 1\Cov (MSg •c .a ' D)

= .16n4

E >Pi(1-Pi)[(n-2)(n-l)3(n-2) y~ _ • n

+ a i (1-2Pi )] U~Pj (l-Pj ) [(n~2) + a j (1-2P j )] uj

= 16(n-2) ~[p,(l-p,)u~(n-l) i~ 1. 1. 1.- <J

+ p" (l-p" ) (1-2p" )a, u?] Cp. (l-p, )u? + PJ' (l-PJ") (1-2PJ' )aJ.uJ~]1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. J 1.

which is shown in (6.2).

e· 1\The conditional covariance of F and MSg . c •a is


Since expectation of cross products of Wij functions are

zero, the conditional covariance is

= -16n3 E ~ (W .. _np.p.)2[(n-2)(n-l)2(n-2)2 W/Yipj 1J 1 J n

+ a. (1-2P.)J [(n-2) + a. (1-2P.)1 (1-2P. )u~a .u~1 1 n J J J J 1 J J

using (3.12). The average conditional covariance using

expectations from (9.37) is


* ACOV (MSg •c •a ' F)

J 2 ( ) ( [(n-2) ] 2+ (1-2P.)a i uiP. I-P. 1-2P.) + (1-2P.) a.u.1 J J J . n J J J

-16 ~ 2= (n-l) [Pi(l-Pi)uii j

+ Pi(1-Pi)(1-2Pi)aiu~J[(n-2)p.(1-P.)(1-2P.)a.u~1· J J J JJ

= -16 ~ (.lD. _ I F .\ [(n-2) 62 62 _ (n-2) (!-D. - slFJ.\l(n-l)~.~4 1 8 Y 2 Aj + Dj ~4 J VJ1FJ

as shown in (6.2).A A

The conditional covariance of D and F is

* h A ~ ~ A ACov (D, F)w = Ew/y[D - Ew/y(D)][F - Ew/y(F)]

= EW/Y[(n~l)i~ (Wij-nPiPj)UiUj]

Since the cross products are zero on expectation, the con-

ditional covariance using (3.12) becomes



The average conditional covariance is, using (9.37),

*'" 1\ *" "-COV (D, F) ~ Ey[Cov (D, F)w J

• (~~~)i~Pi(1-Pi)U~Pj(1-Pj)(1-2Pj)ajU~

= (n~l) i~DiF j'

as shown in (6.2).1\

The conditional covariance of MSs . c . a and F is

- n (W .. -nP.P.)(1-2P.)(1-2P.)a.u.a,u'J(n-2) 1J 1 J 1 J 1 1 J J

Since the expectations of cross products are zero, the

conditional covariance is


-64n 'C""l r. n3 . 2= n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)i~jL(n-l)(n-2) Pi(l-Pi)(l-2Pi)Pj(l-Pj)(l-2Pj)

- (n-l)~n-2) Pi(l-Pi)(l-2Pi)Pj(l-Pj)(1-2Pj)2Ja~u~ajuj

= 0,

as shown in (6.5). Likewise, COV*(MSs . c . a ' D)w and

*Cov (MSs . c •a , MSg.c.a)w can be shown to be zero.

9.4 Moments and Functional Expectations

for the Binomial Distribution

Moments and functional expectations generated from the

binomial sampling distribution in (3.7) are given in this


The moments of the binomial distribution are obtained

from the moment generating function,



The first eight moments about zero are, letting ni=n-i,

u' nop 2= + nOnl P'2

u' 2 33 = nop + 3nOnl P + nOnl n2P

u' nop 7nOnlP2 + 6nOnln2P3 + 4

4 = + nOnl n2n3P

Us = nop + 15nonl P2 + 25nonln2P3 + lOnOnln2n3 P4

5+ nOnln2n3n4P

234+ 31nonlP + 90nOnln2P + 65nonln2n3P

+ 15nonln2n3n4p5 + nOnln2n3n4n5P6

ui = nop + 63nonlP2 + 301non1n2P3 + 350nOnln2n3P4

+ 140nOnln2n3n4P5 + 21nonln2n3n4n5P67

+ nOnln2n3n4n5n6P

Us' = nop + 127nonl P2 + 966nonl n2P3 + 1701nonln2n3P4

+ l050nOnln2n3n4P5 + 266nonln2n3n4n5P6

'+ 28nonln2n3n4n5n6P7 + nOnln2n3n4n5n6n7P8. (9.36)

Following are expectations of some functions of Pi

which are required, where Pi is defined in (3.4).


E(Pi) = E(Yi/n ) = Pi

1 2 (n-l)E[Pi (I-Pi )] = nE(nYi-Yi) ~ n Pi(I-Pi)

1 .= --E[Yi(n-Yi) (n-2Yi)]


~ (n-l)(n-2)p.(1_P.)(1_2Pi)21.1.n

• (n-l)(n-2)p.(I-p.)[(n-2)(1_2Pi)2 + 4Pi(I-Pi)]n3 . 1. 1.

E[P~(1-Pi)2] = ~E[y~(n-Yi)2]n

• (n-5)Pi(I-Pi)[(n-l) + (n-2)(n-3)Pi(1-Pi)]n

E(I-2Pi)2 = 12E (n-2Y i)2n


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