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A newspaper published by the Embassy of Chile to the United States | July 2011 | Nº3

From Santiago, president Obama praised Chile’s trajectory

One of the most important Museums in the United States prepares to hold an Exhibit on The Miners’ Rescue

An important legacy for bilateral relations

The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History welcomes more than 7 Million Visitors per Year

The legacy of the first half of 2011 is a milestone in the two hundred year old relationship between Chile and the United States: President Obama’s visit to Chile. It started with two simultaneous calls from the White House in early January –one to the Embassy of the Uni-ted States in Santiago and another one to Chile’s mission in Washington, officially communicating the news of the visit. The invitations and actions of the Chilean government, combined with the United States’ own interest, were finally producing results. | continue in page 2

During his historic visit to Chile this past March, Barack Obama highlighted the strength of Chilean institutions and the country’s leadership. President Sebastián Piñera stated that the visit ¨recognizes what we, Chileans, have done together.”

The Minister Said...

“Chile and the United States share a great common agenda…” | page 7

Ambassador Arturo Fermandois and the Director of the Museum of Natural History, Cristian Samper, sign the agreement that made the exhibition possible.

Seismograph Stations DonationThe donation from the United States includes 10 instruments of cutting edge technology and will allow for the rein-forcement of Chile´s new seismology network. | page 7

Minister of Foreign Affairs meets with Secretary Clinton

Both authorities analyzed the new phase in Chilean-American relations, after the President’s visit. | page 6

The United States benefits four Chi-lean UniversitiesThe NIH donates 84 pieces of medical equipment to laboratories damaged by the “27-F”.| page 8

The exhibit, with the Phoenix Capsule as the main attraction, is scheduled to be inaugurated on August 3.Beginning on August 5, exactly one year after the accident that left 33 workers trapped at the San Jose Mine in Chile, it will be possible to visit an exhibit chronicling the complete experience of the miners’ rescue at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. The exhibit named “Against All Odds: Rescue at the Chilean Mine, has been jointly organized by the Smithsonian Institution and the Embassy of Chile, with support from the Department of State. | continue in page 5

Both presidents held a private meeting where they discussed the bilateral agenda.

Chile gourmetShowcasing a variety of gourmet pro-ducts, Chile shone in the award cere-mony honoring the best restaurants in Washington DC and at the United Sta-tes’ most important food fair.| page 8

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From Santiago, president Obama praised Chile’s trajectory From page 1 | This would become the third official visit to Chile by an American President while in office on a strictly bilateral agenda. It was later formally announced by President Obama in his State of the Union speech to the United States Congress on January 25. Everything was set on the morning of March 21. Together with his fa-mily –first lady Michelle and their daughters Sasha and Malia- as well as a large delegation, the President of the United States arrived in San-tiago, where he was warmly greeted by a country aware of the special distinction this visit meant to Chi-le. President Sebastián Piñera and Minister Alfredo Moreno were the main hosts, while diplomats from both countries worked very hard to take advantage of this historic mo-ment, giving rise to a new phase in ties between the two nations.

What were some of the common issues that connected the two heads of state? Sustainable development, education, clean energy, continen-tal security, science and technolo-gy. These topics were highlighted in the tight 24-hour program that also involved a private meeting at La Moneda Palace, a press confe-rence, remarks on the region and a formal reception.

The interest of both countries in an up-to-date agenda was made clear during the joint press conferen-ce given by the two Presidents, in which President Obama made re-ferences to democracy, transparen-cy, the use of clean energy to fight global warming and overall, the development of Chile as a success story in Latin America. His words were in tune with those of Presi-dent Sebastián Piñera’s, who had earlier noted that: “without a doubt

(the visit) recognizes what we, Chi-leans, have done together to streng-then our democracy, to promote our economic development and to reach a more just society, with more opportunities for everyone.”

The press conference took place after a meeting held by both Pre-sidents in La Moneda Palace, in what was described as a relaxed at-mosphere. Many of the points on the bilateral agenda were discussed.

The greatest challenges facing La-tin America and the world were also covered. On the Chilean side, participants included Minister Al-fredo Moreno, the Ambassador of Chile to the United States, Arturo Fermandois, the General Director of Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alfonso Silva, the General Director of International Economic Relations, Jorge Bunster and the Director for North Ameri-ca, Isauro Torres.

Minister Moreno gave some con-text to Obama’s presence in Chile: “For us, this visit is extremely im-portant because the United States is the leading world power; it is a country with which we share many values.” Ambassador Fermandois concluded by saying: “apart from its immense political significance, it will bring about concrete benefits,” making reference to the six coope-ration agreements signed on the occasion of the visit two days earlier (see article on this topic).

Remarks on the region

One of the high points of the histo-ric visit was the highly anticipated remarks on the region by Presi-dent Obama. That the speech to all of Latin America was delivered in Santiago was considered a new distinction for Chile. The presence of President Piñera, Minister Mo-reno, all cabinet members, the Se-cretary General of the OAS, diplo-matic corps, and former presidents of Chile as well as political, science and cultural figures at the ceremony held in the Cultural Center of La Moneda Palace gave the occasion the needed tone of solemnity.

Barack Obama began by referring

Obama´s address at La Moneda´s Cultural Center.


Amidst a major visit and daily tasks

T he first half of 2011 was the synthesis of a great moment in the relationship between Chile and the United

States. The two main aspects of diplomatic efforts were on dis-play: the extraordinary and the everyday, both carried out with great zeal.

The visit of President Barack Obama to Chile in March is undoubtedly one of the highlights and was a his-torical, successful and momentous occasion for both countries. It has been 7 years since a President of the United States has stepped on Chil-ean soil and 21 since a U.S. Presi-dent has done so in the framework

of a strictly bilateral visit. The embassy assisted the government in turning this exceptional moment into an opportunity to come together politically, which produced concrete benefits. Six cooperation treaties, negotiated and concluded with the active participation of the embassy, were ready to be signed on March 18 in the O’Higgins Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Education, energy, the environment, small and medium business-es and culture were some of the issues covered by the treaties. Now we must actively participate in their implementation.

Other examples of diplomatic activity can also be seen during the first six months of 2011. A full schedule of bilateral activities was planned in Washington, ranging from the March trip of Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno for his meeting with the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to the XI round of the US-Chilean Defense Consultative Committee in June.

One indicator of the excellent state of diplomatic relations, reinforced by the impact of President Obama’s visit to Chile, is the large number of working trips by Chilean leaders and authorities to Washington. These visits are only one of the many responsibilities of the embassy, but effectively rep-resent the heavy bilateral exchange. We need look at just one month –April, for example—to show-case the numerous activities. During this month, separate working programs were carried out for the President (Chief Justice) of the Supreme Court, the President of the Tribunal for the Defense of Free Competition (Chile’s Fair Trade Commission), the National Economic Prosecutor, a Minister of the Constitutional Court, the Mayor of an important city, a Member of Congress, the Under Secretary for SENAME (The National Children and Youth Service), the Special Advisor to the President on indigenous affairs, delegations from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, the Undersecretary of Finance and finally, the Minister of Labor, together with an important congressional committee on labor made up of both Senators and Representatives.

This level of activity was replicated in May and the following months with only slight variances. High-ranking members of the Executive branch, members of Congress, military leaders, business leaders, civil society and scientists all helped to fill the calendar between January and July 2011.

Therefore, we believe that the second half of 2011 will bring both ordinary and extraordinary events for our embassy in the United States. Such occasions will further strengthen our bilateral relationship and improve the quality of life in both countries.

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The Presidents of The United States and Chile, Barack Obama and Sebastián Piñera, together with First Ladies Michelle Obama and Cecilia Morel, at the reception offered by the Chilean Government.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alfredo Moreno, greeted President Obama and accompanied him to La Mo-neda Palace where he met with President Piñera.

The Ambassador of Chile to The United States, greets the American head of state at Santiago International Airport.

Remarks on the Region: Achieving freedom, the common origin of Latin America and the United States

In his remarks on the region, Barack Obama began by emphasizing that Chile is an example of how Latin America is emerging towards a future of hope and progress. He stressed the possibilities and potential of developing countries in Latin America via education and knowledge. He optimistically referred to the origins of Latin American nations, how they are based on freedom and therefore connect them with the United States. It is a legacy of history and shared values, he said, also highlighting that “we are all Americans.”

Later, the head of state commented on the challenges faced by the region, addressing those concerns that have been repeatedly identified by the United States: renewable energy, continental security, citizen safety and the fight against drug trafficking. President Obama invited Latin American countries to join forces on the path to prosperity, emphasizing the fact that today the United States and Latin America are equal partners.

The president added that there is no other region in the world with which the United States has such strong con-nections; he referred to the millions of Hispanic-Americans that live in his country and “enrich our society, improve our economy and strengthen our nation day after day.” He also referred to the important role Latin America plays in trade and the economy, saying that “we buy more and invest more in this region than in any other region in the world.” He added that “we export to Latin America three times as much as we export to China,” stressing that said exports represent over 2 million jobs in the United States and therefore Latin America’s success contributes to prosperity in the United States.

Continuing to refer to the challenges, Barack Obama commented on drug trafficking and the violence it induces, the sharp inequality in income and the presence of leaders that attach themselves to ideologies to justify their own power, while silencing their opponents simply because they have the audacity to demand their universal rights.

He then mentioned specific initiatives that the region’s nations are working on together, in conjunction with the Uni-ted States, to reduce cross border drug and arms trafficking and to improve air and ground transportation. In par-ticular, he noted the “Path to Prosperity” initiative, which focuses partly on microcredit and business training, and the “Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas,” which will promote cleaner energy throughout the region.

Obama took this opportunity to announce two new initiatives: The first one is designed to take advantage of social media and online networks to help students, scientists, professors and businesspeople collaborate on the develo-pment of new products and ideas. This will boost the competitiveness of the Americas with respect to the global economy. The second initiative calls for the United States to work with regional partners, including the private sector, to increase the number of U.S. students who study in Latin America to 100,000 with an equal number of Latin American students studying in the United States.

The president concluded his remarks by referring to the joyful rescue of the Chilean miners, an accomplishment he described as a symbolic moment, stating that “if we ever need a reminder of humanity and the hopes we share; it was that one moment in the desert. When a country like Chile is determined, there is nothing out of reach. When the countries of Latin America unite and focus in one common objective, when the United States and others in the world do their part, there is nothing they cannot accomplish together.”

to the host country and clearly recognizing the leadership and strength of Chilean institutions. “I have come here today –said Oba-ma- because this country is a vital part of our interconnected world in the 21st century.” In spite of the ba-rriers of distance and geography, he added, “you have integrated Chile into the global economy by trading with countries from all over the world; and during this internet era, by being the most digitally connec-ted country in Latin America.”

“Equal Partners”

The visiting head of state later des-cribed the challenges facing Latin America, stressing the potential of countries in the region to make the leap to development through edu-cation. These proposals were no longer being suggested within the context of the Alliance for Progress, as called by President Kennedy in 1961, but rather within the fra-mework of an equal partnership. “The Alliance for Progress was

appropriate for its period. But the reality of our time –and the new capacity and trust of our La-tin American neighbors- demands something different, something new within the status of partners, in equal conditions, said President Obama (see remarks analysis in box).In summary: A visit of 24 hours, but nonetheless significant, histo-ric, illustrative of the political trust and shared values between two au-tonomous countries that enjoy the same basic values. It set the politi-cal foundation for a new stage in bi-lateral relations. The United States invited Chile to strengthen its coo-peration with the region and the world. Chile listened and proposed to the leader of the world’s major power its own vision regarding the issues on the bilateral agenda that are crucial for development: science and technology, English language, innovation, entrepreneurship, free trade and citizen safety among others.

Michelle Obama’s Emotional message: An invitation to overcome adversity

While the presidential meeting was taking place in La Moneda, the two First Ladies, Michelle Obama and Cecilia Morel, visited the Institute Cumbre de Cóndores, located in Renca. This school has the privilege of leading the government’s bicentennial program for high schools of excellence. Mrs. Obama gave a motivational speech to the students, in which she explained the importance that a good quality education plays in life. Big dreams, she said, require big efforts. “It was not long ago that my husband and I were young like you, envisioning the same dreams and facing the same challenges that you face…when we were growing up, there was never a doubt that we would go to college… our pa-rents always told us that even though we were not rich, we were as smart and capable as any other kid…They taught us that if we dreamed big and wor-ked hard, anything was possible. In my country we call it the Ame-rican Dream, and I believe that that is also true here, in Chile.” These words moved the audien-ce, which included low income students, government officials and special guests. Many more watched the speech on televi-sion, which highlighted the visi-ting first lady’s charisma and her ability to share her own moving personal testimony of overco-ming adversity.

President Sebastián Piñera greeted the American President at La Moneda Palace.

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Twinning of the Protected Coas-tal Marine Area Francisco Coloa-ne of Chile and the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve of the United States. This agreement is aimed at strengthening coopera-tion on matters related to protec-ted areas, resource conservation and education. The union of these marine coastal areas represents the first association of protected marine area parks between both countries.

Furthermore, an agreement forma-lizing the activities of cooperation between the Agency for Internatio-nal Cooperation of Chile and US-AID with other countries in Latin America was signed in Asuncion, Paraguay on February 23.

Bilateral Agreements Signed During Visit

A Visit with resultsThree days prior to the start of the historic presidential visit, a group of high profile officials participated in a sig-ning ceremony for a number of agreements between American agencies and Chilean governmental organizations.

The Chilean Consulate in Miami is com-mitted to an intensive cultural agenda this summer. The Consulate is currently suppor-ting Chile’s participation, as guest of honor, in the 26th International Hispanic Theatre Festival, which will be taking place in the city during the entire month of July. Chile is al-ready scheduled to show two national works: “Amores de cantina” (Love and the tavern) and “Lo crudo, lo cocido y lo podrido” (The raw, the cooked and the rotten), in con-junction with plays from more than 10 coun-tries. The brochure was designed by Chilean artist, Jaime Ferrer and its unveiling took pla-ce on June 2 at the Adolfo Ibáñez School of Management’s Miami campus.

Chile plays leading role in a summer filled with art and politicsA Glimpse at the Chilean Consulates: Consulate General of Chile in Miami

Chile has been selected as this year’s International Hispanic Theatre Festival’s guest of honor. Minister Luciano Cruz-Coke received an award for “Most distinguished public figure” in Miami and Ambassador Fermandois was given the key to the city.

Chile’s Consulate in Miami is headed by Consul General, Juan Luis Nilo and Adjunct Consul, Victor Abujatum.

Its offices are located on 800 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1200, Miami, Florida, 33131. Tel (305) 373-8623.

On another note, the Minister of Culture Luciano Cruz-Coke received the award for “most distinguished public figure” during

The Ambassador of Chile to the United States, Arturo Fermandois, together with the Consul General in Miami, Juan Luis Nilo, as well as part of the Chilean community residing in the State of Florida.

the 32nd Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry held between June 1 and 4, 2011 in Miami.

The Ambassador of Chile to the United Sta-tes, Arturo Fermandois, attended both the award ceremony and the unveiling of Mr. Ferrer’s brochure design during his official vi-sit to Miami from May 31 through June 3. His busy agenda included a meeting with the Chilean community, a class lecture at Miami Dade College, economic activities and mee-tings with local authorities –including Mayor Tomas Regalado, who gave Ambassador Fer-mandois the key to the city.

Ambassador Alejandro Wolff and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alfredo Moreno, sign the new agreements between Chile and the United States.

The signing ceremony formalizing the agreements between the Uni-ted States and Chile took place within the framework of President Barack Obama’s visit to Chile. On this occasion, the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alfredo Mo-reno, stressed that both countries must have not only a good handle on the economy but also be able to “aspire to have the technology and the science required to produce go-ods with greater added value so as to compete on a higher level.”

The agreements were signed in the halls of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, 3 days prior to the historic presidential visit. The officials representing Chile inclu-ded Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alfredo Moreno, Minister for the Environment, Maria Ignacia Be-nítez and then Minister of Edu-cation, now head of the Ministry of Planning, Joaquín Lavín. The United States, was represented by its ambassador in Chile, Alejandro Wolff. The ceremony was also at-tended by then Minister of Energy and Mining, Laurence Golborne (currently in charge of the Ministry of Public Works), and the Ambas-sador of Chile to the United States, Arturo Fermandois. The diploma-tic mission in Washington played an active role in the negotiations leading up to the agreements.

The following agreements were signed:

Cooperation on Emergency Matters. The National Office for Emergency Response (ONE-MI in Spanish) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) signed an agreement to promote cooperation and the ex-change of knowledge and experien-ce between the two agencies. The agreement is aimed at improving the response and recovery activi-ties of community and emergency organizations in Chile as well as in the United States. The agreement seeks to create an area of mutual cooperation, where lessons learned and the experience gained from training drills can be shared. It will also help to improve information and warning systems for the com-munity, streamlining procedures for determining alert times and enhan-cing procedures.

Bilateral Collaboration on Cul-tural Affairs. The Government of Chile and the Smithsonian Institution signed a memorandum promoting joint tasks on matters of cultural development with the institution’s Chilean counterparts, such as the Office for the Mana-gement of Libraries, Archives and Museums and the National Com-mission for Scientific and Techno-logical Research. This agreement establishes a basis for creating coo-peration programs and activities in the scientific and historical research fields, as well as that of cultural de-velopment. It will provide Chile

with access to a growing and more fluid exchange of information with a world-renown institution that boasts a network of high-level museums and scientific research centers. Moreover, it promotes exchanges between museums and scientific centers, research support and training in the cultural area.

Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Ener-gy. The agreement signed in this field is designed to facilitate ex-changes with a number of fede-ral agencies in the United States. The agreement identifies areas of cooperation related to the develop-ment of the peaceful use of Chile’s nuclear energy, contributing to non-proliferation and promoting nuclear safety. Also, it states that the means of cooperation will be through scientific and technical information exchange; exchange of personnel for training; organization of seminars, workshops and sym-posiums, and technical assistance.

Collaboration for the Develop-ment of Small and Medium En-terprises. The main goal of this agreement between Pro-Chile and the International Trade Adminis-tration is to establish a system for training small and medium enter-prise owners and their employees. It establishes a foundation for crea-ting a working group to design an action plan and a calendar of acti-vities specifically focused on the fo-llowing areas: improved exporting

practices, tutoring program, com-mercial missions, private sector tra-ining, market research, promotion of higher education and participa-tion in business events.

Agreement for the Improvement of English Instruction in Chi-le. Signed by the Ministry of Edu-cation of Chile and the US De-partment of State, this agreement sets up a framework to deepen and diversify collaboration between both countries for the purpose of improving the quality of English instruction in public schools in Chile. The United States and Chi-le agreed to collaborate on the pro-grams, processes and initiatives for teaching English, which will be de-fined and implemented by specia-lized institutions in both countries.

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Meeting in Washington, DC prior to president Obama’s visit to ChilePreparing the American President’s Visit

A group of individuals with different nationalities, political backgrounds, positions and opinions, but who know the region well, specifically Chile and the United States, met to analyze and exchange ideas regarding President Obama’s visit to Chile.

One of the Most Important Museums in the United States will Hold Exhibition on the Miners’ Rescue

International affairs expert, Moises Naim, talks with the Secretary General of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza.

The participants --mostly influential figures, politicians with differing ideologies, Chilean and foreign officials-- agreed on the importance of President Obama’s trip to Chile. They stressed that the visit should have an eye to the future and highlight issues related to education, development and inno-vation. They added that Chile’s relationship with the United States is mature enough for both countries to have an equal say as opposed to a somewhat paternalistic interaction.

Guests invited by Ambassador Fermandois to his residence in Washington, DC included Arturo Valenzuela, former Un-dersecretary of Hemispheric Affairs and Ann Stock, Assistant Secretary of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Ms. Stock had been working for some time with both the Embassy and the Ministry of Education on an educational agenda. Secretary

General of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza and Carl Meacham, senior staffer for senator Lugar, were also among the atten-dees, as well as the former ambassador of the United States to Chile, Craig Kelly and the Chilean Ambassador to the OAS Dario Paya. Also present was the acclaimed Argentinean jo-urnalist and opinion leader, Andres Oppenheimer, who has just recently published a book titled “Enough of Stories,”

which analyzes, in depth, the debate over education in Latin America.

The academic world also significantly contributed to this unusual mix of people. Moises Naim, a Venezuelan and Mauricio Cardenas, a Colombian, both international affairs columnists and researchers, took part in the discussion, as well

as the noted John Hopkins professor and expert in Interna-tional Economics, Riordan Roett.

Former senator and minister of state, Sergio Bitar, Human Rights Watch U.S. director Jose Miguel Vivanco and IDB president, Luis Alberto Moreno also attended the dinner. The corporate world was also represented by notable indivi-duals such as Kellie Meiman, a member of MacLarty Asso-ciates and expert in Latin American commerce, who advised Wal-Mart on their recent investment in Chile.

Ambassador Fermandois agreed with many of the ideas put forth and stated that the goals for growth and education fall in line with President Piñera’s program. He made it clear that “Chile’s solid path in matters of stability and political, econo-mic and social development make it a natural partner for a more strategic collaboration with the United States.”

Ambassador Arturo Fermandois, together with IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno, opinion leader Andres Oppenheimer and Assistant Secretary of Educational and Cultural Affairs Anne Stock.

The dinner offered by the Ambassador of Chile, attended by well known personalities and authorities from diverse political backgrounds.

Nicolás Bär and Kara Blond, head of the museum´s Exhibition Development De-partment, check on the status of the exhibit´s progress in Buffalo, New York. The Phoenix Capsule being installed in preparation for its exhibiting in Washington DC.

From page 1 | The National Mu-seum of Natural History, part of the Smithsonian Institution, is one of the most important mu-seums in Washington and receives more than 7 million visitors each year. The exhibition will be open to the public for 10 months (until May of 2012) free of charge. Cul-tural attaché Nicolás Bär oversaw the Chilean side of preparations. The main attraction will be the Phoenix Capsule, but the exhibit will also display a series of items

chronicling the collapse of the mine, how the 33 miners survi-ved underground for 69 days and the complex technical and human challenge posed by the rescue.

Among the more than 20 objects on display are: a gold and copper rock sent up by the miners with “33” written on it, the Bible that miner José Henríquez used to pro-vide spiritual support to his peers, two metal supply tubes or “palo-mas” that were utilized daily to

send aid, letters sent to miner Jorge Galleguillos, a Chilean flag signed by the miners during their confi-nement and a piece of equipment used to monitor the vital signs of the brave men.

It should be noted that there were many companies who generously responded to a call by the Embas-sy of Chile in the United States a few months ago to fund the project. About half a million dollars was rai-sed. This initiative was led by the diplomatic official Rodrigo Arcos. The leading sponsor is Caterpillar, through 3 of its affiliates. Layne Christensen also contributed with an important donation. Other co-llaborating companies include 3M, the Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce of Washington, DC, FedEx Express, Freeport-McMo-Ran Copper & Gold Inc. and Mo-torola Solutions.

The ability to mount an exhibition of this caliber serves to show the tremendous impact the rescue of the Chilean miners has had around

the world, particularly in the Uni-ted States. It is also a great oppor-tunity to show Chile through the cultural items that made this heroic deed possible. As President Sebas-tián Piñera said “the great wealth of

Chile is not copper, but the miners.” Additionally, it is an opportunity to acknowledge and give thanks for the great deal of support received from the international community.

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Secretary Clinton met with Minister Moreno in her Department of Sta-te office.

In Washington D.C.

The closed-door meeting, which lasted over 40 minutes, took place in the Secretary of State’s office. Both authorities analyzed the future of Chilean-American relations following President Obama’s visit.

Minister Alfredo Moreno meets with Secretary Clinton

A few days prior to President Obama’s visit to Chile, Minister Alfredo Moreno, on his return from a European tour accompanying Presi-dent Piñera, held a closed-door meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The mee-ting took place in Secretary Clinton’s office, at the State Department in Washington, DC and lasted over 40 minutes.

During their talk, they went beyond discussing aspects of the American president’s visit to Chile and exchanged ideas on the relationship between Chile and the United States following President Obama’s visit. Both officials agreed that the American president’s visit to Santiago would be a positive signal for both Chile and the region and will usher in a new stage of bila-teral relations for these two countries.

Meeting with Senator Rubio

Furthermore, Minister Moreno took the opportunity to visit an emerging figure in the American Senate: Senator Marco Rubio. The 39-year old politician is the second youngest senator in the United States Congress and rose from speaker of the Florida House of Representatives (during 2007 and 2008), to senator for the same state, positioning himself as a promising member of the Republican Party.

Rubio was born in Miami to Cuban exiles and speaks fluent Spanish -which in turn has helped him become very popular among the large

Latino population that lives in the state of Florida. His sphere of influence increased during 2011, after the latest census results revealed the Latino population to be the largest minority. The state of Florida, together with Georgia, receive almost a third of Chilean investment in the United States. In 2010, Chilean exports to the United States reached $6.5 billion, de-monstrating growth of 15.7% compared to the previous year..

Ambassador Fermandois also met with Rubio the day before the Minister´s arrival.

Minister Moreno and Senator Mar-co Rubio.

The Visa Waiver work group: Andrés Falcón from the Chilean Vital Records Office, Marko Magdic from the Ministry of Interior, Ramiro Riobó, Director of Consular Policy at the Chancery, Mariko Silver from the Department of Ho-meland Security, the Ambassador Arturo Fermandois, Gianfranco Corti from the Department of Homeland Security and Erik Cáceres from Chilean Police.

The meetings dealing with one of the security agreements necessary for Chile’s incorporation into the United States’ Visa Waiver Program took place on March 9 and 10, in Washington, DC –its objective being the elimination of the visa require-ment for Chileans travelling for tourism. The Chilean government’s delegation included officials from several ministries and services, led by the Ministry of Fo-reign Affairs, while the United States delegation was led by representatives of the Department of Homeland Security. A consensus was reached on the text of the agreement, which is one of the many stages necessary for Chile to be included in the Visa Waiver Program.


Ambassador Arturo Fermandois, his wife, Carolina Santa Cruz, Monsignor Chomalí and Cultural Attaché, Nicolas Bär.

NEW YEAR’S MASS AT THE EMBASSYA thanksgiving mass for the New Year was celebrated at the Embassy of Chile’s event hall on January 19. The Eucharist was led by Monsignor Fernando Chomalí, then Auxiliary Bishop of the Santiago Arch-diocese, who was on a work-related trip to the United States. He is currently the new Archbishop of Concepción. The mass was attended by Embassy employees, members of the Chilean Mission to the OAS as well as members of the Chilean Armed Forces. San Jose Custodio´s Chilean fraternity stu-dents supported the liturgical ceremony.

From the Embassy’s Calendar

Minister Counselor Roberto Matus spoke at a Heritage Foundation Seminar organized by the Council of the Ameri-cas on March 10. The Seminar addres-sed what President Barack Obama’s Latin American visit would mean for the region. Mr. Matus offered an analy-sis of the state of bilateral relations, highlighting the fact that trade flows have doubled since the free trade agreement went into effect. He also commented on a number of important investments that have taken place in Chile and in the United States. He underscored the im-portance of the agreements to be signed by both countries, which involve a wide variety of sectors and topics that reflect the maturity and diversity of the bilateral relationship. President Obama’s planned


The Ambassador of Chile in Washington, DC, Arturo Fermandois, participated in a seminar organized by the National Acade-my of Sciences on March 1, which sought to highlight the lessons learned from na-tional disasters. The goal was to study the examples of Chile, which suffered an ear-thquake on February 27, 2010, and Haiti, which was affected by an earthquake earlier in the year, so as to better design natural di-saster risk reduction plans on a global scale. The ambassador took part in the discussion panel that focused on how pre-earthquake conditions affect the outcomes following the disaster.


Ambassador Arturo Fermandois analyzed the conditions pre-vious to the “27-F” Earthquake.

remarks to Latin America to be delivered from Chile were also discussed.

The Minister Counselor Roberto Matus presented on the state of bilateral relations between Chile and The United States.

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The Minister said…Alfredo Moreno, Foreign Minister

Excerpts from speeches given by the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs.

· Regarding the Antarc-tic Treaty: “In a world characterized by a com-plex interdependence and lack of resources, the pres-ervation of Antarctica as a natural reserve, a zone of peace and science, val-ues and shared interests by all of its members, must lead us to strengthening the compro-mise of each Part with the System, as well as favoring the com-mon interest over each State’s individual interests.” (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 06.06.2011)

· Regarding mining exports: “Although we export many products associated with the mining industry, the challenge is to continue to diversify our exports. We want to continue to provide incentives for the public and private sectors to work together; as a government our role is to negotiate new trade agreements, deepen those that we already have and thereby generate the conditions needed for the private sector to navi-gate this narrow field and to continue to create jobs and de-velop our country.”(Santiago, Chile, April 12, 2011)

· Regarding the visit of President Barack Obama: “The visit by the U.S. president is not only important for Chile, but also for the entire region because this key speech will be directed to all of South America. The visit will allow us to discuss bilateral, regional and current relevant international issues.(Santiago, Chile, March 21, 2011)

· Regarding the new supply of public services available through video-conferencing: “This will bring the government of Chile to our compatriots who are living overseas, because for us they continue to be as Chilean as those who live in the coun-try.”(Santiago, Chile, March 14, 2011)

· Regarding the earthquake and subsequent nuclear disas-ter in Japan: “In Chile we understand the damage that can be caused and the value of international collaboration. I believe this is the moment when our country will be fully ready to col-laborate with our friends in Japan.”(Santiago, Chile, March 11, 2011)

· Regarding the meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the State Department: “Chile and the United States share a common agenda on the issues of human rights, democracy, economic development, social inclusion, combating international crime, environmental concerns, and so on.”(Washington, D.C., United States, March 10, 2011)

Consul of Chile in Washington DC, Christian Hodges-Nugent, authenticates the donation act, together with the president of IRIS, David W. Simpson.

Cutting edge technology

The United States donates ten new seismograph stations to ChileThis donation, worth close to a million dollars, will streng-then Chile’s new seismology network, currently being esta-blished in order to obtain precise, permanent and immediate data on telluric activity.

In a brief ceremony conducted on January 24 at the Embassy of Chile in Washington, DC, Dr. David W. Simpson, President of Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismolo-gy (IRIS), signed the donation do-cument in the presence of Ambas-sador Arturo Fermandois and the Consul of Chile in Washington, DC, Christian Hodges-Nugent. Under this agreement, the afore-mentioned academic institution which specializes in the gathering, administration and dissemination of seismic information transferred 10 cutting edge instruments to the Department of Geophysics of the

University of Chile, which mana-ges the National Seismic Service (SSN).

This is the result of a finance pro-ject approved by the United States National Science Foundation, in response to a presentation given by IRIS and SSN a few months after the earthquake and tsunami that affected Chile in February 2010.

These stations are to become part of the new seismologic network that Chile is currently establishing throughout its territory for the purpose of obtaining precise, per-

manent and immediate data on telluric activity, for both emergen-cy preparedness and research. The information gathered by these sta-tions will be shared with the United States Geological Survey and IRIS, as part of Chile’s role in the Global Seismographic Network.

The project’s total cost is close to a million dollars—$500,000 alloca-ted for the purchase of the equip-ment with the rest being allocated for transportation, installation and maintenance over 3 years.

From left to right: Christian Hodges-Nugent, Consul of Chile in Washington DC, David W. Simpson, President of IRIS, Am-bassador of Chile, Arturo Fermandois, Robert Musby and Candy Shan from IRIS, and Jaime Muñoz, First Secretary of the Embassy of Chile.

Page 8: Embassy of Chile News July

8 © Embassy of Chile News • 1732 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington D.C., 20036 • Legal Representative and Editor-in-Chief: Arturo Fermandois. • Texts: Emilia Edwards and Jaime Muñoz. • Design:

Laboratories damaged by the “27-F” receive medical equipmentGenerous American donation benefits four Chilean Universities

With the assistance of the Chilean Embassy in Washington, D.C., 84 pieces of medical equipment donated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), valued at approximately $260 million Chilean Pesos, have already been transported free of charge by FedEx from the US capital to Santiago.

Ambassador Arturo Fermandois, María Elena Boisier of CONYCIT, Dr. Pablo Moya and Ambassador Rodrigo Gaete, with the equipment on the day of its arrival at the Santiago Airport.

The instruments arrived in Chile on March 21st and were delivered to 4 universities: The University of Concepcion, The University of Chile, The Catholic University of the Maule and The University of Talca. The equipment, donated by the NIH, had an approximate value of US$542,172 (approxima-tely $260 million Chilean Pesos), however, as Maria Elena Boisier, Director of Programs of the Na-tional Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CO-NICYT in Spanish) noted, “the true value of the equipment goes much further than the high fi-nancial cost; it also represents the spirit of collaborative research, the mutual understanding of what it means to search for knowledge.”

Dr. Pablo Moya, who represents

the Chilean Scientists Association at NIH, had a key role in the arri-val of these 84 pieces of equipment. According to this scientist of the University of Santiago who has worked at the NIH since 2006, “It is extremely important that Chi-leans abroad keep in contact with their home country, since it aids in the transfer of technology and also promotes close ties in international cooperation.”

The instruments include centrifu-ges, microscopes, computers, incu-bators, scales, spectrophotometers, refrigerators and cameras. They were precisely what the school’s had on their wish lists and have only been slightly used for a year.

A ceremony was held to receive the equipment at the Arturo Merino

Benitez Airport in Santiago, featu-ring Arturo Fermandois, Ambas-sador of Chile to the United States and Rodrigo Gaete, Ambassador and Adjunct General Director of Bilateral Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among other guests.

This donation came about after the February 27th earthquake last year, when a group of Chilean scientists, working at the National Institutes of Health and led by Dr. Pablo Moya, together with the Embas-sy of Chile in Washington DC, arranged for the NIH to come to the rescue of their Chilean colle-agues. CONICYT acted as an intermediary and arranged for the donation’s entry into the country.

Showcasing a diverse array of gourmet products, Chile shone in the award ceremony honoring the best restaurants in the American capital. The country also made a strong impression at the United States’ most important food fair.

In Washington D.C.

Chile gourmet: Innovative and quality products

Since 1920, the RAMMY awards have honored the best res-taurants and chefs in Washington, DC –they have been com-pared to the “Oscar” for the gourmet world. Additionally, the American capital recently held what is considered to be the most important food fair in the United States, the Summer Fancy Food. The participation of Chile in both events proves that its wines as well as its varied range of food products have the capacity to captivate the most demanding palates. Adding to the already strong wine industry, Chile has a growing, varied and complete line of organic, natural, kosher, halal and ethnic products. The Chilean economy is expanding and part of this growth is due to the small and medium businesses who have found a niche market for these types of products. Due to inno-vation and the quality of such products, these enterprises can compete in specialized markets.

An award ceremony with Chilean wine and food

On June 26, The Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington received more than 1,600 guests for the RA-MMY 2011 award ceremony. It was a true carnival –a lively masquerade ball that included chefs, restaurant owners, re-presentatives of the food industry and specialized press, all of them willing to celebrate the major successes of the culinary community in Washington.

Chilean wines and foods were the main characters at this party. For the sixth consecutive year Chilean wineries, through Pro-Chile and Wines of Chile, provided their very best products. Guests were also delighted after sampling the typical Chilean flavors featured on the menu. In recognition of its contribu-tion, Chile received an appreciation award for its support of this annual conference of connoisseurs, which is composed of

Chile in the prestigious Summer Fancy Food show

The Summer Fancy Food, organized by the National Asso-ciation for the Specialty Food Trade (NASFT), took place for the first time in Washington, DC, from July 10 through 12. With the support of ProChile, 24 Chilean companies showcased the best of Chilean export gourmet foods in a 4,400 square foot pavilion.

“The Fancy Food is the most important gourmet product fair in the States and we hope that our products will make an impact so as to help us become the tenth largest food ex-porting power in the world,” commented Felix de Vicente,

National Director for ProChile, who together with Ambas-sador Arturo Fermandois inaugurated the Chilean pavilion.“The presence of Chile at the Fancy Food comes at a stellar moment for Chile-US relations. This is an extraordinary situation for political and commercial Chilean prestige. The Free Trade Agreement has produced fantastic results and ev-erything that our businessmen do in order to produce, export and raise the level of their products, well this is the time to do it; this is why we are at the Fancy Food,” the Chilean Ambassador stated.

The goal of Chile’s participation in this important show-case of the food industry is to boost the presence of Chilean products in the region, to improve the ability of the export sector to respond to new consumer demand, as well as to introduce new flavors from different areas of the country.

Today, the food sector exports more than US$11 billion an-nually, which represents 16% of total Chilean shipments. Between 2006 and 2010 Chilean food and beverage exports demonstrated growth of 70% and are expected to reach US$20 billion in 2015, which could place Chile among the ten largest food exporting powers in the world.

Commercial Attaché, Alejandro Buvinic, Director of ProChile, Fé-lix de Vicente, the Ambassador of Chile to the United States, Arturo Fermandois, and NASFT´s President, Ann Daw, inaugurate the Chilean pavilion at the Summer Fancy Food.

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