Page 1: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Syllabus Highlights 1. No Seating chart (avoid the back) 2. Don’t ask to go to the bathroom – Just take the pass! (do not go to the bathroom at the beginning of the hour) 3. All tests are curved against the top score 4. Be here on test day or take the alternative exam 5. Late assignments are penalized ½ off for one day late and a 0 will be assessed thereafter. (remember school policy for excused absences) 6. Please use the chatroom for help 7. Extra credit accepted each week on the last day. (keep in mind criteria for extra credit points)

Page 2: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

American Civics

Three Objectives:

1.  What is Government?

Page 3: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

2. Who Governs?

Page 4: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

To What Ends are we Governed?

Page 5: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

What is Government? -An Institution with the power to make and enforce rules for a group of people

residing within a political state!"

" " "Where Does This Power Come From?(an institution without power is chaos. Iraq, Afghanistan?)"


Page 6: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

What makes authority legitimate?(in America)


-a Democratic US Constitution and the RULE of LAW - The rule of law requires the government to exercise its power in accordance with well-established and clearly written rules, regulations, and legal principles."

Page 7: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

The Origins of Government Four Basic Theories

1.  Evolutionary Theory -natural development of government through the family

Ex. A single person heads the family ( a source of political power and organization) Abraham

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2. Force Theory The state would not exist except for the need to resist the enemy as everyone in a geographical area was brought under one rule.

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3. Divine Right Theory 3. Leaders are chosen by god to rule. (divine right of kings)

King James

Page 10: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

4. Social Contract Theory The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which no government exists. To create a government, a contract must be made between the ruler and the ruled

Hobbes Locke -in nature, life is nasty -men have certain natural and in order to preserve rights (life, liberty, and property) order, freedom would be Gov’t must preserve those rights surrendered to the state to prevent an uprising. Which of these philosophies did the US most closely adopt? Which of these philosophies does the school district adopt?

Page 11: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Basic functions of government""1.  Maintaining order " " "" -enforcement of laws that provide

safety for society"""


Page 12: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

2. Providing Services"-providing services for those who cannot""

Page 13: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

3. Resolving conflict "-responsible for mediating differences


Page 14: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

4. Promoting values "-ensuring that basic principles by which

people live are in place.""

Page 15: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

5. Providing Economic Stability

Page 16: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Forms of government ( who has the power?)!Monarchy – A state is ruled by one ruler or family who usually

inherits the ruling position.  Ex.  King""


Due to the absolute rule of the Sultan, Brunei is one of the most politically stable countries in Asia."

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah"

Page 17: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Dictator – A type of government which one ruler has absolute power.  Ex. Fidel Castro


Page 18: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Communism – a government in which there is collective ownership of property in making

progress toward a higher social order where resources are distributed more equally.  Ex. ?"

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Totalitarian Rule by a single political party that exercises extreme control over the masses.

Page 20: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Theocracy – a government ruled by or subject to religious authority.  Ex.  Middle East"

Page 21: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Parliamentary a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects members of the government according to party strength.

Page 22: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Anarchy – there is an absence of any form of political authority."

Page 23: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Types of Democracy

Direct " " Representative (Republic) -directly voting for" " " -people elect representative passage of legislation " " to pass legislation for them

" """ " " "" " " "" "

Which is better? What would your founding forefathers think? "

Page 24: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

1. The founders felt the word democracy meant mob rule. (tyranny of the majority) Why? 2.  The founders believed the masses would not

have the time or expertise to be involved in everyday political matters.

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Page 25: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

Types of Direct Democracy 1.  Initiative When voters can propose a law through petition ex. California Prop 13, 8 2.  Referendum When a legislative or constitutional measure is referred by the legislature to the voters for approval or disapproval ex. School Referendum or Marriage Amendment 3.  Recall election Allows the people to vote to dismiss an elected official ex. Walker recall

Page 26: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

How is power distributed within certain Governments?""Unitary System " "Federal System " "Confederate System"Central Gov’t has "Powers shared by "States or Provinces"all power " "National, State,and "join together to work"

" " "local level " "toward common goals"

Page 27: civics chapter 1 - · The challenge to the divine right theory where there is a state of nature in which

The Five Basic Functions Share a Fundamental Purpose!!""-Serving the public good!; (the well being of society as a whole)""

This presents a wonderful question for any Democratic Government."

Limited Government " "vs. " Representative Gov’t "(Individual rights) (public good)"

Protecting unalienable " " " " Doing what is “whole-"rights of “life, liberty, " " " " "some and necessary"and the pursuit of " " " " " for the public good.”"happiness”""

Ex. Random road checks, magazine limits, school dress codes, marijuana legalization, phone


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