Page 1: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White


University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Agricultural Experiment Station Cooperative Extension

Research & Education Center Georgetown, DE 19947



RESULTS - 2006

Mark VanGessel Extension Weed Specialist Weed Science

Quintin Johnson Extension Associate Weed Science

Barbara Scott Research Associate Weed Science

Mark Isaacs Director

Research & Ed. Center

Brian Hearn Research Associate

Weed Science

Page 2: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

WEED CONTROL RESULTS Mark VanGessel, Mark Isaacs, Quintin Johnson,

Barbara Scott, Jeff Wright

The purpose of this report is to present results and details of many of the 2007 weed control field trials conducted by Cooperative Extension at the University of Delaware. Results are summarized from data obtained at the Georgetown Research and Education Center and other test locations throughout the state. The results obtained and any conclusions stated are not published herein as recommended practices. The data in this report are especially intended for use by cooperators, commercial field workers, county agents, agricultural teachers, and researchers. They will also be of value to growers who are interested in following closely the development of new herbicides and weed control systems. Treatments are listed by trade names to facilitate reading by non-technical people. No discrimination is intended and no endorsement is implied by the University of Delaware. Chemical index is cross-referenced by common and trade names. Many of the chemicals listed are actually a combination of two or more herbicides. Where this is the case, the name of the combination is followed by the herbicides that make up that combination. For example, Bicep II Magnum is a combination of s-metolachlor and atrazine, so Bicep II Magnum will be listed as such:

Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24

This quickly illustrates that Bicep II Magnum (5.5 L lb a.i./gal) contains 2.4 lb a.i./gal of

s-metolachlor and 3.1 lb a.i./gal of atrazine, and that Bicep II Magnum applied at a rate of 2.2 lb a.i./A is equivalent to an application of s-metolachlor at 0.96 lb a.i./A and atrazine at 1.24 lb a.i./A. When analyzing the information in this report, we strongly urge you to read carefully the site description section of each study. We trust you will find the information in this report useful and accurate.

Page 3: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White


Front Material Introduction Acknowledgements Weed Index Chemical Index Daily Temperature, Rainfall, and Irrigation Data

2007 HERBICIDE STUDIES Barley Burndown with Matrix before No-Till Corn .................................................................... Corn1

KIH-485 in Field Corn .............................................................................................................. Corn2

Roundup-Ready Corn 2 System Comparison ......................................................................... Corn3

Corn Injury and Potential Yield Loss Due to Herbicides .......................................................... Corn4

PRE and POST Weed Control Programs in Field Corn .......................................................... Corn5

Total POST Weed Control in LL/RR Stacked Field Corn ........................................................ Corn6

Evaluating Residual Grass Herbicides w/Glyphosate for RR Corn ......................................... Corn7

Evaluating Residual Broadleaf Herbicides with Glyphosate for RR Corn ............................... Corn8

Tankmixing POST Grass Products with HPPD-inhibiting Herbicides ..................................... Corn9

Tankmixing POST Grass Products with HPPD-inhibiting Herbicides ...................................Corn9a

POST Weed Control with HPPD-inhibiting Herbicides..........................................................Corn10

Residual Herbicide Rates for Early-Post Transgenic Programs in Field Corn ......................Corn14

Pre Herbicide Rates in Planned Postemergence Programs .................................................Corn15

Stout at Three Field Corn Stages ..........................................................................................Corn20

Evaluating Fall Herbicide Programs for No-till Crop Production .............................................. Soy1

Evaluation of Fall Herbicide Treatments ................................................................................... Soy2

Influence of Weed Size on Non-Selective Performance .......................................................... Soy4

Burndown with Glufosinate in No-Till Soybean ........................................................................ Soy5

Common Lambsquarters Control in Roundup-Ready Soybean ............................................... Soy6

Weed Control in No-Till Roundup Ready Soybean .................................................................. Soy7

Control of Glyphosate-tolerant Corn and Annual Grasses in Soybean .................................... Soy8

Comparison of Pre-Mix Herbicides for Soil-Application in Soybeans ...................................... Soy9

Page 4: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

Comparison of Pre-Mix Herbicides for Soil-Application in Soybeans - Additional Treatments ............................................................................... Soy9a

ALS-resistant Common Ragweed Control with Valor ............................................................. Soy10

Spring Applications for Control of Grape Hyacinth in NT Soybeans ...................................... Soy11

Classic Rates for Pre-Plant Horseweed Control .................................................................... Soy14

Barley plus Fall Herbicides for Horseweed Control In No-Tillage Soybeans ...................... ERICA1

Fall Horseweed Survival at Four Life Stages ...................................................................... ERICA2

Residual Control of Soil-Applied Herbicides - Grass Herbicides ........................................... Bean1

Residual Control of Soil-Applied Herbicides - Broadleaf Herbicides...................................... Bean2

Potential Snap Bean Herbicide Programs - 2007 ................................................................... Bean3

Postemergence Broadleaf Weed Control In Snap Beans ...................................................... Bean4

Effectiveness of Reflex plus Basagran for Broad spectrum Control .................................... Bean5a

Comparing Racer for Concentration versus Volume .......................................................... Brndwn1

Natural Herbicide Weed Control ......................................................................................... Brndwn2

Weed Control in Cucumbers .................................................................................................. Cuke1

Cumulative Impact of Pickle Herbicides ................................................................................. Cuke2

Crop Safety With POST Herbicide Applications ..................................................................... Cuke3

Dormant Herbicide Treatments for Established Cool-Season Forage Grasses: Crop Safety .................................................................................................. For4

Dormant Herbicide Treatments for Established Cool-Season Forage Grasses: Winter Annual Efficacy ............................................................................... For4b

Weed Control Under Plastic with Fall Basamid Soil Fumigant Application.......................... MELN1

Herbicide Evaluations for Plasticulture Melons .................................................................... MELN2

Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury ........................................................................... MELN3

Comparison of 2,4-D Formulations ..................................................................................... Phenoxy

Influence of Cultural Practices on Herbicide Performance in Pumpkins ............................... Pump1

Grass Control in Sweet Corn ................................................................................................ SCRN1

HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn - Weed Control ................................................. SCRN2

Weed Control in Poast-Tolerant Sweet Corn ....................................................................... SCRN3

Control of Volunteer SR Sweet Corn .................................................................................... SCRN6

Annual Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat ................................................................................ SG1

Broadleaf Weed Control in Winter Wheat ................................................................................. SG2

Corn Speedwell Control with Small Grain Herbicides ............................................................... SG3

Weed Control in Winter Squash ............................................................................................... Sqsh

Page 5: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White


The University of Delaware College of Agricultural Sciences and the Delaware Cooperative Extension gratefully acknowledge the farmers throughout the state that cooperated with us on several of our research projects.

A special thanks is extended to all of the companies that contributed services and materials, and whose products have been evaluated in these tests. The University of Delaware and commercial firms have a common interest in providing farmers with improved weed control systems. Without the support of industry, this very important program could not be continued. Amvac Chemical Corp. Harris Moran Seeds BASF Corp. J.G. Townsend, Inc. Bayer Corp. Kumiai America Certis Monsanto Corp. Corn States Hybrid Ronald Messick Dow-AgriSciences SEW Friel E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Sipcam Agro USA, Inc. Falcon, LLC Syngenta Gowan United Agri Products Hanover Foods, Inc. Valent USA Co. The research presented in this book is the combined effort of many dedicated individuals, without their help we would not have been able to have as extensive of a program. Besides the names on the cover we thank: Vic Green, Brian Hearn, Ward Harris, Bud Hawkins, Kyle Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White.

Page 6: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White


Common Name WSSA Code Scientific Name Trials

Barley, Volunteer HORVW Hordeum vulgare L. Corn1

Broadleaf, Annual ANNBR Soy1

Carpetweed MOLVE Mollugo verticillata L. MELN1; Pump1

Chickweed, Jagged HLOUM Holosteum umbellatum L. ERICA1; SG1, 2

Chickweed, Mousear CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L. ERICA1

Chickweed, Common STEME Stellaria media (L.) Vill./cyr. ERICA1; SG1, 2

Cocklebur, Common XANST Xanthium strumarium L. Ssp. Corn6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15; Bean5a; Cuke2

Corn, Field (Vol. RR) ZEAMX Zea Mays L. Soy8

Crabgrass Sp. DIGSS Digitaria ssp. Corn2, 3, 5, 8, 15

Crabgrass, Large DIGSA Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Corn1, 9, 10, 14; SCRN1, 2, 3; Bean1, 2, 3; Brndwn1, 2; Cuke1, 2; MELN1, 2; Pump1

Cress, Mouseear ARBTH Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. SG1, 2

E.primrose, Cutleaf OEOLA Oenothera laciniata Hill Soy5, 7; ERICA1; For4b; Phenoxy

Foxtail, Giant SETFA Setaria faberi Herrm. Corn1; Bean1, 2

Goosegrass ELEIN Eleusine indica L. Cuke1; Pump1

Grass, Annual GGGAN Corn9; Soy1, 6, 7, 9

Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. ERICA1; SG2

Horseweed ERICA Erigeron canadensis L. Soy1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9a, 14; ERICA2

Hyacinth, Grape Soy11

Jimsonweed DATST Datura stramonium L. Corn7, 8, 9; Bean5a

Knawel SCRAN Scleranthus annuus L. SG1, 2

Ladysthumb POLPE Polygonum persicaria L. Soy7, 9

Page 7: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

Common Name WSSA Code Scientific Name Trials

Lambsquarters, Cmn. CHEAL Chenopodium album L. Corn1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15; SCRN1, 2, 3; Soy1, 6, 7, 9; Bean1, 2, 3, 4, 5a; Brndwn1, 2; Cuke2; MELN1, 2

Mornglry, Ivyleaf IPOHE Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. Bean1, 2, 3; Cuke1, 2; Pump1

Mornglry, Pitted IPOLA Ipomoea lacunose L. Bean1, 2; Cuke2

Mornglry Species IPOSS Ipomoea ssp. Corn5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15; SCRN2; Soy1, 7, 9; Bean3, 4, 5a; Brndwn1, 2; Pump1

Mustard, Fla. Brdlf BRSJU Brassica juncea (L.) Brndwn1, 2 Czern. & Coss.

Nutsedge, Yellow CYPES Cyperus esculentus L. Bean1, 2, 3;


Panicum, Fall PANDI Panicum dichotomiflorum Cuke1 (L.) Michx.

Pansy, Field VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene Soy1, 2, 7; ERICA1; For4b; SG1, 2

Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus ssp. Corn1, 7, 8, 10; Soy1; Bean1, 2, 3, 5a; Brndwn1, 2; Cuke1, 2; MELN1, 2; Pump1

Purslane, Common POROL Portulaca oleracea L. MELN1, 2

Ragweed, Common AMBEL Ambrosia elatior L. Corn1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15; SCRN1, 2, 3; Soy1, 6, 7, 9, 10; Bean1, 2, 3, 4, 5a; Brndwn1, 2; Cuke2

Ryegrass, Annual LOLMU Lolium multiflorum Lam. SG1

Smartweed, Penn. POLPY Polygonum pensylvanicum L. Corn6, 14

Speedwell, Corn VERAR Veronica arvensis L. SG1, 2, 3

Velvetleaf ABUTH Abutilon theophrasti Medik. Bean5a

Venuslookingglass, C TJDPE Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl. Soy5

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Vetch Species VICSS Vicia ssp. SG1, 2

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INDEX OF CHEMICALS Trade Name Common Name Trials Aatrex atrazine Corn3, 4, 5, 6,

7, 8, 9, 9a, 10, 14; SCRN1, 2, 3

Accent SP nicosulfuron Corn4, 20;

SCRN1, 2 Aim carfentrazone SCRN3; Soy11;

SG2, 3; Sqsh1 Authority sulfentrazone Soy9; Sqsh1 Axial pinoxaden SG1 Banvel dicamba Corn8; Soy6;

ERICA1; SG2 Basagran bentazon SCRN3; Bean3,

4, 5a Basamid dazomet MELN1 Bicep II Magnum Premix s-metolachlor + atrazine Corn3, 5, 10,

14, 15; SCRN1 Callisto mesotrione Corn3, 4, 5, 8,

9, 9a, 10; SCRN1, 2, 3; MELN3

Canopy EX Premix chlorimuron ethyl + tribenuron methyl Soy1, 2, 6, 9 ;

ERICA1 Canopy Premix chlorimuron ethyl + metribuzin Soy9, 9a, 11 Clarity dicamba Corn15 Classic chlorimuron ethyl Soy2, 7, 9, 14 Cobra lactofen Soy10

Page 10: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

Trade Name Common Name Trials Command clomazone Bean1, 3; Cuke1; MELN2; Pump1; Sqsh1 Curbit ethalfluralin Cuke1; MELN2 Define flufenacet Corn14 Degree acetochlor Corn3; MELN2 Degree Xtra Premix acetochlor + atrazine Corn3 Distinct Premix diflufenzopyr Corn4 Dual II Magnum s-metolachlor Corn2, 3, 7, 10;

SCRN2; Soy7; Bean1, 3; MELN2; Sqsh1

Durango glyphosate Corn5; Soy7, 8 Equip Premix foramsulfuron + iodosulfuron Corn4 Everest flucarbazone SG1 Exceed Premix prosulfuron + primisulfuron methyl Corn4 Express tribenuron Soy2 Firstrate cloransulam Soy6, 7, 9, 10;

Bean3 Fusilade DX fluazifop SCRN6 GF-1280 glyphosate Corn5; Soy7 Glean XP chlorsulfuron SG1 Glyphosate glyphosate Soy1, 2, 4

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Trade Name Common Name Trials Gramoxone Inteon paraquat Corn1; Soy1, 2,

4, 5, 6, 7, 9a, 11; ERICA1; For4, 4b; MELN2, 3

Guardsman Max Premix dimethenamid + atrazine Corn3 Halex GT Premix s-metolachlor + glyphosate + Corn5 mesotrione Harmony Extra Premix thifensulfuron + tribenuron ERICA1; SG2, 3 Harmony GT thifensulfuron Corn20; Soy7 Harness acetochlor Corn3, 7 Harness Xtra Premix acetochlor + atrazine Corn3 Hoelon diclofop-methyl SG1 Hornet WDG Premix flumetsulam + clopyralid Corn4, 5, 8 Humasol Brndwn2 Impact topramezone Corn8, 9, 9a,

10; SCRN1, 2, 3 Intrro alachlor Soy6 Keystone Premix acetochlor + atrazine Corn5 KIH-485 Corn2, 7; SCRN1; Bean3; Cuke1; MELN2; Sqsh1 Laudis tembotrione Corn6, 8, 9, 9a,

10; SCRN1, 2 Lexar Premix s-metolachlor + mesotrione + Corn3, 5 atrazine

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Trade Name Common Name Trials Liberty glufosinate Corn6, 14; SCRN1; Soy5 Lorox / Linex linuron Soy6 Lumax Premix s-metolachlor + mesotrione + Corn5, 14; atrazine SCRN1

Marksman Premix dicamba + atrazine Corn4 Matran II Brndwn2 Matrix rimsulfuron Soy2 Mirage glyphosate MELN3 Northstar Premix primisulfuron + dicamba Corn4 Olympus propoxycarbazone SG1 Option foramsulfuron Corn4, 9, 9a,

10; SCRN1 Osprey mesosulfuron SG1, 2 Outlook dimethenamid-p Corn3, 7, 10; Cuke1; MELN2; Sqsh1 Poast sethoxydim SCRN3, 6; Cuke3; Pump1 Prefar bensulide Pump1; Sqsh1 Princep simazine Corn15 Prowl pendimethalin Bean1; MELN2 Prowl H20 pendimethalin Corn6, 7; Soy6;

Bean1, 3; For4, 4b

Pursuit imazethapyr Bean2, 3

Page 13: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

Trade Name Common Name Trials Python flumetsulam Corn5, 8; Soy6,

7 Racer ammonium pelargonate Brndwn1, 2 Raptor imazamox Bean2, 3 Reflex fomesafen Soy7; Bean2, 3,

4, 5a Resolve rimsulfuron Corn1, 3, 4, 7;

Bean3 Roundup Original Max glyphosate Corn1, 3, 7, 8;

Soy6, 7, 11 Roundup WeatherMax glyphosate Corn2, 6, 10;

Soy5, 6, 9a, 10; For4, 4b

Sandea halosulfuron Corn8; Bean1,

2, 3; Cuke1, 2, 3; MELN1, 2, 4; Pump1; Sqsh1

Select clethodim SCRN6; Soy8;

Bean2 Select Max clethodim SCRN6; Soy8;

Bean3; Cuke3 Sencor metribuzin Corn1; Soy6 Sequence Premix s-metolachlor + glyphosate Soy7 Shotgun Premix atrazine + 2,4-D acid Corn4 Sinbar terbacil MELN2 Sonic Premix sulfentrazone + cloransulam Soy6, 7, 9 SP102000017385 Soy5 Stalwart metolachlor Bean1, 3

Page 14: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

Trade Name Common Name Trials Status Premix diflufenzopyr + dicamba Corn4, 6; SCRN1 Steadfast Premix nicosulfuron + rimsulfuron Corn3, 6, 10 Steadfast ATZ Premix nicosulfuron + rimsulfuron + atrazine Corn4, 15 Stout Premix nicosulfuron + thifensulfuron Corn9a Strategy Premix ethalfluralin + clomazone Cuke1, 2;

MELN2; Pump1; Sqsh1

SureStart Premix acetochlor + clopryalid + flumetsulam Corn5 Synchrony XP chlorimuron + thifensulfuron Soy6 Targa quizalofop SCRN6; Soy8 Touchdown HiTech glyphosate Corn15 Touchdown Total glyphosate Corn3, 5; Soy7 Treflan trifluralin Bean1 Unison 2,4-D acid Phenoxy; SG2 Valor SX flumioxazin Soy1, 2, 5, 6, 7,

9, 10; Sqsh1 Valor XLT flumioxazin + chlorimuron Soy6, 9 Vinegar Brndwn2 Yucca Brndwn2 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine Phenoxy ; SG2,

3 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester Corn1; Soy2, 5,

6, 7, 11, 14; ERICA1; Phenoxy

Page 15: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

Daily Temperature Record

October 2006 - September 2007 University of Delaware, Research and Education Center

Georgetown, Delaware 2006 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min

1 72 54 73 51 74 52 62 32 37 24 58 29 67 46 74 50 87 63 78 60 91 66 82 54 2 73 48 59 41 52 38 50 31 39 33 65 40 80 52 79 55 88 65 77 55 92 66 84 55 3 82 53 47 31 41 26 54 27 37 25 63 35 59 43 65 49 69 66 80 52 92 71 90 65 4 84 60 48 27 42 24 65 37 39 21 42 32 56 43 67 41 82 67 81 62 95 72 87 59 5 73 57 53 28 41 23 66 54 24 14 50 28 47 36 73 40 83 63 84 73 84 72 88 62 6 61 55 55 33 57 26 71 51 23 9 32 20 46 32 58 44 74 56 87 69 88 72 87 63 7 63 56 62 35 34 28 61 43 26 16 29 13 41 30 59 40 85 52 89 64 95 73 89 63 8 67 50 64 59 41 25 66 39 27 13 36 6 44 31 69 40 95 68 93 69 98 78 89 63 9 75 47 70 52 55 17 49 31 30 11 43 22 47 29 81 56 87 65 96 73 89 76 87 58 10 79 50 72 49 63 31 38 25 32 18 66 28 51 29 78 62 76 60 93 74 91 67 91 67 11 68 55 78 49 56 30 43 21 34 14 58 39 53 27 83 62 81 59 88 71 80 62 88 72 12 74 53 62 53 57 33 21 41 45 21 58 26 65 46 75 54 87 61 84 65 89 57 81 57 13 58 37 63 57 58 42 64 48 37 30 71 36 55 41 68 47 75 59 83 66 90 66 81 53 14 61 33 63 53 61 39 69 57 46 23 80 49 58 32 73 40 64 56 87 60 87 61 80 59 15 62 32 68 53 53 44 67 57 27 18 78 43 63 53 80 55 69 57 91 68 88 64 74 53 16 66 35 74 58 61 32 65 34 29 16 43 31 47 38 83 65 77 60 92 71 91 71 68 47 17 64 51 62 44 71 31 34 20 39 12 35 29 54 42 69 53 88 61 93 69 90 71 71 47 18 75 57 53 38 52 46 34 20 34 17 42 30 49 41 57 46 90 66 89 74 80 60 71 50 19 74 58 49 41 48 33 46 33 34 18 52 23 52 43 70 45 92 66 95 72 79 56 75 54 20 75 45 48 40 50 25 35 26 57 34 64 41 67 37 77 52 80 62 82 63 77 67 75 53 21 60 40 48 37 59 33 32 23 54 28 45 33 75 35 73 53 83 58 83 60 70 65 79 58 22 63 37 51 46 63 42 34 29 53 28 70 43 81 41 78 46 80 58 84 58 71 65 85 66 23 56 44 50 43 53 39 40 25 39 29 80 52 83 56 74 50 79 51 82 63 79 66 84 56 24 51 37 62 39 63 31 43 26 41 24 58 46 82 61 80 48 84 56 85 59 88 67 81 50 25 56 41 58 35 63 30 39 24 39 31 54 37 68 49 84 54 83 65 88 60 95 72 86 52 26 59 36 60 33 46 44 30 15 43 34 64 33 57 47 90 64 92 70 87 66 90 71 89 65 27 58 36 56 34 52 30 56 22 52 30 82 55 71 52 90 62 93 71 91 67 83 63 83 66 28 70 47 64 37 54 26 46 32 50 29 70 43 70 57 88 64 91 72 92 65 84 57 81 61 29 59 36 66 49 57 31 33 17 60 37 74 52 84 58 78 68 90 69 87 58 75 52 30 67 33 74 53 49 32 43 14 63 30 85 49 84 53 77 65 79 70 87 60 79 46 31 74 48 62 32 33 21 56 36 88 58 89 68 81 61

Data Collected Midnight- Midnight Http://

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Daily Rainfall Record October 2006 - September 2007

University of Delaware, Reserch and Education Center Georgetown, Delaware

2005 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept 1 0.12 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.00 0.15 0.17 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 6 2.00 0.00 0.29 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.07 0.00 7 0.44 0.30 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 0.00 0.79 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00

10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 12 0.00 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.00 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.04 15 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 16 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.20 0.26 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 17 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 18 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.09 0.00 0.16 0.02 0.00 20 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.18 0.00 0.59 0.00 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22 0.00 1.47 0.34 0.26 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 0.00 0.33 0.17 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.69 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 28 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.99 0.00 0.00 30 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 5.47 5.67 2.40 2.34 2.49 3.05 4.13 0.85 2.64 1.72 1.41 0.94

Total for Period 33.11 Inches Data Collected Midnight- Midnight Measurements shown in Inches HTTP://

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Daily Irrigation Record (Inches H20) April-August 2007

University of Delaware, Research and Education Center Georgetown, Delaware

April May June July August Field

18* Field 22^

Field 18*

Field 22^

Field 18*

Field 22^

Field 18*

Field 22^

Field 18*

Field 22^

1 0.6 2 0.3 0.6 3 4 0.5 5 0.4 6 0.6 7 8 0.6 9 0.5

10 0.3 0.6 11 0.4 0.4 12 0.4 13 0.5 14 0.4 15 16 0.5 17 0.3 0.3 18 0.5 19 20 21 0.4 0.6 0.6 22 0.3 0.4 23 0.5 24 0.3 25 26 0.6 27 28 29 0.5 30 31 0.25

Total 0.0 0.0 0.75 0.5 2.3 0.9 3.1 2.3 1.5 1.8 *Field 18 applies to Corn 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20; SCRN 1,3; Soy 6, 8; Bean 5a. ^Field 22 applies to Corn 9a; SCRN2; Bean 1, 2, 3, 4; Cuke 1, 2, 3; Sqsh 1.

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University of Delaware Barley burndown with Matrix before No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn1-07 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Field #32 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Knawel SCRAN Scleranthus annuus L.

Crop 1: Barley HORVW Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Row Spacing: 7 in Seed Bed: Medium/Trashy Soil Moisture: Moist SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 20 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 76 % OM: 1.6 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 10 pH: 6.1 % Clay: 14 CEC: 4.1 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 04/02/07 Time of Day: 3:30 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Spring Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 78 F % Relative Humidity: 35 Wind Velocity, Unit: 4 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 79 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 20 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: HORVW Growth Stage: tillering Height, Unit: 5 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: SCRAN Height, Unit: 4 in Density,Unit: 200 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in

Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

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University of Delaware Barley burndown with Matrix before No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn1-07 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Field #32 Investigator: Mark VanGessel

Trial Comments 5-23-07: Control of summer annual weeds was better in the Gramoxone treated plots than with glyphosate treatments (regardless of tank-mix partner). Resolve plus 2,4-D was very poor for barley control, as a result emergence of otherspecies was very poor.

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University of Delaware Barley burndown with Matrix before No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn1-07 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Field #32 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMASSCrop Code HORVW HORVW HORVWWeed or Crop Name Vol. Vol. Vol. PigweedWeed or Crop Name Barley Barley Barley SpeciesRating Data Type Injury Injury Injury ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 04/23/07 05/07/07 05/23/07 05/23/07Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Resolve.........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A Spring A 96.3 ab 99.7 a 100.0 a 95.7 a Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Spring A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

2 Resolve.........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A Spring A 95.0 b 97.7 a 91.7 bc 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

3 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Spring A 97.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 97.3 a 90.7 b 83.0 d 0.0 b 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

5 Resolve.........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A Spring A 60.0 c 61.7 c 61.7 e 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 96.3 ab 90.7 b 87.7 cd 10.0 b Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 96.3 ab 92.0 b 86.7 d 0.0 b Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 97.7 a 98.0 a 94.0 b 0.0 b Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.375 lb ai/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

9 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 f LSD (P=.05) 2.17 2.67 4.72 11.98Standard Deviation 1.26 1.54 2.73 6.73CV 1.54 1.9 3.48 23.03 Replicate F 11.003 0.297 0.378 0.713Replicate Prob(F) 0.0010 0.7471 0.6910 0.5097Treatment F 2071.114 1347.684 400.933 144.144Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL DIGSA SETFACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/23/07 05/23/07 05/23/07 05/23/07Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Resolve.........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A Spring A 82.7 b 96.7 a 80.7 b 80.0 b Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Spring A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

2 Resolve.........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A Spring A 92.3 a 100.0 a 92.3 a 92.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

3 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Spring A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

5 Resolve.........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A Spring A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Spring A

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A Spring A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.375 lb ai/A Spring A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring A

9 Untreated Check LSD (P=.05) 6.40 3.88 7.83 6.56Standard Deviation 3.60 2.18 4.36 3.65CV 14.39 7.77 17.63 14.8 Replicate F 1.931 1.000 1.227 1.354Replicate Prob(F) 0.1874 0.3966 0.3304 0.2980Treatment F 424.283 1451.000 283.401 402.561Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Postemergence Control of Eastern Black Nightshade in Field Corn Trial ID: Corn2-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Eastern Black Nightshade SOLPT Solanum ptycanthum Dun.

2. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

3. Velvetleaf ABUTH Abutilon theophrasti Medik.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: Dy57P92 Planting Date: 05/03/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 32000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 74 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/10/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage

Form Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Unit Type Rate Unit 1. 05/04/06 Bicep II Magnum 5.5 L 1.25 qt/A

Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 12 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 06/07/06 Time of Day: 10:00 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: 3-4 col Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 68 F % Relative Humidity: 70 Wind Velocity, Unit: 4 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 68 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 100

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A Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX Growth Stage: V7 Height, Unit: 20 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: SOLPT Growth Stage: cotyledon Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 0-10 m2 Weed 2 Code: IPOSS Growth Stage: 4 leaf Height, Unit: 5 in Density,Unit: 0.05 m2 Weed 3 Code: ABUTH Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 4-10 in Density,Unit: 0.05 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in

Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 34 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: CO2

Trial Comments 06/21/06 Eastern black nightshade plants are quite small, most are less than 1 inch tall. 09/08/06 Much of the corn has fallen down due to winds. Very few eastern black nightshade plants in the plot area; few to no plants in the untreated check plots.

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University of Delaware Postemergence Control of Eastern Black Nightshade in Field Corn Trial ID: Corn2-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Rating Data Type Injury Stunting Rating Unit % % Rating Date 06/13/06 06/21/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0078 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 31.0 a 28.3 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 1 % v/v 3-4 col A 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 3-4 col A 4 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.25 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 3-4 col A 5 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 5.0 c 0.0 c

Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3-4 col A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 3-4 col A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v 3-4 col A

6 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3-4 col A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 3-4 col A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v 3-4 col A

7 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3-4 col A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 3-4 col A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v 3-4 col A

8 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 14.0 b 15.3 b Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v 3-4 col A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v 3-4 col A

9 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c 10 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c

Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 11 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c

Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.25 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 12 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A 3-4 col A 0.0 d 0.0 c

----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3-4 col A

LSD (P=.05) 3.21 2.09 Standard Deviation 1.89 1.23 CV 45.43 33.89 Replicate F 0.442 0.457 Replicate Prob(F) 0.6484 0.6396 Treatment F 74.106 157.593 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Eastern Black Nightshade Control in Corn with Mesotrione Products Trial ID: Corn3-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific


1. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: Dy57P92 Planting Date: 05/03/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 32000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 74 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/10/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 12 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B C Application Date: 05/04/06 05/11/06 05/19/06 Time of Day: 12:00 pm 11:30 am 9:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE Spike V2 Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 76 F 69 F 57 F % Relative Humidity: 26 65 74 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 4 mph 6 mph Wind Direction: North Southwest Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 80 F 69 F 57 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Moist % Cloud Cover: 0 50 75

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A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: Spike V2 Height, Unit: 1 in 4-5 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cotyledon Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in 18 in

Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in 21 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 05/19/06 and 05/24/06 Injury ratings are based on leaf burn and whitening. No stunting was observed. 06/07/06 Eastern black nightshade seedlings just beginning to emerge (cotyledon stage). 06/21/06 Eastern black nightshade plants are quite small, most are less than 1 inch tall. 09/08/06 Much of the corn has fallen down due to winds. Very few eastern black nightshade plants in the plot area; few to no plants in the untreated check plots.

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University of Delaware Eastern Black Nightshade Control in Corn with Mesotrione Products Trial ID: Corn3-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Rating Data Type Injury Injury Stunting Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 05/19/06 05/24/06 06/07/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 3.3 4.9 4.2 Replicate 2 3.5 6.3 4.3 Replicate 3 3.8 6.8 4.3 TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 1.9 4.8 3.2 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 5.1 7.2 5.4 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3


1 Lower rate 2.3 4.5 3.0 2 Higher rate 4.7 7.5 5.6


1 Preemergence 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 Spike 10.5 3.5 2.5 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 3 2-collar stage 0.0 14.5 10.3 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C


1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.6 2.9 1.9 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 1 Lower rate 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 4.1 6.1 4.1 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 1 Lower rate

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Rating Data Type Injury Injury Stunting Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 05/19/06 05/24/06 06/07/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 3.2 6.8 4.4 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 2 Higher rate 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 6.1 8.2 6.7 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 2 Higher rate


1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 1 Preemergence 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 1 Preemergence 1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 5.7 1.2 0.0 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 15.3 5.8 5.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 13.3 9.5 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 15.7 11.2 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Rating Data Type Injury Injury Stunting Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 05/19/06 05/24/06 06/07/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF BC MEANS

1 Lower rate 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 Preemergence 2 Higher rate 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 Preemergence 1 Lower rate 7.0 2.3 0.0 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 2 Higher rate 14.0 4.7 5.0 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 1 Lower rate 0.0 11.2 9.0 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C 2 Higher rate 0.0 17.8 11.7 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C


1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 1 Lower rate 1 Preemergence 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 1 Lower rate 1 Preemergence 1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 2 Higher rate 1 Preemergence 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 2 Higher rate 1 Preemergence

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Rating Data Type Injury Injury Stunting Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 05/19/06 05/24/06 06/07/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 1.7 0.3 0.0 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 1 Lower rate 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 12.3 4.3 0.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 1 Lower rate 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 9.7 2.0 0.0 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 2 Higher rate 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 18.3 7.3 10.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 2 Higher rate 2 Spike 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A Spike B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spike B 1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 8.3 5.7 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 1 Lower rate 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 14.0 12.3 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 1 Lower rate 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Rating Data Type Injury Injury Stunting Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 05/19/06 05/24/06 06/07/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 18.3 13.3 1 ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 1 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 1 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 2 Higher rate 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C 2 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 17.3 10.0 2 ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 2 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 2 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 2 Higher rate 3 2-collar stage 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.375 lb ae/A 2-collar C 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-collar C

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University of Delaware Eastern Black Nightshade Control in Corn with Mesotrione Products Trial ID: Corn3-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Injury % 05/19/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 1401.000000 R 2 1.500000 0.750000 0.189 0.8289 1.7A 1 93.444444 93.444444 23.584 0.0001 1.4B 1 49.000000 49.000000 12.367 0.0019 1.4AB 1 1.000000 1.000000 0.252 0.6204 1.9C 2 882.000000 441.000000 111.304 0.0001 1.7AC 2 186.888889 93.444444 23.584 0.0001 2.4BC 2 98.000000 49.000000 12.367 0.0003 2.4ABC 2 2.000000 1.000000 0.252 0.7792 3.4ERROR 22 87.166667 3.962121FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Injury % 05/24/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 1804.000000 R 2 22.166667 11.083333 1.719 0.2024 2.1A 1 49.000000 49.000000 7.600 0.0115 1.8B 1 81.000000 81.000000 12.564 0.0018 1.8AB 1 7.111111 7.111111 1.103 0.3050 2.5C 2 1374.000000 687.000000 106.562 0.0001 2.1AC 2 32.666667 16.333333 2.533 0.1023 3.0BC 2 68.666667 34.333333 5.326 0.0130 3.0ABC 2 27.555556 13.777778 2.137 0.1418 4.3ERROR 22 141.833333 6.446970FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/07/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 1439.222222 R 2 0.222222 0.111111 0.006 0.9941 3.7A 1 44.444444 44.444444 2.375 0.1376 3.0B 1 58.777778 58.777778 3.140 0.0902 3.0AB 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 4.2C 2 697.555556 348.777778 18.634 0.0001 3.7AC 2 38.888889 19.444444 1.039 0.3706 5.2BC 2 37.555556 18.777778 1.003 0.3829 5.2ABC 2 150.000000 75.000000 4.007 0.0328 7.3ERROR 22 411.777778 18.717172

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(Corn4-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Corn Injury and Potential Yield Loss Due to Herbicides Trial ID: Corn4-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA775-02 Planting Date: 05/04/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/13/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 05/24/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 22 fl oz/A 2. 06/13/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 22 fl oz/A SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 06/01/06 Time of Day: 10:00 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 78 F % Relative Humidity: 77 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph Wind Direction: West Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 77 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 30 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX Growth Stage: V4

Height, Unit: 9-11 in


A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/05/06 Difficult to rate stunting in treatments that caused leaning and twisting of the plants. 06/21/06 Corn is 40 inches tall. 06/28/06 Severe winds last night caused some corn in the field (other studies) to be blown down. Did not notice any plants that were knocked over in any treatment. 09/06/06 Plots remained weed-free the entire season. Some fallen corn due to winds, but combine should be able to pick it all up.

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(Corn4-06) Page 3

University of Delaware Corn Injury and Potential Yield Loss Due to Herbicides Trial ID: Corn4-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Twisting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 1.57 lb ai/A Post A 13.3 a 0.0 a 20.7 a 0.0 d 31.7 a

----nicosulfuron 2.7 .0475 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0229 ----atrazine 85.3 1.5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

3 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.296 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 9.0 bc 28.3 c 28.3 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 0.043 ----dicamba 40.48 .253 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

4 Exceed Premix 57 WG 0.071 lb ai/A Post A 13.0 a 0.0 a 17.3 a 1.7 d 31.7 a ----prosulfuron 28.5 .0355 ----primisulfuron 28.5 .0355 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

5 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D .0623 lb ai/A Post A 4.0 b 0.0 a 6.3 bc 0.0 d 7.3 bc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

6 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG .0656 lb ai/A Post A 14.0 a 0.0 a 8.0 bc 0.0 d 28.3 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

7 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.525 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 d 30.0 c 11.3 b ----diflufenzopyr 20 .15 ----dicamba 50 .375 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Post A

8 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.392 lb ai/A Post A 2.3 bc 0.0 a 4.0 cd 0.0 d 0.0 c ----flumetsulam 18.5 .092 ----clopyralid 60 0.3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

9 Marksman Premix 3.2 SC 2.4 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 d 70.0 a ----dicamba 1.1 0.825 ----atrazine 2.1 1.58 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Post A

10 Shotgun Premix 3.25 FL 1.63 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 d 41.7 b 6.8 bc ----atrazine 2.25 1.13 ----2,4-D acid 1 0.5

11 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.06 lb ai/A Post A 15.0 a 0.0 a 10.7 b 0.0 d 36.7 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.056 ----iodosulfuron 2 .0038 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Twisting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 c Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Post A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

LSD (P=.05) 3.72 0.00 5.43 8.46 9.16Standard Deviation 2.12 0.00 3.21 4.99 5.36CV 27.52 0.0 50.66 34.91 32.35 Replicate F 4.926 0.000 0.105 1.030 11.557Replicate Prob(F) 0.0240 1.0000 0.9006 0.3735 0.0005Treatment F 29.893 0.000 14.864 64.372 22.656Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Lf. burn Chloross Twisting Stunting Lf. burnRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 g 0.0 a2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 1.57 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 40.0 a 0.0 d 20.0 abc 0.0 a

----nicosulfuron 2.7 .0475 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0229 ----atrazine 85.3 1.5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

3 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.296 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 24.0 b 6.7 c 18.0 bc 0.0 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 0.043 ----dicamba 40.48 .253 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

4 Exceed Premix 57 WG 0.071 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 24.0 b 0.0 d 20.7 ab 0.0 a ----prosulfuron 28.5 .0355 ----primisulfuron 28.5 .0355 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

5 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D .0623 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 4.7 c 2.3 cd 5.7 f 0.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

6 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG .0656 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 19.0 b 0.0 d 18.3 bc 0.0 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

7 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.525 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 2.3 c 20.0 b 10.7 de 0.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .15 ----dicamba 50 .375 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Post A

8 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.392 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 g 0.0 a ----flumetsulam 18.5 .092 ----clopyralid 60 0.3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

9 Marksman Premix 3.2 SC 2.4 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 50.0 a 15.3 cd 0.0 a ----dicamba 1.1 0.825 ----atrazine 2.1 1.58 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Post A

10 Shotgun Premix 3.25 FL 1.63 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 22.3 b 9.0 ef 0.0 a ----atrazine 2.25 1.13 ----2,4-D acid 1 0.5

11 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.06 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 23.3 b 0.0 d 23.3 a 0.0 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.056 ----iodosulfuron 2 .0038 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Lf. burn Chloross Twisting Stunting Lf. burnRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 g 0.0 a Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Post A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 5.72 5.60 4.97 0.00Standard Deviation 0.00 3.38 3.30 2.94 0.00CV 0.0 29.53 39.14 25.0 0.0 Replicate F 0.000 3.884 0.079 0.589 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0359 0.9244 0.5633 1.0000Treatment F 0.000 50.453 64.749 26.452 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Corn4-06) Page 7

University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Chloross Twisting Stunting Stunting YieldRating Unit % % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 4.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 f 194.9 a2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 1.57 lb ai/A Post A 5.7 a 0.0 c 20.0 ab 9.0 bcd 174.9 a

----nicosulfuron 2.7 .0475 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0229 ----atrazine 85.3 1.5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

3 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.296 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 21.7 a 10.0 abc 156.9 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 0.043 ----dicamba 40.48 .253 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

4 Exceed Premix 57 WG 0.071 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 20.7 ab 9.0 bcd 173.5 a ----prosulfuron 28.5 .0355 ----primisulfuron 28.5 .0355 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

5 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D .0623 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 f 175.6 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

6 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG .0656 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 14.0 bc 7.3 cd 173.3 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

7 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.525 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 5.0 b 10.0 cd 5.7 de 196.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .15 ----dicamba 50 .375 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Post A

8 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.392 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 2.3 e 1.7 f 184.8 a ----flumetsulam 18.5 .092 ----clopyralid 60 0.3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

9 Marksman Premix 3.2 SC 2.4 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 10.0 a 18.3 ab 12.3 ab 181.0 a ----dicamba 1.1 0.825 ----atrazine 2.1 1.58 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Post A

10 Shotgun Premix 3.25 FL 1.63 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 12.0 a 6.3 de 2.3 ef 160.3 a ----atrazine 2.25 1.13 ----2,4-D acid 1 0.5

11 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.06 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 23.3 a 13.3 a 155.4 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.056 ----iodosulfuron 2 .0038 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Chloross Twisting Stunting Stunting YieldRating Unit % % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A Post A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 f 192.6 a Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Post A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Post A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Post A

LSD (P=.05) 4.39 4.23 6.88 3.55 27.78Standard Deviation 2.59 2.50 4.07 2.09 16.40CV 321.55 111.11 35.7 35.55 9.29 Replicate F 0.079 1.000 0.617 1.090 14.735Replicate Prob(F) 0.9246 0.3840 0.5487 0.3537 0.0001Treatment F 1.639 9.087 15.877 16.788 2.210Treatment Prob(F) 0.1559 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0546 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

Page 42: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

(Corn5-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Comparison of HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides for Corn Trial ID: Corn5-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Pitted Morningglory IPOLA Ipomoea lacunosa L. 4. Yellow Nutsedge CYPES Cyperus esculentus L. 5. Large Crabgrass DIGSA Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 6. Horsenettle SOLCA Solanum carolinense L.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA775-02 Planting Date: 05/04/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/13/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/05/06 06/06/06 Time of Day: 9:00 am 10:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F 68 F % Relative Humidity: 57 85 Wind Velocity, Unit: 0 mph 5 mph Wind Direction: N/A Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 70 F 70 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 90 100 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V5 Height, Unit: 14 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 4 in Density,Unit: 7 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Height, Unit: 4 in Density,Unit: 6 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOLA IPOLA Growth Stage: cotyledon Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 4 m2 Weed 4 Code: CYPES CYPES Growth Stage: 6 leaf Height, Unit: 5 in Density,Unit: 2 m2 Weed 5 Code: DIGSA DIGSA Growth Stage: 3-4 leaf Height, Unit: 3 in Density,Unit: 17 m2 Weed 6 Code: SOLCA SOLCA Growth Stage: 4 leaf Height, Unit: 3 in Density,Unit: 1 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 22 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/18/06 No corn injury was observed with the preemergence (PRE) treatments. 09/06/06 Very little emergence of weeds after the POST treatments. As a result all the treatments have good weed control.

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University of Delaware Comparison of HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides for Corn Trial ID: Corn5-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code CHEAL AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Lambqtrs RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/30/06 06/14/06 06/14/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 87.3 b-f 81.7 fgh Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 89.3 bcd 84.3 e-h Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 92.7 b 93.3 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

4 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 85.0 def 86.0 c-h Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

5 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 87.7 b-f 87.0 c-f Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

6 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 91.7 bc 91.7 bc Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

7 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 86.3 c-f 89.3 b-e Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

8 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 88.0 b-e 86.7 c-g Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

9 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 e 0.0 d 91.7 bc 91.0 bcd Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

10 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 12.3 b 10.0 c 75.0 h 80.0 h Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Lambqtrs RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/30/06 06/14/06 06/14/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

11 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0656 lb ai/A POST B 15.0 a 12.3 b 81.7 fg 80.7 gh Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 10.0 d 10.0 c 82.0 efg 83.7 e-h Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

13 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 10.0 d 11.3 bc 82.3 efg 85.0 d-h ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

14 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.07 lb ai/A POST B 11.3 bc 14.0 a 87.3 b-f 88.0 b-e ----nicosulfuron 50 .0467 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0233 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

15 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 11.3 bc 10.7 c 88.0 b-e 88.7 b-e ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 e 0.0 d 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

17 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A POST B 10.7 cd 10.7 c 77.7 gh 73.3 i ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

18 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 d 0.0 i 0.0 j LSD (P=.05) 1.26 1.45 6.14 6.30Standard Deviation 0.75 0.87 3.68 3.78CV 16.81 19.88 4.49 4.62 Replicate F 1.207 0.511 1.733 0.064Replicate Prob(F) 0.3115 0.6046 0.1921 0.9385Treatment F 182.296 129.180 99.811 94.598Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGIS CHEAL AMBELCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Common Common FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Lambqtrs Ragweed CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 71.7 de 100.0 a 100.0 a 150.1 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B 80.0 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a 167.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 95.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 157.9 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

4 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 82.7 a-d 100.0 a 100.0 a 173.5 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

5 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 78.3 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a 164.3 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

6 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 98.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 173.4 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

7 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 77.0 cd 100.0 a 100.0 a 131.4 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

8 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST B 77.7 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a 164.7 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

9 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 85.0 a-d 100.0 a 100.0 a 180.7 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

10 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 93.3 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a 167.1 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

11 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0656 lb ai/A POST B 93.7 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a 155.1 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGIS CHEAL AMBELCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Common Common FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Lambqtrs Ragweed CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 98.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 169.5 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

13 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 98.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 144.5 a ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

14 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.07 lb ai/A POST B 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 148.1 a ----nicosulfuron 50 .0467 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0233 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

15 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 156.7 a ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 181.2 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

17 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A POST B 56.0 e 100.0 a 95.0 b 137.0 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

18 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 b 0.0 c 132.9 aLSD (P=.05) 17.93 0.00 0.79 37.40Standard Deviation 10.76 0.00 0.47 22.43CV 13.04 0.0 0.5 14.14 Replicate F 0.593 0.000 1.000 10.739Replicate Prob(F) 0.5585 1.0000 0.3784 0.0002Treatment F 14.860 0.000 7474.633 1.415Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.1895 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Comparison of HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides for Corn Trial ID: Corn5-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code CHEAL AMBEL DIGISCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common Common CrabgrasWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Lambqtrs Ragweed SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/30/06 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 4.5 4.3 84.9 86.6 89.2Replicate 2 4.6 4.7 86.3 86.4 88.7Replicate 3 4.9 4.7 88.0 86.4 87.8TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 89.8 86.4 82.21 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 88.1 88.2 86.42 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 88.7 89.0 79.93 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 12.4 10.8 79.6 81.4 95.14 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 10.9 12.0 85.9 87.2 99.15 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B


1 X Rate 4.5 4.3 83.2 84.4 84.72 2X Rate 5.3 5.3 86.8 85.3 85.83 X Rate 4.3 4.1 89.2 89.7 95.23 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B


1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 87.3 81.7 71.71 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 85.0 86.0 82.72 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL AMBEL DIGISCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common Common CrabgrasWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Lambqtrs Ragweed SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/30/06 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 86.3 89.3 77.03 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 12.3 10.0 75.0 80.0 93.34 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 10.0 11.3 82.3 85.0 98.75 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 89.3 84.3 80.01 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 87.7 87.0 78.32 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 88.0 86.7 77.73 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 15.0 12.3 81.7 80.7 93.74 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 11.3 14.0 87.3 88.0 99.35 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 92.7 93.3 95.01 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 91.7 91.7 98.32 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL AMBEL DIGISCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common Common CrabgrasWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Lambqtrs Ragweed SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/30/06 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 0.0 91.7 91.0 85.03 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 10.0 10.0 82.0 83.7 98.34 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 11.3 10.7 88.0 88.7 99.35 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware Comparison of HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides for Corn Trial ID: Corn5-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/14/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 1540.000000 R 2 1.733333 0.866667 1.492 0.2423 0.6A 4 1480.888889 370.222222 637.268 0.0001 0.7B 2 8.400000 4.200000 7.230 0.0029 0.6AB 8 32.711111 4.088889 7.038 0.0001 1.3ERROR 28 16.266667 0.580952FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/30/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 1461.111111 R 2 1.911111 0.955556 1.211 0.3130 0.7A 4 1407.555556 351.888889 446.056 0.0001 0.9B 2 11.511111 5.755556 7.296 0.0028 0.7AB 8 18.044444 2.255556 2.859 0.0186 1.5ERROR 28 22.088889 0.788889FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/14/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 1400.800000 R 2 70.933333 35.466667 2.344 0.1145 2.9A 4 599.244444 149.811111 9.899 0.0001 3.8B 2 273.600000 136.800000 9.040 0.0009 2.9AB 8 33.288889 4.161111 0.275 0.9689 6.5ERROR 28 423.733333 15.133333FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/14/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 1141.200000 R 2 0.400000 0.200000 0.012 0.9882 3.1A 4 317.644444 79.411111 4.735 0.0048 4.0B 2 236.933333 118.466667 7.064 0.0033 3.1AB 8 116.622222 14.577778 0.869 0.5533 6.8ERROR 28 469.600000 16.771429FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGIS Crabgras Species Control % 06/30/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 4701.111111 R 2 14.977778 7.488889 0.381 0.6867 3.3A 4 2466.666667 616.666667 31.374 0.0001 4.3B 2 1002.977778 501.488889 25.514 0.0001 3.3AB 8 666.133333 83.266667 4.236 0.0020 7.4ERROR 28 550.355556 19.655556

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL AMBEL Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Common Common Field Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Ragweed Corn Rating Data Type Control Control Yield Rating Unit % % Bu/A Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 100.0 100.0 154.5 Replicate 2 100.0 100.0 147.2 Replicate 3 100.0 100.0 179.1 TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 158.3 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 170.4 2 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 158.9 3 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 163.9 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 149.7 5 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B


1 X Rate 100.0 100.0 153.3 2 2X Rate 100.0 100.0 159.8 3 X Rate 100.0 100.0 167.6 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B


1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 150.1 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 173.5 2 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 131.4 3 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL AMBEL Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Common Common Field Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Ragweed Corn Rating Data Type Control Control Yield Rating Unit % % Bu/A Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 167.1 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 144.5 5 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 167.0 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 164.3 2 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 164.7 3 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 155.1 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 148.1 5 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 1 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 157.9 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 2 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 173.4 2 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 180.7 3 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL AMBEL Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Common Common Field Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Ragweed Corn Rating Data Type Control Control Yield Rating Unit % % Bu/A Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 169.5 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 5 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 100.0 156.7 5 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 5 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 5 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/30/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 8 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 28 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/30/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 8 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 28 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Yield Bu/A 09/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 29132.996552 R 2 8379.440179 4189.720089 8.574 0.0012 16.5A 4 2083.530407 520.882602 1.066 0.3918 21.3B 2 1547.192996 773.596498 1.583 0.2232 16.5AB 8 3440.530215 430.066277 0.880 0.5450 37.0ERROR 28 13682.302755 488.653670

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(Corn6-06) Page 1

University of Delaware KIH-485 in Field Corn Trial ID: Corn6-06 Cooperator: Kumiai Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA600-12 Planting Date: 04/26/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 58 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/07/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 06/01/06 Aim 2 EW 1 fl oz/A 2. 06/01/06 Liberty 1.67 SL 1 qt/A 3. 06/01/06 Crop Oil Concentrate 1 % v/v SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 04/27/06 Time of Day: 9:30 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: PRE Applic. Placement: BroSoi Air Temp., Unit: 56 F % Relative Humidity: 60 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph Wind Direction: East Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 54 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 15 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/31/06 Due to presence of broadleaf weeds in treatments with Dual and Harness, Liberty plus Aim was applied so that extended residual control could be evaluated. 06/05/06 Good to excellent control of all emerged weeds if a premergence herbicide was applied. Weed control in untreated check was only fair for common ragweed and annual grasses. 06/16/06 Corn is 9-collar stage, 34 inches tall. Morningglory is the only species to emerge and it is only in the cotyledon stage. 07/03/06 Ratings for untreated checks were based on adjacent plots.

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University of Delaware KIH-485 in Field Corn Trial ID: Corn6-06 Cooperator: Kumiai Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/18/06 05/24/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.112 lb ai/A PRE A 6.3 c 4.7 bc 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.149 lb ai/A PRE A 11.3 b 9.0 ab 3.3 b 100.0 a 100.0 a5 KIH-485 85 WG 0.223 lb ai/A PRE A 13.0 a 13.3 a 10.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 d 2.3 c 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a7 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.09 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 d 4.0 bc 2.3 b 100.0 a 100.0 a8 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.53 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 d 3.3 c 10.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 1.53 5.13 4.97 0.00 0.00Standard Deviation 0.88 2.93 2.84 0.00 0.00CV 22.86 63.97 87.32 0.0 0.0 Replicate F 0.380 3.510 0.202 0.000 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.6908 0.0582 0.8196 1.0000 1.0000Treatment F 122.791 7.233 7.388 0.000 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0009 0.0008 1.0000 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 e 2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 58.3 b 86.7 a 36.7 d 0.0 a3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.112 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 56.7 b 100.0 a 60.0 b 0.0 a4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.149 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 68.3 b 100.0 a 56.7 bc 0.0 a5 KIH-485 85 WG 0.223 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 98.3 a 100.0 a 96.7 a 0.0 a6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 0.0 c 33.2 b 0.0 e 0.0 a7 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.09 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 55.0 b 98.3 a 33.3 d 0.0 a8 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.53 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 61.7 b 100.0 a 40.0 cd 0.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 19.55 15.45 17.88 0.00Standard Deviation 0.00 11.16 8.76 10.21 0.00CV 0.0 22.41 11.34 25.25 0.0 Replicate F 0.000 2.568 1.007 0.040 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.1122 0.3920 0.9609 1.0000Treatment F 0.000 27.344 58.684 29.389 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 53.3 b 85.0 b 92.5 a 82.3 b 77.7 b2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A PRE A 96.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.112 lb ai/A PRE A 95.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.149 lb ai/A PRE A 98.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 97.7 a 100.0 a5 KIH-485 85 WG 0.223 lb ai/A PRE A 98.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 96.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 99.7 a 96.3 a7 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.09 lb ai/A PRE A 90.3 a 98.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.7 a8 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.53 lb ai/A PRE A 90.3 a 98.3 a 100.0 a 99.0 a 100.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 9.41 1.37 4.85 3.33 4.58Standard Deviation 5.37 0.78 2.75 1.89 2.61CV 5.96 0.8 2.78 1.94 2.71 Replicate F 0.721 0.068 0.929 0.812 1.195Replicate Prob(F) 0.5035 0.9346 0.4198 0.4652 0.3317Treatment F 24.013 121.699 2.786 31.705 26.077Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0527 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/03/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 70.3 cd 173.8 a 2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A PRE A 79.3 a-d 169.7 a 3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.112 lb ai/A PRE A 80.3 abc 183.1 a 4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.149 lb ai/A PRE A 86.0 a 169.4 a 5 KIH-485 85 WG 0.223 lb ai/A PRE A 81.0 ab 164.5 a 6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 69.3 d 162.7 a 7 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.09 lb ai/A PRE A 74.3 bcd 170.6 a 8 Harness.........acetochlor 7 E 1.53 lb ai/A PRE A 75.0 bcd 172.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 10.06 34.26 Standard Deviation 5.74 19.56 CV 7.46 11.46 Replicate F 2.631 1.597 Replicate Prob(F) 0.1071 0.2373 Treatment F 2.961 0.303 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0398 0.9411 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Corn7-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Control of Volunteer Roundup-Ready Corn in Replant Situations Trial ID: Corn7-06 Cooperator: Monsanto Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA5853 Planting Date: 05/09/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 10000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/16/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 30 gal/A 30% UAN solution (98 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 120 lb/A. Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 05/09/06 Lumax 3.95 SC 2.5 qt/A 2. 05/09/06 Princep 4 L 1 qt/A 3. 05/09/06 GlyphoMax XRT 5.4 L 24 fl oz/A SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 8 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 13 CEC: 4.0 Fert. Level: Medium Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 04/27/06 05/24/06 06/01/06 Time of Day: 9:30 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: 10EPP 2"corn 5"corn Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 56 F 60 F 84 F % Relative Humidity: 60 44 62 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 1 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: East North West Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 54 F 60 F 85 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 15 0 70 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V1-2 V3 Height, Unit: 2-3 in 6-7 in Crop Health: Good Good APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/18/06 No corn injury or stunting was observed with the 10 day early pre-plant (10EPP) treatments. 06/17/06 Also counted the number of corn plants (middle two rows) exhibiting 0 to 50% control and 50 to 95% control.

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(Corn7-06) Page 3

University of Delaware Control of Volunteer Roundup-Ready Corn in Replant Situations Trial ID: Corn7-06 Cooperator: Monsanto Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % 50-95% 0-50%Rating Date 06/01/06 06/06/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 2" Corn 70.0 c 87.7 a 80.0 bc 2.0 b 0.0 c Select Max......clethodim 1 EC 0.0156 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

2 2" Corn 78.3 b 73.7 b 65.0 d 11.0 a 2.7 b Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

3 2" Corn 95.7 a 94.0 a 96.7 a 0.7 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

4 2" Corn 95.0 a 92.7 a 89.3 ab 2.3 b 0.3 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.375 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

5 2" Corn 94.0 a 96.0 a 96.0 a 1.7 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.125 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

6 2" Corn 91.7 a 92.7 a 92.7 a 1.3 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 2" Corn B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

7 5" Corn 33.3 c 76.0 cd 10.7 a 0.7 bc Select Max......clethodim 1 EC 0.0156 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 5" Corn C

8 5" Corn 90.7 a 98.3 a 0.3 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 5" Corn C

9 5" Corn 95.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 5" Corn C

10 5" Corn 91.3 a 98.0 a 0.3 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.375 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 5" Corn C

11 5" Corn 95.0 a 96.7 a 0.7 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.125 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 5" Corn C

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University of Delaware Weed Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % 50-95% 0-50%Rating Date 06/01/06 06/06/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 5" Corn 94.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 5" Corn C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 5" Corn C

13 Select Max......clethodim 1 EC 0.0312 lb ai/A 10EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 e 14 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A 10EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 e 15 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A 10EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 e 16 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 b 28.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 5.15 10.23 11.91 4.05 2.10Standard Deviation 3.00 6.14 7.14 2.40 1.24CV 5.72 9.48 10.5 100.76 51.1 Replicate F 0.893 2.401 0.393 0.759 0.265Replicate Prob(F) 0.4268 0.1078 0.6781 0.4788 0.7696Treatment F 701.196 137.106 102.166 7.620 115.310Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Control of Volunteer Roundup-Ready Corn in Replant Situations Trial ID: Corn7-06 Cooperator: Monsanto Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % 50-95% 0-50%Rating Date 06/01/06 06/06/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 89.2 89.4 91.7 2.0 0.0Replicate 2 86.5 83.1 89.0 3.3 0.6Replicate 3 86.7 86.5 91.5 2.5 0.3TABLE OF A MEANS

1 2" Corn 87.4 89.4 86.6 3.2 0.52 5" Corn . 83.2 94.8 2.0 0.1


1 Select Max......clethodim 1 EC 0.0156 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 70.0 60.5 78.0 6.3 0.31 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 78.3 82.2 81.7 5.7 1.32 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 95.7 94.5 98.3 0.3 0.03 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.375 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 95.0 92.0 93.7 1.3 0.24 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 94.0 95.5 96.3 1.2 0.05 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.125 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 91.7 93.3 96.3 0.7 0.06 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B


1 2" Corn 70.0 87.7 80.0 2.0 0.01 Select Max......clethodim 1 EC 0.0156 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 5" Corn . 33.3 76.0 10.7 0.71 Select Max......clethodim 1 EC 0.0156 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 1 2" Corn 78.3 73.7 65.0 11.0 2.72 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 5" Corn . 90.7 98.3 0.3 0.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

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University of Delaware Weed Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % 50-95% 0-50%Rating Date 06/01/06 06/06/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 2" Corn 95.7 94.0 96.7 0.7 0.03 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 3 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 5" Corn . 95.0 100.0 0.0 0.03 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 3 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 1 2" Corn 95.0 92.7 89.3 2.3 0.34 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.375 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 5" Corn . 91.3 98.0 0.3 0.04 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.375 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 1 2" Corn 94.0 96.0 96.0 1.7 0.05 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 5 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.125 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 5" Corn . 95.0 96.7 0.7 0.05 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 5 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.125 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 1 2" Corn 91.7 92.7 92.7 1.3 0.06 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 6 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B 2 5" Corn . 94.0 100.0 0.0 0.06 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 6 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 2" Corn B 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 2" Corn B

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University of Delaware Control of Volunteer Roundup-Ready Corn in Replant Situations Trial ID: Corn7-06 Cooperator: Monsanto Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Control % 06/01/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 70715.222222 R 2 13.388889 6.694444 0.895 0.4231 2.3A 1 68818.777778 68818.777778 9197.516 0.0001 1.9B 5 859.222222 171.844444 22.967 0.0001 3.3AB 5 859.222222 171.844444 22.967 0.0001 4.6ERROR 22 164.611111 7.482323FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Control % 06/06/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 11680.000000 R 2 241.166667 120.583333 2.480 0.1068 5.9A 1 348.444444 348.444444 7.168 0.0138 4.8B 5 5499.333333 1099.866667 22.625 0.0001 8.3AB 5 4521.555556 904.311111 18.602 0.0001 11.8ERROR 22 1069.500000 48.613636FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Control % 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 5713.222222 R 2 53.555556 26.777778 0.388 0.6829 7.0A 1 608.444444 608.444444 8.819 0.0071 5.7B 5 2240.555556 448.111111 6.495 0.0008 9.9AB 5 1292.888889 258.577778 3.748 0.0132 14.1ERROR 22 1517.777778 68.989899FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Control 50-95% 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 656.750000 R 2 9.500000 4.750000 0.758 0.4804 2.1A 1 12.250000 12.250000 1.955 0.1760 1.7B 5 215.250000 43.050000 6.871 0.0005 3.0AB 5 281.916667 56.383333 9.000 0.0001 4.2ERROR 22 137.833333 6.265152FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Control 0-50% 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 51.638889 R 2 2.055556 1.027778 0.755 0.4818 1.0A 1 1.361111 1.361111 1.000 0.3282 0.8B 5 8.138889 1.627778 1.196 0.3435 1.4AB 5 10.138889 2.027778 1.490 0.2335 2.0ERROR 22 29.944444 1.361111

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University of Delaware Herbicide Programs for No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn8-06 Cooperator: Syngenta, Dow Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 3. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 4. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA5853 Planting Date: 05/04/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 19000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/14/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Corn Stubble MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 30 gal/A 30% UAN solution (98 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 120 lb/A. Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 04/20/06 05/17/06 06/01/06 Time of Day: 8:30 am 10:30 am 9:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: 14EPP V1-2 V3-4 Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 59 F 65 F 75 F % Relative Humidity: 46 54 80 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: North West West Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 58 F 63 F 75 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Dry Root Zone Moisture: Dry Moist Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 0 20 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V1 V4 Height, Unit: 1-2 in 8-12 in Crop Health: Good MoistStrs WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: CERVU CERVU CERVU Growth Stage: LaFlw-seed Height, Unit: 8 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM LAMAM LAMAM Growth Stage: Seed Height, Unit: 4-6 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 Weed 3 Code: VIORA VIORA VIORA Growth Stage: Flower Flower Flower Height, Unit: 4-6 in 4-10 in 4-10 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 25 m2 25 m2 Weed 4 Code: CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 3-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in 2-10 in Density,Unit: 2 m2 0-50 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 22 in 18 in 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/06/06 Injury rating is based on corn plants that looked wilted (possibly initial injury from glyphosate). 06/15/06 Glyphosate injury to the corn was observed from POST treatments and from broadcast application of glyphosate the past week. Plants are wilted and likely will not recover. Approximately 3 to 4 plants per plot is affected.

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University of Delaware Herbicide Programs for No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn8-06 Cooperator: Syngenta, Dow Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code STEME VIORA STEME VIORACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Field Common FieldWeed or Crop Name Chickwd Pansy Chickwd PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/04/06 05/04/06 05/19/06 05/19/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 f 75.0 a 0.0 h 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 95.3 ab 86.0 abc 5.0 d 80.0 de

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 94.7 ab 86.7 abc 1.7 d 89.7 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 97.7 ab 88.7 abc 5.3 d 81.7 cde 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 89.0 abc 4.3 d 83.3 cde 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 96.0 ab 92.3 ab 0.0 d 100.0 a Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 94.3 ab 94.0 a 1.7 d 94.3 ab Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 86.7 c 36.7 e 43.3 b 46.7 g Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 3 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----acetochlor 2.67 2 ----atrazine 1.33 1

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University of Delaware Weed Code STEME VIORA STEME VIORACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Field Common FieldWeed or Crop Name Chickwd Pansy Chickwd PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/04/06 05/04/06 05/19/06 05/19/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 90.7 bc 53.3 d 21.7 c 58.3 f 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A V3-4 C

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 90.7 bc 55.0 d 40.0 b 46.7 g Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A V3-4 C

11 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A 14EPP A 96.0 ab 76.7 c 5.0 d 77.7 e ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.098 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----flumetsulam 18.5 .023 ----clopyralid 60 0.075 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A V3-4 C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v V3-4 C

12 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A 14EPP A 96.7 ab 80.0 bc 1.3 d 89.0 bcd ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V3-4 C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v V3-4 C

13 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.4 lb ai/A 14EPP A 86.7 c 88.3 abc 2.0 d 87.0 bcd ----acetochlor 3 1.94 ----atrazine 2.25 1.46 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

14 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 85.3 abc 3.0 d 88.3 bcd ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 7.38 12.51 9.93 9.11Standard Deviation 4.40 7.45 5.90 5.43CV 5.03 10.31 39.48 7.43 Replicate F 1.483 6.489 3.462 9.828Replicate Prob(F) 0.2456 0.0052 0.0471 0.0007Treatment F 100.663 39.358 43.433 73.052Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA CHEALCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Pansy LambqtrsRating Data Type Lf burn Injury Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/23/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 f 0.0 c 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 3.3 a 0.0 b 99.7 a 100.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 1.7 a 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2.7 a 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2.7 a 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 0.0 b 95.0 a 100.0 a Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 0.0 b 89.7 ab 98.3 a Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 0.0 b 40.0 e 93.3 ab Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 3 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----acetochlor 2.67 2 ----atrazine 1.33 1

9 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 33.3 a 60.0 d 83.3 b 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A V3-4 C

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 36.7 a 56.7 d 91.7 ab Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A V3-4 C

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA CHEALCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Pansy LambqtrsRating Data Type Lf burn Injury Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/23/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

11 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A 14EPP A 33.3 a 75.7 c 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.098 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----flumetsulam 18.5 .023 ----clopyralid 60 0.075 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A V3-4 C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v V3-4 C

12 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A 14EPP A 36.7 a 82.7 bc 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V3-4 C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v V3-4 C

13 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.4 lb ai/A 14EPP A 0.0 b 76.0 c 98.3 a ----acetochlor 3 1.94 ----atrazine 2.25 1.46 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

14 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A 14EPP A 0.0 b 76.7 c 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 3.91 15.43 10.58 12.45Standard Deviation 2.08 9.19 6.30 7.42CV 100.53 91.89 8.39 8.21 Replicate F 0.015 1.607 1.949 1.396Replicate Prob(F) 0.9847 0.2197 0.1627 0.2655Treatment F 1.174 9.597 61.399 38.169Treatment Prob(F) 0.3910 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Rating Data Type Stand Ct Gly.Inj. Rating Unit No./40' % plants Rating Date 06/19/06 06/19/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 37.7 a 25 a 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 46.3 a 27 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 43.7 a 26 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 41.7 a 38 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 47.3 a 16 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A V1-2 B ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A 43.3 a 26 a Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 14EPP A 41.7 a 21 a Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 14EPP A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 41.3 a 36 a Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 3 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----acetochlor 2.67 2 ----atrazine 1.33 1

9 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 49.0 a 35 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A V3-4 C

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 49.7 a 44 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A V3-4 C

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Rating Data Type Stand Ct Gly.Inj. Rating Unit No./40' % plants Rating Date 06/19/06 06/19/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

11 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A 14EPP A 44.0 a 24 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.098 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----flumetsulam 18.5 .023 ----clopyralid 60 0.075 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A V3-4 C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v V3-4 C

12 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A 14EPP A 45.7 a 33 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V3-4 C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v V3-4 C

13 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.4 lb ai/A 14EPP A 49.0 a 33 a ----acetochlor 3 1.94 ----atrazine 2.25 1.46 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

14 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A 14EPP A 46.3 a 40 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 7.28 28.3 Standard Deviation 4.34 16.9 CV 9.69 55.59 Replicate F 3.262 0.040 Replicate Prob(F) 0.0545 0.9608 Treatment F 1.933 0.670 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0741 0.7726 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Corn9-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Valor Early-Preplant in No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn9-06 Cooperator: Valent Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 3. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 4. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA5853 Planting Date: 05/04/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 19000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium/Trashy Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/14/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Corn Stubble MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 30 gal/A 30% UAN solution (98 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 120 lb/A. Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 04/20/06 06/01/06 Time of Day: 10:30 am 9:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: 14EPP POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 67 F 75 F % Relative Humidity: 29 80 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: Northeast West Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 65 F 75 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Dry Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 20 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V4 Height, Unit: 8-12 in Crop Health: MoistStrs WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: CERVU CERVU Growth Stage: LaFlw-seed Height, Unit: 8 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM LAMAM Growth Stage: Seed Height, Unit: 4-6 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 Weed 3 Code: VIORA VIORA Growth Stage: Flower Flower Height, Unit: 4-6 in 6-10 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 6 m2 Weed 4 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 2-7 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 10 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 22 in 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/19/06 Most of the common chickweed had senesced in the untreated checks, so it was not rated. 06/15/06 Glyphosate injury to the corn was observed from broadcast glyphosate application within the past week. Plants arewilted and likely will not recover. Approximately 1 plant per plot is affected. 06/27/06 Weed control was fair to good in all plots. Some plots showed stunting due to weed competition as a result of poor control at time of burndown; these plots were not rated for stunting.

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University of Delaware Valor Early-Preplant in No-Till Corn Trial ID: Corn9-06 Cooperator: Valent Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code STEME VIORA VIORACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Chickwd Pansy Pansy CornRating Data Type Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/04/06 05/04/06 05/19/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 e 0.0 c2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 65.0 bcd 70.0 a-d 0.0 c3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 76.7 a 70.7 a-d 0.0 c

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 94.7 bc 60.0 cd 76.0 a-d 0.0 c Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 75.0 ab 62.7 cd 0.0 c Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 68.3 abc 80.7 ab 0.0 c Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 97.7 ab 70.0 abc 61.7 d 0.0 c Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 97.7 ab 74.3 ab 68.3 bcd 0.0 c Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

9 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 73.3 ab 78.7 abc 0.0 c Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 97.7 ab 76.0 a 66.7 bcd 20.7 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 71.7 ab 76.0 a-d 28.3 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code STEME VIORA VIORACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Chickwd Pansy Pansy CornRating Data Type Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/04/06 05/04/06 05/19/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 93.0 c 56.7 d 86.0 a 0.0 c Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 3.84 10.72 16.35 5.52Standard Deviation 2.27 6.33 9.66 3.26CV 2.53 9.9 14.53 79.84 Replicate F 1.336 3.001 1.644 0.729Replicate Prob(F) 0.2833 0.0704 0.2160 0.4936Treatment F 466.995 33.349 15.798 26.424Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA CHEAL Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Common Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy Lambqtrs Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Stunting StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/15/06 06/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 f 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 45.0 bcd 21.7 ef 0.0 c 0.0 b3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 40.0 cd 43.3 de 0.0 c 0.0 b

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 50.0 bc 81.7 abc 0.0 c 3.3 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 31.7 d 97.9 a 0.1 c 0.0 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 55.0 bc 71.7 bc 0.0 c 0.0 b Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 43.3 cd 90.7 ab 0.0 c 3.3 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 53.3 bc 10.0 f 0.0 c 0.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

9 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 48.3 bc 60.0 cd 0.0 c 0.0 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 60.0 b 85.0 abc 15.7 b 21.7 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 50.0 bc 82.7 abc 21.7 a 25.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 14EPP A 76.7 a 100.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A 14EPP A ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 16.01 25.73 1.84 6.71Standard Deviation 9.45 15.15 1.06 3.89CV 20.5 24.41 31.21 80.28

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(Corn9-06) Page 7

University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA CHEAL Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Common Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy Lambqtrs Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Stunting StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/15/06 06/27/06 Replicate F 3.180 0.059 0.605 1.400Replicate Prob(F) 0.0612 0.9431 0.5580 0.2736Treatment F 11.217 16.066 155.860 16.990Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN10-06) Page 1

University of Delaware PRE and POST Weed Control in Conventional Tillage Corn Trial ID: CRN10-06 Cooperator: Bayer Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 4. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA600-12 Planting Date: 04/26/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/07/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 04/27/06 05/18/06 06/02/06 Time of Day: 9:30 am 10:00 am 8:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE EaPost MPost Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 56 F 68 F 69 F % Relative Humidity: 60 58 93 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 4 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: East West Southwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 54 F 67 F 68 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Wet Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Wet % Cloud Cover: 15 0 95 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V2 V6 Height, Unit: 3-4 in 14-16 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 2-5 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 50 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: cot-5 lf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 3-7 in Density,Unit: 60 m2 60 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-2 lf Height, Unit: 1 in 2-3 in Density,Unit: 3 m2 3 m2 Weed 4 Code: DIGSS DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 2-5 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 40 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in 28 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/18/06 No corn injury observed with preemergence (PRE) treatments. 06/15/06 Corn is at 9-collar stage, 34 inches tall. 06/27/06 Weed control was good to excellent in all plots. 09/06/06 If atrazine was used POST (1 lb ai/A), there was excellent morningglory control; otherwise control of morningglory was poor.

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University of Delaware PRE and POST Weed Control in Conventional Tillage Corn Trial ID: CRN10-06 Cooperator: Bayer Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Chloross Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/23/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b2 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

3 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A EaPost B 15.7 a 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

5 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

6 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

7 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A EaPost B 11.3 b 0.0 a 98.0 a 98.7 a 100.0 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Equip Premix 32 WG 0.02 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.0188 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

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(CRN10-06) Page 5

University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Chloross Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/23/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0312 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC .00547 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 2.45 0.00 2.64 1.53 0.00Standard Deviation 0.94 0.00 1.32 0.76 0.00CV 10.48 0.0 1.78 1.02 0.0 Replicate F 1.500 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.3536 1.0000 0.4219 0.4219 1.0000Treatment F 220.875 0.000 4230.286 12745.144 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0006 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN10-06) Page 6

University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ChlorossRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/05/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 8.3 b 8.0 a

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

3 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 13.3 a 8.0 a Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A EaPost B 99.0 a 100.0 a 96.7 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

5 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 11.7 ab 7.0 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

6 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 12.3 ab 8.0 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

7 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A EaPost B 99.0 a 100.0 a 97.3 a 2.3 c 0.0 b ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.47 lb ai/A PRE A 94.7 a 100.0 a 97.3 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Equip Premix 32 WG 0.02 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.0188 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

9 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 0.0 c 0.0 b Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0312 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

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(CRN10-06) Page 7

University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ChlorossRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/05/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 0.0 c 0.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 0.0 c 0.0 b Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC .00547 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 0.0 c 0.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 4.65 0.00 4.11 4.48 1.47Standard Deviation 2.33 0.00 2.05 2.65 0.87CV 3.18 0.0 2.82 66.18 33.52 Replicate F 1.492 0.000 4.105 2.937 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.2978 1.0000 0.0753 0.0740 0.3840Treatment F 1320.062 0.000 1675.237 13.578 58.515Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN10-06) Page 8

University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 2 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 16.7 a 80.7 ab 91.3 ab 97.3 a 65.0 b

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

3 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 21.7 a 75.0 ab 85.7 ab 96.7 a 86.0 ab Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 d 99.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

5 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 21.7 a 74.3 ab 87.3 ab 98.3 a 75.0 ab ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

6 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 21.7 a 79.0 ab 89.0 ab 100.0 a 87.0 ab ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

7 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 d 66.7 b 65.7 b 66.7 b 66.7 b ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.47 lb ai/A PRE A 15.0 ab 99.7 a 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Equip Premix 32 WG 0.02 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.0188 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

9 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 8.3 bc 83.3 ab 86.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0312 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

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(CRN10-06) Page 9

University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 3.3 cd 80.7 ab 86.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 3.3 cd 81.7 ab 86.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC .00547 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 2.3 cd 82.7 ab 85.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 8.05 32.64 30.34 28.62 29.25Standard Deviation 4.75 19.27 17.92 16.90 17.28CV 50.04 25.62 22.31 19.15 21.16 Replicate F 1.154 0.176 0.491 0.841 0.776Replicate Prob(F) 0.3337 0.8402 0.6184 0.4445 0.4727Treatment F 11.166 5.237 6.664 9.050 8.481Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN10-06) Page 10

University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/29/06 06/29/06 06/29/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 73.3 ab 53.3 c 13.0 a 76.0 bc 93.3 bc

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

3 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 86.7 ab 86.0 ab 13.0 a 83.3 b 94.0 abc Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 94.0 ab 0.0 b 97.0 a 99.0 ab Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

5 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 81.7 ab 78.3 b 13.0 a 82.7 b 95.7 abc ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

6 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 88.7 ab 88.0 ab 12.3 a 81.0 b 95.0 abc ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

7 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A EaPost B 66.7 b 95.3 ab 0.0 b 91.3 a 97.0 abc ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.47 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 96.3 ab 1.7 b 97.0 a 99.3 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Equip Premix 32 WG 0.02 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.0188 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

9 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 2.3 b 81.3 b 93.3 bc Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0312 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

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(CRN10-06) Page 11

University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/29/06 06/29/06 06/29/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 70.3 c 93.3 bc Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 77.0 bc 92.3 c Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC .00547 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 72.7 c 94.0 abc Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 28.89 20.47 3.31 7.91 5.70Standard Deviation 17.06 12.09 1.94 4.67 3.37CV 20.54 14.63 38.64 6.16 3.86 Replicate F 0.714 1.786 0.585 1.185 0.738Replicate Prob(F) 0.5008 0.1912 0.5661 0.3246 0.4896Treatment F 8.461 17.609 30.882 88.556 200.994Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

Page 96: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

(CRN10-06) Page 12

University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/29/06 06/29/06 06/29/06 06/29/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 g 151.8 a2 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 77.7 c 100.0 a 78.7 f 165.3 a

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

3 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 84.3 de 168.4 a Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 91.0 bc 195.5 a Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

5 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 96.7 b 100.0 a 81.0 ef 171.4 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.047 lb ai/A MPost C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

6 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 82.0 ef 171.9 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A MPost C ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

7 Equip Premix 32 WG 0.03 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 91.0 bc 195.8 a ----foramsulfuron 30 0.028 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00187 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.312 lb ai/A EaPost B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A EaPost B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v EaPost B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v EaPost B

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.47 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 88.7 cd 176.9 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Equip Premix 32 WG 0.02 lb ai/A MPost C ----foramsulfuron 30 0.0188 ----iodosulfuron 2 .00125 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.75 % v/v MPost C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v MPost C

9 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.7 a 176.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0312 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

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(CRN10-06) Page 13

University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/29/06 06/29/06 06/29/06 06/29/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.0 ab 183.6 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 99.7 a 100.0 a 93.3 abc 173.8 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC .00547 lb ai/A MPost C Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 90.7 bc 188.6 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.44 % w/v MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 1.90 0.00 5.25 25.43Standard Deviation 0.00 1.12 0.00 3.10 15.02CV 0.0 1.26 0.0 3.83 8.5 Replicate F 0.000 0.856 0.000 8.337 2.995Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.4384 1.0000 0.0020 0.0707Treatment F 0.000 1980.431 0.000 213.344 2.163Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0595 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Herbicide Programs for Conventional Tillage Roundup-Ready Corn Trial ID: Crn11-06 Cooperator: Dow, Gowan Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 4. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA775-02 Planting Date: 04/26/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/07/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 04/27/06 05/18/06 05/30/06 Time of Day: 11:30 am 10:00 am 2:30 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE EaPost MPost Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 62 F 68 F 92 F % Relative Humidity: 41 58 40 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 4 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: Northeast West East Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 60 F 67 F 92 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 0 45 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V2 V5 Height, Unit: 3-4 in 12-14 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 1-4 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 40 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: cot-5 lf 4-12 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 1-4 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 40 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-2 lf 1-3 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 4 m2 4 m2 Weed 4 Code: DIGSS DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf 2-5 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-4 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 100 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in 28 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/23/06 No corn injury observed from the early postemergence (EaPost) treatments. 06/05/06 Weed control is based on newly emerged weeds. Postemergence control was excellent for those weeds present at time of application. 06/15/06 Corn is at 9-collar stage, 34 inches tall. Morningglory is in the cotyledon to first leaf stage.

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University of Delaware Herbicide Programs for Conventional Tillage Roundup-Ready Corn Trial ID: Crn11-06 Cooperator: Dow, Gowan Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSACrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/18/06 05/24/06 06/05/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 100.0 a

----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

3 GF-1834 4.07 EW 0.71 lb ai/A PRE A 4.7 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 100.0 a GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v EaPost B

5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 13.3 a 16.7 a 15.0 a 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

6 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 12.3 a 18.3 a 0.0 b 96.7 b GWN-5004 97 DF 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 2.3 b 0.0 b 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

8 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 1.7 b 0.0 b 100.0 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

9 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

10 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 3.87 6.64 0.00 3.13Standard Deviation 2.26 3.87 0.00 1.83CV 74.34 99.32 0.0 2.04 Replicate F 0.046 0.420 0.000 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.9553 0.6634 1.0000 0.3874Treatment F 17.020 10.442 0.000 894.333Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06 06/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

3 GF-1834 4.07 EW 0.71 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A EaPost B 96.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v EaPost B

5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

6 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 96.7 a 100.0 a 97.3 b 100.0 a GWN-5004 97 DF 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

8 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

9 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

10 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 4.55 0.00 2.51 0.00Standard Deviation 2.65 0.00 1.46 0.00CV 2.97 0.0 1.63 0.0 Replicate F 0.474 0.000 1.000 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.6302 1.0000 0.3874 1.0000Treatment F 420.842 0.000 1398.917 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/05/06 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 b2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A PRE A 91.7 a 0.0 a 97.3 a 95.7 a

----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

3 GF-1834 4.07 EW 0.71 lb ai/A PRE A 91.3 a 0.0 a 98.0 a 97.3 a GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A EaPost B 90.7 a 0.0 a 97.3 a 95.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v EaPost B

5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 90.0 a 9.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

6 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 89.7 a 4.0 a 98.7 a 98.7 a GWN-5004 97 DF 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A PRE A 92.7 a 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

8 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 91.7 a 0.0 a 98.3 a 97.3 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

9 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A 90.7 a 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

10 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 92.3 a 0.0 a 99.0 a 98.3 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 3.62 6.02 3.87 6.43Standard Deviation 2.11 3.51 2.26 3.75CV 2.57 269.78 2.54 4.25 Replicate F 6.212 0.024 0.477 0.216Replicate Prob(F) 0.0089 0.9759 0.6282 0.8081Treatment F 561.396 2.171 574.135 205.586Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0773 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 88.0 ab

----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

3 GF-1834 4.07 EW 0.71 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 87.7 ab GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 90.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v EaPost B

5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 87.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

6 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 89.3 ab GWN-5004 97 DF 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 87.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

8 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 88.0 ab Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

9 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 90.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

10 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 88.0 ab Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40Standard Deviation 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40CV 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.76 Replicate F 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.759Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.2006Treatment F 0.000 0.000 0.000 1202.924Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/27/06 06/27/06 06/27/06 06/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 93.0 abc 95.3 ab 100.0 a

----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

3 GF-1834 4.07 EW 0.71 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 87.7 bc 93.3 b 100.0 a GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 86.7 c 95.3 ab 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v EaPost B

5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 13.0 a 95.0 abc 96.3 ab 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

6 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 2.3 a 95.0 abc 97.3 a 100.0 a GWN-5004 97 DF 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A PRE A 33.3 a 97.3 a 98.7 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

8 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 90.0 abc 98.0 a 100.0 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

9 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 95.7 ab 97.7 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

10 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 88.3 bc 95.7 ab 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 33.62 8.99 3.92 0.00Standard Deviation 19.42 5.24 2.28 0.00CV 359.19 6.33 2.63 0.0 Replicate F 0.887 0.849 0.332 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.4311 0.4443 0.7215 1.0000Treatment F 1.016 94.068 536.123 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.4623 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/27/06 06/27/06 06/27/06 09/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 99.9 c 2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 77.0 b 194.7 ab

----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

3 GF-1834 4.07 EW 0.71 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 76.7 b 184.2 ab GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v MPost C

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 1.44 lb ai/A EaPost B 99.0 a 100.0 a 84.0 a 195.3 ab ----acetochlor 3 0.82 ----atrazine 2.25 0.62 GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v EaPost B

5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 99.7 a 100.0 a 77.7 ab 183.7 ab Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

6 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.031 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 76.0 b 187.6 ab GWN-5004 97 DF 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 76.0 b 185.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

8 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 74.3 b 178.3 b Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

9 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 84.0 a 209.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

10 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 80.0 ab 200.5 ab Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A MPost C

LSD (P=.05) 1.01 0.00 6.85 26.83Standard Deviation 0.59 0.00 3.99 15.64CV 0.65 0.0 5.66 8.6 Replicate F 0.677 0.000 1.170 2.450Replicate Prob(F) 0.5204 1.0000 0.3330 0.1145Treatment F 8684.775 0.000 117.847 11.192Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware PRE Weed Control in Conventional Tillage Corn Trial ID: CRN12-06 Cooperator: Dow, Syngenta Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA7760 Planting Date: 05/10/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/19/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 05/10/06 Time of Day: 4:00 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: PRE Applic. Placement: BroSoi Air Temp., Unit: 77 F % Relative Humidity: 27 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 79 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/23/06 Corn at 1-collar stage and no corn injury was observed. 06/15/06 Corn is 28 inches tall. 09/06/06 Very little emergence of weeds after the POST treatments. As a result all the treatments have good weed control.

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University of Delaware PRE Weed Control in Conventional Tillage Corn Trial ID: CRN12-06 Cooperator: Dow, Syngenta Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Injury Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.28 lb ai/A PRE A 5.0 a 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

----acetochlor 3 1.87 ----atrazine 2.25 1.4

3 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 7.3 a 0.0 a 99.0 a 98.3 ab 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.147 lb ai/A PRE A ----flumetsulam 18.5 0.0346 ----clopyralid 60 0.112

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 5.7 a 0.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.96 lb ai/A PRE A 4.7 a 0.0 a 95.7 ab 95.7 ab 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 2 ----mesotrione .2681 0.2 ----atrazine 1.001 0.75

6 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 2.3 a 0.0 a 99.0 a 99.0 ab 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 8.0 a 0.0 a 99.7 a 98.3 ab 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.437 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 a 94.0 b 93.3 b 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.25 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 4.7 a 0.0 a 97.3 ab 94.7 ab 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 9.0 a 0.0 a 98.0 ab 98.7 ab 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 a 0.0 a 99.7 a 94.0 ab 100.0 a ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Injury Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 4.0 a 0.0 a 97.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 6.03 0.00 4.85 6.24 0.00Standard Deviation 3.56 0.00 2.87 3.69 0.00CV 79.07 0.0 3.19 4.13 0.0 Replicate F 1.560 0.000 0.206 0.873 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.2325 1.0000 0.8151 0.4317 1.0000Treatment F 1.917 0.000 294.399 175.892 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0933 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.28 lb ai/A PRE A 91.7 abc 100.0 a 91.3 abc 0.0 a 98.3 a

----acetochlor 3 1.87 ----atrazine 2.25 1.4

3 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 98.3 a 100.0 a 93.3 a 0.0 a 98.0 ab ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.147 lb ai/A PRE A ----flumetsulam 18.5 0.0346 ----clopyralid 60 0.112

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 93.3 ab 100.0 a 94.0 a 0.0 a 97.7 ab ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.96 lb ai/A PRE A 91.7 abc 100.0 a 91.7 ab 0.0 a 96.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.681 2 ----mesotrione .2681 0.2 ----atrazine 1.001 0.75

6 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 91.0 abc 100.0 a 92.0 ab 0.0 a 98.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 99.0 a 100.0 a 94.0 a 0.0 a 98.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.437 lb ai/A PRE A 81.0 cd 96.7 ab 90.0 bc 0.0 a 96.3 ab Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.25 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 83.3 bcd 98.3 ab 90.0 bc 0.0 a 94.0 bc ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 89.3 abc 94.7 b 89.7 bc 0.0 a 97.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 75.0 d 98.3 ab 90.0 bc 0.0 a 91.7 c ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24

12 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 85.3 bcd 100.0 a 88.3 c 0.0 a 96.7 ab ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 10.67 3.75 3.30 0.00 4.04Standard Deviation 6.30 2.22 1.95 0.00 2.39CV 7.73 2.44 2.33 0.0 2.69

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 Replicate F 1.063 3.531 3.881 0.000 0.473Replicate Prob(F) 0.3624 0.0468 0.0360 1.0000 0.6292Treatment F 53.473 499.988 549.843 0.000 411.824Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.28 lb ai/A PRE A 97.0 a 100.0 a 93.3 ab 100.0 a 84.7 a

----acetochlor 3 1.87 ----atrazine 2.25 1.4

3 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 96.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 83.7 a ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.147 lb ai/A PRE A ----flumetsulam 18.5 0.0346 ----clopyralid 60 0.112

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 95.3 ab 100.0 a 95.0 a 100.0 a 88.3 a ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.96 lb ai/A PRE A 95.3 ab 100.0 a 90.7 abc 100.0 a 80.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 2 ----mesotrione .2681 0.2 ----atrazine 1.001 0.75

6 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 96.7 a 100.0 a 90.7 abc 100.0 a 85.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 95.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 87.3 a ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.437 lb ai/A PRE A 91.0 abc 100.0 a 83.3 bcd 90.0 b 81.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.25 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 90.0 bc 100.0 a 83.3 bcd 100.0 a 79.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 95.3 ab 100.0 a 90.7 abc 90.7 b 84.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 86.7 c 100.0 a 76.3 d 100.0 a 79.0 a ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24

12 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 95.3 ab 100.0 a 81.7 cd 100.0 a 78.3 a ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 6.35 0.00 11.29 6.75 10.47Standard Deviation 3.75 0.00 6.66 3.98 6.18CV 4.36 0.0 8.12 4.42 8.13

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 Replicate F 0.511 0.000 0.430 1.687 0.009Replicate Prob(F) 0.6067 1.0000 0.6561 0.2081 0.9906Treatment F 158.937 0.000 48.695 154.686 45.818Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name FieldWeed or Crop Name CornRating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 09/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 165.1 a2 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 3.28 lb ai/A PRE A 198.6 a

----acetochlor 3 1.87 ----atrazine 2.25 1.4

3 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 200.5 a ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Hornet WDG Premix 78.5 WG 0.147 lb ai/A PRE A ----flumetsulam 18.5 0.0346 ----clopyralid 60 0.112

4 Keystone Premix 5.25 SE 2.9 lb ai/A PRE A 191.6 a ----acetochlor 3 1.66 ----atrazine 2.25 1.24 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.96 lb ai/A PRE A 193.4 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 2 ----mesotrione .2681 0.2 ----atrazine 1.001 0.75

6 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 186.9 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Lexar Premix 3.7 FL 2.78 lb ai/A PRE A 205.0 a ----s-metolachlor 1.738 1.3 ----mesotrione .2238 .168 ----atrazine 1.738 1.3 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.437 lb ai/A PRE A 196.5 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.25 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 192.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 186.1 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 1.08 ----atrazine 3.1 1.39 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 196.7 a ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24

12 Guardsman Max Premix 5 L 1.88 lb ai/A PRE A 207.6 a ----dimethenamid-p 1.7 0.64 ----atrazine 3.3 1.24 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.95 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 21.87Standard Deviation 12.92CV 6.68

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name FieldWeed or Crop Name CornRating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 09/28/06 Replicate F 2.318Replicate Prob(F) 0.1220Treatment F 2.189Treatment Prob(F) 0.0567 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware POST Products in Non Roundup-Ready Field Corn Trial ID: CRN13-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA7760 Planting Date: 05/10/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/19/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 05/10/06 Bicep II Magnum 5.5 L 1 qt/A SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 06/06/06 Time of Day: 9:00 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 64 F % Relative Humidity: 87 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 62 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 100 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX Growth Stage: V4 Height, Unit: 12 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: AMBEL Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 5 m2 Weed 2 Code: IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-1 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 4 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/13/06 Corn is 24 inches tall. 06/20/06 Corn is 34 inches tall and 8-collar stage. 09/06/06 Very little emergence of weeds after the POST treatments. As a result all the treatments have good weed control.Fair amount of fallen corn, but it was not a treatment effect.

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University of Delaware POST Products in Non Roundup-Ready Field Corn Trial ID: CRN13-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.0 e 0.0 d 0.0 h 0.0 e 0.0 c No Herbicide

2 No TM Partner 0.0 e 20.7 a 0.0 h 5.7 cde 85.0 b Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

3 No TM Partner 0.0 e 1.7 cd 0.0 h 3.3 de 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

4 No TM Partner 20.0 a 5.3 bc 19.0 a 18.3 a 91.0 ab Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 No TM Partner 6.7 cd 0.0 d 9.7 de 3.3 de 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

6 No TM Partner 10.7 bc 2.3 bcd 10.3 cde 14.0 ab 95.0 a Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

7 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 e 0.0 d 0.0 h 0.0 e 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A No Herbicide

8 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 e 23.3 a 0.0 h 0.0 e Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

9 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 e 5.3 bc 0.0 h 2.3 de Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 18.3 a 7.0 b 14.0 bc 12.3 abc Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 8.3 cd 1.0 cd 10.7 cde 5.0 cde Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 10.0 c 3.3 bcd 13.0 cd 10.0 bcd Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

13 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 e 1.7 cd 2.3 gh 4.0 de 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A No Herbicide

14 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 e 19.0 a 0.0 h 5.7 cde ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

15 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 8.3 cd 2.7 bcd 2.3 gh 8.3 bcd ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

16 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 21.7 a 5.0 bcd 17.3 ab 20.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

17 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 10.7 bc 0.0 d 8.3 ef 5.1 cde ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

18 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 16.7 ab 5.7 bc 9.7 de 15.7 ab ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

19 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.148 lb ai/A POST A 2.3 de 2.0 bcd 4.7 fg 2.3 de ----primisulfuron 6.916 .0216 ----dicamba 40.48 0.126 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

20 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.148 lb ai/A POST A 9.0 c 2.0 bcd 8.0 ef 5.7 cde ----primisulfuron 6.916 .0216 ----dicamba 40.48 0.126 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 6.39 5.22 4.00 7.70 9.93Standard Deviation 3.87 3.17 2.43 4.66 5.67CV 54.29 58.64 37.53 66.12 6.76 Replicate F 2.472 0.584 0.190 3.079 2.732Replicate Prob(F) 0.0979 0.5629 0.8280 0.0583 0.0996Treatment F 11.192 14.971 20.476 5.080 109.951Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Large Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Species Crabgras Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.7 b 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 b No Herbicide

2 No TM Partner 94.8 a 26.7 de 75.0 b 100.0 a Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

3 No TM Partner 99.8 a 81.7 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

4 No TM Partner 94.9 a 65.7 a-d 100.0 a 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 No TM Partner 95.9 a 25.0 de 100.0 a 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

6 No TM Partner 97.3 a 97.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

7 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 49.3 cd 100.0 a 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A No Herbicide

8 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 55.7 a-d 100.0 a 100.0 a Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

9 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 98.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 89.0 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 97.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Large Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Species Crabgras Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

13 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 97.0 a 90.0 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A No Herbicide

14 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 88.3 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

15 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 89.3 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

16 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

17 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 71.7 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

18 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

19 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.148 lb ai/A POST A 53.3 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 .0216 ----dicamba 40.48 0.126 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

20 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.148 lb ai/A POST A 53.3 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 .0216 ----dicamba 40.48 0.126 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 8.02 44.83 8.72 0.00Standard Deviation 4.34 27.17 5.29 0.00CV 5.11 37.97 5.64 0.0

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Large Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Species Crabgras Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 Replicate F 0.433 0.578 1.000 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.6611 0.5656 0.3774 1.0000Treatment F 185.517 3.532 55.609 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/05/06 09/27/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.0 e 180.6 a No Herbicide

2 No TM Partner 90.7 bcd 167.6 a Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

3 No TM Partner 92.7 a-d 167.1 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

4 No TM Partner 98.3 ab 181.7 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 No TM Partner 86.7 d 163.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

6 No TM Partner 92.3 a-d 192.5 a Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

7 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 88.3 cd 176.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A No Herbicide

8 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 90.7 bcd 167.1 a Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

9 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 97.3 ab 183.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 92.7 a-d 169.3 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 97.3 ab 186.4 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 95.7 abc 184.5 a Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/05/06 09/27/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

13 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 180.5 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A No Herbicide

14 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 190.3 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

15 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 190.5 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

16 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 99.0 ab 178.9 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

17 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 97.3 ab 177.5 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

18 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 96.3 abc 164.6 a ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

19 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.148 lb ai/A POST A 95.7 abc 193.6 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 .0216 ----dicamba 40.48 0.126 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

20 Northstar Premix 47.4 WG 0.148 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 189.8 a ----primisulfuron 6.916 .0216 ----dicamba 40.48 0.126 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 8.42 29.22 Standard Deviation 5.10 17.71 CV 5.64 9.88

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/05/06 09/27/06 Replicate F 0.791 1.693 Replicate Prob(F) 0.4609 0.1975 Treatment F 54.202 0.939 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.5451 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN13-06) Page 13

University of Delaware POST Products in Non Roundup-Ready Field Corn Trial ID: CRN13-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 5.8 6.5 6.4 5.3 83.1Replicate 2 8.2 5.2 6.5 7.6 81.0Replicate 3 7.9 5.7 6.5 9.2 87.5TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 6.2 5.0 6.5 7.4 78.52 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 6.1 6.7 6.3 4.9 100.03 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 9.6 5.7 6.7 9.8 100.03 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A


1 No Herbicide 0.0 0.6 0.8 1.3 66.72 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 21.0 0.0 3.8 85.02 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 2.8 3.2 0.8 4.7 100.03 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 20.0 5.8 16.8 16.9 91.04 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 8.6 0.3 9.6 4.5 100.05 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 12.4 3.8 11.0 13.2 95.06 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A


1 No TM Partner 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 No Herbicide 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.01 No Herbicide 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 1.7 2.3 4.0 100.03 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No Herbicide

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.0 20.7 0.0 5.7 85.02 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 23.3 0.0 0.0 .2 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 19.0 0.0 5.7 .3 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 0.0 1.7 0.0 3.3 100.03 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 5.3 0.0 2.3 .3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 8.3 2.7 2.3 8.3 .3 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 20.0 5.3 19.0 18.3 91.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 18.3 7.0 14.0 12.3 .4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 21.7 5.0 17.3 20.0 .3 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 6.7 0.0 9.7 3.3 100.05 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 8.3 1.0 10.7 5.0 .5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 10.7 0.0 8.3 5.1 .3 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 10.7 2.3 10.3 14.0 95.06 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 10.0 3.3 13.0 10.0 .6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 16.7 5.7 9.7 15.7 .3 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware POST Products in Non Roundup-Ready Field Corn Trial ID: CRN13-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 3713.259259 R 2 58.481481 29.240741 1.818 0.1778 2.7A 2 137.925926 68.962963 4.288 0.0218 2.7B 5 2847.259259 569.451852 35.405 0.0001 3.9AB 10 122.740741 12.274074 0.763 0.6620 6.7ERROR 34 546.851852 16.083878FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Lf. burn % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 3155.333333 R 2 16.333333 8.166667 0.762 0.4745 2.2A 2 25.333333 12.666667 1.182 0.3189 2.2B 5 2692.444444 538.488889 50.252 0.0001 3.2AB 10 56.888889 5.688889 0.531 0.8561 5.5ERROR 34 364.333333 10.715686FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Chloross % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 2461.481481 R 2 0.037037 0.018519 0.003 0.9966 1.6A 2 1.370370 0.685185 0.124 0.8834 1.6B 5 2186.592593 437.318519 79.387 0.0001 2.3AB 10 86.185185 8.618519 1.565 0.1599 3.9ERROR 34 187.296296 5.508715FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 2853.421428 R 2 137.588591 68.794296 3.368 0.0463 3.1A 2 211.846855 105.923428 5.186 0.0108 3.1B 5 1708.759316 341.751863 16.731 0.0001 4.4AB 10 100.748686 10.074869 0.493 0.8825 7.5ERROR 34 694.477979 20.425823FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 119178.833333 R 2 78.111111 39.055556 2.424 0.1038 2.7A 2 45880.333333 22940.166667 1423.584 0.0001 2.7B 5 9490.833333 1898.166667 117.793 0.0001 3.9AB 10 63181.666667 6318.166667 392.083 0.0001 6.7ERROR 34 547.888889 16.114379

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Large Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Species Crabgras Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 84.9 67.7 91.7 94.4 91.3Replicate 2 84.1 72.6 93.2 94.4 89.4Replicate 3 86.1 80.4 94.3 94.4 88.5TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 80.6 49.3 79.2 83.3 76.82 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 81.5 100.0 100.0 93.73 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 97.0 89.9 100.0 100.0 98.83 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A


1 No Herbicide 65.9 46.4 66.7 66.7 62.82 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 94.8 56.9 91.7 100.0 93.82 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 99.8 89.7 100.0 100.0 96.73 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 94.9 88.4 100.0 100.0 96.74 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 95.9 61.9 100.0 100.0 93.85 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 97.3 98.1 100.0 100.0 94.86 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A


1 No TM Partner 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 No Herbicide 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 49.3 100.0 100.0 88.31 No Herbicide 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 97.0 90.0 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No Herbicide 1 No TM Partner 94.8 26.7 75.0 100.0 90.72 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Large Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Species Crabgras Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A . 55.7 100.0 100.0 90.72 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A . 88.3 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 99.8 81.7 100.0 100.0 92.73 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A . 98.0 100.0 100.0 97.33 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A . 89.3 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 94.9 65.7 100.0 100.0 98.34 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A . 99.7 100.0 100.0 92.74 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A . 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.03 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 95.9 25.0 100.0 100.0 86.75 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A . 89.0 100.0 100.0 97.35 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Large Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Species Crabgras Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A . 71.7 100.0 100.0 97.33 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 97.3 97.0 100.0 100.0 92.36 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A . 97.3 100.0 100.0 95.76 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A . 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.33 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware POST Products in Non Roundup-Ready Field Corn Trial ID: CRN13-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 121123.721496 R 2 7.266218 3.633109 0.691 0.5081 1.6A 2 49385.500526 24692.750263 4695.263 0.0001 1.6B 5 8540.964043 1708.192809 324.808 0.0001 2.2AB 10 63011.182075 6301.118207 1198.141 0.0001 3.8ERROR 34 178.808635 5.259078FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 70639.203704 R 2 1484.703704 742.351852 1.156 0.3268 17.2A 2 16498.925926 8249.462963 12.847 0.0001 17.2B 5 20098.092593 4019.618519 6.260 0.0003 24.4AB 10 10725.518519 1072.551852 1.670 0.1288 42.2ERROR 34 21831.962963 642.116558FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 30388.833333 R 2 62.111111 31.055556 1.000 0.3784 3.8A 2 5208.333333 2604.166667 83.855 0.0001 3.8B 5 8020.833333 1604.166667 51.655 0.0001 5.4AB 10 16041.666667 1604.166667 51.655 0.0001 9.3ERROR 34 1055.888889 31.055556FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 28333.333333 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 2 3333.333333 1666.666667 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 5 8333.333333 1666.666667 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 10 16666.666667 1666.666667 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 34 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 27430.370370 R 2 71.814815 35.907407 1.346 0.2737 3.5A 2 4772.148148 2386.074074 89.460 0.0001 3.5B 5 7928.148148 1585.629630 59.449 0.0001 5.0AB 10 13751.407407 1375.140741 51.557 0.0001 8.6ERROR 34 906.851852 26.672113

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name FieldWeed or Crop Name CornRating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 09/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 178.4Replicate 2 184.0Replicate 3 171.2TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 175.42 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 177.73 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 180.43 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A


1 No Herbicide 179.02 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 175.02 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 180.23 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 176.74 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 175.65 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 180.56 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A


1 No TM Partner 180.61 No Herbicide 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 176.01 No Herbicide 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 180.53 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No Herbicide 1 No TM Partner 167.62 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name FieldWeed or Crop Name CornRating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 09/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 167.12 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 190.33 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .00516 lb ai/A POST A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 167.13 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 183.03 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 190.53 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 181.74 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 169.34 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 178.93 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 4 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 163.05 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 186.45 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name FieldWeed or Crop Name CornRating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 09/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 177.53 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 5 Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0314 lb ai/A POST A 5 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 No TM Partner 192.56 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A POST A 184.56 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A 3 Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST A 164.63 ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 3 ----dicamba 50 0.125 3 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A POST A 6 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 6 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 6 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 6 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Yield Bu/A 09/27/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 53 16803.309589 R 2 1475.143563 737.571782 2.323 0.1133 12.1A 2 222.396376 111.198188 0.350 0.7070 12.1B 5 257.983014 51.596603 0.163 0.9746 17.2AB 10 4053.805732 405.380573 1.277 0.2818 29.7ERROR 34 10793.980903 317.470027

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University of Delaware Residual Herbicide Rates for Early-Post Transgenic Programs in Field Corn Trial ID: Crn14-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 2. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA600-12 Planting Date: 05/04/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/13/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N 45applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 05/05/06 05/18/06 05/30/06 Time of Day: 9:00 am 9:00 am 2:30 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE EaPost MPost Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F 64 F 92 F % Relative Humidity: 57 73 40 Wind Velocity, Unit: 0 mph 2 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: N/A West East Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 70 F 62 F 92 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 90 0 45 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V1 V3-4 Height, Unit: 2 in 7-9 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: DIGSS DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 1 leaf 1-3 leaf Height, Unit: 0.3 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 200 m2 200 m2 Weed 2 Code: AMBEL AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf 2-6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.2 in 0.5-2 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 50 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cotyledon cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 3 m2 3 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in 22 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/15/06 Corn is 28 inches tall. 06/30/06 Corn was bent over due to severe winds on 06/28/06, but the plants have recovered. 09/06/06 Very little emergence of weeds after the POST treatments. As a result allthe treatments have good weed control.

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University of Delaware Residual Herbicide Rates for Early-Post Transgenic Programs in Field Corn Trial ID: Crn14-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Lf. burn Lf burn Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/23/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 3.3 bcd 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24

3 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 1.3 cd 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01

4 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 3.7 bcd 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

5 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 7.0 ab 0.0 b 96.7 a 98.3 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.89 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.39 ----atrazine 3.1 0.5

6 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.365 lb ai/A EaPost B 5.3 abc 0.0 b 99.7 a 96.7 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

7 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.274 lb ai/A EaPost B 2.3 bcd 0.3 b 99.0 a 97.3 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

8 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.235 lb ai/A EaPost B 3.0 bcd 0.0 b 100.0 a 99.3 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

9 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.375 lb ai/A Pre A 2.7 bcd 0.0 b 98.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v MPost C

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 4.0 bcd 0.0 b 83.3 b 81.7 b 100.0 a Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 4.0 bcd 1.0 b 95.0 a 88.3 b 100.0 a Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Lf. burn Lf burn Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/23/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 9.7 a 3.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 1.98 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.34 ----mesotrione .2681 0.134 ----atrazine 1.001 0.5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

LSD (P=.05) 4.77 1.73 7.16 7.27 0.00Standard Deviation 2.82 1.02 4.23 4.29 0.00CV 72.93 262.6 4.73 4.85 0.0 Replicate F 0.392 0.186 1.766 0.716 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.6801 0.8312 0.1944 0.4999 1.0000Treatment F 2.472 2.722 136.505 131.638 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0340 0.0219 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control Lf burn ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 e 2 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 99.0 a 97.3 a 0.0 b 100.0 a

Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24

3 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.3 a 0.0 b 99.3 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01

4 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 99.7 a 100.0 a 97.0 a 0.0 b 96.7 ab Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

5 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 96.3 a 98.3 a 96.3 a 0.0 b 98.0 ab Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.89 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.39 ----atrazine 3.1 0.5

6 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.365 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.3 a 0.0 b 98.7 ab Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

7 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.274 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 97.0 a 0.0 b 93.0 bc Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

8 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.235 lb ai/A EaPost B 98.3 a 99.0 a 98.0 a 0.0 b 96.3 ab Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

9 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.375 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.7 a 0.0 b 100.0 a Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v MPost C

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 90.7 b 90.0 b 90.7 b 0.0 b 70.0 d Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 96.0 a 100.0 a 98.0 a 0.0 b 90.0 c Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a 7.3 a 100.0 a Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 1.98 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.34 ----mesotrione .2681 0.134 ----atrazine 1.001 0.5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

LSD (P=.05) 4.35 4.64 3.27 1.23 5.70Standard Deviation 2.57 2.74 1.93 0.73 3.37CV 2.85 3.03 2.17 118.88 3.88Replicate F 0.239 0.903 5.914 1.000 2.009Replicate Prob(F) 0.7891 0.4198 0.0088 0.3840 0.1580Treatment F 368.633 328.074 634.907 25.474 216.709Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 b 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 e 2 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a 95.0 ab 93.0 bc

Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24

3 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 99.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 92.3 bc Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01

4 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 95.0 ab 100.0 a 98.3 a 100.0 a 91.3 c Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

5 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 98.3 a 100.0 a 89.3 b 99.0 ab 91.3 c Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.89 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.39 ----atrazine 3.1 0.5

6 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.365 lb ai/A EaPost B 98.3 a 100.0 a 96.3 a 100.0 a 90.7 c Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

7 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.274 lb ai/A EaPost B 91.7 b 100.0 a 96.0 a 99.0 ab 90.7 c Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

8 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.235 lb ai/A EaPost B 96.3 ab 100.0 a 96.0 a 96.3 ab 91.7 bc Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

9 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.375 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 94.7 ab Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v MPost C

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 65.0 d 100.0 a 79.3 c 94.3 b 86.0 d Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 84.7 c 100.0 a 86.7 b 98.3 ab 90.0 c Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.3 a Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 1.98 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.34 ----mesotrione .2681 0.134 ----atrazine 1.001 0.5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

LSD (P=.05) 5.11 0.00 5.73 5.48 3.19Standard Deviation 3.02 0.00 3.39 3.23 1.88CV 3.52 0.0 3.9 3.59 2.24Replicate F 0.598 0.000 0.138 2.583 3.542Replicate Prob(F) 0.5588 1.0000 0.8717 0.0983 0.0464Treatment F 272.957 0.000 206.081 232.565 596.230Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c2 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 98.0 a 99.3 a 99.7 a 100.0 a

Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24

3 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 95.7 ab 98.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01

4 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 95.7 ab 98.3 a 100.0 a 96.7 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

5 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 86.3 c 93.7 a 100.0 a 93.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.89 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.39 ----atrazine 3.1 0.5

6 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.365 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 92.3 abc 96.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

7 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.274 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 89.0 bc 96.3 a 100.0 a 96.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

8 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.235 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 91.0 abc 97.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

9 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.375 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a 97.0 ab 99.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v MPost C

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 73.3 d 86.7 b 96.7 b 83.3 b Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 76.7 d 94.0 a 100.0 a 93.3 a Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 0.0 a 98.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 1.98 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.34 ----mesotrione .2681 0.134 ----atrazine 1.001 0.5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 8.30 5.85 2.85 9.45Standard Deviation 0.00 4.90 3.45 1.68 5.58CV 0.0 5.92 3.91 1.84 6.3Replicate F 0.000 1.004 0.576 0.893 0.750Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.3827 0.5707 0.4238 0.4841Treatment F 0.000 93.190 197.739 878.226 77.215Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Control Yield Rating Unit % % Bu/A Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 09/12/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 f 187.0 a 2 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 91.7 a 192.2 a

Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24

3 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 89.3 abc 191.9 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01

4 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 90.7 ab 186.2 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

5 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.31 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 81.7 cd 189.4 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.89 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.39 ----atrazine 3.1 0.5

6 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.365 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 81.7 cd 193.8 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

7 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.274 lb ai/A EaPost B 99.0 a 77.7 de 184.7 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

8 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.235 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 85.0 a-d 190.8 a Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78

9 Define..........flufenacet 4 SC 0.375 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 89.3 abc 191.6 a Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A MPost C Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A MPost C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v MPost C

10 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 83.3 c 71.7 e 201.2 a Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

11 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 91.7 b 82.0 bcd 188.2 a Aatrex 4L.......atrazine 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A EaPost B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

12 Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A EaPost B 100.0 a 91.7 a 199.8 a Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 1.98 lb ai/A EaPost B ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.34 ----mesotrione .2681 0.134 ----atrazine 1.001 0.5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/v EaPost B

LSD (P=.05) 4.83 8.76 23.34 Standard Deviation 2.85 5.17 13.78 CV 3.19 6.66 7.2 Replicate F 0.646 2.014 1.629 Replicate Prob(F) 0.5339 0.1573 0.2189 Treatment F 302.803 71.455 0.401 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.9404 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN15-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Pre Herbicide Rates in Planned Postemergence Programs Trial ID: Crn15-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 4. Green Foxtail SETVI Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. 5. Large Crabgrass DIGSA Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 6. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA775-02 Planting Date: 05/04/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/13/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 05/05/06 05/24/06 06/05/06 Time of Day: 9:00 am 9:30 am 4:00 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE V2 V5 Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F 60 F 72 F % Relative Humidity: 57 44 60 Wind Velocity, Unit: 0 mph 1 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: N/A North Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 70 F 60 F 72 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Wet Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 90 0 85 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V2 V5-6 Height, Unit: 3 in 14-16 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 2 leaf 6-10 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 2-4 in Density,Unit: 10 m2 10 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: cot-4 lf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 2-4 in Density,Unit: 15 m2 30 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-1 lf 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in 3-5 in Density,Unit: 6 m2 6 m2 Weed 4 Code: SETVI SETVI SETVI Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 Weed 5 Code: DIGSA DIGSA DIGSA Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf 4 lf-2 til Height, Unit: 0.5 in 2-7 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 50 m2 Weed 6 Code: AMASS AMASS AMASS

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University of Delaware Pre Herbicide Rates in Planned Postemergence Programs Trial ID: Crn15-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in 28 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/18/06 No corn injury was observed with preemergence (PRE) treatments. 06/8/06 Good to excellent postemergence control of weeds present with the V-2 application. 06/20/06 Corn is 40 inches tall. 09/06/06 Very little emergence of weeds after the POST treatments. As a result all the treatments have good weed control. Some lodging of the corn, but combine should be able to pick it all up.

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University of Delaware Pre Herbicide Rates in Planned Postemergence Programs Trial ID: Crn15-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE 0.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 bLSD (P=.05) 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00Standard Deviation 0.00 0.26 0.26 0.00CV 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 Replicate F 0.000 0.800 0.800 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.4823 0.4823 1.0000Treatment F 0.000 115008.808 115008.808 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 a 100.0 a 97.0 a 0.0 e ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 9.0 bcd ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 13.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a 0.0 e ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 99.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 12.3 abc ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 14.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 97.3 a 0.0 e ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 96.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 7.0 d ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 14.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 e Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE 0.0 e Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE 8.3 cd Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE 14.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 a 100.0 a 98.0 a 0.0 e 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 e 0.0 bLSD (P=.05) 2.00 0.00 2.67 4.20 5.25Standard Deviation 1.06 0.00 1.42 2.52 2.79CV 1.6 0.0 1.81 49.06 3.52 Replicate F 4.000 0.000 4.099 0.845 0.678Replicate Prob(F) 0.0625 1.0000 0.0595 0.4383 0.5345Treatment F 7005.245 0.000 2848.546 18.227 756.601Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.0 a 100.0 a 89.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 92.3 ab 96.0 a 86.7 b ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 98.3 a 100.0 a 87.3 b 100.0 a 88.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 91.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c LSD (P=.05) 2.43 0.00 8.09 5.83 4.07Standard Deviation 1.29 0.00 4.30 3.10 2.16CV 1.62 0.0 5.72 3.91 3.04 Replicate F 1.000 0.000 2.540 1.000 1.125Replicate Prob(F) 0.4096 1.0000 0.1399 0.4096 0.3712Treatment F 3571.000 0.000 290.385 613.500 1014.648Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN15-06) Page 13

University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 99.0 a 99.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 13.3 bc 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 5.0 de 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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(CRN15-06) Page 14

University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 16.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 8.0 cd 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 2.3 de 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 15.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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(CRN15-06) Page 15

University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 5.0 de 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE 0.0 e 85.0 c 82.3 c 100.0 a 96.7 b Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE 14.0 b 98.0 a 98.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE 12.3 bc 90.0 b 90.7 b 100.0 a 100.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE 14.0 b 85.0 c 90.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 e 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 20.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 c LSD (P=.05) 5.87 3.10 1.45 0.00 1.94Standard Deviation 3.52 1.86 0.87 0.00 1.16CV 50.14 2.02 0.94 0.0 1.24 Replicate F 3.967 0.304 0.171 0.000 2.017Replicate Prob(F) 0.0283 0.7395 0.8434 1.0000 0.1487Treatment F 12.509 479.381 2196.547 0.000 1224.988Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN15-06) Page 16

University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 82.0 ef 0.0 a 97.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 98.3 a 0.0 a 98.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 88.7 cd 3.3 a 96.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 4.0 a 99.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 84.3 def 0.0 a 94.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 90.0 bc 0.0 a 98.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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(CRN15-06) Page 17

University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 87.0 cde 6.3 a 95.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 99.0 a 2.3 a 99.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 87.0 cde 0.0 a 95.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 3.3 a 97.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 88.3 cd 6.3 a 93.0 b ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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(CRN15-06) Page 18

University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 1.7 a 97.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE 96.7 b 81.0 f 0.0 a 77.7 d Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE 100.0 a 99.0 a 3.3 a 97.0 ab Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE 100.0 a 95.0 ab 5.0 a 86.0 c Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE 100.0 a 100.0 a 7.3 a 93.0 b Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 87.7 cd 0.0 a 95.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 g 0.0 a 0.0 e LSD (P=.05) 2.27 5.05 6.13 5.11Standard Deviation 1.36 3.03 3.68 3.07CV 1.44 3.48 153.9 3.42 Replicate F 1.000 2.391 0.029 1.892Replicate Prob(F) 0.3784 0.1068 0.9717 0.1662Treatment F 897.471 169.636 1.486 168.262Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.1628 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(CRN15-06) Page 19

University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 ab 100.0 a 99.7 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 98.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 ab 99.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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(CRN15-06) Page 20

University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 98.3 ab 99.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 98.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 ab 100.0 a 97.3 b 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 97.7 bc 100.0 a 99.7 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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(CRN15-06) Page 21

University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE 92.3 d 100.0 a 95.7 b 100.0 a Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE 99.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE 96.3 c 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE 97.7 bc 100.0 a 99.7 a 100.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 bLSD (P=.05) 1.81 0.80 2.25 0.00Standard Deviation 1.08 0.48 1.35 0.00CV 1.17 0.51 1.44 0.0 Replicate F 0.616 2.033 1.496 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.5462 0.1465 0.2385 1.0000Treatment F 1381.839 7307.221 909.199 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/03/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 80.3 de 205.2 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 90.7 abc 144.6 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 80.3 de 152.2 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 a 132.6 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 81.7 cde 144.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 92.3 ab 192.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/03/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 87.0 b-e 170.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 94.7 ab 168.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 82.3 cde 191.8 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 92.7 ab 189.6 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

11 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 80.3 de 159.5 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/03/06 09/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 95.7 ab 147.9 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

13 No PRE 70.7 f 201.0 a Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

14 No PRE 93.7 ab 198.9 a Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

15 No PRE 89.3 bcd 166.0 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2-collar corn

16 No PRE 95.0 ab 165.6 a Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V5 C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V5 C 5-collar corn

17 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 2.2 lb ai/A Pre A 80.0 e 205.8 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.96 ----atrazine 3.1 1.24 Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Pre A

18 Untreated Check 0.0 g 135.4 a LSD (P=.05) 9.31 57.07 Standard Deviation 5.59 34.23 CV 6.77 20.06 Replicate F 2.916 1.014 Replicate Prob(F) 0.0678 0.3736 Treatment F 46.245 1.587 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.1232 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Pre Herbicide Rates in Planned Postemergence Programs Trial ID: Crn15-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 0.0 74.8 74.8 75.0 73.5Replicate 2 0.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0Replicate 3 0.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 99.7 99.7 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 4 No PRE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 0.0 74.9 74.9 75.0 74.51 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 0.0 . . . .2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 2-collar corn 0.0 74.9 74.9 75.0 74.52 5-collar corn . . . . .


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 99.7 99.7 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 . . . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 . . . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 . . . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 0.0 . . . .2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 99.7 99.7 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . .2 5-collar corn


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 0.0 74.9 74.9 75.0 74.51 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 0.0 . . . .2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B . . . . .1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . . . .2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 99.7 99.7 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 . . . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 . . . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 . . . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 0.0 . . . .2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06 05/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 No PRE . . . . .1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . .2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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Page 31 FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Injury % 05/30/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0C 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AC 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0BC 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ABC 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 05/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 72963.479167 R 2 0.041667 0.020833 1.000 0.3798 0.1A 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.1B 1 16837.520833 16837.520833 808201.081 0.0001 0.1AB 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.2C 1 16837.520833 16837.520833 808201.081 0.0001 0.1AC 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.2BC 1 16837.520833 16837.520833 808201.081 0.0001 0.1ABC 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.2ERROR 30 0.625000 0.020833FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For SETFA Giant Foxtail Control % 05/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 72963.479167 R 2 0.041667 0.020833 1.000 0.3798 0.1A 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.1B 1 16837.520833 16837.520833 808201.081 0.0001 0.1AB 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.2C 1 16837.520833 16837.520833 808201.081 0.0001 0.1AC 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.2BC 1 16837.520833 16837.520833 808201.081 0.0001 0.1ABC 3 5612.562500 1870.854167 89801.009 0.0001 0.2ERROR 30 0.625000 0.020833FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 05/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 73125.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0C 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AC 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0BC 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ABC 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 05/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 72167.250000 R 2 1.500000 0.750000 2.143 0.1349 0.4A 3 5550.750000 1850.250000 5286.429 0.0001 0.5B 1 16650.750000 16650.750000 47573.575 0.0001 0.3AB 3 5550.750000 1850.250000 5286.429 0.0001 0.7C 1 16650.750000 16650.750000 47573.575 0.0001 0.3AC 3 5550.750000 1850.250000 5286.429 0.0001 0.7BC 1 16650.750000 16650.750000 47573.575 0.0001 0.5ABC 3 5550.750000 1850.250000 5286.429 0.0001 1.0ERROR 30 10.500000 0.350000

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 75.0 96.3 5.1 96.7 98.3Replicate 2 75.0 98.0 6.1 99.0 100.0Replicate 3 75.0 99.0 6.1 100.0 100.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.0 5.5 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 99.0 6.6 99.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.3 5.4 96.7 98.33 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 4 No PRE 0.0 . 5.6 . .


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 75.0 97.8 0.0 98.6 99.41 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . 11.5 . .2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 2-collar corn 75.0 97.8 4.6 . .2 5-collar corn . . 7.0 98.6 99.4


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.0 0.0 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 99.0 0.0 99.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.3 0.0 96.7 98.33 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 0.0 . 0.0 . .1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . 11.0 . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . 13.2 . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . 10.8 . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE . . 11.2 . .2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.0 4.5 . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 99.0 6.2 . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.3 3.5 . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 0.0 . 4.2 . .1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . 6.5 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . 7.0 99.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . 7.3 96.7 98.33 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . 7.0 . .2 5-collar corn


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 75.0 97.8 0.0 . .1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . 9.2 . .2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B . . 0.0 98.6 99.41 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . 13.9 . .2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn


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1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.0 0.0 . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 99.0 0.0 . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.3 0.0 . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 0.0 . 0.0 . .1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . 9.0 . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . 12.3 . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . 7.0 . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE . . 8.3 . .2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . 0.0 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . 0.0 99.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . 0.0 96.7 98.33 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . 0.0 . .1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/31/06 05/31/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . 13.0 . .1 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . 14.0 . .2 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . 14.7 . .3 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . 14.0 . .2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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Page 38 FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 05/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 73125.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0C 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AC 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0BC 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ABC 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 05/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 69936.666667 R 2 2.041667 1.020833 1.842 0.1760 0.5A 3 5379.500000 1793.166667 3235.790 0.0001 0.6B 1 16133.333333 16133.333333 29112.784 0.0001 0.4AB 3 5379.500000 1793.166667 3235.790 0.0001 0.9C 1 16133.333333 16133.333333 29112.784 0.0001 0.4AC 3 5379.500000 1793.166667 3235.790 0.0001 0.9BC 1 16133.333333 16133.333333 29112.784 0.0001 0.6ABC 3 5379.500000 1793.166667 3235.790 0.0001 1.2ERROR 30 16.625000 0.554167FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 2010.479167 R 2 12.041667 6.020833 0.844 0.4399 1.9A 3 10.729167 3.576389 0.501 0.6841 2.2B 1 1598.520833 1598.520833 224.135 0.0001 1.6AB 3 10.729167 3.576389 0.501 0.6841 3.1C 1 67.687500 67.687500 9.491 0.0044 1.6AC 3 14.562500 4.854167 0.681 0.5708 3.1BC 1 67.687500 67.687500 9.491 0.0044 2.2ABC 3 14.562500 4.854167 0.681 0.5708 4.5ERROR 30 213.958333 7.131944FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 71117.979167 R 2 3.291667 1.645833 0.712 0.4989 1.1A 3 5468.062500 1822.687500 788.189 0.0001 1.3B 1 16391.020833 16391.020833 7088.009 0.0001 0.9AB 3 5468.062500 1822.687500 788.189 0.0001 1.8C 1 16391.020833 16391.020833 7088.009 0.0001 0.9AC 3 5468.062500 1822.687500 788.189 0.0001 1.8BC 1 16391.020833 16391.020833 7088.009 0.0001 1.3ABC 3 5468.062500 1822.687500 788.189 0.0001 2.5ERROR 30 69.375000 2.312500FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For SETFA Giant Foxtail Control % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 72336.979167 R 2 1.041667 0.520833 1.000 0.3798 0.5A 3 5564.062500 1854.687500 3561.000 0.0001 0.6B 1 16688.020833 16688.020833 32041.003 0.0001 0.4AB 3 5564.062500 1854.687500 3561.000 0.0001 0.9C 1 16688.020833 16688.020833 32041.003 0.0001 0.4AC 3 5564.062500 1854.687500 3561.000 0.0001 0.9BC 1 16688.020833 16688.020833 32041.003 0.0001 0.6ABC 3 5564.062500 1854.687500 3561.000 0.0001 1.2ERROR 30 15.625000 0.520833

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 100.0 95.0 96.0 90.0 4.8Replicate 2 100.0 94.7 100.0 86.0 7.4Replicate 3 100.0 86.0 100.0 88.3 7.7TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 96.0 100.0 89.0 4.61 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 92.3 96.0 86.7 6.22 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 87.3 100.0 88.7 5.83 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 4 No PRE . . . . 10.1


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 100.0 91.9 98.7 88.1 2.01 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . . . 11.32 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 2-collar corn . . . . 7.52 5-collar corn 100.0 91.9 98.7 88.1 5.8


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 96.0 100.0 89.0 0.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 92.3 96.0 86.7 0.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 87.3 100.0 88.7 1.23 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE . . . . 7.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 9.21 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 12.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 10.33 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE . . . . 13.22 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 6.71 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 8.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 9.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . 6.21 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 96.0 100.0 89.0 2.51 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 92.3 96.0 86.7 4.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 87.3 100.0 88.7 2.53 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . 14.02 5-collar corn


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B . . . . 0.61 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . . . 14.52 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 100.0 91.9 98.7 88.1 3.51 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B . . . . 8.02 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn


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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 0.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 0.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 2.33 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . 0.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 13.31 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 16.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 15.73 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . 12.32 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 96.0 100.0 89.0 0.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 92.3 96.0 86.7 0.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 87.3 100.0 88.7 0.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . 14.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 5.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 8.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A . . . . 5.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE . . . . 14.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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Page 45 FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 73125.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0C 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AC 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0BC 1 16875.000000 16875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ABC 3 5625.000000 1875.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 62098.479167 R 2 29.291667 14.645833 2.072 0.1436 1.9A 3 4777.895833 1592.631944 225.328 0.0001 2.2B 1 14248.520833 14248.520833 2015.904 0.0001 1.6AB 3 4777.895833 1592.631944 225.328 0.0001 3.1C 1 14248.520833 14248.520833 2015.904 0.0001 1.6AC 3 4777.895833 1592.631944 225.328 0.0001 3.1BC 1 14248.520833 14248.520833 2015.904 0.0001 2.2ABC 3 4777.895833 1592.631944 225.328 0.0001 4.4ERROR 30 212.041667 7.068056FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 71316.000000 R 2 6.000000 3.000000 1.000 0.3798 1.3A 3 5484.000000 1828.000000 609.333 0.0001 1.4B 1 16428.000000 16428.000000 5476.001 0.0001 1.0AB 3 5484.000000 1828.000000 609.333 0.0001 2.0C 1 16428.000000 16428.000000 5476.001 0.0001 1.0AC 3 5484.000000 1828.000000 609.333 0.0001 2.0BC 1 16428.000000 16428.000000 5476.001 0.0001 1.4ABC 3 5484.000000 1828.000000 609.333 0.0001 2.9ERROR 30 90.000000 3.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/08/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 56825.979167 R 2 4.541667 2.270833 1.670 0.2053 0.8A 3 4369.395833 1456.465278 1071.149 0.0001 1.0B 1 13101.020833 13101.020833 9635.072 0.0001 0.7AB 3 4369.395833 1456.465278 1071.149 0.0001 1.4C 1 13101.020833 13101.020833 9635.072 0.0001 0.7AC 3 4369.395833 1456.465278 1071.149 0.0001 1.4BC 1 13101.020833 13101.020833 9635.072 0.0001 1.0ABC 3 4369.395833 1456.465278 1071.149 0.0001 1.9ERROR 30 40.791667 1.359722FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 2442.979167 R 2 81.166667 40.583333 3.137 0.0579 2.6A 3 205.229167 68.409722 5.287 0.0048 3.0B 1 1017.520833 1017.520833 78.641 0.0001 2.1AB 3 57.062500 19.020833 1.470 0.2425 4.2C 1 38.520833 38.520833 2.977 0.0947 2.1AC 3 380.729167 126.909722 9.808 0.0001 4.2BC 1 266.020833 266.020833 20.560 0.0001 3.0ABC 3 8.562500 2.854167 0.221 0.8813 6.0ERROR 30 388.166667 12.938889

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 97.0 97.4 100.0 100.0 100.0Replicate 2 97.5 97.6 100.0 99.3 100.0Replicate 3 97.4 97.6 100.0 99.5 99.4TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.8 99.8 100.0 99.5 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 4 No PRE 89.5 90.4 100.0 99.2 99.2


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 97.8 97.5 100.0 99.3 99.61 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 96.9 97.6 100.0 99.9 100.02 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 2-collar corn 96.8 96.5 100.0 99.2 99.62 5-collar corn 97.9 98.6 100.0 100.0 100.0


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.5 99.5 100.0 99.5 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.5 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 91.5 90.5 100.0 98.3 98.31 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.5 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 87.5 90.3 100.0 100.0 100.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.5 99.5 100.0 99.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.5 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 87.5 86.5 100.0 98.3 98.31 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 91.5 94.3 100.0 100.0 100.02 5-collar corn


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 96.0 95.3 100.0 98.7 99.21 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 97.5 97.7 100.0 99.8 100.02 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 99.5 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.01 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 96.3 97.5 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn


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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 99.0 100.0 99.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 85.0 82.3 100.0 96.7 96.71 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 90.0 90.7 100.0 100.0 100.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 98.0 98.7 100.0 100.0 100.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 85.0 90.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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Page 52 FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 1438.312500 R 2 2.375000 1.187500 0.303 0.7409 1.4A 3 977.062500 325.687500 83.066 0.0001 1.7B 1 9.187500 9.187500 2.343 0.1363 1.2AB 3 39.562500 13.187500 3.363 0.0315 2.3C 1 15.187500 15.187500 3.874 0.0584 1.2AC 3 33.562500 11.187500 2.853 0.0538 2.3BC 1 67.687500 67.687500 17.264 0.0002 1.7ABC 3 176.062500 58.687500 14.968 0.0001 3.3ERROR 30 117.625000 3.920833FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For SETFA Giant Foxtail Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 1241.916667 R 2 0.291667 0.145833 0.170 0.8443 0.7A 3 812.750000 270.916667 316.143 0.0001 0.8B 1 0.083333 0.083333 0.097 0.7573 0.5AB 3 0.750000 0.250000 0.292 0.8310 1.1C 1 52.083333 52.083333 60.778 0.0001 0.5AC 3 132.750000 44.250000 51.637 0.0001 1.1BC 1 60.750000 60.750000 70.891 0.0001 0.8ABC 3 156.750000 52.250000 60.972 0.0001 1.5ERROR 30 25.708333 0.856944FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0C 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AC 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0BC 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ABC 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 69.479167 R 2 4.041667 2.020833 1.980 0.1558 0.7A 3 4.562500 1.520833 1.490 0.2373 0.8B 1 3.520833 3.520833 3.449 0.0731 0.6AB 3 5.562500 1.854167 1.816 0.1655 1.2C 1 7.520833 7.520833 7.367 0.0109 0.6AC 3 4.562500 1.520833 1.490 0.2373 1.2BC 1 3.520833 3.520833 3.449 0.0731 0.8ABC 3 5.562500 1.854167 1.816 0.1655 1.7ERROR 30 30.625000 1.020833FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 97.916667 R 2 4.166667 2.083333 1.000 0.3798 1.0A 3 6.250000 2.083333 1.000 0.4064 1.2B 1 2.083333 2.083333 1.000 0.3253 0.9AB 3 6.250000 2.083333 1.000 0.4064 1.7C 1 2.083333 2.083333 1.000 0.3253 0.9AC 3 6.250000 2.083333 1.000 0.4064 1.7BC 1 2.083333 2.083333 1.000 0.3253 1.2ABC 3 6.250000 2.083333 1.000 0.4064 2.4ERROR 30 62.500000 2.083333

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Control Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 93.8 2.6 95.1 98.3 100.0Replicate 2 92.1 2.9 93.6 98.1 100.0Replicate 3 91.6 2.6 95.6 98.6 99.7TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 92.3 1.8 98.0 99.4 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 90.1 2.2 96.9 98.9 99.62 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 93.8 2.8 95.7 98.6 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 4 No PRE 93.8 3.9 88.4 96.3 100.0


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 90.2 0.8 94.5 98.1 99.91 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 94.8 4.5 95.0 98.5 99.92 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 2-collar corn 86.7 2.6 91.9 97.5 99.92 5-collar corn 98.3 2.8 97.6 99.1 99.9


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 90.2 0.0 98.0 99.3 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 87.2 0.0 96.5 98.8 99.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Control Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 93.5 1.7 96.2 98.7 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 90.0 1.7 87.3 95.7 100.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 94.3 3.7 98.0 99.5 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 93.0 4.3 97.3 99.0 99.52 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 94.2 4.0 95.2 98.5 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 97.5 6.2 89.5 97.0 100.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 85.3 1.7 96.8 99.3 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Control Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 85.7 3.2 94.8 98.3 99.52 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 87.7 3.2 94.2 98.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 88.0 2.5 81.8 94.3 100.01 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.2 2.0 99.2 99.5 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 94.5 1.2 99.0 99.5 99.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 2.5 97.2 99.2 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 99.5 5.3 95.0 98.3 100.02 5-collar corn


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 83.6 0.0 91.3 97.1 100.01 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 89.8 5.3 92.6 97.9 99.82 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 96.8 1.7 97.8 99.2 99.81 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 99.8 3.8 97.4 99.1 100.02 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn


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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Control Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 82.0 0.0 97.3 99.3 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 84.3 0.0 94.7 98.3 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 87.0 0.0 95.3 98.3 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 81.0 0.0 77.7 92.3 100.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 88.7 3.3 96.3 99.3 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 87.0 6.3 95.0 98.3 99.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Control Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 88.3 6.3 93.0 97.7 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 95.0 5.0 86.0 96.3 100.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 98.3 0.0 98.7 99.3 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 90.0 0.0 98.3 99.3 99.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 3.3 97.0 99.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 99.0 3.3 97.0 99.0 100.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Corn Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Control Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 4.0 99.7 99.7 100.01 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 99.0 2.3 99.7 99.7 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 1.7 97.3 99.3 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 100.0 7.3 93.0 97.7 100.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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Page 59 FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 2615.979167 R 2 44.666667 22.333333 2.248 0.1231 2.3A 3 110.895833 36.965278 3.721 0.0219 2.6B 1 247.520833 247.520833 24.918 0.0001 1.9AB 3 76.729167 25.576389 2.575 0.0724 3.7C 1 1621.687500 1621.687500 163.257 0.0001 1.9AC 3 39.562500 13.187500 1.328 0.2838 3.7BC 1 31.687500 31.687500 3.190 0.0842 2.6ABC 3 145.229167 48.409722 4.873 0.0071 5.3ERROR 30 298.000000 9.933333FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 736.312500 R 2 0.875000 0.437500 0.030 0.9701 2.7A 3 30.395833 10.131944 0.703 0.5578 3.2B 1 165.020833 165.020833 11.448 0.0020 2.2AB 3 8.729167 2.909722 0.202 0.8943 4.5C 1 0.187500 0.187500 0.013 0.9100 2.2AC 3 37.562500 12.520833 0.869 0.4682 4.5BC 1 28.520833 28.520833 1.979 0.1698 3.2ABC 3 32.562500 10.854167 0.753 0.5293 6.3ERROR 30 432.458333 14.415278FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 1785.000000 R 2 36.375000 18.187500 1.725 0.1954 2.3A 3 674.500000 224.833333 21.325 0.0001 2.7B 1 3.000000 3.000000 0.285 0.5977 1.9AB 3 16.166667 5.388889 0.511 0.6777 3.8C 1 385.333333 385.333333 36.549 0.0001 1.9AC 3 230.166667 76.722222 7.277 0.0008 3.8BC 1 8.333333 8.333333 0.790 0.3810 2.7ABC 3 114.833333 38.277778 3.631 0.0240 5.4ERROR 30 316.291667 10.543056FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For SETFA Giant Foxtail Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 192.312500 R 2 1.625000 0.812500 0.614 0.5479 0.8A 3 66.895833 22.298611 16.847 0.0001 1.0B 1 1.687500 1.687500 1.275 0.2678 0.7AB 3 3.895833 1.298611 0.981 0.4148 1.4C 1 31.687500 31.687500 23.940 0.0001 0.7AC 3 24.562500 8.187500 6.186 0.0021 1.4BC 1 2.520833 2.520833 1.905 0.1778 1.0ABC 3 19.729167 6.576389 4.969 0.0064 1.9ERROR 30 39.708333 1.323611FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 12.479167 R 2 1.041667 0.520833 2.049 0.1465 0.4A 3 1.562500 0.520833 2.049 0.1281 0.4B 1 0.020833 0.020833 0.082 0.7766 0.3AB 3 0.062500 0.020833 0.082 0.9693 0.6C 1 0.020833 0.020833 0.082 0.7766 0.3AC 3 0.062500 0.020833 0.082 0.9693 0.6BC 1 0.520833 0.520833 2.049 0.1626 0.4ABC 3 1.562500 0.520833 2.049 0.1281 0.8ERROR 30 7.625000 0.254167

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 99.7 100.0 85.6 169.7Replicate 2 99.0 100.0 88.7 164.1Replicate 3 99.8 100.0 89.3 177.9TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.9 100.0 87.6 158.61 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 88.9 168.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 100.0 87.8 172.23 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 4 No PRE 98.8 100.0 87.2 182.9


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 99.1 100.0 85.5 183.41 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 99.9 100.0 90.2 157.82 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 2-collar corn 99.4 100.0 81.5 173.72 5-collar corn 99.6 100.0 94.2 167.4


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 85.5 174.91 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 87.0 168.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 98.7 100.0 87.5 190.73 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 97.8 100.0 82.2 200.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.8 100.0 89.7 142.41 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 90.8 169.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 99.8 100.0 88.0 153.73 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 4 No PRE 99.8 100.0 92.2 165.82 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B


1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.8 100.0 80.3 178.71 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 84.3 157.22 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 99.8 100.0 81.3 175.63 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 97.8 100.0 80.0 183.51 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 94.8 138.61 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 93.5 180.22 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 98.7 100.0 94.2 168.73 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 99.8 100.0 94.3 182.32 5-collar corn


1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 98.9 100.0 78.8 185.51 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 99.8 100.0 84.3 162.02 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 99.3 100.0 92.3 181.31 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 99.9 100.0 96.1 153.62 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn


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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 80.3 205.21 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 81.7 144.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 82.3 191.83 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 95.7 100.0 70.7 201.01 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 100.0 80.3 152.21 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 87.0 170.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 100.0 80.3 159.53 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 4 No PRE 100.0 100.0 89.3 166.02 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 1 2-collar corn 1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 90.7 144.61 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 92.3 192.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 97.3 100.0 92.7 189.63 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 1 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 100.0 100.0 93.7 198.91 Touchdown HiTech..glyphosate 5 SL 0.75 lb ae/A V2 B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 09/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 99.0 132.61 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 1 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.38 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 94.7 168.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.6 2 ----atrazine 3.1 0.78 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 0.96 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 95.7 147.93 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.42 3 ----atrazine 3.1 .54 2 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn 4 No PRE 99.7 100.0 95.0 165.62 Steadfast ATZ Premix 89.3 WG 0.78 lb ai/A V2 B 2 ----nicosulfuron 2.7 0.0236 2 ----rimsulfuron 1.3 .0114 2 ----atrazine 85.3 .745 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A V2 B 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v V2 B 2 5-collar corn

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University of Delaware Pre Herbicide Rates in Planned Postemergence Programs Trial ID: Crn15-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 134.000000 R 2 6.125000 3.062500 1.501 0.2392 1.0A 3 11.166667 3.722222 1.824 0.1640 1.2B 1 6.750000 6.750000 3.308 0.0789 0.8AB 3 9.416667 3.138889 1.538 0.2249 1.7C 1 0.750000 0.750000 0.368 0.5489 0.8AC 3 15.416667 5.138889 2.519 0.0769 1.7BC 1 0.333333 0.333333 0.163 0.6889 1.2ABC 3 22.833333 7.611111 3.730 0.0217 2.4ERROR 30 61.208333 2.040278FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0C 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AC 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0BC 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ABC 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 3707.979167 R 2 129.166667 64.583333 2.239 0.1241 3.9A 3 20.229167 6.743056 0.234 0.8721 4.5B 1 256.687500 256.687500 8.897 0.0056 3.2AB 3 140.229167 46.743056 1.620 0.2054 6.3C 1 1938.020833 1938.020833 67.176 0.0001 3.2AC 3 55.229167 18.409722 0.638 0.5964 6.3BC 1 9.187500 9.187500 0.318 0.5767 4.5ABC 3 293.729167 97.909722 3.394 0.0306 9.0ERROR 30 865.500000 28.850000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Yield Bu/A 09/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 62160.629494 R 2 1540.959008 770.479504 0.634 0.5375 25.2A 3 3601.201523 1200.400508 0.988 0.4119 29.1B 1 7854.642354 7854.642354 6.462 0.0164 20.6AB 3 2925.869111 975.289704 0.802 0.5024 41.1C 1 479.251280 479.251280 0.394 0.5348 20.6AC 3 6093.262680 2031.087560 1.671 0.1942 41.1BC 1 52.957485 52.957485 0.044 0.8361 29.1ABC 3 3148.529943 1049.509981 0.863 0.4708 58.1ERROR 30 36463.956110 1215.465204

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University of Delaware POST Weed Control with Impact in Field Corn Trial ID: CRN16-06 Cooperator: AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 3. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 4. Giant Foxtail SETFA Setaria faberi Herrm.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA7760 Planting Date: 05/10/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/19/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 05/10/06 05/26/06 06/08/06 Time of Day: 4:00 pm 9:30 am 10:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE V2 V5 Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 77 F 76 F 67 F % Relative Humidity: 27 70 70 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph 4 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Northwest Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 79 F 75 F 66 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 30 50 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V1-2 V5 Height, Unit: 3 in 13-15 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in 2-3 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 40 m2 Weed 2 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cotyledon cot-3 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in 1-3 in Density,Unit: 3 m2 4 m2 Weed 3 Code: DIGSS DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf 2-5 leaf Height, Unit: 0.3 in 2-4 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 50 m2 Weed 4 Code: SETFA SETFA SETFA Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf 2-5 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 2-5 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 30 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in 28 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/23/06 No corn injury observed with preemergence (PRE) treatments. Corn at 1-collar stage. 06/16/06 Corn at 6-collar stage, 22 inches tall. Treatment 9 had 20% leaf burn while no other treatment was showing leaf burn. Leaf burn was not factored into the injury rating. 09/06/06 Very little emergence of weeds after the POST treatments. As a result all the treatments have good weed control.

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University of Delaware POST Weed Control with Impact in Field Corn Trial ID: CRN16-06 Cooperator: AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Injury Stunting Stunting Lf. Burn ChlorossRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 06/06/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 4.7 bc 3.7 cd 0.0 d

----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 3.3 c 8.0 b 0.0 d ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

4 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626

5 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V2 B 9.0 a 11.7 a 9.2 b 0.0 d 0.0 d Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 1.19 lb ai/A V2 B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A V2 B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V2 B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V2 B

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 17.3 a 6.7 bc 12.3 bc ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.011 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Injury Stunting Stunting Lf. Burn ChlorossRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 06/06/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 17.3 a 1.0 d 18.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 16.3 a 18.0 a 11.3 c ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 17.3 a 0.0 d 14.7 b ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

LSD (P=.05) 0.94 1.57 4.76 4.07 2.37Standard Deviation 0.55 0.91 2.76 2.37 1.37CV 60.86 78.25 32.29 63.53 24.41 Replicate F 1.000 1.000 2.890 0.539 0.494Replicate Prob(F) 0.3874 0.3874 0.0831 0.5924 0.6188Treatment F 81.000 49.000 24.205 18.220 88.584Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 d2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 100.0 a 99.7 a 100.0 a 99.7 a

----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 2.3 c 98.3 a 91.7 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

4 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 91.7 bc 90.7 bc 100.0 a 86.7 b ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626

5 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V2 B 10.7 b 96.7 ab 91.7 abc 100.0 a 98.3 a Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 1.19 lb ai/A V2 B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A V2 B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V2 B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V2 B

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 16.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.011 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 90.0 c 85.0 c 100.0 a 70.0 c ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 20.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/16/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 20.0 a 99.0 a 98.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 13.3 ab 96.0 ab 96.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

LSD (P=.05) 7.35 5.12 8.44 0.00 6.42Standard Deviation 4.28 2.98 4.92 0.00 3.74CV 51.59 3.42 5.77 0.0 4.38 Replicate F 0.507 2.339 1.512 0.000 1.146Replicate Prob(F) 0.6105 0.1250 0.2471 1.0000 0.3402Treatment F 12.468 320.085 114.411 0.000 213.592Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a

----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 99.0 a 1.7 b 98.3 a 93.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

4 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.3 b 0.0 b 98.3 a 86.7 b ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626

5 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V2 B 100.0 a 94.0 b 11.3 a 91.0 b 88.3 b Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 1.19 lb ai/A V2 B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A V2 B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V2 B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V2 B

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 98.0 ab 2.3 b 99.7 a 99.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.011 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 96.0 b 87.0 c 0.0 b 85.7 c 77.7 c ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 99.0 a 5.0 b 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/16/06 06/16/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 5.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 97.3 ab 3.3 b 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

LSD (P=.05) 3.76 4.55 5.86 4.43 7.60Standard Deviation 2.19 2.65 3.39 2.58 4.43CV 2.45 3.05 103.9 2.96 5.24 Replicate F 1.000 3.316 1.650 0.944 1.938Replicate Prob(F) 0.3874 0.0594 0.2230 0.4073 0.1729Treatment F 620.445 403.834 3.574 433.720 143.948Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0144 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 e 159.1 a2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 99.7 ab 100.0 a 98.0 ab 179.7 a

----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

3 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.65 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.7 a 159.6 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.72 ----atrazine 3.1 0.93 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

4 Lumax Premix 3.95 SC 2.47 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.0 b 100.0 a 84.0 c 171.2 a ----s-metolachlor 2.681 1.68 ----mesotrione .2681 .168 ----atrazine 1.001 .626

5 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V2 B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 94.7 b 166.7 a Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 1.19 lb ai/A V2 B Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A V2 B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V2 B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V2 B

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.7 ab 154.5 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.011 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

7 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 71.3 c 100.0 a 78.0 d 162.5 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7

8 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.3 ab 180.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Mornglry FieldWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Species CornRating Data Type Control Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % % Bu/ARating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.3 ab 184.4 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A V5 C Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

10 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.24 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 97.0 ab 188.9 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 .54 ----atrazine 3.1 0.7 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A V5 C ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A V5 C Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v V5 C 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v V5 C

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 4.75 0.00 4.94 43.54Standard Deviation 0.00 2.77 0.00 2.88 25.28CV 0.0 3.2 0.0 3.39 14.8 Replicate F 0.000 0.990 0.000 1.089 0.567Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.3908 1.0000 0.3576 0.5776Treatment F 0.000 393.154 0.000 341.431 0.680Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.7168 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Herbicide Resistance Management in Roundup-Ready Corn Trial ID: CRN17-06 Cooperator: AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 4. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: TA775-02 Planting Date: 04/26/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 28000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/07/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 04/27/06 05/26/06 Time of Day: 9:30 am 9:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE 3" weeds Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 56 F 76 F % Relative Humidity: 60 70 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 4 mph Wind Direction: East Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 54 F 75 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 15 30 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V3-4 Height, Unit: 7-8 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 5-10 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 15 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 Weed 4 Code: DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 100 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/18/06 No corn injury observed from the preemergence treatments (PRE). 06/15/06 Corn is at 8-collar stage, 32 inches tall. 09/06/06 If atrazine was used POST (1 lb ai/A), there was good morningglory control; otherwise control of morningglory was poor.

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University of Delaware Herbicide Resistance Management in Roundup-Ready Corn Trial ID: CRN17-06 Cooperator: AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFACrop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Field Large GiantWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Crabgras FoxtailRating Data Type Injury Injury Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/30/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 b2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.7 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 2.0 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 1.0 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 2.0 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.7 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 1.0 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 6.3 a 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

LSD (P=.05) 2.32 0.00 0.00 0.00Standard Deviation 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00CV 98.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 Replicate F 1.385 0.000 0.000 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.2758 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000Treatment F 5.889 0.000 0.000 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0007 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06 06/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 e 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 66.7 b 20.0 b 60.0 b 0.0 e 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 93.3 a 100.0 a 86.0 d

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 93.0 a 100.0 a 89.3 bcd Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.3 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 91.0 a 100.0 a 94.0 ab Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.7 a 100.0 a 91.7 abc Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 89.0 a 100.0 a 87.7 cd Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 92.7 a 100.0 a 95.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 96.7 a 100.0 a 91.7 abc Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

LSD (P=.05) 31.32 13.45 0.00 5.41Standard Deviation 18.26 7.84 0.00 3.15CV 21.07 10.18 0.0 4.31 Replicate F 1.000 0.913 0.000 1.864Replicate Prob(F) 0.3874 0.4190 1.0000 0.1837Treatment F 9.333 62.441 0.000 452.832Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMBELCrop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Field Large Giant CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail RagweedRating Data Type Injury Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 23.3 b3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 97.3 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.7 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.3 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.7 a Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.90Standard Deviation 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.86CV 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.51 Replicate F 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.506Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.6113Treatment F 0.000 0.000 0.000 509.839Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 d 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 50.0 b 0.0 e 0.0 a 95.7 c 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 87.7 d 0.0 a 100.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 90.0 bc 0.0 a 99.7 ab Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.0 a 0.0 a 99.7 ab Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 90.7 b 0.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 88.7 bcd 0.0 a 100.0 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 90.7 b 0.0 a 98.3 ab Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 90.7 b 0.0 a 97.3 bc Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 88.0 cd 0.0 a 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 2.10 0.00 2.34Standard Deviation 0.00 1.22 0.00 1.36CV 0.0 1.69 0.0 1.53 Replicate F 0.000 1.496 0.000 0.504Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.2505 1.0000 0.6127Treatment F 0.000 2913.360 0.000 1590.781Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 1.6 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.4 c2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 67.7 b 100.0 a 0.0 c 53.3 b3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 99.7 a 100.0 a 99.7 b 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 99.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 98.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

LSD (P=.05) 28.36 0.00 0.33 3.22Standard Deviation 16.46 0.00 0.19 1.87CV 19.01 0.0 0.24 2.19 Replicate F 1.075 0.000 0.703 1.181Replicate Prob(F) 0.3635 1.0000 0.5092 0.3311Treatment F 10.991 0.000 146638.937 952.767Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS Crop Code ZEAMX Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Field Weed or Crop Name Species Corn Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 06/28/06 09/12/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 130.6 a 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 d 147.1 a 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 76.0 c 141.8 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 75.0 c 147.9 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.016 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 88.3 a 161.7 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 84.3 ab 158.3 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 81.7 abc 151.1 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 80.0 bc 154.0 a Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 89.0 a 162.9 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PRE A 76.0 c 132.8 a Permit..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3" wds B Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 3" wds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.02 % w/v 3" wds B

LSD (P=.05) 7.93 43.01 Standard Deviation 4.60 25.07 CV 7.07 16.85 Replicate F 1.897 2.743 Replicate Prob(F) 0.1805 0.0912 Treatment F 169.953 0.600 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.7810 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Horsenettle SOLCA Solanum carolinense L. 2. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

3. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L.

Crop 1: Field Corn ZEAMX Variety: 2 varieties Planting Date: 05/05/06 Planting Method: Row- Cone System Depth: 1.5 in Rate: 34000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 77 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/14/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/05/06 06/08/06 Time of Day: 3:00 pm 10:15 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE 4"weeds Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 77 F 67 F % Relative Humidity: 45 70 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 79 F 66 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 40 50 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: ZEAMX ZEAMX Growth Stage: V6 Height, Unit: 16-18 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: SOLCA SOLCA Height, Unit: 2-5 in Density,Unit: 10 m2 Weed 2 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cotyledon Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 4 m2 Weed 3 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 6 leaf Height, Unit: 3 in Density,Unit: 1 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 30 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 05/23/06 No corn injury observed with preemergence (PRE) treatments. Corn at 2-collar stage.

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

2 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

3 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 8.0 a 0.0 a 4.7 a 16.7 b ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 7.3 a 0.0 a 4.0 a 20.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 7.3 a 0.0 a 6.3 a 18.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

LSD (P=.05) 4.73 0.00 3.87 3.32Standard Deviation 2.60 0.00 2.13 1.83CV 68.8 0.0 85.17 19.92 Replicate F 2.500 0.000 1.765 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.1317 1.0000 0.2206 1.0000Treatment F 7.632 0.000 5.346 91.750Treatment Prob(F) 0.0034 1.0000 0.0119 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

2 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

3 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.3 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.15Standard Deviation 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.83CV 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.86 Replicate F 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.583Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5759Treatment F 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.667Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.6575 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 98.3 a 0.0 b 98.3 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

2 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 b 98.3 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

3 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 98.3 a 0.0 b 98.3 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 94.0 a 0.0 b 98.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 99.0 a 5.7 a 98.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 99.0 a 1.7 b 98.7 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 4.35 2.39 2.51Standard Deviation 0.00 2.39 1.31 1.38CV 0.0 2.44 107.37 1.4 Replicate F 0.000 1.233 0.613 0.789Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.3322 0.5609 0.4805Treatment F 0.000 2.322 9.032 0.053Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.1203 0.0018 0.9977 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

2 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

3 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

LSD (P=.05) 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00Standard Deviation 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00CV 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 Replicate F 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.0010 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000Treatment F 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.4651 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.7 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

2 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.7 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

3 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.7 a ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

4 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid A

5 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid B

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

6 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.0 a ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B Hybrid C

LSD (P=.05) 3.04Standard Deviation 1.67CV 1.72 Replicate F 0.714Replicate Prob(F) 0.5129Treatment F 0.143Treatment Prob(F) 0.9778 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 2.0 0.0 1.2 9.2Replicate 2 4.0 0.0 3.2 9.2Replicate 3 5.3 0.0 3.2 9.2TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 7.6 0.0 5.0 18.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B


1 Hybrid A 4.0 0.0 2.3 8.32 Hybrid B 3.7 0.0 2.0 10.03 Hybrid C 3.7 0.0 3.2 9.2


1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMX ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Field Field Field FieldWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf. burn Chloross StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 8.0 0.0 4.7 16.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A 1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 7.3 0.0 4.0 20.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 7.3 0.0 6.3 18.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 359.111111 R 2 33.777778 16.888889 2.500 0.1317 3.3A 1 256.888889 256.888889 38.026 0.0001 2.7B 2 0.444444 0.222222 0.033 0.9677 3.3AB 2 0.444444 0.222222 0.033 0.9677 4.7ERROR 10 67.555556 6.755556FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Lf. burn % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Chloross % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 182.500000 R 2 16.000000 8.000000 1.765 0.2206 2.7A 1 112.500000 112.500000 24.816 0.0006 2.2B 2 4.333333 2.166667 0.478 0.6335 2.7AB 2 4.333333 2.166667 0.478 0.6335 3.9ERROR 10 45.333333 4.533333FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 1562.500000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 2.3A 1 1512.500000 1512.500000 453.750 0.0001 1.9B 2 8.333333 4.166667 1.250 0.3277 2.3AB 2 8.333333 4.166667 1.250 0.3277 3.3ERROR 10 33.333333 3.333333

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.7Replicate 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0Replicate 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.3TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.71 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B


1 Hybrid A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.22 Hybrid B 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.83 Hybrid C 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0


1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.32 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For SETFA Giant Foxtail Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 116.000000 R 2 9.333333 4.666667 0.583 0.5759 3.6A 1 8.000000 8.000000 1.000 0.3409 3.0B 2 14.333333 7.166667 0.896 0.4387 3.6AB 2 4.333333 2.166667 0.271 0.7682 5.1ERROR 10 80.000000 8.000000

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 100.0 98.2 1.7 99.0Replicate 2 100.0 97.0 1.2 98.0Replicate 3 100.0 99.2 0.8 98.5TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 98.9 0.0 98.31 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 97.3 2.4 98.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B


1 Hybrid A 100.0 96.2 0.0 98.52 Hybrid B 100.0 99.5 2.8 98.53 Hybrid C 100.0 98.7 0.8 98.5


1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 98.3 0.0 98.31 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 94.0 0.0 98.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSACrop Code ZEAMXWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Field LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Corn CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/20/06 06/20/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 100.0 0.0 98.31 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 99.0 5.7 98.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 98.3 0.0 98.31 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 99.0 1.7 98.72 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 137.777778 R 2 14.111111 7.055556 1.233 0.3322 3.1A 1 10.888889 10.888889 1.903 0.1978 2.5B 2 36.111111 18.055556 3.155 0.0866 3.1AB 2 19.444444 9.722222 1.699 0.2316 4.4ERROR 10 57.222222 5.722222FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMX Field Corn Stunting % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 97.111111 R 2 2.111111 1.055556 0.613 0.5609 1.7A 1 26.888889 26.888889 15.613 0.0027 1.4B 2 25.444444 12.722222 7.387 0.0107 1.7AB 2 25.444444 12.722222 7.387 0.0107 2.4ERROR 10 17.222222 1.722222FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For DIGSA Large Crabgras Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 22.500000 R 2 3.000000 1.500000 0.789 0.4805 1.8A 1 0.500000 0.500000 0.263 0.6191 1.4B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 1.8AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 2.5ERROR 10 19.000000 1.900000

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 99.0 100.0 100.0 100.0Replicate 2 99.5 100.0 100.0 100.0Replicate 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B


1 Hybrid A 99.5 100.0 100.0 100.02 Hybrid B 99.5 100.0 100.0 100.03 Hybrid C 99.5 100.0 100.0 100.0


1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A

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University of Delaware Weed Code SETFA AMASS AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Giant Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Foxtail Species Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.01 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C

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University of Delaware Silage Value of the Roundup Ready Corn 2 System Trial ID: CRN20-06 Cooperator: Richard Taylor Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For SETFA Giant Foxtail Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 4.500000 R 2 3.000000 1.500000 15.000 0.0010 0.4A 1 0.500000 0.500000 5.000 0.0493 0.3B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 0.4AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 0.6ERROR 10 1.000000 0.100000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 10 0.000000 0.000000

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 97.0Replicate 2 97.0Replicate 3 98.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.71 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B


1 Hybrid A 97.32 Hybrid B 97.33 Hybrid C 97.3


1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.71 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 1 Hybrid A

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.71 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 2 Hybrid B 1 Degree Xtra Premix 4 FL 2 lb ai/A Pre A 97.71 ----acetochlor 2.67 1.34 1 ----atrazine 1.33 0.665 1 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 4"weeds B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C 2 Bicep II Magnum Premix 5.5 L 1.79 lb ai/A Pre A 97.02 ----s-metolachlor 2.4 0.78 2 ----atrazine 3.1 1.01 2 Steadfast Premix 75 WG 0.035 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 ----nicosulfuron 50 0.0233 2 ----rimsulfuron 25 0.0117 2 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.125 lb ai/A 4"weeds B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 0.96 % w/v 4"weeds B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 4"weeds B 3 Hybrid C

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 07/03/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 17 34.000000 R 2 4.000000 2.000000 0.714 0.5129 2.2A 1 2.000000 2.000000 0.714 0.4178 1.8B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 2.2AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 3.0ERROR 10 28.000000 2.800000

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(SCRN1-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Tembotrione Use in Sweet Corn Crop Tolerance Trial ID: SCRN1-06 Cooperator: Bayer, Cornell Univ. Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Sweet Corn ZEAMS Variety: 6 varieties Planting Date: 05/11/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 24000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/19/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 20 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. The entire trial was cultivated on 6-13-06. Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 05/11/06 Bicep II Magnum 5.5 L 1.6 qt/A

SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 06/08/06 Time of Day: 2:00 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 77 F % Relative Humidity: 53 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 77 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 75 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: ZEAMS Growth Stage: V5 Height, Unit: 8-12 in Crop Health: Good APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 26 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/15/06 Wht/Clr is for amount of whitening (HPPD-inhibiting herbicides) or chlorosis (ALS-inhibiting heribicides).

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University of Delaware Tembotrione Use in Sweet Corn Crop Tolerance Trial ID: SCRN1-06 Cooperator: Bayer, Cornell Univ. Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt CornWeed or Crop Name Argent Argent Bonus Bonus DynamoRating Data Type Stunting Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/Chlr StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 a2 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 9.0 bc 0.0 d 5.0 a 0.0 c 6.7 a

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 bc 0.0 d 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

4 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 3.3 bc 0.0 d 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 11.7 bc 6.7 bcd 3.3 a 0.0 c 8.3 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

6 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 3.3 bc 16.7 bc 3.3 a 0.0 c 2.3 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST A 13.3 b 36.7 a 3.3 a 5.7 ab 6.7 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

8 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST A 11.7 bc 4.0 d 5.0 a 5.7 ab 9.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

9 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 10.0 bc 5.7 cd 5.0 a 2.3 bc 6.7 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D 0.0313 lb ai/A POST A 9.0 bc 4.0 d 7.3 a 0.0 c 5.7 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A POST A 13.3 b 7.3 bcd 10.7 a 6.3 ab 10.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 26.7 a 17.3 b 16.7 a 10.7 a 20.7 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 12.93 11.56 11.65 5.61 12.84Standard Deviation 7.64 6.83 6.88 3.31 7.59CV 78.76 83.3 138.35 129.59 118.72 Replicate F 0.738 0.698 0.960 0.094 0.674Replicate Prob(F) 0.4895 0.5082 0.3983 0.9109 0.5199Treatment F 2.434 7.488 1.481 3.610 1.765Treatment Prob(F) 0.0364 0.0001 0.2081 0.0050 0.1236 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt CornWeed or Crop Name Dynamo IceQueen IceQueen JubleeSS JubleeSSRating Data Type Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/ChlrRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 c 8.3 bc 2.3 a 8.3 bcd 0.0 d

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 a 5.0 cd 0.0 d Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

4 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 c 3.3 c 0.0 a 6.7 cd 0.0 d Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 3.3 c 6.7 bc 0.0 a 11.7 a-d 0.0 d Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

6 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 bc 4.0 c 0.0 a 14.0 abc 8.0 bcd Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST A 14.0 ab 3.3 c 0.0 a 3.3 cd 30.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

8 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST A 2.3 c 15.0 ab 3.3 a 14.7 abc 5.0 d Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

9 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 3.3 c 8.3 bc 2.3 a 6.7 cd 5.7 cd Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D 0.0313 lb ai/A POST A 2.3 c 9.0 bc 2.3 a 11.7 a-d 14.0 bc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 c 15.7 ab 3.3 a 20.0 ab 15.7 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 18.0 a 22.3 a 9.0 a 23.3 a 16.3 b Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 9.44 10.34 5.35 13.15 8.63Standard Deviation 5.57 6.10 3.16 7.77 5.10CV 138.36 76.29 167.33 74.35 64.59 Replicate F 0.280 0.150 0.879 1.482 0.168Replicate Prob(F) 0.7585 0.8617 0.4294 0.2490 0.8465Treatment F 3.367 3.688 2.095 2.321 10.319Treatment Prob(F) 0.0074 0.0044 0.0674 0.0447 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt CornWeed or Crop Name SilvrKng SilvrKng Argent Argent BonusRating Data Type Stunting Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/Chlr StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b2 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 9.0 a 7.3 bcd 0.0 c 6.7 bc 0.0 b

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 10.0 a 0.0 e 0.0 c 4.0 bc 0.0 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

4 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 a 0.0 e 0.0 c 3.3 bc 0.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 5.7 a 0.0 e 0.0 c 7.3 bc 0.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

6 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 7.3 a 2.3 de 9.0 b 11.7 b 0.0 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST A 11.3 a 12.0 ab 18.3 a 11.3 b 4.7 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

8 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST A 9.7 a 3.3 cde 0.0 c 14.0 b 0.0 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

9 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 16.7 a 6.3 bcd 0.0 c 7.3 bc 0.0 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D 0.0313 lb ai/A POST A 11.3 a 9.0 abc 0.0 c 10.7 bc 0.0 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A POST A 9.0 a 10.7 ab 0.0 c 10.7 bc 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 21.7 a 14.7 a 0.0 c 26.7 a 0.0 b Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 11.45 6.07 1.68 11.06 1.98Standard Deviation 6.76 3.58 0.99 6.53 1.17CV 69.56 65.48 43.51 68.93 300.0 Replicate F 0.791 1.696 0.537 0.282 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.4657 0.2065 0.5918 0.7569 0.3840Treatment F 2.005 6.479 98.519 3.209 4.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0795 0.0001 0.0001 0.0096 0.0027 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt CornWeed or Crop Name Bonus Dynamo Dynamo IceQueen IceQueenRating Data Type Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/ChlrRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 e 2 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 13.3 a 0.0 b 5.7 bc 0.0 a 6.3 cde

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 e Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

4 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 6.7 a 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 a 2.3 e Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 10.7 a 0.0 b 3.3 bc 0.0 a 5.7 de Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

6 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 13.0 a 0.0 b 2.3 bc 0.0 a 6.3 cde Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST A 12.3 a 7.3 a 10.7 b 0.0 a 15.7 ab Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

8 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST A 13.3 a 0.3 b 6.6 bc 0.0 a 14.0 bcd Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

9 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 15.7 a 0.0 b 6.3 bc 0.0 a 14.7 abc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D 0.0313 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 a 0.0 b 5.7 bc 3.3 a 6.7 cde Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A POST A 13.3 a 0.0 b 9.0 bc 0.0 a 12.3 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 24.0 a 0.0 b 21.7 a 0.0 a 23.3 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 15.09 3.75 9.15 2.82 8.96Standard Deviation 8.91 2.21 5.38 1.67 5.29CV 80.79 345.3 90.66 600.0 59.15 Replicate F 0.632 1.104 1.225 1.000 0.397Replicate Prob(F) 0.5407 0.3501 0.3139 0.3840 0.6771Treatment F 1.459 2.734 3.813 1.000 5.411Treatment Prob(F) 0.2165 0.0229 0.0041 0.4767 0.0004 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt CornWeed or Crop Name JubleeSS JubleeSS SilvrKng SilvrKng ArgentRating Data Type Stunting Wht/Chlr Stunting Wht/Chlr StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 f 0.0 b 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 7.3 def 0.0 b 5.7 bcd 0.0 c

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 5.0 ef 0.0 b 0.0 d 3.3 bc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

4 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 9.0 c-f 0.0 b 4.0 cd 0.0 c Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 13.3 b-e 0.0 b 9.0 bcd 3.3 bc Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

6 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 17.3 bcd 0.0 b 6.3 bcd 0.0 c Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST A 12.3 a 9.0 c-f 4.7 a 9.0 bcd 10.7 ab Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

8 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 13.3 b-e 0.0 b 8.3 bcd 7.3 abc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

9 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 15.7 b-e 0.0 b 11.7 bc 3.3 bc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D 0.0313 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 20.0 abc 0.0 b 12.3 abc 6.7 abc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 24.0 ab 0.0 b 15.0 ab 7.3 abc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 b 30.0 a 0.0 b 21.7 a 13.0 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 1.23 11.51 1.98 9.95 7.54Standard Deviation 0.73 6.80 1.17 5.87 4.45CV 70.68 49.72 300.0 68.42 97.15 Replicate F 1.000 1.337 1.000 3.728 2.131Replicate Prob(F) 0.3840 0.2831 0.3840 0.0403 0.1426Treatment F 72.053 4.589 4.000 3.307 2.972Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0012 0.0027 0.0082 0.0143 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt Corn Swt CornWeed or Crop Name Bonus Dynamo IceQueen JubleeSS SilvrKngRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Stunting Stunting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 2.3 a 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 2.3 bc

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

3 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 2.3 a 3.3 bc 0.0 c 0.0 d 3.3 bc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

4 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 c Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

5 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST A 1.7 a 4.7 bc 4.7 bc 7.3 bc 8.0 abc Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 2 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 5 % v/v POST A

6 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 c Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

7 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST A 9.0 a 13.3 a 8.0 b 8.7 bc 7.3 abc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

8 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 a 5.7 bc 6.3 b 5.0 cd 8.3 ab Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

9 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 4.0 a 5.0 bc 3.3 bc 5.0 cd 5.0 bc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

10 Accent SP.......nicosulfuron 75 D 0.0313 lb ai/A POST A 0.0 a 5.7 bc 5.7 b 13.3 ab 9.0 ab Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

11 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A POST A 5.0 a 7.3 ab 3.3 bc 13.3 ab 9.7 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

12 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST A 11.3 a 13.3 a 14.0 a 16.3 a 14.0 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST A

LSD (P=.05) 7.48 6.91 5.35 6.62 8.04Standard Deviation 4.42 4.07 3.16 3.91 4.75CV 130.35 83.76 83.67 67.98 85.06 Replicate F 2.752 3.700 1.679 4.227 3.396Replicate Prob(F) 0.0858 0.0420 0.2095 0.0280 0.0519Treatment F 2.115 4.080 5.596 7.219 2.723Treatment Prob(F) 0.0650 0.0028 0.0003 0.0001 0.0219 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn Weed Control Trial ID: SCRN2-06 Cooperator: Cornell Univ., AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

Crop 1: Sweet Corn ZEAMS Variety: Bonus Planting Date: 05/10/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 24000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 79 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/19/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/10/06 06/09/06 Time of Day: 4:00 pm 8:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 77 F 64 F % Relative Humidity: 27 85 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N Y Soil Temp., Unit: 79 F 63 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist % Cloud Cover: 0 10 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: ZEAMS ZEAMS Growth Stage: V5 Height, Unit: 10-12 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 75 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 5-10 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-5 leaf Height, Unit: 1-4 in Density,Unit: 5 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 25 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

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University of Delaware HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn Weed Control Trial ID: SCRN2-06 Cooperator: Cornell Univ., AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn leafRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 4.7 def 99.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B X Rate

2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 7.3 b 0.0 c 2.3 b 5.0 def 99.3 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 7.3 b 0.0 c 1.7 b 9.7 cde 99.3 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 2.3 ef 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 5.0 b 0.0 c 2.3 b 13.3 a-d 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 2.3 b 3.3 b 0.0 b 7.3 def 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 6.7 def 100.0 a AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 1.7 bc 0.0 b 11.7 b-e 100.0 a AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn leafRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 9.7 cde 100.0 a AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 22.3 a 0.0 c 8.0 a 20.0 ab 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 20.0 a 0.0 c 9.0 a 21.7 a 98.3 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0656 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 21.7 a 7.3 a 11.3 a 18.3 abc 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 6.7 b 0.0 c 2.3 b 0.0 f 63.3 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

14 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 4.0 def 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

15 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 6.3 def 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 f 0.0 cLSD (P=.05) 9.69 3.27 3.44 9.60 2.77Standard Deviation 5.81 1.96 2.06 5.76 1.66CV 87.71 254.36 89.22 65.51 1.82 Replicate F 0.557 1.127 0.191 4.977 2.134Replicate Prob(F) 0.5787 0.3373 0.8272 0.0136 0.1360Treatment F 5.288 3.026 9.725 4.077 732.121Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0048 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn leafRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 94.0 bc 100.0 a 92.3 cd 0.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B X Rate

2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 98.3 ab 100.0 a 94.7 bcd 3.3 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.7 a 3.3 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 85.7 e 0.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 98.3 ab 100.0 a 90.3 de 8.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 5.7 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 98.7 ab 100.0 a 96.7 abc 0.0 a 100.0 a AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 99.0 ab 100.0 a 98.3 ab 0.0 a 100.0 a AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.3 ab 3.3 a 100.0 a AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn leafRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 87.3 d 99.7 a 90.7 d 7.3 a 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 90.7 cd 98.3 a 90.7 d 10.0 a 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0656 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 99.0 ab 100.0 a 98.3 ab 4.7 a 100.0 a Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 63.3 e 85.0 b 76.7 f 0.0 a 63.3 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

14 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

15 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 c 0.0 g 0.0 cLSD (P=.05) 5.85 2.47 4.73 7.32 2.41Standard Deviation 3.51 1.48 2.84 4.38 1.44CV 3.93 1.6 3.21 143.74 1.58 Replicate F 2.400 0.342 0.290 0.464 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.1079 0.7132 0.7503 0.6334 0.3798Treatment F 159.411 854.187 221.847 1.857 977.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0794 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.3 ab Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B X Rate

2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 97.0 ab Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 81.0 d Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 89.0 c Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 92.3 bc Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 89.0 c AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 94.0 abc AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.246 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 91.7 bc AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 92.7 b 100.0 a 92.7 bc Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 93.0 bc Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0656 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2X Rate

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.3 ab Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B X Rate Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 75.0 c 100.0 a 77.7 d Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A PRE A

14 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 93.0 bc Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

15 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 97.3 ab Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 e LSD (P=.05) 5.58 0.00 6.47Standard Deviation 3.34 0.00 3.88CV 3.65 0.0 4.5 Replicate F 1.655 0.000 6.085Replicate Prob(F) 0.2080 1.0000 0.0060Treatment F 171.339 0.000 112.225Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn Weed Control Trial ID: SCRN2-06 Cooperator: Cornell Univ., AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn leafRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 7.6 0.3 2.8 6.6 100.0Replicate 2 8.5 1.6 3.4 12.3 99.8Replicate 3 7.1 1.3 2.4 13.7 99.3TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 4.9 0.0 1.3 6.4 99.21 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.6 1.1 0.8 7.7 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 1.1 0.6 0.0 9.3 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 21.3 2.4 9.4 20.0 99.44 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B


1 X Rate 6.4 0.0 2.0 8.4 99.82 2X Rate 8.1 0.4 3.4 12.9 99.43 X Rate 8.7 2.7 3.3 11.3 99.83 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B


1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 99.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 0.0 0.0 2.3 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn leafRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 22.3 0.0 8.0 20.0 100.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 7.3 0.0 2.3 5.0 99.31 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 5.0 0.0 2.3 13.3 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 1.7 0.0 11.7 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 20.0 0.0 9.0 21.7 98.34 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 7.3 0.0 1.7 9.7 99.31 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 2.3 3.3 0.0 7.3 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 0.0 0.0 9.7 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn leafRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 21.7 7.3 11.3 18.3 100.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn Weed Control Trial ID: SCRN2-06 Cooperator: Cornell Univ., AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMS Sweet Corn Stunting % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 3089.222222 R 2 12.388889 6.194444 0.214 0.8094 4.6A 3 2289.222222 763.074074 26.301 0.0001 5.3B 2 32.722222 16.361111 0.564 0.5770 4.6AB 6 116.611111 19.435185 0.670 0.6749 9.1ERROR 22 638.277778 29.012626FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMS Sweet Corn Lf burn % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 288.972222 R 2 11.555556 5.777778 1.130 0.3409 1.9A 3 29.638889 9.879630 1.933 0.1537 2.2B 2 49.388889 24.694444 4.832 0.0182 1.9AB 6 85.944444 14.324074 2.803 0.0352 3.8ERROR 22 112.444444 5.111111FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMS Sweet Corn Chloross % 06/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 657.555556 R 2 6.055556 3.027778 0.735 0.4909 1.7A 3 523.777778 174.592593 42.390 0.0001 2.0B 2 14.388889 7.194444 1.747 0.1977 1.7AB 6 22.722222 3.787037 0.919 0.4998 3.4ERROR 22 90.611111 4.118687FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMS Sweet Corn Stunting % 06/21/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 2480.305556 R 2 340.055556 170.027778 4.581 0.0217 5.2A 3 1040.083333 346.694444 9.340 0.0004 6.0B 2 124.222222 62.111111 1.673 0.2106 5.2AB 6 159.333333 26.555556 0.715 0.6412 10.3ERROR 22 816.611111 37.118687FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ABUTH Velvet- leaf Control % 06/21/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 38.000000 R 2 3.500000 1.750000 1.571 0.2302 0.9A 3 4.222222 1.407407 1.264 0.3112 1.0B 2 1.166667 0.583333 0.524 0.5995 0.9AB 6 4.611111 0.768519 0.690 0.6599 1.8ERROR 22 24.500000 1.113636

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn leafRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 98.5 99.9 94.9 3.3 100.0Replicate 2 97.1 100.0 95.1 4.9 100.0Replicate 3 95.8 99.6 93.9 3.3 100.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 97.4 100.0 95.6 2.2 100.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 99.4 100.0 92.0 4.6 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 99.2 100.0 97.8 1.1 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 92.3 99.3 93.2 7.3 100.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B


1 X Rate 95.0 99.9 91.3 1.8 100.02 2X Rate 96.6 99.6 93.5 5.3 100.03 X Rate 99.8 100.0 99.1 4.3 100.03 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B


1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 94.0 100.0 92.3 0.0 100.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 85.7 0.0 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 98.7 100.0 96.7 0.0 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS ABUTHCrop Code ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Sweet Velvet-Weed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Corn leafRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 87.3 99.7 90.7 7.3 100.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 98.3 100.0 94.7 3.3 100.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 98.3 100.0 90.3 8.0 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 99.0 100.0 98.3 0.0 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 90.7 98.3 90.7 10.0 100.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 99.7 3.3 100.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.7 100.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 98.3 3.3 100.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 99.0 100.0 98.3 4.7 100.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn Weed Control Trial ID: SCRN2-06 Cooperator: Cornell Univ., AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 06/21/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 939.555556 R 2 45.388889 22.694444 1.580 0.2284 3.2A 3 295.555556 98.518519 6.860 0.0020 3.7B 2 140.388889 70.194444 4.888 0.0175 3.2AB 6 142.277778 23.712963 1.651 0.1805 6.4ERROR 22 315.944444 14.361111FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/21/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 25.000000 R 2 1.166667 0.583333 0.794 0.4646 0.7A 3 3.000000 1.000000 1.361 0.2807 0.8B 2 1.166667 0.583333 0.794 0.4646 0.7AB 6 3.500000 0.583333 0.794 0.5847 1.5ERROR 22 16.166667 0.734848FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/21/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 884.305556 R 2 9.555556 4.777778 0.619 0.5475 2.4A 3 176.972222 58.990741 7.644 0.0011 2.7B 2 383.722222 191.861111 24.862 0.0001 2.4AB 6 144.277778 24.046296 3.116 0.0230 4.7ERROR 22 169.777778 7.717172FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ZEAMS Sweet Corn Stunting % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 947.638889 R 2 22.222222 11.111111 0.460 0.6374 4.2A 3 204.972222 68.324074 2.827 0.0621 4.8B 2 77.055556 38.527778 1.594 0.2257 4.2AB 6 111.611111 18.601852 0.770 0.6019 8.3ERROR 22 531.777778 24.171717FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ABUTH Velvet- leaf Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 6 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 22 0.000000 0.000000

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 100.0 100.0 95.3Replicate 2 100.0 100.0 90.8Replicate 3 98.2 100.0 92.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 97.81 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 87.42 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 91.63 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 97.6 100.0 94.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B


1 X Rate 98.2 100.0 89.82 2X Rate 100.0 100.0 93.33 X Rate 100.0 100.0 95.13 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B


1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 96.31 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 81.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 89.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common MornglryWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 92.7 100.0 92.74 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 1 X Rate 1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 97.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 89.02 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 94.03 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 93.04 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 2 2X Rate 1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 100.01 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 92.32 Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 2 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 91.73 AE 0172747......tembotrione 5.257 SC 0.123 lb ai/A POST B 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 3 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.764 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 100.0 96.34 Option..........foramsulfuron 35 WG 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B 4 Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 4 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B 3 X Rate 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B

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University of Delaware HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides in Sweet Corn Weed Control Trial ID: SCRN2-06 Cooperator: Cornell Univ., AMVAC Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 470.555556 R 2 26.888889 13.444444 1.000 0.3840 3.1A 3 40.333333 13.444444 1.000 0.4114 3.6B 2 26.888889 13.444444 1.000 0.3840 3.1AB 6 80.666667 13.444444 1.000 0.4500 6.2ERROR 22 295.777778 13.444444FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 6 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 22 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 07/05/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 1239.638889 R 2 125.722222 62.861111 4.354 0.0255 3.2A 3 507.638889 169.212963 11.721 0.0001 3.7B 2 176.222222 88.111111 6.103 0.0078 3.2AB 6 112.444444 18.740741 1.298 0.2991 6.4ERROR 22 317.611111 14.436869

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University of Delaware Weed Control Programs With Maximum Rotational Flexibility Trial ID: SCRN3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 3. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp.

Crop 1: Sweet Corn ZEAMS Variety: Jubilee SS Planting Date: 05/09/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 24000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/19/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: A broadcasst application of 200 lb/A 0-0-60 (120 lb K) was made on 4-24-06. Force 3G at 5.5 lb/A in furrow and 19-18.5-0-3 at 10.5 gal/A (22 lb N & P)2 X 2 were applied at planting. The study was sidedressed with 45 gal/A 30% UAN solution (146 lb N) at layby. Total N applied was 169 lb/A. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/09/06 06/08/06 Time of Day: 2:30 pm 12:00 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 66 F 72 F % Relative Humidity: 27 60 Wind Velocity, Unit: 4 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: East West Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 66 F 72 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 10 30 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: ZEAMS ZEAMS Growth Stage: V5 Height, Unit: 8-12 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 10 m2 Weed 2 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cotyledon Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 6 m2 Weed 3 Code: DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: cotyledon Height, Unit: 0.3 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

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University of Delaware Weed Control Programs With Maximum Rotational Flexibility Trial ID: SCRN3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet SweetWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Twisting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A

2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 5.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 15.7 a 2.3 b 0.0 c 4.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0117 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 11.3 b 6.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.0875 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 20 0.025 ----dicamba 50 0.0625 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 19.0 a 13.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 7.3 b 10.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A BAS-799 56 WG 0.0875 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 16 0.025 ----dicamba 40 0.0625 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 9.0 b 10.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A BAS-799 56 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 16 .05 ----dicamba 40 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 8.3 a 14.7 a 0.0 b 0.0 c 13.3 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0117 lb ai/A POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 4.0 b 0.0 c 9.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMS ZEAMSWeed or Crop Name Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet SweetWeed or Crop Name Corn Corn Corn Corn CornRating Data Type Stunting Lf burn Chloross Twisting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 12.0 a 0.0 c 5.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 4.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 2.3 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 1.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 9.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 aLSD (P=.05) 4.79 2.48 4.31 5.00 9.78Standard Deviation 2.85 1.48 2.57 2.98 5.81CV 323.96 56.98 196.11 89.37 97.88 Replicate F 0.056 3.310 0.545 3.754 1.446Replicate Prob(F) 0.9461 0.0524 0.5863 0.0370 0.2552Treatment F 2.113 41.394 4.949 12.188 2.150Treatment Prob(F) 0.0506 0.0001 0.0003 0.0001 0.0505 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMS Weed or Crop Name Sweet Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 93.0 c 95.7 d 100.0 a 85.0 c Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A

2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 99.7 ab 96.3 cd 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 a 96.7 ab 96.7 bcd 100.0 a 94.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0117 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 a 98.7 ab 99.3 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.0875 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 20 0.025 ----dicamba 50 0.0625 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 a 96.3 bc 97.0 a-d 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 98.3 ab 99.3 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A BAS-799 56 WG 0.0875 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 16 0.025 ----dicamba 40 0.0625 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 a 98.7 ab 98.7 a-d 100.0 a 100.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A BAS-799 56 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 16 .05 ----dicamba 40 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 3.5 a 99.0 ab 98.3 a-d 100.0 a 99.0 ab Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0117 lb ai/A POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 6.0 a 99.7 ab 99.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 8.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code ZEAMS Weed or Crop Name Sweet Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Corn Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06 07/05/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 2.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 99.7 ab 99.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 98.0 ab 98.7 a-d 100.0 a 97.3 ab Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 b 0.0 d LSD (P=.05) 7.97 3.56 3.04 0.00 5.19Standard Deviation 4.69 2.12 1.81 0.00 3.09CV 198.15 2.32 1.98 0.0 3.39 Replicate F 0.660 3.370 0.813 0.000 0.242Replicate Prob(F) 0.5273 0.0499 0.4547 1.0000 0.7867Treatment F 0.875 462.372 634.201 0.000 221.546Treatment Prob(F) 0.5880 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 81.0 b Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A

2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 93.0 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0117 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.0875 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 20 0.025 ----dicamba 50 0.0625 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.3 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Distinct Premix 70 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 20 .05 ----dicamba 50 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.3 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A BAS-799 56 WG 0.0875 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 16 0.025 ----dicamba 40 0.0625 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 96.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A BAS-799 56 WG 0.175 lb ai/A POST B ----diflufenzopyr 16 .05 ----dicamba 40 0.125 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A PRE A Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW 0.0117 lb ai/A POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 96.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

10 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 98.0 a Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 07/05/06 07/05/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.3 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0164 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 93.0 a Impact..........topramezone 2.8 SC 0.0328 lb ai/A POST B Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.27 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 91.7 a Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c LSD (P=.05) 0.00 7.60 Standard Deviation 0.00 4.53 CV 0.0 5.19 Replicate F 0.000 0.688 Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.5114 Treatment F 0.000 94.478 Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Atrazine Treatments for Sweet Corn Trial ID: SCRN6b-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Ivyleaf Morningglory IPOHE Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. 3. Prickly Sida SIDSP Sida spinosa L. 4. Carpetweed MOLVE Mollugo verticillata L.

Crop 1: Sweet Corn ZEAMS Planting Date: 06/22/06 Planting Method: Row- Cone System Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 24000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 88 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 07/29/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Disked and Field Cultivated Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 06/22/06 Dual II Magnum 7.64 E 1 pt/A SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 8 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 13 CEC: 4.0 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 07/13/06 Time of Day: 7:45 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: 8" corn Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 79 F % Relative Humidity: 85 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): Y Soil Temp., Unit: 78 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist % Cloud Cover: 90 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: ZEAMS Growth Stage: V4-5 Height, Unit: 7-9 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: AMBEL Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 2-3 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 2 Code: IPOHE Growth Stage: 4-9 leaf Height, Unit: 3-5 in Density,Unit: 5-10 m2 Weed 3 Code: SIDSP Growth Stage: 1 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 10 m2 Weed 4 Code: MOLVE Growth Stage: seedling Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 20 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 22 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments Heavy crabgrass pressure was too competitive to allow sweet corn injury ratings.

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University of Delaware Atrazine Treatments for Sweet Corn Trial ID: SCRN6b-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMBEL IPOSS AMASS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Pigweed PeasWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Species Species Rating Data Type Control Control Control InjuryRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/20/06 07/20/06 07/20/06 07/20/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 93.7 b 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 99.7 b 96.0 ab 99.7 a 70.0 b Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 97.3 ab 100.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A

4 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 98.7 a 97.3 a 91.0 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

5 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 98.7 a 100.0 a 88.5 ab Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

6 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 99.3 a 98.3 a 96.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A

7 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 92.0 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A

8 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 99.0 a 100.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A

9 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 a 98.7 a 100.0 a 94.5 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A

10 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c LSD (P=.05) 0.31 3.78 2.77 23.66Standard Deviation 0.18 2.21 1.61 6.73CV 0.2 2.5 1.8 8.86 Replicate F 1.000 1.753 2.506 0.532Replicate Prob(F) 0.3874 0.2015 0.1096 0.6526Treatment F 89934.345 592.219 1139.636 79.276Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0125 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Atrazine Treatments for Sweet Corn Trial ID: SCRN6b-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMBEL IPOSS AMASS PIBSS Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Pigweed Peas Weed or Crop Name Ragweed Species Species Rating Data Type Control Control Control Injury Rating Unit % % % % Rating Date 07/20/06 07/20/06 07/20/06 07/20/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 100.0 96.7 100.0 87.3 Replicate 2 100.0 98.4 100.0 87.5 Replicate 3 99.9 98.4 98.4 91.2 TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 99.9 95.7 99.9 70.0 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 98.9 98.6 91.8 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 99.0 100.0 93.3


1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 100.0 97.2 99.1 91.5 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 99.9 97.9 99.9 79.3 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A 100.0 98.4 99.4 95.3


1 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 93.7 100.0 . 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 98.7 97.3 91.0 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 99.3 100.0 92.0 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST A 1 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 99.7 96.0 99.7 70.0 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 98.7 100.0 88.5 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 99.0 100.0 . 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST A 1 Atrazine 4L 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 97.3 100.0 . 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A 2 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 99.3 98.3 96.0 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A 3 Atrazine 4L 4 L 1.5 lb ai/A POST A 100.0 98.7 100.0 94.5 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v POST A

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University of Delaware Atrazine Treatments for Sweet Corn Trial ID: SCRN6b-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMBEL Common Ragweed Control % 07/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 26 0.962963 R 2 0.074074 0.037037 1.000 0.3897 0.2A 2 0.074074 0.037037 1.000 0.3897 0.2B 2 0.074074 0.037037 1.000 0.3897 0.2AB 4 0.148148 0.037037 1.000 0.4362 0.3ERROR 16 0.592593 0.037037FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 07/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 26 191.407407 R 2 18.962963 9.481481 1.770 0.2021 2.3A 2 64.518519 32.259259 6.022 0.0112 2.3B 2 6.740741 3.370370 0.629 0.5457 2.3AB 4 15.481481 3.870370 0.723 0.5891 4.0ERROR 16 85.703704 5.356481FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 07/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 26 82.740741 R 2 14.518519 7.259259 2.554 0.1090 1.7A 2 11.629630 5.814815 2.046 0.1618 1.7B 2 2.740741 1.370370 0.482 0.6262 1.7AB 4 8.370370 2.092593 0.736 0.5808 2.9ERROR 16 45.481481 2.842593FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For PIBSS Peas Injury % 07/20/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 26 48668.166667 R 2 37.555556 18.777778 2.962 0.0805 2.5A 2 21241.166667 10620.583333 1675.098 0.0001 2.5B 2 560.166667 280.083333 44.175 0.0001 2.5AB 4 26727.833333 6681.958333 1053.891 0.0001 4.4ERROR 16 101.444444 6.340278

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(SG01-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Annual Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat Trial ID: SG01-06 Cooperator: Syngenta, Bayer Location: Field #36 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Annual Ryegrass LOLMU Lolium multiflorum Lam. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L.

Crop 1: Winter Wheat TRZAW Variety: SS-560 Planting Date: 10/19/05 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 100 lb/A Row Spacing: 7 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 75 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 10/29/05 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated Trial Initiation Comments: Gulf annual ryegrass was broadcast seeded with a spinner spreader and incorporated with a field cultivator prior to planting wheat. MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: Study was top-dressed with 25 gal/A 30% UAN (81 lb N) on 3-7-06. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 77 % OM: 1.9 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 12 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 11 CEC: 5.3 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.5 Unit: mi

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A B C Application Date: 11/23/05 12/12/05 03/20/06 Time of Day: 3:00 pm 11:00 am 11:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: 2 LfRG 2 TilRG Spring Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 38 F 33 F 45 F % Relative Humidity: 44 36 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 6 mph 3 mph Wind Direction: North Northwest Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 38 F 38 F 40 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Dry Root Zone Moisture: Wet Moist Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 5 20 40 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: TRZAW TRZAW TRZAW Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf 3 leaf 3-4 tiller Height, Unit: 3 in 3-4 in 5-6 in Crop Health: Good Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: LOLMU LOLMU LOLMU Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf 3 leaf 2-3 tiller Height, Unit: 2-3 in 3 in 3 in Density,Unit: 600 m2 600 m2 600 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM LAMAM LAMAM Growth Stage: 2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 3 in Density,Unit: 60 m2 10 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 03/27/06 Stunting was difficult to rate, moisture competition when rye was not adequately controlled severely stunted the winter wheat. 04/26/06 and 05/09/06: Injury was not rated in plots with poor ryegrass control, dueto stunting caused by weed competition.

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University of Delaware Annual Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat Trial ID: SG01-06 Cooperator: Syngenta, Bayer Location: Field #36 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code LOLMUCrop Code TRZAW TRZAW TRZAWWeed or Crop Name Winter Winter Winter AnnualWeed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Wheat RyegrassRating Data Type Injury Injury Injury ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 11/28/05 02/01/06 03/27/06 03/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 g 2 Hoelon..........diclofop-mthyl 3 EC 0.75 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 b 0.0 a 97.0 ab3 A12303 0.83 EC 0.027 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 b 0.0 a 43.3 e

A12127 100 AL .0406 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 4 A12303 0.83 EC 0.054 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 b 0.0 a 83.3 d

A12127 100 AL .0815 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 5 Olympus.......propoxycarbazone 70 WG .0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 b 0.0 a 33.3 f

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 6 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 3.3 bc 0.0 b 0.0 a 99.0 a

Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A 7 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 6.3 b 0.0 b 0.0 a 95.7 ab

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 2LfRG A

8 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 b 0.0 a 88.3 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 1-2TilRG B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 1-2TilRG B

9 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 b 0.0 a 89.3 cd Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.5 % v/v 1-2TilRG B

10 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.14 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 13.3 a 26.7 a 0.0 a 92.0 bc Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 2LfRG A

11 A12303 0.83 EC 0.027 lb ai/A Spring C A12127 100 AL .0406 % v/v Spring C

12 A12303 0.83 EC 0.054 lb ai/A Spring C A12127 100 AL .0815 % v/v Spring C

13 Olympus.......propoxycarbazone 70 WG .0262 lb ai/A Spring C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring C

14 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A Spring C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v Spring C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v Spring C

LSD (P=.05) 3.46 1.57 0.00 6.19Standard Deviation 1.73 0.91 0.00 3.61CV 30.12 34.23 0.0 5.0 Replicate F 4.333 1.000 0.000 0.533Replicate Prob(F) 0.0685 0.3874 1.0000 0.5958Treatment F 32.250 256.000 0.000 269.346Treatment Prob(F) 0.0004 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code LOLMUCrop Code TRZAW TRZAW TRZAWWeed or Crop Name Winter Winter Annual WinterWeed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Ryegrass WheatRating Data Type Injury Injury Control InjuryRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 04/11/06 04/26/06 04/26/06 05/09/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 a2 Hoelon..........diclofop-mthyl 3 EC 0.75 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 d 0.0 d 99.0 a 0.0 a3 A12303 0.83 EC 0.027 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 d 0.0 d 10.0 e 0.0 a

A12127 100 AL .0406 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 4 A12303 0.83 EC 0.054 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 d 0.0 d 76.0 c 0.0 a

A12127 100 AL .0815 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 5 Olympus.......propoxycarbazone 70 WG .0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 d 0.0 d 6.7 e 0.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 6 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 0.0 d 0.0 d 97.7 a 0.0 a

Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A 7 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 0.0 d 0.0 d 92.3 ab 0.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 2LfRG A

8 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 d 0.0 d 81.7 bc 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 1-2TilRG B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 1-2TilRG B

9 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 d 0.0 d 75.3 c 0.0 a Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.5 % v/v 1-2TilRG B

10 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.14 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 0.0 d 0.0 d 76.0 c 0.0 a Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 2LfRG A

11 A12303 0.83 EC 0.027 lb ai/A Spring C 20.0 c 33.3 d 0.0 a A12127 100 AL .0406 % v/v Spring C

12 A12303 0.83 EC 0.054 lb ai/A Spring C 23.3 c 45.0 a 73.3 c A12127 100 AL .0815 % v/v Spring C

13 Olympus.......propoxycarbazone 70 WG .0262 lb ai/A Spring C 28.3 b 30.0 c 43.3 d 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring C

14 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A Spring C 36.7 a 35.0 b 81.7 bc 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v Spring C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v Spring C

LSD (P=.05) 4.56 4.33 12.02 0.00Standard Deviation 2.72 2.50 7.16 0.00CV 35.09 29.55 11.84 0.0 Replicate F 0.565 0.000 12.340 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.5751 1.0000 0.0002 1.0000Treatment F 70.540 128.769 71.036 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(SG01-06) Page 6

University of Delaware Weed Code LOLMU LOLMU Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Annual Annual Weed or Crop Name Ryegrass Ryegrass Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 05/09/06 06/02/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 f 2 Hoelon..........diclofop-mthyl 3 EC 0.75 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 96.3 a 91.0 ab 3 A12303 0.83 EC 0.027 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 0.0 f 10.0 f

A12127 100 AL .0406 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 4 A12303 0.83 EC 0.054 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 70.7 d 63.3 e

A12127 100 AL .0815 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 5 Olympus.......propoxycarbazone 70 WG .0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 15.0 ef 0.0 f

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG B 6 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 95.3 ab 89.0 abc

Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A 7 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 93.3 ab 81.7 a-d

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 2LfRG A

8 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 86.7 abc 75.0 b-e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 1-2TilRG B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 1-2TilRG B

9 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG B 81.0 bcd 67.7 de Methylated Seed Oil 100 L 0.5 % v/v 1-2TilRG B

10 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.14 lb ai/A 2LfRG A 81.0 bcd 73.3 cde Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2LfRG A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2LfRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 2LfRG A

11 A12303 0.83 EC 0.027 lb ai/A Spring C 25.0 e 10.0 f A12127 100 AL .0406 % v/v Spring C

12 A12303 0.83 EC 0.054 lb ai/A Spring C 72.3 cd 66.7 de A12127 100 AL .0815 % v/v Spring C

13 Olympus.......propoxycarbazone 70 WG .0262 lb ai/A Spring C 23.3 e 10.0 f Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring C

14 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A Spring C 84.3 a-d 92.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v Spring C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v Spring C

LSD (P=.05) 15.32 16.14 Standard Deviation 9.13 9.61 CV 15.5 18.44 Replicate F 1.854 1.740 Replicate Prob(F) 0.1768 0.1953 Treatment F 49.596 44.130 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

Page 308: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

(SG02-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Broadleaf Weed Control in Winter Wheat Trial ID: SG02-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #36 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Hairy Bittercress CARHI Cardamine hirsuta L. 2. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L. 3. Mouseear Cress ARBTH Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. 4. Common Chickweed STEME Stellaria media (L.) Vill./cyr.

Crop 1: Winter Wheat TRZAW Variety: SS-560 Planting Date: 10/19/05 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 100 lb/A Row Spacing: 7 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 75 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 10/29/05 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: Study was top-dressed with 25 gal/A 30% UAN (81 lb N) on 3-7-06. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 77 % OM: 1.9 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 12 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 11 CEC: 5.3 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.5 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 11/18/05 03/20/06 Time of Day: 12:30 am 11:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: 2 lvs Spring Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 40 F 45 F % Relative Humidity: 44 36 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 3 mph Wind Direction: North Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 40 F 40 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 40 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: TRZAW TRZAW Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf 3-4 tiller Height, Unit: 2 in 5-6 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: CARHI CARHI Height, Unit: 2 in Density,Unit: 4 m2 Weed 2 Code: CERVU CERVU Height, Unit: 2 in Density,Unit: 2 m2 Weed 3 Code: ARBTH ARBTH Height, Unit: 2-3 in Density,Unit: 4 m2 Weed 4 Code: STEME STEME Height, Unit: 6 in Density,Unit: 3 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 03/27/06 Very few weeds present in the untreated check and did not rate weed control. 03/27/06 and 04/11/06 Injury rating was leaf burn from the Aim treatment. 04/27/06 Injury associated with 2,4-D was stunting and poor head emergence. 06/02/06 Treatment of 2,4-D amine has delayed the maturity of the small grain.

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(SG02-06) Page 4

University of Delaware Broadleaf Weed Control in Winter Wheat Trial ID: SG02-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #36 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code TRZAW TRZAW TRZAW TRZAWWeed or Crop Name Winter Winter Winter WinterWeed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Wheat WheatRating Data Type Injury Injury Injury InjuryRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 11/28/05 03/27/06 04/11/06 04/27/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 2 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .0234 lb ai/A 2 lvs A 15.0 ab 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2 lvs A 3 Starane EC......fluroxypyr 1.5 EC 0.094 lb ae/A 2 lvs A 1.7 cd 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 4 Starane EC......fluroxypyr 1.5 EC 0.125 lb ae/A 2 lvs A 6.3 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 5 2,4-D amine 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 2 lvs A 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 b 43.3 a 6 Banvel..........dicamba 4 EC 0.25 lb ai/A 2 lvs A 4.0 cd 0.0 b 0.0 b 7.3 b 7 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A 2 lvs A 16.7 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2 lvs A 8 Olympus Flex Premix 11.25 DF 0.021 lb ai/A 2 lvs A 11.7 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c

----mesosulfuron 4.5 .0084 ----propoxycarbazone 6.75 .0126 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.5 % v/v 2 lvs A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 2 lvs A

9 Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.014 lb ai/A 2 lvs A 4.0 cd 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c ----thifensulfuron 50 .0093 ----tribenuron 25 .0047 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2 lvs A

10 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .0039 lb ai/A 2 lvs A 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2 lvs A

11 Aim.............carfentrazone 2 EW .0234 lb ai/A Spring B 23.3 a 11.7 a 0.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring B

12 Starane EC......fluroxypyr 1.5 EC 0.125 lb ae/A Spring B 0.0 b 0.0 b 3.3 bc13 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG .0134 lb ai/A Spring B 0.0 b 11.7 a 0.0 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v Spring B

14 Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.014 lb ai/A Spring B 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c ----thifensulfuron 50 .0093 ----tribenuron 25 .0047 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Spring B

LSD (P=.05) 4.88 2.59 1.76 5.21Standard Deviation 2.84 1.54 1.05 3.10CV 47.9 92.58 62.9 80.25 Replicate F 0.574 1.000 2.167 0.321Replicate Prob(F) 0.5735 0.3816 0.1348 0.7283Treatment F 14.927 49.000 49.000 41.711Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

Page 312: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

(SG03-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Annual Ryegrass Control With Everest Trial ID: SG03-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Field #36 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Annual Ryegrass LOLMU Lolium multiflorum Lam. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L.

Crop 1: Winter Wheat TRZAW Variety: SS-560 Planting Date: 10/19/05 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 100 lb/A Row Spacing: 7 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 75 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 10/29/05 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated Trial Initiation Comments: Gulf annual ryegrass was broadcast seeded with a spinner spreader and incorporated with a field cultivator prior to planting wheat. MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: Study was top-dressed with 25 gal/A 30% UAN (81 lb N) on 3-7-06. SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 77 % OM: 1.9 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 12 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 11 CEC: 5.3 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.5 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 12/12/05 Time of Day: 11:00 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: 1-2TilRG Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 33 F Wind Velocity, Unit: 6 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 38 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 20 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: TRZAW Growth Stage: 3 leaf Height, Unit: 3-4 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: LOLMU Growth Stage: 3 leaf Height, Unit: 3 in Density,Unit: 600 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM Growth Stage: 2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 60 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: CO2

Trial Comments 03/27/06 Stunting was difficult to rate, moisture competition when rye was not adequately controlled severely stunted the winter wheat. 04/27/06 Injury was not rated due to stunting caused by weed competition. 06/02/06 Only the Osprey treatment provided acceptable annual ryegrass control.

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University of Delaware Weed Code LOLMU LOLMUCrop Code TRZAW TRZAW Weed or Crop Name Winter Winter Annual AnnualWeed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Ryegrass RyegrassRating Data Type Injury Injury Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 02/01/06 03/27/06 03/27/06 04/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 f 0.0 e 2 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 0.0 b 0.0 a 70.0 e 45.0 d

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 3 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 0.0 b 0.0 a 75.0 cde 53.3 bcd

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

4 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 0.0 b 0.0 a 73.3 de 46.7 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

5 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 0.0 b 0.0 a 75.0 cde 53.3 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

6 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 0.0 b 0.0 a 78.3 bcd 53.3 bcd Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0187 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 .0125 ----tribenuron 25 .00623 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

7 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 18.3 a 0.0 a 83.3 b 63.3 b Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0187 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 .0125 ----tribenuron 25 .00623 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

8 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 3.3 b 0.0 a 76.7 b-e 53.3 bcd Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 0.0156 ----tribenuron 25 0.0078 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

9 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 18.3 a 0.0 a 81.0 bc 60.0 bc Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 0.0156 ----tribenuron 25 0.0078 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

10 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG 0.0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 0.0 b 0.0 a 95.7 a 78.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 1-2TilRG A

LSD (P=.05) 3.62 0.00 7.55 14.23Standard Deviation 2.11 0.00 4.40 8.29CV 52.7 0.0 6.21 16.36Replicate F 2.250 0.000 3.270 1.051Replicate Prob(F) 0.1342 1.0000 0.0615 0.3700Treatment F 39.250 0.000 103.691 17.811Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code LOLMUCrop Code Weed or Crop Name AnnualWeed or Crop Name RyegrassRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 05/09/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 2 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 33.3 b

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 3 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 38.3 b

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

4 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 33.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

5 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 55.0 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

6 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 31.7 b Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0187 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 .0125 ----tribenuron 25 .00623 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

7 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0219 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 50.0 ab Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0187 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 .0125 ----tribenuron 25 .00623 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

8 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 35.0 b Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 0.0156 ----tribenuron 25 0.0078 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

9 Everest.........flucarbazone 70 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 50.0 ab Harmony Extra Premix 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A ----thifensulfuron 50 0.0156 ----tribenuron 25 0.0078 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2 % v/v 1-2TilRG A

10 Osprey..........mesosulfuron 4.5 WG 0.0134 lb ai/A 1-2TilRG A 78.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 1-2TilRG A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 1-2TilRG A

LSD (P=.05) 29.46Standard Deviation 17.17CV 42.37 Replicate F 0.019Replicate Prob(F) 0.9811Treatment F 4.186Treatment Prob(F) 0.0047 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Soy1a-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Fall Herbicide Applications for No-till Crops Trial ID: Soy1a-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Chickweed STEME Stellaria media (L.) Vill./cyr. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 3. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 4. Field Chickweed CERAR Cerastium arvense L. 5. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 6. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 05/24/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 78 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/31/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble

Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit 1. 06/21/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 22 fl oz/A 2. 06/21/06 Firstrate 84 WG 0.3 oz wt/A

SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 2.4 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 8 CEC: 5.4 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.1 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 11/08/05 Time of Day: 12:30 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Fall Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F % Relative Humidity: 32 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 69 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 85 WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: STEME Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 240 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 Weed 3 Code: VIORA Growth Stage: 2-6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 240 m2 Weed 4 Code: CERAR Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 5 Code: VICVI Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 2 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 Weed 6 Code: CERVU Growth Stage: cot-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 60 m2

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University of Delaware Fall Herbicide Applications for No-till Crops Trial ID: Soy1a-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 03/20/06 Weed control was excellent in treatment 2 and 3 (no residual herbicides). 04/12/06 Excellent control (>99%) for all treatments of the following species: henbit, common chickweed, mouseear chickweed, Carolina geranium, horseweed, and cress species. Thus, only species not controlled by all treatments were rated. 06/06/06 Gramoxone was applied across the back half of each plot (second week of May) and weed control was good for most species. Weed control in untreated checks was excellent with the at-planting application of Gramoxone. Common lambsquarters and henbit control was poor in treatments other than untreated check, possibly due to size of the plants. Field pansy control was generally excellent, except in a few situations where the plants had developed a thick mat, and coverage was not complete.

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University of Delaware Fall Herbicide Applications for No-till Crops Trial ID: Soy1a-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA VIORA AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy Pansy Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 f 0.0 b 0.0 c 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 82.7 de 74.3 b-e 0.0 b 0.0 c 3 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 83.3 cde 82.0 bc 0.0 b 0.0 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 84.0 cd 77.7 bcd

Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A Fall A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 85.0 cd 77.7 bcd

2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A 6 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 85.0 cd 71.0 de

Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

7 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 90.0 bc 76.0 bcd 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 83.3 cde 80.7 bcd 36.7 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A

9 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 86.7 cd 82.7 b 33.3 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 100.0 a 99.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094

11 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 96.7 ab 97.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.56 lb ae/A Fall A 76.7 e 66.0 e 13 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.375 lb ai/A Fall A 88.3 cd 73.3 b-e

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A 14 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 83.3 cde 72.7 cde 20.0 bc

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.156 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

LSD (P=.05) 6.83 9.97 0.49 21.39Standard Deviation 4.07 5.94 0.26 12.02CV 5.06 8.07 0.65 33.2

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA VIORA AMBEL CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Field Field Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy Pansy Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06 Replicate F 2.266 10.236 1.000 1.384Replicate Prob(F) 0.1239 0.0005 0.4096 0.2877Treatment F 103.280 45.269 134551.013 36.484Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Rating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 10/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 16.3 a2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 16.6 a3 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 15.5 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 17.3 a

Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A Fall A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 16.1 a

2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A 6 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 17.5 a

Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

7 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 16.7 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 16.9 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A

9 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 16.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 19.7 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094

11 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 15.5 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.56 lb ae/A Fall A 17.3 a13 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.375 lb ai/A Fall A 15.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A 14 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 18.0 a

Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.156 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

LSD (P=.05) 4.85Standard Deviation 2.89CV 17.25 Replicate F 15.184Replicate Prob(F) 0.0001Treatment F 0.520Treatment Prob(F) 0.8913 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Fall Herbicide Applications for No-till Crops Trial ID: Soy1b-06 Cooperator: Location: Middletown Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Common Dandelion TAROF Taraxacum officinale Weber in Wiggers

2. Hairy Bittercress CARHI Cardamine hirsuta L. 3. Volunteer Wheat TRZAX Triticum aestivum L. Wiggers

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 12/01/05 Time of Day: 11:30 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Fall Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 45 F % Relative Humidity: 70 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 48 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 100

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A Weed 1 Code: TAROF Growth Stage: 15 leaf Height, Unit: 8 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 Weed 2 Code: CARHI Growth Stage: 15 leaf Height, Unit: 6 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 Weed 3 Code: TRZAX Growth Stage: 3 leaf Height, Unit: 5 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: CO2

Trial Comments 3-16-06 All plots except the weedy check were clean (no weeds).

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University of Delaware Fall Herbicide Applications for No-till Crops - Strip Trials Trial ID: Soy2-06 Cooperator: Location: Eric Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 2. Rabbitfoot Clover TRFAR Trifolium arvense L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 06/02/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 84 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/09/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 30 FT Plot Length, Unit: 575 FT Reps: 4 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION Texture: loamy sand Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 1 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 11/18/05 Time of Day: 10:00 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Fall Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 34 F % Relative Humidity: 58 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph Wind Direction: North Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 34 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 0

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A Weed 1 Code: LAMAM Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 300 m2 Weed 2 Code: TRFAR Growth Stage: 6-8 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 30 psi Nozzle Type: AI TEEJET Nozzle Size: 11005 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 30 ft Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 5 mph Carrier: Water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Pump

Trial Comments 05/19/06: Horseweed and common chickweed was present in the untreated checks, but not in the other treatments. Common chickweed was senescing and difficult to rate. Bladder campion was present in one rep and Canopy EX provided excellent control; paraquat alone and with Valor was poor control. 06/18/06: Canopy EX in the fall provided excellent weed control at this rating.

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University of Delaware Fall Herbicide Applications for No-till Crops - Strip Trials Trial ID: Soy2-06 Cooperator: Location: Eric Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ERICA LAMAM CHEAL ERICA CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Horse- Henbit Common Horse- CommonWeed or Crop Name weed Lambqtrs weed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/19/06 05/19/06 05/19/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 72.5 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 33.3 a 0.0 b

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A 3 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 97.5 a 0.0 b 0.0 b 50.0 a 0.0 b

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

4 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

LSD (P=.05) 39.36 0.00 0.00 89.60 0.00Standard Deviation 24.61 0.00 0.00 39.53 0.00CV 36.46 0.0 0.0 86.24 0.0 Replicate F 0.936 0.000 0.000 1.733 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.4627 1.0000 1.0000 0.2870 1.0000Treatment F 14.394 0.000 0.000 3.333 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0009 1.0000 1.0000 0.1376 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS Crop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Pigweed Soybean Weed or Crop Name Species Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 06/08/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 39.6 a 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 0.0 b 38.7 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A 3 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 0.0 b 40.4 a

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

4 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A 100.0 a 35.6 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v Fall A

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 4.30 Standard Deviation 0.00 2.64 CV 0.0 6.83 Replicate F 0.000 5.319 Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0262 Treatment F 0.000 2.584 Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.1259 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Fall Weed Control programs for No-Till Soybeans Trial ID: Soy4-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Chickweed STEME Stellaria media (L.) Vill./cyr. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 3. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 4. Hairy Bittercress CARHI Cardamine hirsuta L. 5. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 6. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 05/24/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 78 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/31/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble

Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit 1. 06/21/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 22 fl oz/A 2. 06/21/06 Firstrate 84 WG 0.3 oz wt/A

SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 2.4 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 8 CEC: 5.4 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.1 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 11/08/05 12/12/05 Time of Day: 12:30 pm 11:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: Fall Mid-Dec Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F 34 F % Relative Humidity: 32 40 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 6 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 69 F 38 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 85 20 WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: STEME STEME Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf 8-10 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 240 m2 240 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM LAMAM Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf 6-8 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 300 m2 300 m2 Weed 3 Code: VIORA VIORA Growth Stage: 2-6 leaf 6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 180 m2 180 m2 Weed 4 Code: CARHI CARHI Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf 4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 25 m2 Weed 5 Code: VICVI VICVI Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf 8-10 leaf Height, Unit: 2 in 2 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 30 m2 Weed 6 Code: CERVU CERVU Growth Stage: cot-4 leaf 4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 70 m2 70 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Backpack Operating Pressure: 29 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air CO2

Trial Comments 02/01/06 Treatment 8 had excellent control; however treatment 14 (glyphosate in mid-December) was rated as poor for control of common chickweed, henbit, and horseweed. 03/20/06 General observation: Low rates of Canopy EX looked good. 04/12/06 Excellent control (>99%) for all treatments of the following species: henbit, common chickweed, mouseear chickweed, Carolina geranium, horseweed, and cress species. Thus, only species not controlled by all treatmentswere rated. 06/06/06 Gramoxone was applied across the back half of each plot (second week of May) and weed control was good for most species. Weed control in untreated checks was excellent with the at-planting application of Gramoxone. Common lambsquarters and henbit control was poor in treatments other than untreated check, possibly due to size of the plants. Field pansy control was generally excellent, except in a few situations where the plants had developed a thick mat, and coverage was not complete.

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University of Delaware Fall Weed Control programs for No-Till Soybeans Trial ID: Soy4-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA VIORA CHEALWeed or Crop Name Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy Pansy LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 e 0.0 d 2 Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

3 Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0304 lb ai/A Fall A 96.7 ab 95.7 a 100.0 a ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0234 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.007 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

4 Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0203 lb ai/A Fall A 100.0 a 96.7 a 100.0 a ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0156 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0047 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

5 Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.061 lb ai/A Fall A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.047 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.014 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 95.7 ab 83.3 b 97.3 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A Fall A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2.04 % w/v Fall A

7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2.04 % w/v Fall A

8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Fall A 83.3 d 72.7 d 0.0 d 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2.04 % w/v Fall A

9 Basis Premix 75 DF 0.014 lb ai/A Fall A 88.3 cd 79.3 bc 79.3 bc ----rimsulfuron 50 0.0093 ----thifensulfuron 25 .00467 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF .00586 lb ai/A Fall A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA VIORA CHEALWeed or Crop Name Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy Pansy LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Basis Premix 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A Fall A 92.3 bc 82.7 b 86.7 b ----rimsulfuron 50 0.0156 ----thifensulfuron 25 0.0078 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF .00586 lb ai/A Fall A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

11 Basis Premix 75 DF 0.014 lb ai/A Fall A 90.0 c 79.3 bc 75.0 c ----rimsulfuron 50 0.0093 ----thifensulfuron 25 .00467 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.56 lb ae/A Fall A 83.3 d 74.7 cd 0.0 d 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2.04 % w/v Fall A

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Mid-Dec B 100.0 a 96.3 a 100.0 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Mid-Dec B ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Mid-Dec B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2.04 % w/v Mid-Dec B

14 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A Mid-Dec B 92.3 bc 76.7 cd 0.0 d LSD (P=.05) 5.16 5.83 7.93Standard Deviation 3.07 3.47 4.72CV 3.52 4.27 7.05 Replicate F 3.661 1.715 0.264Replicate Prob(F) 0.0397 0.1997 0.7704Treatment F 212.019 162.402 268.990Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Fall Weed Control programs with Iodosulfuron for No-Till Soybeans Trial ID: Soy5-06 Cooperator: Bayer Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Chickweed STEME Stellaria media (L.) Vill./cyr. 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 3. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 4. Field Chickweed CERAR Cerastium arvense L. 5. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 6. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 05/24/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 78 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/31/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble

Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit 1. 06/21/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 22 fl oz/A 2. 06/21/06 Firstrate 84 WG 0.3 oz wt/A

SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 2.4 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 8 CEC: 5.4 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.1 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 11/18/05 Time of Day: 10:30 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Fall Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 35 F % Relative Humidity: 55 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph Wind Direction: North Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 34 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: STEME Growth Stage: 4-6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 240 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 Weed 3 Code: VIORA Growth Stage: 2-6 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 240 m2 Weed 4 Code: CERAR Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 5 Code: VICVI Growth Stage: 4-8 leaf Height, Unit: 2 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 Weed 6 Code: CERVU Growth Stage: cot-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 60 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 02/01/06 Treatment 10 had excellent control; Treatment 3 (highest rate of Autumn) was rated as poor for control of common chickweed and horseweed. 03/20/06 Autumn was weak on field pansy and mouseear chickweed was not completely controlled. 04/12/06 Excellent control (>99%) for all treatments of the following species: henbit, common chickweed, mouseear chickweed, Carolina geranium, horseweed, and cress species. Thus, only species not controlled by all treatments were rated. 06/06/06 Gramoxone was applied across the back half of each plot (second week of May) and weed control was good for most species. Weed control in untreated checks was excellent with the at-planting application of Gramoxone. Common lambsquarters and henbit control was poor in treatments other than untreated check, possibly due to size of the plants. Field pansy control was generally excellent, except in a few situations where the plants had developed a thick mat, and coverage was not complete.

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University of Delaware Fall Weed Control programs with Iodosulfuron for No-Till Soybeans Trial ID: Soy5-06 Cooperator: Bayer Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA VIORA CHEALWeed or Crop Name Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy Pansy LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 d 0.0 e 2 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 73.3 e 50.0 c 50.0 d

Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

3 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00375 lb ai/A Fall A 80.0 de 76.0 b 63.3 cd Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

4 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 83.3 cde 86.7 b 98.3 ab Princep.........simazine 4 L 1 lb ai/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

5 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 78.3 de 76.2 b 64.0 cd Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.25 lb ai/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

6 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 91.7 abc 87.7 b 90.0 ab Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.47 lb ai/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

7 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 86.0 bcd 80.3 b 77.5 bc Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.56 lb ai/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

8 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 88.3 bcd 81.4 b 81.0 abc 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

9 Autumn..........iodosulfuron 10 WG .00187 lb ai/A Fall A 96.7 ab 84.7 b 61.7 cd Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.56 lb ae/A Fall A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v Fall A 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.56 lb ae/A Fall A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Canopy EX Premix 29.5 WG 0.0406 lb ai/A Fall A ----chlorimuron 22.7 0.0312 ----tribenuron 6.8 0.0094 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 1.5 % v/v Fall A

LSD (P=.05) 11.61 12.10 21.24Standard Deviation 6.77 6.99 11.94CV 8.7 9.67 17.4

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA VIORA CHEALWeed or Crop Name Field Field CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy Pansy LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/12/06 05/12/06 Replicate F 0.341 1.118 1.078Replicate Prob(F) 0.7154 0.3512 0.3712Treatment F 53.310 49.574 18.040Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Tank-mixes of Glyphosate and Racer for Enhanced Burndown Activity Trial ID: Soy6-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Mouseear Chickweed CERVU Cerastium vulgatum L. 2. Hairy Bittercress CARHI Cardamine hirsuta L. 3. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 4. Horseweed ERICA Erigeron canadensis L. 5. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 05/24/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 78 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/31/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble

Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit 1. 06/21/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 22 fl oz/A 2. 06/21/06 Firstrate 84 WG 0.3 oz wt/A

SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 2.4 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.7 % Clay: 8 CEC: 5.4 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.1 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 11/28/05 Time of Day: 12:30 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Post Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 69 F % Relative Humidity: 63 Wind Velocity, Unit: 6 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 68 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 85 WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Weed 1 Code: CERVU Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 150 m2 Weed 2 Code: CARHI Growth Stage: 4 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 120 m2 Weed 3 Code: LAMAM Growth Stage: 4 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 200 m2 Weed 4 Code: ERICA Growth Stage: 4-5 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 Weed 5 Code: VIORA Growth Stage: 4 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 40 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments chickweed = common and mouseear henbit = deadnettle 03/20/06: Excellent control in plots with 11 oz of Touchdown Total, but 5.5 oz was not consistent, particularly under crop residue. 06/06/06 Gramoxone was applied across the back half of each plot (second week of May) and weed control was good for most species. Weed control in untreated checks was excellent with the at-planting application of Gramoxone. Common lambsquarters and henbit control was poorin treatments other than untreated check, possibly due to size of the plants. Field pansy control was generally excellent, except in a few situations where the plants had developed a thick mat, and coverage was not complete.

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University of Delaware Tank-mixes of Glyphosate and Racer for Enhanced Burndown Activity Trial ID: Soy6-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code STEME LAMAM CARHI VIORACrop Code CERVU Weed or Crop Name Chickwd Henbit Bitter- FieldWeed or Crop Name Species cress PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.0 ab Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 86.7 abc 86.7 abc 100.0 a 76.7 abc Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 96.0 a 95.0 ab 100.0 a 96.7 a Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 95.0 ab 83.3 abc 100.0 a 86.0 abc Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 86.7 abc 73.3 bc 100.0 a 71.7 abc Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

6 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 90.0 abc 100.0 a 100.0 a 90.0 abc Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

7 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 96.7 a 96.7 ab 100.0 a 95.0 ab Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

8 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 96.7 a 80.0 abc 98.3 a 79.0 abc Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

9 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 79.3 bcd 75.0 abc 90.0 ab 58.3 c Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

10 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 76.7 cd 65.0 cd 66.7 c 73.3 abc Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

11 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 66.7 d 65.0 cd 60.0 c 61.7 bc Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

12 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 65.0 d 65.6 c 75.0 bc 60.0 c Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

13 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 0.0 e 0.0 e 0.0 e 0.0 d Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

14 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 10.0 e 13.3 e 10.0 e 10.0 d Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

15 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 13.3 e 40.0 d 33.3 d 13.3 d Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

16 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 96.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 91.0 abc 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.237 lb ai/A POST A

LSD (P=.05) 16.17 25.20 22.67 34.88Standard Deviation 9.70 15.09 13.60 20.92CV 13.44 21.2 17.64 31.62 Replicate F 5.044 9.248 1.228 7.274Replicate Prob(F) 0.0129 0.0008 0.3071 0.0027Treatment F 36.265 12.017 19.020 6.867Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA STEME LAMAM CARHICrop Code CERVU Weed or Crop Name Horse- Chickwd Henbit Bitter-Weed or Crop Name weed Species cressRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 100.0 a 95.7 a 91.7 a 100.0 a Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 78.3 a-d Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 92.7 a Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 75.0 a-e 92.7 a 86.3 a 100.0 a Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 76.7 a-d Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

6 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 91.7 ab Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

7 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 86.7 abc 99.0 a 88.3 a 100.0 a Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

8 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 67.5 a-e Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

9 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 45.0 def Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

10 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 43.3 def 76.7 b 66.7 b 86.5 b Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

11 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 36.7 efg Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

12 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 48.3 c-f Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

13 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 0.0 g 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

14 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 23.3 fg Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

15 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 53.3 b-f Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

16 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 98.3 a 94.0 a 96.0 a 100.0 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.237 lb ai/A POST A

LSD (P=.05) 39.07 9.53 14.05 1.19Standard Deviation 23.40 5.24 7.72 0.65CV 36.82 6.87 10.8 0.8 Replicate F 0.688 1.626 0.338 0.900Replicate Prob(F) 0.5105 0.2446 0.7209 0.4402Treatment F 4.646 159.320 66.868 11570.701Treatment Prob(F) 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Field Horse- Weed or Crop Name Pansy weed Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 05/15/06 05/15/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 86.7 a 90.0 ab Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 79.3 ab 78.3 bc Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

6 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

7 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 79.3 ab 84.3 ab Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

8 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

9 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

10 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 68.3 b 65.0 c Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

11 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

12 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

13 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 0.0 c 0.0 d Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST

14 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

15 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

16 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 79.0 ab 98.3 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.237 lb ai/A POST A

LSD (P=.05) 12.53 14.09 Standard Deviation 6.89 7.75 CV 10.53 11.17 Replicate F 0.823 0.300 Replicate Prob(F) 0.4668 0.7473 Treatment F 67.152 64.000 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Tank-mixes of Glyphosate and Racer for Enhanced Burndown Activity Trial ID: Soy6-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code STEME LAMAM CARHI VIORA ERICACrop Code CERVU Weed or Crop Name Chickwd Henbit Bitter- Field Horse-Weed or Crop Name Species cress Pansy weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 77.0 81.1 79.3 80.5 66.3Replicate 2 67.3 70.0 76.0 60.9 61.7Replicate 3 67.4 56.7 71.3 52.2 55.7TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 94.2 93.9 100.0 89.8 90.32 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 90.6 85.6 100.0 82.6 81.13 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 90.9 83.9 96.1 77.4 66.44 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 69.4 65.2 67.2 65.0 42.85 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 7.8 17.8 14.4 7.8 25.6


1 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 73.7 69.0 73.3 70.1 61.02 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 69.3 63.7 73.7 59.8 56.53 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 68.7 75.1 79.7 63.7 66.2


1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.0 100.01 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 95.0 83.3 100.0 86.0 75.01 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 96.7 96.7 100.0 95.0 86.71 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 76.7 65.0 66.7 73.3 43.31 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 86.7 86.7 100.0 76.7 78.32 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 86.7 73.3 100.0 71.7 76.72 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 96.7 80.0 98.3 79.0 67.52 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 66.7 65.0 60.0 61.7 36.72 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 10.0 13.3 10.0 10.0 23.32 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code STEME LAMAM CARHI VIORA ERICACrop Code CERVU Weed or Crop Name Chickwd Henbit Bitter- Field Horse-Weed or Crop Name Species cress Pansy weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06 04/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 96.0 95.0 100.0 96.7 92.73 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 90.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 91.73 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 79.3 75.0 90.0 58.3 45.03 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 65.0 65.6 75.0 60.0 48.33 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 13.3 40.0 33.3 13.3 53.33 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

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University of Delaware Tank-mixes of Glyphosate and Racer for Enhanced Burndown Activity Trial ID: Soy6-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For STEME CERVU Chickwd Species Control % 04/12/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 53032.977778 R 2 928.044444 464.022222 4.729 0.0170 7.4A 4 47842.533333 11960.633333 121.901 0.0001 9.6B 2 217.377778 108.688889 1.108 0.3443 7.4AB 8 1297.733333 162.216667 1.653 0.1546 16.6ERROR 28 2747.288889 98.117460FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For LAMAM Henbit Control % 04/12/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 49219.749837 R 2 4493.826663 2246.913332 9.947 0.0005 11.2A 4 33778.392631 8444.598158 37.385 0.0001 14.5B 2 983.826684 491.913342 2.178 0.1321 11.2AB 8 3639.012457 454.876557 2.014 0.0817 25.1ERROR 28 6324.691401 225.881836FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CARHI Bitter- cress Control % 04/12/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 57061.111111 R 2 484.444444 242.222222 1.230 0.3077 10.5A 4 48794.444444 12198.611111 61.927 0.0001 13.6B 2 381.111111 190.555556 0.967 0.3924 10.5AB 8 1885.555556 235.694444 1.197 0.3364 23.5ERROR 28 5515.555556 196.984127FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For VIORA Field Pansy Control % 04/12/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 62471.244444 R 2 6291.377778 3145.688889 6.743 0.0041 16.2A 4 39151.688889 9787.922222 20.980 0.0001 20.9B 2 806.577778 403.288889 0.864 0.4322 16.2AB 8 3158.311111 394.788889 0.846 0.5711 36.1ERROR 28 13063.288889 466.546032FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ERICA Horse- weed Control % 04/12/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 50886.479280 R 2 853.709656 426.854828 0.758 0.4778 17.7A 4 25936.871294 6484.217823 11.522 0.0001 22.9B 2 708.162704 354.081352 0.629 0.5404 17.7AB 8 7629.933555 953.741694 1.695 0.1438 39.7ERROR 28 15757.802071 562.778645

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University of Delaware Weed Code STEME LAMAM CARHI VIORA ERICACrop Code CERVU Weed or Crop Name Chickwd Henbit Bitter- Field Horse-Weed or Crop Name Species cress Pansy weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 72.4 65.8 77.3 67.0 62.0Replicate 2 70.0 66.0 77.0 60.2 63.0Replicate 3 76.0 68.0 77.6 61.0 65.6TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 95.7 91.7 100.0 86.7 90.02 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 92.7 86.3 100.0 79.3 78.33 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 99.0 88.3 100.0 79.3 84.34 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 76.7 66.7 86.5 68.3 65.05 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


1 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 72.8 66.6 77.3 62.7 63.52 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A . . . . .3 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A . . . . .


1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A 95.7 91.7 100.0 86.7 90.01 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A 92.7 86.3 100.0 79.3 78.31 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A 99.0 88.3 100.0 79.3 84.31 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A 76.7 66.7 86.5 68.3 65.01 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 Racer 3.3 L 0 % w/w POST 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .2 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .2 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .2 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .2 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST . . . . .2 Racer 3.3 L 0.57 % w/w POST A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.72 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .3 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.54 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .3 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

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University of Delaware Weed Code STEME LAMAM CARHI VIORA ERICACrop Code CERVU Weed or Crop Name Chickwd Henbit Bitter- Field Horse-Weed or Crop Name Species cress Pansy weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06 05/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.36 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .3 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 4 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.18 lb ae/A POST A . . . . .3 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A 5 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0 lb ae/A POST . . . . .3 Racer 3.3 L 1.14 % w/w POST A

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University of Delaware Tank-mixes of Glyphosate and Racer for Enhanced Burndown Activity Trial ID: Soy6-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #7 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For STEME CERVU Chickwd Species Control % 05/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 74062.800000 R 2 30.400000 15.200000 1.533 0.2334 2.4A 4 6918.800000 1729.700000 174.465 0.0001 3.0B 2 52998.400000 26499.200000 2672.830 0.0001 2.4AB 8 13837.600000 1729.700000 174.465 0.0001 5.3ERROR 28 277.600000 9.914286FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For LAMAM Henbit Control % 05/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 62673.200000 R 2 4.933333 2.466667 0.129 0.8796 3.3A 4 5925.644444 1481.411111 77.426 0.0001 4.2B 2 44355.600000 22177.800000 1159.119 0.0001 3.3AB 8 11851.288889 1481.411111 77.426 0.0001 7.3ERROR 28 535.733333 19.133333FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CARHI Bitter- cress Control % 05/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 82574.800000 R 2 0.300000 0.150000 1.000 0.3806 0.3A 4 7605.800000 1901.450000 12676.334 0.0001 0.4B 2 59752.900000 29876.450000 199176.348 0.0001 0.3AB 8 15211.600000 1901.450000 12676.334 0.0001 0.6ERROR 28 4.200000 0.150000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For VIORA Field Pansy Control % 05/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 55153.644444 R 2 46.044444 23.022222 1.341 0.2778 3.1A 4 5090.755556 1272.688889 74.144 0.0001 4.0B 2 39354.711111 19677.355556 1146.360 0.0001 3.1AB 8 10181.511111 1272.688889 74.144 0.0001 6.9ERROR 28 480.622222 17.165079FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ERICA Horse- weed Control % 05/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 44 57156.577778 R 2 11.511111 5.755556 0.265 0.7690 3.5A 4 5390.800000 1347.700000 62.083 0.0001 4.5B 2 40364.844444 20182.422222 929.726 0.0001 3.5AB 8 10781.600000 1347.700000 62.083 0.0001 7.8ERROR 28 607.822222 21.707937

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University of Delaware Eastern Black Nightshade Control with Postemergence Herbicides Trial ID: Soy8-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP - Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Ivyleaf Morningglory IPOHE Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. 2. Eastern Black Nightshade SOLPT Solanum ptycanthum Dun. 3. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 4. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 5. Jimsonweed DATST Datura stramonium L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: DY36M49 Planting Date: 05/03/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 150000 Sd/A Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 75 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/11/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: 5-30-06 Treatments 1,3,4, and 8-14 were sprayed with Select 2EC (8 oz/A) and COC (1% v/v) for annual grass control. Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown

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A B C Application Date: 05/30/06 06/07/06 06/13/06 Time of Day: 11:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: 3 WAP 4 WAP 5 WAP Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 84 F 68 F 72 F % Relative Humidity: 48 65 56 Wind Velocity, Unit: 0 mph 4 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: N/A Northeast North Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 86 F 67 F 72 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Dry Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 30 100 15 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: 2-trifol 3-trifol 5-trifol Height, Unit: 4-6 in 8 in 10 in Crop Health: Good Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: IPOHE IPOHE IPOHE Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf cot-4 leaf Height, Unit: 2-3 in 1-5 in 2-6 in Density,Unit: 2 m2 3 m2 3 m2 Weed 2 Code: SOLPT SOLPT SOLPT Growth Stage: cot-3 leaf cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 1-2 in 2-8 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 50 m2 50 m2 Weed 3 Code: AMASS AMASS AMASS Growth Stage: cot-3 leaf 5 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in 4 in 2-5 in Density,Unit: 5 m2 5 5 m2 Weed 4 Code: DIGSS DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 2-3 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 100 m2 Weed 5 Code: DATST DATST DATST Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf 6 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in 5 in 6-8 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 1 m2 1 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 22 in 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 06/07/06 Glyphosate provided excellent postemergence weed control, and ratings are based on newly emerged seedlings. 09/08/06 Eastern black nightshade control was excellent with glyphosate late (trt 4), treatments with Pursuit or Raptor (either alone or with glyphosate). Control of grass was not as good with Raptor plus glyphosate as Pursuit plus glyphosate.

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University of Delaware Eastern Black Nightshade Control with Postemergence Herbicides Trial ID: Soy8-06 Cooperator: UAP Location: UAP - Seaford Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMASS IPOSS SOLPTCrop Code GLXMA GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Soybean Pigweed Mornglry E.Black SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Species Species NightshdRating Data Type Stunting Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/07/06 06/07/06 06/07/06 06/07/06 06/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 d2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 96.0 a 98.7 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 4 WAP B 9.0 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B 4 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 5 WAP C

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 5 WAP C 5 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0173 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 97.7 a 99.0 a

Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS 0.0625 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 22.3 b 100.0 a 96.3 a 100.0 a Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

7 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 30.0 ab 100.0 a 96.3 a 99.0 a Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

8 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0173 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 0.0 c 53.3 b 86.7 b 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

9 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS 0.0625 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 20.0 b 100.0 a 87.3 b 99.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

10 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 35.0 a 98.7 a 87.0 b 97.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

11 Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 12.3 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

12 Blazer..........acifluorfen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 28.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

13 Cobra...........lactofen 2 EC 0.195 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 43.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

14 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 25.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

LSD (P=.05) 11.96 13.04 5.38 3.45 5.69Standard Deviation 6.83 7.45 3.07 1.97 3.13CV 50.88 9.14 3.8 2.66 15.92 Replicate F 3.115 0.854 0.587 0.816 0.204Replicate Prob(F) 0.0760 0.4467 0.5693 0.4622 0.8187Treatment F 14.567 72.947 346.715 1616.730 74.571Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS IPOSS SOLPT AMASSCrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry E.Black Soybean PigweedWeed or Crop Name Species Species Nightshd SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/13/06 06/21/06 06/21/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.4 c 0.0 d 0.0 e 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A 0.0 d 83.3 d

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 4 WAP B 100.0 a 81.7 c 95.3 a 1.7 d 98.3 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B 4 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 5 WAP C 0.0 d 98.3 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 5 WAP C 5 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0173 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 0.0 d 97.7 a

Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS 0.0625 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 0.0 d 96.7 ab Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

7 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 1.7 d 97.0 a Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

8 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0173 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 0.0 d 90.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

9 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS 0.0625 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 0.0 d 97.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

10 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 6.7 c 98.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

11 Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 100.0 a 99.7 a 94.7 a 1.7 d 97.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

12 Blazer..........acifluorfen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.7 a 20.0 b 98.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

13 Cobra...........lactofen 2 EC 0.195 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 100.0 a 91.7 b 97.7 a 31.7 a 99.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

14 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 70.0 b 50.0 d 70.0 b 20.0 b 92.3 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 2.87 3.37 3.98 4.39Standard Deviation 0.00 1.55 1.82 2.37 2.61CV 0.0 2.2 2.41 39.87 2.94 Replicate F 0.000 2.562 1.746 3.276 1.578Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.1316 0.2286 0.0538 0.2256Treatment F 0.000 1915.131 1325.473 55.707 295.985Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS SOLPT Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry E.Black Weed or Crop Name Species Nightshd Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 d 2 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A 82.0 b-e 78.3 b

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A 3 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 4 WAP B 96.3 ab 96.7 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B 4 Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 5 WAP C 78.7 de 98.3 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 5 WAP C 5 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0173 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 91.0 a-d 91.3 a

Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS 0.0625 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 76.7 de 97.7 a Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

7 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 85.7 a-d 97.0 a Glyphosate 3 L 0.75 lb ae/A 3 WAP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

8 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0173 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 89.3 a-d 11.7 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

9 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS 0.0625 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 80.7 cde 96.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

10 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 3 WAP A 70.7 e 97.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WAP A

11 Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 96.7 a 89.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

12 Blazer..........acifluorfen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 93.7 abc 93.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

13 Cobra...........lactofen 2 EC 0.195 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 90.0 a-d 98.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

14 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS 0.039 lb ai/A 4 WAP B 80.3 cde 95.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 4 WAP B

LSD (P=.05) 14.61 10.50 Standard Deviation 8.71 6.25 CV 10.96 7.67 Replicate F 0.950 1.672 Replicate Prob(F) 0.3997 0.2074 Treatment F 23.052 81.480 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Preemergence Control of Glyphosate-resistant Horseweed with Valor Trial ID: Soy9-06 Cooperator: Valent Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Horseweed ERICA Erigeron canadensis L. 2. Redstem Filaree EROCI Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. 3. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 4. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 5. Wild Garlic ALLVI Allium vineale L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 05/24/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 78 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/01/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 83 % OM: 1.5 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 9 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 8 CEC: 4.3 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.1 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 05/02/06 Time of Day: 3:30 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: 30EPP Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 72 F % Relative Humidity: 29 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 70 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 10

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A Weed 1 Code: ERICA Growth Stage: bolting Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 100 m2 Weed 2 Code: EROCI Growth Stage: seed Height, Unit: 4-6 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 Weed 3 Code: VICVI Growth Stage: flower Height, Unit: 6-10 in Density,Unit: 8 m2 Weed 4 Code: VIORA Growth Stage: flower Height, Unit: 4-5 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 Weed 5 Code: ALLVI Height, Unit: 8-12 in Density,Unit: 10 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 24 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/17/06: Soybeans 1 to 2 trifoliate, 4 inches tall. Some deer damage observed in the plots.

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University of Delaware Preemergence Control of Glyphosate-resistant Horseweed with Valor Trial ID: Soy9-06 Cooperator: Valent Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ERICA STEME OEOLA VICVI ERICACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Horse- Common Cutleaf Hairy Horse-Weed or Crop Name weed Chickwd EPrimrse Vetch weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 d 0.0 g 0.0 d2 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 68.3 b 92.3 cd 66.7 c 60.0 f 63.3 c3 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 73.3 b 95.0 bc 91.7 ab 86.7 de 73.3 b

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

4 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 94.7 a 95.3 b 88.3 b 87.7 cde 95.3 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

5 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 96.0 a 97.0 ab 93.0 ab 92.3 bc 94.3 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

6 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 95.3 a 90.0 d 88.3 b 83.3 e 97.7 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

7 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 99.0 a 95.7 b 97.7 a 91.3 cd 97.7 a Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

8 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 96.0 a 91.7 d 88.7 b 87.7 cde 99.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

9 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 99.0 a 99.0 a 89.7 ab 99.0 a 99.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

10 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 99.0 a 99.0 a 86.0 b 97.0 ab 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 7.22 2.94 8.06 5.63 7.37Standard Deviation 4.21 1.71 4.70 3.28 4.29CV 5.13 2.0 5.95 4.18 5.25 Replicate F 7.665 0.647 1.034 2.586 0.924Replicate Prob(F) 0.0039 0.5354 0.3759 0.1030 0.4151Treatment F 161.437 930.902 113.761 243.496 159.704Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code STEME OEOLA VICVI VIORA ALLVICrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Cutleaf Hairy Field WildWeed or Crop Name Chickwd EPrimrse Vetch Pansy GarlicRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 83.0 b 78.3 d 65.0 b 79.3 bc 80.0 ab 3 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 90.0 ab 81.7 bcd 81.7 ab 86.7 ab 74.0 abc

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

4 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 95.3 ab 90.0 abc 92.3 a 88.3 ab 69.1 bc Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

5 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 96.0 a 87.0 bcd 94.3 a 96.7 a 86.6 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

6 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 93.3 ab 88.7 a-d 92.3 a 68.3 c 66.0 c Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

7 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 98.3 a 99.0 a 97.0 a 94.7 a 80.0 ab Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

8 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 96.7 a 93.0 ab 91.7 a 86.7 ab 65.0 c Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

9 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 99.0 a 91.0 abc 99.0 a 96.0 a 85.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

10 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 99.0 a 81.3 cd 99.0 a 96.3 a 76.6 abc Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 12.68 11.57 19.00 13.54 13.78Standard Deviation 7.39 6.74 11.08 7.89 7.87CV 8.69 8.54 13.64 9.96 11.53 Replicate F 0.333 8.315 0.377 0.685 1.728Replicate Prob(F) 0.7208 0.0028 0.6914 0.5167 0.2134Treatment F 50.338 53.313 22.462 41.209 30.540Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS ERICACrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry Horse-Weed or Crop Name weed Species weedRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 2 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 0.0 b 63.3 b 30.0 c 36.7 c 3 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 0.0 b 68.3 b 47.4 bc 40.0 c

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

4 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 0.0 b 91.7 a 78.3 a 83.3 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

5 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 0.0 b 93.3 a 90.0 a 83.3 b Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

6 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 13.3 ab 99.0 a 75.0 ab 90.0 ab Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

7 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 15.0 a 100.0 a 61.7 ab 100.0 a Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

8 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 20.0 a 100.0 a 75.0 ab 100.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

9 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 17.5 a 100.0 a 66.7 ab 100.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

10 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 7.5 ab 100.0 a 0.0 d 95.0 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 13.61 9.35 28.83 16.32Standard Deviation 7.48 5.45 16.74 9.51CV 102.05 6.68 31.94 13.06 Replicate F 0.283 1.487 0.844 3.160Replicate Prob(F) 0.7595 0.2526 0.4473 0.0667Treatment F 3.735 101.769 11.204 40.206Treatment Prob(F) 0.0260 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 2 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 0.0 c 3 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 30.0 bc

Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

4 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 68.3 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

5 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 63.3 ab Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

6 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 60.0 ab Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

7 Roundup Orig. Max...glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 30EPP A 56.7 ab Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

8 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 49.3 ab Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

9 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 53.3 ab Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A 30EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

10 Clarity.........dicamba 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A 30EPP A 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 30EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 30EPP A

LSD (P=.05) 34.01Standard Deviation 19.42CV 45.87 Replicate F 0.425Replicate Prob(F) 0.6618Treatment F 5.511Treatment Prob(F) 0.0028 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Soy11-05) Page 1

University of Delaware KIH-485 in Roundup-Ready Soybeans Trial ID: Soy11-05 Cooperator: Kumiai Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 2. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 3. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 4. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 5. Carpetweed MOLVE Mollugo verticillata L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502 Planting Date: 05/19/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 68 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 05/27/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 77 % OM: 2.1 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 13 pH: 6.1 % Clay: 10 CEC: 4.5 Fert. Level: Optimum Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/23/06 06/21/06 Time of Day: 8:00 am 3:00 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE 2-3 lf Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 48 F 86 F % Relative Humidity: 69 38 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 3 mph Wind Direction: North North Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 45 F 87 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 20 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: 2-3 Tfif Height, Unit: 5-6 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Height, Unit: 2-7 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 Weed 2 Code: AMASS AMASS Height, Unit: 2-6 in Density,Unit: 10 m2 Weed 3 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Height, Unit: 2-5 in Density,Unit: 5 m2 Weed 4 Code: DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 2 lf-2 til Height, Unit: 2-8 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 Weed 5 Code: MOLVE MOLVE Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 30 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/02/06: No injury was observed from the soil-applied treatments. 06/17/06: Soybeans 3 trifoliate, 6 inches tall. Injury and weed control were not consistent due to heavy rains over the past 2 weeks. Soil has crust in some areas and soil has washed into some plots from border region. 06/30/06: Soybeans are 5 to 4 trifoliates and 8 inches tall. Due to heavy rains in the past week further ratings of residual herbicide control will be difficult to evaluate efficacy due to leaching of herbicides. 09/06/06: Addition of KIH-485 to glyphosate improved grass control compared to glyphosate 98 and 90%, respectively. KIH-485 plus glyphosate also improved pigweed control to 98% compared to 70% with glyphosate alone. KIH-485 was more effective as a tankmixture with glyphosate POST compared to use at planting followed by glyphosate POST. There was a rate response with KIH-485 POST.

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University of Delaware KIH-485 in Roundup-Ready Soybeans Trial ID: Soy11-05 Cooperator: Kumiai Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASSCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Large Giant PigweedWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 99.0 a 94.0 a 96.7 a3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.106 lb ai/A Pre A 11.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.18 lb ai/A Pre A 10.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 100.0 a 96.7 a 100.0 a6 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.68 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 99.0 a 94.0 a 100.0 a7 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 0.0 b 95.0 a 95.0 a 100.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 8 KIH-485 85 WG 0.069 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 9 KIH-485 85 WG 0.138 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B

LSD (P=.05) 7.25 6.24 8.03 3.92Standard Deviation 4.04 3.51 4.51 2.20CV 153.78 4.73 6.23 2.96 Replicate F 0.698 0.579 3.780 0.857Replicate Prob(F) 0.5183 0.5755 0.0533 0.4488Treatment F 4.363 510.661 295.214 1308.612Treatment Prob(F) 0.0150 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSSCrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 a2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 71.7 a 95.0 a 35.7 bc 0.0 a3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.106 lb ai/A Pre A 94.7 a 100.0 a 66.7 ab 0.0 a4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.18 lb ai/A Pre A 93.3 a 100.0 a 71.7 a 0.0 a5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A Pre A 16.7 b 73.3 b 0.0 d 0.0 a6 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.68 lb ai/A Pre A 81.7 a 70.0 b 18.3 cd 0.0 a7 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 85.0 a 88.3 ab 56.7 ab 0.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 8 KIH-485 85 WG 0.069 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 9 KIH-485 85 WG 0.138 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 0.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 0.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 31.03 20.98 33.63 0.00Standard Deviation 17.44 11.79 18.90 0.00CV 31.5 17.91 60.73 0.0 Replicate F 0.504 0.232 1.248 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.6163 0.7963 0.3217 1.0000Treatment F 17.539 38.318 7.977 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0010 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA SETFA AMASS AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Giant Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Foxtail Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 d 2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 91.7 b 92.7 abc 91.7 ab 16.7 d 3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.106 lb ai/A Pre A 90.0 bc 92.3 bc 91.7 ab 53.3 c 4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.18 lb ai/A Pre A 94.0 ab 96.0 ab 96.7 a 75.0 b 5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A Pre A 82.7 cd 86.7 c 87.3 b 0.0 d 6 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.68 lb ai/A Pre A 81.0 d 87.7 c 100.0 a 6.7 d 7 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 8 KIH-485 85 WG 0.069 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.0 ab

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 9 KIH-485 85 WG 0.138 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.0 ab

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 89.3 ab

LSD (P=.05) 7.85 7.39 8.82 21.27Standard Deviation 4.58 4.31 5.14 12.40CV 5.45 5.04 5.93 23.35 Replicate F 0.574 2.275 2.977 0.178Replicate Prob(F) 0.5732 0.1316 0.0764 0.8388Treatment F 131.772 150.190 107.914 36.038Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 06/30/06 06/30/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 e 0.0 d 2 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 86.7 ab 13.3 cd 3 KIH-485 85 WG 0.106 lb ai/A Pre A 80.0 bc 20.0 c 4 KIH-485 85 WG 0.18 lb ai/A Pre A 91.7 ab 43.3 b 5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A Pre A 53.3 d 10.0 cd 6 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.68 lb ai/A Pre A 65.0 cd 0.0 d 7 KIH-485 85 WG 0.09 lb ai/A Pre A 100.0 a 82.0 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 8 KIH-485 85 WG 0.069 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 100.0 a 82.7 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 9 KIH-485 85 WG 0.138 lb ai/A 2-3 lf B 100.0 a 81.3 a

Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 10 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 2-3 lf B 100.0 a 81.0 a

LSD (P=.05) 16.66 19.72 Standard Deviation 9.71 11.49 CV 12.51 27.79 Replicate F 5.308 0.818 Replicate Prob(F) 0.0154 0.4569 Treatment F 32.016 30.720 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Soy12-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Chlorimuron-based Programs for Preplant Weed Control in No-Tillage Soybeans Trial ID: Soy12-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 2. Redstem Filaree EROCI Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. 3. Horseweed ERICA Erigeron canadensis L. 4. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 5. Yellow Woodsorrel OXAFL Oxalis stricta L.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 06/02/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 84 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/09/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: No Tillage/Corn Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION Texture: sandy loam Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 05/09/06 06/30/06 Time of Day: 11:00 am 2:00 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: 17EPP 35DAP Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 62 F 81 F % Relative Humidity: 30 40 Wind Velocity, Unit: 4 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 60 F 82 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 45 25

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A B Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: 3 trifol Height, Unit: 6-7 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: VIORA VIORA Growth Stage: flower flower Height, Unit: 4 in 6-8 in Density,Unit: 200 m2 30 m2 Weed 2 Code: EROCI EROCI Growth Stage: flower seed Height, Unit: 12 in 12 in Density,Unit: 6 m2 6 m2 Weed 3 Code: ERICA ERICA Growth Stage: bolting bolting Height, Unit: 4 in 10 in Density,Unit: 2 m2 2 m2 Weed 4 Code: VICVI VICVI Growth Stage: flower flower Height, Unit: 12 in 12-15 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 10 m2 Weed 5 Code: OXAFL OXAFL Growth Stage: flower flower Height, Unit: 9 in 9 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 1 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 24 in 30 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/26/06 Summer annual weeds are not uniform in the plot. Some untreated check plots were weed-free, thus no ratings were not taken.

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University of Delaware Chlorimuron-based Programs for Preplant Weed Control in No-Tillage Soybeans Trial ID: Soy12-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Low Rate 45.0 e 90.0 a 62.5 de 36.7 def Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

2 Low Rate 60.0 b-e 90.0 a 67.7 b-e 53.3 b-e Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

3 Low Rate 46.7 de 90.0 a 85.0 ab 36.7 def Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

4 Low Rate 66.7 abc 90.0 a 79.3 a-d 53.3 b-e Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

5 Low Rate 53.3 cde 90.0 a 74.0 a-d 50.0 b-f Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

6 Low Rate 73.3 ab 90.0 a 77.7 a-d 55.0 bcd Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Low Rate 72.7 ab 90.0 a 79.0 a-d 60.0 bc Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

8 Low Rate 68.3 abc 90.0 a 81.5 abc 60.0 bc Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

9 High Rate 65.0 a-d 90.0 a 62.5 de 56.7 bcd Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF 0.0086 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

10 High Rate 61.7 a-e 90.0 a 53.3 e 63.3 abc Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0081 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

11 High Rate 58.3 b-e 90.0 a 85.0 ab 33.3 ef Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.16 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

12 High Rate 68.3 abc 90.0 a 83.5 abc 60.0 bc Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.283 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

13 High Rate 63.3 a-e 90.0 a 80.0 a-d 50.0 b-f Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.49 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

14 High Rate 70.0 abc 90.0 a 75.0 a-d 43.3 c-f Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0264 lb ai/A 17EPP A Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.132 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

15 High Rate 70.3 abc 90.0 a 88.0 a 56.7 bcd Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0266 lb ai/A 17EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.08 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

16 High Rate 71.7 abc 90.0 a 81.7 abc 65.0 ab Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

17 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.281 lb ai/A 17EPP A 75.3 ab 90.0 a 78.5 a-d 65.0 ab 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

18 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 c 0.0 g 0.0 g 19 Extreme Premix 2.17 AS 0.81 lb ai/A 17EPP A 78.7 a 90.0 a 66.7 b-e 81.7 a

----imazethapyr 0.17 0.0635 ----glyphosate 2 0.75 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

20 Scepter.........imazaquin 70 DG 0.122 lb ai/A 17EPP A 71.7 abc 90.0 a 65.0 cde 56.7 bcd 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

21 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 13.3 f 70.0 b 20.0 f 30.0 f Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

22 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 c 0.0 g 0.0 g LSD (P=.05) 18.53 0.00 18.90 20.06Standard Deviation 11.23 0.00 11.26 12.16CV 19.71 0.0 17.13 25.07

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06 Replicate F 0.210 0.000 1.474 0.264Replicate Prob(F) 0.8118 1.0000 0.2476 0.7692Treatment F 12.747 0.000 15.774 7.869Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Low Rate 82.3 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

2 Low Rate 84.3 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

3 Low Rate 91.7 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

4 Low Rate 91.7 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

5 Low Rate 86.7 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

6 Low Rate 90.0 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

7 Low Rate 94.0 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

8 Low Rate 94.0 a Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

9 High Rate 92.3 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF 0.0086 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

10 High Rate 90.0 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0081 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

11 High Rate 92.3 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.16 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

12 High Rate 95.0 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.283 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

13 High Rate 84.3 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.027 lb ai/A 17EPP A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.49 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

14 High Rate 86.7 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0264 lb ai/A 17EPP A Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.132 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

15 High Rate 96.7 a Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0266 lb ai/A 17EPP A Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.08 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

16 High Rate 94.0 a Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

17 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.281 lb ai/A 17EPP A 92.3 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

18 Untreated Check 0.0 c19 Extreme Premix 2.17 AS 0.81 lb ai/A 17EPP A 91.7 a

----imazethapyr 0.17 0.0635 ----glyphosate 2 0.75 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

20 Scepter.........imazaquin 70 DG 0.122 lb ai/A 17EPP A 84.7 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

21 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 66.7 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 17EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

22 Untreated Check 0.0 cLSD (P=.05) 14.62Standard Deviation 8.86CV 10.94 Replicate F 0.349Replicate Prob(F) 0.7075Treatment F 27.786Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Chlorimuron-based Programs for Preplant Weed Control in No-Tillage Soybeans Trial ID: Soy12-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 59.9 90.0 75.8 52.8Replicate 2 63.4 90.0 72.3 52.5Replicate 3 66.9 90.0 79.9 50.9TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Low Rate 60.8 90.0 75.8 50.62 High Rate 66.1 90.0 76.1 53.5


1 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 55.0 90.0 62.5 46.71 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 1 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 60.8 90.0 60.5 58.32 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 3 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 52.5 90.0 85.0 35.03 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 3 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 4 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 67.5 90.0 81.4 56.74 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 4 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 5 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 58.3 90.0 77.0 50.05 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

6 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 71.7 90.0 76.3 49.26 Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 6 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 7 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 71.5 90.0 83.5 58.37 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 7 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 7 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 8 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 70.0 90.0 81.6 62.58 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 8 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 8 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B


1 Low Rate 45.0 90.0 62.5 36.71 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 1 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 65.0 90.0 62.5 56.71 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 1 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 60.0 90.0 67.7 53.32 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 61.7 90.0 53.3 63.32 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Low Rate 46.7 90.0 85.0 36.73 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 3 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 58.3 90.0 85.0 33.33 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 3 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 66.7 90.0 79.3 53.34 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 4 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 68.3 90.0 83.5 60.04 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 4 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 53.3 90.0 74.0 50.05 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 63.3 90.0 80.0 50.05 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 73.3 90.0 77.7 55.06 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 6 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA GERCA VIORAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Carolina FieldWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Geranium PansyRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 High Rate 70.0 90.0 75.0 43.36 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 6 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 72.7 90.0 79.0 60.07 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 7 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 7 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 70.3 90.0 88.0 56.77 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 7 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 7 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 68.3 90.0 81.5 60.08 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 8 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 8 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 8 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 71.7 90.0 81.7 65.08 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 8 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 8 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 8 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Chlorimuron-based Programs for Preplant Weed Control in No-Tillage Soybeans Trial ID: Soy12-06 Cooperator: DuPont Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For VIORA Field Pansy Control % 05/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 7379.666667 R 2 399.041667 199.520833 1.720 0.1963 7.8A 1 341.333333 341.333333 2.942 0.0966 6.3B 7 2495.666667 356.523810 3.073 0.0146 12.7AB 7 662.666667 94.666667 0.816 0.5815 18.0ERROR 30 3480.958333 116.031944FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ERICA Horse- weed Control % 05/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 7 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 7 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 30 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GERCA Carolina Geranium Control % 05/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 6825.979167 R 2 469.885417 234.942708 3.344 0.0488 6.1A 1 1.020833 1.020833 0.015 0.9049 4.9B 7 3728.229167 532.604167 7.582 0.0001 9.9AB 7 519.395833 74.199405 1.056 0.4147 14.0ERROR 30 2107.447917 70.248264FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For VIORA Field Pansy Control % 06/06/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 8291.666667 R 2 32.291667 16.145833 0.124 0.8841 8.3A 1 102.083333 102.083333 0.782 0.3837 6.7B 7 3250.000000 464.285714 3.555 0.0067 13.5AB 7 989.583333 141.369048 1.083 0.3987 19.1ERROR 30 3917.708333 130.590278

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 90.7Replicate 2 87.0Replicate 3 93.4TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Low Rate 89.32 High Rate 91.4


1 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 87.31 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 1 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 87.22 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 3 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 92.03 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 3 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 4 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 93.34 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 4 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 5 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 85.55 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 6 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 88.36 Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 6 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

7 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 95.37 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 7 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 7 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 8 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 94.08 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 8 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 8 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B


1 Low Rate 82.31 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 1 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 92.31 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 Harmony GT......thifensulfuron 75 DF .00486 lb ai/A 17EPP A 1 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 1 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 1 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 84.32 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 90.02 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 Express.........tribenuron 75 DF 0.0047 lb ai/A 17EPP A 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 2 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 2 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 91.73 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 3 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 High Rate 92.33 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.088 lb ai/A 17EPP A 3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 3 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 3 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 3 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 91.74 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 4 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 95.04 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0151 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.158 lb ai/A 17EPP A 4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 4 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 4 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 4 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 86.75 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 84.35 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.284 lb ai/A 17EPP A 5 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 5 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 5 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 5 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 90.06 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 6 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 86.76 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0147 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 Authority 75DF..sulfentrazone 75 DF 0.0731 lb ai/A 17EPP A 6 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 6 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 6 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 6 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

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University of Delaware Weed Code GERCAWeed or Crop Name CarolinaWeed or Crop Name GeraniumRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Low Rate 94.07 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 7 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 7 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 96.77 Classic.........chlorimuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 17EPP A 7 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 7 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 7 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 7 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 1 Low Rate 94.08 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 8 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 8 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 8 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B 2 High Rate 94.08 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 17EPP A 8 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 17EPP A 8 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v 17EPP A 8 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 35DAP B 8 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/v 35DAP B

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GERCA Carolina Geranium Control % 06/06/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 47 2843.250000 R 2 333.875000 166.937500 2.983 0.0658 5.4A 1 52.083333 52.083333 0.931 0.3424 4.4B 7 579.583333 82.797619 1.480 0.2122 8.8AB 7 198.916667 28.416667 0.508 0.8212 12.5ERROR 30 1678.791667 55.959722

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University of Delaware Annual Weed Control in No-Till Roundup-Ready Soybeans Trial ID: Soy13-06 Cooperator: Dow Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Field Pansy VIORA Viola rafinesquii Greene 2. Redstem Filaree EROCI Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. 3. Horseweed ERICA Erigeron canadensis L. 4. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 5. Yellow Woodsorrel OXAFL Oxalis stricta L. 6. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 7. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 8. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 06/02/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 84 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/09/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Corn Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION Texture: sandy loam Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 05/09/06 06/20/06 Time of Day: 10:00 am 8:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: 14EPP 5"weeds Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 58 F 72 F % Relative Humidity: 40 90 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph 0 mph Wind Direction: Northeast N/A Dew Presence (Y/N): N Y Soil Temp., Unit: 57 F 71 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Wet % Cloud Cover: 20 15

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A B Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: 1 trifol Height, Unit: 3-4 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: VIORA VIORA Growth Stage: flower flower Height, Unit: 4 in 5-7 in Density,Unit: 200 m2 0-30 m2 Weed 2 Code: EROCI EROCI Growth Stage: flower Height, Unit: 12 in Density,Unit: 6 m2 Weed 3 Code: ERICA ERICA Growth Stage: bolting Height, Unit: 4 in Density,Unit: 2 m2 Weed 4 Code: VICVI VICVI Growth Stage: flower Height, Unit: 12 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 5 Code: OXAFL OXAFL Growth Stage: flower Height, Unit: 9 in Density,Unit: 1 m2 Weed 6 Code: AMASS AMASS Growth Stage: 2-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 Weed 7 Code: DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 3 lf-3 til Height, Unit: 2-7 in Density,Unit: 30 m2 Weed 8 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Height, Unit: 3-6 in Density,Unit: 0.2 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 24 in 22 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

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University of Delaware Annual Weed Control in No-Till Roundup-Ready Soybeans Trial ID: Soy13-06 Cooperator: Dow Location: Eddie Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA ERICA VIORA ERICAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Field Horse-Weed or Crop Name Pansy weed Pansy weedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/08/06 06/08/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 c2 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A 14EPP A 83.7 b 93.3 a 89.6 ab 100.0 a

GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 14EPP A GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

3 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 14EPP A 70.0 c 93.3 a 26.7 c 100.0 a Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0157 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A 14EPP A 95.7 a 89.7 a 74.6 b 95.0 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

5 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A 14EPP A 91.0 a 90.0 a 80.0 ab 86.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

6 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A 96.7 a 80.0 b 94.3 a 36.7 b Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

7 Linex...........linuron 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A 96.0 a 94.7 a 83.3 ab 90.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

8 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 14EPP A 91.3 a 93.3 a 76.0 b 95.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

LSD (P=.05) 7.02 6.80 17.18 20.26Standard Deviation 4.01 3.88 9.66 11.39CV 5.14 4.9 14.73 15.1

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA VIORA ERICAWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Field Horse-Weed or Crop Name Pansy weed Pansy weedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/08/06 06/08/06 Replicate F 2.102 0.741 0.823 1.839Replicate Prob(F) 0.1591 0.4945 0.4624 0.2010Treatment F 200.231 208.660 36.444 31.408Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA ERICA AMASS AMBELWeed or Crop Name Field Horse- Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Pansy weed Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b2 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A 14EPP A 100.0 a 97.3 a 92.3 ab 100.0 a

GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 14EPP A GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

3 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 95.0 a 98.0 a 100.0 a Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0157 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 100.0 a 92.7 ab 96.7 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

5 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A 14EPP A 99.0 a 100.0 a 96.7 a 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

6 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A 98.0 a 78.3 b 88.7 b 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

7 Linex...........linuron 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A 100.0 a 96.7 a 96.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

8 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 14EPP A 100.0 a 95.7 a 98.0 a 99.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

LSD (P=.05) 2.03 8.72 6.74 4.07Standard Deviation 1.16 4.98 3.85 2.33CV 1.33 6.0 4.65 2.68 Replicate F 1.960 0.242 2.420 0.331Replicate Prob(F) 0.1776 0.7880 0.1251 0.7236Treatment F 2761.240 141.669 229.099 682.578Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSAWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry LargeWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control ControlRating Unit % % %Rating Date 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/03/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b2 Python..........flumetsulam 80 WG 0.04 lb ai/A 14EPP A 100.0 a 89.3 a 96.3 a

GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 14EPP A GF-1280.........glyphosate 4 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

3 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 14EPP A 100.0 a 90.0 a 97.7 a Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0157 lb ai/A 14EPP A 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A GlyphoMax XRT...glyphosate 4 AS 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A 14EPP A 97.3 a 89.0 a 93.7 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

5 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A 14EPP A 96.7 a 94.7 a 94.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

6 Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A 95.7 a 86.0 a 96.3 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

7 Linex...........linuron 4 L 1 lb ai/A 14EPP A 95.7 a 87.3 a 95.3 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

8 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A 14EPP A 98.0 a 86.7 a 95.3 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 14EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 14EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.75 lb ae/A 5" weeds B Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 2 % w/w 5" weeds B

LSD (P=.05) 5.08 10.19 5.85Standard Deviation 2.90 5.82 3.34CV 3.39 7.47 3.99 Replicate F 3.636 0.547 0.564Replicate Prob(F) 0.0535 0.5907 0.5812Treatment F 426.509 88.433 307.921Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Horseweed ERICA Erigeron canadensis L. 2. Cutleaf Evening Primrose OEOLA Oenothera laciniata Hill 3. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 4. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 5. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 6. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 05/24/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Medium/Trashy Soil Temperature: 78 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/01/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: No Tillage/Soybean Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 83 % OM: 1.5 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 9 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 8 CEC: 4.3 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.1 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B C Application Date: 05/17/06 06/13/06 06/29/06 Time of Day: 10:00 am 8:30 am 11:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: 7EPP 14DAP 28DAP Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 65 F 64 F 80 F % Relative Humidity: 54 62 69 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph 2 mph 0 mph Wind Direction: West North N/A Dew Presence (Y/N): N Y N Soil Temp., Unit: 63 F 62 F 79 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Wet Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Dry % Cloud Cover: 0 0 10

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A B C Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: unif-1 tri 4 trifol Height, Unit: 3 in 8-10 in Crop Health: Good Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C Weed 1 Code: ERICA ERICA ERICA Growth Stage: bolting bolting Height, Unit: 1-4 in 2-7 in Density,Unit: 50 m2 0-100 m2 Weed 2 Code: OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA Growth Stage: EaFlowr Height, Unit: 4-7 in Density,Unit: 20 m2 Weed 3 Code: VICVI VICVI VICVI Growth Stage: flower Height, Unit: 10-14 in Density,Unit: 0-50 m2 Weed 4 Code: IPOSS IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cotyledon sdlng-run Height, Unit: 1 in 4-24 in Density,Unit: 100 m2 50-100 m2 Weed 5 Code: DIGSS DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 2 leaf tillering Height, Unit: 0.3 in 6-10 in Density,Unit: 250 m2 0-250 m2 Weed 6 Code: AMASS AMASS AMASS Height, Unit: 6-10 in Density,Unit: 0-15 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 24 in 22 in 26 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/17/06: Soybeans 1 to 2 trifoliate, 4 inches tall. Some deer damage observed in the plots. 07/11/06: Stunting due to competition from weeds not due to herbicide injury.

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA OEOLA VIORA OEOLACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Field Cutleaf Field CutleafWeed or Crop Name Pansy EPrimrse Pansy EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/07/06 06/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 99.0 a 94.3 a 100.0 a 90.0 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

2 No TM Partner 94.3 a 94.3 a 98.3 a 96.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 92.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 92.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

5 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 91.7 a 100.0 a 93.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

6 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 96.7 a 96.0 a 96.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

7 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 94.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA OEOLA VIORA OEOLACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Field Cutleaf Field CutleafWeed or Crop Name Pansy EPrimrse Pansy EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/07/06 06/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

8 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 94.7 a 100.0 a 93.3 ab ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

9 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 93.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

10 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 a 96.0 a 98.3 a 95.0 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 93.0 a 73.3 b 100.0 a 73.3 bc 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 60.0 c 61.7 c 68.3 c 53.3 cd Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 71.7 b 60.0 c 82.7 b 33.3 d Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 e LSD (P=.05) 8.91 10.79 8.81 22.22Standard Deviation 5.30 6.43 5.25 13.24CV 6.15 7.93 5.91 16.42 Replicate F 0.041 5.056 0.224 1.695Replicate Prob(F) 0.9595 0.0140 0.8010 0.2033Treatment F 80.862 50.985 80.234 16.181Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS GGGANCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry AnnualWeed or Crop Name weed Species GrassesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 a 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

2 No TM Partner 0.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 a 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 a 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 100.0 a 20.0 a 0.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

5 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 100.0 a 12.5 a 97.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

6 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 96.7 a 15.0 a 99.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

7 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 100.0 a 25.0 a 65.3 b ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

8 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 100.0 a 0.0 a 96.0 ab ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS GGGANCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry AnnualWeed or Crop Name weed Species GrassesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

10 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 100.0 a 20.0 a 0.0 c 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 a 68.3 b 10.0 a 0.0 c Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 c LSD (P=.05) 0.00 4.96 27.65 31.64Standard Deviation 0.00 2.91 15.68 18.36CV 0.0 3.32 168.25 56.53 Replicate F 0.000 0.804 1.255 1.088Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.4617 0.3174 0.3591Treatment F 0.000 330.839 1.161 18.760Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.3928 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS AMASSCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry PigweedWeed or Crop Name weed Species SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.0 c 100.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

2 No TM Partner 0.0 c 100.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

5 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 0.0 c 55.0 c ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

6 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 92.7 a 0.0 c 55.0 c ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

7 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 14.8 b 60.0 b ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

8 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 14.8 b 60.0 b ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS AMASSCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry PigweedWeed or Crop Name weed Species SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 5.0 ab 100.0 a 85.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

10 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 4.0 bc 100.0 a 84.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 c 100.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 d 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 60.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 8.7 a 80.0 b 84.0 a 100.0 a Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 dLSD (P=.05) 4.23 12.53 10.09 3.34Standard Deviation 2.41 7.46 5.96 1.97CV 164.0 8.48 29.53 5.21 Replicate F 0.948 0.309 1.845 1.833Replicate Prob(F) 0.4109 0.7365 0.1817 0.1836Treatment F 4.215 41.654 104.409 1373.173Treatment Prob(F) 0.0068 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL GGGAN ERICACrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Common Annual Soybean Horse-Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Grasses weedRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/26/06 06/26/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 0.0 d 0.0 d 8.0 bc 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

2 No TM Partner 0.0 d 0.0 d 16.7 bc 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 13.0 bc 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 7.3 bc 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

5 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 30.0 c 87.5 b 12.3 bc 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

6 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 30.0 c 87.5 b 8.3 bc 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

7 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 60.0 b 80.0 c 2.3 c 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

8 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 60.0 b 80.0 c 10.7 bc 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL GGGAN ERICACrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Common Annual Soybean Horse-Weed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Grasses weedRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/26/06 06/26/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 100.0 a 100.0 a 13.0 bc 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

10 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 100.0 a 100.0 a 6.7 bc 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 23.3 b 98.3 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 d 0.0 d 24.0 b 56.7 c Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 100.0 a 100.0 a 19.0 bc 81.7 b Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 d 53.3 a 0.0 dLSD (P=.05) 0.00 3.48 19.06 9.14Standard Deviation 0.00 2.05 11.36 5.44CV 0.0 4.53 72.93 6.16 Replicate F 0.000 3.808 0.663 0.502Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0380 0.5238 0.6109Treatment F 0.000 1602.425 3.669 80.321Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0023 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS AMASS CHEAL GGGANCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Pigweed Common AnnualWeed or Crop Name Species Species Lambqtrs GrassesRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 77.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

2 No TM Partner 77.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 88.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 ab 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 90.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 ab 99.7 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

5 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 85.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 ab 99.7 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

6 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 81.7 a 99.3 a 99.3 ab 99.3 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

7 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 86.3 a 99.7 a 99.7 ab 99.7 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

8 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 86.3 a 99.7 a 99.7 ab 99.7 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS AMASS CHEAL GGGANCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Pigweed Common AnnualWeed or Crop Name Species Species Lambqtrs GrassesRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 84.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

10 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 80.3 a 95.0 b 98.3 b 97.3 b Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 80.7 a 99.7 a 99.7 ab 99.7 a 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 83.3 a 99.3 a 99.3 ab 99.3 a Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 82.0 a 98.7 ab 99.7 ab 99.7 a Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

14 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 cLSD (P=.05) 12.50 3.97 1.45 1.31Standard Deviation 7.44 2.37 0.87 0.78CV 9.62 2.57 0.94 0.84 Replicate F 6.254 1.279 2.130 17.242Replicate Prob(F) 0.0061 0.2952 0.1392 0.0001Treatment F 27.573 377.682 2837.907 3486.103Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Rating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 No TM Partner 24.3 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

2 No TM Partner 21.5 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

3 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 20.8 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

4 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 21.7 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

5 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 22.8 ab ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

6 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 23.1 ab ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

7 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 27.1 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

8 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 19.2 b ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Rating Data Type YieldRating Unit Bu/ARating Date 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 18.4 b Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

10 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 21.7 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

11 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 19.1 b 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

12 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 20.9 ab Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 28DAP C

13 Roundup WeatherMax..glyphosate 4.5 AS 0.77 lb ae/A 7EPP A 19.2 b Sequence Premix 5.25 EW 1.64 lb ai/A 14DAP B ----glyphosate 2.25 0.7 ----s-metolachlor 3 0.94 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 14DAP B

14 Untreated Check 5.1 c LSD (P=.05) 6.74Standard Deviation 4.01CV 19.72 Replicate F 9.200Replicate Prob(F) 0.0010Treatment F 4.591Treatment Prob(F) 0.0005 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code VIORA OEOLA VIORA OEOLACrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Field Cutleaf Field Cutleaf SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Pansy EPrimrse Pansy EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/07/06 06/07/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 98.1 97.9 98.5 100.0 0.0Replicate 2 97.3 91.3 99.4 93.8 0.0Replicate 3 99.0 92.3 100.0 96.3 0.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 96.7 94.3 99.2 93.3 0.02 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 92.3 100.0 100.0 0.03 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 97.8 93.8 98.0 96.7 0.03 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 94.7 100.0 96.7 0.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 93.3 100.0 95.8 0.01 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 97.3 94.3 98.6 97.5 0.02 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C


1 No TM Partner 99.0 94.3 100.0 90.0 0.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 92.3 100.0 100.0 0.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code VIORA OEOLA VIORA OEOLACrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Field Cutleaf Field Cutleaf SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Pansy EPrimrse Pansy EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control Control StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/26/06 05/26/06 06/07/06 06/07/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 91.7 100.0 93.3 0.03 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 94.7 100.0 100.0 0.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 1 No TM Partner 94.3 94.3 98.3 96.7 0.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.0 92.3 100.0 100.0 0.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 96.7 96.0 96.0 100.0 0.03 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.0 94.7 100.0 93.3 0.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For VIORA Field Pansy Control % 05/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 226.625000 R 2 12.250000 6.125000 0.568 0.5794 3.5A 3 22.458333 7.486111 0.694 0.5710 4.1B 1 18.375000 18.375000 1.703 0.2130 2.9AB 3 22.458333 7.486111 0.694 0.5710 5.8ERROR 14 151.083333 10.791667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For OEOLA Cutleaf EPrimrse Control % 05/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 597.958333 R 2 204.083333 102.041667 4.122 0.0391 5.3A 3 19.125000 6.375000 0.258 0.8547 6.2B 1 7.041667 7.041667 0.284 0.6022 4.4AB 3 21.125000 7.041667 0.284 0.8358 8.7ERROR 14 346.583333 24.755952FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For VIORA Field Pansy Control % 06/07/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 156.958333 R 2 9.083333 4.541667 0.614 0.5552 2.9A 3 16.125000 5.375000 0.726 0.5529 3.4B 1 12.041667 12.041667 1.628 0.2228 2.4AB 3 16.125000 5.375000 0.726 0.5529 4.8ERROR 14 103.583333 7.398810FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For OEOLA Cutleaf EPrimrse Control % 06/07/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 1333.333333 R 2 158.333333 79.166667 1.317 0.2992 8.3A 3 133.333333 44.444444 0.739 0.5460 9.6B 1 16.666667 16.666667 0.277 0.6068 6.8AB 3 183.333333 61.111111 1.017 0.4149 13.6ERROR 14 841.666667 60.119048FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GLXMA Soybean Stunting % 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 14 0.000000 0.000000

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS GGGAN ERICACrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Horse- Mornglry Annual Soybean Horse-Weed or Crop Name weed Species Grasses weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/26/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 98.8 6.9 35.5 0.0 98.8Replicate 2 100.0 6.9 49.0 0.0 98.5Replicate 3 100.0 13.4 49.5 0.0 100.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.02 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 100.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 100.03 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 98.3 13.8 98.0 0.0 96.33 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 100.0 12.5 80.7 0.0 100.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 100.0 9.4 40.6 0.0 100.01 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.2 8.8 48.8 0.0 98.22 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C


1 No TM Partner 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 100.0 12.5 97.0 0.0 100.03 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS GGGAN ERICACrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Horse- Mornglry Annual Soybean Horse-Weed or Crop Name weed Species Grasses weedRating Data Type Control Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/26/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 100.0 25.0 65.3 0.0 100.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 1 No TM Partner 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 100.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 100.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 96.7 15.0 99.0 0.0 92.73 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 100.0 0.0 96.0 0.0 100.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ERICA Horse- weed Control % 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 95.833333 R 2 8.333333 4.166667 1.000 0.3927 2.2A 3 12.500000 4.166667 1.000 0.4217 2.5B 1 4.166667 4.166667 1.000 0.3343 1.8AB 3 12.500000 4.166667 1.000 0.4217 3.6ERROR 14 58.333333 4.166667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 4860.156250 R 2 229.687500 114.843750 0.675 0.5251 14.0A 3 700.781250 233.593750 1.372 0.2919 16.2B 1 2.343750 2.343750 0.014 0.9083 11.4AB 3 1544.531250 514.843750 3.025 0.0650 22.8ERROR 14 2382.812500 170.200893FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GGGAN Annual Grasses Control % 06/17/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 56667.333333 R 2 1009.333333 504.666667 1.295 0.3049 21.2A 3 48784.000000 16261.333333 41.716 0.0001 24.5B 1 400.166667 400.166667 1.027 0.3282 17.3AB 3 1016.500000 338.833333 0.869 0.4802 34.6ERROR 14 5457.333333 389.809524FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GLXMA Soybean Stunting % 06/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 14 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ERICA Horse- weed Control % 06/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 223.833333 R 2 10.333333 5.166667 1.000 0.3927 2.4A 3 60.500000 20.166667 3.903 0.0322 2.8B 1 20.166667 20.166667 3.903 0.0682 2.0AB 3 60.500000 20.166667 3.903 0.0322 4.0ERROR 14 72.333333 5.166667

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS AMASS CHEAL GGGANCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Pigweed Common AnnualWeed or Crop Name Species Species Lambqtrs GrassesRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 0.0 27.5 22.5 40.0Replicate 2 7.5 30.0 22.5 43.8Replicate 3 3.6 28.7 22.5 41.9TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.03 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 55.0 30.0 87.53 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 14.8 60.0 60.0 80.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 3.7 28.7 22.5 41.91 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 3.7 28.7 22.5 41.92 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C


1 No TM Partner 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 55.0 30.0 87.53 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS AMASS CHEAL GGGANCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Mornglry Pigweed Common AnnualWeed or Crop Name Species Species Lambqtrs GrassesRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06 06/26/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 14.8 60.0 60.0 80.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 1 No TM Partner 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 0.0 55.0 30.0 87.53 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 14.8 60.0 60.0 80.04 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 06/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 1886.209375 R 2 225.119539 112.559769 2.333 0.1335 7.4A 3 985.731219 328.577073 6.811 0.0046 8.6B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 6.1AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 12.2ERROR 14 675.358617 48.239901FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 06/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 20009.251201 R 2 25.000295 12.500148 2.333 0.1335 2.5A 3 19909.250276 6636.416759 1238.788 0.0001 2.9B 1 0.000017 0.000017 0.000 0.9986 2.0AB 3 0.000029 0.000010 0.000 1.0000 4.1ERROR 14 75.000584 5.357185FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 06/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 14850.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 14850.000000 4950.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 14 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GGGAN Annual Grasses Control % 06/26/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 42369.838992 R 2 56.250738 28.125369 5.727 0.0152 2.4A 3 42244.836679 14081.612226 2867.468 0.0001 2.7B 1 0.000042 0.000042 0.000 0.9977 1.9AB 3 0.000072 0.000024 0.000 1.0000 3.9ERROR 14 68.751460 4.910819

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS AMASSCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry PigweedWeed or Crop Name weed Species SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 14.9 100.0 74.4 99.3Replicate 2 8.0 100.0 88.4 99.9Replicate 3 6.6 100.0 89.5 100.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 12.3 100.0 77.7 100.02 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 10.2 100.0 89.0 99.73 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 10.3 100.0 83.3 99.53 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 6.5 100.0 86.3 99.74 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 8.9 100.0 84.3 99.81 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 10.8 100.0 83.9 99.72 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C


1 No TM Partner 8.0 100.0 77.7 100.01 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 13.0 100.0 88.0 99.71 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 12.3 100.0 85.0 99.73 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Weed Code ERICA IPOSS AMASSCrop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Soybean Horse- Mornglry PigweedWeed or Crop Name weed Species SpeciesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2.3 100.0 86.3 99.74 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 1 No TM Partner 16.7 100.0 77.7 100.02 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 7.3 100.0 90.0 99.72 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 8.3 100.0 81.7 99.33 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 10.7 100.0 86.3 99.74 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GLXMA Soybean Stunting % 07/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 1551.333333 R 2 312.583333 156.291667 2.594 0.1101 8.3A 3 106.333333 35.444444 0.588 0.6326 9.6B 1 20.166667 20.166667 0.335 0.5721 6.8AB 3 268.833333 89.611111 1.487 0.2610 13.6ERROR 14 843.416667 60.244048FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For ERICA Horse- weed Control % 07/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 0.000000 R 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 14 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 07/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 2371.833333 R 2 1136.083333 568.041667 10.102 0.0019 8.0A 3 425.833333 141.944444 2.524 0.0998 9.3B 1 0.666667 0.666667 0.012 0.9148 6.6AB 3 22.000000 7.333333 0.130 0.9404 13.1ERROR 14 787.250000 56.232143FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 07/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 4.958333 R 2 2.583333 1.291667 12.765 0.0007 0.3A 3 0.791667 0.263889 2.608 0.0928 0.4B 1 0.041667 0.041667 0.412 0.5314 0.3AB 3 0.125000 0.041667 0.412 0.7471 0.6ERROR 14 1.416667 0.101190

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL GGGAN Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Common Annual SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Grasses Rating Data Type Control Control YieldRating Unit % % Bu/ARating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 99.3 98.5 25.7Replicate 2 99.9 99.9 21.7Replicate 3 100.0 100.0 20.3TABLE OF A MEANS

1 No TM Partner 100.0 99.3 22.92 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.3 21.23 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.5 99.5 22.93 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.7 23.24 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.8 99.3 23.71 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.6 21.42 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C


1 No TM Partner 100.0 99.0 24.31 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.0 20.81 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.7 22.83 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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(Soy18-06) Page 28

University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL GGGAN Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Common Annual SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Grasses Rating Data Type Control Control YieldRating Unit % % Bu/ARating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.7 27.14 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.625 lb ai/A 7EPP A 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 1 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 1 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 1 No TM Partner 100.0 99.7 21.52 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 2 2,4-D ester 3.8 L 0.475 lb ae/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.7 21.72 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 3 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.3 99.3 23.13 ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 3 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C 4 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.22 lb ai/A 7EPP A 99.7 99.7 19.24 ----s-metolachlor 5.25 .99 4 ----metribuzin 1.25 .235 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.75 lb ai/A 7EPP A 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.125 % v/v 7EPP A 2 Touchdown Total...k glyphosate 4.17 SL 0.78 lb ae/A 28DAP C 2 Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.2 % w/v 28DAP C

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(Soy18-06) Page 29

University of Delaware Gramoxone Inteon No-Till Soybean Burndown Trial ID: Soy18-06 Cooperator: Syngenta Location: Field #9 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CHEAL Common Lambqtrs Control % 07/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 4.958333 R 2 2.583333 1.291667 12.765 0.0007 0.3A 3 0.791667 0.263889 2.608 0.0928 0.4B 1 0.041667 0.041667 0.412 0.5314 0.3AB 3 0.125000 0.041667 0.412 0.7471 0.6ERROR 14 1.416667 0.101190FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GGGAN Annual Grasses Control % 07/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 17.958333 R 2 11.083333 5.541667 15.780 0.0003 0.6A 3 0.458333 0.152778 0.435 0.7313 0.7B 1 0.375000 0.375000 1.068 0.3190 0.5AB 3 1.125000 0.375000 1.068 0.3943 1.0ERROR 14 4.916667 0.351190FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For GLXMA Soybean Yield Bu/A 11/01/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 431.771705 R 2 125.018470 62.509235 4.716 0.0272 3.9A 3 14.491641 4.830547 0.364 0.7797 4.5B 1 33.472016 33.472016 2.525 0.1344 3.2AB 3 73.213821 24.404607 1.841 0.1860 6.4ERROR 14 185.575757 13.255411

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(Bean01-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Influence of Fungicides on Herbicide Interactions with Root Rots Trial ID: Bean01-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #6C Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Lima Bean PHSLU Variety: Cypress Planting Date: 08/09/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 6 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 30 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 82 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 08/16/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Disked Twice SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 75 % OM: 3.0 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 10 pH: 5.8 % Clay: 15 CEC: 6.4 Fert. Level: Medium Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 08/08/06 Time of Day: 1:00 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: PPI Applic. Placement: BroSoi Air Temp., Unit: 85 F % Relative Humidity: 48 Wind Velocity, Unit: 4 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 86 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 5

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Incorporation Equip.: s-tyne Hours to Incorp.: 1 Incorp. Depth, Unit: 2 in Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

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(Bean01-06) Page 3

University of Delaware Influence of Fungicides on Herbicide Interactions with Root Rots Trial ID: Bean01-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #6C Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code none slight moderate heavyCrop Code PHSLU PHSLU PHSLU PHSLUWeed or Crop Name Lima Lima Lima LimaWeed or Crop Name Bean Bean Bean BeanRating Data Type root rot root rot root rot root rotRating Unit #/10plts #/10plts #/10plts #/10pltsRating Date 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 5.3 a 2.0 a 2.7 a 0.0 a Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A

2 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 6.0 a 2.7 a 1.3 a 0.0 a Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A

3 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 3.3 a 3.7 a 2.7 a 0.3 a No herbicide

4 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 4.3 a 3.7 a 1.7 a 0.3 a Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A

5 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 5.0 a 3.3 a 1.7 a 0.0 a Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A

6 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 7.0 a 1.0 a 2.0 a 0.0 a No herbicide

7 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 6.0 a 2.7 a 1.3 a 0.0 a Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A

8 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 4.7 a 3.0 a 2.3 a 0.0 a Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A

9 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 3.7 a 3.7 a 2.7 a 0.0 a Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A No herbicide

10 No fungicide 4.7 a 4.0 a 1.3 a 0.0 a Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A

11 No fungicide 4.7 a 2.7 a 2.7 a 0.0 a Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A

12 No fungicide 6.3 a 3.0 a 0.3 a 0.3 a No herbicide

LSD (P=.05) 3.31 3.16 2.34 0.49Standard Deviation 1.96 1.87 1.38 0.29CV 38.48 63.38 73.1 346.41 Replicate F 7.994 3.454 4.036 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.0025 0.0496 0.0321 0.3840Treatment F 0.937 0.606 0.869 0.818Treatment Prob(F) 0.5257 0.8039 0.5809 0.6237 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Bean01-06) Page 4

University of Delaware Influence of Fungicides on Herbicide Interactions with Root Rots Trial ID: Bean01-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #6C Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code none slight moderate heavyCrop Code PHSLU PHSLU PHSLU PHSLUWeed or Crop Name Lima Lima Lima LimaWeed or Crop Name Bean Bean Bean BeanRating Data Type root rot root rot root rot root rotRating Unit #/10plts #/10plts #/10plts #/10pltsRating Date 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 5.8 3.0 1.2 0.0Replicate 2 6.2 1.9 1.8 0.2Replicate 3 3.3 3.9 2.8 0.1TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 4.9 2.8 2.2 0.12 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 5.4 2.7 1.8 0.13 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 4.8 3.1 2.1 0.03 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 4 No fungicide 5.2 3.2 1.4 0.1


1 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A 5.1 3.1 1.8 0.12 Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A 5.1 2.9 2.0 0.03 No herbicide 5.1 2.8 1.9 0.2


1 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 5.3 2.0 2.7 0.01 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A 2 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 4.3 3.7 1.7 0.31 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A 3 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 6.0 2.7 1.3 0.03 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 1 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A 4 No fungicide 4.7 4.0 1.3 0.01 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.413 lb ai/A PPI A 1 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 6.0 2.7 1.3 0.02 Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A 2 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 5.0 3.3 1.7 0.02 Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A 3 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 4.7 3.0 2.3 0.03 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 2 Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A 4 No fungicide 4.7 2.7 2.7 0.02 Treflan.........trifluralin 4 EC 0.75 lb ai/A PPI A 1 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 3.3 3.7 2.7 0.33 No herbicide

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(Bean01-06) Page 5

University of Delaware Weed Code none slight moderate heavyCrop Code PHSLU PHSLU PHSLU PHSLUWeed or Crop Name Lima Lima Lima LimaWeed or Crop Name Bean Bean Bean BeanRating Data Type root rot root rot root rot root rotRating Unit #/10plts #/10plts #/10plts #/10pltsRating Date 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 7.0 1.0 2.0 0.03 No herbicide 3 Quadris 2.08 L 0.2 lb ai/A PPI A 3.7 3.7 2.7 0.03 Ridomil Gold 4 E 0.5 lb ai/A PPI A 3 No herbicide 4 No fungicide 6.3 3.0 0.3 0.33 No herbicide

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For none PHSLU Lima Bean root rot #/10plts 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 184.750000 R 2 61.166667 30.583333 7.994 0.0025 1.7A 3 2.527778 0.842593 0.220 0.8813 1.9B 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.0000 1.7AB 6 36.888889 6.148148 1.607 0.1924 3.3ERROR 22 84.166667 3.825758FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For slight PHSLU Lima Bean root rot #/10plts 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 123.888889 R 2 24.055556 12.027778 3.454 0.0496 1.6A 3 1.888889 0.629630 0.181 0.9083 1.8B 2 0.388889 0.194444 0.056 0.9458 1.6AB 6 20.944444 3.490741 1.002 0.4486 3.2ERROR 22 76.611111 3.482323FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For moderate PHSLU Lima Bean root rot #/10plts 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 75.555556 R 2 15.388889 7.694444 4.036 0.0321 1.2A 3 3.333333 1.111111 0.583 0.6326 1.3B 2 0.388889 0.194444 0.102 0.9035 1.2AB 6 14.500000 2.416667 1.268 0.3122 2.3ERROR 22 41.944444 1.906566FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For heavy PHSLU Lima Bean root rot #/10plts 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 35 2.750000 R 2 0.166667 0.083333 1.000 0.3840 0.2A 3 0.083333 0.027778 0.333 0.8013 0.3B 2 0.166667 0.083333 1.000 0.3840 0.2AB 6 0.500000 0.083333 1.000 0.4500 0.5ERROR 22 1.833333 0.083333

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(Brndwn1-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Effect of Air Temperature on Burndown Activity Trial ID: Brndwn1-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #22 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Volunteer Rye SECCE Secale cereale L. Crop 1: Non-Crop SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.4 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 6.0 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 03/06/06 03/29/06 Time of Day: 11:30 am 9:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: 45F 55F Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 44 F 54 F % Relative Humidity: 24 77 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: Northwest East Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 44 F 52 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 20 30

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A B Weed 1 Code: SECCE SECCE Growth Stage: 3-4 tiller 7-tiller Height, Unit: 3 in 4-5 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 400 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 04/11/06 Most treatments provided good control of henbit; treatments 5 and 7 were not effective for henbit control.

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(Brndwn1-06) Page 3

University of Delaware Effect of Air Temperature on Burndown Activity Trial ID: Brndwn1-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #22 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code TRZAX TRZAX LAMAM Weed or Crop Name Winter Winter Henbit Weed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Rating Data Type Control Control Control Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 04/11/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A Low Rate Air Temp. 45F

2 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 55F B 88.7 b 98.7 a 96.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 55F B Low Rate Air Temp. 55F

3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.75 lb ae/A 45F A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A Standard Rate Air Temp. 45F

4 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.75 lb ae/A 55F B 87.0 b 100.0 a 96.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 55F B Standard Rate Air Temp. 55F

5 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 71.0 c 65.0 d 23.3 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A Low Rate Air Temp. 45F

6 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 55F B 85.7 b 73.3 c 88.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 55F B Low Rate Air Temp. 55F

7 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A 45F A 86.0 b 81.0 b 33.3 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A Standard Rate Air Temp. 45F

8 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.47 lb ai/A 55F B 85.0 b 80.0 b 99.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 55F B Standard Rate Air Temp. 55F

9 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.6 lb ai/A 45F A 87.7 b 76.7 bc 43.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A

10 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 d LSD (P=.05) 4.67 5.72 13.64 Standard Deviation 2.72 3.34 7.95 CV 3.44 4.31 11.7 Replicate F 0.175 3.220 0.869 Replicate Prob(F) 0.8405 0.0638 0.4363 Treatment F 339.531 244.567 70.833 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Brndwn1-06) Page 4

University of Delaware Effect of Air Temperature on Burndown Activity Trial ID: Brndwn1-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #22 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code TRZAX TRZAX LAMAM Weed or Crop Name Winter Winter Henbit Weed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Rating Data Type Control Control Control Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 04/11/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 87.8 84.8 79.9 Replicate 2 88.0 88.5 77.9 Replicate 3 88.0 88.5 80.9 TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 93.9 99.7 98.1 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 81.9 74.8 61.0 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A


1 Low Rate 86.3 84.3 76.8 2 Standard Rate 89.5 90.3 82.3


1 Air Temp. 45F 89.3 86.5 64.1 2 Air Temp. 55F 86.6 88.0 95.0


1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 94.3 99.3 97.8 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Low Rate 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 78.3 69.2 55.8 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Low Rate 1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 93.5 100.0 98.3 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Standard Rate 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 85.5 80.5 66.2 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Standard Rate


1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 100.0 100.0 99.8 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Air Temp. 45F 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 78.5 73.0 28.3 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Air Temp. 45F

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(Brndwn1-06) Page 5

University of Delaware Weed Code TRZAX TRZAX LAMAM Weed or Crop Name Winter Winter Henbit Weed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Rating Data Type Control Control Control Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 04/11/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 87.8 99.3 96.3 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Air Temp. 55F 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 85.3 76.7 93.7 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Air Temp. 55F


1 Low Rate 85.5 82.5 61.5 1 Air Temp. 45F 2 Standard Rate 93.0 90.5 66.7 1 Air Temp. 45F 1 Low Rate 87.2 86.0 92.2 2 Air Temp. 55F 2 Standard Rate 86.0 90.0 97.8 2 Air Temp. 55F


1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 100.0 100.0 99.7 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Low Rate 1 Air Temp. 45F 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 71.0 65.0 23.3 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Low Rate 1 Air Temp. 45F 1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Standard Rate 1 Air Temp. 45F 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 86.0 81.0 33.3 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Standard Rate 1 Air Temp. 45F 1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 88.7 98.7 96.0 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Low Rate 2 Air Temp. 55F 2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 85.7 73.3 88.3 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 1 Low Rate 2 Air Temp. 55F 1 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.56 lb ae/A 45F A 87.0 100.0 96.7 1 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Standard Rate 2 Air Temp. 55F

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University of Delaware Weed Code TRZAX TRZAX LAMAM Weed or Crop Name Winter Winter Henbit Weed or Crop Name Wheat Wheat Rating Data Type Control Control Control Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 04/11/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

2 Gramoxone Max...paraquat 3 L 0.35 lb ai/A 45F A 85.0 80.0 99.0 2 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 45F A 2 Standard Rate 2 Air Temp. 55F

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For TRZAX Winter Wheat Control % 04/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 1913.833333 R 2 0.333333 0.166667 0.019 0.9812 3.2A 1 864.000000 864.000000 98.341 0.0001 2.6B 1 60.166667 60.166667 6.848 0.0203 2.6AB 1 96.000000 96.000000 10.927 0.0052 3.7C 1 42.666667 42.666667 4.856 0.0448 2.6AC 1 541.500000 541.500000 61.634 0.0001 3.7BC 1 112.666667 112.666667 12.824 0.0030 3.7ABC 1 73.500000 73.500000 8.366 0.0118 5.2ERROR 14 123.000000 8.785714FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For TRZAX Winter Wheat Control % 04/24/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 4450.500000 R 2 75.000000 37.500000 2.911 0.0877 3.8A 1 3700.166667 3700.166667 287.259 0.0001 3.1B 1 216.000000 216.000000 16.769 0.0011 3.1AB 1 170.666667 170.666667 13.250 0.0027 4.4C 1 13.500000 13.500000 1.048 0.3233 3.1AC 1 28.166667 28.166667 2.187 0.1614 4.4BC 1 24.000000 24.000000 1.863 0.1938 4.4ABC 1 42.666667 42.666667 3.312 0.0902 6.3ERROR 14 180.333333 12.880952FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For LAMAM Henbit Control % 04/24/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 22395.958333 R 2 37.333333 18.666667 0.277 0.7622 8.8A 1 8251.041667 8251.041667 122.367 0.0001 7.2B 1 176.041667 176.041667 2.611 0.1284 7.2AB 1 145.041667 145.041667 2.151 0.1646 10.2C 1 5735.041667 5735.041667 85.054 0.0001 7.2AC 1 7107.041667 7107.041667 105.401 0.0001 10.2BC 1 0.375000 0.375000 0.006 0.9416 10.2ABC 1 0.041667 0.041667 0.001 0.9805 14.4ERROR 14 944.000000 67.428571

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control Trial ID: Brndwn2-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name

1. Mustard Species BRSSS Brassica sp. 2. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 3. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 4. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 5. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp. 6. Goosegrass ELEIN Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.

Crop 1: Non-Crop SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 4 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 12 pH: 6.5 % Clay: 9 CEC: 4.5 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 06/20/06 06/20/06 Time of Day: 9:00 am 9:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: POST POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 73 F 73 F % Relative Humidity: 88 88 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: North North Dew Presence (Y/N): Y Y Soil Temp., Unit: 72 F 72 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist % Cloud Cover: 20 20

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A B Weed 1 Code: BRSSS BRSSS Growth Stage: cot-3 leaf cot-3 leaf Height, Unit: 1-3 in 1-3 in Density,Unit: 100 m2 100 m2 Weed 2 Code: AMASS AMASS Growth Stage: 2-8 leaf 2-8 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in 1-2 in Density,Unit: 100 m2 100 m2 Weed 3 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: cotyledon cotyledon Height, Unit: 0.5 in 0.5 in Density,Unit: 0-5 m2 0-5 m2 Weed 4 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 2 leaf 2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.75 in 0.75 in Density,Unit: 0-5 m2 0-5 m2 Weed 5 Code: DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf 1-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5 in 0.5 in Density,Unit: 0-5 m2 0-5 m2 Weed 6 Code: ELEIN ELEIN Growth Stage: 1-2 leaf 1-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.75 in 0.75 in Density,Unit: 0-10 m2 0-10 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 1.07 mph 2.14 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 70 gpa 35 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 07/11/06 Regrowth of plants are starting to effectively compete with adjacent plants and is starting to complicate the ratings.

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control Trial ID: Brndwn2-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code BRSJU AMASS BRSJU AMASS BRSJUCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Indian Pigweed Indian Pigweed IndianWeed or Crop Name Mustard Spp Mustard Spp MustardRating Data Type Injury Control Injury Control InjuryRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/27/06 06/27/06 07/03/06 07/03/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Vinegar (5%) L 17 % v/v POST A 88.8 a 31.2 c 87.5 abc 40.0 e 85.0 a Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 82.875 % v/v POST A

2 Vinegar (10%) L 33 % v/v POST A 90.5 a 75.0 ab 93.3 ab 66.3 bcd 83.8 a Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 66.875 % v/v POST A

3 Vinegar (15%) L 50 % v/v POST A 90.0 a 84.3 a 96.0 a 78.3 a 90.8 a Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 49.875 % v/v POST A

4 Vinegar (20%) L 67 % v/v POST A 94.0 a 90.8 a 95.3 a 81.5 a 88.0 a Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 32.875 % v/v POST A

5 Matran II L 5 % v/v POST B 37.0 b 37.5 c 56.3 d 56.3 d 42.5 b Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 92.5 % v/v POST B

6 Matran II L 10 % v/v POST B 77.5 a 77.5 ab 81.3 bc 71.3 abc 76.3 a Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 87.5 % v/v POST B

7 Matran II L 15 % v/v POST B 77.0 a 79.0 ab 86.3 abc 77.0 ab 73.8 a Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 82.5 % v/v POST B

8 Matran II L 20 % v/v POST B 89.3 a 81.5 a 89.5 abc 78.8 a 82.5 a Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 77.5 % v/v POST B

9 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 7.5 % v/v POST B 75.8 a 63.3 b 75.9 c 63.0 cd 73.1 a H2O L 92.5 % v/v POST B

10 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 f 0.0 cLSD (P=.05) 20.88 16.68 13.76 11.05 18.28Standard Deviation 14.36 11.45 9.47 7.59 12.58CV 19.95 18.47 12.44 12.39 18.08 Replicate F 2.221 1.916 1.407 2.573 1.934Replicate Prob(F) 0.1096 0.1527 0.2631 0.0766 0.1488Treatment F 17.692 26.431 38.101 43.325 19.784Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name PigweedWeed or Crop Name SppRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Vinegar (5%) L 17 % v/v POST A 47.5 c Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 82.875 % v/v POST A

2 Vinegar (10%) L 33 % v/v POST A 66.3 b Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 66.875 % v/v POST A

3 Vinegar (15%) L 50 % v/v POST A 72.0 ab Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 49.875 % v/v POST A

4 Vinegar (20%) L 67 % v/v POST A 73.0 ab Yucca L 0.125 % v/v POST A H2O L 32.875 % v/v POST A

5 Matran II L 5 % v/v POST B 69.7 ab Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 92.5 % v/v POST B

6 Matran II L 10 % v/v POST B 76.3 a Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 87.5 % v/v POST B

7 Matran II L 15 % v/v POST B 72.5 ab Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 82.5 % v/v POST B

8 Matran II L 20 % v/v POST B 77.0 a Humasol L 2.5 % v/v POST B H2O L 77.5 % v/v POST B

9 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 7.5 % v/v POST B 69.3 ab H2O L 92.5 % v/v POST B

10 Untreated Check 0.0 d LSD (P=.05) 8.46Standard Deviation 5.81CV 9.32 Replicate F 0.557Replicate Prob(F) 0.6484Treatment F 65.111Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Cutleaf Evening Primrose OEOLA Oenothera laciniata Hill 2. Henbit LAMAM Lamium amplexicaule L. 3. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 4. Hairy Vetch VICVI Vicia villosa Roth Ssp.villosa 5. Carpetweed MOLVE Mollugo verticillata L. 6. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 7. Mouseear Cress ARBTH Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.

Crop 1: Non-Crop SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Disked and Field Cultivated SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 12 pH: 6.5 % Clay: 9 CEC: 4.5 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B C Application Date: 10/05/06 10/05/06 10/10/06 Time of Day: 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: Post Post Post Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 65 F 65 F 78 F % Relative Humidity: 67 67 47 Wind Velocity, Unit: 7 mph 7 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: NE NE NE Dew Presence (Y/N): N N N Soil Temp., Unit: 70 F 70 F 80 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Dry % Cloud Cover: 50 50 0

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A B C Weed 1 Code: OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA Growth Stage: rosette rosette rosette Height, Unit: 1.5 in 1.5 in 2.5 in Density,Unit: 800 m2 800 m2 800 m2 Weed 2 Code: LAMAM LAMAM LAMAM Growth Stage: 4 lf 4 lf 6 lf Height, Unit: 1 in 1 in 2.5 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 400 m2 400 m2 Weed 3 Code: AMASS AMASS AMASS Growth Stage: seed seed seed Height, Unit: 2 in 2 in 3 in Density,Unit: 24 m2 24 m2 24 m2 Weed 4 Code: VICVI VICVI VICVI Growth Stage: 7 lf 7 lf 10 lf Height, Unit: 2 in 2 in 5 in Density,Unit: 8 m2 8 m2 8 m2 Weed 5 Code: MOLVE MOLVE MOLVE Growth Stage: rosette rosette rosette Height, Unit: 1 in 1 in 1.5 in Density,Unit: 60 m2 60 m2 60 m2 Weed 6 Code: CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 10 lf 10 lf 14 lf Height, Unit: 2 in 2 in 2.5 in Density,Unit: 4 m2 4 m2 4 m2 Weed 7 Code: ARBTH ARBTH ARBTH Growth Stage: rosette rosette rosette Height, Unit: 1 in 1 in 1.5 in Density,Unit: 16 m2 16 m2 16 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B C Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 34 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11005 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 16 in 16 in 16 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 50 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2 CO2

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel

Trial Comments 10/5/06: Weed densities increased/decreased in the 2nd and 3rd rep as follows: CEP 600/m2; henbit 800/m2; pigweed spp 60/m2; mouseear cress 4/m2; vetch 12/m2;carpet and LQ same. 10/11/06: Weed Trt2 4 6 8 10 Pigweed #/m2 1 8 0 12 5 height(in) . 2 . 2.5 2 CEPrimrose #/m2 35 100 1 75 65 height(in) 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 Henbit #/m2 35 100 3 75 65 height(in) 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 Vetch #/m2 3 8 1 2 1 height(in) 3 3 2 3 2 mouseear cress, LQ, and carpet were sporatic and sparse in these trts at this spray timing.

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMASS IPOSS LAMAM OEOLAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry Henbit CutleafWeed or Crop Name Species Species EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 95.0 a 90.0 ab 61.7 def 70.0 c Single Application

2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 86.7 abc 88.3 ab 73.3 bcd 91.7 ab BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C

3 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 76.7 cd 88.3 ab 53.3 ef 91.7 ab Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A Single Application

4 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 91.3 ab 84.9 b 66.1 cde 83.3 abc Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A Matran L 8 % v/v TimeA+7d C Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v TimeA+7d C

5 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 98.3 a 100.0 a 88.7 ab 91.0 ab Single Application

6 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 100.0 a 99.0 a 98.0 a 98.3 a Weeditol L 98 % v/v TimeA+7d C

7 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 43.3 e 83.3 b 53.3 ef 88.3 abc Single Application

8 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 68.3 d 88.3 ab 83.3 abc 92.7 ab Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v TimeA+7d C

9 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 88.3 abc 92.7 ab 46.7 f 71.7 c Single Application

10 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 95.0 a 95.0 ab 53.3 ef 91.7 ab Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL TimeA+7d C

11 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 c 0.0 g 0.0 d 12 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 5 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds B 80.0 bcd 91.7 ab 43.3 f 78.3 bc

LSD (P=.05) 13.77 12.54 18.44 19.20Standard Deviation 8.11 7.39 10.86 11.31CV 10.54 8.85 18.07 14.3 Replicate F 0.979 1.159 4.305 0.811Replicate Prob(F) 0.3921 0.3331 0.0271 0.4577Treatment F 38.170 39.406 16.691 16.355Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS IPOSS LAMAM OEOLAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry Henbit CutleafWeed or Crop Name Species Species EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 10/19/06 10/19/06 10/19/06 10/19/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 86.0 ab 99.0 a 53.3 efg 60.0 cd Single Application

2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.0 a 99.0 a 70.0 cd 78.3 bc BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C

3 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 63.3 bc 91.0 a 51.7 efg 78.3 bc Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A Single Application

4 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 92.1 a 84.1 ab 62.3 cde 86.2 ab Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A Matran L 8 % v/v TimeA+7d C Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v TimeA+7d C

5 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.0 a 99.0 a 88.7 ab 86.7 ab Single Application

6 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.3 a 99.3 a 99.0 a 99.0 a Weeditol L 98 % v/v TimeA+7d C

7 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 43.3 c 72.1 b 58.3 def 81.7 ab Single Application

8 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 65.0 bc 83.0 ab 74.3 bc 93.3 ab Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v TimeA+7d C

9 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 82.7 ab 66.7 b 43.3 g 50.0 d Single Application

10 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 96.0 a 92.7 a 46.7 fg 80.0 b Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL TimeA+7d C

11 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 h 0.0 e 12 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 5 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds B 79.7 ab 99.0 a 43.3 g 50.0 d

LSD (P=.05) 24.74 18.25 14.64 18.60Standard Deviation 14.57 10.72 8.62 10.95CV 19.31 13.06 14.97 15.58 Replicate F 0.366 2.700 11.419 1.609Replicate Prob(F) 0.6976 0.0916 0.0004 0.2238Treatment F 12.262 20.693 25.830 18.411Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code LAMAM OEOLA Weed or Crop Name Henbit Cutleaf Weed or Crop Name EPrimrse Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 11/02/06 11/02/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 48.3 de 46.7 d Single Application

2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 71.7 bc 71.7 bc BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C

3 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 50.0 cde 56.7 cd Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A Single Application

4 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 47.0 de 71.5 bc Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A Matran L 8 % v/v TimeA+7d C Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v TimeA+7d C

5 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 89.7 ab 81.7 ab Single Application

6 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 98.3 a 97.7 a Weeditol L 98 % v/v TimeA+7d C

7 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 43.3 de 88.3 ab Single Application

8 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 63.3 cd 88.3 ab Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v TimeA+7d C

9 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 38.3 e 51.7 cd Single Application

10 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 28.3 e 66.7 bcd Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL TimeA+7d C

11 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 e 12 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 5 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds B 43.3 de 46.7 d

LSD (P=.05) 21.73 23.49 Standard Deviation 12.79 13.83 CV 24.7 21.63 Replicate F 4.412 3.562 Replicate Prob(F) 0.0251 0.0466 Treatment F 12.868 10.910 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMASS IPOSS LAMAM OEOLAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry Henbit CutleafWeed or Crop Name Species Species EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 10/13/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 88.4 91.0 76.8 84.8Replicate 2 82.0 93.5 61.8 87.3Replicate 3 82.5 88.5 64.7 89.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 90.8 89.2 67.5 80.82 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 84.0 86.6 59.7 87.52 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.2 99.5 93.3 94.74 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 55.8 85.8 68.3 90.55 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 91.7 93.8 50.0 81.7


1 Single Application 80.3 90.9 60.7 82.52 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 88.3 91.1 74.8 91.5


1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 95.0 90.0 61.7 70.01 Single Application 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 76.7 88.3 53.3 91.72 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 1 Single Application 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 98.3 100.0 88.7 91.01 Single Application 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 43.3 83.3 53.3 88.31 Single Application 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 88.3 92.7 46.7 71.71 Single Application 1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 86.7 88.3 73.3 91.72 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 91.3 84.9 66.1 83.32 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 100.0 99.0 98.0 98.32 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 68.3 88.3 83.3 92.72 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 95.0 95.0 53.3 91.72 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 9363.672704 R 2 252.283086 126.141543 2.502 0.1100 6.7A 4 6770.550957 1692.637739 33.567 0.0001 8.6B 1 470.952223 470.952223 9.339 0.0068 5.4AB 4 962.217705 240.554426 4.770 0.0084 12.2ERROR 18 907.668732 50.426041FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 2100.777106 R 2 125.003444 62.501722 0.995 0.3891 7.4A 4 776.643178 194.160795 3.092 0.0421 9.6B 1 0.474443 0.474443 0.008 0.9317 6.1AB 4 68.291705 17.072926 0.272 0.8922 13.6ERROR 18 1130.364335 62.798019FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For LAMAM Henbit Control % 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 11627.809800 R 2 1273.468683 636.734341 5.327 0.0152 10.3A 4 6205.261753 1551.315438 12.977 0.0001 13.3B 1 1489.792988 1489.792988 12.463 0.0024 8.4AB 4 507.582924 126.895731 1.062 0.4040 18.8ERROR 18 2151.703453 119.539081FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For OEOLA Cutleaf EPrimrse Control % 10/13/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 4620.253281 R 2 89.673291 44.836645 0.369 0.6964 10.4A 4 826.382918 206.595729 1.701 0.1936 13.4B 1 606.681794 606.681794 4.995 0.0383 8.5AB 4 911.243574 227.810894 1.876 0.1586 18.9ERROR 18 2186.271704 121.459539

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS IPOSS LAMAM OEOLAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry Henbit CutleafWeed or Crop Name Species Species EPrimrseRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 10/19/06 10/19/06 10/19/06 10/19/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 80.8 81.5 75.6 77.3Replicate 2 85.5 91.9 61.0 82.9Replicate 3 81.4 92.3 57.7 77.9TABLE OF A MEANS

1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 92.5 99.0 61.7 69.22 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 77.7 87.5 57.0 82.32 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.2 99.2 93.8 92.84 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 54.2 77.5 66.3 87.55 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 89.3 79.7 45.0 65.0


1 Single Application 74.9 85.5 59.1 71.32 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 90.3 91.6 70.5 87.4


1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 86.0 99.0 53.3 60.01 Single Application 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 63.3 91.0 51.7 78.32 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 1 Single Application 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.0 99.0 88.7 86.71 Single Application 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 43.3 72.1 58.3 81.71 Single Application 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 82.7 66.7 43.3 50.01 Single Application 1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.0 99.0 70.0 78.32 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 92.1 84.1 62.3 86.22 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 99.3 99.3 99.0 99.02 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 65.0 83.0 74.3 93.32 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 96.0 92.7 46.7 80.02 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For AMASS Pigweed Species Control % 10/19/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 13815.704818 R 2 130.067082 65.033541 0.315 0.7340 13.5A 4 7501.313029 1875.328257 9.073 0.0003 17.4B 1 1782.202064 1782.202064 8.622 0.0088 11.0AB 4 681.488594 170.372149 0.824 0.5267 24.7ERROR 18 3720.634048 206.701892FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For IPOSS Mornglry Species Control % 10/19/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 6722.187280 R 2 744.223370 372.111685 3.082 0.0706 10.3A 4 2539.354308 634.838577 5.259 0.0055 13.3B 1 276.034074 276.034074 2.286 0.1479 8.4AB 4 989.546052 247.386513 2.049 0.1303 18.8ERROR 18 2173.029477 120.723860FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For LAMAM Henbit Control % 10/19/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 12185.411876 R 2 1811.913381 905.956690 11.844 0.0005 8.2A 4 7849.987155 1962.496789 25.657 0.0001 10.6B 1 973.146201 973.146201 12.723 0.0022 6.7AB 4 173.569137 43.392284 0.567 0.6896 15.0ERROR 18 1376.796002 76.488667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For OEOLA Cutleaf EPrimrse Control % 10/19/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 8083.724643 R 2 190.578527 95.289263 0.811 0.4601 10.2A 4 3398.326657 849.581664 7.230 0.0012 13.1B 1 1930.195139 1930.195139 16.426 0.0007 8.3AB 4 449.417721 112.354430 0.956 0.4551 18.6ERROR 18 2115.206598 117.511478

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University of Delaware Weed Code LAMAM OEOLA Weed or Crop Name Henbit Cutleaf Weed or Crop Name EPrimrse Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 11/02/06 11/02/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 67.9 65.5 Replicate 2 52.2 69.4 Replicate 3 53.4 81.4 TABLE OF A MEANS

1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 60.0 59.2 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 48.5 64.1 2 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 94.0 89.7 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 53.3 88.3 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 33.3 59.2


1 Single Application 53.9 65.0 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 61.7 79.2


1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 48.3 46.7 1 Single Application 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 50.0 56.7 2 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 1 Single Application 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 89.7 81.7 1 Single Application 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 43.3 88.3 1 Single Application 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 38.3 51.7 1 Single Application 1 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v 2-3"wds A 71.7 71.7 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 2 Matran L 8 % v/v 2-3"wds A 47.0 71.5 2 Natural Wet L 0.25 % v/v 2-3"wds A 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 3 Weeditol L 98 % v/v 2-3"wds A 98.3 97.7 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 4 Bradfield Hort Vinegar L 100 % v/v 2-3"wds A 63.3 88.3 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C 5 Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2-3"wds A 28.3 66.7 2 BurnOut II L 33 % v/v TimeA+7d C

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University of Delaware Natural Herbicide Weed Control (2) Trial ID: Brndwn3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For LAMAM Henbit Control % 11/02/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 18632.507718 R 2 1525.436859 762.718429 4.173 0.0324 12.7A 4 12123.698123 3030.924531 16.581 0.0001 16.4B 1 455.590925 455.590925 2.492 0.1318 10.4AB 4 1237.516283 309.379071 1.693 0.1955 23.2ERROR 18 3290.265527 182.792529FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For OEOLA Cutleaf EPrimrse Control % 11/02/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 29 12729.991478 R 2 1378.208828 689.104414 3.507 0.0518 13.2A 4 5823.320838 1455.830210 7.408 0.0010 17.0B 1 1507.140614 1507.140614 7.669 0.0126 10.8AB 4 483.926714 120.981678 0.616 0.6570 24.0ERROR 18 3537.394484 196.521916

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University of Delaware Evaluation of Non-RR Soybean Weed Control Programs Trial ID: DSB01-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Field #34 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: SS381 STS Planting Date: 05/19/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 68 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/01/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Wheat Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.7 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 10 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 11 CEC: 4.4 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 05/23/06 06/16/06 Time of Day: 7:00 am 7:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 44 F 56 F % Relative Humidity: 72 92 Wind Velocity, Unit: 0 mph 0 mph Wind Direction: N/A N/A Dew Presence (Y/N): Y Y Soil Temp., Unit: 42 F 54 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist Wet % Cloud Cover: 0 0

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A B Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: unif-2 tri Height, Unit: 2-4 in Crop Health: Fair APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 10/13/06 Grass - predominantly SETFA Brdlvs - predominantly AMBEL Difficult to rate, depends on grass pressure

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University of Delaware Evaluation of Non-RR Soybean Weed Control Programs Trial ID: DSB01-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Field #34 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code PANDI AMBEL IPOSS XANSTCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Fall Common Mornglry CommonWeed or Crop Name Panicum Ragweed Species CocklebrRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 f 0.0 e 0.0 e 0.0 c2 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 61.7 de 23.3 d 20.0 cde 50.0 b

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 3 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 65.0 de 40.0 c 23.3 cd

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 68.3 de 50.0 bc 22.0 cd 100.0 a

Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A 63.3 de 10.0 de 10.0 de 0.0 c ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

6 Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A 75.0 bcd 95.0 a 96.3 a 99.7 a ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.234 lb ai/A PRE A 53.3 e 50.0 bc 36.7 bc 60.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 73.3 cd 43.3 bc 46.7 b 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 78.3 bcd 56.7 b 26.7 bcd 65.0 b Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.234 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

10 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A PRE A 88.3 abc 96.7 a 93.3 a 100.0 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.063 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 76.7 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 90.0 abc 100.0 a 91.7 a 100.0 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code PANDI AMBEL IPOSS XANSTCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Fall Common Mornglry CommonWeed or Crop Name Panicum Ragweed Species CocklebrRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

14 Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

15 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 99.0 a 100.0 a Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 78.3 bcd 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

17 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 93.3 ab 100.0 a 95.0 a 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

18 Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 19.52 15.35 20.65 29.31Standard Deviation 11.71 9.20 12.39 17.31CV 15.44 13.1 19.21 21.4 Replicate F 8.242 0.213 1.387 1.435Replicate Prob(F) 0.0012 0.8091 0.2639 0.2594Treatment F 12.631 45.411 30.067 11.954Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMACH GGGAN ANNBRCrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Smooth Annual Annual SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Grasses BroadlvsRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/11/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 e 0.0 g 16.1 f 2 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 70.0 bc 40.7 d 40.0 e 22.8 ef

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 3 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 50.0 c 76.7 ab 40.0 e 30.9 b-e

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 73.3 ab 60.0 b 26.5 c-f

Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A 80.0 ab 50.0 bcd 50.0 d 24.6 def ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

6 Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A 99.7 a 70.7 abc 100.0 a 42.7 a ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.234 lb ai/A PRE A 70.0 bc 41.7 cd 30.0 f 35.5 a-d Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 80.0 a 60.0 b 35.7 a-d Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 76.7 ab 55.0 c 32.9 a-e Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.234 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

10 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 89.0 a 100.0 a 33.0 a-e Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.063 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.7 a 100.0 a 34.4 a-d Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 78.3 ab 100.0 a 39.2 ab Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 84.7 a 100.0 a 36.4 abc Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

14 Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 a 99.0 a 98.3 a 40.3 ab ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMACH GGGAN ANNBRCrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Smooth Annual Annual SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Grasses BroadlvsRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/11/06 10/13/06 10/13/06 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

15 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 42.9 a Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 86.7 a 100.0 a 35.5 a-d Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

17 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.7 a 98.3 a 44.4 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

18 Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B 100.0 a 97.3 a 96.7 a 40.4 ab Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 26.77 29.47 4.56 11.58Standard Deviation 15.98 17.68 2.68 6.95CV 18.32 23.82 3.63 20.36 Replicate F 1.391 12.072 0.452 7.013Replicate Prob(F) 0.2661 0.0001 0.6429 0.0028Treatment F 8.127 6.535 429.924 3.606Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0007 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Evaluation of Non-RR Soybean Weed Control Programs Trial ID: DSB1a-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Eric Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp.

Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: SS381STS Planting Date: 06/06/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Friable/Trashy Soil Temperature: 77 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/14/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Corn Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION Texture: loamy sand Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 06/05/06 07/11/06 Time of Day: 1:30 pm 9:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F 78 F % Relative Humidity: 68 85 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 3 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Southwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N Y Soil Temp., Unit: 68 F 78 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Wet Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist % Cloud Cover: 65 0

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A B Crop 1 Code: GLXMA GLXMA Growth Stage: 6 trifol Height, Unit: 12-14 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: AMASS AMASS Height, Unit: 12 in Density,Unit: 0.1 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Height, Unit: 12-15 in Density,Unit: 0.1 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Height, Unit: 12-18 in Density,Unit: 0.05 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 20 in 28 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air Trt No Treatment Application Comment 1 Rep 3 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 13 3 Rep 3 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 15 5 Rep 2 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 13 6 Rep 2 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 16 8 Rep 2 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 12 8 Rep 3 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 18 12 Rep 1 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 11 instead of 12 13 Rep 2 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 18 instead of 13 14 Rep 1 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 13 instead of 14 15 Rep 3 mistakenly sprayed POST with trt. 16 instead of 15

Trial Comments 10/13/06 Fair to excellent weed control for all treatments. No differences in soybean heights.

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University of Delaware Evaluation of Non-RR Soybean Weed Control Programs Trial ID: DSB1a-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Eric Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMACH IPOSS PANDICrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry Fall SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Species Species PanicumRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/12/06 07/12/06 07/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 c 43.4 a2 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 73.3 ab 66.7 bc 81.7 b 46.3 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 3 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 86.7 ab 86.7 abc 86.7 ab 46.1 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 4 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 93.3 ab 95.0 ab 47.7 a

Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.4 ab 91.7 ab 47.1 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

6 Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.4 ab 100.0 a 47.3 a ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.234 lb ai/A PRE A 70.0 b 56.7 c 100.0 a 45.1 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 86.7 ab 76.7 abc 81.7 b 45.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 94.4 ab 100.0 a 45.7 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.234 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

10 Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.021 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 48.1 a Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.063 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 84.4 abc 96.1 ab 49.7 a Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 46.1 a Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 48.1 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMACH IPOSS PANDICrop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Mornglry Fall SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Species Species PanicumRating Data Type Control Control Control YieldRating Unit % % % Bu/ARating Date 07/12/06 07/12/06 07/12/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

14 Synchrony XP Premix 28.4 DG 0.0133 lb ai/A POST B 42.6 a ----chlorimuron 21.5 0.0101 ----thifensulfuron 6.9 .00323 Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

15 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 76.7 ab 80.0 abc 93.3 ab 48.5 a Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A 45.0 a Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

17 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 50.1 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

18 Reflex..........fomesafen 2 L 0.25 lb ai/A POST B 47.0 a Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 27.01 30.73 18.24 6.33Standard Deviation 15.90 17.92 10.74 3.80CV 19.21 23.18 12.56 8.15 Replicate F 1.098 3.609 5.206 21.824Replicate Prob(F) 0.3518 0.0481 0.0146 0.0001Treatment F 9.653 7.058 20.063 0.821Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.6598 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Utility of Valor For Non-RR Soybeans Trial ID: DSB02-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Field #34 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: SS381 STS Planting Date: 05/19/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Firm/Trashy Soil Temperature: 68 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/01/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Wheat Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.7 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 10 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 11 CEC: 4.4 Fert. Level: Optimum Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 05/23/06 Time of Day: 7:30 am Application Method: Spray Application Timing: PRE Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 46 F % Relative Humidity: 70 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph Wind Direction: North Dew Presence (Y/N): Y Soil Temp., Unit: 43 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist % Cloud Cover: 0

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

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University of Delaware Utility of Valor For Non-RR Soybeans Trial ID: DSB02-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Field #34 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMACH AMBEL XANST CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Smooth Common Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Ragweed Cocklebr LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 73.3 bcd 61.7 b 100.0 a

Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 86.7 abc 30.0 c 100.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 35.0 c 100.0 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 86.7 abc 40.0 bc 100.0 a Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

6 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 92.5 a 100.0 a Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.0 a 100.0 a Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 100.0 a 90.0 a 100.0 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

10 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 95.0 ab 50.0 d 40.0 bc 100.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 76.7 b 50.0 d 0.0 d 66.7 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

12 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 93.3 ab 65.0 cd 40.0 bc 100.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

13 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 20.0 e 20.0 cd 86.7 ab ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMACH AMBEL XANST CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Smooth Common Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Pigweed Ragweed Cocklebr LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06 07/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

14 Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 95.0 ab 86.7 a 100.0 a ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 19.93 24.82 24.94 27.15Standard Deviation 11.85 14.75 14.14 16.17CV 13.11 20.12 27.09 18.06 Replicate F 0.624 0.134 0.117 1.784Replicate Prob(F) 0.5442 0.8752 0.8906 0.1879Treatment F 15.313 14.589 18.663 8.605Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS SETFA Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Mornglry Giant SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Species Foxtail Rating Data Type Control Control YieldRating Unit % % Bu/ARating Date 07/11/06 10/13/06 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 g 0.0 e 25.3 a2 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 61.7 bcd 88.3 a 30.0 a

Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 55.0 de 90.0 a 34.5 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 56.7 cde 91.7 a 37.1 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 61.7 bcd 80.0 ab 37.6 a Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

6 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 88.3 ab 85.0 ab 38.7 a Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 81.7 ab 32.9 a Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A PRE A 96.7 a 98.3 a 36.3 a Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A PRE A 88.3 ab 90.0 a 46.0 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

10 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 33.3 ef 76.7 abc 29.6 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 36.7 def 76.7 abc 36.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

12 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 33.3 ef 63.3 bcd 30.2 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

13 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A 23.3 fg 53.3 cd 32.7 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSS SETFA Crop Code GLXMAWeed or Crop Name Mornglry Giant SoybeanWeed or Crop Name Species Foxtail Rating Data Type Control Control YieldRating Unit % % Bu/ARating Date 07/11/06 10/13/06 11/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

14 Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A 83.3 abc 51.7 d 30.9 a ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 27.27 24.14 16.58Standard Deviation 16.24 14.38 9.87CV 27.79 19.61 28.93 Replicate F 0.043 1.747 9.044Replicate Prob(F) 0.9581 0.1941 0.0010Treatment F 10.507 9.329 0.799Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.6556 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Utility of Valor For Non-RR Soybeans Trial ID: DSB2a-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Eric Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Soybean GLXMA Variety: RT4502N Planting Date: 06/06/06 Planting Method: Row- Unit Planter Depth: 1 in Rate: 4 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 15 in Seed Bed: Friable/Trashy Soil Temperature: 77 F Soil Moisture: Moist Emergence Date: 06/14/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: No Tillage/Corn Stubble SOIL DESCRIPTION Texture: loamy sand Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.5 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 06/05/06 Time of Day: 1:30 pm Application Method: Spray Application Timing: PRE Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F % Relative Humidity: 68 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 68 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Wet Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Moist % Cloud Cover: 65

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 10/13/06 Fair to excellent weed control for all treatments. No differences in soybean heights.

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University of Delaware Utility of Valor For Non-RR Soybeans Trial ID: DSB2a-06 Cooperator: DE Soybean Board Location: Eric Dukes Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMACH Crop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Pigweed Soybean Weed or Crop Name Species Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/12/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.7 d 42.5 a 2 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 44.9 a

Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 43.4 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 95.0 ab 45.2 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 42.9 a Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

6 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 42.9 a Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

7 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 42.3 a Firstrate.......cloransulam 84 WG 0.0262 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

8 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 44.1 a Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

9 Valor SX........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 44.3 a Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

10 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.5 lb ai/A PRE A 81.0 bc 41.8 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

11 Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 44.6 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

12 Lorox...........linuron 50 DF 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 70.0 c 40.2 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A PRE A Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

13 Boundary Premix 6.5 EC 1.02 lb ai/A PRE A 95.0 ab 41.6 a ----s-metolachlor 5.25 0.82 ----metribuzin 1.25 0.196

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMACH Crop Code GLXMA Weed or Crop Name Pigweed Soybean Weed or Crop Name Species Rating Data Type Control Yield Rating Unit % Bu/A Rating Date 07/12/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

14 Canopy SP Premix 58.3 DG 0.182 lb ai/A PRE A 100.0 a 41.5 a ----metribuzin 50 0.156 ----chlorimuron 8.3 0.026 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 17.53 4.70 Standard Deviation 10.44 2.80 CV 11.77 6.51 Replicate F 0.434 38.594 Replicate Prob(F) 0.6525 0.0001 Treatment F 19.874 0.825 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.6318 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(For2a-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Comparison of Prowl H2O and Dimension Trial ID: For2-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 2. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 3. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 4. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 5. Crabgrass Species DIGSS Digitaria sp.

Crop 1: Non-Crop SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 45 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Moldboard Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 06/20/06 Permit 75 DF 1.3 oz wt/A 2. 06/20/06 Nonionic Surfactant 0.25 % v/v 3. 07/11/06 Roundup WeatherMax 4.5 AS 44 fl oz/A SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 13 pH: 5.9 % Clay: 8 CEC: 3.5 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/10/06 06/02/06 Time of Day: 4:00 pm 8:15 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE 2-leaf Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 77 F 69 F % Relative Humidity: 27 93 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Southwest Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 79 F 68 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Wet Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Wet % Cloud Cover: 0 95 WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: 2-4 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 150 m2 Weed 2 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 2-5 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 40 m2 Weed 3 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 6 m2 Weed 4 Code: AMASS AMASS Growth Stage: 2-6 leaf Height, Unit: 1 in Density,Unit: 1-5 m2 Weed 5 Code: DIGSS DIGSS Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in Density,Unit: 50 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Tractor Operating Pressure: 29 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 20 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air Compr.Air

Trial Comments 7-11-06 The glyphosate treatment was applied in hopes to be able to rate residual grass control. However, a late flush of annual grasses did not occur.

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University of Delaware Comparison of Prowl H2O and Dimension Trial ID: For2-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #14 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL IPOSS DIGSS AMBELWeed or Crop Name Common Common Mornglry Crabgras CommonWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Species Species RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/01/06 06/19/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 2 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 96.7 a 21.7 a 98.3 a 0.0 b2 Dimension.......dithiopyr 1 EC 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 a 26.7 b 0.0 b 97.3 a 0.0 b3 Dimension.......dithiopyr 1 EC 0.25 lb ai/A 2-leaf B 21.7 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-leaf B 4 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 6.84 9.99 3.89 2.88Standard Deviation 0.00 3.02 4.41 1.72 1.44CV 0.0 7.34 61.06 2.63 26.65 Replicate F 0.000 1.915 1.000 2.981 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.2610 0.4444 0.1612 0.4219Treatment F 0.000 820.732 24.143 3250.906 169.000Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 0.0059 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL. Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSS ABUTH AMASSWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Crabgras Velvet- PigweedWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Species leaf SpeciesRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/19/06 06/19/06 06/19/06 06/19/06 06/19/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 2 lb ai/A PRE A 91.7 a 33.3 a 100.0 a 91.7 a 95.0 a2 Dimension.......dithiopyr 1 EC 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 63.3 b 10.0 b 95.7 b 76.7 b 86.7 b3 Dimension.......dithiopyr 1 EC 0.25 lb ai/A 2-leaf B 31.7 c 10.0 b 94.3 b 98.3 a 31.7 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-leaf B 4 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d

LSD (P=.05) 5.52 5.77 1.49 8.97 7.26Standard Deviation 2.76 2.89 0.75 4.49 3.63CV 5.92 21.65 1.03 6.73 6.81 Replicate F 3.545 1.000 1.800 4.448 0.158Replicate Prob(F) 0.0963 0.4219 0.2441 0.0653 0.8574Treatment F 616.000 72.000 12646.601 306.483 466.947Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL IPOSS DIGSS SETFAWeed or Crop Name Common Mornglry Crabgras GiantWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Species Species FoxtailRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 2 lb ai/A PRE A 84.3 a 20.7 a 95.0 a 88.3 a2 Dimension.......dithiopyr 1 EC 0.25 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 b 0.0 b 90.0 b 48.3 b3 Dimension.......dithiopyr 1 EC 0.25 lb ai/A 2-leaf B 0.0 b 0.0 b 90.0 b 0.0 c

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 2-leaf B 4 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c

LSD (P=.05) 1.15 1.15 1.91 3.33Standard Deviation 0.58 0.58 0.96 1.67CV 2.74 11.17 1.39 4.88 Replicate F 1.000 1.000 0.273 3.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.4219 0.4219 0.7703 0.1250Treatment F 16002.252 961.000 6893.182 1969.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Meln1-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Weed Control for Row Middles with Plastic Culture Trial ID: MELN1-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Watermelon CITLA Variety: Jamboree Planting Date: 05/19/06 Planting Method: Transplanted- Hand Rate: 42 pl/1000ft2 Row Spacing: 8 ft Soil Temperature: 68 F Soil Moisture: Moist SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 5.3 FT Plot Length, Unit: 35 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 82 % OM: 0.9 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 9 pH: 6.4 % Clay: 9 CEC: 3.8 Fert. Level: Optimum Irrigation/Type: Trickle Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A Application Date: 06/08/06 Time of Day: 7:30 AM Application Method: Spray Application Timing: POST-DIR Applic. Placement: BroDir Air Temp., Unit: 60 F % Relative Humidity: 90 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph Wind Direction: NW Dew Presence (Y/N): Y Soil Temp., Unit: 60 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: N/A % Cloud Cover: 70

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A Crop 1 Code: CITLA Growth Stage: vine Crop Health: Good APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Tractor Operating Pressure: 25 psi Nozzle Type: TEEJET Nozzle Size: 95015E Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 8 in Band Width, Unit: 32 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 19.6 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air

Trial Comments 1 plant missing in plot 304. 2 plants missing in plot 310.

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University of Delaware Weed Control for Row Middles with Plastic Culture Trial ID: MELN1-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water- Water- Water Water- OverallWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon WeedCntrRating Data Type Chloross Necrosis Stunting Injury ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 9.3 a 0.0 a 5.0 a 0.0 c2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.0 c 17.0 a 10.7 a 14.3 a 96.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 3 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 1.65 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.0 c 16.7 a 11.3 a 18.3 a 97.7 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.0 c 17.7 a 5.7 a 12.0 a 98.3 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.0 c 20.0 a 14.3 a 24.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.2 c 16.3 a 4.4 a 6.4 a 96.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.3 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 14.3 a 15.0 a 4.0 a 8.3 a 91.0 b ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 6.0 bc 17.7 a 6.3 a 6.7 a 98.3 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 1.7 c 21.3 a 10.0 a 15.7 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

10 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.0 c 17.7 a 4.7 a 10.7 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water- Water- Water Water- OverallWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon WeedCntrRating Data Type Chloross Necrosis Stunting Injury ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/14/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

11 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.98 lb ai/A PosDir A 2.7 bc 16.0 a 7.3 a 25.7 a 98.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.6 ----fomesafen 1 0.376 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 10.0 ab 17.0 a 9.0 a 12.7 a 99.3 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A PosDir A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/w PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 8.17 5.67 8.35 16.43 4.52Standard Deviation 4.81 3.34 4.92 9.67 2.66CV 165.59 19.86 67.23 72.67 2.97 Replicate F 0.263 0.394 0.469 0.430 1.544Replicate Prob(F) 0.7713 0.6790 0.6322 0.6562 0.2367Treatment F 2.947 2.276 1.919 1.439 339.834Treatment Prob(F) 0.0160 0.0506 0.0959 0.2276 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA AMBEL CYPES AMACHCrop Code CITLA Weed or Crop Name Water- Large Common Yellow SmoothWeed or Crop Name melon Crabgras Ragweed Nutsedge PigweedRating Data Type Stuntng Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 2.3 a 89.7 bc 100.0 a 90.0 a 100.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 3 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 1.65 lb ai/A PosDir A 4.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 98.3 a 100.0 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 3.3 a 93.3 abc 100.0 a 93.3 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 9.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.0 a 90.0 bc 100.0 a 90.5 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.3 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 1.7 a 86.0 c 100.0 a 88.3 a 100.0 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 5.7 a 96.7 ab 100.0 a 92.7 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 3.3 a 99.7 a 100.0 a 99.3 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

10 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A PosDir A 2.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

11 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.98 lb ai/A PosDir A 4.0 a 96.7 ab 100.0 a 96.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.6 ----fomesafen 1 0.376 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA AMBEL CYPES AMACHCrop Code CITLA Weed or Crop Name Water- Large Common Yellow SmoothWeed or Crop Name melon Crabgras Ragweed Nutsedge PigweedRating Data Type Stuntng Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/10/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 5.7 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 96.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A PosDir A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/w PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 6.37 8.74 0.00 11.90 0.00Standard Deviation 3.75 5.14 0.00 7.01 0.00CV 108.86 5.87 0.0 8.05 0.0 Replicate F 1.898 4.430 0.000 0.586 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.1746 0.0248 1.0000 0.5653 1.0000Treatment F 1.372 88.939 0.000 46.909 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.2561 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL POROL AMACH CHEAL AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common Smooth Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Purslane Pigweed Lambqtrs RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 b2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 93.3 b 100.0 a 98.3 a 100.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 3 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 1.65 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.7 b 100.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 99.7 a 99.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.3 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 93.3 b 93.3 b 100.0 a 95.0 a 100.0 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 98.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

10 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 93.3 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

11 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.98 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.6 ----fomesafen 1 0.376 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL POROL AMACH CHEAL AMBELCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common Smooth Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Purslane Pigweed Lambqtrs RagweedRating Data Type Control Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 07/10/06 07/10/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/31/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 100.0 a 99.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A PosDir A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/w PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 5.79 4.85 2.88 7.16 0.00Standard Deviation 3.41 2.86 1.70 4.22 0.00CV 3.74 3.16 1.86 4.66 0.0 Replicate F 0.955 2.132 1.150 1.678 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.4011 0.1435 0.3359 0.2108 1.0000Treatment F 213.124 299.543 861.795 137.994 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA CYPES Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Yellow Weed or Crop Name Crabgras Nutsedge Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 07/31/06 07/31/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 b 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 86.7 b 85.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 3 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 1.65 lb ai/A PosDir A 93.3 ab 88.3 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 95.3 ab 96.7 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

5 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 95.0 ab 91.7 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 86.8 b 86.9 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.3 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 88.7 ab 87.7 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

8 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 94.3 ab 90.0 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

9 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A PosDir A 97.7 a 95.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0314 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

10 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.32 lb ai/A PosDir A 94.3 ab 96.7 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.07 ----fomesafen 1 0.25 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

11 A14972 Premix 5.27 EC 1.98 lb ai/A PosDir A 94.3 ab 96.7 a ----s-metolachlor 4.27 1.6 ----fomesafen 1 0.376 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA CYPES Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Yellow Weed or Crop Name Crabgras Nutsedge Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 07/31/06 07/31/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 92.7 ab 88.3 a Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Liberty.........glufosinate 1.67 SL 0.417 lb ai/A PosDir A Dry Ammonium Sulfate 100 D 1.5 % w/w PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 9.49 12.23 Standard Deviation 5.59 7.20 CV 6.58 8.62 Replicate F 5.306 0.759 Replicate Prob(F) 0.0136 0.4807 Treatment F 69.876 41.065 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Control for Row Middles with Plastic Culture Trial ID: MELN1-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water- Water- Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Harv1Yld Harv1Yld Harv2Yld Harv2YldRating Unit #/plot lb/plot #/plot lb/plotRating Date 07/20/06 07/20/06 08/02/06 08/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 2.3 a 51.0 a 6 a 107.5 a2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.3 a 6.1 a 4 a 94.0 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 0.3 a 6.0 a 6 a 128.7 a

Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 2.0 a 35.7 a 5 a 97.1 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 2.51 52.35 5.6 126.19Standard Deviation 1.26 26.20 2.8 63.16CV 100.66 106.14 54.65 59.13 Replicate F 0.158 0.230 1.265 0.424Replicate Prob(F) 0.8574 0.8011 0.3481 0.6723Treatment F 2.158 2.202 0.237 0.185Treatment Prob(F) 0.1942 0.1887 0.8676 0.9029 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Harv2Yld Harv3Yld Harv3Yld Harv3YldRating Unit #Rotten #/plot lb/plot #RottenRating Date 08/02/06 08/11/06 08/11/06 08/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 2 a 1 a 26.5 a 0 a2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 1 a 2 a 33.6 a 1 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 2 a 2 a 55.1 a 2 a

Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 2 a 2 a 51.2 a 1 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 3.9 3.6 80.98 3.0Standard Deviation 2.0 1.8 40.53 1.5CV 106.41 94.06 97.4 140.16 Replicate F 1.730 0.179 0.187 0.470Replicate Prob(F) 0.2552 0.8400 0.8340 0.6463Treatment F 0.321 0.231 0.345 0.711Treatment Prob(F) 0.8104 0.8718 0.7946 0.5801 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type H1-3Yld H1-3Yld H1-3Yld Harv4Yld Harv4YldRating Unit #/plot lb/plot #Rotten #/plot lb/plotRating Date 08/24/06 08/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 9.7 a 185.0 a 2 a 1 a 12.7 a2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 6.3 a 133.7 a 2 a 3 a 124.3 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 8.3 a 189.7 a 4 a 2 a 67.5 a

Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 9.0 a 184.0 a 4 a 1 a 49.1 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 5.37 154.30 6.6 3.5 107.73Standard Deviation 2.69 77.23 3.3 1.7 30.66CV 32.25 44.61 112.7 90.79 48.38 Replicate F 0.600 0.087 0.979 2.505 2.400Replicate Prob(F) 0.5787 0.9177 0.4284 0.1619 0.2941Treatment F 0.862 0.351 0.460 1.055 6.914Treatment Prob(F) 0.5103 0.7905 0.7202 0.4347 0.1290 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CITLA CITLA Weed or Crop Name Water Water Weed or Crop Name melon melon Rating Data Type H1-4Yld H1-4Yld Rating Unit #/plot lb/plot Rating Date Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 11 a 123.0 a 2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A 10 a 279.1 a

Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.91 lb ai/A PosDir A 10 a 190.1 a

Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

7 Strategy Premix 2.1 E 0.525 lb ai/A PosDir A 10 a 199.4 a ----clomazone 0.5 0.125 ----ethalfluralin 1.6 0.4 Curbit..........ethalfluralin 3 E 0.187 lb ai/A PosDir A Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A PosDir A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PosDir A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PosDir A

LSD (P=.05) 5.5 283.26 Standard Deviation 2.7 80.62 CV 26.77 40.74 Replicate F 1.295 7.305 Replicate Prob(F) 0.3407 0.1204 Treatment F 0.070 1.887 Treatment Prob(F) 0.9738 0.3648 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Control in Row Middles With Valent Herbicides Trial ID: MELN2-06 Cooperator: Valent USA Location: Field 6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Watermelon CITLA Variety: Millionaire Planting Date: 05/23/06 Planting Method: Transplanted- Hand Rate: 42 pl/1000ft2 Row Spacing: 8 ft Soil Temperature: 70 F Soil Moisture: Moist SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 5.3 FT Plot Length, Unit: 35 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 82 % OM: 0.9 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 9 pH: 6.4 % Clay: 9 CEC: 3.8 Fert. Level: Optimum Irrigation/Type: Trickle Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 06/08/06 06/07/06 Time of Day: 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: POST-DIR Post Applic. Placement: BroDir Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 60 F 69 F % Relative Humidity: 90 68 Wind Velocity, Unit: 2 mph 5 mph Wind Direction: NW Northwest Dew Presence (Y/N): Y N Soil Temp., Unit: 60 F 64 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Wet Dry % Cloud Cover: 70 90

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A B Crop 1 Code: CITLA CITLA Growth Stage: Vine Vine Crop Health: Good Good APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Tractor Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: TEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 95015E 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 8 in 18 in Band Width, Unit: 32 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 4 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 19.6 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: Compr.Air CO2

Trial Comments Rep 1 pollenators: Jenny Rep 2 and 3 pollenators: Sidekick

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University of Delaware Weed Control in Row Middles With Valent Herbicides Trial ID: MELN2-06 Cooperator: Valent USA Location: Field 6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code DIGSACrop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water LargeWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon CrabgrasRating Data Type Chloross Necrosis Stunting Injury ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/28/06 06/28/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 3.3 d 0.0 c 5.0 a 0.0 d 2 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 13.3 a 10.7 bc 11.7 a 88.3 abc

Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

3 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 7.3 bcd 9.0 bc 9.0 a 88.0 bc Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 4.0 cd 0.0 c 5.7 a 90.0 abc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

5 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.7 b 8.3 a-d 15.0 b 11.7 a 95.3 abc Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

6 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 5.7 bcd 5.7 bc 12.3 a 86.7 c Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

7 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 9.3 ab 7.3 bc 11.3 a 92.7 abc Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

8 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 9.0 abc 9.7 bc 10.7 a 96.0 abc Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

9 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 0.0 b 7.3 bcd 3.3 bc 9.0 a 99.3 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

10 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 9.3 a 10.7 ab 33.3 a 13.7 a 98.7 ab Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 1.43 5.07 12.48 9.10 11.06Standard Deviation 0.83 2.96 7.27 5.30 6.45CV 83.44 37.76 77.37 53.02 7.72 Replicate F 0.574 5.136 0.263 0.580 3.902Replicate Prob(F) 0.5730 0.0172 0.7718 0.5701 0.0391Treatment F 37.128 3.135 5.279 0.859 63.620Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0187 0.0013 0.5758 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA AMACH POROLCrop Code CITLA Weed or Crop Name Water Large Smooth CommonWeed or Crop Name melon Crabgras Pigweed PurslaneRating Data Type Stuntng Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/07/06 07/07/06 07/07/06 07/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c2 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 8.0 a 92.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a

Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

3 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 1.7 a 92.0 ab 100.0 a 99.3 b Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 1.7 a 89.7 b 100.0 a 100.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

5 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 7.3 a 94.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

6 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 4.7 a 90.0 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

7 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 5.7 a 92.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

8 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 8.0 a 96.7 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

9 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 4.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

10 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 8.0 a 98.3 ab 100.0 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 6.27 10.05 0.00 0.63Standard Deviation 3.66 5.86 0.00 0.37CV 74.63 6.92 0.0 0.41 Replicate F 2.789 2.273 0.000 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.0881 0.1318 1.0000 0.3874Treatment F 2.022 78.303 0.000 22467.668Treatment Prob(F) 0.0973 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CYPES AMACH CHEAL POROLCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Yellow Smooth Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Nutsedge Pigweed Lambqtrs PurslaneRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/07/06 08/01/06 08/01/06 08/01/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c2 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 88.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 81.7 b

Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

3 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 92.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 84.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

5 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 79.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

6 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 87.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

7 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 84.7 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

8 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 79.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

9 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 86.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

10 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 77.3 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 17.25 0.00 0.00 8.72Standard Deviation 10.06 0.00 0.00 5.08CV 13.27 0.0 0.0 5.76 Replicate F 0.063 0.000 0.000 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.9389 1.0000 1.0000 0.3874Treatment F 21.674 0.000 0.000 115.301Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 1.0000 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA CYPES Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Yellow Weed or Crop Name Crabgras Nutsedge Rating Data Type Control Control Rating Unit % % Rating Date 08/01/06 08/01/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 77.0 bc 48.4 b

Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

3 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 70.0 c Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 71.0 c Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

5 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 89.3 ab 65.0 ab Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

6 V-10142 75 WG 0.1 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 75.0 bc 79.6 a Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

7 V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 81.7 abc 76.7 a Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

8 Chateau 51 WG 0.096 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 85.7 ab 64.3 ab Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

9 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 93.3 a 68.7 ab Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A

10 Sinbar..........terbacil 80 W 0.2 lb ai/A POST-DIR A 96.0 a 73.3 a Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0313 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A POST-DIR A Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST-DIR A V-10142 75 WG 0.2 lb ai/A POST B Crop Oil Concentrate 100 L 1 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 14.51 21.54 Standard Deviation 8.46 12.11 CV 11.45 20.35 Replicate F 6.204 4.075 Replicate Prob(F) 0.0089 0.0446 Treatment F 31.659 13.719 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Watermelon CITLA Variety: Jamboree Planting Date: 05/23/06 Planting Method: Transplanted- Hand Rate: 33 pl/1000ft2 Row Spacing: 10 ft Soil Temperature: 70 F Soil Moisture: Moist SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 50 FT Reps: 4 Site Type: Field Study Design: FACTORIAL Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: The June 8 application was POST-directed over the entire trial. The 7-11 application was broadcast over the entire trial. Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit

1. 06/08/06 Gramoxone Inteon 2 L 1 qt/A 2. 06/08/06 Dual II Magnum 7.64 E 1 qt/A 3. 06/08/06 Sandea 75 DF 0.67 oz wt/A 4. 06/08/06 Sinbar 80 W 4 oz wt/A 5. 06/08/06 Nonionic Surfactant 0.25 % v/v 6. 07/11/06 Select 2 EC 8 fl oz/A 7. 07/11/06 Nonionic Surfactant 0.25 % v/v SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: sandy loam % Silt: 12 pH: 6.5 % Clay: 9 CEC: 4.5 Fert. Level: Optimum Irrigation/Type: Trickle Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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A Application Date: 06/08/06 Time of Day: 11:30 AM Application Method: Spray Application Timing: Post Applic. Placement: Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F % Relative Humidity: 65 Wind Velocity, Unit: 3 mph Wind Direction: NW Dew Presence (Y/N): N Soil Temp., Unit: 73 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry % Cloud Cover: 15 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A Crop 1 Code: CITLA Growth Stage: Vine Crop Health: Good APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A Appl. Equipment: Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi Nozzle Type: TEEJET Nozzle Size: 110005 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 4 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph Carrier: water Spray Volume, Unit: 5 gpa Propellant: CO2

Trial Comments 6/28/06 column marked flower: 1 = yes, 0 = no.

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Injury Injury Chloross Necrosis StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/09/06 06/11/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 43.8 a 62.5 a 2.5 c 63.3 a 50.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.025 lb ai/A A 30.0 b 51.3 b 2.5 c 49.5 b 28.3 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 10.0 e 23.3 a 48.8 b 33.8 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

4 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0047 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 10.0 e 25.0 a 43.8 bc 38.8 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

5 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 37.5 c 2.5 c 33.8 c 56.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

6 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.0375 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 21.3 d 11.5 b 17.0 d 22.5 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

7 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 f 0.0 c 14.3 d 0.0 d LSD (P=.05) 2.69 6.73 7.77 12.76 11.23Standard Deviation 1.81 4.53 5.23 8.59 7.56CV 17.17 16.48 54.45 22.25 23.06 Replicate F 1.000 5.159 3.509 0.057 2.968Replicate Prob(F) 0.4155 0.0095 0.0367 0.9814 0.0595Treatment F 414.818 107.029 16.332 17.520 24.311Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Wilting flower Stunting flower StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 07/10/06 07/10/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 0.8 a 32.5 e 1.0 a 28.8 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.025 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 1.0 a 20.5 f 1.0 a 13.5 e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 0.0 b 85.0 a 1.0 a 80.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

4 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0047 lb ai/A A 0.0 c 0.0 b 79.0 b 1.0 a 71.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

5 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 58.8 a 0.0 b 71.8 c 1.0 a 73.8 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

6 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.0375 lb ai/A A 15.0 b 0.0 b 48.3 d 1.0 a 45.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

7 Untreated Check 0.0 c 1.0 a 10.0 g 1.0 a 0.0 f LSD (P=.05) 6.01 0.28 4.40 0.00 8.22Standard Deviation 4.05 0.19 2.96 0.00 5.53CV 38.4 48.1 5.97 0.0 12.38 Replicate F 1.509 1.000 0.598 0.000 1.586Replicate Prob(F) 0.2461 0.4155 0.6248 1.0000 0.2277Treatment F 118.091 27.667 404.397 0.000 131.970Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Stunting Harv1Yld Harv1Yld Harv1Yld Harv2YldRating Unit % #/plot lb/plot #Rotten #/plotRating Date 07/31/06 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 6.3 bc 13 b 264.7 bc 3 ab 9 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.025 lb ai/A A 6.3 bc 16 ab 344.2 ab 2 bc 11 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 58.8 a 1 d 7.3 d 1 cd 6 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

4 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0047 lb ai/A A 52.5 a 1 d 16.2 d 0 d 10 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

5 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 56.3 a 2 d 29.8 d 0 d 6 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

6 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.0375 lb ai/A A 15.0 b 9 c 192.4 c 1 bcd 12 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

7 Untreated Check 0.0 c 18 a 380.7 a 4 a 12 aLSD (P=.05) 11.91 4.3 86.48 1.7 4.8Standard Deviation 8.02 2.9 58.21 1.1 3.3CV 28.78 34.85 32.99 79.98 35.28 Replicate F 0.481 2.394 2.042 1.532 2.501Replicate Prob(F) 0.6992 0.1021 0.1440 0.2405 0.0922Treatment F 44.000 26.250 30.236 5.790 1.975Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0017 0.1230 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Harv2Yld Harv2Yld H1+2Yld H1+2Yld H1+2YldRating Unit lb/plot #Rotten #/plot lb/plot #RottenRating Date 08/11/06 08/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 224.1 abc 1 a 22 bc 488.8 bc 3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.025 lb ai/A A 247.1 ab 1 a 27 ab 591.4 ab 3 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 122.9 c 1 a 7 d 130.2 d 1 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

4 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0047 lb ai/A A 204.6 abc 1 a 11 d 220.9 d 1 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

5 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 128.7 bc 0 a 8 d 158.4 d 0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

6 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.0375 lb ai/A A 279.2 a 0 a 20 c 471.6 c 1 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

7 Untreated Check 301.4 a 1 a 29 a 682.0 a 5 a LSD (P=.05) 119.27 1.0 5.1 112.17 2.1Standard Deviation 80.28 0.7 3.4 75.50 1.4CV 37.27 120.26 19.44 19.27 70.57 Replicate F 2.050 1.412 1.610 1.165 0.526Replicate Prob(F) 0.1428 0.2719 0.2222 0.3504 0.6701Treatment F 2.973 1.538 29.402 34.145 5.606Treatment Prob(F) 0.0338 0.2224 0.0001 0.0001 0.0020 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Harv3Yld Harv3Yld Harv4Yld Harv4Yld H1-4 YldRating Unit #/plot lb/plot #/plot lb/plot #/plotRating Date 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/24/06 08/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 3 d 72.1 c 2 cd 73.6 a 27 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.025 lb ai/A A 3 cd 85.3 bc 3 bcd 117.6 a 32 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 8 ab 161.2 a 4 abc 84.9 a 19 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

4 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0047 lb ai/A A 9 a 162.0 a 5 ab 100.2 a 24 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

5 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 6 ab 132.7 abc 6 a 125.7 a 19 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

6 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.0375 lb ai/A A 6 bc 155.2 ab 2 cd 58.0 a 28 abc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

7 Untreated Check 3 d 75.3 c 1 d 42.5 a 33 a LSD (P=.05) 2.8 71.87 2.7 67.17 5.6Standard Deviation 1.9 48.38 1.8 44.58 3.8CV 36.0 40.13 57.23 51.79 14.47 Replicate F 0.837 0.903 0.471 1.190 0.927Replicate Prob(F) 0.4913 0.4589 0.7061 0.3470 0.4478Treatment F 7.373 2.947 3.820 1.882 8.949Treatment Prob(F) 0.0004 0.0349 0.0124 0.1501 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLAWeed or Crop Name WaterWeed or Crop Name melonRating Data Type H1-4 YldRating Unit lb/plotRating Date Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 605.3 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.025 lb ai/A A 768.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

3 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 376.3 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

4 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0047 lb ai/A A 483.1 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

5 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 416.8 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.1X

6 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.0375 lb ai/A A 684.7 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A Rate 0.05X

7 Untreated Check 786.6 a LSD (P=.05) 128.61Standard Deviation 85.35CV 14.5 Replicate F 0.133Replicate Prob(F) 0.9386Treatment F 15.268Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Injury Injury Chloross Necrosis StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/09/06 06/11/06 06/15/06 06/15/06 06/15/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 11.7 26.7 7.2 43.5 45.8Replicate 2 11.7 30.0 9.2 42.5 32.5Replicate 3 13.3 35.8 11.3 41.3 35.5Replicate 4 12.5 35.8 17.2 43.3 39.2TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 36.9 56.9 2.5 56.4 39.11 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 10.0 24.1 46.3 36.32 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 0.0 29.4 7.0 25.4 39.43 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A


1 Rate 0.1X 14.6 36.7 9.4 48.6 46.72 Rate 0.05X 10.0 27.5 13.0 36.8 29.8


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 43.8 62.5 2.5 63.3 50.01 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 10.0 23.3 48.8 33.82 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 0.0 37.5 2.5 33.8 56.33 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 30.0 51.3 2.5 49.5 28.31 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 10.0 25.0 43.8 38.82 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 0.0 21.3 11.5 17.0 22.53 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Injury % 06/09/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 7698.958333 R 3 11.458333 3.819444 1.000 0.4199 2.4A 2 7252.083333 3626.041667 949.364 0.0001 2.1B 1 126.041667 126.041667 33.000 0.0001 1.7AB 2 252.083333 126.041667 33.000 0.0001 2.9ERROR 15 57.291667 3.819444FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Injury % 06/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 10345.833333 R 3 370.833333 123.611111 5.855 0.0074 5.7A 2 8877.083333 4438.541667 210.247 0.0001 4.9B 1 504.166667 504.166667 23.882 0.0002 4.0AB 2 277.083333 138.541667 6.563 0.0090 6.9ERROR 15 316.666667 21.111111FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Chloross % 06/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 3031.958333 R 3 336.125000 112.041667 3.780 0.0335 6.7A 2 2083.083333 1041.541667 35.138 0.0001 5.8B 1 77.041667 77.041667 2.599 0.1278 4.7AB 2 91.083333 45.541667 1.536 0.2472 8.2ERROR 15 444.625000 29.641667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Necrosis % 06/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 6321.333333 R 3 17.666667 5.888889 0.067 0.9765 11.5A 2 3998.083333 1999.041667 22.780 0.0001 10.0B 1 840.166667 840.166667 9.574 0.0074 8.1AB 2 149.083333 74.541667 0.849 0.4472 14.1ERROR 15 1316.333333 87.755556FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Stunting % 06/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 4860.500000 R 3 593.833333 197.944444 3.145 0.0564 9.8A 2 48.250000 24.125000 0.383 0.6881 8.5B 1 1700.166667 1700.166667 27.011 0.0001 6.9AB 2 1574.083333 787.041667 12.504 0.0006 12.0ERROR 15 944.166667 62.944444

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Wilting flower Stunting flower StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 06/15/06 06/28/06 06/28/06 07/10/06 07/10/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 13.3 0.3 56.2 1.0 56.7Replicate 2 12.5 0.3 54.7 1.0 50.3Replicate 3 14.2 0.3 57.0 1.0 51.3Replicate 4 9.2 0.2 56.8 1.0 50.2TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 0.0 0.9 26.5 1.0 21.11 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 0.0 82.0 1.0 75.92 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 36.9 0.0 60.0 1.0 59.43 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A


1 Rate 0.1X 19.6 0.3 63.1 1.0 61.02 Rate 0.05X 5.0 0.3 49.3 1.0 43.3


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 0.0 0.8 32.5 1.0 28.81 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 0.0 85.0 1.0 80.52 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 58.8 0.0 71.8 1.0 73.83 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 0.0 1.0 20.5 1.0 13.51 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 0.0 0.0 79.0 1.0 71.32 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 15.0 0.0 48.3 1.0 45.03 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Wilting % 06/15/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 11448.958333 R 3 86.458333 28.819444 1.531 0.2473 5.3A 2 7252.083333 3626.041667 192.675 0.0001 4.6B 1 1276.041667 1276.041667 67.804 0.0001 3.8AB 2 2552.083333 1276.041667 67.804 0.0001 6.5ERROR 15 282.291667 18.819444FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon flower % 06/28/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 4.958333 R 3 0.125000 0.041667 1.000 0.4199 0.3A 2 4.083333 2.041667 49.000 0.0001 0.2B 1 0.041667 0.041667 1.000 0.3332 0.2AB 2 0.083333 0.041667 1.000 0.3911 0.3ERROR 15 0.625000 0.041667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Stunting % 06/28/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 14127.333333 R 3 20.333333 6.777778 0.700 0.5663 3.8A 2 12497.333333 6248.666667 645.672 0.0001 3.3B 1 1148.166667 1148.166667 118.640 0.0001 2.7AB 2 316.333333 158.166667 16.343 0.0002 4.7ERROR 15 145.166667 9.677778FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon flower % 07/10/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 0.000000 R 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0A 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0B 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0AB 2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.0000 0.0ERROR 15 0.000000 0.000000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Stunting % 07/10/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 15606.625000 R 3 169.791667 56.597222 1.613 0.2284 7.3A 2 12621.000000 6310.500000 179.801 0.0001 6.3B 1 1890.375000 1890.375000 53.861 0.0001 5.2AB 2 399.000000 199.500000 5.684 0.0145 8.9ERROR 15 526.458333 35.097222

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Stunting Harv1Yld Harv1Yld Harv1Yld Harv2YldRating Unit % #/plot lb/plot #Rotten #/plotRating Date 07/31/06 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 30.0 8 163.9 1 6Replicate 2 32.5 7 145.1 2 8Replicate 3 35.8 8 162.3 0 10Replicate 4 31.7 5 98.5 1 12TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 6.3 15 304.5 2 101 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 55.6 1 11.8 0 82 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 35.6 5 111.1 1 93 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A


1 Rate 0.1X 40.4 5 100.6 1 72 Rate 0.05X 24.6 9 184.3 1 11


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 6.3 13 264.7 3 91 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 58.8 1 7.3 1 62 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 56.3 2 29.8 0 63 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 6.3 16 344.2 2 111 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 52.5 1 16.2 0 102 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 15.0 9 192.4 1 123 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Stunting % 07/31/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 14600.000000 R 3 108.333333 36.111111 0.474 0.7047 10.7A 2 9868.750000 4934.375000 64.831 0.0001 9.3B 1 1504.166667 1504.166667 19.763 0.0005 7.6AB 2 1977.083333 988.541667 12.988 0.0005 13.1ERROR 15 1141.666667 76.111111FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv1Yld #/plot 08/02/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 1070.500000 R 3 47.500000 15.833333 2.093 0.1442 3A 2 793.000000 396.500000 52.401 0.0001 3B 1 73.500000 73.500000 9.714 0.0071 2AB 2 43.000000 21.500000 2.841 0.0899 4ERROR 15 113.500000 7.566667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv1Yld lb/plot 08/02/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 477177.493215 R 3 16778.227299 5592.742433 2.086 0.1451 63.7A 2 354448.380554 177224.190277 66.088 0.0001 55.2B 1 42042.520635 42042.520635 15.678 0.0013 45.1AB 2 23683.751334 11841.875667 4.416 0.0310 78.0ERROR 15 40224.613394 2681.640893FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv1Yld #Rotten 08/02/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 48.958333 R 3 7.125000 2.375000 1.647 0.2207 1A 2 18.083333 9.041667 6.272 0.0105 1B 1 0.041667 0.041667 0.029 0.8673 1AB 2 2.083333 1.041667 0.723 0.5017 2ERROR 15 21.625000 1.441667FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv2Yld #/plot 08/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 313.333333 R 3 109.666667 36.555556 5.332 0.0106 3A 2 16.083333 8.041667 1.173 0.3363 3B 1 66.666667 66.666667 9.724 0.0070 2AB 2 18.083333 9.041667 1.319 0.2967 4ERROR 15 102.833333 6.855556

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Harv2Yld Harv2Yld H1+2Yld H1+2Yld H1+2YldRating Unit lb/plot #Rotten #/plot lb/plot #RottenRating Date 08/11/06 08/11/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 139.7 0 14 303.7 1Replicate 2 190.5 0 14 335.5 2Replicate 3 220.0 1 18 382.3 2Replicate 4 254.2 0 16 352.7 1TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 235.6 1 24 540.1 31 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 163.8 1 9 175.5 12 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 203.9 0 14 315.0 13 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A


1 Rate 0.1X 158.5 0 12 259.1 22 Rate 0.05X 243.7 1 19 428.0 2


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 224.1 1 22 488.8 31 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 122.9 1 7 130.2 12 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 128.7 0 8 158.4 03 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 247.1 1 27 591.4 31 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 204.6 1 11 220.9 12 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 279.2 0 20 471.6 13 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv2Yld lb/plot 08/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 186024.510534 R 3 42339.032870 14113.010957 3.351 0.0474 79.9A 2 20751.206044 10375.603022 2.463 0.1188 69.2B 1 43460.574572 43460.574572 10.318 0.0058 56.5AB 2 16291.160164 8145.580082 1.934 0.1790 97.8ERROR 15 63182.536884 4212.169126FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv2Yld #Rotten 08/11/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 12.000000 R 3 3.666667 1.222222 3.793 0.0331 1A 2 3.250000 1.625000 5.043 0.0211 1B 1 0.166667 0.166667 0.517 0.4831 0AB 2 0.083333 0.041667 0.129 0.8797 1ERROR 15 4.833333 0.322222FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon H1+2Yld #/plot SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 1651.833333 R 3 52.833333 17.611111 1.393 0.2835 4A 2 1032.583333 516.291667 40.832 0.0001 4B 1 280.166667 280.166667 22.157 0.0003 3AB 2 96.583333 48.291667 3.819 0.0456 5ERROR 15 189.666667 12.644444FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon H1+2Yld lb/plot SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 889392.595072 R 3 19420.294310 6473.431437 1.022 0.4105 97.9A 2 541335.086585 270667.543293 42.752 0.0001 84.8B 1 170994.409910 170994.409910 27.009 0.0001 69.2AB 2 62676.101005 31338.050503 4.950 0.0223 119.9ERROR 15 94966.703261 6331.113551FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon H1+2Yld #Rotten SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 67.958333 R 3 3.458333 1.152778 0.527 0.6702 2A 2 30.333333 15.166667 6.938 0.0074 2B 1 0.041667 0.041667 0.019 0.8920 1AB 2 1.333333 0.666667 0.305 0.7416 2ERROR 15 32.791667 2.186111

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLA CITLAWeed or Crop Name Water Water Water Water WaterWeed or Crop Name melon melon melon melon melonRating Data Type Harv3Yld Harv3Yld Harv4Yld Harv4Yld H1-4 YldRating Unit #/plot lb/plot #/plot lb/plot #/plotRating Date 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/24/06 08/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 6 144.4 4 106.9 25Replicate 2 5 120.4 4 113.3 24Replicate 3 6 126.7 3 79.7 27Replicate 4 6 120.8 3 73.5 25TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 3 78.7 2 95.6 301 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 8 161.6 5 92.6 222 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 6 143.9 4 91.8 243 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A


1 Rate 0.1X 6 122.0 4 94.7 222 Rate 0.05X 6 134.2 3 91.9 28


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 3 72.1 2 73.6 271 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 8 161.2 4 84.9 192 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 6 132.7 6 125.7 193 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 3 85.3 3 117.6 321 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 9 162.0 5 100.2 242 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 6 155.2 2 58.0 283 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X

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University of Delaware Watermelon Response to Herbicide Injury Trial ID: Meln3-06 Cooperator: Location: Field 4 Investigator: Mark VanGessel FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv3Yld #/plot 08/18/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 186.958333 R 3 4.125000 1.375000 0.343 0.7946 2A 2 121.333333 60.666667 15.135 0.0003 2B 1 0.375000 0.375000 0.094 0.7639 2AB 2 1.000000 0.500000 0.125 0.8836 3ERROR 15 60.125000 4.008333FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv3Yld lb/plot 08/18/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 70828.783577 R 3 2292.495631 764.165210 0.312 0.8161 60.8A 2 30491.901325 15245.950663 6.234 0.0107 52.7B 1 889.869508 889.869508 0.364 0.5554 43.0AB 2 470.154326 235.077163 0.096 0.9089 74.5ERROR 15 36684.362786 2445.624186FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv4Yld #/plot 08/24/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 115.958333 R 3 7.125000 2.375000 0.646 0.5973 2A 2 21.583333 10.791667 2.937 0.0839 2B 1 2.041667 2.041667 0.556 0.4676 2AB 2 30.083333 15.041667 4.093 0.0382 3ERROR 15 55.125000 3.675000FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon Harv4Yld lb/plot 08/24/06 SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 49518.602909 R 3 6974.589592 2324.863197 1.203 0.3424 54.1A 2 64.457503 32.228751 0.017 0.9835 46.8B 1 47.788343 47.788343 0.025 0.8771 38.2AB 2 13451.159099 6725.579549 3.481 0.0573 66.2ERROR 15 28980.608372 1932.040558FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon H1-4 Yld #/plot SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 809.333333 R 3 27.666667 9.222222 0.579 0.6376 5A 2 277.333333 138.666667 8.709 0.0031 4B 1 253.500000 253.500000 15.921 0.0012 3AB 2 12.000000 6.000000 0.377 0.6923 6ERROR 15 238.833333 15.922222

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University of Delaware Crop Code CITLAWeed or Crop Name WaterWeed or Crop Name melonRating Data Type H1-4 YldRating Unit lb/plotRating Date Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code TABLE OF R MEANS Replicate 1 555.0Replicate 2 552.1Replicate 3 569.2Replicate 4 547.0TABLE OF A MEANS

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 686.91 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 429.72 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 550.83 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A


1 Rate 0.1X 466.12 Rate 0.05X 645.5


1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 605.31 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 376.32 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 416.83 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 1 Rate 0.1X 1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.05 lb ai/A A 768.51 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 2 Callisto........mesotrione 4 SC 0.0094 lb ai/A A 483.12 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X 3 Mirage..........glyphosate 3 AS 0.075 lb ai/A A 684.73 Nonionic Surfactant 100 L A 2 Rate 0.05X

FACTORIAL/POOLED ERROR AOV For CITLA Water melon H1-4 Yld lb/plot SOURCE DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE F Prob(F) LSD (.05)Total 23 592891.152689 R 3 1629.031696 543.010565 0.076 0.9718 103.7A 2 264971.146453 132485.573226 18.646 0.0001 89.8B 1 192977.990864 192977.990864 27.159 0.0001 73.3AB 2 26732.536241 13366.268121 1.881 0.1867 127.0ERROR 15 106580.447435 7105.363162

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University of Delaware Raptor for POST Weed Control in Peas Trial ID: Pea01-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 2. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 3. Annual Grasses GGGAN

Crop 1: Pea PIBSS Variety: Early Freezer 680 Planting Date: 03/10/06 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 250 lb/A Row Spacing: 7.5 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Dry Emergence Date: 04/04/06 Crop 2: Pea PIBSS Variety: Cabree Planting Date: 03/10/06 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 250 lb/A Row Spacing: 7.5 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Dry Emergence Date: 04/04/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 20 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated Form Form Form Rate No. Date Treatment Name Conc Unit Type Rate Unit

1. 05/09/06 Targa 0.88 lbai/g

a EC 8 fl oz/A

2. 05/09/06 Nonionic Surfactant 0.25 % v/v

SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 8 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 13 CEC: 4.0 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 03/13/06 04/19/06 Time of Day: 11:30 am 10:00 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 78 F 61 F % Relative Humidity: 45 48 Wind Velocity, Unit: 10 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: West Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 75 F 58 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Dry Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: N/A Dry % Cloud Cover: 55 0 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: PIBSS PIBSS Growth Stage: 4-6 nodes Height, Unit: 4-8 in Crop Health: Good Crop 2 Code: PIBSS PIBSS Growth Stage: 4-6 nodes Height, Unit: 4-8 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: cot-7 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-2 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 Weed 2 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: cot-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 iin Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 3 Code: GGGAN GGGAN Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0-.5 in Density,Unit: 5 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2

Trial Comments FlwrRed= % reduction in number of flowers, based on untreated check. 05/11/06 Percent reduction in amount of flowers was rated as well as stunting.

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University of Delaware Raptor for POST Weed Control in Peas Trial ID: Pea01-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Pea Pea Pea Pea PeaWeed or Crop Name EF 680 EF 680 EF 680 Cabrio CabrioRating Data Type Stunting Chloross Lf burn Stunting ChlorossRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/24/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 04/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.047 lb ai/A POST B

2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 7.3 ab 3.3 a 0.0 a 3.3 bc 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 2.3 b 0.0 a 0.0 a 5.7 bc 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 13.3 a 7.3 a 0.0 a 6.7 b 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 7.3 ab 1.7 a 0.0 a 4.0 bc 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A POST B 14.0 a 3.3 a 0.0 a 15.0 a 9.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 8.63 6.66 0.00 6.60 1.87Standard Deviation 4.75 3.66 0.00 3.63 1.03CV 64.23 140.14 0.0 62.78 63.77 Replicate F 0.565 1.075 0.000 3.057 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.5856 0.3778 1.0000 0.0920 0.4019Treatment F 4.241 1.697 0.000 5.855 44.263Treatment Prob(F) 0.0249 0.2227 1.0000 0.0088 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Pea Pea Pea Pea PeaWeed or Crop Name Cabrio EF 680 EF 680 Cabrio CabrioRating Data Type Lf burn Stunting Chloross Stunting ChlorossRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/24/06 04/29/06 04/29/06 04/29/06 04/29/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.047 lb ai/A POST B

2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 11.7 a 0.0 a 5.7 b 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 a 1.7 bc 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 15.0 a 0.0 a 12.3 a 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 2.3 b 0.0 a 4.0 bc 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 15.0 a 0.0 a 13.3 a 0.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 0.00 5.46 0.00 5.25 0.00Standard Deviation 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.89 0.00CV 0.0 40.91 0.0 46.81 0.0 Replicate F 0.000 0.519 0.000 1.280 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 1.0000 0.6106 1.0000 0.3199 1.0000Treatment F 0.000 17.926 0.000 10.988 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 0.0008 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Pea Pea Pea Pea PeaWeed or Crop Name EF 680 Cabrio EF 680 EF 680 CabrioRating Data Type FlwrRed FlwrRed Stunting FlwrRed StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/03/06 05/03/06 05/11/06 05/11/06 05/11/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 5.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.047 lb ai/A POST B

2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 4.3 ab 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 3.7 ab 0.0 c 3.3 a 0.0 c 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 3.0 bc 21.7 b 8.3 a 31.7 b 6.7 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 3.0 bc 0.0 c 2.3 a 0.0 c 3.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A POST B 1.7 c 35.0 a 10.0 a 76.7 a 11.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 1.84 8.08 9.80 12.39 6.98Standard Deviation 1.01 4.44 5.39 6.81 3.84CV 29.35 47.02 134.63 37.72 106.25 Replicate F 2.826 0.493 1.310 1.287 0.094Replicate Prob(F) 0.1064 0.6249 0.3123 0.3180 0.9108Treatment F 4.000 35.268 1.862 63.695 4.623Treatment Prob(F) 0.0297 0.0001 0.1884 0.0001 0.0191 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEALCrop Code PIBSS PIBSS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Pea Common Common Pea PeaWeed or Crop Name Cabrio Ragweed Lambqtrs EF 680 EF 680Rating Data Type FlwrRed Control Control Stunting FlwrRedRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/11/06 05/11/06 05/11/06 05/24/06 05/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.4 c 0.0 a 0.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.047 lb ai/A POST B

2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 c 67.6 c 86.3 a 3.3 a 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 c 75.0 bc 86.0 ab 5.0 a 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 25.0 b 85.3 ab 89.7 a 5.0 a 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 c 89.3 a 92.0 a 0.0 a 0.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A POST B 73.3 a 79.3 abc 78.7 b 0.0 a 21.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 8.41 11.82 7.60 10.19 2.14Standard Deviation 4.62 6.28 4.04 5.60 1.18CV 28.22 9.5 5.59 252.12 32.64 Replicate F 0.065 0.043 0.211 0.841 1.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.9375 0.9579 0.8143 0.4598 0.4019Treatment F 123.182 84.298 231.337 0.602 169.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.7006 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEALCrop Code PIBSS PIBSS Weed or Crop Name Pea Pea Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Cabrio Cabrio Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Stunting FlwrRed Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/24/06 05/24/06 05/24/06 05/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.047 lb ai/A POST B

2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 3.3 b 33.3 b 66.7 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 5.0 a 0.0 b 66.0 a 79.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 5.0 a 0.0 b 76.7 a 89.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

5 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A POST B 3.3 a 0.0 b 81.0 a 88.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B 30% Urea Ammonium Nitrate 100 L 2.5 % v/v POST B Basagran........bentazon 4 L 0.187 lb ai/A POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A POST B 0.0 a 21.7 a 73.3 a 73.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE A

LSD (P=.05) 9.78 4.39 27.92 22.50Standard Deviation 5.37 2.42 15.35 12.37CV 241.87 57.97 27.87 18.71 Replicate F 1.346 2.143 0.821 1.463Replicate Prob(F) 0.3036 0.1681 0.4675 0.2771Treatment F 0.654 38.714 12.985 22.034Treatment Prob(F) 0.6659 0.0001 0.0004 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Pea02-06) Page 1

University of Delaware PRE Grass Weed Control in Peas Trial ID: Pea02-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Pea PIBSS Variety: Early Freezer 680 Planting Date: 03/10/06 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 250 lb/A Row Spacing: 7.5 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Dry Emergence Date: 04/04/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 8 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 13 CEC: 4.0 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 03/09/06 03/13/06 Time of Day: 12:15 pm 11:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PPI PRE Applic. Placement: BroSoi BroSoi Air Temp., Unit: 60 F 78 F % Relative Humidity: 38 45 Wind Velocity, Unit: 12 mph 10 mph Wind Direction: West West Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 60 F 75 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Moist Dry Leaf Surf. Moisture: N/A N/A % Cloud Cover: 50 55

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Incorporation Equip.: s-tyne Hours to Incorp.: 1 Incorp. Depth, Unit: 2 in Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 05/03/06 No differences in amount of flowering was observed between treatments.

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University of Delaware PRE Grass Weed Control in Peas Trial ID: Pea02-06 Cooperator: Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL GGGANCrop Code PIBSS PIBSS Weed or Crop Name Pea Pea Common Common AnnualWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs GrassesRating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/24/06 05/09/06 05/09/06 05/09/06 05/09/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 c 0.0 d 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE B 3.3 bc 11.7 a 81.0 bc 98.3 a 97.0 ab

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE B 14.7 a 11.7 a 81.0 bc 99.0 a 97.7 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 4 Define..........flufenacet 60 DF 0.3 lb ai/A PRE B 10.7 ab 8.0 a 86.0 ab 99.0 a 98.3 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 5 Define..........flufenacet 60 DF 0.45 lb ai/A PRE B 11.7 ab 12.3 a 85.0 ab 97.7 a 98.3 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 6 Command.........clomazone 3 ME 0.187 lb ai/A PRE B 10.7 ab 3.3 a 86.7 ab 99.0 a 97.7 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 7 Command.........clomazone 3 ME 0.28 lb ai/A PRE B 0.0 c 0.0 a 88.7 ab 99.0 a 97.0 ab

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 8 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.71 lb ai/A PPI A 5.7 bc 0.0 a 85.7 ab 99.0 a 92.3 b

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 9 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.71 lb ai/A PPI A 9.7 ab 0.0 a 84.3 ab 99.0 a 98.3 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 10 KIH-485 3.57 SC 0.112 lb ai/A PRE B 8.3 abc 3.3 a 92.3 a 99.0 a 99.0 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 11 KIH-485 3.57 SC 0.084 lb ai/A PRE B 5.7 bc 5.0 a 88.3 ab 98.3 a 94.3 ab

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 12 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 4.0 bc 5.0 a 75.0 c 95.0 b 76.7 c

LSD (P=.05) 8.35 10.43 9.16 1.37 4.79Standard Deviation 4.93 6.16 5.41 0.81 2.83CV 70.14 122.46 6.95 0.9 3.24 Replicate F 0.152 0.678 0.105 1.185 0.837Replicate Prob(F) 0.8599 0.5180 0.9005 0.3246 0.4463Treatment F 2.697 1.851 63.591 3692.443 297.172Treatment Prob(F) 0.0229 0.1056 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL GGGANCrop Code PIBSS Weed or Crop Name Pea Common Common AnnualWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs GrassesRating Data Type Stunting Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 05/25/06 05/25/06 05/25/06 05/25/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 a 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 d 2 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.477 lb ai/A PRE B 3.3 a 81.0 abc 93.3 a 84.3 abc

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 3 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.716 lb ai/A PRE B 3.3 a 77.3 abc 95.0 a 95.7 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 4 Define..........flufenacet 60 DF 0.3 lb ai/A PRE B 5.0 a 81.0 abc 99.7 a 92.3 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 5 Define..........flufenacet 60 DF 0.45 lb ai/A PRE B 5.7 a 75.3 abc 98.3 a 91.7 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 6 Command.........clomazone 3 ME 0.187 lb ai/A PRE B 3.3 a 79.3 abc 100.0 a 84.0 abc

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 7 Command.........clomazone 3 ME 0.28 lb ai/A PRE B 0.0 a 85.0 ab 95.0 a 88.3 ab

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 8 Prowl H2O.......pendimethalin 3.8 CS 0.71 lb ai/A PPI A 0.0 a 70.0 c 90.0 a 77.7 bc

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 9 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.71 lb ai/A PPI A 0.0 a 79.3 abc 100.0 a 89.0 ab

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 10 KIH-485 3.57 SC 0.112 lb ai/A PRE B 0.0 a 86.0 a 100.0 a 92.3 a

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 11 KIH-485 3.57 SC 0.084 lb ai/A PRE B 0.5 a 78.3 abc 88.3 a 86.7 abc

Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 12 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE B 3.3 a 73.3 bc 97.3 a 74.3 c

LSD (P=.05) 6.74 11.91 11.78 12.66Standard Deviation 3.97 7.03 6.95 7.48CV 194.39 9.74 7.89 9.38 Replicate F 1.271 0.673 1.339 0.758Replicate Prob(F) 0.3013 0.5205 0.2826 0.4804Treatment F 0.897 32.572 48.710 35.884Treatment Prob(F) 0.5586 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Pea03-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Use of ALS-inhibiting Herbicides for Peas Trial ID: Pea03-06 Cooperator: Gowan Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 2. Common Ragweed AMBEL Ambrosia artemisifolia L. 3. Annual Grasses GGGAN

Crop 1: Pea PIBSS Variety: Early Freezer 680 Planting Date: 03/10/06 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 250 lb/A Row Spacing: 7.5 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 72 F Soil Moisture: Dry Emergence Date: 04/04/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 8 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 13 CEC: 4.0 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 03/13/06 04/19/06 Time of Day: 11:30 am 9:30 Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 78 F 59 F % Relative Humidity: 45 50 Wind Velocity, Unit: 10 mph 1 mph Wind Direction: West Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 75 F 57 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Dry Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: N/A Dry % Cloud Cover: 55 0 (Pea03-06) Page 2

University of Delaware

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Crop 1 Code: PIBSS PIBSS Growth Stage: 4-6 nodes Height, Unit: 4-8 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: cot-7 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-2 in Density,Unit: 400 m2 Weed 2 Code: AMBEL AMBEL Growth Stage: cot-4 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-1 in Density,Unit: 25 m2 Weed 3 Code: GGGAN GGGAN Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 0-.5 in Density,Unit: 5 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 20 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2

Trial Comments 04/11/06: Weed control was good to excellent for all treatments. Weed emergence (just emerging) was observed in treatments at lower rates, but weeds were fewer and smaller compared to untreated check. 04/24/06: Common ragweed has started to emerge just recently but was not rated at this time.

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University of Delaware Use of ALS-inhibiting Herbicides for Peas Trial ID: Pea03-06 Cooperator: Gowan Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code CHEAL Crop Code PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Pea Pea Common Pea PeaWeed or Crop Name Lambqtrs Rating Data Type Stunting Stunting Control Stunting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/11/06 04/24/06 04/24/06 04/28/06 05/09/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 g 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d 0.0 d2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 7.0 ef 11.7 bc 83.3 c 5.0 d 0.0 d

Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 10.7 de 3.3 bc 86.0 abc 5.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 13.3 cd 19.0 b 89.7 abc Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 g 6.7 bc 87.0 abc 0.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 fg 8.3 bc 87.3 abc 3.5 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 3.3 fg 11.7 bc 84.3 bc 5.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 17.7 c 36.7 a 99.0 a 30.0 c 15.0 c Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.035 lb ai/A PRE A 25.0 b 36.7 a 97.7 ab 40.0 b 20.0 b Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

10 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.047 lb ai/A PRE A 34.5 a 46.7 a 97.0 abc 50.0 a 40.0 a Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 6.24 15.89 14.02 9.44 0.00Standard Deviation 3.59 9.22 8.17 4.73 0.00CV 31.22 51.03 10.07 30.71 0.0 Replicate F 0.666 1.202 11.764 0.907 0.000Replicate Prob(F) 0.5281 0.3250 0.0005 0.4528 1.0000Treatment F 30.372 9.249 37.991 49.632 0.000Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 1.0000 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMBEL CHEAL AMBEL CHEALCrop Code PIBSS Weed or Crop Name Common Common Pea Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Ragweed Lambqtrs Ragweed LambqtrsRating Data Type Control Control Stunting Control ControlRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/09/06 05/09/06 05/24/06 05/24/06 05/24/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 e 0.0 d 2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 70.0 c 90.0 a 0.0 c 56.7 cd 56.7 c

Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 75.0 c 86.3 a 3.3 c 66.7 cd 68.3 bc Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 68.3 bcd 84.0 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 65.0 c 80.0 a 0.0 c 53.3 d 73.3 abc Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 72.5 c 88.5 a 5.0 c 66.0 cd 87.3 a Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 77.5 bc 84.5 a 5.0 c 77.3 abc 85.7 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 90.0 ab 99.0 a 15.0 b 88.3 ab 82.3 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.035 lb ai/A PRE A 95.0 a 99.0 a 20.0 b 95.3 a 84.7 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

10 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.047 lb ai/A PRE A 97.0 a 92.5 a 30.0 a 98.3 a 85.7 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 13.10 22.19 8.54 21.47 17.64Standard Deviation 6.78 11.49 4.42 12.51 10.29CV 9.51 14.37 50.84 18.67 14.53 Replicate F 1.205 1.696 0.757 1.983 11.792Replicate Prob(F) 0.3551 0.2508 0.5040 0.1667 0.0005Treatment F 55.012 21.332 17.323 15.182 20.290Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0003 0.0006 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Use of ALS-inhibiting Herbicides for Peas - Later Planting Trial ID: Pea04-06 Cooperator: Gowan Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N Crop 1: Pea PIBSS Variety: Bolero Planting Date: 04/13/06 Planting Method: Drilled Depth: 0.75 in Rate: 250 lb/A Row Spacing: 7.5 in Seed Bed: Medium Soil Temperature: 67 F Soil Moisture: Dry Emergence Date: 04/21/06 SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 10 FT Plot Length, Unit: 25 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Chisel Plowed, Disked & Field Cultivated SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 79 % OM: 1.6 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 8 pH: 6.2 % Clay: 13 CEC: 4.0 Fert. Level: Medium Irrigation/Type: Sprinkler - Lateral Move Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.3 Unit: mi APPLICATION DESCRIPTION

A B Application Date: 04/14/06 05/09/06 Time of Day: 9:30 am 12:00 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: PRE POST Applic. Placement: BroSoi Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 58 F 64 F % Relative Humidity: 88 26 Wind Velocity, Unit: 1 mph 2 mph Wind Direction: West Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 57 F 63 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: N/A Dry % Cloud Cover: 100 70

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Tractor Operating Pressure: 25 psi 29 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 20 in Boom Length, Unit: 6 nozl 6 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 18 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 Compr.Air

Trial Comments 06/06/06 The treatments with Sandea had over 75% of the expected stand present (emergence was dramatically delayed). Rating is based on stunting and the reduction in number of flowers present.

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University of Delaware Use of ALS-inhibiting Herbicides for Peas - Later Planting Trial ID: Pea04-06 Cooperator: Gowan Location: Field #16 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSS PIBSSWeed or Crop Name Pea Pea Pea Pea PeaWeed or Crop Name Rating Data Type Stunting Stunting Stunting Stunting Red FlwrRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 04/29/06 05/09/06 05/24/06 06/06/06 06/06/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 1.7 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d

Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 6.7 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 6.7 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 5.7 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 5.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 0.0 c 6.7 c 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 d Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 95.0 b 86.7 b 60.0 b 30.0 c 66.7 c Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.035 lb ai/A PRE A 98.3 a 92.3 ab 80.0 a 46.7 b 78.3 b Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

10 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.047 lb ai/A PRE A 99.7 a 95.0 a 85.0 a 63.3 a 88.3 a Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 3.05 7.03 7.72 5.40 7.60Standard Deviation 1.78 4.10 4.24 3.09 4.43CV 6.07 13.38 18.86 22.04 18.99 Replicate F 1.644 1.370 0.556 0.000 1.189Replicate Prob(F) 0.2209 0.2793 0.5905 1.0000 0.3274Treatment F 2112.259 314.688 225.231 179.510 219.717Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code AMASS AMBEL CHEAL Crop Code Weed or Crop Name Pigweed Common Common Weed or Crop Name Species Ragweed Lambqtrs Rating Data Type Control Control Control Rating Unit % % % Rating Date 06/06/06 06/06/06 06/06/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 c 0.0 d 0.0 c 2 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 82.7 ab 62.3 abc 74.9 ab

Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

3 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 87.3 ab 48.3 c 78.3 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

4 Raptor..........imazamox 1 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 90.0 ab 55.0 bc 86.7 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

5 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0156 lb ai/A PRE A 90.0 ab 43.3 c 83.3 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

6 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 93.0 a 78.7 ab 92.3 a Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

7 Pursuit.........imazethapyr 2 AS .0312 lb ai/A PRE A 91.9 ab 48.3 c 79.9 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

8 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF .0234 lb ai/A PRE A 80.0 b 89.0 a 92.3 a Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

9 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.035 lb ai/A PRE A 86.7 ab 87.7 a 74.3 b Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

10 Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.047 lb ai/A PRE A 83.3 ab 88.3 a 84.0 ab Targa...........quizalofop 0.88 EC 0.055 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

LSD (P=.05) 11.89 28.72 17.78 Standard Deviation 6.87 16.67 10.27 CV 8.75 27.74 13.77 Replicate F 0.807 0.673 1.706 Replicate Prob(F) 0.4635 0.5232 0.2129 Treatment F 49.462 8.320 20.674 Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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(Peppr1-06) Page 1

University of Delaware Ammonium Pelargonate as a Bioherbicide for Pepper Row Middles Trial ID: Peppr1-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Goosegrass ELEIN Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.

2. Stinkgrass ERACN Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) E.Mosher

3. Cutleaf Evening Primrose OEOLA Oenothera laciniata Hill

4. Common Purslane POROL Portulaca oleracea L. 5. Common Lambsquarters CHEAL Chenopodium album L. 6. Pigweed Species AMASS Amaranthus sp. 7. Large Crabgrass DIGSA Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 8. Fall Panicum PANDI Panicum dichotomiflorum (L.) Michx. 9. Yellow Nutsedge CYPES Cyperus esculentus L.

Crop 1: Pepper CPSAN Variety: Aristotle bell Planting Date: 06/09/06 Planting Method: Transplanted- Hand Rate: 26 plot Row Spacing: 18 in Soil Temperature: 81 F Soil Moisture: Moist SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 6.7 FT Plot Length, Unit: 30 FT Reps: 4 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage MAINTENANCE Field Prep./Maintenance: 30 lb N applied through the drip ~ 1 WAT. Form Form Rate

No. Date Treatment Name Conc Type Rate Unit 1. 07/03/06 Poast 1.5 L 1.4 pt/A 2. 07/03/06 Crop Oil Concentrate 2 pt/A SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 82 % OM: 0.9 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 9 pH: 6.4 % Clay: 9 CEC: 3.8 Fert. Level: Optimum Irrigation/Type: Trickle Frequency: as needed Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.2 Unit: mi

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Application Date: 06/07/06 06/22/06 06/29/06 07/07/06 07/20/06 08/02/06 08/11/06

Time of Day: 9:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 9:30 AM 8:15 am 8:30 am Application Method: Spray Spray Spray Spray Spray Spray Spray Application Timing: PrePla 2WATRP 3WATRP 4WATRP 6WATRP 8WATRP 9WATRP Applic. Placement: BroDir BroDir BroDir BroDir BroDir BroDir BroDir Air Temp., Unit: 68 F 80 F 80 F 81 F 82 F 84 F 73 F % Relative Humidity: 60 80 86 57 76 75 80

Wind Velocity, Unit: 6 mph 5 mph 0 mph 4 mph 7 mph 0 mph 4 mph

Wind Direction: North Southwest N/A Northwest North N/A Northeast Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Y N N y N Soil Temp., Unit: 69 F 76 F 75 F 76 F 80 F 82 F 74 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist Root Zone Moisture: Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Moist Dry Dry Moist Dry % Cloud Cover: 30 15 50 35 55 90 75 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B C D E F G Crop 1 Code: CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN Crop Health: NA Good Good Good Good Good Good

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A B C D E F G Weed 1 Code: ELEIN ELEIN ELEIN ELEIN ELEIN ELEIN ELEIN Growth Stage: 3 blades 12 blds 28 blds 10 blds 20 40

Height, Unit: 0.75

in 3.5 in

7 in

7 in

30 in

20 in


300 m2

120 m2

120 m2

120 m2

120 m2

100 m2

Weed 2 Code: ERACN ERACN ERACN ERACN ERACN ERACN ERACN Growth Stage: 2 blades 14 blds 12 blds

Height, Unit: 0.5

in 4.5 in

5 in in in in


100 m2

60 m2

28 m2




Weed 3 Code: OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA OEOLA Growth Stage: 2 lf 9 lvs 7 lvs

Height, Unit: 0.5

in 1 in

2 in in in in


12 m2

16 m2

8 m2




Weed 4 Code: POROL POROL POROL POROL POROL POROL POROL Growth Stage: 3 lf 35 lvs 17 50 250 200

Height, Unit: 0.5

in 2.5 in

5 in

7 in

15 in

12 in


20 m2

20 m2

16 m2

30 m2

20 m2

16 m2

Weed 5 Code: CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL CHEAL Growth Stage: 7 lf 5 lvs 20 lvs 40 lvs 40 50

Height, Unit: 1

in 1.5 in

5.5 in

10 in

12 in

10 in


45 m2

60 m2

60 m2

40 m2

16 m2

12 m2

Weed 6 Code: AMASS AMASS AMASS AMASS AMASS AMASS AMASS Growth Stage: 3 lf 6 lvs 7 lvs 8 lvs 25 20

Height, Unit: 0.5

in 2 in

5 in

7 in

11 in

7 in


24 m2

24 m2

16 m2

8 m2

8 m2

12 m2

Weed 7 Code: DIGSA DIGSA DIGSA DIGSA DIGSA DIGSA DIGSA Growth Stage: 3 blades 4 blds 35 blds 12 blds 30 8

Height, Unit: 1

in 2.5 in

10 in

8 in

22 in

24 in


40 m2

80 m2

28 m2

28 m2

25 m2

24 m2

Weed 8 Code: PANDI PANDI PANDI PANDI PANDI PANDI PANDI Growth Stage: 4 blds 4 blds 10 7

Height, Unit: 5

in 8 in in 16

in 17 in


20 m2

28 m2


2 m2

4 m2

Weed 9 Code: CYPES CYPES CYPES CYPES CYPES CYPES CYPES Growth Stage: 4 blds 8 4

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Height, Unit: 5

in 9 in

8 in


8 m2

40 m2

60 m2

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University of Delaware APPLICATION EQUIPMENT


Appl. Equipment: Backpack







Operating Pressure: 25 psi 48 psi 48 psi 48 psi 48 psi 48 psi 48 psi

Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET







Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 11003 11003 11003 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 16 in 16 in 16 in 16 in 16 in 16 in 16 in

Band Width, Unit: 18 in 18 in 18 in 18 in 18 in 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit:

2 nozl

2 nozl

2 nozl

2 nozl

2 nozl

2 nozl

2 nozl

Boom Height, Unit: 8 in 8 in 8 in 8 in 8 in 8 in 8 in

Ground Speed, Unit:

3 mph

3 mph

3 mph

3 mph

3 mph

3 mph

3 mph

Carrier: water water water water water water water Spray Volume, Unit:

25 gpa

35 gpa

35 gpa

35 gpa

35 gpa

35 gpa

35 gpa

Propellant: CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2

Trial Comments Every other row middle sprayed with Poast for grass control on 7-3-06 at 4:00 pm. (4 nozl boom). In site description, Application D represents weeds present in trt 8. Application B,C, and E-G represent the weed data collected from the untreated check. Below are the weed descriptions from other treatments at various sprays. 7/20/06 Weeds in trt 6: Weed stage(# leaves) height (in) #/m2 Pigweed 7 2.5 8 Lambsquarter 7 1.5 1 Purslane 20 4 8 Lg crabgrass 40 14 16 Goosegrass 40 9 45 Fall panicum 3 10 1 Nutsedge 4 5 8 8/02/06 Weeds in trt 6: Weed stage(# leaves) height (in) #/m2 Pigweed . . 0 Lambsquarter . . 0 Purslane 80 7 12 Lg crabgrass 20 20 32 Goosegrass 20 24 48 Fall panicum 10 26 4 Nutsedge 5 3 4 8/02/06 Weeds in trt 8: Weed stage(# leaves) height (in) #/m2 Pigweed 22 7 2 Lambsquarter 30 15 8 Purslane 250 12 20 Lg crabgrass 30 20 8 Goosegrass 20 30 60 Fall panicum 10 28 4 Nutsedge 6 6 24

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8/10/06 Weeds in trt 7: Weed stage(# leaves) height (in) #/m2 Pigweed 100 24 16 Lambsquarter 70 18 16 Purslane 150 15 12 Lg crabgrass 100 36 96 Goosegrass 60 36 60 Fall panicum 56 36 8 Nutsedge 6 6 24 8/10/06 Weeds in trt 9: Weed stage(# leaves) height (in) #/m2 Pigweed . . 0 Lambsquarter . . 0 Purslane 35 6 8 Lg crabgrass 60 9 16 Goosegrass 50 10 12 Fall panicum 10 16 12 Nutsedge . . 0 8/10/06 Weeds in trt 10: Weed stage(# leaves) height (in) #/m2 Pigweed 80 20 8 Lambsquarter 125 20 8 Purslane 175 15 12 Lg crabgrass 60 19 12 Goosegrass 30 20 8 Fall panicum Nutsedge 8 12 40 Note that the first range (101-106) had some waterlogging, particularly plots 104,105. Unless otherwise noted, pepper injury was 0. Calc %wfc = each trt value divided by the wfc of the respective rep.

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University of Delaware Ammonium Pelargonate as a Bioherbicide for Pepper Row Middles Trial ID: Peppr1-06 Cooperator: Falcon LLC Location: Field #6D Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code ELEINCrop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper Pepper GooseWeed or Crop Name Aristotl Aristotl Aristotl grassRating Data Type Necrosis Stunting Necrosis ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 07/07/06 07/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 25.0 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 23.8 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 58.8 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 62.5 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 52.5 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.0 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 62.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 31.3 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

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University of Delaware Weed Code ELEINCrop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper Pepper GooseWeed or Crop Name Aristotl Aristotl Aristotl grassRating Data Type Necrosis Stunting Necrosis ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/28/06 06/28/06 07/07/06 07/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 7.5 a 83.8 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 b 87.0 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.3 b 0.0 a 0.0 b 0.0 e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 11.0 a 0.0 a 5.5 a 98.8 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 5.85 0.00 4.68 14.70Standard Deviation 3.38 0.00 3.24 10.18CV 71.13 0.0 274.38 19.13 Replicate F 1.117 0.000 0.398 0.197Replicate Prob(F) 0.4135 1.0000 0.7556 0.8978Treatment F 10.927 0.000 2.706 35.979Treatment Prob(F) 0.0100 1.0000 0.0170 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA POROL AMASS CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Common Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras purslane species LambsqtrRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/07/06 07/07/06 07/07/06 07/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 15.0 e 25.0 ef 30.0 d 56.7 def Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 18.8 e 26.3 ef 35.0 d 43.8 f Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 33.8 d 65.0 bc 71.1 b 67.0 b-e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 66.3 c 57.5 cd 77.1 b 78.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 23.8 de 23.8 f 81.1 b 53.7 ef Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 71.3 bc 76.0 b 69.4 b 72.0 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 25.0 de 42.5 de 50.0 c 62.5 cde Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 70.5 bc 80.0 ab 97.5 a 96.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA POROL AMASS CHEALCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Large Common Pigweed CommonWeed or Crop Name Crabgras purslane species LambsqtrRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/07/06 07/07/06 07/07/06 07/07/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 80.0 b 31.3 ef 48.8 c 68.4 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 f 0.0 g 0.0 e 0.0 g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 97.5 a 93.8 a 100.0 a 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 11.97 17.67 12.54 13.82Standard Deviation 8.29 12.22 8.61 9.49CV 18.18 25.81 14.35 14.94 Replicate F 1.254 2.108 1.589 4.785Replicate Prob(F) 0.3076 0.1209 0.2171 0.0091Treatment F 60.264 22.708 50.241 32.420Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CYPES PANDI AMASSCrop Code CPSANWeed or Crop Name Yellow Fall Pepper PigweedWeed or Crop Name nutsedge panicum Bell speciesRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/07/06 07/07/06 08/02/06 08/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.5 d 12.5 fg 7.5 a 16.3 ef Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 22.5 c 16.3 ef 5.0 a 22.5 de Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 78.8 a 28.8 de 0.0 a 70.8 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 80.8 a 37.5 d 1.3 a 71.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 78.8 a 40.0 cd 9.3 a 75.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 47.5 b 52.5 c 0.0 a 79.4 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 7.5 d 15.0 f 4.3 a 43.8 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 5.0 a 37.5 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 90.0 a 74.7 b 1.3 a 99.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code CYPES PANDI AMASSCrop Code CPSANWeed or Crop Name Yellow Fall Pepper PigweedWeed or Crop Name nutsedge panicum Bell speciesRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 07/07/06 07/07/06 08/02/06 08/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 26.3 c 82.5 b 2.5 a 52.5 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 d 0.0 g 9.3 a 0.0 f Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 82.5 a 100.0 a 1.8 a 100.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 14.86 12.89 7.58 16.29Standard Deviation 10.29 8.91 5.25 11.29CV 21.9 21.33 134.05 20.26 Replicate F 1.041 1.822 0.663 0.982Replicate Prob(F) 0.3887 0.1652 0.5807 0.4137Treatment F 49.269 52.387 1.633 32.913Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.1349 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL POROL ELEIN DIGSACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common Goose LargeWeed or Crop Name lambsqtr purslane grass crabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 31.3 e 10.0 de 17.5 d 10.0 fg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 32.5 e 10.0 de 28.8 d 18.8 efg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 70.8 bc 30.0 c 68.3 c 40.0 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 67.5 bc 15.0 d 73.0 bc 64.3 bc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 47.5 de 17.5 d 56.3 c 32.5 de Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 86.7 ab 48.3 b 56.3 c 46.3 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 58.0 cd 11.3 de 28.8 d 20.0 ef Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 33.8 e 6.3 de 30.0 d 17.5 efg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 99.5 a 93.0 a 89.5 ab 73.0 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code CHEAL POROL ELEIN DIGSACrop Code Weed or Crop Name Common Common Goose LargeWeed or Crop Name lambsqtr purslane grass crabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/02/06 08/02/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 68.8 bc 13.8 d 87.0 ab 67.5 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 f 0.0 e 0.0 e 0.0 g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 100.0 a 92.5 a 99.5 a 98.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 19.95 11.41 17.42 19.47Standard Deviation 13.82 7.90 12.07 13.48CV 23.82 27.28 22.81 33.14 Replicate F 2.526 0.768 4.609 1.288Replicate Prob(F) 0.0750 0.5206 0.0084 0.2946Treatment F 19.238 66.750 27.673 19.608Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code CYPES AMASS CHEAL POROLCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Yellow Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Nutsedge species lambsqtr purslaneRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 08/02/06 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/18/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.5 c 25.0 g 25.0 e 12.5 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 5.0 c 26.3 g 26.3 e 13.8 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 88.8 a 65.0 cd 61.3 b 26.3 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 90.0 a 61.3 cd 50.0 bcd 25.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 86.3 a 67.7 c 47.8 cd 25.0 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 45.0 b 85.0 b 88.8 a 46.3 b Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 16.3 c 48.8 ef 61.3 b 27.5 c Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 10.0 c 41.3 f 41.3 d 13.8 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 90.0 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 96.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code CYPES AMASS CHEAL POROLCrop Code Weed or Crop Name Yellow Pigweed Common CommonWeed or Crop Name Nutsedge species lambsqtr purslaneRating Data Type Control Control Control ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 08/02/06 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/18/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 12.5 c 53.8 de 57.5 bc 20.0 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 c 0.0 h 0.0 f 0.0 e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 94.5 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 95.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 16.63 12.10 12.55 10.55Standard Deviation 11.52 8.38 8.69 7.31CV 25.56 14.92 15.82 21.86 Replicate F 1.790 1.553 1.042 2.375Replicate Prob(F) 0.1683 0.2199 0.3872 0.0878Treatment F 51.144 52.925 49.564 72.428Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code ELEIN DIGSA CYPESCrop Code CPSANWeed or Crop Name Goose Large Yellow PepperWeed or Crop Name grass crabgras Nutsedge Harv 1Rating Data Type Control Control Control # ripeRating Unit % % % #/plotRating Date 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/04/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 12.5 i 22.5 fg 5.0 d 40.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 18.8 hi 18.8 g 17.5 c 39.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 47.5 d 52.5 c 95.0 a 50.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 45.0 de 33.8 ef 95.0 a 43.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 37.5 ef 40.0 cde 95.0 a 36.3 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 67.5 c 47.5 cd 27.8 b 49.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 31.3 fg 41.3 cde 23.8 bc 46.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 26.3 gh 36.3 de 21.3 bc 44.8 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 83.8 b 90.0 a 98.8 a 48.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code ELEIN DIGSA CYPESCrop Code CPSANWeed or Crop Name Goose Large Yellow PepperWeed or Crop Name grass crabgras Nutsedge Harv 1Rating Data Type Control Control Control # ripeRating Unit % % % #/plotRating Date 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/04/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 71.3 c 75.0 b 26.3 b 47.8 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.0 j 0.0 h 0.0 d 34.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 97.5 a 100.0 a 100.0 a 54.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 9.63 12.72 7.25 14.48Standard Deviation 6.67 8.81 5.02 10.03CV 14.85 18.96 9.96 22.51 Replicate F 2.261 2.318 0.829 0.618Replicate Prob(F) 0.0996 0.0935 0.4880 0.6082Treatment F 80.370 44.287 275.337 1.445Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.1999 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 1 Harv 1 Harv 1 Harv 2Rating Data Type wt ripe # rotten wt rottn # ripeRating Unit kg/plot #/plot kg/plot #/plotRating Date 08/04/06 08/04/06 08/04/06 08/25/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.0358 a 5.8 a 0.4370 a 18.8 e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.6733 a 7.3 a 0.4798 a 23.8 de Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.6795 a 6.3 a 0.4560 a 33.3 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.0875 a 9.3 a 0.5803 a 28.8 cde Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.0395 a 6.8 a 0.3848 a 23.3 de Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.5780 a 6.5 a 0.4425 a 39.0 abc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.0615 a 4.5 a 0.2853 a 20.8 e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.0033 a 8.3 a 0.5280 a 24.3 de Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.6673 a 6.8 a 0.4903 a 42.8 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 1 Harv 1 Harv 1 Harv 2Rating Data Type wt ripe # rotten wt rottn # ripeRating Unit kg/plot #/plot kg/plot #/plotRating Date 08/04/06 08/04/06 08/04/06 08/25/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.0108 a 5.8 a 0.4083 a 33.8 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 1.9910 a 6.5 a 0.4083 a 18.8 e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.9933 a 6.5 a 0.4615 a 46.5 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 1.31632 5.78 0.34972 12.38Standard Deviation 0.91163 4.01 0.24220 8.58CV 29.71 60.09 54.21 29.12 Replicate F 0.610 3.750 3.399 1.036Replicate Prob(F) 0.6136 0.0201 0.0291 0.3892Treatment F 1.852 0.366 0.376 4.917Treatment Prob(F) 0.0845 0.9603 0.9563 0.0002 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 2 Harv 2 Harv 2 Harv 2Rating Data Type wt ripe # rotten wt rottn # smallRating Unit kg/plot #/plot kg/plot #/plotRating Date 08/25/06 08/25/06 08/25/06 08/25/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 1.7520 e 1.0 a 0.0898 a 7.5 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.1298 de 2.3 a 0.1633 a 8.8 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.2060 bcd 1.0 a 0.0755 a 10.5 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.6813 cde 1.5 a 0.1363 a 11.0 a-d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.0550 de 2.3 a 0.1773 a 9.5 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.9048 abc 1.0 a 0.0830 a 15.3 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.0048 de 0.5 a 0.0515 a 6.0 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 2.3130 de 0.8 a 0.0718 a 6.8 d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 4.2358 ab 2.0 a 0.1338 a 14.0 abc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 2 Harv 2 Harv 2 Harv 2Rating Data Type wt ripe # rotten wt rottn # smallRating Unit kg/plot #/plot kg/plot #/plotRating Date 08/25/06 08/25/06 08/25/06 08/25/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 3.1260 bcd 1.8 a 0.1328 a 11.0 a-d Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 1.7120 e 1.3 a 0.0873 a 7.8 cd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 5.0228 a 1.5 a 0.1603 a 17.0 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 1.27691 1.98 0.13730 6.37Standard Deviation 0.88434 1.37 0.09509 4.41CV 31.08 98.48 83.76 42.35 Replicate F 0.898 0.070 0.160 3.012Replicate Prob(F) 0.4525 0.9756 0.9228 0.0439Treatment F 5.877 0.709 0.774 2.474Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.7216 0.6630 0.0219 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 2 Harv 1+2 Harv 1+2Rating Data Type wt small # ripe wt ripeRating Unit kg/plot #/plot kg/plotRating Date 08/25/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.731500043 a 59 fg 4.788 efg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.361250049 a 63 efg 4.803 efg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.423750055 a 84 a-d 6.886 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.442250058 a 72 c-f 5.769 c-f Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.400250058 a 60 fg 4.095 fg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.700500081 a 89 abc 7.483 abc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.259750035 a 67 d-g 5.066 d-g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.276750026 a 69 d-g 5.316 d-g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.595250070 a 91 ab 7.903 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 2 Harv 1+2 Harv 1+2Rating Data Type wt small # ripe wt ripeRating Unit kg/plot #/plot kg/plotRating Date 08/25/06 Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.499250045 a 82 b-e 6.137 b-e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.325000050 a 53 g 3.703 g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 0.718500090 a 101 a 9.016 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 0.4531230188 18.9 2.0296Standard Deviation 0.3138161913 13.1 1.4056CV 65.67 17.7 23.77 Replicate F 0.510 0.435 0.593Replicate Prob(F) 0.6780 0.7297 0.6241Treatment F 1.186 5.137 5.307Treatment Prob(F) 0.3337 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 1+2 Harv 1+2Rating Data Type total # total wtRating Unit #/14plts kg/14pltRating Date Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 74 de 5.614 efg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C

2 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 82 cde 5.807 d-g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C

3 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 101 bc 7.841 bcd Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

4 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 94 bcd 6.928 c-f Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Scythe.........pelargonic acid 4.2 L 3.0 % v/v 3 WATRP C Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C

5 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 78 de 5.057 fg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Sandea..........halosulfuron 75 DF 0.0234 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 0.955 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C

6 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 111 ab 8.709 abc Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 2 WATRP B Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

7 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 78 de 5.663 efg Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

8 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 85 cde 6.193 d-g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 4 WATRP D Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 8 WATRP F

9 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 114 ab 9.122 ab Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 6 WATRP E Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 6 WATRP E Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A 9 WATRP G Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 9 WATRP G

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code CPSAN CPSANWeed or Crop Name Pepper PepperWeed or Crop Name Harv 1+2 Harv 1+2Rating Data Type total # total wtRating Unit #/14plts kg/14pltRating Date Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

10 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 100 bc 7.177 b-e Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 3 WATRP C Select..........clethodim 2 EC 0.125 lb ai/A 3 WATRP C Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v 3 WATRP C Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 6 WATRP E Racer.....ammonium pelargonate 3.3 L 10 fl oz/GAL 9 WATRP G

11 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 68 e 4.524 g Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weedy check

12 Gramoxone Inteon..paraquat 2 SL 0.5 lb ai/A PreTra A 126 a 10.356 a Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v PreTra A Weed Free Check

LSD (P=.05) 20.7 2.1180Standard Deviation 14.3 1.4669CV 15.5 21.21 Replicate F 2.001 1.232Replicate Prob(F) 0.1330 0.3138Treatment F 6.331 5.922Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Control in Potatoes Trial ID: POT01-06 Cooperator: Valent USA Location: Dill 15 Investigator: Mark VanGessel GENERAL TRIAL INFORMATION Study Director: Mark VanGessel Title: Extension Specialist, Weed Science Affiliation: University of Delaware Research & Education Center Address: R.D. 6 Box 48 City: Georgetown State: DE Zip Code: 19947 Conducted Under GLP (Y/N): N Conducted Under GEP (Y/N): N CROP AND WEED DESCRIPTION Weed Common Name Code Scientific Name 1. Morningglory Species IPOSS Ipomoea sp. 2. Annual Grasses GGGAN

Crop 1: White Potato SOLTU Variety: FL1867 chipping Planting Date: 04/14/06 Planting Method: Hilled Rate: 1 Sd/row-ft Row Spacing: 36 in Seed Bed: Smooth Soil Temperature: 65 F Soil Moisture: Dry SITE AND DESIGN Plot Width, Unit: 6 FT Plot Length, Unit: 30 FT Reps: 3 Site Type: Field Study Design: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK Tillage Type: Conventional Tillage SOIL DESCRIPTION % Sand: 84 % OM: 2.2 Texture: loamy sand % Silt: 9 pH: 6.0 % Clay: 7 Fert. Level: Medium Overall Moisture Conditions: See Temperature & Rainfall Charts at front of book Closest Weather Station: Univ. of Delaware Research & Education Center, Georgetown Distance: 0.7 Unit: mi

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A B Application Date: 05/11/06 05/30/06 Time of Day: 3:00 PM 1:30 pm Application Method: Spray Spray Application Timing: DPre POST Applic. Placement: Brdcst Brdcst Air Temp., Unit: 70 F 90 F % Relative Humidity: 57 42 Wind Velocity, Unit: 5 mph 0 mph Wind Direction: SE N/A Dew Presence (Y/N): N N Soil Temp., Unit: 60 F 89 F Soil Surf. Moisture: Dry Dry Root Zone Moisture: Dry Moist Leaf Surf. Moisture: NA Dry % Cloud Cover: 90 30 CROP STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Crop 1 Code: SOLTU SOLTU Height, Unit: 12-14 in Crop Health: Good WEED STAGE AT EACH APPLICATION

A B Weed 1 Code: IPOSS IPOSS Growth Stage: cot-2 leaf Height, Unit: 1-2 in Density,Unit: 12 m2 Weed 2 Code: GGGAN GGGAN Growth Stage: cot-3 leaf Height, Unit: 0.5-2 in Density,Unit: 200 m2 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT

A B Appl. Equipment: Backpack Backpack Operating Pressure: 25 psi 25 psi Nozzle Type: XRTEEJET XRTEEJET Nozzle Size: 11003 11003 Nozzle Spacing, Unit: 18 in 18 in Boom Length, Unit: 4 nozl 4 nozl Boom Height, Unit: 18 in 26 in Ground Speed, Unit: 3 mph 3 mph Carrier: water water Spray Volume, Unit: 25 gpa 25 gpa Propellant: CO2 CO2

Trial Comments Rep 1 plots not completely covered at hilling. 02/06/06 No injury was observed with the two postemergence herbicide treatments.

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University of Delaware Weed Control in Potatoes Trial ID: POT01-06 Cooperator: Valent USA Location: Dill 15 Investigator: Mark VanGessel Weed Code Crop Code SOLTU SOLTU SOLTU SOLTU SOLTUWeed or Crop Name White White White White WhiteWeed or Crop Name Potato Potato Potato Potato PotatoRating Data Type Stunting LfNecros LfChoros Stunting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/26/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.7 e 9.0 abc 8.7 a 0.0 g 0.0 a2 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A 5.3 cde 2.7 d 2.3 a 11.7 a-f 5.0 a3 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 14.0 a 8.0 bcd 2.3 a 16.3 ab 3.3 a

Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 1.0 de 4.0 cd 6.3 a 6.7 b-g 5.7 a5 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 8.7 a-d 8.0 bcd 2.0 a 16.7 a 0.0 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 3.3 cde 4.0 cd 6.3 a 7.3 a-g 5.7 a

Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

7 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.99 lb ai/A DPRE A 0.7 e 4.7 bcd 4.0 a 0.0 g 3.3 a8 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 7.7 a-e 10.0 ab 2.0 a 3.3 efg 5.0 a

Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.99 lb ai/A DPRE A 9 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 13.3 ab 14.3 a 1.7 a 14.0 a-d 10.0 a

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A

10 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 9.7 abc 10.0 ab 2.3 a 9.0 a-g 0.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 0.7 e 2.7 d 2.0 a 11.7 a-f 4.7 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.375 lb ai/A DPRE A

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 1.0 de 3.0 d 2.3 a 5.7 c-g 8.3 a Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A DPRE A

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 7.3 a-e 4.3 bcd 3.3 a 12.3 a-e 3.3 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.5 lb ai/A DPRE A

14 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 4.0 cde 6.0 bcd 4.0 a 12.3 a-e 33.3 a Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A

15 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 0.0 e 4.3 bcd 2.7 a 5.7 c-g 0.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 3.3 cde 5.0 bcd 2.3 a 4.0 efg 3.3 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A POST B Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

17 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 5.7 b-e 6.0 bcd 2.7 a 5.0 d-g 0.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A

18 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 1.7 de 5.3 bcd 3.3 a 0.0 g 0.0 a Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

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University of Delaware Weed Code Crop Code SOLTU SOLTU SOLTU SOLTU SOLTUWeed or Crop Name White White White White WhiteWeed or Crop Name Potato Potato Potato Potato PotatoRating Data Type Stunting LfNecros LfChoros Stunting StuntingRating Unit % % % % %Rating Date 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/18/06 05/26/06 06/17/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

19 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 3.3 cde 3.3 cd 2.7 a 2.3 fg 0.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

20 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A DPRE A 10.0 abc 7.3 bcd 2.0 a 15.0 abc 0.0 a Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A

LSD (P=.05) 7.84 5.96 5.11 9.98 21.93Standard Deviation 4.75 3.61 3.10 6.05 13.29CV 93.75 59.24 94.78 76.04 292.14 Replicate F 0.932 16.221 8.294 0.428 2.615Replicate Prob(F) 0.4027 0.0001 0.0010 0.6548 0.0863Treatment F 2.502 2.117 1.045 2.501 0.936Treatment Prob(F) 0.0079 0.0242 0.4384 0.0079 0.5481 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA IPOSS DIGSACrop Code SOLTUWeed or Crop Name Large Mornglry White LargeWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Species Potato CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/30/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 d 0.0 g 0.0 a 0.0 e 2 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A 90.0 ab 30.0 d-g 0.0 a 83.3 abc3 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 93.3 a 55.0 a-f 0.0 a 98.3 a

Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 95.0 a 16.7 fg 0.0 a 73.3 a-d 5 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 60.0 a-e 0.0 a 75.0 a-d

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 41.7 a-g 0.0 a 89.3 ab

Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

7 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.99 lb ai/A DPRE A 53.3 c 13.3 fg 0.0 a 46.7 d 8 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 95.0 a 36.7 b-g 0.0 a 73.3 a-d

Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.99 lb ai/A DPRE A 9 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 95.0 a 75.0 abc 0.0 a 83.3 abc

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A

10 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 63.3 bc 48.3 a-f 0.0 a 80.0 abc Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 48.3 a-f 0.0 a 90.0 ab Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.375 lb ai/A DPRE A

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 90.0 ab 23.3 efg 0.0 a 83.3 abc Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A DPRE A

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 68.3 a-d 0.0 a 98.3 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.5 lb ai/A DPRE A

14 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 93.3 a 33.3 c-g 0.0 a 55.0 cd Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A

15 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 76.7 ab 0.0 a 100.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 81.7 a 0.0 a 96.7 ab Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A POST B Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

17 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 23.3 efg 33.3 a 65.0 bcd Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A

18 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 90.0 ab 30.0 d-g 0.0 a 89.3 ab Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

19 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 100.0 a 41.7 a-g 0.0 a 100.0 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

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University of Delaware Weed Code DIGSA IPOSS DIGSACrop Code SOLTUWeed or Crop Name Large Mornglry White LargeWeed or Crop Name Crabgras Species Potato CrabgrasRating Data Type Control Control Stunting ControlRating Unit % % % %Rating Date 06/17/06 06/17/06 06/30/06 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

20 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A DPRE A 75.0 abc 65.0 a-e 0.0 a 73.3 a-d Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A

LSD (P=.05) 29.88 42.36 21.30 32.32Standard Deviation 18.11 25.67 12.91 19.59CV 20.9 59.13 774.6 25.22 Replicate F 1.682 2.524 1.000 0.248Replicate Prob(F) 0.1996 0.0935 0.3774 0.7813Treatment F 5.322 2.381 1.000 4.308Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 0.0113 0.4823 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

1 Untreated Check 0.0 g 2 Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A 23.3 efg3 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 65.0 abc

Outlook.........dimethenamid-p 6 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A 4 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 30.0 d-g5 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 65.0 abc

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 6 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 40.0 c-f

Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

7 Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.99 lb ai/A DPRE A 0.0 g 8 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 38.3 c-f

Prowl...........pendimethalin 3.3 EC 0.99 lb ai/A DPRE A 9 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 61.7 a-d

Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A

10 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.048 lb ai/A DPRE A 46.7 b-f Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

11 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 46.7 b-f Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.375 lb ai/A DPRE A

12 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 45.0 c-f Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.5 lb ai/A DPRE A

13 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 56.7 a-d Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.5 lb ai/A DPRE A

14 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 16.7 fg Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.75 lb ai/A DPRE A

15 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 79.3 a Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

16 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 78.7 ab Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A Matrix..........rimsulfuron 25 WG 0.0156 lb ai/A POST B Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.094 lb ai/A POST B Nonionic Surfactant 100 L 0.25 % v/v POST B

17 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 16.7 fg Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.187 lb ai/A DPRE A

18 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 53.3 a-e Linex...........linuron 4 L 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

19 Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A 36.7 c-f Sencor..........metribuzin 75 DF 0.25 lb ai/A DPRE A

Page 566: Delaware Weed Control Results - · Mitchell, Larry Scott, Karen Adams, Roseann Ferri, Donna Hamilton, and Holly White

(POT01-06) Page 8

University of Delaware Weed Code IPOSSCrop Code Weed or Crop Name MornglryWeed or Crop Name SpeciesRating Data Type ControlRating Unit %Rating Date 06/30/06Trt Treatment Form Form Rate Grow Appl No. Name Conc Type Rate Unit Stg Code

20 Chateau.........flumioxazin 51 WG 0.064 lb ai/A DPRE A 65.0 abc Dual II Magnum..s-metolachlor 7.64 E 1.43 lb ai/A DPRE A

LSD (P=.05) 32.54Standard Deviation 19.72CV 45.61 Replicate F 0.767Replicate Prob(F) 0.4716Treatment F 4.234Treatment Prob(F) 0.0001 Means followed by same letter do not significantly differ (P=.05, LSD) Mean comparisons performed only when AOV Treatment P(F) is significant at mean comparison OSL.

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