Page 1: Different Forms of Advertising


Page 2: Different Forms of Advertising

REALISM ADVERTS Realism advertising is an advert which aims to present the audience with a ‘real life’ situation. The narrative is usually makes the audience feel like they are watching something that is real as the advert is made to be believable. The advert would have actors which would represent normal people so that the audience can have a link towards them.

The positives of having this type of advert is that it is cost effective as you do not have to add special effects or any other animations. However some realism adverts do not stand out as much as anti-realism adverts which have a certain trait to grab to grab the audience.

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ANTI-REALISM ADVERTS Anti-realism adverts represents anything that is unrealistic and presents the audience with a situation or concept which is clearly made up.

The benefit of using an anti-realism advert is that you it offer the audience escapism from real life and usually shows the viewer a bit of humour. The makers of the advert also is able to be creative as it does not have to follow a traditional narrative route. The disadvantage of using a anti-realism advert is that some people may not understand it.

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ANIMATION ADVERTS Animation adverts uses a wide range of techniques so they can be created. 2D and CGI are two ways of using animated images when creating a television advert.

This would make the advert more interesting and it would appeal to a wider audience. This is because animations can be a great influence on children as it would be easier for them to understand better than a documentary style advert.

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DOCUMENTARY STYLE Documentary style adverts are used to show the audience that real people uses the product they are trying to promote. Everything in the advert tends to be real and this would really convince the audience and gain credibility.

An example of a Documentary style advert is the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal Advert which shows homeless people on the street and why they are there.

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SERIES ADVERTS Series adverts are adverts which are a part of a series which has a developing story. The series would usually have main characters and occasionally additional characters. The advantage of the series adverts is that it can be a fun way for the audience to keep up with a certain product and look forward to episodes. However the public may feel as though they are being manipulated as they have famous people featuring in these adverts to draw the audience in. Also they may use real life situations to connect with the audience.

‘Daz’ has uses a series of adverts which shows loads of different peoples experiences with the ‘Daz’ washing powder.

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STAND ALONE ADVERTS Stand alone adverts are adverts which are one off as there will not be any another advert which would come from the same company. The adverts will also not follow a storyline or narrative.

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TALKING HEADS ADVERTS Talking head adverts usually have people talking about a product or company. The person talking for this advert may be talking about a personal experience with the product. They could be giving positive review and this could be used to make more people to buy the product. This is an effective way to sell a product to the audience.

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