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Living without knowing is nothing

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• Pakistan is the 7th most populous country of the World

• Total population is about 160 Millions• Growth Rate = 1.9• Population will be Double in next 32 Years• Crude Death Rate = 8.1/ 1000• Maternal Mortality Rate is 350-400/ 1 lac• Life expectancy : Male= 64.1 yrs• Female= 63.8 yrs

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DEFINITION• Demography is the scientific study of Human

Population concerning their Size, distribution, structure and changes within them

• Thus, demographic data is the information about these all aspects of Demography

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• Census• Registration of Vital Events (births and deaths)• Surveys

• In developing countries ( Pakistan) registration of births & deaths is grossly

• :. Demographic sample surveys are conducted yearly to estimate the births & deaths.

Incomplete Unreliable

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CENSUSIntroduction & History


• The number of persons in any community can be determined by Counting .

Census is a Characteristic of population




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• First complete census in SWEDEN (in 1749 A.D.)

• Other countries followed it

• In Indo-Pak the 1st census was taken between 1867-1872, and was repeated in 1881. Therefore , it has been carried out every 10th year.

Pakistan’s 1st in 1951,

2nd 1961

3rd 19724th 1981

5th in 1998 & 6th 2008

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Methods of Census• Census are taken by :

• 1) Enumeration• 2) Questionnaire • 3) Combined of both methods

• First method is used in Pakistan and USA, while the Questionnaire method in England

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TYPES OF CENSUS• Census may either be “de facto” or “de jure”

a person is counted at the place he or she is found at the time of counting.

A person is counted at the place of its normal residence.

“de facto”

“de jure”

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Registration of Vital Events

• Whereas “Census” is an intermittent counting of Population,

• registration of Vital Events (e.g., births & deaths) keeps a continuous check on

demographic changes.

• If it is complete and accurate, it can serve as reliable source of health information.

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System of Collection and Registration of Vital Events in

Pakistan• The System used in Pakistan for the collection

& registration of the vital events follow the following scheme:

• Registration of Births & Deaths• The Registration of births and deaths is carried

out throughout the provinces of Pakistan, excepting the Agencies and Tribal areas of N.W.F.P., Balouchistan, Trans fronted tract of Dera Ghazi Khan district and Kalat divisions

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Continue..• In Quetta, the registration is confined to Quetta city and

Cantonment only• There is the uniform system of registration in the areas

comprising the Punjab, NWFP, and the former Bahawalpur state. The area of Sindh Province has however a different type of system for registering these event.

• From Medical Institutions, Rural and Urban Areas:

• The hospitals & dispensaries supply information pertaining to the births & deaths taking place in these institutions to the local health authorities

In the Urban areas :• the births and deaths registration is done by local bodies.In rural areas: it is done by the village Headman or Union Council.

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Other sources of Demographic Data

• Notification of Diseases• Hospital Records• Disease Registries• Other Health Services Record• Record Linkage• Health Manpower Statistics• Environmental Health Statistics• Population based Epidemiological studies

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Population profile of Pakistan



North East



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Location• country located in the mountainous

region adjoining Central Asia and the Middle East.

• Has a 1,046 kilometer (650 mile) coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south, and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, the Republic of India in the east and the People's Republic of China in the far northeast.

• Pakistan has been called part of the New Middle East.[8]

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• The estimated population of Pakistan is 187.343 million (2011)

• Pakistan is the 6th most populated country in the world.

• It’s second most populous Muslim Country, after Indonesia.

• Total area 7,95,791 sq km

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Some Demographic Features of Population:

• Total pop 187,343,000

• Annual addition of 3.6 million people

• The population is projected to reach 243 million by the year 2020 and is estimated to double in the next 34 years.

• Rural pop: 72% IMR 60/1000 live births• Urban 28% MMR 3-4 1000 = =• Density 135 persons / sq km

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Growth rate: 2.69 %

Birth rate: 38 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)

Death rate: 10deaths/1,000 population

Life expectancy: 63.39 years

–male: 62.4 years

–female: 64.44 years

Fertility rate:

Sex Ratio

3.58 children born/woman (2008 est.)

100 M:111 Females

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Age structure:

0-14 years: 36.7%

15-64 years: 59.1%

65-over: 4.2%

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Sex ratio:

At birth:1.00 male(s)/female (2006 est.)

Under 15: 1.06 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 1.05 male(s)/female

65-over: 0.82 male(s)/female

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• Pakistan is a 'young' nation with a median age of about 20 Years and 104 million people under 30 years of age in 2010

• During 1990–2008, Pakistan lead as the most urbanised nation in South Asia, with city dwellers making up 36% of its population

• Approx. 50% of Pakistanis reside in towns of 5,000 people or more.

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Continue…- Expenditure on health was 2.6% of the GDP in 2009.

- Approx 19% of the population and 30% of children under age of five are malnourished

- The mortality below 5 yr was at 87 per 1,000 live births in 2009

- About 20% of the population live below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 per day.

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• Multilingual country, 60 languages

• English is the official language

• Urdu is the national language.

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Language• The following are major languages

spoken in Pakistan:• Punjabi (Panjab) • Pashto (three major varieties) • Sindhi • Seraiki (Saraiki) • Urdu • Balochi (three major varieties)

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Ethnic Groups:• Punjabi : 78.7 million (44.15%)• Pashto : 27.2 million (15.42%) • Sindhi : 14.8 million (10.53%) • Seraikis: 13.3 million (7.57%)  • Muhajirs/Urdu:13.3 million (7.57%) • Balochi(varieties): 6.3 million

(3.57%)• The other ethnic groups :

11.1 million (4.66%)

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Religion• second-most populous

Muslim-majority country• also has the second-largest

Shi'a population in the world.• About 97% of the Pakistanis are Muslim

. Almost 80% of Pakistani Muslims are Sunni Muslims and 20% are Shi'a Muslims

• Hinduism 1.85%, Christianity 1.6%, Sikhs 0.04% and others.

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Economy• is the 26th largest economy in the

world in terms of purchasing power, and the 47th largest in absolute dollar terms.

• Pakistan's economy mainly encompasses textiles, chemicals, food processing, agriculture and other industries.

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Population Explosion and its Effects

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DEFINITION • Population explosion is defined as:

the condition of having more people than can live on the earth in comfort, happiness and health and still leave the world a fit place for future generations.

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MAIN CAUSES:• Increases in food production and

distribution.• Improvement in public health (water

and sanitation)• medical technology (vaccines and

antibiotics) • Increases in education and standards

of living within many developing nations

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Implications of Population Explosion:

• There are obvious implications of Population Explosion to any country.

• There are some INCREASES and some SHORTAGES faced by community/Nation due to this Explosion

• As a whole, its not beneficial for human development and growth.

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• Food and Clean water.• Living space.• Health services.• Educational facilities.• Employment• Security• Other Public Services

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INCREASE IN:• Unemployment• Poverty• Crime• Over crowding• Environmental problems• Spread of diseases• Epidemics• Power and other crisis

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