  • 8/3/2019 Business Proposal Jod


    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Business Proposal

    Connecting Rural India

    SI 663 EntrepreneurshipSchool of InformationUniversity of Michigan

    Manaswi Shukla

    12 B3, Lake Lila Lane,Ann Arbor, Michigan, USPhone: 1 734 757 0900email: [email protected]

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  • 8/3/2019 Business Proposal Jod


    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan


    1. Executive Summary

    42. Market Trend

    2.1 Mobile Phone Market2.2 Service providers in Rural India2.3 Service providers in Rural India

    63. Business Plan

    3.1 Company Name3.2 Business Concept3.3 Geographic Location3.4 System Overview3.5 Technical Requirements3.6 Competitors

    3.7 Key Differentiator3.8 Sustainability3.9 Revenue Model3.10 Investment to start the businesses3.11 Challenges


    4. Competition4.1 Competitors4.2 SWOT Analysis

    235. Marketing Plan

    5.1 Promotional Strategy5.2 Promotional Budget

    5.3 Service Pricing5.4 Promotion for second phase


    6. Sales Plan6.1 Sales strategy for local traders6.2 Sales Strategy for companies6.3 Advertisement Pricing6.4 Sales Projections


    7. Management and Operations7.1 Core Team7.2 External Consultants7.3 Staff Requirement7.4 Organizational Structure7.5 Operation and Infrastructure Details


    8. Startup Expenses8.1 Staff Expenses8.2 Management Expenses8.3 Recurring Expenses8.4 One Time Expenses8.5 Sales and Marketing


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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    8.6 Investment required for 3 months8.7 Funds Available

    9. Financial Projections9.1 Monthly Cash Flow for 20099.2 Yearly Cash Flow

    3810. Future Plans and Exit Strategy

    10.1 Beyond Second Phase10.2 Exit Strategy


    AppendicesMonthly Cash Flow for 2009Yearly Cash Flow


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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    1. Executive Summary

    Company:Jod plans to work as a service to bridge the gap between the buyers and sellers in rural India

    by helping the buyers find the right providers of products while helping the sellers improve the efficiency

    of their marketing.

    Service: Company will provide information helpline service (local listing search) to connect B2B, B2C and

    C2C. This involves collecting information (their products and services, rates and contact details) about

    buyers and sellers in local markets and list their details, which could be accessed by people in that area.

    Service will also provide information to individuals in rural area related to their trades or skills, in terms ofjob openings or market forecasts, to help them improve their income.

    Market: Of the next 250 million Indian wireless users, approximately 100 million (40%) are likely to be

    from rural areas, and by 2012, rural users will account for over 60% of the total telecom subscriber base,

    according to a report jointly released by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and Ernst & Young.

    Similar companies in urban India have been growing fast with the leader in this area, Just Dial, having a

    revenue of Rs521 crore with a revenue in excess of Rs110 crore. It receives almost 100,000 calls a day (or

    36 million calls a year); it has a directory of two million establishments across 40 Indian cities.

    Competitive Advantages:The biggest competitive advantage thatJod has over competitors is its reach in

    the rural areas of India which is mostly unexplored in this area at the same time has infrastructure for

    information call center to be setup. Since the company will be located in a sub-urban area, we plan to take

    advantage of the low operating costs as well utilize the infrastructure advantages over setting up in rural


    Company will use local dialects to communicate with the rural consumers, helping better communicate the

    intended information. This will help us create a different image than the urban competitors.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Management: Management team consists of four people, including two founders of the company.

    Management team is relatively young but has business knowledge in call center management. Founders of

    the company have had experience of working at grass-root level in rural areas and will be able to leverage

    their knowledge in this company.

    Financial Targets:

    Net income of the business will grow to 2,351,926 INR(USD 47,040)at end of five years with the

    company balance to be 7,614,513 INR.

    Opening Balance Net Income Closing Balance

    2009 6,000,000 INR -868,150 INR 5,131,850 INR

    2010 5,131,850.00 INR 82,915 INR 5,214,765 INR

    2011 5,214,765.00 INR -1,040,441 INR 4,174,324 INR

    2012 4,174,324.00 INR 1,088,263 INR 5,262,587 INR

    2013 5,262,587.40 INR 2,351,926 INR 7,614,513 INR

    These calculations are done keeping10-15% business growth, 10% hike in salaries and 10% rise GDP.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    2. Market Trend

    2.1 Mobile phone market

    Mobile phone usage is rising faster in India than anywhere else in the world, with some six million

    subscribers added every month.

    The rural areas in India are not untouched by this growth. NokiaTM, like other companies, realizes the role

    of rural India in this trend and focuses on developing mobile phones specific for these areas. International

    Herald Tribune in an article highlights how mobile phone companies are gearing up to tap the rural

    market. It says, Rural India has become the next frontier for the industry's biggest players. About 70

    percent of India's 1.1 billion population, 770 million people, live in villages and rural areas [Source: For the

    rural poor, cellphones come calling, International Herald Tribune,].

    Of the next 250 million Indian wireless users, approximately100 million (40%) are likely to be from

    rural areas, and by 2012, rural users will account for over 60% of the total telecom subscriber base,

    according to a report jointly released by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and Ernst & Young. This

    is a huge market which needs to tapped for mutual benefit of the companies and consumers in these areas.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan



    This growth in mobile industry is bound to effect related industries and may drive their growth as well.

    Experts foresee that mobile technology will also play part in fostering the rural trade and economy. An

    article by Nokia states, Mobile phones could significantly change the logistical issues faced by rural traders

    and home entrepreneurs, by affording mobile-based ordering systems, delivery requests, and the ability to

    make more reliable and advance arrangements with business partners or clients [Mobiles will revolutionise

    seven sectors in rural India - Nokia, CKS]. With the help of technology, companies can address the issue of he

    physical distance by connecting market, farmers, traders and consumers. It will ensure that the goods

    produced in villages are able to reach other markets where they get the deserved price. Also, the players in

    rural trade can better coordinate for mutual profitability.

    Mobile phone companies which are trying to penetrate this market, realize the cost constraints in these

    areas and are working on releasing low cost basic phones in these areas. One is Nokia 1208; it has a colour

    screen, will cost around Rs 2,000 and contains features rural customers would welcome; one is a flashlight

    [Business Line, The Hindu,].There are efforts on

    providing microfinancing in the rural areas which will increase the penetration of mobile phones in thismarket. This is a positive sign for the market which hopes to thrive on mobile industry for facilitating trade

    in the region.

    Not even the markets, but the people of rural India realize the power of such technologies. Struggling

    artisans and tradespeople in rural India are finding that mobile phones are their ticket to better sales and

    better lives. [Source:


    2.2 Service providers in Rural India

    Bharti Airtel leads the market share in rural India with a 24% share and Vodafone (VOD ) in third place

    with a 17% share. Almost all the players who have a large urban base in India are expanding rapidly into

    the rural areas by providing innovative services.

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  • 8/3/2019 Business Proposal Jod


    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    3. Business Plan

    3.1 Company Name

    The company is planned to be named as jod

    TM. '

    jod' in Hindi means 'connection' or 'joint'. The namereinforces the intent of the business to connect distantly located players in rural market and trade through

    technology. The name is short and easy to pronounce.

    The name was also found apt as its domain is available on Internet. Also, it does not have any other

    competitor with similar name.

    3.2 Business Concept

    The company will bridge the gap between the buyers and sellers in rural India by helping the buyers find

    the right providers of products while helping the sellers improve the efficiency of their marketing.

    Currently, the markets in rural areas are separated as different islands in a sea. The service will connect

    these isolated markets to empower buyers and sellers. Company will work on connecting B2B, B2C and

    C2C. This involves collecting information about buyers and sellers in local markets and list their details,

    which could be accessed by people in that area. The company will also gather knowledge about trades in

    rural areas and distribute them.

    The business can be divided into two phases, In first phase, the business will run as a call center service

    which will collect data from the markets, which the consumers can get over their phone by dialing a toll

    free number. In second phase, the company will release a web interface to facilitate e-trade. This would

    benefit the traders as they can create their accounts on the system and manage it remotely. It will also help

    the information seekers to find buyers or sellers sitting anywhere in the world. An example of such

    scenario is that local artisans/craftsman can sell their products over Internet to outside world. When in full

    functioning the business will provide the following services:

    Phone: (toll-free number)

    SMS: (toll-free number)


    Print: B2B and B2C Yellow Pages

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    3.2.1 Information Types

    At a higher level, we say that the in calling customers can ask for why, what, where and how

    questions related to their individual trades.

    Looking for buyers: price offered by different buyers and in markets, whole sale dealers,

    how to reach there and other queries

    Looking for sellers: rates, availability and sellers for materials like seeds, fertilizers, bamboo,

    wood, tractor parts and other raw materials

    Trade related queries: weather forecast, what raw materials to use, what fertilizers to use


    Looking for jobs: Job postings by the workers to get job

    Looking for skilled work: Job postings by employer to get workers

    3.2.2 Information CollectionInformation will collected by touring the areas, coordinating with local representatives, crawling

    existing databases and when consumers call themselves.In second phase, it will be done by loggingon to the website and initiate e-trade.

    Paid employees: Company will hire part time employees, located centrally who will tour the

    villages to gather information. They will also hire new employees in different villages to

    collect information and market trends. The employees with local knowledge of the area willbe preferred who can collect information and pass it to a central repository.

    Non-paid associates: Buyers or sellers will be motivated by their personal trade incentives

    to pass their contact information and other trade details. The service will provide them with

    better visibility across different markets.

    Traders as Advertisers: Traders can post their information in the system as sponsored

    listings to improve their marketing.

    3.2.3 Information Access

    Considering the literacy conditions in rural India, company will expect costumers to call them via

    toll-free number. The list of methods of accessing information is as follows:

    Calling to a toll free number provided by the company in their marketing drives

    Writing text messages to a number provided by the company in their marketing drives

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Subscribing to periodical updates as SMS

    In second phase: by logging on to the website

    3.2.4 Usage Scenario

    Farmer seeks information

    Rama, a farmer is worried about the changing weather, he is unsure which crop can be harvested

    considering the current weather and the land condition. He tries to consult his friends but everyone

    seems to be confused. They had a bad time last year which led to poor earnings from the crop. His

    friends decide to call jod and seek their consultation. He calls up the toll free number which and

    asks the agent for suggestion. The agent advises Rama that he should go for sugarcane this season

    which suits the climatic conditions. The agent also gives summary of the sugarcane prices in

    neighboring markets and suggests some whole sale dealers which might be interested in his crops.

    This encourages Rama to grow sugarcane this time. He then asks about where can he get the seeds

    in cheap price. The agent suggests him the nearby dealers where he can get seeds.

    In another village, Krishna, a farmer, wants to decide as to which market should he go to sell grains

    from his farm. He calls the toll free number and asks for the grain prices in the nearby markets.

    Based on the information, he decides which market is profitable for him.

    Dealers share prices

    Ramesh is a small dealer for tractor parts in 'Kankaria' village in Uttar Praadesh, India. He has

    competitive rates for his products but is unable to expand his business due to lack of demand in his

    village. He feels that nearby villages don't know about the prices he offers business and villagers go

    to city thinking that they will get a better deal there. He calls up jod and updates them on the

    catalog of products he supplies and the prices he offers. He states his interest to be advertised

    when callers ask for tractor products. The agent handling the call fixes the deal and sends a person

    from jod to collect the payment and get the papers ready for agreement. This way when people ask

    for tractor parts, the agents tell them about Ramesh's shop and the competitive prices he offers.

    Ramesh has been successful in in increasing his sale.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    3.3 Geographic Location

    As discussed earlier, the service is designed to work in rural India. Initially we will concentrate on Northern

    India because of the local knowledge in those areas that the founders of this company have. Operating in

    these areas will also to avoid language barriers during the start of the business while using Hindi as the

    language for interacting with the call center.

    The business plans to start from the district ofJhunjhunun, Rajasthan, India as one of the founders

    belongs to this place and has gained knowledge about the area over years. The already formed contacts in

    nearby villages will be helpful for the company.

    The district has five 'Tehsils'

    52 major villages in the district

    Population persons 19,13,099

    Literacy per cent 73.61

    Working Population per cent of population 33.42

    Cultivators per cent 68.24

    Agricultural laborers per cent 10.78


    This provides us a target consumer base of around 520,000 to start our business with. We also plan tocover neighboring districts as soon as we cover the initially planned villages. Following villages will be

    covered in initial drive of collecting information as well as marketing and sales

    List of Villages for the business

    Delsar Khurd

    Adrash Nagar (Bagar)


    Bharonda Kalan

    Raipur Jattan





    Togra Sawroop Singh


    Kumawas, Nawalgarh



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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan




    Bharu Bissau








    Jakhar Ka Bass



    Keharpura Kalan



    Mandawa Mukangarh












    Next growth of business will be inJaipur district. Jaipur is growing as a IT hub in India and the company

    hopes to get technical talent from the district as well.

    Population persons 5,252,388

    Literacy per cent 70.63

    Total working population per cent 29.17

    Cultivators per cent 40.05

    Agricultural laborers per cent 5.66

    Household industry manufacturing, processing servicing and repairs percent 14.71

    No. of small scale units: 19,544

    There are around 2344 villages in the district.

    This expands the opportunity to increase the user base by another 1,500,000.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    List of Tehsils in District for business







    Sanganer Amber





    Viratnagar Chomu

    The third drive will be in districts with rich agricultural occupation like Ganganagar. Further is the

    business growth plan when it will cover entire Rajasthan under its network. We have identified 157 major

    villages which will have representatives from the company.

    List of 157 major villages in Rajasthan for business expansion


    Amarpura Jatan




    Bagar, Rajasthan, India

    Bagra, MarwarBakhasar


    Bana (Village)












    Harsh, Sikar













    Kalwa, Rajasthan





    Nana, Pali











    Pirana, Rajasthan



    Raipur, Rajasthan


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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan





    Birodi, India



    Chand Khedi, Kota





    Dabra, Rajasthan








    Dhuan Kalan

    Dudhwa Khara









    Kari, Jhunjhunu





    Khatushyamji (Town)














    Lalgarh (Rajasthan)




    Luna, Rajasthan






    Modran, Rajasthan



    Rani, Rajasthan







    Sai Dham Rani Rajasthan

    Salamsingh ki dhani








    ShekhsarSiana (Rajasthan)



    Sonana Khetlaji

    Suin, Rajasthan

    Sultana (village)







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    Gothra Bhukaran


    Gura Sonigara







    Nagari (Chittorgarh)


    Nai, Rajasthan

    Tanot Mata



    Togra Sawroop Singh



    3.4 System Overview

    Phase 1

    In the first phase of the implementation, we plan to have a centrally located call center in Jhunjhunun and

    will support the villages in Jhunjhunu district. Placing the call center in Jhunjhunun ensures easy access to

    infrastructure which could be initial bottle-neck in locating the call centers in villages. Lower cost of living

    and infrastructure at Jhunjhunun keeps a control on project budget. Moreover, Jhunjhunun town has a

    good mixture of people from surrounding villages which would provide the business with local knowledge

    of that areas as we hire people from the town.

    In the Diagram Below:

    [1] Information Seekers: People call the centrally located centers to get information related to their trade.

    Can you please let me know the grain selling price in Jhunjhunun grain market?

    Can you please connect me to a wholesale dealer for the weaving thread?

    [2] Traders: Local listings are posted by the traders, on calling these centers. This information is stored in

    centrally located servers which can be accessed by the call center employees.

    We are buying good quality grains at 10 Rupees per Kilogram for wholesale

    I opened a new whole sale shop near 'Shingri' and have all kinds of threads for weaving. We can also

    deliver thread at home if told a day in advance

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    [3] Information providers: Information providers collect data from the market daily and pass to the call

    center. In return, they are payed for it.

    The best price of grain in the market today is offered by Chandan Dealers which is 11.25 Rupees


    In the second phase of the implementation, the company will introduce web service to support the

    telephony. This will allow information providers and seekers (buyers and sellers) to enter and access

    information online. Gartner predicts massive growth of Internet usage in India, especially rural India in his

    report [Source:]. With the increase in Internet usage

    increasing in rural areas, company hopes to utilize the platform to improve services and ensure better


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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Website will also create a platform for local artisan and craftsman and small scale industries to sell their

    products in urban consumers and even international consumers. This will be done as the individuals and

    industry owners can add the products and contact details on the site.

    During this phase, the company will hire employees in remote village who will provide information to the

    company over phone. These employees will be hired on a contract bases. We see following advantages of

    hiring in these remote locations:

    Creating job opportunities in Villages

    Taking advantage of the parochial knowledge of the employees

    Reducing the cost of call centers further

    In the Diagram Below:

    [1] Information Seekers: People call the centrally router which distributes the call via web telephony,

    based on the location of incoming call and availability of the agents.

    [2] Traders: Local listings are posted by the traders, on calling these centers. This information is stored in

    centrally located servers which can be accessed by the call center employees.

    [3] Information providers/Call Canter Agents:Agents are located remotely and collect information

    themselves and feed the data into the system. Company plans on utilizing available contact center

    management applications to better route and manage calls and agents.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    3.5 Technical Requirements

    SIP Phones

    The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol, widely used for setting up and tearing down

    multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls over the Internet. [Source: Wikipedia]

    MySQL Database

    MySQL is a free Database provided by SUN Systems to store information. Business needs this to save data

    gathered from the traders and other information providers, so that it can be accessed by the call center


    Call Center Application

    The call center will utilize Web based applications for the management to track calls and manage historical

    records of call for billing purposes. These application also facilitate distributing voice call over web. Some

    of the features that such applications provide:

    SIP integration: Voice call over Internet

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Call Routing: Route calls to different agents based on certain parameters

    IVR: Interactive Voice Response to facilitate callers to reach agents

    Multi channels: Voice/e-mail/chat

    CRM Integration: To manage the content related to agents, their operations and information

    collected about callers and trades

    Real-time call monitoring

    Agent desktop: To handle incoming calls

    Founders of the company have close contacts with known services in this area for small scale industries are

    provided by Transera Inc.[] or Drishti



    Call center will utilize Iris 1102 server which would run a open source Linux operating systems like Ubuntu

    or Fedora. Following are the configurations for the server:

    1x Intel Xeon or Core 2 Duo

    Intel 3210 Chipset

    Up to 2x SATA Hard Drives

    4x DDR2 800/667 DIMM Slots Up to 8GB Memory

    [Source: Pogo Linux,]

    3.6 Competitors

    Just Dial Service []

    Just Dial works is an information helpline based on a similar concept, running in major cities in

    India. The company caters to over 70 million unique users. As of today, this search engine covers

    200+ cities in India. It is one of the most successful local search on phone/Internet in India. They

    support phone, Internet, Wi-Fi and Print. The company has no presence in the rural areas.

    MTNL/BSNL Help-Line

    This is a yellow pages on telephone. The main purpose of this service is to provide telephone

    number of known business or individuals. They only support telephony.

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Yahoo! Local Search[]

    Yahoo! Provides local listings for business and services based on location and keywords. This is

    prevalent in cities in India. It only supports Internet media to serve the results.

    Google Local Search []

    Google provides local listings for business and services based on location and keywords. Google has

    an extensive database of the listing which it also gets by crawling sites. It only supports Internet

    media to display the results. The other advantage it presents to the user, is that it displays the listing

    over a map.

    3.7 Key Differentiator

    Some of the key differentiators for the company as we realize now are:

    Reach and operations in the rural areas of the country

    Communication in local dialects with the end customer

    Integrating B2B, B2C and 'C2C'over phone and Internet

    Low cost of running business due to geographical advantage

    Easy to use Interfaces for the next phase

    3.8 Sustainability

    Company hopes to provide job opportunities to the people in rural areas of the country. This will bebeneficial on decentralizing the job market which is moving towards few cities in country. The project

    hopes to provide sustainability in these areas as people provide information themselves, use themselves and

    improve trade on the way.

    3.9 Revenue Model

    Company sees immense opportunities to generate revenue in this sector. Company based on similar

    concept called 'JustDial' has grown a lot since its commencement. It has a revenue of (Rs521 crore) with a

    revenue in excess of Rs110 crore. Today, Just Dial receives almost 100,000 calls a day (or 36 million calls a

    year); it has a directory of two million establishments across 40 Indian cities.

    The business will run on the following:

    In Call Advertisements:Voice Ads can be played over the phone, while a caller is in the queue

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    while waiting for the agent to attend the call.

    It will be a good opportunity for companies to advertise in rural sector which is has

    approximately 70% of India and generate more than half of the national income

    [Source:Advertising in Rural India: Language, Marketing Communication, and Consumerism. Institute for the

    Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Tokyo Press,

    Tokyo, Japan. 2000.]The rural market has the opportunity for low priced products which can be

    more successful in rural markets because the low purchasing, purchasing powers in rural


    Listing on printed Yellow pages: Company will print yearly yellow pages per district which

    will have sponsored listings and advertisements.

    Phone listing: Local traders can advertise their businesses as sponsored listing

    Individual Subscription: Individuals can subscribe to the service by paying nominal charges to

    get updates on trade interest areas.

    3.10 Investment to start the businesses

    The company should have at least 3 months of funds without the profit. This will be around Rs. 1,521,500

    or USD 30,430. Detailed calculations of monthly cash flow is given in the Appendix ii


    Staff 444,000Management 180,000

    Recurring expenses 147,000

    One time expenses 702,500

    Sales and Marketing 48,000

    Total 1,521,500

    3.11 Challenges

    Market Awareness: On of the major challenges that company faces is creating an awareness inmarket that such a service can be helpful for the trades. In absence of any similar services in the

    rural areas, this is seen as a challenge.

    Getting Talent: Due to the operations being located in a small town, attracting talent in such areas

    remains a challenge. We hope to build a company image which will attract bright talents to these

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    areas as we grow.

    4. Competition

    4.1 Competitors

    The competitors are divided into three major segments. First segment is directly related to the companies

    business as they use

    4.1.1 Telephone and Online Service

    Just Dial Service []

    Just Dial works is an information helpline based on a similar concept, running in major cities in

    India. The company caters to over 70 million unique users. As of today, this search engine covers

    200+ cities in India. It is one of the most successful local search on phone/Internet in India. They

    support phone, Internet, Wi-Fi and Print. The company has no presence in the rural areas. It has a

    revenue of (Rs521 crore) with a revenue in excess of Rs110 crore. Today, Just Dial receives almost

    100,000 calls a day (or 36 million calls a year); it has a directory of two million establishments

    across 40 Indian cities.

    Ask Laila []

    'Ask Laila' provides local search results over Internet as well as phone. The business started in theend of 2007, is still establishing itself in various cities. It has over 30 million users in six cities of

    the country. Starting with Bangalore, is now spreading other major cities in India like Delhi,

    Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkota. It has partnered with Airtel to provide local search

    service with Airtel subscription.

    4.1.2 Telecommunication Services Competition

    MTNL/BSNL Help-Line

    This is a yellow pages on telephone. The main purpose of this service is to provide telephone

    number of known business or individuals. They only support telephony. Just Dial and Ask Laila

    also provide telephone service and have a better coverage in terms of businesses database.

    4.1.3 Online Services Competition

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    jod, SI 663, School of Information, University of Michigan

    Yahoo! Local Search []

    Yahoo! Provides local listings for business and services based on location and keywords. This is

    prevalent in cities in India. It only supports Internet media to serve the results.

    Google Local Search []

    Google also provides local listings for business and services based on location and keywords.

    Google has an extensive database of the listing which it also gets by crawling sites. It only supports

    Internet media to display the results. The other advantage it presents to the user, is that it displays

    the listing over a map.

    Sulekha []

    Suleskha is a yellowpages services which maintains local listings for different cities. It is an

    international listings like Yahoo! Or Google, covering cities across the globe.

    4.2 SWOT Analysis

    4.2.1 Strengths

    Reach to rural areas and having a rural context: Our main strength, compared to the

    competitors will be our reach in rural areas. We do not concentrate in the cities where all of

    our rivals do. We plan to locate ourselves in small towns rather than cities and work on grassroot levels. The business will have a better local context than the competitors.

    Local Dialects: 'jod' employees will use local dialects while talking to the customers. This

    will differentiate us with other services who are located in cities and have lesser

    understanding of the dialects.

    Cost effectiveness: As business is located in the small towns and villages, we hope to be

    cost effective in operations. With low cost of living in these areas and lower average salaries,

    we should have lower cost of functioning than our competitors.

    Company image:As the company works on rural areas to connect people in this area, we

    hope to build an image of company which is 'for the common people'.

    4.2.2 Weakness

    Management with less experience: Companies management on papers is relatively new.

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    Founders do not have any prior experience of starting or running a business. Though the

    founders have worked in startups and have domain knowledge in Call center management


    Infrastructure: Company lacks any infrastructure and will have to start from scratch Need to build the database: Unlike urban India where new players can crawl other sites or

    work on existing databases, company will have to start working on creating a database in

    rural areas and then use it

    4.2.3 Opportunities

    Emerging Market: It is a fast growing market. Company can take advantage of the growth

    and be part of it.

    Early starters: Currently there is no other similar service in rural areas, it gives an

    opportunity to establish name in this market.

    Employment in semi-urban and rural areas: Provide employment in these areas.

    Utilizing existing networks: Airtel, IDEA and BSNL have extensive networks in rural

    India. Company will be open to strike partnership with any of these companies to expand

    its reach in the area.

    4.2.4 Threats Just Dial: Just Dial has grown immensely in urban India. Though we believe that will

    continue to improve its coverage in other cities in India, it has enough capabilities in terms

    of business knowledge, infrastructure and revenue that it can enter the rural markets.

    Google factor: Google has recently announced its interest in rural Indian market and

    improving trade through Internet. Details at:


    Bharti Airtel: Bharti has pilot projects in rural India. Airtel has deal wth 'Ask Laila' in urban

    areas which can be shifted here as well as the market grows. This especially easy and will be

    highly competitive with Ask Laila's domain knowledge and Airtel's infrastructure in rural


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    5. Marketing Plan

    5.1 Promotional Strategy

    Creating promotional strategy in a rural context is highly challenging considering its mostly unexplored.

    Most of the current available strategies use television as the primary media. It is successful to an extent as

    it overcomes the literacy issues by communicating verbally. The reach of this media is limited with only41

    per cent rural households have access to TV[Source: Hindu Buiness Line, Selling to Rural India] though its

    increasing and we cannot ignore the influence of television in the area. We refrain from using this media

    initially due to the cost involved in advertising in it. The cost of advertising is decided by the urban market

    in India which makes it high.

    There has been lot of research and successes in using unconventional medias for the rural areas. jod will

    try to explore and depend on the unconventional medias during the incubation period of the business due

    to their efficiency in reaching daily lives of the rural India and cost-effectiveness. Even in terms of strategy

    for the campaigns, jod will create a rural context in its message. It will also scplore the option of

    endorsement by any influential person in the village like the Mukhiya or the school master.

    jod also plans to work withAnugrah Madison Advertising Pvt Ltd. Which is an advertising firm having

    expertise in rural marketing. []

    5.1.1 Radio

    Radio is also successful media to cross the literacy barriers to communicate. This can be effectively

    used and is low cost, especially with Television getting the prime focus. The medium has gained

    some interest with FM channels. jod will use radio to advertise campaigns between the 'Krishi

    Darshan'(Farmer related show) episodes on 'Vividh Bharati' (Government run radio station).

    5.1.2 Unconventional Print Media

    Jod will use print campaigns in unconventional medias for promotion. The choice of

    unconventional media is extremely important as these medias are part of villager's life. The medias

    will focus at match boxes, playing cards, kites, wall paintings, calendars and envelopes.

    Similar projects have been done to spread social messages as well. Please refer to a project where

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    the message of literacy was spent using unconventional medias in a graphical way:

    5.1.3 Events

    Events like different festivals and different games and sports competitions actually have a high

    participation level in the rural India as other sources of entertainment are very less in those areas.

    So, these events and shows offer great opportunity to reach rural India cost effectively. jod will

    organize promotional stalls in these events, especially related to Farmers, Craftsman and Traders. A

    good place to start this stall is in 'Suraj Kund', which is an yearly exhibition for craftsman around

    villages in India.

    5.1.4 Phone

    Telecommunication is growing faster than ever in rural India. It is an important media in lives of

    people in these areas. jodcan use this media to promote its business either by cold calling villagers

    or specifically targeting traders and informing about the services and opportunities at jod.

    5.1.5 Video Vans

    Many brands are venturing into different ways to educate their rural consumers about their brands

    and their usage through mobile shows. This initiative actually create huge awareness about thebrand among the interested people in the rural area. jod can hire vans to travel in remote places in

    the region and inform people about their services. The aim of such tours will also be to sell the

    service by contacting dealers in the area.

    5.1.6 Charity

    Charity is an important aspect in building trust in rural areas. jod will work on en cashing that over

    time. The company will be on a lookout for an opportunity to associate itself to any charity in

    coming future.

    5.2 Promotional Budget

    Company will keep Rs. 144,000 per annum for promotion. This is excluding the drives for campaigning,

    sales and collecting data. This amount will be mainly used for printing promotional materials. This will

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    include budget of Rs. 50,000 for the first year for video production which will be screened in villages.

    5.3 Service Pricing

    For end consumer there are no charges to call in. If the consumer want to list their trades and skills and

    want to get updates on job opportunities or market forecasts. They will pay a nominal fee of Rs. 20 per

    month which is around 40 cents.

    5.4 Promotion for second phase

    In the second phase of the business implementation, the companies focus will be to reach urban market as

    well as a service which connects urban to global market. In this phase, company will explore conventional

    medias as well which are prevalent today.

    5.4.1 Television

    Television has the maximum reach in India both in Urban areas. This is also increasing reach of

    Television and cable network is increasing in the rural India. jod will consider advertising on

    television during the second phase.

    5.4.2 Internet Advertising

    The second phase will also introduce the web section of jod. During this phase we will focus ondigital marketing on web and related medias. jod will work on building an image using Online

    Reputation Management. This will include Social Media Marketing(facebook, MySpace et al.), Social

    News, Tagging, blog marketing. We will also explore viral marketing in form of form of video clips,

    interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages.

    6. Sales Plan

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    6.1 Sales strategy for local traders

    With unavailability of Internet to a large portion of rural India (Internet usage from Rural India accounts

    to 20%) has its limitation on selling products/services via it. Though Internet usage is increasing and we

    hope to see a revolution in this field, we will focus on Telesales and Personal Sales.

    6.1.1 Telephone Sales

    Initially,the company will concentrate on telephone sales by cold calling the traders in a region and

    informing them about the services and how we can help them grow their business. There are

    already strong trends that the traders realize that their business can be expanded with technology,

    especially mobile phones and Internet.

    6.1.2 Sales Vans/Personal Sales

    Vans will be used for marketing in villages as well as sales. Employees traveling in these Vans would

    visit local traders in the region and explain them the benefits of listing their business with us and

    the extra benefits they would get if they advertised with jod.

    6.2 Sales Strategy for companies

    As we ourselves become a media for advertisements, jod would approach consumer to agricultural product

    companies for sales. There is a huge opportunity for companies to enter rural market which is not explored

    much. Our services can provide them with a platform to do so. The method used for sale would depend

    on the client capacity and would vary from personal sales to Telephone and direct mail Sales.

    Advertising through jodTM would be targeted towards local region, with considerable knowledge about the

    trades and occupation in the area allowing us to serve targeted advertisements. As time passes, we will have

    better database of callers with their preferences, which could again help us in targeting advertisements.

    Advertisers will be benefited by this as the ads will have higher conversion rates.

    6.2.1 Personal Sales

    The sales method will mainly be used for client with more than expected revenue of ---- In these

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    cases, sales representatives will visit the client location to brief about the services and benefits

    6.2.2 Telephone Sales

    Telephone sales will be used to call companies and initiate talks with them. It could be followed by

    personal visits as well.

    6.2.3 Direct Mail Sales

    In Direct mail sales, we will send brochures, pamphlets, calendars and other promotional materials

    to companies, informing them about our services as an advertising medium.

    6.3 Advertisement Pricing

    6.3.1 On Queue advertising

    This advertising package is targeted towards large to medium scale industries including consumer

    good, agricultural machineries and big traders an whole sale dealers.

    Rs. 2 per call for 10 second advertisements on the fist queue

    Rs. 1 per call for 10 second advertisements on the fist queue

    6.3.2 Listing costs local

    Rs. 500 per month for spoored listing in phone search per category per zone

    6.4 Sales Projections

    In call Advertising

    We expect the incoming calls to increase from 200 per month to 30,000 per month in a year. As the

    marketing, sales and information collection drive moves to other districts, we see rise in incoming calls.

    Number of Calls Revenue from Ads

    Jan 200 600

    February 500 1500

    March 1000 3000

    April 2000 6000

    May 4000 12000

    June 7000 21000

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    July 10000 30000

    August 15000 45000

    September 20000 60000

    October 22000 66000November 25000 75000

    December 30000 180000

    Sponsored Listing

    We expect the sponsored listings to increase from 50 per month to 1,500 per month in a year. We see rise

    during July as new employees are added to the field staff.

    Number of Subscribers Revenue from Ads

    Jan 50 25000

    February 100 50000

    March 150 75000

    April 250 125000

    May 350 175000

    June 450 225000

    July 700 350000

    August 900 450000

    September 1000 500000

    October 1100 550000

    November 1300 650000

    December 1500 750000

    End Customers subscription

    We expect the end customer subscriptions to increase from 100 per month to 6000 per month in a year. We

    see rise during July as new employees are added to the field staff.

    Number of Subscribers Revenue from Ads

    Jan 100 2000

    February 200 4000

    March 300 6000

    April 500 10000

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    May 800 16000

    June 1000 20000

    July 1600 32000

    August 2500 50000September 3200 64000

    October 4200 84000

    November 5200 104000

    December 6000 120000

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    7. Management and Operations

    7.1 Core TeamCEO

    Manaswi Shukla

    Manaswi graduated from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati and has worked in Industry as

    Interaction Designer at companies like Yahoo!, Trilogy and MindTree. He has worked on communication

    design projects in rural India.

    Manageing Directer

    Pradeep Bharia

    Pradeep is a Graduate from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Having degree in Communication

    Design, he has worked on various projects related to communication in rural India. He comes from

    Jhunjhunun and has immense knowledge about the area. He himself has worked as a farmer in fields and

    has knowledge about people in villages and their needs.

    CTO, Operations Head

    Suresh Kumar Vytla

    Suresh is a computer science graduate. He has over 4 years of experience on working on Call Center

    Management applications. He is well versed with the domain knowledge and his efforts have me focused

    on making call center cost effective using web technologies.

    Sales and Marketing Head

    Rashmine Janita Sequeira

    Rashmine has around seven years of experience in IT industry. She has worked as Testing lead and in the

    Sales team for a call center software firm. She will be able to leverage her experience in sales, to apply into

    the new business.

    7.2 External Consultants

    SK Pandey

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    7.4 Organizational Structure

    7.5 Operation and Infrastructure Details

    Here we detail out major infrastructure items which are required during the start of the company:

    On lease

    Office Space 10

    To Buy

    Printer 1

    Computer 10

    Server 1

    Telephone 15

    Photocopy machine 1

    Bikes 6

    Vans 4

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    8. Startup Expenses

    Currency in all the calculations below is Rupees (INR). To calculate the startup expenses, the company

    should have enough funds to be able to survive for 6 months.

    8.1 Staff Expenses

    Number Per person For 6 months Total

    Staff on Call Center [1] 10 6,000 36,000 360,000

    Field Staff 10 8,000 48,000 480,000

    Receptionist 1 6,000 32,000 36,000

    Office Support 1 2,000 12,000 12,000

    Total 888,000

    [1]Average Salaries of call canter employees in India is around 11,000 INR. Since the business will run in

    sub-urban area, the above salary is competitive.


    8.2 Management Expenses

    Per month For 6 months

    CEO 40,000 240,000

    Managing Director 40,000 240,000

    CTO, Operations Head 40,000 240,000

    Marketing and Sales Head 50,000 300,000

    Total 1,020,000

    8.3 Recurring Expenses

    Per month Duration Total

    Office Lease 5,000 6 months 60,000

    Travel Expenses 24000 6 months 144,000

    Computer Maintenance 500 6 months 3,000

    Office Supplies 1000 6 months 6,000

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    Toll Free number [1] 6,000 6 months 36,000

    Telephone 1000 6 months 6,000

    Vans Installment 6667 6 months 40,000

    Total 274,000


    8.4 One Time Expenses

    Cost per unit Total

    Motor Bikes 20,000 120,000

    Office Furniture 20,000 20,000

    Desktop Computers [1] 10,000 100,000

    Vans 10000 40,000

    Printer 2,000 2,000

    Photocopy Machine 5,000 5,000

    Server[2] 40,000 40,500

    Total 327,500

    [1]10,000 Rs is the rate of assembled PC at Jhunjhunu with configurations: 14' monitor, Intel Celeron

    430 / 1.8 Ghz, 2 GB/4 GB DDR2 RAM , 40 GB Hard Drive, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet.

    [2] Business needs server to connect 1-500 computers. Configuration of such computer is: Dell

    PowerEdge 2970 Rack Server, 2-Socket, Quad-Core 2U Rack Server, Quad Core AMD Opteron

    2344HE,4x512K Cache,1.7GHz,1Ghz HyperTransport PowerEdge 2970.

    8.5 Sales and Marketing

    Cost per unit For 6 months

    Sales 2,000 12,000

    Marketing 12,000 72,000

    Legal 2,000 12,000

    Total 96,000

    8.6 Investment required for 3 months

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    The company should have at least 3 months of funds without the profit. This will be around INR

    2,605,500 or USD 52,110. Detailed calculations of monthly cash flow is given in the Appendix ii


    Staff 888,000

    Management 1,020,000

    Recurring expenses 274,000

    One time expenses 327,500

    Sales and Marketing 96,000

    Total 2,605,500

    8.7 Funds Available

    Funds will be put two founders of the company which amount to INR. 6,000,000 which is USD 120,000


    Personal Funds (Manaswi) 4,000,000

    Personal Funds (Pradeep) 2,000,000

    Total 6,000,000

    9. Financial Projections

    9.1 Monthly Cash Flow for 2009

    Opening Balance Net Income Closing Balance

    Jan 6,000,000 INR -1,097,230 INR 4,902,770 INR

    February 4,902,770 INR -306,680 INR 4,596,090 INR

    March 4,596,090 INR -278,030 INR 4,318,060 INR

    April 4,318,060 INR -220,730 INR 4,097,330 INRMay 4,097,330 INR -158,330 INR 3,939,000 INR

    June 3,939,000 INR -95,030 INR 3,843,970 INR

    July 3,843,970 INR 51,820 INR 3,895,790 INR

    August 3,895,790 INR 50,920 INR 3,946,710 INR

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    September 3,946,710 INR 137,004 INR 4,083,714 INR

    October 4,083,714 INR 190,974 INR 4,274,688 INR

    November 4,274,688 INR 282,114 INR 4,556,802 INR

    December 4,556,802 INR 230,489 INR 4,787,291 INR

    9.2 Yearly Cash Flow

    Calculations below show that the company will be in profit starting from the second year but due to the

    work on second phase and further expansion, the company will have to use its funds. Please note that the

    calculations are based on 1.2% of monthly growth of in call advertising and sponsored listing while 1.5%

    growth of individual subscription.

    Opening Balance Net Income Closing Balance

    2009 6,000,000 INR -868,150 INR 5,131,850 INR

    2010 5,131,850.00 INR 82,915 INR 5,214,765 INR

    2011 5,214,765.00 INR -1,040,441 INR 4,174,324 INR

    2012 4,174,324.00 INR 1,088,263 INR 5,262,587 INR

    2013 5,262,587.40 INR 2,351,926 INR 7,614,513 INR

    10. Future Plans and Exit Strategy10.1 Beyond Second Phase


    Beyond first phase and initial stabilization of business, the company will focus on enabling C2C

    business using mobile and Internet technologies.

    Yellow Pages

    Addition of printed Yellow Pages is planned beyond phase two.


    Company will start diverging to other states like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and

    Karnataka where the growth rate of mobile subscribers is high. In Bihar, the growth rate is as high

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    as 88%. [Source:]

    Mobile Applications

    Company also plans to move in to mobile phone applications through which villagers could seek

    information and get updates. These updates can be payed subscriptions on weather or market

    prices or they can be pay per use updates.

    Rating and Recommendation systems

    As company grows, it will be important to implement a rating system to bring up the good traders

    in the listings and eliminate and unreliable traders or customer from the network.

    10.2 Exit Strategy

    In case of a buyout, the conditions will be based upon our business agreement. Example, four years from

    now, based upon the above stated milestones with similar growth over an additional 12 quarters would put

    annual profit at approximately Rs. 1,088,263. Using a basic valuation technique of five times profits = a

    company value of Rs. 5,441,315

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