
By: Kristin Izzo, Intern Preceptor: Mary M. Julius, RD, LD, CDE and Neal Kurmas, MS, RD, LD, CDE Citation Granata, J., Nawarskas, A., Resch, N., Vigil, J. Evaluating the Effect of U-500 Insulin Therapy on Glycemic Control in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes. Clinical Diabetes Journal. 2015; 33: BACKGROUND 2,4 What is U-500 Concentrated insulin for extremely insulin resistant 1 unit U-500 = 5 unit U-100 Indications Extreme endogenous hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemic High insulin resistance Subset obese type 2 diabetes Need exogenous insulin >200 units/day (adults) Need insulin >3 units/kg (pediatrics) OBJECTIVE 4 Determine glycemic effect for Veterans with T2DM converting from U-100 to U- 500 DESIGN Single-Center Retrospective Chart Review PARTICIPANTS/SETTING VA hospital New Mexico 25 patients Aged % Male Races represented: White (60%), black (4%), Native American (4%) and undisclosed (32%) Those transitioning from U-100 to U-500 between April 2009 and February 2013 No intervention retrospective chart review MEASURES A1c % Contacts (per month) Hypoglycemia (per month) Insulin total daily dose (units/day) Injections (n/day) Weight STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Paired t- test Parametric data Wilcoxon signed rank test Outliers Spearmans rank correlation Determined presence of correlation between variables P>/0.05 Statistical Analysis System (SAS0 RESULTS Patients converting from U-100 to U-500 were able to relatively improve glycemic control with significantly increasing: Incidence of hypoglycemia Daily insulin dose CONCLUSIONS According to this review: Converting to U-500 from U-100 insulin can be an effective alternative for diabetes management Limitations of this study Sample size Bolus injections Weight gain Case study Veteran RS 59 y/o obese WM BMI = 50.6 DM2 since , A1c 8.5 Insulin pump U500 + Aspart inj ~1 hypoglycemic event per month requiring help from another person Comorbidities Medications Case Study Contd Pump initiated 2006 PRACTICAL APPLICATION 3 Risks v. Benefits? Weight gain in obese patients Risk of hypoglycemic events 3 REFERENCES 1. American Diabetes Association. Using U-500 Insulin 2. Cochran, E., Musso, C. Gorden, P. The use of Insulin U-500 in patients with 3. Dailey AM, Gibert JA, Tannock LR. Durability of Glycemic Control using U-500 Insulin. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2012;95(3): doi: /j.diabres Granata, J., Nawarskas, A., Resch, N., Vigil, J. Evaluating the Effect of U-500 Insulin Therapy on Glycemic Control in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes. Clinical Diabetes Journal. 2015; 33:

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