Page 1: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Cardiovascular System

Page 2: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Shape of Heart

• Male 310 g - female 225g

• Apex - blunt point

• Top - base

• 2/3 to the left

• Rest on diaphragm

• 5th & 6th rib

Page 3: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Size of things

• Infant 1/130 of total weight

• Adult 1/300 of total weight

• 4 ¾ long, 3 ½ wide, and 2 ½ deep

Page 4: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib
Page 5: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


Page 6: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib
Page 7: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Blood pathway

Page 8: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib
Page 9: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Blood Vessels

• All Blood vessels– Smooth muscle– Elastic- collagen– 3 layers

• Arteries

• Capillaries

• Veins

Page 10: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• Carries blood away from heart

• Largest vessels

• Arterioles are smallest

• Precapillary sphincters– Regulate blood flow to capillaries

Page 11: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• Microscopic

• Over 1 billion

• Some organs have more and some avascular

• 3 types

• Transfer of– O2, CO2 & nutrients

Page 12: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• Carries blood to heart

• Smallest venules

• Get larger as they move blood to the heart

• Stretch to accomodate blood

• One-way valves

Page 13: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• Electrocardiography

• Measures the electrical activity of the heart.

• Shows contraction of the heart

• Speed

Page 14: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib
Page 15: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


Page 16: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib
Page 17: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• P wave –SA node (pace maker) starts stimulus and atria contract.

• QRS wave – moves to Purkinje fibers and contract the ventrical

• T- wave repolarizes- muscles go back to normal and expand back to shape

Page 18: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• 1. SA node (Sinoatrial) – pace maker

• 2. AV node (Atrioventricular) base of Rt Atrium.

• 3 Purkinje fibers – go down the septum to apex then up the side of the ventricles.

Page 19: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Hole in Heart

Page 20: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Heart Structure

• Murmur (valves)– Rheumatic fever- Streptococcal infection

• Atherosclerosis

• Angina Pectoris

• Coronary bypass

• Pulmonary Edema (right side)

• Congestive heart failure (CHF) left side

Page 21: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib


• Abnormal large heart

• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy– Death of young athletes

Page 22: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Blood Vessels

• Varicose Veins

Page 23: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Cardovascular Disorder

• Hypertension – high blood pressure 140/90

• Heart beats– Heart block AV node is block– Brachycardia – slow below 60– Tachycardia – fast over 100– Sinus dysrhythmia- inhaling & exhaling

Page 24: Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

Disease of the Heart

• Fibrillation: Contraction in not rhythmic

• Septic shock – infectious agents releases toxins into blood

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