
Chapters 14 & 15 (Part I) Guided Notes

Chapter 14: The Formation of Earth Earth’s Age

Scientists think that Earth formed more than ____ _________________years ago by the accumulation of dust and debris moving through space.

Radiometric Dating

The ages of rocks and other materials can be determined by measuring the amount of ___________________________ _____________________that has occurred in radioactive isotopes found in samples of those materials.

An isotope’s ___________________ is the time that _________________of a sample of the isotope takes to decay.

The First Cells

The first cells that formed on Earth were probably ________________________ __________________________________.

Chemosynthesis o The first autotrophic cells probably used ___________________________ to make food. o _______________________________produces energy through the use of inorganic

substances, such as sulfur.

Chapter 15: Evolution Evolution: __________________ in a _______________ over _______________

• In science, theories are statements or models that have been _______________ and _______________________ _________________ times

• Can be used to make _________________________ • Can be _______________________ as new evidence is found

• Charles Darwin developed the _______________________________________________________, which explained how organisms changed over time (_______________________)

• ________________Theory of ____________________ _______________________________ • Thought that you would _____________ or __________________ features if you overused or

didn't use them, and that these changes would be __________________ to ___________________________

• PROVEN TO BE ____________________!

• Darwin noted that there existed many finches on the islands, but while they had similarities, each was ______________________ to eating a _______________________ type of island food.

• He concluded that the finches all came from ___________ ________________________species and ________________________ into __________________ ______________ species. Darwin’s Ideas

Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, in which he argued that:

• _________________________ with _________________________occurs, in that species descended from ___________________ancestors, and that ___________________ ________________________is the _________________________for evolution.

• Natural Selection: Organisms in a population _______________ to their environment as the proportion of individuals with genes for _______________________ ___________________increases.

• Those individuals that pass on ________________genes are considered to have greater _______________________.

1. _______________________ exists among individuals in a species. 2. Individuals will _____________________ for resources (food, mates, and space). 3. Competition would lead to the death of some individuals while others would __________________. 4. Individuals that had advantageous variations are more likely to survive and _______________________.

This process came to be known as __________________ _________________________ The favorable variations are called _______________________________

1. Say in a species of blob, there exists blobs

of all shapes and sizes (______________)

2. During a particularly hot year,

food became less abundant (

_________________) & blobs that had

the ability to dig into the soil to get food

had a better chance of survival.

3. The ones that survived mated and passed

their genes to the next generation.


4. The next generation had move blobs with the

pointed noses. That is ___________________


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