  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Culture includes several behavioralinfluencing factors shared by members of asociety and passed through generations.





    Symbolic Adaptive

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    Levels of Culture

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  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Culture creates people:Culture determinesthe ethos of the people.There are sub-cultures within a culture.Culture perofrms 4functions-

    It distinguishes between one organizationand another.

    It conveys a sense of identity fororganisational members

    It facilitates the generation of commitment tosomething nobler than ones own interest.

    It enhances social system stability.

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    Culture and Globalisation:When people fromdifferent cultures converge in a workplace,theproblem of managing diversity comes.

    Any move from one country to another willcreate a certain amount ofconfusion,disorientation and emotionalupheaval.This is called Culture Shock.

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    Culture determines Goods and Services: Culture broadlt determines the type of goods

    and services a business should produce.Thetype of food people eat,the clothes theywear,beverages they drink and buildingmaterial they use to construct houses varyfrom culture to culture.

  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Language and Culture:Language Distribution of the World

    Rank Language Primary country

    1 Chinese, Mandarin China

    2 Spanish Spain3 English United Kingdom

    4 Bengali Bangladesh

    5 Hindi India

    6 Portuguese Portugal

    7 Russian Russia

    8 Japanese Japan

    9 German Germany10 Chinese, Wu China

    11 Javanese Indonesia, Java, Bali

    12 Korean South Korea

    13 French France

    14 Vietnamese Vietnam

    15 Telugu India

    16 Chinese, Yue China

    17 Marathi India

    18 Tamil India

    19 Turkish Turkey

    20 Urdu Pakistan

  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Attitude are positive or negative evaluationsthat determine ones behaviour.Attitudetowards work is vital as it significantly impacton motivation,morale,job

    satisfaction,productivity and other aspects ofHRM.Positive attitude towards work alsocalled work ethic, makes a person moreproductive and satisfatied.Compensation andreward system are critical elements indetermining work attitudes.

  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    The feeling of collectivism or individualismhas its influence on employeemorale,multiplicity of unions and inter-unionrivalry.Collectivism is the hallmark of our

    society.Whether it is celebrating a marriage,asocial function,installing a new machineetc.,indians believe in people and crowd.

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    An individuals ambition to grow or remaincomplacent depends on his cultural ethos.Anambitious individual is highly motivated,is wealthacquisitive,has a strong zeal to excel,is preparedto change organisations and even take

    risks.Economy becomes vibrant if a largeproportion of the population comprisesambitious people.

    Majourity of our people are complacent .Anaverage citizen loves to be into Govt Job.

    Ours is that society where wealth is worshippedwhereas in western countries it is merelyrespected.

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    Education Family

    The view of scientific method

    Ethics in Business Religion

    Cultural Resources

    Customs and Manners

  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Major Concepts in the Comparative Analysis of US and Japanese Management

    Management How Perceived in the How Perceived in

    Concepts United States Japan

    Company Team in sport Family in village

    Business goal To win To survive

    Employees Players in a team Children in a family

    Human relations Functional Emotional

    Competition Cut-throat Cooperation or sin

    Profit motivation By all means Means to an end

    Sense of identification Job pride Group prestige

    Work motivation Individual income Group atmosphere

    Production Productivity Training and diligence

    Personnel Efficiency Maintenance

    Promotion According to abilities Length of servicePay Service and results Award for patience and


  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Major Concepts in the Comparative Analysis of Japan and India

    Social/Cultural Japan India


    Principles of Emphasis on government by the Prevalence of impersonal bureaucratic social

    government/ virtuous and abrogation of coercion, relations, mistrust of fellow beings based onadministration mutual trust between employer and the assumption of human nature as evil.

    employee and acceptance of basic Results in highly centralised administration,goodness of human nature. Results overemphasis of hierarchial status in decision-in minimum control from above, high making, bureaucratic delays, low levels oflevel of delegation, highly motivated delegation, dissatisfied workforce, andworkforce accentuation of apathy in individuals and


    Attitude towards Highly result-oriented General and deep-seated apathy,

    work and goals and directed towards dissociation of work from its results based onperfection and growth the belief that the results are pre-ordained. Tasksthrough dedicated effort are performed without any interest, dedication

    or prideDiscipline and Highly disciplined, respect Lack of discipline at all levels, basicorder for superiors and respect mistrust of authority, poor superior-

    for authority subordinate relationshipsGroup harmony Very high based on Assumption of inequality of human beings,

    informal affiliative nagging suspicion of fellow beings and

    pattern of behaviour and highly self-centered behaviour resultingin a lack of cooperation and teamwork

    Emphasis on Very high Generally indifferent andeducation highly ambivalent

  • 7/31/2019 Cross Border Cultural


    Christianity followed in Europe, Americas and Africa

    Islam followed in more than 35 countries ranging from

    North West Coast of Africa, Middle East, China and


    Buddhism has 250 million followers in Central and South

    East Asia, China, Korea and Japan

    Hinduism has 500 million achievements and is found in

    India and Nepal.

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    Management Concepts IndiaCompany Personalised equationsBusiness goal Global ambitionsEmployees as assetsHuman relations Loyal to the boss

    Competition Survival instinctProfit motivation Yes, no doubtSense of identification Pride with the job and the companyWork motivation Work is worshipProduction ProductivityPersonnel Efficiency

    Promotion Service and meritPay For hardwork

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