
The Dungeoneers Role Playing Character Sheet

Name: _________________________________

Played by: _____________________________

Race: ___________________________

Occupation: _____________________________

(roll a 1D4)

1 - Rogue 3 - Barbarian

2 - Mage 4 - Druid

Level: ________

Strength: _________

Dexterity:_________ Barbarian +1 Strength

Constitution: ______ Mage +1 Intelligence

Intelligence: _______ Rogue +1 Dexterity

Wisdom: __________ Druid +1 Wisdom

Charisma: _________

(roll 6D6)

Hit Points Total Speed Base Attack

_______________ ________ 1D6

(roll 2D10) (roll 1D6)

Age _____ Height _____ Weight ____ Gender ____

(roll 1D20 >10) (roll2D6) (roll2D6) (roll 1D6 Even = M Odd = F)

Treasure found

Coins ________

1 gold piece equals 5 silver pieces or 10 copper pieces

(roll 2D10 high number first)

Coin Tally



Talents and Skills


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