Page 1: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Craigentinny Primary School Week Commencing: 08/06/2020

Dear P3 Pupils,

We hope you enjoying your home learning activities. Remember we will also be reading a

chapter from a book which you can watch or listen to, by clicking the link on the school website.

If you would like to upload a photo and/or comment you can do this on Twitter by adding

#craigieathome. We hope you are all doing well, please remember the below activities are

suggestions so please do what is suitable for you at home. Please choose mild, medium or spicy

level suitable to your child, if it is too difficult or easy please move up or down as appropriate.

If you would like to send us your work, or ask any questions about your learning, please email us

at [email protected] or [email protected]

From Mrs Cooper and Miss England

Health and Wellbeing

Complete 3 sessions of PE with Jo Wicks


Keep a gratitude diary this week. Each day

write down two things you are grateful for.

In school we had started to discuss what

was safe and not safe within the household.

With a responsible adult, go round your

house and discuss the items that are unsafe.

For examples, medicines, chemicals,

household appliances. What makes them

unsafe? How can they be stored or used

safely? Who is responsible for using them?

After make a poster to display your findings.

Topic / Other Curricular Areas

Community: Find out what the name

Craigentinny means. Make a list of 3

famous people from Edinburgh and what

they are known for.

French: House numbers: Practise the

numbers from zero to nine in the language

your child is learning. (You can count

higher if your child is more confident with

the numbers.)

While you are out on your socially distanced

daily walk look at the house numbers you pass

and say them in the target language. i.e. 28 =

two eight, 103= one, zero, three. As an

extension, you could also take a picture of the

number with your mobile and write the

numbers in full when you get back home. This

activity can also be done with vehicle licence

plates, shopping receipts, etc.

Science: Research the Space X mission

which launched on May 30th. Why is it

important? Who are the astronauts that

went up? What will they be doing in the

International Space Station?

Page 2: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


These tasks can be spread out throughout the week, depending on

what works for you and your family

Literacy and English Numeracy and Maths

Spelling: Please see page 4 and 5 for instructions

on how to complete spelling activities along with

this week’s list of words.

Handwriting: Using your best handwriting, trying to

connect each letter, copy out the following

Scottish words 3 times across the week. Aye, banter, blether, braw, chancer, chore, chum, dinnae

Writing: We are looking at a different type of poem

this week, called a Haiku. A Haiku is based on

syllables which we looked at last week as a

grammar task. A Haiku is set out 5 syllables on the

first line, 7 syllables on the second and 5 syllables

again on the third line.

Mild- write one haiku

Medium- write a haiku about community and

another about your favourite sport

Spicy- write a haiku about community, your

favourite sport and the virtual sports day we had

on Friday.

An example of a haiku can be found on page 7

Grammar: Command Sentences

Commands are a type of sentence in which

someone is being told to do something. For

example: Ready, Steady, Go!

Mild- try to write your own command sentences.

Medium – complete the first activity on page 6

Spicy- complete both activities on page 6.

Reading: Summary Sergeant Task

Read approximately 10 pages of your book. Your

job is to prepare a brief summary of this week’s

reading. Your summary should only include

important events, places and characters from your

book. Be sure to write the events in the order they

happened in the story. Underneath make a note

of the most important thing you feel happened in

this week’s reading.

Extension Task: Double click on the link before for

some additional reading comprehension work.



Task 1: Sumdog- Complete the Sumdog challenge.

Your logins are in your diaries.

Task 2: Measuring Volume

Please choose a challenge level from the

worksheets on pages 8 to 10.

1 star: Mild (Page 8)

2 Star: Medium (Page 9)

3 Star: Spicy (Page 10)

If you have a measuring jug at home have a go at

filing it to various levels and using the measuring

scale to figure out how much water is in the jug.

Task 3: Time

Choose a sporting activity and time how

long it takes to complete it, for

example running a lap of your garden,

doing 10 sit ups or throwing and

catching a ball 10 times.

Task 4: Division/ sharing

We have been looking at multiplication the last

couple of weeks. This week we are looking at

division or sharing.

Mild- complete the activity on page 11

Medium- complete the questions on page 12

Spicy- complete the questions on page 13

Task 5: 3D Shapes

Use materials around your house to make some

different 3D shapes

Mild- make a cube

Medium- make a cube, cuboid and cylinder

Spicy- make all of the above plus a cone and a


Think about what materials will be best to build the


Page 3: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Just in case you missed them, here’s last week’s daily

challenges from our class Twitter page:


It's Maths Monday. Today's challenge is to solve the problems in

the photo below. We hope you have a lovely day and enjoy



It’s Take Time Tuesday! Today's challenge is all about being

mindful. Start by completing this 5 minute Cosmic Kids

meditation After, choose a

relaxing activity that keeps you focused. For example I might do

my 'paint by numbers', or a jigsaw puzzle. Other ideas might be...

Read a chapter of your book, a mindful colouring sheet, create

a Lego model, listen to some relaxing music, the list goes on!



It’s Bookworm Wednesday! Today your challenge is to pretend

the character in a book you are reading is your pen pal. Write

them a letter, asking about their day and telling them about



It’s Artistic Thursday! On this video there are tutorials on how to

draw 10 different types of animal. Choose one and focus on it

and keep practising until you have done the best drawing you

can! Next week we will ask you to focus on a different animal. We look

forward to seeing all your great artwork!


Dance day Friday! Choose your favourite song and create a

dance routine to it. Perform it to your family!

Page 4: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Literacy Spelling Task

At school each week we start by giving the children a pre-test on the Medium word list. If the

children get most or all of them correct they will learn the Spicy list for that week. If they get

around half correct, they stay on the Medium List that week. If they are really struggled with

the Medium list, then they do the Mild list for that week. Please feel free to use this method,

but also feel free to use your judgement to pick the challenge level.

Our sound this week is ‘oo’

Mild List: too, food, mood, roof, cool, fool, pool, wool, room, moon, soon, boot

Medium List: spoon, shoot, brook, shook, stood, unhook, bookmark, bookcase, woodcutter,

wooden, football, lookout

Spicy List: sketchbook, sooty, likelihood, livelihood, neighbourhood, footbridge, onlooker,

cookery, footbridge

Start by discussing each of the words and check your child understands the meanings. If they

are unsure about any meanings, they can look them up in a dictionary. If you don’t have one

there are free dictionary apps or the Oxford online dictionary can be accessed here:

After, move on to LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK. The words are to be written out three

times. This can be spread throughout the week, don’t feel it needs to be completed in one


Choose one or two active spelling activities from the grid below. Don’t rush out to buy

resources, adapt the activities to suit what you have in the house or miss out the activities that

can’t be adapted.

This will be the set up for spelling each week with new word lists each time. 😊

Page 5: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Spelling Grid

Make each word with Scrabble


Make each word using short

lengths of yarn.

Paint the words onto paper.

Write the words outdoors with


Make the letters of each word with your body as you

spell the word aloud.

Build the words with Lego bricks.

Stamp the words onto paper with

letter stamps.

Stamp the words into playdough with non-inking letter stamps.

Paint each word with a Q-tip/ cotton bud.

Make the words with letter


Spell the words aloud as you star jump - one jump for each letter.

Spell each word with letters made

from chenille stems/ pipe


Type your words on a computer.

Thread the words with letter beads.

Write each word with a stick in damp sand.

Write each word with your finger in a shallow tray of

sand or salt

Write the words on a window with

a whiteboard marker.

Clap once for each letter as you spell aloud each


Make each word with alphabet


Write your words onto paper plates

and make up a jumping game.

Write your words in a fun way of

your choice.

Draw a hopscotch grid, add your

words. Spell each word as you play

Spell each word aloud as you jump on the spot - one letter per bounce.

Make up a clue about each of

your words and quiz a family


Write each letter of your words

onto a craft stick. Mix them up and

unjumble Find some old magazines and

newspapers, cut out the letters

you need to make your words.

Play Hangman - choosing the

words to guess from your spelling


Use a laser pointer or

flashlight to ‘write’ each word

on the wall.

Write each word and then make it into a picture that

illustrates the word.

Spell each word aloud in a funny

robot voice.

Play tic tac toe with spelling

words instead of ‘o’ and ‘x’.

Make each word from playdough

or plasticine snakes.

Write your words onto two sets of

cards. Play a memory game.

Write each word on your palm with the pointer finger

of your writing hand.

Squeeze paint into a Ziploc bag. Seal. Write the

words on the bag with your finger.

Page 6: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Literacy Grammar Task:

Medium: Bears Babysitting Service:

Spicy: Complete the above plus write a poster to advertise the bear’s babysitting services.

Make sure you use command sentences in your writing.

Page 7: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Literacy Writing Task:

Haiku examples:

Green and speckled legs,

Hop on logs and lily pads

Splash in cool water.

Winter is coming.

Snow will be arriving soon.

We should rake the leaves.

Page 8: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Maths Task 2: Measuring Volume


Page 9: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Maths Task 2: Measuring Volume


Page 10: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Maths Task 2: Measuring Volume


Page 11: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Maths Task 4:

Mild: Sharing

Find something you have a lot of like pasta, Lego bricks, 1p coins or little pieces of paper. Count

out 10 objects.

Now sort them into 5 equal groups. TIP It is easiest if you give every group 1, then every group

2 and so on until every object is used up. Then check every group is the same size.

Count how many are in each group.

This shows 10 shared between 5 = 2

Now do the same for the following:

8 shared between 2 =

9 shared among 3 =

12 shared among 4 =

15 shared among 5 =

20 shared among 10 =

4 shared among 4 =

18 shared between 3 =

14 shared among 2 =

Page 12: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Maths Task 4:

Medium: Dividing by 2

Page 13: Craigentinny Primary School · of the most important thing you feel happened in this week’s reading. Extension Task: Double click on the link before for some additional reading


Maths: Task 4

Spicy: Dividing by 6, 7, 8, 9

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