Page 1: CRITICAL / KEY OPPOSITION TO THE CREATION OF THE … · Image of Baal the an-Sat (in the age old - trillions of cosmic ages Sanskrits Sat = Truth an- Sat means un Truth) worshipped




Gerhard Atttali Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:31 AM To: Netherlands Distribution List

WILLIAM TELL CHAPEL AT LAKE LUCERNE SWITZERLAND Bank for International Settlements: Federal Reserve's Central Bank - A Deeper Look

BIS BUILDING IN BASEL TruNews talks with Adam LeBor. Tower of Basel is the first investigative history of the world's most secretive global financial institution. Based on extensive archival research in Switzerland, Britain, and the United States, and in-depth interviews with key decision-makers—including Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve; Sir Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England; and former senior Bank for International Settlements managers and officials—Tower of Basel tells the inside

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story of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS): the central bankers' own bank. Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs (runned, GJ=RT) the World (Why is Gerhard Attali even talking about the BIS, which is insolvent and no longer a real player?)

Image of Baal the an-Sat (in the age old - trillions of cosmic ages Sanskrits Sat = Truth an- Sat means un Truth) worshipped by the Jew banksters and their royal EU lackeys [Gerhard Attali shows his ignorance by playing into stereotypes with language designed to shed more light than heat -- the Network of Global Corporate Control does not want people to use their cognitive skills to figure out what is going on in this Gerard Attali is playing into the Network's hands, whether or not this is deliberate] and the CEO's of the destructive multinationals. As JC I said ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set ye free. Remember:


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Rose Knows Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 6:43 PM Subject: "SINE QUA NON"="Speculate or Die [Steve Giuliano uses foul language which is offputting and detracts from his message. Why?]

Cc: Karen Hudes

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Rose Knows [Steve Guiliano ]

Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 6:43 PM

Subject: "SINE QUA NON"="Speculate or Die Motherfucker"!

To: Ryan Quirt

Cc: Karen Hudes

Ryan Quirt

Vice President

Page 3: CRITICAL / KEY OPPOSITION TO THE CREATION OF THE … · Image of Baal the an-Sat (in the age old - trillions of cosmic ages Sanskrits Sat = Truth an- Sat means un Truth) worshipped


T.D. Securities and Investment Division

Diversified Industries

T.D. Tower 66 Wellington Street 8th Floor

Toronto, Ontario, M5K-1A2


Fax 416-983-3176

Cel 416-451-2310

What Up Ryan;

Are You Ready to Rumble?

You and Your Financial Elites Own and Control the Boxing Ring of Fiat Currency

Investments Where Honest Labour is Paid With Worthless Fiat Currency.

For Those of Us in the Middle Class that Survive this Rigged Game of Fiat Currency

for Our Valuable Labour, and who Never Have Taken a Dive for False Advancement

in a Rigged Game of "Fiat Currency" because We are NOT Afraid of an Honest Days

Work, will Come After You Elites and Your Cronies and Demand Justice when Our

Collective Fiat Currency's go to their True Intrinsic Value of "Zero".

What that Justice Will Look Like Remains to be Seen.

I can Come Up With a Few Ideas, But Who Would Listen?

I am Old With a Leg and a Half in the Grave and Live on a Meager Pension that is

Becoming Increasingly More Worthless by the Day that is Priced in Fiat Currency

soon to Go to "Zero".

I,,, Just Like You was Born into this 100 Plus Year Con Game of Currency


Unlike You,,, I Live My Life on Principles that Transcend the so called "Rule of Law"

that Only Favors the Elites at the Expense of the "Middle Class" that I was Born Into.

Unlike You,,, I Will Never Embrace Fraud as You Have.

Your Fraud Has Tried and Tried Again to Knock Me Down to the Canvas of Your

"Rigged Fiat Currency Boxing Ring" and Yet You Continue to Loose Against People

Like Me Because,,,, to Us it is Not How Hard You Can Hit Us With Your Fraud.

Its about How Hard We Get Hit and We Still Keep Moving Forward,,,, and the More

You Hit Us the More We Keep Moving Forward.

There Will Be No Prisoners Taken When this Fiat Currency Paradigm Collapses in the

Not Too Distant Future.

I am Here to Tell You that Your Game is Getting Old and People Like Me Know What

You are Going to Do Next Even Before You Do.

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If You Have Not Broken Like Minded "Middle Class" Members Like Myself By Now

You Never Will.

This is because We are True Working Class Hero's and We Will Demand Justice in

the Courts, [Not Likely] or In the Streets, [More Likely].

The Question You Need to Ask Yourself is What Legacy Do You Want to Be Part of

When the Currency Collapses?

The Collapse I speak of Was Carved in Stone Over 100 Years Ago.

It is a Time Honored Formula Played on a Unsuspecting "Middle Class" More than

400 Times in Modern Recorded History.

It Is History that is Never Taught in Our "Public Fool Systems of Education",,,

Because You Do Not want to Demoralize Future Dumbed Down Middle Class


We Do Not Want to Scare the Shit Out Of Our Collective Middle Class Workers With

Truthful Stories About the "Creature From Jekyll Island"!

The Same Creature that Created 230 Trillion in Global Unpayable Debt with

Unfunded Liabilities and Derivatives in the Quadrillions that the Working Middle

Class is Liable for in this Massive fraud of "Fiat Currency" that Will End in Outright


Back in the Day when Gold and Silver as Outlined in Americas Constitution was Real

Money Beyond the Manipulation of Corrupt Politicians and International Central


A Middle Class Worker had little Need for Unions because He was Paid in Real


No Shit !

In 1830 Unions were Created to Protect Workers Against Fraudulent Corrupt Banker

Fiat Currency for Workers Labour.

You know that Exter's Pyramid is an Inverted Organization of Asset Classes in Terms

of Risk and Size where Assets are Levered on a Inverted Pyramid at the Apex of Real

Money that is Gold and Silver.

On Top of this Real Money the Corrupt Politicians and Bankers Created,

Federal Reserve Notes,

Treasury Bills,

Government and Corporate Bonds,


Real Estate,

Mortgage Backed Securities, Credit Default Swaps, Collateralize Debt Obligations,

and All Manner of Derivatives Jammed Right Up the Asses of the Middle Class to the

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Point where the Middle Class Can Not Even Shit Sideways because of all of this

Worthless Paper Soon to Go Digital with Negative Interest Rates.

Once the Domino's of Collapse are Triggered with a Small Rise of Interest Rates, One

Default Will Beget Another Default where Assets Will be Sold Off in Panic Selling

Where Assets are Sold for Less than the Cost to Finance Those Assets in a Perpetual

"Negative Feedback Loop".

This Deflation Process is Slowed Down with Abe-economics and Quantitative Easing

Guaranteeing the Destruction of the "Fiat Currency" that the "Middle Class" is

Forced to Accept for its Labour Under Penalty of Law With No Recourse because of

an Impotent Union Leadership Strung Out on a False Belief System of Business

Unionism that Rewards the Union Leadership at the Expense of the Membership that

the Leadership Falsely Claims to Serve.

"We are in a World of Irredeemable Paper Money".

" A State of Affairs Unprecedented in History". John Exter !



What is the Value of My Weekly Wages and My Pension Worth if All Markets are

Rigged and there is No True Price Discovery System for the Commodities We Use to

Sustain Our Life?

Every Time Throughout History when this Form of Fraudulent Central Banker Fiat

Currency Creation has Reached Debt Saturation, the Banks take their Banker

Controlled Governments to War.

Generally the Bankers care not what side wins as the Bankers are always on the

winning side as they Finance Both sides of the Conflict and collect from both sides

after the Conflict through the Successful Doctrine of "Divide and Conquer".

Here We are again where the Bankers want to take us to War as a way out for the

Criminal, Sociopath, Psychopathic Behavior Administered by all levels of the Power


This is Not Just Simple Corruption, but it Qualifys as Systemic Corruption!

> The current economic paradigm that we live under has a serious,,, PROBLEM.

> Our middle class is still sleepwalking and has not yet exhibited any,,, REACTION.

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> When the middle class is forced to wake up they will be presented with a,,,



> This is the formula pattern that our masters use to maneuver the masses into

shaping our present economic paradigm into what will be a new economic paradigm

under their control.

> The names will change and power structures will rise and fall, but the principal of

control will be a constant.


> James G Rickards is the latest in a long list of Economic Macias who seek the job of

Moses too lead the masses to a new economic Promise Land.

> He thinks that the middle class are nothing more than a bunch of "Herd Following


> His claim of a new Economic Promise Land will be achieved through Special

Drawling Rights [SDR's].

> All that SDR's will accomplish is a prolonged day of reckoning resulting in a

stronger concentration of power for our new masters under a New Hard Money


> Jim Rickards obviously studied Triffin's Dilemma.

> There is nothing going on today that was not already known back in the "60's"

under Triffin's work back in 1960.

> So who is this new Economic God who goes by the name of Jim Rickards?

> He is a CIA Analyst for Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Adviser.

> So another words the CIA is suspecting that the Dollar will collapse in the near

future as stated by their mouth peace that is Jim Rickards.

> So what else has Jim done to gain our trust besides writing a "Best Selling Book"

called The "Death of Money"?

> Jim was the top Lawyer for Long Term Capital Management [LTCM] during their

1998 meltdown.

> This Financial Meltdown was so challenging to the health of the financial system

that Allen Greenspan and Robert Rubin said it was the worst financial disaster in 50

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So what did these financial genius's do to strengthen the financial system so as to not

have another financial disaster such as Long Term Capital Management in the


Well,,,,,,,,,,,,keeping in script like a bunch of Keystone Cops they built on the

dismantled Glass-Steagall Act of-course!

> Well now I feel a huge burst of confidence with such guiding leadership,,,,NOT !

> So who was Jim Rickards partner in the LTMC cleanup? Surly such a champion for

the common good of all would have an impeccable pedigree.

Well it was none other than Jon [THE SLIME] Corzine, that's who.

This guy can not account for a missing 2 Billion Dollars while he was the head of M.F.


> Back in 1998 when LTCM was causing the most challenging financial disaster in 50

years "The Slime" was the CEO of none other than that den of inequity that is

Goldman Sachs.

Jim Rickards and Jon Corzine put their two massive heads together and came up with

a rescue package for LTMC.

> Not to worry about Jon Corzine's moral compass as he was a Senator from of New

Jersey as well as New Jersey's 54th Governor.

> I feel better now knowing that, because we all know that our political system is

above reproach.

> So there you have it Ryan.

> Long live the SDR!

> But realize this.

> The SDR will only prolong the true day of reckoning giving the elites a ever stronger

grip around Your Children's economic throat.

> This is Because the SDR is just Another "Fiat Currency".

>This is Retired Veteran Congressmen Ron Paul's latest work on what I consider the

greatest challenge that faces everyone today that wishes to exercise some semblance

of control over their destiny in this life as we know it.

> I always feared for Ron Paul that if he were successful in his bid for President that

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he would follow as the latest in a long list of assassinations, attempted assassinations,

and family misfortunes, such as those experienced by Charles Lindbergh, Andrew

Jackson, Huey Long, Lewis T McFadden, James Buchanan, Warren Harding, Zachary

Taylor, James Garfield, William McKinley, Abraham Lincoln, and John Kennedy.

> This list is long but I assure you that the list of assassinations in Americas short

lifetime, against those that stand in the way in Private International Central Banking

interest is much, much longer.

> So what am I saying here??????

> I am saying that there is a commonality among these high profile assassinations in

that they all opposed Private Central Bankers and their system of Fractional Reserve

Banking with the application of Usury [interest] as banned in all of today's

mainstream belief systems.

> Few realize that Americas most recent high profile assassination that was John F.

Kennedy came just a few short months after he resurrected Abraham Lincoln's

Greenback that was outside of the private, Federal Reserve Central Bank Control.

> On June 4th 1963, John Kennedy signed into law Executive order 11110 that created

4 Billion in Greenbacks with no Interest payable to the Internationally owned Private

Federal Reserve Central Bank.

> Just like Abraham Lincoln who was being charged between 20% and 30% Interest

by the private European Central Bankers to finance Americas Civil War, both

President Lincoln and President Kennedy chose to create a currency outside of

Private Central Banker Control.

> These Great Leaders paid dearly to help right what is wrong with America today.

> What we are witness to today is a repeat of the "CRIME OF 1873".

> We all know about the "CRIME OF 1873" but do not know its significance, because

today's school systems choose to teach history in a "Pop Cultural Way" rather than

teaching in way that promotes critical thinking.

> We were taught about the crime of 1873 in a book written in 1900 by L, Frank

Baum. You know the story as the Wizard of OZ. I prefer to call the book the Wizard of


> Much like today the average person does not understand how "Central Banker

Derivatives" impact our daily lives by creating the price of everything right down to a

cup of coffee. Back in 1873 the farmers represented by the Scarecrow in the Wizard of

OZ. did not understand how corrupt Bankers were stealing the American Treasury

hoard of Gold through International Silver Price Suppression.

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> The Cowardly Lion in the book is a key character who portrays William Jennings

Bryan. His objectives are the same as Ron Paul's in preserving the integrity of young

America's "Hard Money System" and in Ron Paul's case the re-establishment of the

Yellow Brick Road, better known as the Gold Standard.

> William Jennings Bryan is most noted in history books for his famous speech called

"Mankind Will Not Be Nailed To A Cross Of Gold". In 1873 like today, the Private

International bankers were using "Silver Price Suppression Schemes" to manipulate

the true wealth of the World into the hands of a very small percentage of the

population, better knows as "The Elites".


>Banker Crime through Manipulation of Currency's has been a Time Honored

Reoccurring Theme to Enslave the Middle Class all through Americas History by way

of Creating Unconstitutional Central Banks.

Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton who is honored on the American $10.oo

Federal reserve Note was a Banker Shill of the highest order. He created the first

Central Bank in young America and it had a 20 year charter. He also had it written

into the American Constitution to have a fixed exchange rate of 15 Ounces of Silver to

1 Ounce of Gold. Another words you could go to the American Treasury with 15

Ounces of Silver and they would give you 1 Ounce of Gold upon request.

> This was a major flaw in the Constitution.

Throughout history Silver had come out of the ground at a ratio of 15 to 1 so it seemed

logical to exchange Silver to Gold at that Ratio.

The flaw in a inflexible Fixed Rate is that it dose not allow for production fluctuation

and market supply manipulation as witnessed during the two Opium Wars with

China, the Comstock Load Discovery, or the "Crime of 1873".

> The Bankers soon realized that they could fleece the Treasury of expensive Gold if

they could crash the Physical Price of Silver.

They could simply bring 15 Ounces of Silver to the Treasury, regardless of the market

price and receive 1 Ounce of Gold. What a great con and it was all legal.

> Today the Market Manipulators at the COMEX have crashed the price of Silver to a

ratio of 77 Ounces of Silver to 1 Ounce of Gold.

> They do this by way of creating inventory on paper that does not exist and sell it

into the Market. This Method of Manipulation is called "Naked Short Selling in the

Futures Market".

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> There are a host of reasons for this criminal activity, but I think the Number 1

Reason for engaging in this activity is to shake the "Nervous Nellie's" out of their

Physical Silver.

> This Silver Suppression Scheme has been going on for decades and as a result of

this artificial cheap Silver Price it has caused gross imbalances in the Silver Supply by

way of overuse of Silver with very little incentive to recycle Silver due to its cheap


> It is my belief that we are now living under 3 Super-Bubbles waiting to be popped

like a festering boil.

> Who can say with certainty what something is worth in Monopoly Money with the

application of Derivatives.

> With the use of Derivatives, the International Bankers can manipulate the price of

an ounce of Silver to be equal to a cup of coffee, but a rational thinking person would

see this as crazy when measured in units of labour.

> The 3 massive bubbles I speak of are Bonds, which is now the largest bubble in the

history of mankind.

> This Bond bubble started in 1980 when Fed Chairman Paul Volcker jacked Interest

Rates up to 20% to give the Dollar an extension on its death sentence to be executed

in the very near future.

This is a 36 year Bubble in Bonds that are now supported at close to Zero Interest


The International Bankers are stuck in a Zero Interest Rate environment in

perpetuity because to reverse the Zero Interest Rate Policy would Pop the Bond

Market, thereby Popping the Stock Market Bubble, and everybody's favorite Bubble

which is the Real Estate Bubble.

> All of these Bubbles are Leveraged to the Max and loaded with Counter-Party Risk.

> I would think that urban area Real Estate poses the greatest risk.

> Having said that, I still think Farmland has great potential because I would think

that if the worst happens and the bottom falls out of these markets. People would flee

urban centers to isolated communities to live off of the Grid, so to speak.

> We currently have a great advantage in that we are aware and can still position

ourselves in blunting the impact of a crisis that will go down in recorded history as

the "Greatest Transfer of Wealth in the History of Mankind".

> Your money is no longer safe in financial institutions, and besides you are getting

virtually no interest in said financial Institutions.

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> This position has been reinforced with the recent "Bail-In" Provisions.

> It took over 200 years to create the first Trillion from 1776 to 1981.

> The most recent Trillion only took 403 days.

> With this kind of debt creation there is only 1 of 2 possible outcomes !

> 1. Default

> 2. A Central Banker created Hyper-Inflation to pay down the debt, thereby

debauching the currency, thus creating an "Epoch Social Crisis"


>Steve Guiliano REAP



>---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Gerhard Atttali

Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 9:48 AM



To: Dutch Distribution List

Eustace Mullins In 1949, EUSTACE MULLINS was introduced to EZRA POUND, who was then a librarian at the Library of Congress. He often visited Pound at the madhouse called 'St. Elizabeth Hospital' where Pound guided Mullins, urging him to research the global JEW conspiracy. He started his research that same year he met Ezra Pound, and spent three years going through 2000 books at the Library of Congress to get the material for the "SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE" See more at: >>> Eustace Mullins is the author of the only book burned in Germany since Hitler. He started his research in 1949, the year he met Ezra Pound, and spent three years going through 2000 books at the Library of Congress to get the material for the "SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE" See more at:

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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tom Mayes Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 10:25 PM Subject: The Mark of authority of the Catholic Church To: Karen Hudes

The Mark of authority of the Catholic Church, At the end of the video it talks about a need for a broke Greece, that in order to receive a money bail out from the EU, that they must work a six day week that includes the Lord Gods Sabbath, Saturday. Sunday being the Mark of authority of the Catholic Church.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Mike Brakey

Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 9:09 PM

Subject: RE: I Have Been So Naive

To: Bill Cc: David "Karen Hudes


Thanks for your email subject “I have been so Naïve” and the link below you provided

concerning the ongoing Federal Reserve world banking fraud. Karen Hudes’ group

has recently bankrupted this evil cabal while the world continues battling it today.

Further revelations are now exposing Olympic-Titanic history rewrites by this evil

banking cabal.

What if I told you how critical / key opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve

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bank, back in 1912, had been murdered with the aid of an Olympic titanic plot?

Please see short video clip (3 min) at:



Let’s go even one step further. It wasn’t even the Titanic these anti-Federal Reserve

patriots died on! It has only been recently exposed that sister ship names had been

switched to benefit J.P. Morgan and bankers who owned these two vessels. The ship

sunk in 1913 was not the Titanic…it was the sister ship, Olympic!

Hour long video: Almost twin vessels --> Olympic and Titanic were built about the

same time. Olympic was a few months older. On first voyage, Olympic is severely

damaged and, thereafter, uninsurable. A few months later, the Olympic is patched

up and sent to sea to be secretly sunk as the Titanic. Owner J.P. Morgan not only

illegally gains a $12.5 million (equivalent to $306 million today) for insurance while

killing 1500 people including key opposition to Federal Reserve. It is an amazing

story confirmed when wreckage is examined a century later. Part of the Olympic

name can now be found on the vessel at the bottom of the ocean assumed to be the

Titanic. The true Titanic operated as the Olympic for the ensuing 25 years. See video:




Mike Brakey

From: Bill Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2016 3:38 PM

To: Mike Brakey Subject: I Have Been So Naive

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