Page 1: Case Dedicates New Building

NOW p r o c e s s h a z a r d o u s m a t e r i a l s



Μ/ψ $ £ K E W A U N E E • • • S Y S T E M

• Ideal for analyses, handling radio­active materials, organic preparations, biological work. • Enclosed work space provides maxi­mum personnel safety. Remote han­dling devices available. • Extreme flexibility—units may be used singly or in connected groups. • Save space—units are small, compact, portable. • Save operating costs—lower power requirements for blowers, heating and cooling. • Accessories available to meet chang­ing requirements.


Free Catalog· Write for your copy of "The CBR System" — required reading for research and in­dustrial laboratories.

J. A. CampbeU, President ** 5 0 1 2 S. Center St., Adrian, Mich.

Representatives in Principal Cities

EDUCATION $4 Million for Teachers

NSF grants will send 7 5 0 high school science teachers to year-round institutes

S O M E 750 high school science and mathematics teachers are going back to school next year. Each teacher will take a course of study prepared espe­cially for him arid each should return to his students with a better grasp of the new developments in his field.

Picking up the check for this ad­vanced teacher training is the National Science Foundation, with grants total­ing $4,065,000. The grants will sup­port academic-year institutes at 16 col­leges and universities in the U. S., pro­viding $3000 each for approximately 50 teachers in each institute. Each grant carries additional allowances for travel and dependents.

NSF introduced the full-year insti­tute this year, with experimental pro­grams at Wisconsin and Oklahoma A&M (C&EN, F e b . 6, page 572). Both will be renewed in 1957-58.

Entrance requirements for the insti­tutes will be set by the schools them­selves. In most cases, credit earned by the teacher may apply toward a mas­ter's degree in science education or in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics. Institutes at the University of Chicago and the University of Illi­nois are open to mathematics teachers only; the others will also offer work in various fields of science.

At the new institute at Harvard, for example, teachers will take courses in four major fields—matxieinatics, chem­istry, biology, and physics—as well as courses in education. Λ by-product of the program, says Alan T. Waterman, director of NSF, will b e to demonstrate l-V»<c» I c t r c v l rx( Ϊ * - » Ή - Λ Η Ι * arvl-ΛΐΜτ s\r\l I *» nri <-» ·*-.£»

courses in the sciences, thereby help­ing the teacher to prepare promising students for advancecd placement in college.

Other new grants will g o to Ohio State, Oregon State College, Pennsyl­vania State University, Stanford, Wash­ington (St. Louis, Nio.), Colorado, Michigan, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. Teachers applying for admission to an institute will write directly to the school involved.

Case Dedicates New Building

$1.8 million chemistry and chemical engineering build­ing is third b ig project in Case development plans

C > A S E INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY has dedicated its Albert W . Smith Chem­istry and Chemical Eogineering Build­ing—the third major addition in the school's $11,000,000 Diamond Jubilee Development Prograira.

The building comprises two sections, an $1.8 million north section completed

New Albert W. Smith Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building at Case In­stitute of Technology is equipped for highly specialized research projects

6 0 7 4 C & E N DEC. 10, 1956

Xete&unee JVLfa. &.

Page 2: Case Dedicates New Building

last summer and other department of chemistry facilities constructed in 1939. Together the units give the depart­ment 88,000 square feet of floor space and one of the most modern buildings of its kind.

The new facilities serve three pur­poses:

• T h e training of undergraduates and graduates in the fundamentals of their faeids and in the use of modern equip­ment and methods.

• The provision of research tools. • T h e provision of special services to


Specialized laboratories, for work in high polymers, plastics, and rubber and paint technology, are located in the basement. On the first, second, and third floors are a general chemistry laboratory, departmental offices, or­ganic, analytical, and physical chem­istry labs, and the department library. The top floor is given over to a physical instruments lab and a radioisotopes section with a "hot lab" for research in nuclear chemistry.

Design of the building includes such features as fireproof construction, mov­able steel partitions on non-load-bear­ing walls, ceilings of removable acoustic tile, and built-in safety devices for the laboratories. Equipment in the radio­isotope lab provides for shielding of specimens and remote handling con­trol. These labs also have lead parti-Lions, stainless steel and porcelain paneling, and other accessories speci­fied by the U. S. Atomic Energy Com­mission.

Throughout the building are 40 two-man research laboratories, with office and work space for faculty and gradu­ate assistants. Each of these, along with automatic fire extinguishing sys­tems, has an escape hatch which can be hand-controlled.

Albert W . Smith was a Case grad­uate and a faculty member of the in­stitute for 40 years. In 1911 h e be­came professor of chemical engineer­ing and headed the department until his death in 1927.

• The phases of radiat ion chemistry and physics, with emphasis on princi­ples rather than applications, will be covered in a special course at Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, March 25 to April 6. The course will treat the effects of high-energy radia­tion in physics and chemistry, t he na­ture of intermediate chemical com­pounds, and effects of high-energy ra­diation on organic molecules and poly­mers and on other materials of biologi­cal and industrial interest. Applica­tions must be received by Feb. 1 and should be addressed to Ralph T. Over­

man, chairman of the special training division, OiUNS, P . O. Box 117, Oak Ridge.

• The Sixth Annual Ins t rument Short Course will be he ld Jan. 31 and Feb . 1 at Los Angeles Harbor Junior College, Wilmington, Calif. T h e course will treat fundamentals of instrumentation, advanced techniques of both pneumatic and electronic instruments, and prac­tical methods in the maintenance and calibration of instruments and control devices. Cosponsor of the course is the Southern California Meter Associa­tion.

• The new aid- to-educat ion p r o g r a m of Tfie Texas Co.^ when in full opera­tion in four year's time, will total 160 scholarships and 140 unrestricted grants-in-aid of $1500 each to colleges and universities. Annual cost to the company at the end of the four years, says James H . Pipkin, vice president, will run over $500,000. Scholarships cover a student's tuition, fees, and text­books. A supplementary grant is also given to each privately supported school to help meet the full cost of the student's education. The new program expands the education projects spon­sored by the company for some time.

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Q U A L I T Y C H E M I C A L S fatttt P E T R O L E U M

DEC. 10, 1 9 5 6 C & E N 6 0 7 5


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