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By:Bestre, Mannielyn M.

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Digitization is the process of converting

analog signals or information of any form into a digital format that can be understood by computer systems or electronic devices.

The term is used when converting information, like text, images or voices and sounds, into binary code.

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Digitized information is easier to store, access and transmit, and digitization is used by a number of consumer electronic devices.

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Importance of Digitization One of the most important qualities

of information in digital form is that by its very nature, it is not fixed in the way that texts are printed on paper.

Digital texts are neither final nor finite, and are fixed neither in the essence nor in form except when a hard copy is printed out, for they can be changed easily and without trace of erasures or emendation.

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Importance of Digitization Flexibility is one of the chief assets

of digital information and precisely what we like about text poured into a word processing program.

It is easy to edit, to reformat, and to commit print in a variety of iterations without the effort required to produce hard copy from a typewriter.

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Importance of Digitization It is easy to summon up quickly any

number of variations of value, hue, and placement to see, rather than to imagine, what different visual options look like.

Furthermore, we can create an endless number of identical copies from a digital file, because the file does not decay by virtue of copying.

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Importance of Digitization Electronic resources are immensely

appealing to nearly everyone concerned with education and scholarship. The potential benefits of information in digital form, unfettered access, flexibility, enhanced capabilities for analysis and manipulation are profound.

Record management

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Content Organization

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The organization of enterprise content is more than just the placement of files and folders, or of text on the page. Meticulously organized content is accounted for under the company’s knowledge management system—which aims to ensure successful content governance, content lifecycles, and learning and change management.

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Importance of content organization

High quality content, regardless of whether the site aims to inform, entertain, or sell a product, will increase the site’s likelihood of converting visitors. But beyond providing high quality content, a site also needs to organize that content in a way that makes it accessible to visitors.

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The professionals, in our case librarians, work relatively independently of their colleagues, but usually maintain a close relationship with the customers they serve. This type of organization, according to Lars Groth in his book on future organizational design, provides a limited platform for successful adaptation to advanced information technology due to the core work being professional judgment.

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Content Governance Any discussion of content governance

must take into consideration all governance aspects of a knowledge management program. By so doing, the full scope of content governance can be clarified and any potential gaps can be identified.

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Business Processes Standards and Guidelines

Within a shared knowledge management environment, there must be agreed-upon standards and guidelines for various business processes. Best practices indicate agreement on common core process steps for receiving, processing, maintaining, and archiving knowledge assets (content).

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Content Consistency and Quality

A critical aspect of developing a consistent and high-quality user experience is ensuring the consistency and quality of the content. The enterprise must agree on the authoritative sources for various types of content, develop clear content ownership guidelines, adopt and comply with a content lifecycle, and ensure the provision of basic knowledge asset management capabilities

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Deciding How to Organize Information

So, you have a list of the necessary content for your website, and you know what your visitors are going to want to know first. But let’s say you have a lot of information to convey and you aren’t sure how, exactly, you should do that. It’s not uncommon to have lots of information or links that need to be presented that have equal importance on a page. In those cases, it’s best to decide on some formal method for organizing it, rather than just ordering it randomly.

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There are a number of schemes you can use to organize lists of information. Alphabetical or numerically are two of the most common, but they only really work for certain types of content. Lists of links, for example, can work really well arranged alphabetically.

Organizing information by who its intended audience is works well for sites where there are likely to be multiple different types of visitors. For example, an online banking website might have business customers and personal customers. Arranging information separately for each type of visitor makes sense, as there will be different priorities for each.

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Card Sorting If you’re unsure of how to organize the

information on your site, or you can figure out multiple ways that seem like they’d work, you might consider using card sorting to figure out the most intuitive way of organizing that information

With card sorting, you put summaries of your site content onto index cards and then let users sort that content into what they think are the most logical groups. You’ll need a focus group in order to carry this out, and turning to your current customers or users can be a good option.

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All your users need to do is arrange the cards in the way they think best represents how they should be grouped. You can choose to put them in groups at the start, and then let users rearrange them, or you can just put them all in one group. The former method may work best if you already have a content structure in place and are wondering what improvements could be made, while the second one may be best for new designs.

Card sorting is simple and cost-effective, which makes it a good option for developing a content structure without spending a lot of money. One big disadvantage, though, is that results may not be very consistent between users. You might have ten users and get back ten completely different methods for organizing your site’s content. But it’s often a good starting point, if nothing else.

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Why Does Organization Matter?

William Carlos Williams once said that a poem is a "machine made of words. " A sad poem is a machine that manufactures melancholy; a funny poem is a machine that produces laughs. Poetry doesn't have a monopoly on this quality--a well-crafted speech can also be a machine made of words. Skillfully constructed language has a powerful effect on its audience, and speechwriters should strive to harness that power. How should a public speaker go about building a "machine made of words"? It's all in the organization. Machines only work when their component parts are assembled properly.

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When you are organizing your main points, ask yourself a few questions. What is your ultimate goal? Are you trying to inform the audience, persuade the audience, amuse the audience, or enrage the audience? Think about the experience you want to create for your listeners--how you want them to feel when you begin speaking, and how you want them to feel when you make your final statement. When you have a clear vision in mind, return to the "Ordering Main Points" segment and choose a model that fits your purpose.

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lization/content_organization.html Boundless. “The Importance of

Organization.” Boundless Communications. Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved from

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