
Cold War Essential Questions
What impact did World War II have on the development of democracy in Germany and Japan? How did different political systems help cause the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union? How did the rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union involve other nations around the world? How was Europe divided? Western Europe democracies
Eastern Europe occupied by Soviet Union Stalin wanted to spread communism Why? buffer zone from west Forced communist governments in Poland, Czechoslovakia Countries became known as satellites Led to iron- curtain imaginary line splitting communist from democracies Who were the two Superpowers?
United States Soviet Union Western Nation Democracy Capitalist East Communism Comparison of Market and Command Economies
Market Economy Command Economy Ownership All property including the means of production are privately owned The government owns the means of production, distribution and exchange Economic Decisions Private businesses and individuals are free from public control so that they can make basic economic decisions Government officials make all basic economic decisions, such as what will be produced, when and where Market Controls Prices are determined by supply and demand. Competition promotes high quality and low prices The govt plans the economy. There is limited production of consumer goods Cold War Begins Conflicts in thinking and hostility between nations led to Cold War Distrust between nations cold because armed conflict between superpowers did not exist The Cold War What was the US response to the Soviet expansion?
Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan 1947 Economic and military program designed to help nations resist Soviets Sent aid to Greece and Turkey 1947 Economic aid package designed to strengthen democracies US sent billions to help democracies Why did the US support Greece and Turkey?
Theory of containment Limiting communism Wanted to maintain pro- democratic governments What crisis existed in Germany?
Germany divided into four zones Increased tensions Stalin blockaded Berlin to force out Allies Leads to Berlin Airlift Berlin Blockade and the Division of Germany
Leads to the Formation of a Free West Germany Opposing Alliances NATO Warsaw Pact North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Western Europe Military & defensive alliance Consisted of Soviet Union and satellites Military & defensive alliance Were all countries aligned?? NO!
Nonaligned Nations not allied with US or USSR Non aligned nations wanted to reduce world tensions Yugoslavia, India, African Nations, China, South East Asia US & USSR offer military and economic aid to gain influence in the developing world How did people react in Eastern Europe?
Hungarian Revolt 1956 Imre Nagy nationalist Ended 1 party rule/ withdrew from Warsaw Pact Czechoslovakia Revolt 1968 Alexander Dubcek Eased censorship/ new constitution Soviet Union used force to put down both rebellions Race Time Arms Race Space Race Buildup of atomic weapons
Raised levels of tension Raised fears among public Feared destruction of the world Soviets launch Sputnik, a satellite orbited the Earth 58- American Satellite (NASA) 61- Soviets man in space 69- US man on the moon Where did conflicts exist around the world?
East Asia Middle East Africa Latin America East Asia Korean War Vietnam War 1950-1953 North Korea Soviets
South Korea Americans North Korea tried to unite country under communism UN forces pushed back surge Divided at 38th parallel North Communist (Ho Chi Minh) South Democratic North Vietnam tried to unite country under communism Americansunable to push out forces United under communist control in 1975 The Vietnam War North Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, was communist and backed by the Soviet Union. South Vietnam, led by Ngo Dinh Diem, was democratic and backed by the U.S. Video Clip: Platoon The Uncertain Enemy Jungle warfare was difficult, and it was hard to locate the enemy. In addition, it was very difficult to identify which South Vietnamese were our allies and which were supporting the Vietcong. Ex Vietcong showing secret tunnels, November 7, 2004 Many South Vietnamese distrusted Diem and joined the Vietcong, a communist guerilla group supported by North Vietnam. An execution of a Vietcong prisoner Feb. 1, 1968 Vietnam War 1959-1975 US sent troops to contain Communism
US loses, Vietnam to become Communist Middle East Arab States & Israel Iran & Iraq
Gamal Abdel Nasser leader in Arab Egypt Nationalized Suez Canal Built Aswan Dam w/ help from Soviets Israel supported by Americans Fought two wars Rivalry over oil US supported The Cold War in Latin America
Causes of Cuban Revolution 1959 1. Political: Rule by Repressive Dictator Corruption and bribery of government officials. 2. Economic: Unequal distribution of wealth High unemployment Foreign influence by US Result: Fidel Castro uses guerrilla army and establishes a communist dictatorship What was the Bay of Pigs? 1961--indecision, embarrassment for Kennedy.
On April 17, 1961, about 1,500 CIA-trained Cuban exiles launched the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba failed attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Castro turns to Soviet Union for support The Soviet Union began to build missile bases in Cuba Kennedy responds with Naval Blockade Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba, and the U.S. agreed not to invade Cuba. Video: Cuban Missile Crisis (1:09)
"That Tuesday the first of thirteen days of decision unlike any other in the Kennedy years or, indeed, inasmuch as this was the first direct nuclear confrontation, unlike any other in the history of our planet." Theodore Sorensen, aide to Pres. Kennedy Pres. Kennedy announced that American warships would stop any Soviet ship carrying missiles. Collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union How were tensions eased during the Cold War?
Nixon and Brezhnev promoted a period of dtente: lessening of tensions Involved arms controls and treaties Cultural exchanges Trade agreements Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan?
Dtente ended with the invasion in 1979 Wanted to maintain a procommunist government Increased tensions Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union
1985: Pulled troops out of Afghanistan Move away from Command economy Goal: Reformed government and economy Why? Economic problems leading to political problems Communism failing as an economic system Underproduction/poor quality/ unable to motivate workers Gorbachev Perestroika: Glasnost:
goal restructure and stimulate the economy Free market reforms Small privately owned businesses similar to Lenins NEP/local managers more decision making Negative effects: Inflation increased/ shortage of food Glasnost: Openness to democratic ideas Ended censorship and encouraged discussion Germany and Poland Poland 1989 Berlin Wall torn down
1990 free elections in East and West Germany Unification of Germany in 1990 Effects Of Reunification of Germany West German Economy hurt by reunification to modernize East Germany Major recession Poland Economic problems cause unrest Lech Walesa: led workers Solidarity movement Became president after first free elections in 1989 Eastern Europe Transformed
Between 1989 to 1991 Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Albania, and Bulgaria held free elections. Romania overthrew and executed their brutal president Nicolae Ceausescu who refused to have free elections. In 1991 the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland joined NATO Chernobyl nuclear accident All eastern European nations as well as the Soviet Republics had great difficulty switching from communism to capitalism: high inflation and high unemployment. The Fall of the Soviet Union
Causes Effects Leadership of Gorbachev Glasnost Perestroika Economic problems Freedom movements in Eastern Europe Loss of role as superpower End of Cold War Economic hardships Conflicts between democrats and communists December 1991 Collapse of Soviet Union
15 Republics are formed Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Boris Yeltsin Becomes President of Russia Shock Therapy sharp switch from a command toa market economy Boris Yeltsin Transition from communism to democracy
Transition from communism to free market 1993/ 1994 hyperinflation 800% High unemployment Severe shortages/high crime 1991 War in Chechnya/demanded independence/rebel battles/still going on today 1999 Replaced by Putin/new president former KGB agent Vladimir Putin- 1999 Sought new relationships with West
Signed nuclear arms reduction agreement with US

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