
Simplest Referral Marketing Softwareto Get MILLION+ reach

Introduction Video

Siddharth GuptaMarketing & Business development+1 415 580 6216, +91 [email protected]

Trusted by 5000+ brands in 25+ languagesaround the world



Promotional WebsitePlatforms


Social media

SDK for Android and Iphoneintegration.

Integration on website

eDMs to be sent out to the existingDatabase of customers

Facebook/Twitter Launch PostFacebook App

Show Refer andEarn Tab in thesubmenu

Set custom rules totrigger referralnotificationwithinApplication

Example :1. Show popup if

user browsingview for morethan 20 seconds.

2. Show popupafter 3 app

launches etc.

User clicks on thetab to open thereferral pagewithin the

mobile nativeexperience.

User can alsoinvitevia any appon his phonebysimply clicking onmore options toshare

For example usersends invite tofriend overwhatsapp

Friend clicks onthe invite linkand is taken tothe Playstore onandroid and

Appstore onIphone

Friend installs theApp. Invitereferralstracks the referralinstall and shows athank you greeting.

The user can berewarded as per

engagement metric.Example, friendopens the appatleast 3 times ondifferentdays

Customer can alsosee his own referralstatistics withinreferral section

Terms andconditions of

referral section.

A small section of Analytics preview

Advantages1. Social Virality

Drive million+ reachthrough trusted friendreferrals andincrease membersReduced cost of Acquisition

2. Referrals are much more impactful than just simple Ads or promoted posts

3. Reach target audience.Friends circle comprises of 80% similar demography

4. Track reach and drive sharing over multiple social networks

Other featuresIncludes following features :

1. Full Featured administration panel2. Complete referral campaign user flow design, development and Activation

3. Mobile Responsive4. One time Integration

5. Change campaign realtime without making any code changes6. Multiple referral options to invite friends

7. Automated referral tracking8. Spam prevention mechanisms inbuilt

9. Multiple admin roles and Query support functionality10.Automated email notifications including participations and gratification

11.Indepth analytics/charts - invites sent, visits and referral converts12.Identify Influencers and top referrers

13.Complete exportable analytics in excel14.Priority Support and Account manager

15.Multiple language support

InviteReferrals.comSimplest Referral Marketing Software

to Get MILLION+ reach

Siddharth GuptaMarketing & Business development+1 415 580 6216, +91 [email protected]

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