
Name: Period:--------------------------------------- ------------------ENERGY

Key Terms Chapter 5Pages M144-M169

Write down the definition of each word in the space provided

1. energy

2. kinetic energy

3. potential energy

4. gravitational potential energy

5. elastic potential energy

6. mechanical energy

7. thermal energy

8. electrical energy

9. chemical energy

10. nuclear energy

11. electromagnetic energy

12. energy transformation

13. Law of Conservation of Energy

14. fossil fuel

Name _ Date _ Class _

Energy Guided Reading and Study

(~ What Is Ene;'gy? p. m l~'" - (YI ISOThis section explains how work, power, and eI1ergy are related. It also identifies thetwo basic kinds of energJJ.

Use Target Reading SkillsPreview the figure and headings in the section before you read. Record what youalready know il1 the graphic organizer. After you have completed the section, writeseveral things you have learned about energy ill the graphic organizer.

What You Know


Energy, Work, and Power1. The ability to do work or cause change is called

2. Why can work be thought of as the transfer of energy?

3. What is power?


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Nrune _ Date _ Class _

Energy • Guided Reading and Study

What Is Energy). (continued)

Kinetic Energy4. What are the two general kinds of energy?

a. b. __5. What is kinetic energy?



6. The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its________________ andits _


7. Kinetic energy increases as velocity _

8. What formula do you use to calculate kinetic energy? »

9. Because velocity is squared in the kinetic energy equation, doubling anobject's velocity will its kinetic energy.

Potential Energy10. What is potential energy?

1/,y11. What is the potential energy called that is associated with objects that

can be stretched or compressed?

12. What is potential energy called that depends on height?

13. What is the formula you use to determine the gravitational potentialenergy of an object?

14. Is.the following sentence true or false? The greater the height of anobject, the ~eater its gravitational potential energy.


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l\!anle __ Date _ Class _

Energy Guided Reading and Study

if1\,\,. Forms of EnergyUse Target Reading SkillsAfter you read this section, reread the paragraphs that contain definitions of KeyTerms. Use all the information you have leamed to write a defillitioll a each Key~m il1lfour own words. Be sure YOllr definition could be use to explain the termto someone who has not read the section.

p. I'l1 I 'S"" J - r1J S~

mechanical energy _

thermal energy __

electrical energy _

( ((Ichelllicalenergy _

electromagnetic energy _

nuclearenergy ___

Mechanical Energy1. What two forms of energy are associated with mechanical energy?

2. How would you calculate an object's mechanical energy?

3. What 51 unit is used to measure mechanical energy?

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Name __ Date' _ Class _

Energy • Guided Reading and Study

Forms of Energy (continued)

Other Forms of Energy4. Is the following sentence true or false? When the particles of an object

move faster, its thermal energy increases ' _

5. What kind of energy do you experience when you get a shock from ametal doorknob?


6. What kind of energy is stored in the bonds in compounds of the goodyou eat?

7. What kind of energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom? »

8. Complete the table below on the different forms of energy

Different Forms of Energy

Form of Energy Examples

Mechanical Energy

Thermal en._~rgy

Chemical energy

Electrical energy

Nuclear energy


Electromagnetic energy



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~ame __Date _

Class _Energy Guided Reading and Study

Energy Transformations and ConservationThis section explains how different fonns of energy are related and describes the lawof conservation of energy.

p.m ,~-S- rnllo3Use Target Reading Skills

Before you read, preview the red headings for an overview of the section content. Aska what or a how question for each heading. As you read the material under eachheading, find the answer to your question and record it in the graphic organizer.

Energy TransformationsQuestion


Energy Transformations

1. A change from one form of energy to another is called a(n)

2. Is the following sentence true or false? Most forms of energy can beconverted into other forms. __

3. Describe the conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy inyour bOdy_

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~ame _ Date _ Class _

Energy • Guided Reading and Study

Transformations Between Potential and Kinetic Energy

4. When you throw an orange up into the air, what kind of energy increasesas its height increases? _

5. As an orange falls from its greatest height, what kind of energy increasesand what kind of energy decreases?

6. On the diagram of a moving pendulum, label the places where thependulum has maximum potential energy and where it has maximumkinetic energy.

Conservation of Energy7. What does the law of conservation of energy state?

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Nrume ___Date __ Class _

Energy • Guided Reading and Study

Energy Transformations and Conservation (continued).8. Friction converts mechanical energy to _


9. Circle the letter of the sentence that explains why no machine is 100percent efficient.

a. Electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy by fuel.b. Mechanical energy is converted to thermal energy by friction.c. Thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy by friction.d. Mechanical energy is conVerted to electrical energy by a spark.

10. How did Albert Einstein's theory of relativity change the law ofconservation of energy?

11. Is the following sentence true or false? Matter can sometimes beconvertedtoenergy. __

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Nrume __ Date ~--------- Class _

Energy • Review and Reinforce

Energy Transformationsand ConservationUnders",nding Main Ideas


~Study the illustration aboveand then read thefollowing statements. If the statementis true, write true, If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make thestatement true, .

_________________ 1. An energy transformation is occurring ~~,

_______________ 2. In this example, the law of conservation ofenergy says that the ball neyer loses kinetic~, .

_________ 3. As the ball rises from point 1 to point 3, it ~Jimm.

______ --:- 4. The ball has the most potential energy at~.

________ S. The ball has the most kinetic energy at~.

Building VocabularyWrite a definition for eachof thefollawing terms on the lines below.

6. energy transformation

7. law of conservation of energy

8. matter

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Name __ Date _ Class -----

Energy • Review and Reinforce Qt9Q. d C hQpi 'f v- ~- Se ci- t 8lf\- L/Energy and Fossil Fuels p. (YJ iu. - m I ~qUnderstanding Main Ideas

~~@ Your home

Study the illustration above, and then answer the questions on a separate piece ofpaper.

1. Explain what type of energy conversion takes place at point A.2. What type of energy is converted into chemical energy by ancient plants

and animals at point B?3. The coal at point C is an example of what type of fuel? Give another

example of this type of fuel.4. How is the stored chemical energy converted into thermal energy at

point D?5. What type of energy does the steam in the power plant at point E have?

What type of energy do the turbines have when they turn?6. Explain what type of energy conversion takes place at the generators at

point F.7. Give an example of how electrical energy can be converted to another

form of energy in your home.

© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Name _ Date _ Class _

Energy • Key Terms

(~ KeyTermsComplete the following paragraphs using the list of words and phrases below. Eachword or phrase is used only once.

Word Banklaw of conservation of energy nuclear energy kinetic energythermal energy fossil fuels electromagnetic energyenergy transformation electrical energy power energymechanical energy potential energy chemical energy

In nature, things are constantly changing, and the identification of what causes changes

is important in physical science. The ability to do work or cause change is called

___________ . There are two general kinds of energy. The energy of1

motion is called . Energy that is stored and held in readiness2is called __

3There are different forms of the two general kinds of energy. The energy associated

with the motion or position of an object is called . The total4

energy of the particles of an object is called . The potential5

energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together is called

___________ . The energy that moving electric charges carry is called6

___________ . Visible light and other waves of energy are forms of7

___________ . The energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is8

9Most forms of energy can be converted into other forms. A change from one form

of energy to another is called . Such changes from one form10

of energy to another do not mean any energy is lost. The _11

states that when one form of energy is converted to another, no energy is destroyed in

the process.

A fuel is a material that stores chemical potential energy. For many purposes, we

use , such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. The energy12

conversions in modern coal-fired power plants result in the electricity you use for home

electrical devices. You use these devices to do work. The rate at which work is done, or

the amount of work done in a unit of time, is called _13

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Forms of Energy



1. Label the forms of energy on lines A-F above.2. What are two sources of electrical energy? _

3. Where is energy from food used? _

4. Write the word or words that will make each sentence a true statement.

a. Living things cannot survive without _

b. energy is produced by moving objects or substances.

reactions can be controlled and used to produce

to turn turbines.

c. Nuclear _

d. Our bodies use in food for energy.

energy is necessary for all life on our planet.e.5. Name one use for each form of energy pictured.

a. form A _ d. form D _

b. form B _ e. form E .,__-

f. form F _

12ac. form C _

© Milliken Publishing Company Machines and Work


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