

Rev. Laddie J. Benton, Pastor November 2016 Number 978


From the Pastor's Desk Teaching Elder, Rev. Laddie J. Benton


I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.

(Psalm 69: 30 - New Revised Standard Version)


Dear members and friends of Washington Presbyterian Church (USA):

Thanksgiving Day became a national holiday on October 3, 1863. On this day, President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Thanksgiving Proclamation stating in part ... " It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart by the whole American people. I do, therefore, invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday ofNovember next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens."

Thanksgiving Day does not ascribe to any particular religious affiliation. It is set aside for all Americans, regardless of their religious beliefs; to take the time to offer thanks giving and praise to God. One way of doing this is by people of different faiths coming together worshiping and praising God with thanksgiving. Washington Presbyterian Church {USA) was one of the first participants in an interfaith Thanksgiving Day/Eve Service that has been conducted annually for more than two decades.

I am inviting you to attend this year's Thanksgiving Eve Service at the Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom. The time is 7:00p.m. The preacher for this year's service will be the Rev. Harry Serio. This service is jointly sponsored by: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Berks County; Islamic Center of Reading; Reading Buddhist Community; Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom; Washington Presbyterian Church (USA); and Wyomissing Church of the Brethren.

Your Brother in Christ, -k..---

LaddreJ. 'Benton, Pastor



SICK, SHUT-INS AND BEREAVED FAMILIES Margie Walker, Joan Marshall, Teondre Morrison~Cooper, Claudette Carter, Justin Johnson, Kevin Herring, Joyce Beckett, Ethel Kinkai~ Linda Hobbs (Pastor's sister), Marjorie McNeil, Daisy Patience, Marie (Flood) Rhodes, Monica (Joan Reppert's granddaughter), Hannah Matthews (W"ill's mother), Robert Nelson, Maurice Alexander, the Ebling family, the Eberly family, LaK.esbia Green & Family, Viola Jefferson, Tammy Marshall, Aimy McKnight, George Ravel {Penny's co-workers), Will Kinkaid (Tremont Rehab.), Diana Flood, Maria Mootarim (Barbara's co~worker), Cherie Spillane, Sue Powers, Agnes Snead, Mrs. Thelma Wmfrey, Sharon Lanning (Donna's sister), Patricia Lanning (Donna's mother), Jeffrey Godbold~ Derric Burden, Rosalie Moore, John and Damarcus (sons of Penny's co-worker), Joseph Harmon, Patricia & Shirley Wilson (mother & daughter), Shania Hunter (Janice's niece), Vickie Bowers (Pennside), Connie Lantz (Vickie's mother), Shannon Hutchinson (Vickie's daughter), Patricia Stupp and Arlene Speaks (Penny's co-workers), Kiara Delgado (Penny's granddaughter), Katrina Boykin, Eric George, Henry Johnson, Tomishia Johnson, Melba Stamm, Dale Brown, Valerie Phelps, Kenneth Randall, Bonnie Dennis, Sabrina (Alex's friend), Irene Roy, Sandy (Renwick) Martin, Bob Bieber, Alex Auston, John and Mary Lou Haynes and Jason Whitlock.


SCRIPTURES November6 November 13 November20 November27

Haggai 1:15b-2:9 Isaiah 65:17~25 Jeremiah 23:1-6 Isaiah 2:1-5

STANDING COMMITI'EES Christian Concerns- April Coleman Christian Education- Alexis Green Evangelism- Yvonne Lewis Finance- Toni A. Brooks Property- Stephen Greer

Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 Isaiah 12:2

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Colossians 1:11-20 Luke 1 :68-79

Psalm 122 Romans 13:11-14

BWLE STUDY- Wednesday 9:30A.M. and 6:30P.M.

LECTIONARY READJNGS Luke 20:27-38 Luke 21:5-19 Luke 23:33-43

Stewardship- Sharon Davis/Yvonne Lewis Worship Committee-Pauline Johnson/Alexis Green

Matthew 24:36-44

SESSION Pastor- Rev. Laddie J. Benton Clerk of Session- Barbara Davis Church Treasurer- Toni A. Brooks Benevolence Treasurer- Sharon Davis Club Fund Treasurer- Winnie J. Burden Sunday School- Sharon Davis

ORGANIZATION Men's Fellowship- Oliver Carter Pastor,s Aid- Toni A. Brooks/W"J.D.Dle Burden Personnel- Stephen Greer Presbyterian Women- Alexis GreeniLaKeshia Green

CHOIR REHEARSAL (During November and December) Senior Choir-Tuesday 12:00 Noon and Thursday 1:00PM- Director - Mrs. Janet Arms



"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20)

November 2016 * Denotes Birthdays

Sua day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

November 1 2 3 4 5 I Senior Choir Rehearsal Bible Study - 10:00 AM Senior Choir Rehearsal

12:00 Noon Bible Study - 6:30 PM 1:00PM

Newsletter Comm. World Community All Saints' Day Meets Day I

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I

Senior Choir Rehearsal Bible Study- 10:00 AM Senior Choir Rehearsal Christian & Citizen 12:00 Noon Bible Study - 6:30 PM 1:00PM Lillie Foster * Nathaniel Mitc:hell * Daylight saving time Thomas Fruit *

ends Rachel Randall * Presidential Alfreda Richardson *

Communion Election Day 10:00 AM Sunday Worship Comm.

J Service Meets 9:00 AM Veterans Dav 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Senior Choir Rehearsal Bible Study - 10:00 AM Senior Choir Rehearsal Will Matthews • Darius Johnson * 12:00 Noon Bible Study - 6:30 PM 1:00PM

Caregiver Sunday

10:00 AM Sunday Service

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 !

Senior Choir Rehearsal Bible Study - 10:00 AM Senior Choir Rehearsal 12:00 Noon Bible Study - 6:30 PM 1:00PM I

Christ the King/

I Reign of Christ

Joasb Chest 10:00 AM Sunday Thanksgiving Eve

Service Joint Service Thanksgiving Day

27 28 29 30 Senior Choir Rehearsal Bible Study- 10:00 AM

Jasiah Johnson * 12:00 Noon Bible Study- 6:30 PM

1 '1 Sunday of Advent Alex Auston *

10:00 AM Sunday Service


Grilled Potatoes with Aioli


2 egg yolks

. 2 to 4 cloves garlic, chopped

2 tablespoons seasoned rice wine vinegar

l liz cups peanut oil

Salt and freshly ground pepper

6 to 8 new potatoes 1 I~ cup roasted garlic-flavored olive oil,

or good quality olive oil

4 To make the aioli, in a food processor or blender, combine the egg yolks, garlic, and

vinegar. Pulse on and off a few times until blended. With the motor running, gradually

add the oil in a slow, steady stream and continue processing until thick. Add the salt and pepper to taste. Store in the refrigerator until serving time.

4 Pierce the potatoes in several places. Place in the microwave, arranging 1 inch apart

in a circle. Microwave on High until the potatoes just start to soften, approximately 5 to 7 minutes. Do not overcook; the potatoes should be quite firm. Alternatively, bring a pot of water to a boil" and cook the potatoes just until they begin to soften, but are

not fully cooked.

4 Cut the potatoes into chunks and place in a single layer in a grill basket(s). You may need to do this in two batches. Place the potatoes on the grill over high heat, cover with the barbecue lid, and grill, turning every 2 minutes, until the potatoes are crisp and golden brown, approximately 10 to 12 minutes in total. If cooking the potatoes in batches, wrap the grilled potatoes loosely in foil (do not seal) and place in warm oven or at edge of grill while preparing the remaining potatoes.

4 Serve the potatoes while still warm, along with the aioli.


Grilling expert Ted Reader provides this surefire recipe

for perfect potatoes.

Because the potatoes are only on the grill

for a few minutes,

he recommends cook­ing them with the lid

on to enhance their

smoky flavor.


CO:MP ASSION ( by Dr. Harold J. Sala)

World War ll was winding down 'f!hen Bob Pierce visited a mission school and orphanage run by a group of German sisters near the Tibetan border. While he was there, Pierce noticed a little girl hunched at the bottom of the cold, stone steps. The little girl was obviously undernourished and lacked proper clothing for the cold climate. The child could not have been more than nine or ten, yet her gaunt little face and coal-black eyes reflected as much suffering as some endure in a lifetime.

Deeply concerned, Pierce asked one of the sisters about her. "Oh," she replied, "she comes and sits there every day. She wants to come to schooL But we have no room."

The reply did not satisfy him, so he said, "Surely one ·child won't make that much difference. If she wants to come so badly, could you not make room for just one more?"

The sister turned to Pierce and said, "We have made room for just one more time and time again. We have already four times the number of children we were originally prepared to care for. We have stretched our food as far as it will go. I myself am feeding three others out of my rice bowl, as are all the other sisters. Hwe do not draw the line somewhere, there will not be enough rice to keep the children we already have alive. We simply cannot take one more child!"

The brutal reality of the situation hit home, but Pierce did not want to accept it. "That is crazy, ridiculous!" he said. "A child cannot come asking for help and be turned away at the door. Why isn't something being done?"

Without saying anything, the sister walked over and swooped the little girl up in her arms. Walking over to Pierce, she deposited the girl in his strong arms and said, "What are you going to do

about it?"

That incident led to the founding of World Vision-an organization that has helped feed and clothe thousands of boys and girls. Pierce did what I think you would have done. He dug into his own pocket and gave the sister enough money to buy rice for the little girl.

A sister's question founded a great organization. "What are you going to do about it?" It is the question every person must face. When you think of the needs of all the world, you are overwhelmed, but if you can think of the one person outside your gate and face the question, "What am I going to do about it?" you will find that the darkness is driven back at least one step. The needs of people come one at a time. Eventually every person must answer the question: "What am I going to do about it?"


, 1 "Will sing and praise· you, 0 . God! •

Be merciful to me, 0 God, be men:iful, because I come to you for safety.

In the shadow of your wings I find protection

until the raging storms are over.

I call to God, the Most High, ·-to God, who supplies my every need.

He will answer from heaven and save me; he will defeat my oppressors. God will show me his constant love and


I am surrounded by enemies, who are like men-eating lions.

There teeth are like spears and arrows; their tongues are like sharp swords.

Show your greatness in the sky, 0 God, and your glory over all the earth.

My enemies have spread a net to catch me; I am overcome with distress.

They dug a pit in my path, but fell into it themselves.

I have complete confidence, 0 God; I will Sing and praise you!

Wake up, my·harp and lyrel I will wake up the sun.

I will thank you, o Lord, among the nations. I willl praise you among the people. Your constant love reaches the heavens;

your faithfulness touches the skies. Show your greatness in the sky, 0 God,

and you glory over all the earth.

Nothing Should Divide Us

"W. who inherit the earth who cheer the new moon peaking

through the womb who admire the green leaves of summer

turning to lusti'Ous reds and yellows who watch them fall to the ground

cold, brown and stiff ...

We who give b~rth to new life who are exhilarated by the sun rising who are romanced by the sun setting who dream to the floating clouds ...

We who have a passing mark on the future of the world must have the same heart must have compassion for Qne another must have respect for one another must understand that though we have differences

we all want the same things Nothing should divide us

One Wor~, One Heart Susan Polis Scbutz

Designeb anb Illustrar:M b~

Stephen scbutz



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