Page 1: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt

VOL. XXIV NO. 152. FADUCAH. KY.. TllUliyDAY EVENING.. DEC£MB£K24. 1908at





Aitl-MMhlM iMtiiMi •!Cmtf Democraey PM»POMfl

to Heal Br«aeh.

WmM D«poflo ttoth Brtdshaw

« and Harper.

Buck Stove Company Case to Reafh

thi VM Statu Suprem Cmrt

Before the CQntroversy is Settled

tloaptn, Httehell aid Morri-

Ron Villi Appeal and if They

Are Succeiisfai Company

WiU Carry Up Cam.

TXiwtlctactloD over tli- < l<Nt!cin of

tlia rounijr chalnnan ot the Dvmo-OTMir party H&fmlimr 21 wti>n tke

•o rHl'«M antUlMrhlnf rlf-mi-nt boUrd11(1 I'liN-l*^ Dt. H. I) linn" '' <ounty

cbalrmdi. mhlle W K Iti n.l-hiiw, Jr.

w«i (l«»<!ari'd plwlfj ti> A of 12

to t by th" IcadTK " f (.itn-r rt-

vlaloa, wus renpw'Nl tliV tiK'Tii I K Arail w«* handed t<i Mr. Ilrad.huw l>y

M.' R. OlIbeM. kltorncy for the Har-

per eltmeat, atklnf that n<x>llnRH be

railed In the prerlnrta, mhrrv th«'ro

are no eommltter-men and »Ii«t«> n<>

plarlloaa ^ave bern held. It is tti»

Intentioa of thr lliiri>T elt'nifnt to

mahe a clean »w< !• ' Nt ilnB n***

oomoHtteeairn from i>ro«-!n<^«

where Urajr claim nr<' no < i>innilti" <ami, aad then ha\p lh<- ei<'< tlmi of

the MrCrai-k<>n roiintv i IikIi ihhh In

order to he«| thf br»^< li ttir and-

marhlae element han omi" furwMrd

with the oSer to pot a* I-' llarycr

aa Iti candidate If tii<' l.«nK'B«rr)r

•mMIod will drop Mr Hr.i.!i«baw.

The paper tbai •»>• preeented

irnd: "Tn W y nradakaw, Jr

We, aa roniin!(tp»in<<n fraai Tarionii

preelnrt* of M<<'rm-li»'n «><)iint\ <!• •

•Ire your honor id ihII » n•^ | :< MH. I

\ng of the Iw-iiiiMTat ir <-<iiiiniiit''i> uot

lalir tli»n JaiiiMirv I<i, IfOS. for tho

purtx'"' 1)1 in\\'i\tc clnetlon* In pre-

rinri- uh<r. .1) u,i •'>( t:on« have beenheld (or the puriioie of electIns pre-

alaat awMBttlMaMa. aa4 tafeare nocaamlltaamaa have been elected andfar aaf haaiaaM that may be proptr

to come before Mid camnil(t<<«> in lt>

dlacrFJIrn ' SlitiKd "II <" Kiiil<»ll'h

Vr« . |,!. • II. I .1 \\ Sk. Inn

N<ili!i Au\r C.iiM M<m;-. . ... t \

I<, Harper. lllrKi-: !• |>M.< IK I .1 M.

Craaa, KirkiMtHrkv i>t>'(im't. .i kUelch, Ma»Mr |ir<H ln< t: .1 C, Wliilit.

aallaan'i- i>r<.<li.,i H K I'nrr.-h

IHirt preelnrt, \V r (;<M><1iimii. Hii<-

ler'a prealact. (' S Ttir<iKm<>rton.

Yaac«>)r'e pre*'!"! \V N Hi\an. \m-

oat pr**! .n< I ^l«^kll^ Mnri n. Om-hMivllle priM'lix t: C. U Overatreet,

Mllaa fireciiH-i Dr. K. D. Har»ar.Harper'» prerlmt."

Th<' rupture Iwtwrvii ili" Un t .in

loolC |>laC<> whi'H .\<.\. lIllxT

Ill"' nWtInK •«» Ih'M at III*' <'inrl

l"»tlK»» to etecf A Ml^^•^•^.^<^r lit W .\

H»'ri) No d<-l<c«i«' »» |ir<*<'nl

from the Plow Km-I<ir» pni !ni-t uiid

Olialrmiiii B"rr; KjiiMi iit<-d Mhiih

('lurk, mill fjnni ilu' U''.ill»iiil pt"'-

< Til I ()'. »r lt»» llngfoii. txilti cf

» »i'rn nnu'iil Hct'il hh com-IK 'loi-ni. H Tlio Hill: lUHt llllla' «•!<'-

tii^iil m-n»rlii thiit this Ic riiiilrar\ to

<h<' p«rl> rul""* On lli'' IVrt.l t)«!l«)l

Ihr viilf WKH 111 to t«i lint Ihf Hht-

(MT <"lrni< nl «<nilil mil ronnl Itn'

voii*H of rinrk Hiid Itn « II iismi hihI

I'lalnied thr r'l'-. lion I'l to ^ .\ n«'»

1 ciniuillli'pman i nl. I'.l ami a win ml

volp wnn lak<n «ii|i lln' n-Milf

r:«:m<'d b) 4h«' ljinK-ll" iT> faclton <if

MrHd-tiHW 12 iiiid Har|H.r !i. wh'.'."

thf Miiri'i'r farlloii c!»lr.i< il a \oto of

HariMt III and llrad.liaw !« Xffliliu-

llf KTo iiwcuriil from i <iintii;lii'i'm"ii

that ihi'v votfd I" \<il' >• fur Huin r

lull ilii' other taclion riMinli-d mil)

rini- Harper voIm. l,al<T the Mar-iwr faction withdrew to the baaemeni

and elected Dr. Hwrper uaaalatonsi);

while lha nachlne elemaat etalm<>d

tha alaetloB e( W. F. Bradahaw. Jr.

'WhahlactoB. Dae. t4.—Oompamreceived hundred! af telegrams and

letter! from labor leadert, proteirtlnR

lagalnat hla aaatoac*. All denonm^'

aONVtlKa lha aaelafoa. Maay adTlaa ••rvitiK

ttbaaaatenca aa doing much to ad-

ranea labor'a oauKC. The white

home atao la flooded wNfe protaatt.

OoBitiara and Mllahall naaaldtrtd tha

daalilea with eounael. Tboy an-

aaaaaa thaf win «iirrly apii'-nl thr

,eaaa aad It probably will rrarh the

.•apraaa eoort before it I* i-nupd. It

'the conrt of npppalu ovi'miU-H ye«-

jterday'e declnlon the Ituck • omiiany

.will carry It higher. If the labor

I li'Hilvrs loiip lh">' will make a aecond

! appeal. A maaa BaUag of laboriag


men I* railed far iwiter to—*'

their proieiit

HTrin;.\TH iiioT.

farlii. Ihi. M.—Two llioi|.

ml iiiediral ^mfi»mt» battli.*!

H-llh llio tmcvkfimi police In

th*' •.(reel. .\ nrore were lajiin il

IncliKlInK I' dh-e l>prf«-rl Iieplm'.

aiatlentn riiiif.*! bcraoM* of • il>'-

cialoii of till' rtilliip- not t4i Kit)'

the Hr<tt Hiiil fMM'oDd rUwieti ili.

irfoiiUH. Tliejr lMirrira<l>-«l tlmii-

k<'lte« Hiiil ^iiini-4l the police. .\

IihikI I.. Ii.'iiil rinoh t'Mik place^

IX'fort- till > Ht ri' «|i«iiHTMil. |V>-

llcr nre itnnnliiiK the iitrei-th

Willi onli'C'. (o I'll' If (III- (llwor-

ji tlvm an- i-. ~iiiiie<l. ^




All Lines of |£«Uil Bosineaa

Report Inereasrd Hales

Over Last Year.

Duties on Hides, Philippine Sugar

and Cod May he ReiiMid, TImt

on Lumber, Steel May be Bedaced


at. UmKjiet. S4/—WalterOaMipen, Jr., ir l^irt Warth. !«

am Ma war haine «*h Ma brWe.after

Thirsty ViiitorH From May-



one N \vv sMKixn.

ha .\atjr Y«arla


MlMir .Mertlaipi.

SI Ixiiiln. Dec. 24.—The Central

Tnidm union la preparlnir to

Ian on the Oom|>er'» decision Hunday.

It will adopt alroag reaolatloaa of

KiaSari gaatwJly jaawUKethe derlrlon

l>restilenl iiilerented.

Wa»hliu:i..ii, \>'i t l'ri-;i|en»

H».<i " Vi'll han iint Hi'il (lenrral IWina-

part, ihat he wanto to confer ab<iut

the (Joniiii-rK decli-iim Willi h:mI'li'-r.' will I... no aiiiiouncpinent frrini

ihe white hoiiM' oil the casa until a

confereore l» held. '

Kowiutli MrrioMMly III.

liiidapeat. Dar. 14.—rraada Kot-kuth. mmialar ot ehiwim. la aan-oaaly 111. .

Waabinston, n-i 24.—Our nivy

atanda •eeeod an those of ihi>

great world pow-i- at the prei« nt

llaie, according i. 'he navy >-;ir

book pri'iMired b> I' tinan Puli- r.-r,

Clark of the acnai. navy rouiiiiii'.i'

Oarmany follows tli nl, while Kr r .-e

has dropped to fonnh place, and

J«|ian Is flfth. Qrciit lirllaln has CI

flrst-rlasa battlefhlpv with a im i.ape

of 910.310, the l ii!i<-.| state). ;l w;th

a toiinaRe of 4 49.7;>i;. The t. nane

of the (Fnlted Stalen balllevhi;.- and

armored cruiser* la 6i07,S4l. Tboae

•I Otaat Britain i,:i95,9ae.

Wed at Metropolis

Metropotta. lit.. Dae. t^fRpecliMMHKistrste Thomas LlKnett iiiaiT.'d

the fo:iowing Kentucky couiiei*:

Daniel S WlUianf and Mar; ARelcw. of l/B renter: ll<ih<Ti WK .Ids an.l KfTle M. f'hrlKl m ii of I.,:

• .iil.r. Kai \V Hurt and .Mattle P.

MiMr\ of I'a.iiirnb. .\rthur Haraonand Mary And*rson. v.

PilUkurgh Scandal

PltlahaUgk. Oaf. 14.—TwaBtMwbaMItloBai arraata ara axpaetad In the

brtbary gdfl aeaaAtla. It la kaownmaajr wananta are tasned. ft la da-

alarad nav arraata win aatontab aoclal

aad bvalaaM oirolaa. Tha volara'

laaaue, whieb la behind lha Invaatl.

Bktlon. daataraa tb« bribe civara ar

wan aa tabara are u> bo arreetad. Tbccrnnd iuff- vMI begin aa tavaatlgB-

flee Jaaahfy «. i

Bains Case

KliiBhlnn. I. I ,IV-r 2 1 Halnii'

law.\i>iK d'Miian.Ir.l that MhiiIii Skiiia.

a protii'i iitlon wlliiehs. he hetxt for per

Jiir>. The Justice iiionilKed to lnvei<l(-

Kate the charxe later. Skiini I« u

hack driver, who rarrl«'il Hiilns lo ih^

dill) hmme and swore lu lii ir.l Thurii

ton iia\. 'Wi'm. KOt him now. ' H<

aim found a Imix of carlrldKM In Ihi-

oarrlMKe iikiiiH iMvaOMS mixed In

trying to iei)eHi the teaflmoni he

gave a tfeek ago. He admllled (he

story had been read to him. Mtlatyta then demanded Skura's arreat

The proaecuttoB expecta to cloee ti»>



pucBmmmm mt mmiNaahvlUe. Dae. 24.—Mr*. Uieiaa

B. Bareh. aaaghtar of Duncan Cooperand alatar ef BoMa Cooper, alarer

of Hon Hd W. Cataaek. teatlSad at

the preiiminair haarlBg at her tatter

and brother.

The wltaeaa told ef havi

a wiaphoae iMaga froei

MralBg ot the iragedy aboat • ta

9 IS o'clock, to tha edaet that fca

f<-ared treabia hatwaaa hie fhlh*and OarauMk, aajrlBS. "raga la an»>

When aaked H her lathar waa ertg-

i>led In aar wajr, Mra. Baroh oxolalai-

<td. "Branrbodjr kaewa ha la erlpplad:

two of the flagera en hh right handhe cannot iife at all


MrM. Murih told of ti. i conversa-

tion Willi her I'aihiT mi Mi, it mornliw:

fffla crliil on li> sti.iiilil.'i ami hinued

him to awi il ,in> noiililc with Mr.

I'arnia. k hv sh.' wan t^rnMckwould kill him If they met. She told

Mm tliat flic would rather he wouldIII ainlh ii(r than Ri't It. to a dlfflrully

wllh (Nuiiinrk. and he reawmred her,

I. ' I..: ' ! Ihat be would do all hoI .111'. I ; 1, u" It nloplied and «\old


Ill 'liiih' MenkUriMiienl*..

W I) .'SI rncK--. |.r;\ai'' h<-. ri'Ury

iif i;..v I'lill. I-..I1 was Ihe inAl Wil-

li. ill- I....-I li' d as to some heas-

ureminls In' liail niade at the KCt'OO

of the kil'.iiit:

rriitu IJist \Viluet>a.

K H I'll,; -lid he made an en-

ic«K< in< n< .iiiii had a loti fereiir.. with

('x>l (>iii|M'r Sunday night at llie Tu-

lanr. Oi>l. Cooper waa much Incensed

catung Oanaaik a gaoaaiter aad aa

Incite at the time, ana autlng that

If nfa nam* did not caane to appear

in the Tennec8<><in either he or <'«r-

naek must dir. Wltnaaa stated that

he had told defendanta that unlesa

I'he objected he fwWnetw) would go

Iim-rto iioe Oarmack and see what he

could do. He went and told the de-

caaiod that Col. Cooper ver>

anich acttated, aad that ho thought

he aaaat bvalaaM.

OtraMMa faglleS that this waa the

•eeqaa threat; that he had not re-

fleetgd OB Oiri. Coogar'a honor or In-

tegrltg; that OoL Cooper waa part

and pareai of aa aaaUalatratkia aot

to tha iBtereeta ot the atate aai tbe

Deaoeratic party, and that he wouldeoatlave to uae hla aame w%«Beverl e saw St. Mr. Oalg raturaaS to

ihe TalaBe aad aaM to Oi>l. Oaoperthat b* could aeoompllsh Bothlng.

Oal. Coper then tapped hla pocket

where the letter ha had wrttten was.

and said: "By Ood, thla note goes."

This *! att that waa said at this

time, accoV/fing to the witness. Wit-

ness waa impresaed that It Col. Coop-

er'a name appearaS ta tha Ti nneaaean

again he would attanpt to kill Cer-

maek. He went back to th<' Tenoes-seen and told Chnnaek he was la

danger and ought to be prepared. Carmaek replied that he did not hare a

plalol aad did aot need one.

W. J. Hararoed aaM he saw forMerBkerW John Sharp, alleged conaglra-

tor, aoitla aa ka laokad toward theoombataBta.


louANDmmmmm lo


Tbe Hague, Dec 2 4.—The foratgaofllee is ofllelally informed thai JoaeDePaal left Vaaetuela for Paria a»dTha Hagaa to adjuat differeaoea with

l^vntc and Holland. The Dutchfleet wan ordered to auapead hhitlll

tics, (lending nriirotlatlona.


Cliilsimas (raje ' ^.s year has madea new high recoi l, surpasalng theli".-l vear 1906, In volume of nalen.

This IH Ihe coiidltli m In almost everyline of trade, and .i^ a r.Milt Padu-ea'i nierihanlg arc »<'arliiK the broad«mi'e «r satisfaction It Is no bri ai h

of ron(ld«ivc^ to state itiat marlyetfer.v merchant air .cipa!".! a fa lin;;

oS III trade this i-nr, and was pr<v

imred lo au'ept il phliosophii h1!>

The Ini'reaM', ther. fore, comcH as a

purpiM'. The a'e not hardto (In.l. While the buying capacil>

of the city has been crimped to somet'x" .1* by the number of Idle .people.

i.nd the practice of eoonomy on the

part of moat people, th* *ttrrouadil>b

territory haa contrlbated Mara thanever to local tfade.

• We shall have betwe. ii 110 to :in

|ii r lenl increaae over ast >car."

Mill a .iiemhcr of L. B Ogilvie tt

.(imiiaiiy today, "which Is vi ry Rrnfi-

f> Inn

"We arc away ahead of isl jear

or I9il«, ' Mild Mr. Rolierl (in hrie, «[

i:iiihri<' t compan.v. "<ind, oi coiirM'

wll; enjii> a very '.Merry ("hrl^ i muf..'

' We Im\> kol'l over I" .lozen

T< !i|> HeHi>. and (leaned up m do-n;

our linca of sirlrtly h.>liila> Koodfi are

shot to pl«'e«s, an 1 n '\. ;y depart-

ment we have !'< i. I iiKi. lacreaaes

o%'er luvt year," 1^ the repOft Ofm<mlier of Kudy II Sons,

Wo ff, Nagel. MHack.


> after

aa iilngnMia) He rhafges that

the gUTa AgMMyarei her to

Dallas aiadpHBntea her to

Megleo. COSwanbd Ma father

feBewid. Tbe wMa aeat her has'

baad word to meet her here, ij

where ttiejr were reanltcd.


i!y loaded with—but that would betelling.

Chrlataiaa traa at ll^aili Stiaet

ChrMtaa chureht tomorrow alght.


Saw liliMsota Mardered.

Bosloo, Dee. 24.—Jaiiien RiisitcII

need 72. Is dead. Ituare!! wsk an eni-

li!<iye of h\ird's theater In Washii;;.'

ton when President Lincoln waa ac-

sasalnated, aad aaw tM crlara Ofmi-mltted.

.Mm. JaiH> McBrtde,

lira. Jan* McBridc, 66 years old.

died at her home In New Burnslde,111., yesterday after a long ir.neas

Her body waa broui^t through Pad«-rah today an route to Benton forburial. 8b* was a elatar ot Mr. MaaaClark, of Sixth aad OMo ateaeU.

Ways and Means Committee

Is Doabtfnl Aboat Making

Redaction on Wool— Ken

tucky Troops lor tbe inaog


WaahlngtOB, Oee. S4.—Duties on.'ugar, hides, lumber, eoal, Kteei andwool are Important qaaatlons beforethe Ways and means committee. Theouttook Id that lumber will be re-

iluod. hides probably will be free;

Phi iiiplne sngar free, and coal possl-

My free. It Is expected that steel

will be reduced, but some tariff will

ramaln protecting th* Independenta.maol la aoabttnl


\\ .irri'ii. the jewelers, aay tharb Is no

coMipariKon between their -"^asln ess

lliM lear and laat. The c'.othmc

.vioies. In every line exceptinK firob-

ably suits, hnv<* told more than k

ir aKO. and the Kroce;> and landy

and fruit houses make tbe aame re-


The ftcri-R have all been »ery Mb-

eral this .Mar in their distribution c4

too. of the wholesale and retail

too of th* wholesale andi retail

houees. Friedman, Keller a companyprobablt lead In the number of gifts

xiven. ThU mornli>K they dIetrlbuteiV

lanh gifts to overv oii'' of their 9S

empioyis. rangini; from I'lO down to

In return they were handsomely

remembered by them. Mr. Friedman

was presented with a handsome hatn-

nrerej braee emoklBg aet aad Mr.

Keller with « hamoMMd hfag* ehaflag

diah aet

cooler weather for Chrlatmaa day

Is tha predletlaa of the weather maa.

Th* aaBihlaa bee bean a itraager to-

day, hat deeplte thle the ihoppera

have been out In fall foree. Kvery

line of bualnesB baa been nichlnK

Th* skies were grey today, and manyneopie tbOBiibt that enow would fall.

I. Ill the aiatfcer waa not cold enough

to freeie the water, aa a few drops of

rain fell about noon.

Pasaenger busineea on all thi-

tralns haa been ra^ag, and practic-

ally every train baa arrived in Padu-

cah lata owing to the ttaaa hMt in

phiklag up paaecngere.

The wbhdcy trade haa baea boom-ing, and the clerks hare worind alx-

tecn and seventeen >ioura for two

weeka la shipping goods. Off the

tralna tram the dry part of the

state maay persons, whos* huidnesa

I* kept quiet, have been seen with as

raanv as two .-iiMi-ases When they

arrive the miH i-'"> <:iii handled

with on* hand, but on the departure

of the tialae tha atteafe are haai^

i^^hli^ oi:i -I. iriR Ihe sipht-i. a man

Ikiiiiik Ihe iiarii" of Green, from Ben-I'.iii was liiwii keii down ai T' nth andK iiir.y wtreeis last night about 8

o 1 lock and mi.lK^d of hU |>ocketbook

conialninK a ( J 4, (".n-cn waawalking alonv: wh.-n an unKuown ne-

gro hit him on iln' top of the headwith hla fist. Two more b ows were(leilvered in the fa< e that felled fJreen

lor minutes. Patrolmen Oil-

liaii. and Clark went to Ihe seen.'

Iliut r, teen was unable |o (jlve an ac-

( uiate de^ rlptioii of hi..' aasarant,

and he could not be located.

Kentucky Tniops.WiishiiiKti.n, Dec. 24 - The ofll-

c|»I^ II r'larK" of the InaiiKuration Oi

\'rp> .lent eiet l Taft are beRlnnlnK lo

i;lv«- attenion to the represental ion

which Kentucky will have in ihat

affair. BriK-Oen. John A. Johnston,chief of the Htaff of the Inauguri:liara.le, has s a l<.|ier to rjovernorWJlI.<iin aakInK the governor for In

formation as lo what military organi-zations. If any, v i!! rnnie from Ken-tucky lo 1. . ii'ii .p;r. Il 111.' p.irade.

•Niunli Clask I'osliiiaxten*.

It is not Imiiroba'. . 'hai ilic orderblanketing fourth < ass postmastersunder the civil sorvi.e, which affects

over 2.0110 KentucKv postmasters,wii: have to be rescinded. There hasIxi-n no decision vet lo annul the

nr.ler, but Its Impracl '-alillity Is lie-

. oming demonstrated more clearly

.i.s the president and civ'l service com111 lesion prm eed w ith thi lr elforts to

enforce It. The president Issued theorder at the Buggegtion largely of thecivil service commlsBlon. whkh forseveral years ha* bc-en working to

the end of trvmg to bring all post-

ma-l.'rs under Ihe civi' service.

CI-OUDYPartly riowly tmrfght and lair

cooler In weatem |M>riiuu Friday.

tewperature ymtcrday, dg;

lUoti, In Oararaa.

Cararar, I>c A serious street

clash took place b<;ween Castro'sfriends and Oomex' supporters. Theolhce of K -ronslltiilional. Taflro's

paper, was wrecked. Castroltes were|liadly lieaicn. Inil Ivno nf their nppo-


iierrls were ^^:lil.|. lliindH'ilH were[Injired Troops ended in flghtlng.

,The Ogh: licit during a 4*aMMl-iitruHon aK:iiii-'. Casiro.

9uda)', 37.

I Str W J Mann left toda^- for Kv-laaeviiie to spaa4 '


Usual Custom

Tie Sim


Chriitmas Day.




U<M>t on Koreign Kelatlonn.

\\ i-ti iicron. Dee. 24.— Secretary

Rod. to a reasonable certainty, will

be miile a memlicr of Ihe commhteeon fi eipii re'ation..^ when lie rome«to til' v. 'r.'.. (i< tli«' siiccefsor of

fVnatoi I'.!i:i, of .Vew Voik In Ihe' V- nt of the failure of Senator For-aK< r to ill- re-.' ecled there will l)o a

vaiat .y on the coinmltlee, but if the

Ohio n'-nator thouKI come beck It is

thought 'ikely Ihat .some member of

the lonimittfH. wou d retire, taking a

pia.e mi another coniniillee .>f I'.iuai

rank, and make a place for the pres-

aat aaeretarr ot atate.

From present Indications there will

Ih> no sweet girl graduate In her spot-

legs gow'u of white when the senior

A cla^g of the High school will he

graduated the last of .Tanuurv It

will he the first mid-year c;«>s lo

flalrh the course of ••nly. but owing

to the low tide of til. ilnnnoea of thw

school board the m. ni;.' is say iliat

they can not go to ihe expense of

renting the lliealer ami giving ilic

iieiial commcmeni'nl I'liierta'nmeni

The tvoard lias ii -iiiued to p;ive th.'

diplomas to the seven gradiiaiis an.l

ihen In June to have the ( lassos com-iiiiied. This plan hat oot proved sat

isfaitor.v to the ^Indents, and they

may decline lo i;il,i' part in any suih

arrangements. Sh<iuld no t>'«n bo

•levised whereby the <'^i>i msy be

given appropriate gradnatl.ig exer-

cises, several members of the Highsch'ool faculty may suggest having

the graduation in the High *choel an

ditorlum and oave the expense of

renting the theater.

Harris Case Concludes

Irrtaa. Ky.. Dae. t4. (

Otaalag MuaaaM la «ba

•rehatag^Mddb Nkgo to th* fanr tealflht ormornlBg.


It Win

Christmas Services

Services tomorrow will be:

I'lilon service al lO: Mi O^iMia; at

Fir>.t Ctiristian church.

Special maaa at Wt. Piaaoti a»'aliT.

.servicea at Oraea Ih^iaeogal at li)'cUvi-k.

Karly morn ng piayer meeting at

Mill o'clock at Kentucky Avenuei>resh(yterlaa hr Clnigtlaa SadwvoriOcMy.

A fhrittniai. scrvi.e will be held

it the Cumberland Preeb}'terlan

•hurch tomorrow night.

Ckkago MofketMar-

Wheat .


V>rn . .


^its . . .

?yoy M.W:.ard 9.7S

.... A


1.18%•0%il% 6IH

I«.42H 1*'>^6

8.67 H

Wm Beehle la Rgypt.BerllD, Dec. 14.—Caetro haa made

no plana for tha future, aooordlag to

the statement of a mevber of hUsuKe. It was reported, iMWever, that

he Intenda to reelde for a time at

ieaat ia ggpti- ai climate that la ault

abl* far hlhi, hat nothing as y«t haabeen daeMaS agaa.

or MAnnrNOa IS LOOTKD.14.—Th* oath*-

the barlat place tor

the paaieh hlBgi.

hatgiaia bad large

niimbera of aoatly. gaM i»4 atlrar

wreaths, araa aad mHHt aatrted

away. The lUBhf af both Klag Chrte-

tlan and Qaeaa Uoalaa ware robbedof all the ealaabia gall aad ilirer

memorlala aeat hr the erawael headaof Europe and tha citlaa Of Danaark




Waa M. T. Chrletr's' daaith the re

suit of a mistaken IdentltyT la a ques-

tion thai Ihe police are studying. Aman. whone name Is withheld, In gen

eral appearaaaaa reaem1>lea Chrlaty

and he covBded a etory In Chief OoVllaa that may lead to eona eaealt.

We story hi that be waa at th* akat^

iaa rink Priday attataooa aa4 was

i^ut the buaiBeaa aaMtoa of theklty

IMt ^ght an* wmr Wva bean the

man that peof>le took for Chrlaty

He toW Chief CoIIJae tikat hla ntb hadlieen Oireatened. and he waa agitated

over th* death of Chrlaty, aa h»

thouSht hla aaatar aiiShd hare madea mlatake Ib hto rletlai. Th* poUce

ar* BWklag aw tavaatlgattoB, aaJshould hla abary he varUM. he maylie broagbt bafaf* th* horaaar'a Jury,

which will be eatlad MonSay after-

noon at I o'clock at the etty hall.

Coroaar naker haa arranged to

hoM tUa iaaaaet Into tha daath of

Morgaa T. Christy Monday afternoon

at S o'oloek. No later deyetopmentshare been made p'lblle, If SMiad. and

It 1* llkaly that the reedial wtU be

•leath traa WlHWVB cause.




Aldfrmen Meet This Moraine

and Pass Payroll fwDecern l»er.

Reject Weikel's Bid for Brad-

•haw Creek Work.


City employes were Bia4a hafg> to-

lay by the payment of the mldmonth.rilarles as the board of aldermen niet

Ibis morning Instead of Thiirsdavr

night, and allowed accounts 'i~iin

CJhrlstma* spirit had Invaded the city

fathers, and ererytwdy wa» cheerful.

Pr<*8ldent Hannan, as thla waa theas*, regular meeting of the year,made a shfwt speech of thanks for'he k.n.lnes^ shown bim as preeident.With a chuckle he was remindedthat a called meeting would be heldDecember HI. and he would have to

deliver another speech, and thenl'rr<<iiient Hanaas wilted. Aooounta.1 li.e amoaat tt HJM.S* V«wal>owed

Tbe bid of H. W. WetUe of t4.»23for the construction of a culvert in

'he rear of Fountain avenue and be-tw<>en Broadway and Jefferson street

was rejected by the board, and theboard of public worka waa authorisedto readvertlse end open bids Their'.glnal contract price waa 12,793.but the (ity engineer added fl/VJOworth of brii k i- .1 I63^> worth ofeoncrete wc: i < . ti ni de thOt add-<*d expense Welkle aadei a*peecb to the aid>.rm»a, hat the priaavas thought ezceaelve.


A letter waa read br L. L. Baboutfrom the Keatveky State Board ofFire Insuraaea agaata that a copy ofthe ordinance paaeed by the etty la

rednrlng tJM lieeaee on laaaraaaaagents reoelvad. As soon ae re-

el ved the redaction of the ."> c*ntrate ai'ier' ft,, the efesalw license

will be ' .k... < ir Ml . Bebcmt madethe stai "' r . ' th' board for th"reduction 'i ,

- . wr authority, andthe state boui '

' him up In-

suranoo agents claim that the reduc-

tion will be a saving ot from 17,900to $8,'Ui»n annually to tfe* pupBltjowner* ot Padueah.

Alderman St*wart aald there waano accident Inaaranae oa the newelevator Installed at the Rlvenrideboepltal, aad oa hla aatlaa it waa re-

farrad la tta hoa^ haaH.

tha or^


rallread. aadtha

a similar ordlaaaaa, aataaSlaglife of th* ordlaaaaa «( th*Nortborn rallroaa^.

Tbaaka waa aataatlS hf the haartto Berakelm Brethera, «f Loahwltle.tor (h* aawial gift of a tiarlaaS oteoal for the poor ot th* etty.


AMermaa Durrait iafairaS ahoattbe revision of the attr ardlBaaoaaand charter, and ha waa Mdf acommittee ot oaa ta Maagtlipti HImmediately.

Ooaptaiat waa auiS* hy TeeWaalaof the bad ooadlttoa tt l^e lidowalkeon North Third, lAwft hatwaea Jet-

(eraoB aad Jaanroa MraatL aaS thastreet eowdlttaa waa Inatnieted to

notlf)r prapartr ««•*( owaiag pro|^

erty ahatittag tha alAaaalka «»repaha. '

Tha fnaaat ot elUaaaa tarstreet light at Thb« aa*street*, waa wtarraa to tkapuMIe worha.

Mr. Oaa Haak waa girea perarii^

«ion to oonneet wltt ifea sanitary

sewer at hia owa aipaagb. Hla prop-erty la <oeat«d at «sMaatk aad Triai

bie atreeta.

A ooatpiaiat of haAara at the highlicense waa referred to the ilaaMacommittee.

Mayor Smith waa aathortaait' to

make a ooatraet tor the aae ot oneof th* powd*r magailBea owaed by

the «lty.

Aldenaoa Skerrill, ftaarart. Baker,Dttrrett «a4 Oehlaohlaager werepreeem at tha leatlan thia awraiag.

Rome, Dee. M.—- Th* tape tadajr

ived the Right lar. AiabardScanuell, bishop of Oawha, 'hi priwat* aadlaaaa.

Aiti-Tmt Probe

Chicago. I>e<-. 24.— Crovernnienl

oSkiahi admit the piirposo o' i' . n-

vestlgatlon of the fiaekeiw

close violations of Ihe antl-trusi laws.

IS well as rebating. District Attorney

Sims summoned several employe^ «ndiHiPstloaed them about imssiiiie evi-

dence. 9lm8 demanded tiiat Seiwon

.\|orr s eotupany produce mam books

anil I", irds, which was rofuaed on

adv r ot eouii«i*l. Slma tbreateaa

suiii'u.iiy action.

Page 2: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt





Christmas Day

. Matinee

and Night



», 78.

Night—OrebMtm, flnt

12 rowi. balance

$1 (K); Balcony, .! rowa76c ; balnune 5<)c.

Seate cuw on sale.

Matinee ;! p. ni.


The Shubcrt The-

atrical Company Offers

JAMES YOUNGIn RIda Johnaton Youdk'h

t^mtM Ooltafc^OoiiMdi

Bm of Uarvardwith 25 OmijM'tfnr Actorn aa4 the

ideotlcal productiun us uaed lor JV)

oMtataCMMfDWid 1 y«trUi HemYork.


7Br, fior, av.






(law WiH Be Tfiere

for KvtHyWilli


111ThP -t ("lirlslian church

Klve thr <iiiulay M-hool « C'hrlati

tr<M' in tl ' Junior room upxtall*

7:.!ii u'lU \ t«nlRlit. ganu ClauaKiMiJs Kr«fi UK tu the cblidren andaayti ftp wli: W tber«^ on tin* to

ihiit tho who* •ohool comes with

sin iiiii; fai'p*.

S(i!i(;. •t'hri>: Was Onu' a Llttl«>

Ki-i iiatiiii:. •M<T!y Chi ir.lm««" -

Mib.- I'alhriiiie W UanHHUi.

Din t ( ~. UTt« .'. I — MidbOH Paulino

CJi-a**h«ni . liii l«\' rm' Puii>'ll.

S< lipturt' 1' «ha|>l' r. H-li

vi'iw*? Ml BaviK' N'uiuf

riaiio Si.' o tseli '(!>— M:>» l-ii< >

OxorbvUci iHllon (sfieri.dl— Mr. WB4ld>

Two oilitih'.;! pooniii, "The LJ(« o(

i'lirl5t. " "Thf S.irprlaed SuUMr. Ji>hn T. Ituwi.

Octeti." ( wlf. (I >


Uecllalion. ' \\ lii-n Claiin


in MtTtrtM'lil.Hl. nut rh)r<i-

ciaa l''allK to .Miike Tetrt.

K. J, Am. 84.—OiMiato

immr ctat* prIaoD. Tho alactraea-

a law «il»«taa bafore

taat to reaoael-

BOt«tteiptaa. OotiitrMt. vkotedtMt. vaaMtSaasad far «ieaaMoBttr

lack Mat'


of • famiiy ho visit iig at Cliff-

wood, N. J., In .-^-'I't- mil' 'sgt


It oC Swir Tai

rNow York. Qb. S4^Vm

Sheidoa. aaankar of tha «taaa of Mloof the Nev Tofk Ualrwalty, waa akot

la tha HUktmvn aarlgr toOar i> th>

baaement of tlio boat* oC Dr. Otaurlef

Henry Snow, de«n of Ike actiool of ap

^ad aetenoaa ot tka vniTeraltT. aikI

oJdM ahortlr aNerwiotfa. In an aate-~ aiortaa Mteotaait. WtuMnm daetartxl

ttat lia kit bM* *at fey a bvrdarwhom he aarprlaad, bat Mm polior

ara taelliMd to b^tara tba woanrt

eaaatac leMon'k «iKlh vaa ac '

Coinoh" Mi,-s I

i;- ! ;lat .1111,••

.M« > I...' Walk

I'^lU II '

RIaii<hi> Ov- -ir

Duet, <•< i.'t

Hondurani«ant« Cl.. l^.

lit* h'<ilM'r(.-«'ii

-.iiila L'!au^ Mlw

ralhrrlnt- Hr>aDi.: .1




"One-half th* world doaao't taoirhn« the other half Utaa." «aot*d tk«Wlie Oar."Aad U haMder fornlt," addvd the

%\mtiB Has—llkiMal»hl« Racord.

fta • nia, thMm dUplar nor^



(Ntwtaf TkaaiNa

"llnmii of Mananl."If ono wdiild p.i^ :i<iiii the oslorn.!-

bU" idv.ilK of tiic ,•({«> lo iU pracLl-

vvnii, ;iij..; it tt,i ,:d Ik' n(H'<-«Bary

to iM anioiiK tlK' Mudt-nl bodjr,

liNirnNikuat tbt<y do wifll tholr dailylif'V what they talk .ibout, what thi-y

li' «h,i<> In roll< «! and whnn thoyliik<' their d<«r<>< ^ Tbie fact «;us

iMki-n into cons (! i > n In the ih»Ii-( -

liun of • MM HUBport JamosYuiMft, whoai 111' Shubert« iirfwni

in "Urown of 11„ \ard" at Tht- K. ii

tiiHc.v. mallnri' luid alfht, Chrlatnias

d*>-. the roater oi the coaivany read

Inr IHie • catlefcr ratalogne. Meisf!-

Conklln, flMltbm id and CaMldjr aru

from HansHI; Mr. Strauea from \a-hlgh: Mr. Brown from the Unirerelty

of Tlrclali: ll<>ti*ra. Kerrtcaa an.i

WaMon froBB tho Unlveralty ot Penn-xylTanla; Mr. C'ark from Amherai;Mr. Pord froai lUrUaoatb: Mr. beikik

from Browa. and Mr. Brayton fromrnive4«Ur or BJinola. Oaaada la rn^K-sented by Mr. Tobhi. Of the Uni-vt'rsitjr Of TaroBto. wkl •«« Brk-ia«d'a taaae— Harrow famlahad a

ia Mr. Oaaa Lfr*«aa.

Ik •^ka Bafa of Ctom-'

«aar B.I Ollawii. ta kla vacation

•hroftd laat Mmowr, ha4 aane v<-i


aaaalac Uaa* with tka Britlah an i

rreaak aiiUMa. Mr. OUmom w<-mabroad M BSMk to atadr Toamy At

klaa «Bd kla KaropaM hroUi<M^

ainonc the Belsiaa iui4 IVii< ii

troopa aa ka 4ld for fwcraatlon anafound what ka waa looklair tor

tlfta > ji aadir ^ **''^>

ntlU" aaii llT Ottaora btfara oaii

Ins. "to aa^ yoa kaow all abon^ your

own •iUtaiy men. I have tldd> M

witfc. MMkaA wHh. diaad with aiM

aaaapad wtth our AaMrieaa amnaien aA mj UCr- PU. what I wantto And abraa4Ja caajHaat" Aad ho

'Jjipaad it


UCORICE TAstrrs.-tSaMi MCKMO.JrMcauoMS&caios.



ro* Mfiitr orMMXMStaTKffOATArrcCTlONSTSmOtV YOUR CR'.'COIST.Miue >«( vNaiitfir T or nbu


IT. amanr.

Cigars For


Cicirt-~the very kind

jwlarlmiMelf and enjoys

tmokiilB; Mtbefcniidtwliidi maketheir appearance about the 25th of

every December aod^tiit naniet ol whichSanta Claus.

?S ^^'^ cigars tlian any other two cigar stores in Pa-ducah. The rcaionTiet in their taperb quality and chc^eMi-ordinary care which is used to preserve their full faroma andbouquet. Our especially constructed bumidoil give uf facilitieswToch no other cigar deder enjoys.

$1.00 to $35.00 the BoxMost of Paducah's discriminating smokers buy their cigars

here, so it's more than likely that we know the very brand whadisuits him -tat. Phone 77 and ask us.

Pipes, too, are shown in profusion. All the best witodt,piaift or gold and silver mounted, as u ell as nteerschuoii

25c to $25.P0

GQ3£RrS DRUG STOR£Sole ageiS^4{Nrjli)e Qiminal Allegretti's. and Mullaae's Ttffies.


FOR A FEW DAYS ONLYI will aell four full quurtHot ^-year-old bottled iu bond Kentucky .Sour

Maib WU8k07, the baat maka tor$8.M Mivnad. Rtag 2H3 old phooc.

.^&. &T A RICI30a» A«O(orMl0t» «•--.. PaiSuoah, Ky.

ki OMh»

A taar dajFa' wllsloaa debate waaheld laat waak at tTatoa Ot«T% tour

mllaa fraaa iiai . ka>aaaa Bider.1 D. I^rt, of Tenaeaaee, tapnaaat-iiff the Cbrlatian charofe^

H B. Taylor, of Mwrray,I he Baptiat ohurcii. 1*ka M*atloaa

r .-alvatloa by faith only, the deatiiQ

it i>apttam. tko operation of th« Holy

Spirit ia aaatenlnn and the flaal

pw>e><TM»Bb ar th« aatntt. ware 4«-

hatod aao aaeh day.—Cadia Baoard.

We Thank You ^nd Ex-

Und GmJtings

Ethsnk ymj»rymr HBtrml t0i'mm^ thmt heiftJf Imwl

lm§M Amtkeu mW tkit ttm '/MV, mtd

^StJtt mtktlym wUIJhI thtU this tite it p0rt^ymrt,

dkiamm, imf9 Ntit Ytmrmi•prupnmi I909t• ,


B, WEILLE ^ SON/mrorporntfti


a a a a • a


n nrinnatl



Mt. Veraai

Ml. CvaalNMhrMeChattanoooa . . .


FloreaaaJohnaoaalMa • ...Clairo

At. Lioula .

PadacahThe ohia ara ka



6 <



. 1.4



. 4.1

. 4.1

. ».2

. 3.1

. S.4




• I


0 0


:•. ;i


II 2







rl»e -


ti\yii wii.i. MKi'rr.

1%e aiidwiatar mmmmt af 'Bte Ken

tacky I'l'" awMHiatlon will be h''


In tti< u Hoom at the llaeihach.

IxNiin 1' ' oaariMr SS. aka pra*

<rani f' ^

iiitro<iiirtory bgr ftatMaot Tlai


• The I'nt. c Pre«a and the Public

.-M liodU' . - h«rrv A •omBH-ni

"A .M- -' from tti'- Moiinta'.nn"

—<1»*rle. W M. f< alfi- <if PtaeWlle.

HlDOd Roailc OeKtoa

ridae. Lexinston Herald.

"Tho Pi> -MbM A. l»ulMhave, Brecklnridrte Sew«. Clowport.

Kg."What tti Public Bipecta Of the

Prexa"' Jut a O GaMSb BMlMhycourt (>f api'^ala.

"«oni«' TMnfi An EJdIlor Oiinht lo

no. and ftonio Thinaa He Ouaht Not

K •lolH Ilo l>i'

"Ttie Hoaie Paper aadTowa" l aaid «.

"AdvnlMiic iki. nurtiHT«nt>. .K>hii (' l/e

Ko'.itlori of the

>^r«Mr"—M. W. aiaal.


ollal lo




Whaa 4 b«vast avarl

Mr ptaa<4ilaa at Uat.

Aa la akawa by thU «aat.

la a aaa.


all M hto afadHataila wife ta

laa aCord It

NolW 4oAll parlleii havlaa claim* agalnit» olt.v aiaat pmaent tame at the

f auditor'! oflce not Ut-r thanVaaoday. 0«remiirr 2». itoK, for pra>oeatalloa and approval by the nnaaoa

(or alliiwaiite during tkajrear Hetpectful'.)



Albert S. tHIaaaa klod

lo haakraatey la tho


1 ooart

HMa afleraoaa. «o ttaaa Ma llahlll-

tlea al t*.St> aad hia mamu. a wal4«valaod at !! aad a ring valaad at

•A aiaa UIha aboal laea aa Ikaacfc

wtaii-abkaaarife of tho

Only One "UtOMO OUBMO,ljutativ


(aUat PaSacab

(^1h(-:row, all

Hi theKowler,

' ' make

' in laxt

river til

at th'-

K.\<-r ctago at 7 o'cloek thin morniac . a fall of .1 alnce ' r^.Tday

Kivormen will oheerve tn

mas holiday on Hhore ton.

thi' l<»al iNtiJd'tH tiring 11','

.slioH' lor Ihi- day The l>


Koyal and Cowling will >

Ih.'ir r<'gular trip*.

Th<- hig Orey Kaglr oani

nisht Iron the Mlaaiaaippl

CO into winter qnartor*I>M<lk s S> tJt


Tho J H. itiehardaM wa:

in Kott II K away for thf OutnberlandI ver N.-Hterday and did not loave un-til 7 pm.


The Kulton aaata ap from Cairothin morning wlj^ih lav of It aaipiy((Mil bargee.

The Kentucky is due In toaai tho

Tenneaaee river tonight.

The Condor came In M'-ti'rd;n

from Joi>pa and k-ft thi.s ni' . i m; «.j

her return trip

The City of Menipli '< ft jiic wa^yonterday and U roadv 'i. j«ln the bli;

fleet* at the."Duck'i- N. st"

The J.. A N. wharfboat wai let off

(be waya yaatarday aad wui bt tow i

to aaavUla, VMNk. vkare okauiied.

Tho i\,vt::t\p tiroi;i-hf in ,i goodorowd of paKsenl?er^ <>,i her -nrly trip

todayThe lioyal waa in and out for Ool-

ronda t\nn moralns, aailflaa hortiHual i^'iikI buRlDoaa.

The IColc Fowler left for ' ain,

at .s o . cK-k with a good loa I „frlirici m is packages and iia>*or i;.



Tho Mary Anderson caiiie i thit

niorriiu: »i!li a harso from , .onIsland liar, »lioio f>he wont at' 'inil


The I nliod Statep ll((hthons. ici .

di r l,;'v ;n i tiarKo of Capta'n i;;;hii

arr:vi-d .n iKirt yohlorday to v., uito

wlnli-r riuartoiy Captain Kuan Ik a

menitii r of |»adurah lo<lge of KIWand is iMipnUr here. Ha irlll be mPadiiiah until .April,

Tho lllii,,. , {-fiitial traii-f. ).,,nX

r>"'KoM ri, b».en broutchl i" I'.ulu-

rah from HoIeiMi, .\rk., and » I lio

ropairod umlor the direrlo;, of

"riiiof Llovd 'llif Bertram, wliiih

waa built at Paducah, take* ilio !>...

Koven'i place aVjlaiana.« '

-—1X>\T FOHOKT THAT li\s.

ITKT f»F AS.<iOltTRI» FBtTTs. \vKAUi: HKAIlQrAHTMt.s. oi It


DONT WCOf sklMt fwr Chriatmas ahopptof, IP jroB MB «ac •( iIm mtmy who waaied


There is nodiing more acceptable. We have

wodd oi gao4l hoob (ro« )Q crfU vf.

all the new boa4a; all the aUa^rda, jud •

D. E. W!j.yN. ^ Muaic Man

CHRISTMAStival of the Year

HALF the chann of the Chrittmai etft Kct ai <bc

choushrful leiRtion of it. Whether rj^peaaife mt

inapensive, let your gift lie GOOD; kt k be somediing

which will show the permanence of your regard-

ful gtm» tome rtre fxus^pk oi the jewelers' arc

Ditmobd 'Rings, Watches, Necklaces, Brooches,

lien^ Fancy Combs and Toilet Sets, Flectroliers,

Nagel 6 Meyer, Jeweler*ThM Broadway

Page 3: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt


Jl M^i'^V Christmas

To oar monp fritnds, one^

and all, toe wish the compll-

meats oj the season.



Ko«MV«lt Will TnrWSutalM

IhitH Will lb- Pradw«4 to fUtoir

<-rliiiln«N Tako A<hraata|" "tOmuitlnM of Wo«k.

HIS NTO('K ol i\l<X)ilMATION

lii'iii liooM^

'a iMTKoniil J

III bailK

will be, dlMp


Wii-lilnfto Dw 2 4.—Imliut.onailiat pei IMS who Pxpwt

to wiy soiiuMlili u iif

IK' iil IliS li>

nil til till' itiij 11' lis

r ili.'ii portinii 1,1 lii»

; w it li M'<-:"» t , \ - H,

>\lllle 41l>' iirtKiUi I : lius iiui yet

written hU i ply l.<- hat colltrtej ujtitork of lalo: Illation « htrh wil: eenreI fur lis baato. It :s i ' :ii vnd he will

iciinfilli- taln~- !r« I>: • .|)a!!.v to anInffort to lin til" il<M:ai hmiiii in

hiK anunsl i: 'ura-;!' iliat ilic aii.on

of (iinicr>>M 1 reypr*'!)' llmitinK the

activltieg of "IP tipcrpt tervlcf n;;pntk

ha* re«iiM<>d n inr rpasMl rrimiv

Data will • proi'ucpd to "ho'y that

crlmiMulH at i conflJeoce men havebeen quick t . tak<- Edvantage of tho^

resMtion of <he work of secret 8ei>>,

vU-e Bten, b> It u not be 'cynj thatj

there wlli Tm anr Klleition upon the,

cbarartpr af IndlTlduato that will In

the allKhtwi dPTi'ce esbarrasM anymember of rcmgrp^-'.

To Bt^t any obji-ctlM that itap se-

cret sWTicc :. ".Imitct! br statute tt.

the det*eti»n of connl#rtelter», reve-^

nue aaa cn)-<oiu frauda, and at the'

fame Umm to preiPrM thp een<-ral|

usetn'iaei)s or that Inat'.tiitloti, ih<-

preaMant proiiably will rwHjmmona n|

rbaBf* la tiip orcviilc law so aa to'

provide for a law for naarglnx the a*

irnt service, land oMoa Inspectorii.

postofllce lflhi)ector8 aad a'.: other

minor tovainntrata! Iiiavaetlon aer-

vJre4 Into one ganerijl bureau or

rrlmlnoVogy, ;n tba IntatMt of emn-omy and gooi adn^lnlo^ratloB.

Hcrn-tAO' Kitau Shown Xearly

Mnny Ix-fi OmiMry «« Katerml.

Wii-hiii/r. : I>'<-. 24.- Th«' iii-

( < ill aiii II |H)pulAt!iiiJ or tli<'

fnltc>l .Staff- ji ilu- year ciul'iii S>'i'-

i, 1 1 :H|Ir-; wii" oii'y r. 'i.'^•


i«Uiry of (^yadH>rM .toU Lalmr S:i.iiis

{calhHl the attpiiiion of President

iRooaev«lt to tWte flpbrea.

A<<oi(!;ii« to .~irt«l«iy Straut'

724.1 12 lor«'lBii. ;- < aim- Into thUcoantry .11 Iht' 'I'lir lj«"tw<HMi OclolwI, l*ii7. uiul Sv|iti'mher :ii) last, but

dwrlng the sane pt-ilod 717.SM for-

alners left ou-r shnrea for their ownCbtfBtriea. Seme of tbaae were nat-

arallsed Americans |olns abroad to

live, but the exact ani^bar Of theat

were net oblalnel.

It's easy for a sharp man to make^tool^M^l^l one.


ShankWc extend hearty and tinccre thiinkl to

the people of I'adutah and vicinity who htve

given ui to libcrtl • holklay patronage.

)oo each receive all tbs gifts youfjieart cottd

fktirc; may yoor day be the happieit of

whole liferime.

Immediately after the holidayi we will

hold a ;^rcat st/ccial' •ale; watch the paperi

carefully for our ;innouticenient».

Aj^ain cxpretiing our appreciation of

yjur patronage, we Whh yon oee and all^




c A Handsome LUie of

Smolung Jackets, Bath

Robes, Suspenders

TlKit came too late for our holi-

day business. " We immediately

notified the manufacturers that

these goods would be returned

and they instructed us to dispose

erf them at their loss, iilvery gar-

ment is marked in plain figures

and will be sold here today at




.VI.Kii.iUY IM rattiU FOil PMt>4>N

CUpt. i.


T. Lateat to




otli t « o

Frankfort. X|u. D«s. 14.—Wltk

candidates alreadr In Ol* a*M

anU III'- piobabl'-lty that therr will be caucii.- that

iiioi-f bffot^' thf leKisIature convenes Howin IS 10. thf lai e for prison roiiuiiif-ja qupstlon.

sion.T is already atlractlOK atlontion onb.


latist candi.l.iiea to ent»'r thf

l> fapt. Jaiuf'.s T. Williams, of

Wdoiltord (oiiiit.>, who anniuiine<l

aiKl ays he i8 Iti th*> race to th<' finish

H<' lui* strwnn >>a<-k':DK and lii.s tri' ads

^a-. that he will lie a formiilab i' lan-


K.i H. nrown and Harn'v Mo-

Culrhcn. the prp-PUt rouiniifsininMs.

vthf-KP titnt- win oxiilro in ,laniiar.\.

HMO. all" landidutiu for rp-tMertloi.

arc th.' favoril«'8 In tli-' beMhiK.anil

They havf thf liihirte and.

cportlnK phraw. wt re "oft .

as the ba-rler Dew up."

Avirdl'k. of PoviiiKton.

the nest howM and aenate, and hl.s

friends c'.alm that he will have

enough voiiB t» i^Te om of the


Whn tb. lagMatuTo oonTeaea ft

'.uioua of tb. Damocratle amborawill «a bold and two oandidaMa for

prison cevmlasioner will b« nomlBat-

ed. Tka Rapnblieana tbea will bold

a caucaa and alao put up two caadt-

datfK. With the leg l iUfaa Dnbo-cratic. as It seema practleally aartaln

to t)«. the nMBlnaaa of tba Damoeratie

«*Bru» will ba alaeted t. th. ylaoaa

on ti.f prlaoa haard bjr tha lagtela-

tan v6tlns ta Jolfet saaak*. I«(araat

attach malBlr to tha eaueva o(

HI* ivmoarata ««l It wlU ba ta thU

hat <-<>»«•

ntaajr aaaHnlaa tber. are ik

I'suatly thar. are foar

combining agaiaat the

In the approaching con-

Mr Drown and Mr. McCatchen

vu .t.iiid togathar and wlu have (k^

al^ uitHKe of tha otbat*. Both af*

popular men and th.i^ ara la oSaaand are good potlttclaaa, SO that thajr

will be la » better poaiti*a to hgadl*

thrir strength. In manr •»* tha lagl*'

.Hive racaa which have (Men decided

.Mr. UcCutchcn and Mr. Bro«« have

nomloatad their candidate*. The

prison oonuntiatoa raoa haa had nuch


!i ilii> lead

Hi .1. .\.

.< aiiotlior

uiiioiiiu ed rand ii'.ati', hut t is said to

\n' duiibtfu'. whriluT hp i>iays In the

rar«- Thorp is talk hen- that Dr.

.Vvirtliok will not hp

when tho Dpnu>cri"tir ran

til iKitiilnatp <'«Iul!date^> tor priton

. oiiMii l->s:i)ni rs. However, nothing

1 11- . 1 li.-ard from r>r. .\vprdlfk

dii' I 111 i 111' II, a> roni 1) !•' 1" thp

<Tii. i ;ioni,;.-. Uln a, of R,i.-M.-:iMlip, is

uae a I to do with tha caauH la aoma of thk

'counties as Is naual.

May Kearh glo.OOO.

JiidRi' Charts K. Bom-'s nhortafte

In tl'.o auditor's olBcP i.'^ now .rliiiirtt-

ed at about $4rt.rtOU. .\Irpaih ;l li.t*.

i,p,.„ foiiKd that lit' etol" |:l^ "mii ;i;id

laDdldalP'ostiniatint? thP amount kIoIimi dai ns1- is hcldithp nionths which have not bwn px-

aniiiKd. it is hp'.iPVPd that he wiil b»>

found .-hoil at ..'iu»t HO. 000. it haa

bppn foiiii 1 that Imniedliitply follow-

Idk 'Ii" I'li'itioM of r.tii". hp stop

'iirifi" Slims, about J;!00 at a tlnip.

iid . \ d. iiti.\ was dipping h.-avl y

i>|ptpd and th4 fWhakouAt that hetook will be Icnown In a short time.

.ludK* BoM will ba indicted at the

January tMrai at court and will aakfor an iBsmadiate trial.

Not tw •Wha* tMnga.waat wioagHa aaa« a aoag

And dMnt eara a rav.Hp's waaUkjr aaw,Care gkiaaM hi* br*«—

Ha'a JMt • ckaaafnl dMp,And aU hia dayaHe pondara varaTo keep the r*bb*ra aC

Thiak ran I't baAa rieh aa h*?auum tt* vUla I gaaffi

The Krteilag Ha •10c a Week.

candidelp who is ko'"- n>ako a

hard BKht and wi:: be m he contP9t^into th." ti.aaury, not itnowing howlinish lie has siio:!; support

{ nmch '.onfter h« wouM have the '»p-

. -tprn itt ntui k). wii'Tp he has portuntty. The wof^ at checking up

~~Kny xeoibaca of I n«h aaaa^lia<l^lBH>ii'

to 111'


ad) iiledged


GUSSCSNothlag -aanid plaaaathan a pair 9t 'VtaioCald'sglaswa ' a* • Chriatnaa pre*-ent. Bur the glaaaaa baforeChristmaa aad ara wUl at <heeye*, and agahaaja tk*^(laaae«afterwarda.

U'p (irind n«r Owrn Oiamies.


SteiifeU Optical Co.

909 Uaroaaclwaky

Page 4: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt



mm nmamsa ooMrjun,

r M. ^BHClt PtmMM*.J. PAXTOKl, Opnernl »lnn«««r.

Itered at thp posiottli •• it I'uUui

•An.T ipi.

9f Chrrt*r, par w««k M}ff BMUI, r'F mnnlli. Iti silvan''*.. .11

^BAlltP^r veur. tn •^Iviince H-OO

TUB WBBKLY »Vm.lor fmr. by mall, yottut* piM OO

"Adilrora THE BUM. Fa4aaUl. Ky...

Offlie. 116 Sooth. Tblrd. PkOD* tCl.

Pkyn* * Tounf, CkfciM*Terk. rapfMentaUTM.

aad Maw

nru SUN can b«tfe«B<

lltC placaa:

D. Clemanta * OikCalls

TBI liMI».%Y, llKl'K.MBi:i{ rti.

V. IMS.1Y * • • a • .. .S04C

t B051 1^* • • •


« 50|7 If ...SO&l

•••••• • RO'^ • • • • ...60S1

1 f .MM 11 ...fi04I

^ T «•>••••• .MCt ts ...B041

t •••••••• 94 • • • •

...5041B 1« M44 tt ...&04S

1^ 11 •••1 M ...6047

11 . • t BiOT4 17 . . .5058

It iO&$, 2)t ...sosr.

14 «»U . »01(>>««>>> iMSC

m.M4A*«n»> for Normbw, 1»0S. . .5052

Av«rai» tor Novcnkw. 1M7. . .St25hMNttBi^ aaaaaa 1*127

fmomMr appeared before meill Dm. 1, Itoa. R. D. lUcMlllni,

kuaiMn MDam of The Son, «i>o

kSroM tiMt 4lM abort itatement of

the olreatatioii ot llio Snn tor the

niaii<li of Novembor, IMS, la true to

tke bMt of hlo kaavMgo mi boCtof.

Mr uoiBiiwiBB «K9lr«t Jawwry1«, 1011.

PrRB PURYIAR.Motarr PaMla MeOraelM Co.

WMWglN.taljr a liaj' ChrtataMi li oaljr a liasle day of

fweroilty. riMomed frooi the dull

Mrvitnde of a lelflih rear, only a

4|MIIo alght of mern'miklDK ce'.e-

>MH la the alave (quarters of a

•elflnh ra-re: If every gift li the

token of a pertonal thought, a friead-

iy feeling, an unselflfti Intareat In the

Joy of other!, then the ttoaght, the

feellBc tko laOariit BMy rmpataaftor tko gift la wmtm^nnrr VanDyko.

dofeadanta fiwm di nouiu lng the atove

company In tln ir t|itt»cheii. The de-

lendanta d»H-;iiroJ the court'a swevi,

ln« order coTilrnveiiej the righta ot

free speech, and tftey publicly «n-

nouiioed their Intention to viola) •> the

Injunction In that renpect, which

ileclaratloa hi Itaelf, I9 held by the

appellate court a contempt ot the or-


Tkare may be Ins^tancea In whiob

tto «nfalr list ti a jierfectly proper

Mant of Oghttng for the rti'nKnition

of tradei onlonlam. Ther." are eaully

Plirecllted cases In w4il. h Its «•«

»ou:d be Kro<s > uiifulr. Kvery manhas a right to contltict hi» own biml-

nes8 a* he ceeg lit. and whether he

conducts a union or open whop. h!f

right to remn n unmolerted It equal

to the right of tilt" worklngmen to or-

ganlie. If the latter have « r'.nht

to oraanlie tliey have a ripht t»> do

certain legitimate thincii to |ier|x lti-

ate that orpiui /.atlon. but that riRht

doea not enliiul to Interfering with

the public In l^s deallnRs with other

men.As to what extent the unfair r»t

•.vas 'n ll'. s oaye. v><- ari' luii In-

:iiinii(l. It ilois i'eeni just ii iiille

hard to jirevci t n man speakint; as

uu'an a» he pleai-es alHuil a iDin erii

publicly. 10 lonK as he d.^'s lu tliinK

to 'ni'lte yloleiii.', rind is i;"t irtillty

of ; Jlllli r.

I:iit »lllit!\it «( Into 111!' ineriiK

of thi>^ winfrov-rs V, we si'e ciiaiiv

that If Onniper!" kois to Jail, he will

Initantlly tieoooio a martyr to a

r«UFe. If ih()>i' men, who hay re-

flis. d to eonrede an Inch to oritanized

labor <in!v l(n> » it. thin apparent de-

feat of the labi)r leaders themsely

far from diitcredltinfr them In the

pypg of their followers, wl'l earn fi>r,

them the sympathy of the wli

eiiunlry. The demands of l.itH)r ii«

never bcfr»re. w ill now \>o bruugi i to

the notice of lb" puliilc.


Juit as everyl>ody KupiKjged Hrea!-

dent Koeyeyelt did not aav In hii

5ophy of




nwmtri K im»\-t \v\mi <»i

1 lu- <>enii That t'aaaea It l<n» t<> HeO—toeytd, to Oaadraff.

Many a woaan iimiun <« hour

a week icot»rlnK !•' s'-iip.

thinking that by acrubblm' oR the

si Htf --he will cure the dan I nff. Two111. 1:1-. a week, at the age of li> years.

/ i,i\i: sTiM K AM» r<m.%(ii-o.

ChlcaBo. I), 0 :

leipis, eHliniatel ;,i

teady. lleeve* |:i .'.i

$:i.r.0O4.:'C,; weiie

(CMiUnnxtl rn>ni ImW)Yet it i« piLiaibl ' tn And tbi* alinple.

uruclona »un>rtie at fortuae'i faacles

worthy of love. Her own courage, her

own catchlui at fortniie'a fomiock.

seemed to have baen always nneon

scions and Inatlacthra. Tbiae abe ner

er hint! at nor even beeina to annlyK-

Of her love for the prliK-e abe iimakH

.iiiee or twice and onee In reference li>

what she hail felt for I'aMMilr. "1 Iom J'ilni most wlieii lie left i. •• and « hi .1

lie dlrtl." she vvrlle~

niiw iMvnuse I

lit I ran lii\e mo:,

;l\ lliB l.iveil «'asi|.

ear dead die, I'llt ll-

lontb helpiil to leac'i

^i^in ahe i't*fl< 1 ts,

verj'thliig la wortli

.•"lio lias ^lH'llt 260 days "i 1- hours

I'inh, or two-thirds of a of her


life, In that vain hope: ' liefaut-e

you ean'i <uri> dandruff nt kiil-

,lnK the UandtulT t<erm, .. ;'he onh

jhnir preparation on »'aiMi i'i«t wlii

do ttiat Is Newl^To's • ' !• M>'< -lie" -

also a doiightiai hair '^nn. and

|lborouKh anlisep'ie an 1

' a'l lon-

,taKion fioiii iiM' of le i ^ liair

hru»heii. Sold by U'ad : - d r iii;i: ists

Two aires. COe and $1" .^« iid I'le

In stamps for sample 10 The Merpi-

eide fo .Detroit, .V. il.—R. W.

Walker Co . \f its

r.O; stoi'kera aniT.l; cows and bclfi

t Catt'e U«-.1 000; ninikel

'(I 7. 7 a; Ti xuns•tiers, |:t..'iO©

"I ! e liilii IH<t

e I e^e'u'i eur

, l;:nc > iiinie f.'.

r i;...' I ::de til-

liade n. live, ninl

me how 'o i;.! i'

How wc .iderfully

while-eveii aiir

• i\vs:" Koilqwiiig wliirh reflection In

le very acgf lino—abe la wrlttauc to

'M!ia Ilolilnai—<'<iinea tlie nnire out-

rst: "I look Junt «p eiidhi In myf eepakl'j tanlc. iiihI he's 1 iven me the

s •••test toy of II revolv. Th.ifi« In

, -e tbey ever|tHi«in(e an<l try and cut

1; ; up iK'bla^-tMr guiisr She U Imigh

i:i:T at hiWlf. tut the Im: :li I* cbarpvlV ith iiu iMfeclious enjoy '. ent. Bo »lie

tej. I.ivpil iiiiil InuRh'' I through tbove

i:ei|ii.'i iisl iliiyH. Iryl'

iTki.\li li. Iiatit-rli

. : ?iill 1 1,^" li'-,' I'

iT fi ;, ;iii:i -mil v.

Sill' \» a^ lini' :i ill'.

Loeiiiii." '

messiee tliat the principal .irgument I hmiagairsl tip' use of secret s'>rTloe

outside till




her airThe p

W'DK l|l.l

no 1

they h

depnrtmMit wu them 1

.'iVi. ;.. \\

: u i'i>. s mlsincere

\\ Ish to 1;


d arrived

tu tlic safe '

10 soolli" Marl •

May V. 11 II..!!

oliiie iiMiiil a;iil

\ 111 lierI


' l\ Hide III eti

says >|:<aintly.

iinli.iii lesl I'V

1 xvas slriip'e. lie

i Mt hl.-< IT'lP '. II.'

.0 his tr»\eN uiilii

.d lie coulil deliver

ustody of bla train-

get to Sla\na Oh. 1 . ni.rry that

tbia time's s,> nearly dm..'

lie look. si at lier gr«\.ly f..r a few

moments, iiiaklni: |M>rbap" a last ipii. k

caleulali..ii underKoliig pi 1 lisps n last

abort strnj,-le Hut tberi lstar kIowihI

against ili. p.illor ot b<r faee. Hereyes n eri' ;: lea 11. lug beacons.

"Neiilier the Kutt* Bor the oiea bar

narna—no. aor the erawn. wbea tbat

tbM C4Wiea->w|tbout7oa!" bo aatd.

•fee roae alowly, tuanMUigty. fromhir cbair and stfetchaa out bar band*bi an Instincttre pMtcat. -Moaael-

neurr* Tliea abe elMped ber baada,

setting ber eye* on bla ami whisperloc

apibi. yet lower, "Monaeltrncurr"Marie Zerkovlt. Ii says fate sent you

to Kravniiia. I iMnk ihe • rUhl. Kate

did- my fate. \ tblak U s fated tbat

v.-e are to be togithar to tfee ond. So-

Pby."(OoBUaaad In \cvt laaaa)

TOC DOTT H.4VE Tl) WAITBvary daaf maassyaa leclbMUi. L«S'*s

keeps yoar wtoi* <utM— ttghl. Oald aa hs

Boatr-beek plia swiyasia. Pnea >

fi*d< rs, $21; a ft


raives.^Sl.uN Hogs Re<.fipls.

i-Htimated at ;lf0.tiu>i market ctrong10 5i- higher |.!f;lit, |4. 8501 5 GO;mixed. |5.2u .1 . s.-,. lieary, |5.i;.'. «TlNS; rough. .'.IS; good tochoice heavy. |,~. <ii S5; ptgl,

l3,00O>4.76; l>ulk ot sales. tS.SKI)5.70. Sheep—Receipts, estimated at

IM.onO' market steady Native, tl! Ou95.00; weatorn, $2 )ii> O 4,81) ; year-

Hnga. |5.0U»(S.25; limba, ft.&OQ7.70; woatarn. 14.50 07,M.

IKansas City, Dec. 1^.—Canto

RecifpU. 4,000, Incladinc 100 sontb-erne: steady. Native ateara, |4.S»e

that they might be naed to trail and trttsiy Voi-enbua and of Lake-

grersmen, without hav ng the faiEtil vltch. tlielr captain. UM tban tbat waito back him up. He lias graciously


not anfety with Stenorica la olllce and

acceded to the demar.i of the lowerjt'ohMi. l Htafnlii ou duty at tbe capital,

house for the twformatlOB OB whic* |

»ut M irle Zcrhovlteb araa right, tao.

be baied hia aiiertlon ind he has "ven though overexactlnft aa Mas bad

famished It. He goes no furthfr than I

the congresaloaal record, and quotes


Prof. C.

Is 55.

Virgil Barck, of Riekburns.

Acting OoreraO* Oai.urduy bolMiy.


Ca:io«ray farmera daaipUig tobacco

.at Paria, Toon.rk fouad abt hoaeit bmb ia Plttv-j Orll actlona against John W.

iMwgb. iKelly, Trigg commlaaioiier, aettled.

- oI

PonBor tobacco grader promisee

Merry OhriaUMat' »

Tbo Raa wit maposd paMeatlon•MBorrow oat of roipeet for the day.


A tetaetlve afttr aOroad nonths

aoTorat paragrapka. One of tbemayat

•"Ob Mby 1. IKiS, 'The gent'eman

(Bennett, of New York), may be

aware of the fact that bis seoret

service at one time was used for the

purpoia «( looking Into the personal

conduct of a member of congrma.'"

Beware of the maa, who keeps a

scrap brwk.o

toot ftoio |S7.*t7 froBi

L. Loo(, of Traaiylvanla.

Id, dies ot


..« s


at. Loala doean't latead to lot Baa aaaociaUoa expose at MayBeld Satur

FrandMO aad Pittabargk tako away day.

ber well aamcd tKlo of tko koBie of


net you'll Barer be cao^t- aaother< ilstaiaa tkia vayv Oolag to bogtadoing a little each day now. Jvat a«

Booa aa tbe holiday* acf over and the

•priBg aawlag doao.. ,


THE CHRI8T.MA3 flnSIT.Centuries have rolied Brouad, edn-

eation has become general, tbe eatbe-

tlc taste of the human family hasbeen developed and cultivated: the

er than the swi

mlnd'B eye be sa-

Idea at whh b tl

bad aalled aiul v

fcavllcb wouki I.

lesser evil, nevc r

, In tbe future yi :

Riot danw ban taaaraaooen Rus-' baraod by night

History of algbt rider var la weot-

ern KoBtacky la brief ia eaao at JakeEi'.is.



age of (loets has come and gone; theI

U .synilKillc of (lirist.

IChienKu. i».'. :'l -How the Christ-

age of adventure hii» passed Into the mj^g i^^. ninbo ie of Christ llilstory of nations; scieace has made poinud out by i'.of .S m- .Ia»«y, a

j.«en ikeptlcal and wtae, and yet the di»,iPK„i^,,pj Kn nch sihoiar here.

a alory of the babe born la BatftlehemJ-in ,h,. eaiiv ,inv» mankind wor-ia a aaager reanlaa tbe nreete»t.',hiped 1 he tr.-... - 1,^, -and there

•••1' tko world baa ever,!, no (iod whu w,is not rcpre»enl-dktlowB. OlltlratlOO of the esthetic as a n.s- „r a.- Ueliinu- in a t:e..

only makes tbo huaian family morO|V\ j,ii n,,. j,^.^ j. iiovah dwelt in n..-

eipable oC appredatlBg iti beauty; |n, „r ih.. pine—and it i.s there a.

poeu bare orer drawa on lU Inex- he app. ars to Moees. The Ore»'i . ; 1

baustlblo store of iweetneM for their Ko,„an Ooda and Oodd< aaea Jw t inthemea; wars hare but emphaslied ueea or are represented bv t r.«.

ito potency by capoalng tbe vanity Tbey arc the soul of vegetative',' Blight: Mtence ia but Ito truth re-'»nd Chrlit Himself ,„ the alleg. ai

Tualed. There waa naught but per- namea attrtbut i „ mm and ,1-faction la that ooneoptioB, bo flaw|poMd to boeal . j ii.mself Bhowa 11 m

I (kat the eoatoiiab oeuld detect m that tmt aoanectloa with regata' ^eI llfo. Tomorrow, wbea the world ;:ir«."Mo. Tomorrow, wbea the world

awakeaa to a oew diur. it will be oneof gladaifa, becaaae la a weak, fool-

ish hamaa way «'«orybody bai lived

a few weeka la tbo spirit of tbat pewbirth, which wrought aotblag bat Jo^through thlwklag «( otbon.

oLABOR mjvttcnosn.

Tbe sentencing of Oompeia, Mltflb-

ell and Morrlcoa, oflkeri of theAaerteaa FOderatleB of Labor, to

t»n for coatOBipt of court, brings thetabor Injunctloa taaue to a crista. Ofoourse the proteita aent by uslouito the president are ridiculous. If


la Olmiit Court.

P. D. FKtpatrlck filed suit against

W. li. Baoabro for tlOO aOeged to bedae OB a note.

I*. O. liudolpii, aduilnlitraitor ofthe estate of Blliabeth Jotaaion, filed

ault againat Mm. liiah Jdhaaon fur

51.5*6.40.Lliaie WOiefe, guardlaa for fWriey

Olvena, etod a potttloa ia alrruitthey are Intended to hold him re

aponslble for what the federal courts court ia Which the oourt ia aaiad todo. Tbe reckless granting of In}unc- anthorlae tbe lale of aB UBltoyroved

lot on Ninth itnot, the pioparty ofthe petltloner'a ward, aad to ba al-

lowed to Inveat tbo prooaada la IIR.

aola property, la which otoM tbe guardlan and ber ward both retlda.

t'ons Is OBO Of the things 'Mr. Roose-velt hlmaolf kaa protested against.

In this ease tbe Queition of tbe un-fair llat Ii Involved, and there are twosides to the question. The unfairlift purports to be a published lilt of

firms tbat are unfrieodly to organ-ised tabor, and the Idea Is to warnunion men from patronizin'.; them.The Buck IMove eompany Is the party

'mplaiaaot. Tbe stove company sOr

^ J^m lalaaattBB to prevent th* ui tii u.oeiii'. i '.ti..ut

The letter to the kins beMbut half tbe truth, and that half iH>t the

more si,;iiiii)-iMit. Ili' <vnld not go fr.i:n

Rophy s siiie III sei k a wife. The de-

sire . Ills lieart an 1 lh.> delight of liU

eye- 1 h,is herein I'r.-.slnk.

Ili-r . harm was !:.>t only for his heart

and l yes. her frnx ination not imlc'y far

bis I.ssloii. On Ili-; iiitellecl als.. spe

tai l lier i«.\yerfiil li.iM. opi iihis tin- iiar

ri.ii Liiirtii'^s i f lis mill. I 1.1 broil b r

111 ^..11. :, t!ie i.:,.r ..f Ills

Hi' wu hliiiseff i.nly n«..^1 :i: 1; ;.si.-r, ilii' Jo-I i lia.siKer of

,, t::i l.iii. tit i nplt'.l \ nil rnnily scl-

.i.ery. Itut was Ihi".' Hot a lliehi'railii?

Might he not !«• lo ..1 lu llie plap.s as

eu tbe hlils, ut Sl.T :i .IS III \ ..;si iil?

By bimtHdr be imt achieve th'

His pride-nay. Itfs ubatlnacy—forli:. li-

the flmt M0fi. But what bla aaMltn e

dignity ratgitad fur bioMMU be could

see ber aaniy gn< louaaeaa acconipllsb

without loaa of aelf raapect naturally,

all i^fiontaneoosly. He was 11 Muldier.

Hers were tbe poven of peace, of tbnt

Instinctive statesn aashlp nf the emo-tions by miiieb I arts nie won nmlklngd.iinn l.iilt tog ber I y a lie strniic

Mi l .iiise III bla'

I .'r dolu;; this, the. ii.i'u la till' pnlaee

ll ev en \| :rl.' '/. !

\e aeceplvd a* tile

lanie liil.i I.!-, b -id

i she WHS t.. l e i.pen

il'.g lliese Ilii:i;ri for

him and for t' lai:d ..f l is ; .\e n:i<!

labor. WoiiM .e not be a belter part

Bar than si.'i;e stranger, to whoiu be

must go cup in iMwl. to wbem bis

country would ba a piaee of exile andbla oooMrrmoB aaoBi half barbartans.

wboaa life with Mai woaM be oao hin-A

tale 'of foPMd aad aawilllBS coode-

aeonatnoT A prido atora aubtia fhanIds faMier's rose In rerolt

If he could m.^li(i|||iio king aee tbat!

Ikere stood the dlfllcalty.. Bight ta the

way of bla darting hope waa tlie 0110

t}'J:r^ on which the k|Bg Inslnted. Thepri !.• of faailly the great alllniKe the

..lii;;le point whereon tbe easy kingwas nn obwfai le h.i furiiiiilal.l. ! Vet

lad be deapaired be would have beenll I such loToraalie wn«.

Ills snsnerliad gone to llie

king. There wasno news of its

ureptloii Vet,l ilt oil the nextday In the even-

lug great tid-

I Inga caaw froBi' sirvaa. fo(w

wardailqr Zar>

korlteh. whowaa in chargeof tbo prince'a affairs there. Tbeprlaco burst eagerly Into tbe dining

room in tbe tower nf rrnsiok, where^ophy ant alone. He seemed full of

iiluiiipliaiil exi ltemeiil. alniost lu.ylsh

In Ills gl<.e. It la at sucb momeqts that

b-siiationH are forgotten aad tha,l^iKt

re ervo* broken down.

•My guns!" he eried. ".My liUMP.

Tl.-.y'vc Blarie.l <.ii ibeli- wav They're111.' Ill Slavii ' i;i a iiL'trli'"

"In n iiMUith:" gbe murmured softly.

"Ah. then"-

"Our company will l>e ready too.

WoTll inarelj down to Slavna and iiie. t

tbe KUliar' lie la iKhed. "Oli I'll U-

Vei-y pluuiiniil t.i Slavua now. ji -t as

you adxlse iiie Ue ll ims t tlieiii with

smiles on oiu farfs" |Ic 1 .line lip to

her and lutil bis baiiil mi bera. "You've


>n i)l l>|.>-|..\UI'>« ItKt'lilVKH

17.35; aoutbem steera. I4.009B.Msoutbt>rn cows, f: 25O4.0A: natWicowaaad heifers. C'.OOtfe.OO; aiork

en and feeders, $3.00 05.15; bull-

l>.T504.tS: ca vea. •4.MO'7.2


weatora steers, t^.TBtftS.dO; wottentcowB. ll.50O4.Z6 Hogi Heoalpis.

10,I00: itroag to .'ic highar. Balk ofalaa. #6.1»Oft.C5. Bfeaag Ooce.fita

,4.0M: atrady. Mattoaa, |4.2r>t«

5.00;' lagibs. tr.. 0007.40; rai.Ke

wethBTB, |4.00Cr6.0«: fed ems.f».75O4.50.

i 8t. .UuU, Dec. I4,- C»y<!e K--celpta. 1,000, Including iOO fVxSt^s;

rteadgr. Beef steera, |3,75(f 7.'r.1;

Klockers and feeden. ft.T.'iO 4 • *


I'uwii and helfera, tS.0006. .'.'); Tex .s

steera, |S.OO0C iiO; cowa nnd beifera

91.T6O4.50. Hogs— Receipts. X,nuu;

jateady. Plga and lights t4«'>0|C.4«: packers. |.'>2&e5 *'' butchers

aad bael bMvy, ti 4505.H.-.. tibeep^-^

iiecelpta, 500; strung. Niilves, t' OO

4.15: laaiba. •3.&o07.5i>

CtaelaaBM. Dec. 14.

jcelpts. 5.733: quiet. 10c

ers and ahipperjt. tS.S.'i •

moB. ILSfrOt-tO. Cat

1 1,012: slow aad weak


nitr to good th pper

Do OiNcfren fNeed Alcohol?Ask your doctor how often he pretcribeg an alcohoHc tUnialantfor children. He will probably uy. "Very, very rarely." Askhhn how often he prescribes a tonic lor tlicni. lie will probablyanswer, "Veiy, very frequently." Then ask liijn about Ayer*!nons»icoholk§arM««<toii« t£Jnh^


All taxpayers who have not already paid thtir

City Taxes due for 1908, arc urgently re-

queited to pay their Property and Poll TaxesprtMiiptly, and avoid the penalties that will beadded. Prompt payment will also enable the

city fo prorate to the Scho )1 I iind

portion ol ta.xt s for the current year.



Itoga—Re-.«er. Butcb

.', yii; com-

Knelpts|i»c lower.

« I U50 r..75;

coniBioB. 12.:.". 1 nil .*heep~Re-

ceipta. 401; steady. tl.25O4.00.Lamba alroBg, t4.<>OOG 7S.

faelor) to all iiurtlis About 30,000|ioui;4* was m>M at pi Ires ranglBgfrom 14 to It. there being ao rejec-


The watebijii-j- msnngers w 'n...

a force iir iiii'ii r«ady all dir .i K :l>>

holidays lo rece te Kn.v ti>bacco tbat

may coiiie In, Imt liiere «!,, I#» nomore sales until .Monday, JaniLiry 4,

when il i» <'aperte<| ihe buitlBs»s •HIbe <'ven n>ore fluurlsbblg tbaR the

flrrt few weoks.Tbe bidding |oda> walaplrltad aRd

much good leaf wss offered.

TcIIk Til ll \o 1 iiirliaaj rigared la

Dhtribathw of Hll l '

J Viwm tbe

Valtrd IHateit.

Hg Hale at

HeadaraoB. K<.. Dec. 14.—TbeHenderaoB Btemiiinig District aaaoda^l

Uon lold I5.00u <'un poaada of toj

bacco at aa areratte of t coata. Th«r

Inperlal waa the p- uclpal baycr,

I'nrln. IV 2 I - lu ylfw ot a postil-

l.!e conyr. > -lonal lilvestlgatloii In

the Tnlteil States lulo ilu.' I'uuaiiiii

carat ruiffia-e, M. L»(tnar<|ui^», ihe

rer v.-r nf the o'd euiniiaii.v. whoh'tlierlo has decliued lo ,t»« .lUerview.

I. made tbe (o:iowlBg italeawBt to*

Wli:' .! ^t'^;re lo j;,, Into

(lel.i .h <.r ,. i;ii!<. u the p< i-ralc

row now riig "ir '. Vm rl -a. I dn niit

he><Ita.te In -,ii;iK i ;'ciii i» r* iiia!

know! "dire •. ii:.i-,: 't.i utorv of llie

exlsten''^' of ;iii \iiii r,.'nn »> ujicst.'

to which thi- ; irelia^^i' money \* ni;<

poked eventually lo hdVt; K:>ne as a

fable inreated out of tbe wholef irth.

.Should ail . fflela! c^llgatlon I"-

ordered :u th. I'n'.t il Stale*, M. I..-

liiarqiien exp:.! inert thai :i would re•

with the eieirl to iluMi' what Itifor-

nlliiu eoulil 1) 'egallv fur:, il

|r|irlinid to (H^(Ul•» *h«'ihir th-

v> r.. any .\iiierican bi.i.ille.! :• - «• 1

If yu t > ftate even appruximat. y

li:.. I', ri'i iitage «f the tatal aaountt I ll. V 1—l-eiv»'!l.

j.\ aui'iiirlty assort! that tin'

Xnii'i i riii Int. ii'>t In the canal «a-

:i! --r-iMveiv inslgnllVeant. beiiu

!m i: 1-1. iw $".fi.(».'*oo, and ronflu. :

jlirat-tif jlly to :i riiicle New Vohanker. whoM- holdings long «iiii

dated «he project of tbe Aaiorlean

parth'aae. Pinal foroulRlea la con-

nection with the ll«aldath>B of the old

company Bra expoetad to be eom-pletod wlthla els aaatba.

Tobacro in Ml

Macon. Mo.. Ixi 21.—Iowa capi-

ta '.Uis reoMtly h:ive parcbaoed alurge tract of land on the Charitou

lowlandf. west of Miion. (or experl-

inienis In tobacco la liag. Time wgi• hen the raising .i tobacco (or ea-

porl waa the tale Im-'ress of tbe lil»-

M>uri agrknltarttt. it waa the great

laitiiiitry of the rtt'. lerery mar.

oanlng aa acre of and pat It la to-

baero. Oee TlUag' n Maioa eonaty

rallao—raooived and Alpped on

T. 11.000 poaada In >n- leason.


UaboB. Dec. 34. - Tbe aew cabinet

was tomed by frnor Francisco

Belrao. alalater of forelga aVtirsbat after the ailnlsteni bad beennamed owing to BRloreseea dlOeat-lies Relrao re'lnqulshed the oOre as

TIIK WKI.I.IVt.Ttt^ HtlTKt..

UlilCAOOCar. Wahaab Ave. A JarkiMNi BlvUk'lXfb'lWK A BAvrmji,

pr««tdont an I iiiliiUier or fori'lun

fairs. Th" king then >iininioi.i'd .\n-

tonio Aseyedo, former nilul>>i.'i ofBiailKv. under whom it Is etp..i-ted

the other nlalateri Will reiAll tbWrpoitfo'lo".

- K»i r) litter iiiiil iKiek^n' -hou'd.bear (he H> d -.Mir*) CliTaNuiaH" Kt..Miii> ll ' iikH r.i K" id aadgar and i. nw li ii m l., r.iuse.

iluy a liiili'irej In u .. :.ii.! y \.. i»a.\.

.4H -nUTITV^

OS iTI Its' \ r


I'lmniiMit |:\|M

M.^n-'d. K> . I*.

My led. a (oriuer tf

: t r


Tobacco asaoclaltoti

ithst he will speak ii

here next Stiliii I \

pOM>I lo e\po»i' «

of thi' nianaKenieiit

lie fii' ,li. r sa.\ Ill

h Iherto unknimti|i:ii(it.ti whiih liax t

yarioiis ita.e departnn ills of tbe a»e»-

rlatlon during the :, f three or f"ui

months. \ 'ii mI la ogpe'-'i d

out to h<«r h^m, us tl niiT are ^aileu^

to know what Will be the gM of U :



I r of the I .1•

has annoii'i

the eoiirf I." .

»hi —f th- « . 1.

•h" a--' ' 1'•

\ I II I \ . -..111.

I. : ti. '1 Uit

lit th

l:<'ni..ili i.-<l III n roil of Vl.MI.IMHI.

lot mill <<il«| raiinlng wuler and long

diMlnni I' '|i)iiiiM-« in mII nHiin**. 'JiMi

riN>rii4, inn hiiIi lialli«. s1m.,;Ii. ..r i ii

«ull.'. K.ili « gl <><) Hiiil ii|i»aiil~.

Ofll.* of lie- liiii^l liiii.|ll<' il.iiiiii: i...>rM^

Ui llie ••>uiiti). Ilur f.tiiiii|i« liiilluii

(life. N.ii'.l fi.r MTtiie and raMne.

n |i ai HayFeverijaa-


,>\!1 kinds of

^'iit M(>v%fr9

Xnias i rcis

. and Leaves

ot etery de-

scriptioo. :


BROTHERSiMh IlKits 192


M M«T m r 4»\ ii\ii.

Kansas Cllv Mo., it.e 'Jt. .v

Delia Pratt, fo .>«••«• ..f .1;. nii-s 8harellRlous fanati.. and whopo hufhai.

and daughter trn re kl'led In a Im :

wl'h th. police here December ^ u i

n leiiwii on $'. uoo bond, s' i

. 'i . e.',! with M.nipllcity In tli.' ir

.if I'o'lieliiaii l)::l!>ow. Hhn ^ ,i

h .ied, Sharji n ' .l « Ife are In mhere.

-Jfy glHiaf" he erUd."My guHtf

—*ii KCi»itmxm HOf, toc n>.

il'.iie tbis for iiie.' he Hald. MBlllag still.

„ . H? """i!'* _ jet growing in.ire unive.Breach of orrtlnance—Q, 8. Oarr,

,«,.„ ^ the end of thi» womlerful

tSO and costs. Petit larceny—Annie yn^. of thia our time together; '

Oglivie and .\nn!e Caldwell, <ontln-| .-of our time at I>raslok-not of ourBed ontll Ikrember 28. Honm- ti^, to»tbar, What! Woa't LleBteo-breaktiiK 1..I n MhOri'',' 'c9flt!nu(.d

11 Ui'oeiii'.. I '.'tl.. UbtalulDg moneyf»>dlf pre 1. I'll—^H. K. Wa' j...,' Kh|

ZleelrieaUii tquippti

TS' pajnfbr maa'BMwat orp. ggwi half aolo.

tQi pa«B for woniea'a waitewed or pegged half aolo

35e to SOo paya for mlawa'orchlldreo'a wall tawed erpecged «oik.

3 v. t'l 60' para Ymy*'(ii»int/ tn kixe) newel orpe».'t;.d.

A P'Oitdl 'ir liU'ilinne nili.riiit.'^ i.< fur Hlin M and re.

•limed IttiUliKl Onir flrat-

< iissleatber u^-d aiuf workK.iiiriinti'Cd t > plrai .

I. Market.:\ The .f

aks follow

556; dark, i ii>

56; da(k. l*'i





|,4illU\ |1||. I'lilMlei

l,)U ^^^ • Kv III

, rlugM on 111' loial le

l*Ol» crop: Barley,

bogaheada.19.'i7 irnii: Burley,

bog* It . a.!:-

OrlKilia! inriM • •i

i;.i. Total. 7<« ii .j:-; '

Hejectiun* yeoierday:

.lark, 72 hogvhcads.

KIrat aale tomorrow at the Homelioiire.

Sa!en today:

The Kariiiefs' war. Ii..use sold HH' '>">heada or Imrley at |l«.2.'>n


The State warehouiie sold 9t ho7slii'.'ids cif bnrl.y at tlO.MVOtfi-'?''

Vi-o\\\p't warehon-e sold 77 h";:-

h'.-lds of burley at $].<>,7S0>1""and r. hhds. dark at ti k iO 11.2r>

Dark warcbouae x.ld 41 hhdHdark at «4.IU>0>.#J,

Kentucky wareboufe sold 80 hh.Ii

t.'iriey at |1 1.73 © 1 ft' il, and I"

Mid.!, dark It |«.00<i in.OO.

'-'nth ktreet warahoiine sold <!4

burley at lll.-t'ii n If.75, midIs. dark at td OOji 10X^0.lulsvHIe warehouie nu'd 15 hhd'

y at IU.S0O17.76.

City Trainofer CotC. L. Vaa M«««r, M«ttoior.


All Kindt o( Hauling. Itcoodand WMhingtoa Stretti

Wopohottoo for Storago.

Both Phnnri 490

l/«'\legt(>n Tohaeco Maiftot.xltiniou, Ky., Oee, t4,—^The recof the W>c«l tobacco breaki-

!i closed yesterday for tbe Chrlft-

bolldiys, show total aatea of I

it'ir. pounda, at at average "f

»6 per 100, which fa tt betterI last year. The h!#iest Oipir*'

hed waa tS«.««, which Ia the r-


for thIa Biarkot.

' >dli. Ky., Doc. t4.—Wilt HancockHopkioarUlo, reproaaatlBg the

V rican ggat aampany. boaght 77-heads of tobaeeo on tbe in ai

Ket Monday. Nat Dortcb IS m l

kuer 21.

PlumberUufch 1

Steam FItteit

Sprinkler Equi pmentWe will furnish eitimatet (or all

kinds of sprinkler cquipmeoc for

fire protection. .*• • • •

• • e •

ABRAM L. WEIL & CO.C«impb*ll Bulldlnv, PoduCaH, ICy.

M Wirkausiiip Fint-clisi Matoriil


Mr dl|8M k lb aaia I






Page 5: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt









MAY the dtjrbe the nwrricit outyou have ever enjoyed. We^

have had the belt Christmas sraton

we have yrt experienced, and wish

to 'hani^ >'uu who have cootribulcd

to It.


A <«RIHTMM THOL'OHT.O ChrlHimai Is oomlBf %gm\n, jron m>

And you long (or tk« MllBgl ii« Ir.



Hut t he co^iiMt gift my bM gtaiMra

I be da]r>

Nor help on MM tUtrr . Ml*'rinfing.

Soino K«ttlng It laatag. ywi «nder-


Som*- hoard'ng ii far from savInK:

What >()ii hold in your hand mayflip front your hanil;

TIkti* la aometblng better than


W* an flebar (or what w* give,

Aa4 oatf bjr glvtag w« Hv*.


Kor who la H nnllaa thiWplChrlnf-maf morn-

1 ri. : Lhi of ti f widp croatlon?

A .|. :u iilr Child In a r-tablp born,

WliM^.- iijvo lath^^oild's uiilvation

H<- poi.r on pWh. l.m II" Klvfx

II ^ II 11

That MiiikiH our llf>- worih tli''

And baiipy (be ClirUliiiHK day w* call

That la spant, tor HIa aako. In

• nlv'.ne

II. I, as imight us til. via\ to \w-

l.iki- Mini, let us lov.- and giv«.—Lury lATtam.

The inert' fact that

Scott's Emulsionis universally recom-mended for Consumptionis proof positive that it is

the most ciuTj.^'-izing and

strengthening preparation

in the world.

It warms and nourishes,

it enriches the hlood, stops

loss of fk'sli and builds

up. Get&ott'f.

Ihta »JvrTll»»menl. toorth" '••M' "' '><•

(i^i in wliKh II ar-.Hjrv s..ur tJdrcw 1'! (mit

cnlt to cmc pmUmc ta4 m will MnJ m a

"Cii«>lrti Mm# AHm sf aw Wrtfc" a

SCOTT *BOWNE.40>KnrilML N>wT«ft

who .-1 MX'ndiiit! th<- wIntPrdm ah «ll!i th' lr niiiit. Mr«.

\V, (ir • f, and Hitftidinfc th'

n lioo.. : av." ii'lii: :.''d to th«'.

at Shan MlhK , t.i fiM-nd the h

Mm .1 \V MiNaniata aiil

•1 Pa-


homei Ja> X

chi:- S<>( Inl S<.Mit<>n for

Harvard" 1'oi^|niii).

V MM !a' kcanloa waa h d at Ihx

K kii' llctne iaiit PTenlnn j: honor of

thi. meniU r.v of th.' "Bro» of Har-

Ivard"conipatiy, who ar*- ndlnu

their ChrStniaK hoHdaya In r.idiicah

Th»> proifiatii mac an In

drcn. of Mempb.t>. TeuD., the

kriit'Hti oi Mra. Mi-Namara'a moUman I iilM.-i i»i5 Madtaon.Mr lames P. Bate* If la the city

io KpeiMl ibc bolidaya with hU family

Hmwn or »' '^Si. HarriaoB atraet.

Bom to Mr. and Mr«. Jainea P.

K'tea, I78# HarriioD street, a boy.

nom to Mr. and Mrc. Joha Mjideii>

Mlsaaa Lllllaa aad Wlsabelh I'- r-

Kaaoa. of La omitar, wka ara attend-

intr tha Suta Oattraraltir at Lning-,1 >n, iMsaad through' MfMah thia

morning en ranta to their home to

spend Chrtstniaa. I

Sheriff Peter Blar aad Cbarlaa(ones, deputy sheriff, of MarahatIounty, left thta morning for Benton

after returning from Lexington.

Mr. and Mra. Chariaa Kigar.South Fifth itrefi, Mt ttils ftomlngfor St. Louis. (>

Mr. Wtiliara IL OdMt, of tbe staff

of tha LonliTllto Tlmaa, win arrlva

tomorrow moratag to apaiMl Gh^-maa with bis paranta. Mr. and Mrs.

u. H. Bcoit. of Blghth and Madiaanstreets, and relativaa.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. LotjC 10S1Trimble street, left thIa moratag for

Bltsabetbtown to spond Chrialinas

Miss Ruth Whttnell. of JgllnglOB.

arrived this morning to apSd thaholldajrs with Mlaa BliiabOOi Cka-ham, 7S3 South Fourth atfoet. 8bawill visit In Mwrrar bafora returning

boma.Mr. Kd Hart, of Maankls. arrived

this aMmloK t9 wfimA OMntaMs With

relatiTes. ,

Mr. and Mra. A. T. fMiafar, 1Z22Monro* street, win laai^ toaight for.

.New Albany to affaad Arlataaa.

Mr. Hugh OoBSor will spendOhriataias with (rionda ia Pulaski.Tana.

Mr. Prank oAoraa retafled froml^tavllla thia noralag •» apaadChrlitnaa with hte paraalA- Mr. aadMra. John T. Doamaa.

Mr. and Mra. D. A.- PaU, of th*-roa, Tenn., ha«b arrlTOd to apend

4<i<l H

•ft 4ha DavM had aot toniptad wmaanta ballava,

An4 «* bad aot oaaaad AdMa tn


Then all would have been we'.l.

And In the Uardea they waald still


And Adaitf coa.J aay:

•ThU la Chrlati


- 1): tHHn II. i.-l' i.|i,i!l

Broadway. rh->ue xtti

— Vlult Piigc's kburt order rettau-

rar.i ut Boatb 84KOBd.Vi-tertii;ti'.SM. Parley ^ Piaher,

1145. old: 3&.1, aaw. Hoagital 4ttboulh Thitd.

- ManlcurlLg. ba'.rdrvssing, a«alp

treatments and imtuDaglDg. lola

Plaber, «14 K' titu. ky phone IS52.

—For highest rash market prire

bring yoar tobac|a to Bohilioii'e.

The "Merry Oiristma*" fi imp of.

•' It.'d ('r«>aii will add to IbH <<b<ter' i:n .day tokooa. Ob* e«at

< u. 1. •»• r> » ti< re.

Kor loot.' leaf :<'d«rrs and bind-

irn M'l- 111.' 1'a.liirah Printing andI'.iM. kill!. Jinn (•«.. Phone 400.

- Oily Sttbs.r.b'm lo The Daily

flaa who wish th'' d. l.vHry of th^ir. _.per. ,to,,...d n ..-. ..u.lfj onr ,„^.yi'«TAT,n>,t

;< I tnr» or liiuk" ll direct]

to The Hun ofllr* .No atti'DlloD Will

t>a paid to inr)i nt.ter« when given

to rsrner.. rfuB I iihlnh ok Co.

I wli; rive J-1 11 more rosl for H, . ^ , . . .j.,

thu. :.rv other .o., dealer In town It"^"*). have jumped t« a Jobbing

f<in and cuat aaa. Wai1- ow. r* I'bones 4T»


.atdcf Mr Fa III (i »• I Ml 111 <|T Noilh

>.„ fir., dipartntoii a.. .i„ "'Itl^'i**'!*"-. |cbambMn. hav.

|ir i'l u'.do-k Ibia nioroing. Hone

< >!ti|..inlei. NiM. t and I, and tha No.

4 Irurk an.wcrad the alarm. No

nil " I. lit »a>> iittra<'t!v«' > f.'a'

Miiiii- in. mlx-rd of lh<' < (inipai

lain.* Yoiinx mad.' a ria.i'fu

of thanks and mv«' soiii.- P'

r. inli'i«renres of varioiii K I

< lul (>< I'ar ionx attended by In-

I>:inv, afl.'r wh .h he reril.'


Wliit.onil) Hll<>'. •'His Two

It Eva had i«t eauaad Adas to da-


And tha Davtl had aot tooiplod he.-

to baMavo,

Thea aH wouM bavo baaa wet:.

And there wogid hav* bean ao HELI<.NeRbar wouU thara kav* biaaa a

ChrtatmsB Kv«. 9. D.

miptud by

Ml..... i h



. omi itll'-H


.Mr (^onklin BBVf "0«tlfr

lo.' as a r.'ad nif .Mr. Xravtoii ren-

J. t.-d veral juano numbers Mr.

Kd«':i Siiaikv Mr. Wjirri-n Kerrigan.

\ii K.ii

ll llrown at^d Mr Robert

Sii.iiif- ^»Tl^; a quartet. Mr. Henr»

(iar'.iw KHv. HOme comic aoaga. Dp-

(i. i>hiiieni» were sarvad dartag tht


n.Ul. of 411 Clay street, a glil

MIsf. Carrie Ham rataraed (rom Chrlatmas with thair danghttr. MChicago thIa morning to apaad Chrlai'J- Mitchell, 170ft Clay street,

iiiaa w tb bar mother, Mrs. l>aal kiss .Msbel Epperheimer, l.'.io

H«m, ."I] North Sixth stra*<. Trimb'e street, has returned fromMiss Bila Mohan, who has baon

|St. Joseph academy, near Owenaboro.

visltinx bar slater, Mrs. WiUlaui Rlch-'to apend Christmas with relatives

ardFOD. la Chicago, retnniol home Miss Beasia Maa Levin, of Tenththis moratag.


ami Burnett atraaU, has returned


Xmas goods below cost is Hart's

idea this year. Hart wants to sell

out every article in the line and

ia order to make a den swMpniakei this ofier. For intunce,

iltdi that tell everywhere at iSc;

Itfft tells at 2fe. Wigeai that

Ja?e sold at ILH lell at Mc.

ilher tMB|9 in the time waf.


FOR HALf—Unaa markara at thia


WAkre^PBoardera.**1 VPOR RBlIf or aaia. « raaaoaabia

easy tarma, §ve room hotuo. lOSSMonroo atraat W. M. FMhar.

BUY YOUb COAL of C. M. Cagle.Best lump 12 cents,

or 975New phone 998

11 arrived (rom 'from Owensboro, where aha is

thIa aMmiag to tradlag St. Joan's academy.I h ii5HUA\~h5r*

MMi his alslar. Mrc. Um Ham, till Mlas Anita Laalaa Keller ratar»adj,^jr*l

Mr iMw»r«II rnilnglum, Ala.,

North Stxth atraet. algbt from Now Yolk, wlwro #eMr. Phi:o Allcott arrivad this mora baa baen attaadlag achool, for tte

UiK from Chicago to sgaad Chriatmas holidays.

II home.I

Mr. and Mra. Max Nahm aad MImMr O. A. Wooldrldge, of Spring-^Mt"* Nahm. ot BowOhg Oraen wilt

ii> I arrived today to meat bis wlte,|ca«M aa^t waak to rialt Mr. Joaaph

POH HK.NT- The hotel at .N'orlon

ville. Apply to P. M. Fishar lar la*

at-, formation.


repairing, rubber tires, 40>

Priadman and Mr. and Mrs. Min WKeller.

Mrs. Maggie MWanemacher. of

So>ith Third

KOK KE.ST—Two-sto^ tramereh'id.^uce : >i Kountals avOk Applyto L. M. Rleke.

~l^>RTALiB—At Ooekel'a takery.

two or

Mrf Kd Mtit and <h:IdrJ'n. of ^'oiilb Fourth street, left today forjthree thourand pound platform aeale

Tw fih and Trimble atr.. t.-. \>.iit to Hulherford. T.-nn., to spend the -'arliK ii K


Thejr WU| Ho IDTMb \i

Chlrago, Dar. tt.—Q««tati«W8 ott

prka ot tl ctnts a poand, aad it Is

estimated tha cost t* tha ooasnmerni be aftora thaa If awMa. TMa Is

higher by aegrtir to'ceata than the

I price of a year ago.

I"pMCllraayi a't of our Chrlal

tarkaya are now on tha marketsail a commlaaioa morchaat

ai I ii.'iMl chrlatmaa arMh hhi paraato

.M .i:id Mrs C. W. WooldrldgeI « :T I'.uthrie avenne.

<di:Idri'n. of Poiilb Fourth


linivHiil." .M.iropolU ti.ilay lo spend Clir. lniHs Chilrtmas holidays with her mother

The iKJys of th.' A S. ii!or .lai-s of Ml«i-ej Kn.iua and Hallle H,.ri>on -Mr. and Mr.. Milton l<aty, 0( 4t-

the Padnrah Hluh m Iioo. wHl enter- of Urahann ill.,arrived thia aftnrnoon lanta. Oa., are the guests of Mr. gad

tain the Rirl« of the A Senior class 'on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. . T. lle-l**'*' Jacob WsKerstein. 121 North

with a theat. ' imriy, tomorrow after-! K'l ne* . lo'U ciay street jPonMb street. Mr. I.*vy has a num-

noun at the Jlrown hf Harvard !>«-r- Mr m c Sal.- of rtouth Fifth^e and M A iih U.sit iion wil. |,.,, „ ghi for th. tuoun- ^**>' the.reclpienU of much

<hui»:-i>" liarlv, whi.h will 1ii-,„ , ,„. ilv.-r. » I . r.- he "•»*•"'

elude; Ml»^. . irms Yei,«.r. Klliabcth^i ,.nj,„ a iw.- w. , ks' hnittlnp trip' Bargar. tha daughter

KIrkland. Lii v Be le ».-ttI". Marion „ fri,.,,,!-o( Mr. aad Mrs. P. T. Barger, of 17d4 Madison streets

WlMlamson. K nor ralx' l; Moftn-sj

| , „nj \|rs. Ham: ton Parks ''•O boaa vary I"

<>»'orge K(» .! rr.'or«<' S.otf, .lohn,, | ^<,-i, Hamilton Parks. Jr . of typhoid (ever, la

Riokleg, iW».ii .MIttheii. Frank Luf- \ .nuie Tenn. arrived today to "P-

teabarg. .m- n 1 ChiMmas with Mrs. Parks' I**"'- J*"***

...•.nis. dipt iind Mm. .lohn|,.'Chl«»»» tO

W.l.h, .S13 MadiMn street.

.M- l.iiilu-r Long. Tuo llouth Tenthstr.-. t wi . ;<ave tonl|^bt for Chicago

tinTs of Mr C. H. tn nieii.l Christmas with relative*,

received a letterj \(r. Vauuhii Dalit.ey, who is atlend-

jfrom Mr. fhamblln giving the safe B.thany Theolonlial rollefte

jarrival of himself and wife at Hono- ^, ii,.|hnii.v. West V rninia. will arrive

!uln. .Mr and Mrs. Cbamblln will Ikuiu. this eveninc to spend

113 South Third atraet, Xmaa cakes

and candy uovalUaa.

WANTi^D—Second hand

lr\ ami Machine Oo.

THKBE HUO.M house for rent, 612Adams atreet. Apply Ml ffontb

Sixtb atraat.

WA.VTBD To buy nihlier tire

htiKfrv'. Mus' tie in good runditionill) 1 ( 1;. .ip All: .'SB G.. fare Sun.

\VA(;o.\S~a^' "


ton SiKn


I'liniK-r Pwluraluui* tn Honolwta.

.M- J<i' 11 aiii Jam.'M .Murray, of

lh<> Paduiiil Hil'k and Tile company,

and former

tiUKgie. for sale at

Cal: .itid see them. Sex-

Works, corner IClh and

Old phoae 4>ii

FOR RIC.NT— Store rooin~jusi va-

cated, by Paduiah Distilleries Co.

12s S. '.id. Kent remarkably low.

tha 'holldaya wittiApply on premhy to M. J. Friedman,

hia paiwata, Br. «MI Mrt. 3. 0.|~TbjW—A ahaace on a t'iv. dls-

Biooka. . [aMMld ring with avery 25c purchase.

Mr. aad Mra. a K Harris left tWs Tota»r Phartaa^, Third and Jack-

oorntng for AM^UM City, Um. |aow;' R. B. araadec. Prop.

fM lAta-i(^ acraa

WANTKU H<>«rd.r« at 2 IS NorthSixth, tl! :,<> lo $5 per week. Modarnimprovement!?.

""POjTHALE— Four loU In

End. Corner Thirty-flrat add Waab^Ingtoa. Atoply to W. A. Oardaar.

tJtTi CLiAMto aaa vnmSnHwork neatly dona. Called for aaddetwerad. Jamea Dulftr. phono Ilia.

VTR are making paau at greatly

reduced prlcea until Janoary 1, Rlajt

dtl-a and I will eall with aamplaaand prices. M. loloaMW.

YOUR"IU0B'eai4alMnMA~«la»ing. Yoa will make m mlatakt IBsanding them to tha Star t^tpUUi^Phone 100.

\VE;'WA~SII iace^ ( urtalfis ve; v T;rr,^

fully. Get them cleaner and wlilier

than you could at homa. Star I«bb*do'. Phone 200.

POR~hlank~l)ooks.' rulilier • t^arnggLseals, linen markers, pen points Hmeinks, call on Padi:«Bh Prtatiaff sM-Bookbinding Co.

MIRROR plating, upholstering andfurniture repairing done by Arm-strong A Hlldreth, 220 South Sovanthstreet. New phone 1496.

la iHma (rom*


damage waa tfoa«.

— Revival services at Bast Baptiat

rMirch In MadianUsburg are progress ho'.idaya."

Ing with iacreaalag Inlereet under 'ihe

direction of the. Rev. R. A. Barnes,

of Oanvtlle. Tha Mae. Mr. «tlay. a(

Polaoaidala, will asaama shaiga at

tb« cbareh aait moatl^.

._ Ir and Mrs. Cbamblln will iKune this eveninconly poasHilllty o( a hioo|r la P'laoaiapend ihe »iater In Hono'.uln aad chii^tmas ho ida\s « ih hit mother,la that tha domaad will eaaaa add the', ri^p'^g le surely In the HaValtan s Oahnev :,t>i North Fifth

wharo they will raai;i«, Mr. HarHa] FOR BALM—SOO acraa of tile

has takea hIa string a( feoraea aad dralaad load oaa-fiMrtlt nlla aoath of

will raea ow tha aoutbart clrealt, hat city limlto ot Padaeah ta quantities

wNl l>a at tlM Palqcah (air aaxt year, to salt paWhaiiii Rasp torma. See

Maatar Richard Orme arrived this Glp Hnahaada. phoaa 1017.

morning (rom Memphia on a vMt toj -|poR BaLK—Two t-aCory cotUgespublic will aaft oUier (oad oa the j^^^ 71,.., gal ed (ram Baa Praa- street Mr Dabney win occupy the Boone, of Boath niodem aonvanlaacaa, 1% squares


w I \

diildl^Mi PtaBt%Iirui^ui»'a4tsptay «( Chrlatroaa

i..'giantaB.Tnaaday, dtt BMad-


I tl. MIXKD Nimiw lOc ».

The First Vatfonal htnk tiled aull

asalual C. H Kj^ig lur |15ii claimed

daa OB a aoto. 4. i

—ovHTKRBt onmaMt atsTI T/."S.





It has beooma the cuatomMuoflg many men of good

tu<te to Int-lude a few boxea

of Ihe original Al'.egrettl's Ini-

mitable Chocolataa la their

Chrlatmaa gift '.lata. Experi-

enced onaa ptaea their orders

in advancf (or tha daa&aad (or

thasa toothaooM awfou ia al-

ways Immanaa. Ttoagh «ehave made preparatloaia .(or an

uHttsaally big haatasa thik

Chrlatmaa, Wa arfca yon to

place your ordera now, ao as

to Insure dWIvery on Christ-

mas Day. Wa hava both

•%o^^ ito. TT. Why aot

DO IT NOWMGakrt'sDrig Store

4<)iaaiBrtiiwaflmiller l>h< De No. 77.

f Oct It at tiUbcrt's.


Cisco test month.

New TorJu Dac. 14—Thnmaa H.Ryan, admittedly oaa o( tha graaiait ^ Three Uoka bulldlagpowars la tha •aaaclal worid, oa- ^ attracUva aflhlr.nowaceA that, ytaHlag to tta adv'ro * •*

of hIa physlelaaa, ha hB4 raalgael

(rom the. dtiartOfBte ot •! aorpors-

tioaa. Th* oaly enierprlaes In tie

mansgsmaal ot wbirb the no* >u

Baaaeiar rataiaa a hand are the Mor.

toB Trnat aompaOy. the Nstional

Butk^t CaiBmarca aad tl^a ^bw -

caa tohaedb Vampaay.

Feorla. lU., Oaa. 14.— aphcUlfrom TolBSB. Ilk. aaya: "Aatataa BaHioma. piwBrtataVal Bsaioad, wwBShotaad killed by Aihart VaealOBta. o(

Rutland, III., hara fo'.lowlag a qasr-

r«. Tho crtaie waa witaeasad hy aav.

eral patroaa ot tha aaloon. Vaaalaalaescaped during the •leltamaat aa^ la

(lerBWB 41nb lo fCatevtata


The German club will hav«

Ohrtstmea rutllllon on Friday aitfit

It wHI ^uth Tenth atreet

for Chicago to agi- .relatives.

Tn —taiuta tao Oaa^s ChiMama or. and Mrs. William

Ipiiipli of Ihe First Christian church Ifrom Broadway, on raaaoBabIa torms' aunda< MiKht. I.

"'.-.'J.**'* ^- Address Mrs. Emma Naihaaa. 810111

J. T. Gilbert willDr. and .Mrs.

Lave tod:iv for

they will spend tbe holidays.

Mr. C. W. l.<-wi> and wife


danghtar. Mao JDIsahaU.

Rusaenvlile. Where. '•^"i? to i**;^*

la(t today jpir^raon.

411 <

Phone 081.

IMr. ^nd Mra. P. D. MlUlken, 411' ™R RENT— '..-room house, 410

7M *o«th Nlaotaaoth atraat. Ml today S. I'^th. 90 foot lot, high and <:ry.

i7w.e" (or CriltafldOB coaaty to virtt r. a- Both hot and cold water ModernII leave tonight plumbing. J. A. Rudy, 219 Broad-


Mr. J. H. Preston , 1011 Broadwileft of noon for Loulrvl'.Ic to spent' 1 >OR SA1.,E—Modern two-story,

Chrisinras IBve-roora house; lot 60xlC5: deslr-

Mr. and Mra. J^sob WOltartaata. of ^ved today at mH,n on a vlalt to Dr.' WIKiam Neel. 709 Kantucky ablefl^r'^^nlJ^

Bit If**. avenue. left today for Oweaaboro to cars: bath, etc Easy pajments

.visit relative? Apply

night St their homa ia honar «( Mr.*; Mlaa Baldia Smith, of North Fourth' ^ ^' o( Haa 1219

WANTED—At onee, three or four,

experienced e^oak aad salt aalaaladtaa

at ITIIman'a, 312 Brt>adwaV. LiberalI'l'nim ."...Ions

KOR SAIyE^^ SBiall place, 5 acres',

short distance from city. Nice dwell-

ings just the place for gardening andpoultry raising. Address Tony Lleber-

man, 4th and Broad, or phone 891.

WE B+ARCiT rice curtsina. Jnatthe Aegree of stiffness that makeathesn hanK nirely, and dry them iipi.a

frwimeg thai make them square, andstretch them amooth and Ovaa. BtaVLaundrr. Phone 100.

FOR SALE—A"lew "Rhode" Island

red chiikens; also larne white Pekinduiks. Squabs and tumb breeders;

fine Imported and domestic pigeons,

IncIudlnK Carneaiix. I>ii(hess. I>ra-

Koons. Honieis. H» ns and Motidaines.

J. W. H.ilni.'>. lliL'l South Fifth.

"iLI.I.NOIH COAL ft FHKD CO>r-pany. dealers in the best I'Dion minedcoal sold in Paducah. Lump. E^g or

Ntit at 12 cents per bushel delivered

anywhere in the ritv Offlce and yardsICtb and Tenneasc- streeta.

phone 733. lld phone $6S.

Polk and

'llttie daughter, of Alexandria, ar-

rived today at noonNorth Fourth atraat, will aBtartain a poik's parents, Mrfew friends IntorBmlly oa Chriatmas ^'.k, of tha Mnyflcid road

1 1. I JeSoraon. Old


Abla-hodlad aamarrlad maa batwaaaages of II aad 15; eltlsens ot DnltadStates, of good character and tem-perate habiti, who can speak, read

phone EnKllsh For informatloB

and Mrs. Milton Uwy,who are their guaata.

of AttaBta,


_ apply to Recruiting Officer, NOW

strMt, retir'a^d tiiia"Biiatag"(rom l^^^ if,L08T_Bttwwi Ooawwto hridgajatchmoad House. Padaeah. Ky^

"" "" MOKBT AoWTS.whwe she la a ata-

Chrlstmaa with Mr and Mi* on Hiusbaada road and Ktoha-atattoBLynchburg. Va., wnwre bbv • •»- v . n r. j 1 Li/li'."."—

dent in the Raadolph-Maaoa collaga. /. L. Bl""'' f'-^'^J^t«g t^ pockatbooh contala

Mrs. Guy D. Martin Mft at aoofc' N*"y"?l'' "\f»«>- tagm l^ four peaniaa amf a paari

for Oreenvllla to ap«Bd Ohrlstmaa. »«»» Cincinnati on a tWv h«ttoa. I|««r. to Baatlsr UthamMr. Hugh Bohtaoa will laava to-/* ^'•»«'" ^ „ „, ,„, «>" »^"" «««^*o»^

'Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Blaney. So; Rp^,,jA avmhar o( aut-of-towa gaasU, ... ...^

will ho pran«ttt for the allvar wadding night (or OroaBVlUo to «aa4 Cltrlat-'

aaalreraary ot the Rev. J. W. Waek- nias wRh hto porOBta. ... ,„ ,^„. r^hru.™,.aid aad Mra. Rtachard, whtafe »hey| Mr. R. H. ChMtondea, who tata


will oalahratooa Batardajr ovoalng turned (rom a aajoara In the moun|

with a lanapttaa at ttair homa, 1104 tataa o( Califarata far his health aad

iWasblngton street, left today for In

The good form dlspilayed by many

and OoCea froa1 BUY YOl-Tom W. RohdrW with tha (tooat At^

lantle and PoaMU Tsa and Ooffao Co,

being poranad by a poaaa."

(lagor Caatmra and Bulah Haatb.

Marrta CampbaH and Ellsa Cllea


Mafvtage at Imae Oah..Mr. W. B. ThOB^Mon, of Bast St.

Jeffaraan atraat la tha raaalving haa baaa onUna wIVI ho ropraaantad ovoaUiK*^that Dr. Bladtard hu aarMrW>>«15 yeara. Amag thoaa wha wtN ar- CarravUia.

rive oa Batarday lor tha Moaalon| Mm. Lao HH«, af MO Jonea street,

aiw: ia apaadlag tha haOdaya wUh her

Dr. A. B. laaaa. praaldaat o( the father. Mr. J. D. Caracal.

M. C. F. I. at laehoOn, Tai^a.. whose| Mra. Oawrga Ataaander and daugb-

father marrlad Dr. and Mfg^ Black- tar. iMIas iohaato. left today for

,ard, Mrs. D, F. Friddal, «t Texsr- pnris, Taan., toapand ChUstmaa wKhj ^^od and htadltag, pg|r 14.00 Victor and Corner-stoneLouis. Mo., was married thia morn-|^.,n, ^rk., a <daaa»ato at t^ M. C. Mra. AlaiaadorHi oMUier. or green heating wood, caU 1007 «aas (or me» «t ll.W: 175 pair

po"""*"" ">, F I. o( Jaahgoa. o( Mra. Uackard.l Mlaaaa Bdytho and Sadie Oliva |,,„,„„ w c c.ipson. tt.O* Nntonaikor sboaa tor man at

10 Miss Irene ,.4 ^rf d. M. Ateaaader. of flobta ot CMaam>. will arrive Friday ~ „ ^heaa prlcea

. ,„ J ,.r We have the haat teas, coffaea, ax-

a v4sit to hi. brother. • womaa ia daa to ber dressmaker^^^^^ ^^^^ iMa,«,„i. chooolafC,

Mr. Ooargo Chtttaadaa. 4l» Eltta-j Itapioaa. etc. Toar patroaaga will be

hatb atraet, haa gaao to his home la _i _a _i. _s_j.^^^.,^ highly appreciated. Tom W. Roberts,

New phone (101.

~VOTfCE~ fhls Is to .ertify thsl I,

T. C. NIckles, Fourth and Washing-ton streets. Iniood to quit the retal.

Shoe business and will sell all shoes

I now have In staak a. follows: '2 00

aad Utaia Faatar.

inK at the lione Oakthe Rev. J. W. NaylorColeman, of Massac. Ky The couple

were accompanied by Mr. Paul Foa-

ter and Mlaaaa Willla Lao BmlUiJ^Haakard. ot Jaahaoa. a hrother of streetMary Oaloi


Jsrkaaa. Touk^ Mrs. Alesaaiar la a moratag to he the guests ot Mlaa

kister ot Mia. Blachard. Mr. WIM Lav .Watta, of West TrimbleTw.'iily-llrt.< ami Broadway.

of Cinciiinat!.

during tbe holidays.1

Dr. Rlaahaad) Mn. J. D. trdaor. 0(1 Mr. Jame% \ft'becler is home tot

Chicago. ' Uio Chriatmaa holtfaya. with Wa par-

(hristmaa i.>e Wedding. Mrs. Hamlltoa Parha; If lta8h«Nto.'anta, Mr. and Mrs. CharfcO K.

Miss Eatah Heath and Mr. Caser tp„„., ^ |, ^ho g—ti* ot h* ,whealar,( - r.ler, both of Kansas, Oruves „^,„„ j^^. |^ ^hM. tor] Mlaa Mania Snyderounty, were married -thla afternoon r-,,rlatBiaB, WOO also a alaaamate of Ohio, la vialtlng her brother. .Mr. J

In Ihe parlors of the Palmer House U|rs. RtafhsN Ot tho M, C. F. L. and'•ly the Hev (>. T 8ulliv.m. The •.,„ ^^ ^ y^, ,i^y|ng party,.iiiple WHS aiiompanied by seveiall '


frleniVs. nho were wltueases to thel ||rs. C. L. Rryan OBd SOn, ^fVOIton,

ertniony. The bride and groom are'^f Ooriath. Mlai., arrivad todagr on hpopular young paop:a ot OravaaL to Mra. M. A. Mclntyre, l2on~ouaty. iMaBroa atraat.

IMr. Calvin Baker, 816 Madison

Mi>s Elicabeth Welkert. 312 North ,trect, will leave thia evoning' foi

Tt II OO. ThaModern their actual cost,

and be eoavinead.




horse' WANWiS^^nway maU clerk*


Twelfth atraet, will leave tals avoa- Maylleld to spend Christmas.MK tor (Mtralta, HI., ta apoai Chrlati Mrs. F. H. Kendall, of Carson, N.ii:is. . Id., will nrrlve tonight on a visit to

c<in\vireii(ei Ring ISl.

^ KOH S.\I,K- Heavy one-horse

« HI a id harnets. Price reasonable cuatoma ansploras: clerhs at Waah-

, I K iioiiduran!. .Ington. OofflBiencemeat aalary fS^O.

. A. Many sprlna 'examhtatlona. ComntoB

K.';''" H fh,:f'r,Cr".!.r S 3^ti^ ««cleoc. Oandi^ttea p.*baih and stable. 3«2 corner SUth

Immediately forand Washington, old or Bow J^';-'^*; 'TXto. Ro-

H. Baydar. use Trimble street. |n.-,^ v 'ahalater NMr aad Mm R. B. Bradshaw >fv WANTED—Ov nma and wife: ,.

tX f^r^JSTyvine to v»... 'thtl^^W^aaS^ialSl rooms. 'r-^^^rr "ai:°e" hu


Mlu Maado Oalrne., of Rockport. e^^ay located. Call saw phone "„ ^t


Ky.. Is the guaat of Miss Fiances Car-^^^ »•»• and shall contitmo to 1

ney of JalNrson boulevard, for tho- tHrANl«D-kan U» makk erap In business, and truatlng thatholidays. / . MarahaM county. Ba at A. L. Har- ^ ^^^^ pleasant relatione which

Mr. and Mrs. John R ^va.ker and aftaratma ot heretofore existed between ua

In the

Thankini; you

daiMhtav, Mlaa Elisabeth, of Son A*-. irlU always be continued, we assure

tonte. Texs* are the guest. otUr,^^^^^g ^ dkMu aakaa, yoa that we diall alwaya protoct your

Walker s akUr Mrs. I.. L. Baboat. i

decoratloaa aad aalmal sahaa at tatore.ts. Very traly.

Miss Christy Roa* la(t thia mora- her mothe,. Mr. J. W. White, sndl' M^^aSTiS p'V Br.y. of dr., 't»e St.r Bakery.Wd Kaatae^ JULItm FRIEDMAN. Aaent

iiv for nirmlnBham on a vlalt. |>ir. F. K White. Sill! North Third pasaad through the c iv yesterday en ""^ """^ pnones

Stale Ra:ltoad Coiiimissloner McD „reet, |roilto ta Darten Tenn, to visit Mr|

THE I'ADL'CAH llaiuess ft Sad- »l. RplHp OwPfl Pim'•eiKu-oii and daiiKhters. Mlaees Lit- Mr. Will Thomas. 1415 Monroe .BraVs parenU.


the» « ". return dlo fn «;1I re,,a;i vmi, harn.-*« good till. M^IH^ VTT«;saiaai;i«n and Klixali"th, of (.a CcBter, re- ^ reel, will leave tonight for MoaB> Monday to ipiiiJ the rniiainder of Ba n. at rea-^.m

. > .iTu e Will For Informai.on apply to A,

turned hoiiii- this morniug after a phi. on a visit. '»lm holidavs with Mr Mr. S»U«r- Jgva you money on . oUart sOd aad-

> '

"BRTBAMPiUD OFFER. (15 days ohly),

bright, spgrkUaff, famona, |l Ear-aatto Simulation Diamond Rtag:hrllltaney aquala genulna—dataettoabaOea experts—lir.s every reqairo-

Bwnt ot the most exacUng—piaafaa

the moat fastidious—at onlythirtieth the cost of tho real <

As a means of introducing this mar-velous and wonderful, sclntillattatf

gem. and securing ns many newfriends as quickly as poehibl.'. we are

making a 8|x'<ial Inducon.ent for the

new >ear We want you lo wear this

beautiful rlntt. this Masterpiece of

Man s Handicraft, this simiilatloa

that hiiailv'es with all the beauty andflash's with all Ihe Are of the Gen-

uine llianiof.d We want you to showit to vour friends and take orders for

us. as it sells itself—sells at sight

and makes 100 per cent proSt for

you. absolutely without effort on yourpart. We want good, hoaeat repre-

sentatives overywhere, in every la-

cality, city or conntry^n (Bet, ta

every country throughout tha warM.both men and womaa, yoaag aad old.

-who will not aall or pawa tha Bar-natto Slmulatlott Dbuaoada nadar thapretense that they ara gaaaiaa gaats.

as such aetloa aoawtimaa, laada to

trouble or .partwrraaamaat. II yqawant a Bimatattaa diaawad, a sahatl*

lute tor tha gaaptaa daa't wait

H< t today, as thto advortlsamaBt iMipnot appear agalan.-Brst cosm. grti

served. For Free ^mpla Offer,

beaatlfnl Ring. RBrrtags. Stnd *fScarf (stkk) Pin. address

THE BAIWATTO DIAMOND 00..Oirard Building. Chicago.

MentioB this paper.

An honest wblla aBR dan ownblataome, small aiM. with bl«(

rsdft aan rataalot, by payingenou„'h I'liiokena hn pa]r

Fur paMii"i';ir£»pr'-rcDl.

Page 6: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt

mHere is lust the Nicest Sort

of Christmas Pietnc

The Sun is showini; a big; line of

very new things in fancy stationery, en-

gravtd or the plain for hoHday prcstnti.

You will be surprised, too, to note

iilMlfiMiitfy cncfoytd tt»tioQ«rTWt

uA mVm at fomtrMMr low Prieii-

Wc aft alio thowlBg all the new

tbtogs in calling cards, wedding an-

nouacemcnts and invitations, and can

save you money oaany orders you have.



mmmPriatiac Far Us BftalOWaUy

Dr Rbi PMcMB It la


Of Ui<

Ltfae h

A i'onfi-wloii.

"It It mU that >-ou have mad*profMad atody of tochnological anb-


IT wiu. aavB wxm Momnr.

IntpraatloMl Suntey MktfV Leaaon.—Ixinlavllla Poat.

Nonrljr avvrrbody liMwa DaWttVeUtile a^flf RiMt* «M tiM k«t |iakmadai. TMjr Art mtti, slewwt, mmUttto Ltm Ptito. aoU kr all dnirgiyta.

ateil'ror ihia reaaoD eaettw tha wtMnlothar matter for the BlUiil, wbkh la

a^awt tba itUaomnr- «ka Ml aMJ^[ae'.ortvJ hr a eowittaa appolntae

a ^tBdPr praaa. wkieh waa laTaBtaAlcoinpoaaa of all of the auvarlntand-

br Mr. Iliintoov »e««ral yeara a«D|antK of aUta laatitatloBa t<tr theaaa wblrh praaa of lU kind In the bitml. Hmm are alNrprtatsd A tbl«

'coualrr- m*^«4 >t a aftoM, plant aavaml UwmmiA «•»(« of thefor anotntT preaa, there itow being'

two la thi« ceiMiiry. The natrta kmade on a tlila abpet of brass withthia atereoKraph. wMcH tatt«r ma-atae is the lavwrtlo* 'at Mr. W. B.

Walt, of New York City.

The niachlM worka OB the privof a tyapwilw, tti brass ylate

BR abore tofllb. whka an raiaed

Hito position by noaaa of keya pr«aa/

at with iha a««ara. Tkaaa teetk '

fam tti<' potat

1%hi U in ai


Mr. liiinioon'a lavaaiiea bagins at

thta point. When MM alMk ti kraaah«a Ix '-n run throaak tho atereo

snph and the malrli tor one imgeeoaip:< t«d, It la tnrned orer and la-

tt>rlln' 'I. (bill causing It to show the

relievo and intasllo dota. The plai«-

la friaced oB « aort at acreen andthan on^e eyUadar. Rubber runh-

ioBi are usa4 Instead of blanket

•a^tka ariMa »lattJ<*mCm aitk tka oM*"!

TtoIt to tha paea Vm ^Ifla. V* live

taster than men haw ever lived In

I litstory of maakind. We Ihwmo'M thane 24 houn< In the da.v.

XMAS JEWELKYWe liave uiaajr Ngnptiooa to,wake ia

iaandMiM itaipy*. V<'

\uiaa pren-ntK. t'oiii**

B. PARRISHR»llnhl« >f*w«l«r

.* ^ I '•' < - • P«dw««iHa Kr-

B. B. HnntaoD, anperlntaaaaat

Awarlcaa Prlatlu House for

lid and also la diarge of the

Kent«<«y Inslltiita lor the Blind,

with U»' aaaJstani'o loe Mr. 0*<-n .Mr-

Cann. loieman of the printiiix <>j;-

rabltshn ' nt, lia.s inveated a iirncciis

i>r print iiix literature for th*- blind caaMoiis, as Is tke ca«» on the ordl-

«hioh w niait-rlH'ly rcduo- the cost nary printing praaa. The paper

or tbe'«.>il(. the tine reiiulreJ Injpaaaes between tho braaa plate andthe «'xe('ir.on of the work and alao

tiiH roluuii' of ih<' roinplet*>d ^orfc.

tha rubber caahlea. Tho rallevo dotear« pri'sseA iBto the papor lad therakker praaaaa tho papor Into the (n-

"t have," anawered the profaaoor.

1 "T^m you ran satlsfaetoftly ex-

lilala the utranR* ganaoala aad heaA.<:r<«Fyi s of th«> savaaaa.

"I rannot. aiiv more }fcaa t aaasatisfactorily t \|>:a n DireetolN aowaaof Merry Widow liat>.."—Cxrhaoca.

our edible doga » .1 rata fre the

cleahest fee<|ers Ini^xtnable. Tli' V|Tli'' time i-onaunM-d In printing byare equal to celar>-r>d dock or Cu -.the •> d mt-tbod is very great and theltagtlo dots, ao that one Inpreasioa.

ifornla peach>fed h»«. They aie usua y aumbersome sixe of the oaa p iite and one piece o|. papar nowconflned in runs, yon kno«'. and, to printed natter MR always presented nakc two pages of riia^laa matter

make their llesh white ahd delicate, a proi em to educaiora of the blind, for the baad. wharaas tka ol« nethod

tbay are tad oa masbea'af br»l an J The nw proceaa' Invaatad by Mr. reqalres two ktaaa ^tea, two ph^mt:k aaU vaaaublaa. No meat wk«t-^binto»n witl jaItb tkla problen to|of paper aad two Tmpraaoloni. In-


Yon Amerleaaa thiali It

Ing tp eat rata aa# dpc* baoanae yuImagine tken fatter lag on carrloa


He nfver trok a day of rcat.

He couldn't afford It;

Ha never had his trousers pressed.

He eoaMn't afford K;He never want away, care-free.

To visit aioCaiit taadp, to aoe

How fair a plaaa taw notk nli^ beH* aaaMal aOodtf M:

He Bovar ilaal to see a pJay.

He oottldn't afford if.

His lova fur art b« put away.Ha ewMs't affoa* H;

Ma «M aad laft hla kaira a lot,

Bat Bo taH skaft proaialBMa tka opot

la #Maa ka Uaa-aia cMMraaIkPa^l

tkay aaaMaH afford M.

and offal Bat tkesa (roga here

No. I'n afraWI I e4ii

He pnske* ba«k kia plato

waltatf for the aakt coataa.

.MIL.K-KKIt KIMItl.K ItATS.The ("hi new ilip!i)Uiat lenanled

hla grli:«.'U '.runt' lt>gii »illi faint J;k-


"I >.upp«>He they are gaod," h»(hHereJ. "M Is hard, though ,to con-quer ny repnlskia. Yet Hiay are

e>aa—clean feeders, «hr"The American laughed long ana

tlk OMi

"Toa," ka ertoA. "are ropalM byaaa, yaa wko aat aasa aoa


"Ak. but,

Kodoi is noiio of naiafal d^paatlaa

Julcea found in a h«Mklttiy sloMek.d it dlK'^ts all fi>od coinpIHely

KmM te i' -tcsant to lak<> apt! :k guar-anteed t.. give relief In aii> raaa of

stomaci. iruubl*-. Sold by ^Wl draf'

ofa |t«at astant ia coaaa^aaaca of the, creating IM eoat aad tka valume

fact that It win peraiK tka use ef> tha matter.

both tides of the pafar. wharaaa Mr. HuBtaaa'a tnveatloa will af-

formerty oaly one sl4a af the page tOr« a ttmt davtac. daaaiu tha tact

c«M::d be otlUaad. Thara waa Invaav'tt^t a slightly ktiker grada kf paper

pil foma tlBM ago a proceaa for uaTag'*!!!- have to bo used. Hn Invention

aalfboih ildas ef the paper hat the pro- haa hern patented as a aaaaa of self-

cext waa ao slow snd tadlons thatj

protart :on, Mr. Huntoon Ikaring that

I- waiT foand imprartlcal. laoaiaone wouW get hold of the idea

As Is well knor.n. printed matter ^n" " ""f«•»• Plntlnrc

r «hp blind is primed In what la''"^ W •

mo"' than 24 bourn In the dsy.We burn ihv candle at both endo.

ail.! for fear the other auui ahouUliget ahead of us Ught It In the inld-|

.]'. too. T^a word ia shrinkingunder oar enterprls** We ehakejbaada aaraas tha Athintic: we havei.1 nodding aeqaaintam-e with tiikl

\ i;i|"Mlea. Wa live by neive aiul

i'raiii. We lira Intensely. We live

all tlie time. We live with every

lit^rt-ibtoti. Th' very breaaas a%tiiey play about ns tnake music, orit oay be dlsconi on our nerven. of{

no ipeople on ea: h is thiH ito true »*\• the .\mprl<"»i I'eopN' and in ililsl

i« <i Ni » V. IK mor>' .\ni'' i Hni; .\niei!ca the piis"lll wril-l

• r it has stirai't iie< ( nn 1 iha' .iT.|

ler the prore^^ of evo'.iition lad

reached a r< ^an slage Moiherj

Nature paasxj »lii e to Mirvev li.1


haadtwork :

' anJ 'imiI( iik 'i < >'i


finished produil m lb'- <> 'I Woi>l.

i-aul "M.r ICnKii-liniun up to the

prewiit jiioMienl. the lle^t tbing \

hav«- pro.l III ed ; liiit I iini ic»iiiB to

try to iiiii''<>»e oil ihi' »oik" fin

,Bha yrot'-' Jed to iicbteii til,- -.tiiic

^ture af)Mi' »hat »h'ih<«r » h lo-^

ITS A SWELL OUTNTwe c.iiiuot aatteh at tint liver> vl.iliie

We keep all our tarrluK a hiirue.v.

and hurs. s In llic Iliu-Nt roiidllloii.

U io l I* ,1'r tlil to hire the rig youwant ti i.ikc vM'n yu- swellisttileo'la to drive. We'll aeod yoa oaaaven thay wcqW ha fftad V> nim. Aooutiltibat aUl laaktfywKael Ilk* aBilllMialfa.

TBI TULLY LIVeiT CO.(lacorporalod)

'hii:eull> teriu«d the palot ststen.

Ahlth f.iiiiij it» oiikIq In th*

: pot of tile Kanie iif itiillliliutn.

iif thi'Ko >pots vkus lonsiniciid a»hole alphabet, wh<h is taught taui: cbKdrcn lu thv acboala for bUnd

'for Its use.

Prlntlag liieratar« tor th<> blind is

Out 'not a paying baalnaaa. la kMt, ai^

th<! pimting that la ao« Joaa is

doaa either at Ike laataaaa aC U<-,gavarnmeBt, tkroagk prltala be-

Tht-re are about «.«M Nan York throughout the country. Thi* ays- queata or throuch fnnda farkiafcad byi

p^BMna adw have not ke«-a i» tha ten waa Invented by Mr. William B.jcharluble and retlgtona* aaMetles

eay. on as average, two n>oo|bs la aiWalt. prlacipal of the New Yorlr fla- only ahaat 6.aa« bl1nii|

yaar in the last decade, liurope. the stitnte for the Blind, and while lCr.l»aani in the varioat state Instltn

aautk, aaai4Kire and moumalna hatve'walt la given credit by tka<N«>w Tarktt><NM. aad tk»Ahaalaaaa of krintlni

of sUbSke m:i

little J-



vol id--

Mil. lit

a I. '<

the e.i

<y remain* yet to I.I

: t a little lea* ton-ln .iv> . a

-ol. i and fin. id Sii pour

hi < iiIHp<'»""!l ' few ' Xli;i

lOlvoll- ll^lM .llld ^• 'It <ll'

liil 'll ll|H II lllk eu >» l ol

ii(tiie>.t. Willi all lnl«>i:<-<'t aa.- that ol the aiK'lelil Or. . k

. pt'rsuh upoB the fai < of

ll .\pp'> ton's M iKii/ '


Oem for the other tea m nths. Sun for having Invented the Mw;»tanture for tke

proceaa af printing, ha hsd nothing •• do with the InvaatfcDn an J koewi Tka Amerlrannothing about It aBtll last July.! the BHnd was •

Rennedy'i Laxativa f>>ugh ByrapBtopa jka oeagh aa« arive* th* eoiff

from tha ayatom. Cklldrek lifca It when ha, with tevaral other etfucat-'vH> In is

aald hf all drwMlala.

la verv


Printing Houae for'

lah lthed In l<oni»-'

:i il(i s ni e t he

to tho V8Bor>ds ofteraal iwvaaaa aH»rmooth. Naw Tark Otyaientad Uqaan aaoaKh

early *T<^%aarta.


n thereora of tka kllad. eaaw to Unntovllle has h«en steady pro):ie>.s :n iii'

to laepeat tke Inveatian of Mr. Hon- methods of prt'p.-irini; piniMiic in.n

'taa« aaa Mr. McCaaa. ;tpr for the blind. Mr. Hunionn has

I 1W flfst eipartnMHT wllk the Bewlboan la charge slace ISTZ. and is

arank fer- syiUai waa omde Jary SC. when ihelane af th* leadlnx Sgare* in this

to ilv* ea*-^ 8t||l4ay school leseoa waa run off. It workk^s well as la the gfuvrat workat aaea pion0 mpOlar Ad gained or edaaatiag the kllad.* The local

' iaiaMdlata appfwval all parsons in- printing house, while a state Inatllu-

aereivara; tkay aHiterealed ia tka #aril of tka fcHMtitlaa. M subaMiaad by theacalving tia.aoo a year tb

ptapartag teat baoka aad

i'U.KHt vii.yji: vnmiWilliams' Indian Pile Olntmsat will

riire BIlBd. Bleeding and Itching Piles

It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching

at oaea, acta aa a poultlrr. gives la-

•unt foMal Williams' Indian Pile

0 Dtnent ia prepared for Pi>s snd

I'.rbing of the private parts Sold '>>

drugsMa. auai ia« aaa li-oo. wii-

liama* ITTb. Oa- Viafa.. Cliaateail .o


AOQMMMUWor A•Aiirrr wdMAiPB Toibrr.

ki band akMlBiu aoaha. brashaa. naa-teare seta, parfaaies, loilet wataraereaaw, latlaaa aad powder are bar*la all Ik* eaaaialtc elagaac* and hIgMgrada eoaaaetlaaa aa dear to ib- fem- r <

iniae haarCN Aa alAi to beauty osi^

Uka af akhi loa«a la creams and lo-

Moaa ara aaaiiUad. car array acloUel aitMaa wtU eaU Ik*

Iw 1. WIHSTBAI. •ratflM



Qirls are gaywaya try to maka a .vaang man h^'fiacatloa at tka Wlnd. ' haaat.Hava tkay were aavfr kiaaea befara.l Mr. Haatoon'a InventkMi M WpittBia la

Mataal lAm*.

1 of the Tnnimant !e'..«<aie-. nl

I! i>«'nv^ eolivelitioi »a» al>-

'vroachad by aa old u«<i'iH.a(itii<'«.

t»hu WM bad > ilowii in Iiih luekj

S.I ing op IV the Taiiiuiiiiiy it« he

Hay, HIH. ;'-n<l nie a i«eiii\. wi!!

JUi' 'I Mi -tio '

llie N« « \ i>i k. r »• n: U'* n '"

hiK puckM. Buhe.i oui a hiK ro:


What could bo m Mro «

suitabliB gift than a ctnk

telephone? It will evoke

pleasant remembrances

of jdif fivor kHif Mtor

haft passed*

We can doliver the tn*

slrumint Christmasmorning. Ourlines reach

everywhere, ^pe r i or

equtpment; pfCMnpt and

courtepus service. Call 301



1«-J a ieii-d<illar b.ll lu lh<- « •

> .i>





Miiil he of lh< "lourh.

k liOW

I >i



1 .lid••

:||:lik this »

leu and 1

I th.' t.i.'t

fl^ht with their tsts;

rith their tears.

The Woader of the

20Ui CenluryV' tii .;;ht as uaf ia 'ilia ^rkeM nt/l.t

by ihf us* ot Qfu lifbla. Owa jear owa in»plaat at WM-half tlm ooat «ff jmar keroalni'

III! A.sV im iiImiiiI the pro|iii.|tiiiii — |i)ii'iie<

i>.v>. We will appre'-iala a call aud iLtdly

aapWa ta



AasaU Bdlaaa

aoorda.aad Viator Plmiiograplis

Ncwfaoorda^vary week.





A man whd lyiftlost bis kft baM by letting it^hang cMit a car window always is careful to loeep hUright hand hMtldee Unfortunately he only has one


HBADa A wtt# head wai new broken while It wasthruit wt a cair wlndowe

Some person^ never can be convinced that awagon, or ilreeni^, or some moving or stationaryObject la•sure to4q>pear sooner or later and spoil theview.

At least tell the children to keep thell* heads and.arms Inside. MAKE them do it.

Page 7: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt


NEW STATE HOTEL. MBriRornLig, ill.r Ik A. Bml^,

vm mm, ji.


IlinillnK, Hank Work, I.<>fpil

I Library Work a perialO'.


9£ ham « nmincMUBrMxmmt oompaiit.



l<Mv«« Pattacah forKmj WfxlnnMlajr

• ••••••••• • • • •

•ompany U not r««poMlbt(tor tBTOlM «harc«i celltttad

ftr tk« eltrk of Um kMLRpeelft] unjr*lon mtM from Padu-

Mil to Watprloo. rap* for tb«

^B^M^k • • •

Ar, jMkM ... • ••••••• ISiSA IBi

MiATttto .,

Ar.' • .•.«• I;t0 p.IB

Ar. HlekMa . .


1:W p.B.Ar. Ckatttnnnfa $:n p mLt Paducr.ij . .


1:16 p.m.Ar Nii«fiTii:« . .


I:S0 p mAr.

Ar.Ar f%&nauouga , >:44 a ID-

Ar JaoksoD . . . . 7:t0 p mAr Atlanta 7:10 a mLt I'ndiirah . , .


(:(>0 i^mAr. Mmrntr T:IS ».a.

ArHval.ArrlTW PIO p ni from NaihTlIl*,

Ifcmphia and all SoiiUirrD po.ala.

Arrtvna p m. froai NaihTlll*.

N'mph'.t and all Southern ^olnta.

7:46 am train coaii«cta ai Ilo'lon

Sock Jet. with dialr car aad BuSMBrolUr (or Mamphti.kit p.B train ronnaeta tt Hollon

ftMk ftt with cbair «w U« •••••Broiler for NaahTtU*. ^

F I. V\< ilan4,

4 SO tlroadwaj.K .» Bi




Hptx-UI lloiiK-w^ kfTk' cirur*al»ii nil«<», .N'ovPnilMY IMUl,tmm, ontj lliiill -_>l darn—ToIwHnU In \l;il>iini>, I'lorMa.

<i<><>n;ljl, l/<>lll'>l.llin. MUMiHKl|i|it

.Vorlli (^ri>liiin, Soatli ('art>-

hiiH, Ti'niK'K'x-i'. Ilounil trip

rnlt'M Mt p<<r n-nt of iIh* oa«t-

way ra(«. Ff>llowUm aM Umntrm to mmm •(poteUt

ill iili#iiiii. AlB 9fMBatata Hoace. Ua. .


New OrtoMM, Ltti.,



« • • •'

•••••••...*••• H.IS

• • • •


B.II. nuTsn.


BOX '^^^O^^or


HcPHeRSON'SDrug Store

Lega ot the TaMM/MMl.A late rlih>f staff oHlrcr of one uf

till' Inraiitry n>Klmoiit«. rHatlnfc aomeof lli<- i'X|M>rl<>iiri-H (if the pxpislltlun,

ralil that fino (|a,\ , nfli r hour.-; of '.«-

iHiiliPiis <!i||ilpiiin a sli'^ii nil.


licviT-' ii(l'ii|£ palli. ln' lu airt ^ uimof (l<'t|iiilr from ii prlvnl>' wi ^

l<<iok '<Ti>, Hin, I'n- ad • i; :li

of tills." till- MildWT hhIiI I"

riiiiiindo. "I wuK told 'ab 'o» .i waa.1 lilimniln' tablelanj."

So ii la. Can't )0 B»'«' ye'roml. in lip nno of the l«ga of ItT"

• iiiiiK-d HIM, wltb a Jocular aupw-•irlly.—PhU«de:p|i4a Ooaalp.


AIDmmmWJI. 1. BucbAOAO .Sent aa

A lull lli'i ouoil lull of llir Nru |(<'

gtaio IMpeMia iM Mi AMUty to


Waahlnv^n, D«& N>—After an In-

tervAl of eight gigalki tke ITiiit<-d

fUatsa govern meat luM reauniisl

friendly relatloM wItA Venetmla.and Wlllla* 1. BuckanM baa Wt iliii

roiintry on the rraiaer Mortk Cuo-llna tn lk« ca|)u<-lt.v- of aiwctal coni-

mlMloner to vihit <bat conotry, tn

look Into Iho lituatioa, mni report.

Mu«b win dopt^d oa tkeMtare of

the ooaiBunications h« will make tb

'he ctBte departmeat, among themhe qneatiM of whetkar the Vnited


6L0BESGuaranteed Curefor all Kldaey an4Bladder Diseaeaaa


Two tfoaaa gtr* ttflef , aad one boxwill care aujr oMUaary caaa of KIA-

Mr or blaMar ireuble. B«mo«aiOraiwl, 0um Slabetea, flaalMalaimiBi. Waak «ad Lama Baek,RhaamaHaa, aaA- all irrefularttlaB ofIka KMaaya aa« BWider In bothDiea aad womea. Bold at M oaatii

par boa ea ae cure aa par baala

Ar McPberaoa'B Otuk atora, Wiartband Broadwar, Milb agent for Pala-aak, or aaat bf mm u|aa taeatpt «fprioa }»j Lark IMlclaa Oo., Laaia-»llla. Kr.«»=8ssfi an I

mah VoMth.Oeneral MierBMn liked yoang

man, bat not wben iliey were fresh,

.stalea wiH ariord foraiat recognHlonl was full of prals" for the bright

to tke fl*««nini<>nt «a It aow ealaU, i,oO'c ><• "rat epaiitetr, but d*


deeMoa Aapaadpot apaa tta aWHty to aewnd lleni. nant g .ittompi



All Utliei' Fathers Had iiieir

Him4» Owl,

H|mhM Agrat Wm T<iM <^>uI<I ll<

far All atadaM i-ricca



Tak« DcWltt'a Kldaey and BlaMarlllln Thpy are antlaeptic and soothe

IMiin quickly. Ins^ti upon DoWiiM'a

Kidnejr and Wadder PBla. Reenteralaa Mt. *iM hare hjr aH draggMa.

Voat woaien Imaxine llii v wouldhay iM-^-n wealthy If ili> \ lia.ln't

Ikm II In. I ll H lu ll the ni'M.ii »as In

'111 »:iiin; i|iiiirt('r Si. 1/iiiiis Tiiiieg.

fntaM im tMBtv nbUgatteaa. It

Bot yet baaa fnll.« <>«tabllike« tkat tin

Oomes (ovaraoK III will ratala

power wtthaat troiib>, far aara u:<

many ailiaraii of caatra tferaaghn it

the aaaatnr.

that ttoaaaIn aa aipraaalea of tba AeakeAawrleaa araraklpa at LaOaalra. to

wkick wlab aia KovaiaMBt h.s


IMtKburKh. I)e<-. 2 1 Tl,. niiuKi i-

1m' i orril|it :oii ut rrt>liiir :li In..; i|i'-

i. iijii.J liilii iiik. of '111- lii'i-l KiKaniir

an. I .'•i.'iifaliiiiial eca'iilals in tlir

lorv of city Roverniurnts n \mi rii a

Tli<> itevt-ral rouiHliiiifii ami Ikoli,iiikfr»i ari-'.-li"d tun' Mmulay niclil

I'll 1 (insplrHi y and lii'il>er.\ weif kIm'II

a lii'arlnK before a police maRlKtmtc.KnMowliiK till" li;Mo(liictl"n of ftait-

lilii; li'iitliniiny » li rli iin[. i. ali-,1 mi,ii:\

couiicUuieu at prebeiit iiukniivku. u'A

the di<aadaaki wa|» kelA for courttrl.-»I.

\irordli»K to the tistliiioin it wa~..1 .'Hfiy thini; tu brilii' a niajuriiv nl

Ml. <^)iiin il liod.v of rilthlmii:li b> 111'

I'.i.v iiieht of Kliliin ruiiKi|i|i; (loili lliiii

Buriauta a atable laatitatlea aad <o;^ familiarity. On< niKht h<> happeaed to hear a bo\ vh offlif r aay to

la group of frienrih: "Sherman?'Deiirfd itopil felky*. He and I hada lioit:<' of «:ne tOB' ther. I rather

'Ilk'' O il .sh' : man." The general ^ ,.1 I- I I

Hit' paiuiatp' of an orduaneecailnrlni; and. turning to

,' ^ . . , . ,,also teatified that alzty counci menhMk-fld tha poaalbirtv'J"''"''

ay arlaa ia tadloat-d

(o $d. r<»' cbargea wrre niad<

that Will am llrand and John Klein,

co'ini'llnirn. bail accepted t&n<D for

It wac


Til'' avriaiii' icirl U aiiib;t:oiii> t»

make M name for lieir< :r. but hbe

UKually endu by a' < cptUiK aomeman'a.

DR. JIMA Wtslllil KN.Rritidi'nu' 4:fl

ithir Itiyalriaa,


Old Pboaa 1107.Offlre hniini: tl to I 'J a. iii.; 3 ta

t |>. III.

CAIP£1IT£S SHOPOOloe ttitureaand all klodaof repair

m(kk pMmptly attrnded to.

J. w. Liciwin t'TunuabaWarttl^toB .PiM«aeTHi

All the patent iiiediriiiea andtoilet artirlati mlvert'ceii iu tbia

jiaiitT ail' I'M .-xtle at

NcPhersoa's Dro| StoreVawrth *n4 Breadway.

C. K. MilamP>eattet

fleoretarjp Saot'a faoa wore apleaaed aapraaalea when be made the

.innouBoeawat aat It waa Preniiii nt

Oomec'i wlah to aett'.e aatlafaiti^' lly

all IntematloaaV qveatlone. Me \>h»

fell all alOBg that Ihe altuatlon In

lA'eneioela would work llaelf out. If

tba Vaaascalaa'a wara la(t to them-


floBM iliaMeaaaa waa at nrat .

taebed ta lib fact that Aoot had

ferreJ to Oemaa aa ffaaWaat in hmautemeat la tke prgfa. aad thia

Ubaa to taaeata ai aaaa an attituiie

of raeogaltloa of aa govamment. nwaa explaiaad, Aowever, that amhrefereaee to kim kaA keaa made in a

I ammuBieatloa arbtali aia* to the

departBMat araagh emliiatt oin-


The ganerwl opIalaB Ja that the

iH'K order of tblaga wMovae the wayfor a peclBe aattlaaMat, iu aomeform, of the laaaaa aat alaae between

tbie coaatry aa^ Vaaesaela. but l>e-

tween tke latter aauatrjr alao. Hol-

land and rraace. Word eame to the

.'tale departBMat aat the .Nether-

andi goreramaat hatf given direr-

tlote 4kat ab aillHary operational

which bare baaa eaadaated «Kaini<t|

Veneauela eeaaa, follaviac the new '

of the aaapaarloa at 4ha decree i"

VenesBela ragardlae a* tnuia-abii>-


meat ef BMrehaadlae tram Curacao

to Veaaaaataa porta.

remaikod: "I think

you iiilRlit bay »u 1 'fji'm'^al SIki-

mnii. So. " r"ii. '''il ili- vouiik-

iiti':. with a hiippi I..- nr' of uiliil:

"d;d you ''vr !i''ar T iI- i! .\ihi:-

loa or (!'.'ni'ia: .I'l.i" r .-.i'"—.SVw

Tork Prew

DeWlttn CarbohztlSnive. Uri!t naive fi.i

efi and hurts. It l.--

for pi>s. Sold by i'

Wil'b II.i'.'l

burn-, Krrati h-

os)i''rinlly iTOod

I drngRiBta.


•' andKve liiinil 1

h"i' (taii-'ii

Ai'aiii Hii up-

ts hive bi'<'li

Just scratch a mafch—light

the Perfection Oil Heater—


nd tiop ihivefing. Wher-ever you have a rooalhat'a

hard to heat—(bat the fitf^

nace doesn't reach'—iben

you'll need a

PERFECnON (tt lealerfEqnlppcd wim MiMigM aevlea)

Jurtlhe ihiagfor bli/zard timeorhetweenMBMaa. Itegnial

glowiailMat makes any room cheerful and coqr. No tmmt •

•a aael—•BokelcM device pcevent*. Braufont' hoMi 4 quarts of oil huming 9 hour*. Fm-i l"'d in ind nirkrl. r.vfry heater warranted.

lalMl BBpfovad cawkal dipft bwac Evenr Imapwarraaied. Write oar aeaMi a«ency tor de-

icripina drcular if jrour dealer cannot supply

the PiAiiliwi on Header or Rayo Lamp.

tertf Oil Comi(lnaoa'p^«t»a)

killthi couchAND CURE THK LUNC8

^^Dr. King's

Nawf. DiscoveryPBica

nn A ti.«a

I amb au THnonr.Nip lwotooubui[aPA»AM*rSko BATlSgAOTOaTOK KOHBT UVCmDBO

Dr. Campbell H. Johnson

Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat

Fritiriity Biiliii|. OK PlMii.3S3

DR; W. |V. OWENDentist

<)m<'<' U Minis 2 and .1, Triichartr>ii I 'iliii^'. ''i:iO Hroadway.

OflKt tain 1 1« III a,iai».a HMnni

For the complete cure of Congba,

Coldi, Aathma and Bronrhltli and all

Lung complaint., t' liilin.: to r.insurap-

tlon. Liverwort. Tar and Wild t^ierry,

bave for ajtea maintained a- e«tab-

l^hi'd i-epuiatlon a* a atand.i' I Coushi;.>nipdy It rontaini no opium or

l.irmfnl drun; can be Kiven with

Faf'-tv to children. Prira $1 "0. So'd

by druKclats. Wllllanu' M f'K. Co ,

Propa., Cleveland, O.

He >V«nl<><l Her.

In the rou'w of bi^ I' UiarkK Hi'

1. . tiirer reviewi-.l tin' agrlrultii

prohjx'ctfi of tbi' (oiiiitry. ami ai«


FRUITla more eojoyed than at anjr

other time nl tli.- veii- Ttebest place I" liuy I'riiU.-;, Figs,

(irapeii. Nut-. Hrtiianah, UaiH

illf, Olive Oil, I'l'i'ilis. llHter,

frP!»h home inn^e Cmiilies mid

Chotolates, or tu get a apecial

baalnt to at

LOUIS CAPORU.'SH.'ll Broadway,

K«ar Foartk Street.

Phoaes! OM 55aR. New Iftll

'•Mi!anatiiin. ihreat-j

autliorlty If an f\-\


Mti W. Wlilll'MUli:




•knneo nnr. r itArrKN TV t:i


a p.'..

to li-

tli.-IK' il.

'o »oiHion oll^

off llll^

e li.i.l

iit!''in .T

• • in» 111-

ni.ilil 1-

llluxlratleii toUl H story of

farmer wlio bail (l|e<1. lea\


wife the farm heavily ii

Me Baid thill tlie widow wiwith a wir. and aiiecei.ib',1

>' »r s wheat < rop In i>a>ln.

i-ntlrc iiiiirinan''. Wbi'ii

iiHIipleled bis leitiire. 4b.' K

xbook band.i and Kreei. .1 i

III i;. of bis Huilieilc*', <l.'ii

aii'il III. Ill tliial'v appniarhcj him(buuKhtfiiiiy and besan: /"I Kay.

Bilbler, ;ou told a storv 'bout th<'

Widow caialng a mortRau<' on oto

year'a cropT" "Yea, ni\ iilen i. thai

waa a true atory. It huppeiu'd oii:>

two )«ara ago." "W«>ll. air, vou:<i

you tell me w-ifao thai widow if'

She'a Juat tke ktad ht woman !

been looking for all tb'' time."

A kinu'.s Itealli Owt.The ni.iviii anil < poratiOB 9t,

.'^hrewbli.i: v baw juiil liail preaeiUedto theui by th. VValcot famUy of Mtterly Court. Sbruptihlf*. for the

muaaam, where it l« now on view,

aearlet cloak worn by Charlea Kthe Bcalfold erected l| front of

WhUakall Balaoa, wheaa ft waa be-

headed in JIanuary, ItM. cloak

waa aeeurad by ^'llltam Walaot, a

relobrtty of aa couttty, who waii

page of boBor ttt tke klag, aad whbattaadad bla atajeaty In that oaipaci-

ty oa the inaBrli It baa baaa taIho poixwaalon of the Walcot family'

for 260 years, and was exhibited

the Society of Antiquities In 1861.

It Is In a aplendld etate of preger\-a-

'.lon.—•lx>ndon DaV.y Mall.

An Improved ailinlns device for

heavy guaa mak«>s It iMMalble to keepae wea|)0«i tratiied on a moving tar-

get continuously. wlt.ho<ut regard to

the rolling of the vev^el.

II .oouii'l iiii. -; liapiiena that a

iiia\ gel rill of a (wr

luarrj lug him.

Offers in Cut I'lowcrs

of quality: Ik-:iutics,

Fatter Lillies, Roses,

Carnations, \'allies,

Hyacinth, Narcissus,

Violets, e tc. I inc as-

sortment of blooming

plants in decorated

pant; WiscontingrownChrittmattreet

Paducah 1\y.

Both Pliuuea .i'.lS or JliT


kar«of irann w»». r <in(** ev^ryL .

an »rti.>B ..n mr b<*w«ia. Rftppllr»n.| i.>.ur 1 Mn • well ata^

n fur* l>. fi'm I tii»A CMcartu 1«aM4 BU'rr »iU> iBtrraalartlM. Tkanka

10 nm I fTM bnu all that tbIa noraioi. loa«aa aaa thla la brtaM ot tatarlat kaBianliir.

B. P. Plihar. BMaoka. IIL

Best For

' m. ^ The Bowels

f .1-1.1 TinlaOoodjOoOoodV«lVTBI.-k''v '^'^ ' r. . r (irl|Nt. aie.Mc. N«rniSRn« i. .ik V ,.•..=1". libl.t rta-ead ec o.

baaraiitMO i ' ' r"or aioatr Mak.Bletlini Co., Chlcato or N.V. 6u)


mV AMOWOMCR.Bk « for uaatami

4i><:haKM.taSMWuMMVrnixwaa or luiilllo* laneooi BMWH..i.>iHa. and^.riit or |.ai«i

..r cii! I ) pikln wra; p»r,

1 . ->*1.«, • I. I .f

MM. »>«a«.N« mil sa ^iw.

bad divided |43,<MMI BTaft money re-

I ' litly in coBBectioB via Ike Mtra-tion plaat.

^ilh the exception ef C^iuncilmeuKlein and Watson, all tke defendantshave been released on bail amountingIn eacb case from $14,000 to |3*<i.-


Itaak CxaniliH'r'v Ti-Mtiiiioiiy.

Bark Kxaniliicr .N'efbll In vi»-

iled the German National bank last

Wednesday to ni k.. an exam i iial mnHe coniplet'd li ^ "nrk Satunla. In

the Dieanlliiie h.- found a note mrllT.nOrt. featUle^ of which, he .-aUl.

aroiiMii his sni-plclon!' Hi' ai-ked

Ca hier Vilaaek about th'' matter At111-' Vili-ai-k (I'lii'-d it »,-is tiu(.ini'i«s

lit '1h' bank, i-aviiii; It wa.- pnrelj a|i' iMUial ni.itti-r between h:s brother;ii.| liiMiflf Kxailiilier Ni'i-bit told

h ill li.' dill ii' t Irli.'M' It. ami ai.k<><l

bun a);ain fo: .ii

eiiiiiK to \\>f hf|.',i'ial!on wa.s not fortlironiin-- K ::m1-i

> \ ilnack, be said. mini;; .1

m-iiiev wag uped to si'i iiro <ii.\ ip


pov Ik. and that the tl'.5«e bad beeniMiid to a eounellmaB.The aeeend caae waa taken up Im-

mediately, and named as defendantdroun< ilmen Brand, Atkinson, Pergu-.ron. Solfi'l and KtelB.

Then the bank esaailBrr tnid a re-

markal>le ftory. related to him byOaaier Vilsack, as to ae manner in

which tke tl'.-'i'Ofl diaapiH'ared fromae bask. According to ExaminerNaabM. Klaia approaebeii rawMerVMaaek and aald the German National

kaak woald ba laade a city <iei>o«itory

if the baak waa willing to do as otherbaaln bad doaa. VlUaok conferredwttk rraaHaat aaaar, «t the bank,and later «^t ta°aa raeerve vault

and, taking out tke aioaay. placed it

on a table ]n oae of tka rooms of the

inatitutioa. At aia tima CouncilmanKlein aad a eoawantoa «are in thehank. Bolaa tiaw laterviVllsack amiRaraaey waat to the roaw, and thi'

money waa goaa. KMa «a4 bis com-panion bad ataa latt tJie kaak.

Maar latpHcated.Robert Wllaoa, a datectiva for ti.

Votan' Leagaa. ot nttabnrtk. » is

the Brat witaeaa' aaUcr. Hie tevt:

nion'y waa aenaatloaal aad impIlcat'-H

many pttraona Ik. 0a graft scandal

Aoaeraag tai Mr. WNaoa, foniiei

OMaoHaaw W. A. aacHe. who i

now aenrlng three year|^ the |M>nl

tentiArr for eonapiracy^Bconnectlnnarltk aa paaalag of VfflMra or<ii

aaaea fa aoaaeila, will ka liberal, i

a«rt April. MarUn, ba aald, wou: i

be given a pardon.WileoB Mid that at a maattag In .-

hotel at which CtounetUpee BrandKlein, Wasson, Atchlaon and SOff'

attended. Klain told him that lUrt:iwoiiM lie paadaaad aad, waaM leavlb' (Kioitentlaiy arllh auiaak aeeouniuf |::o,oiM).

That'a tb^tad of a gang to bavbehind yoa," Klaia la aald to b«v<told Wilaoa. "Wa aaa gat tb« atuir

A reformar waat to ae penitentiary

and offered Martin |10,<O(^ to tell all

ho knowu about ae railroad ordi-

nance affair, and aartln refused to

ta.k. We took care «| MartUt andwe will have him out ot aa paalten-

tiary next April."

According to Mr. Wilson's teiitl-

mony, there are six honest coum ll

men m Pittsburgh. On Novem-ber 16/>«OounrlIman Klein submitledto Wilson a I'ouncllmen's Kulde,

which contain.-; the names of all the

councllniPii. Wilson then asked Klein

to designate the councllmen u bo

would take money, and after markingoff the names of CoancilmeB MoranHirsch. Wallaoe. Delbeok, MeMorrlsand Riley, Klein aald:

"Now those won't take money. .\I1

the other members of the coumllran bi' reached. They will all take

ii!oni'\ but those alx. They are foolt."


of Ih


Themiirh tine

1 li;iv liol

have prcpan d a niaKiiiflcentispeech b. fore the train pulled out."

foi >oii.' haiil the chairman]—Wasb:iii;iiiii Star.^

reCe;it on rommittee. •

if j.iii l ro.inti rniaiiil Kliii ki'r IHi you believe la aaat>( it," Hiisui K'll till ia:iil:.late ics as a meanti or an end?I rs liav li'^i! ociupvinif so Bocker—They tab. Im- either end

ir nii'iins or the Iheans of yourN< .V York Hun. ,




XM.\SPRESENTSlioiug at Iwwcktrreduced piiedk, for ^aah tfr rasy paymenta,

ever Vofore fdaecd before M eyca of the eustomem. Bar-

giiina w slightly used and gecoud-hand iiiatrumenta. Pkaab

for rent Expert tuntag ae^ fepai) work aolieitetl.' :: : t

FredP. Watson ^ Co.V. H. THOMAS, Manager.

311 Broadway. Phonti; Old, b73&, Hew, 1101

Open at VigLt TBH Jan. 1.


Kodol for Dyspi-inla, itwll^est ;on,

weak (Niiiiaoli, sour stomaieh, gai- on'li.> stoiiiai li. etc . I« guaranteed to

iri^e prompt relief from suiy fomi of

sloraach trouble. It will cure >ourdyapepsia. Sold by aU draggists.

"What is braKKadnciii. pa'

"Well, fur iimliiiu'e. pn-ieniljir iiol

llkjilpialll. llfgiUK^imei • I'll

Thi Best Garriaca

Tou get baodaome. wellappointed oarrlatfciwhen 1 aerre jrou. wakI vc pniml periional at-tention at all times.



THE CITY NATIONAL BANK.f4oo4M>o aa. 900,000 00

PAOCOAH. KK.\Ti;OKT.mnrso btaiw MoauToiir.

Oapttal, Hofplaa aad UadlvMed VMMbShareli'ildera itiwptaialldlity «»a«>eTotal iK-^|MiMibllty to Oepoaltaai •

e. B. HI tiHKS, ftaaidnar. Ma t. PKII':d.MAN, Vice

9. a DTTKRBACK. Osaliier. O. HlCUAIUiaoN. Aast,

awmmf paid on tdu nmauraDIRKOTORa '


A Very Wrong MeaA Young Man Had It.

A well known yoiiug man said the other day i "I veeldlike to start a bank aoeouat ^f I eoald evar gave, npenoiieh inunejr to do so.'* That is the idM a llt*»l

iimny people Imve, that they iiiu.-t have $40 to $80 to

start That is wnma', very wmnff- Thewajrastart

a bauk account is t<i briug ii few dollars to us each

salary day -lul plaee it m mir SHvii!;:s Depai'tiiient,

where it drawi' I per l ent interest mul jou will be-'irprisetl how t;ist it uiilgrow.

Meckaflics til

Farmers Savings Baok

210 Brcidwjy

Page 8: Buck VMCompany Case to Statu Cmrt


Citizens' Savings Banl(

Capital and Surplus $150,000


Tp One (iriii All

A Merry Christmas


Jm. a. Kudy. R. fWley.

r. M. riAw. p. oomni/

W. p. fHuiton. O. C. WkltaM.

F. Kuileiter. X.' ttad/.

«r. B. OoTlagtM.



HERVK4I PHOORAM AT niunc|uu«TiAlf oanioH.

OoHeaUoB WIN l<<> IMvl

The faitowiiic procrani iMt Imx'l

airmngel I0r tlM( CbriatiMB

•rvlcc to to IMM at tke Drat Ckrl*-

tlan dhircb tMBorrow moralos at

10:30 o'clork In which a nuniiw

the iilllii>te:> of the city will parl,<'i-


OrgaD vuliiirtarv

Hymn, All Hail '

Prayor- Dr. W. K.

^a». "OiMM Thou AlalBkiy


UrpMi In a KlilUr

Driving .\salna( Sn».

Aerial obacrveri may tee nn tho

iMda of a iarsc bonie looking ovt r

4{egent'« Park • sort of hugp crkkft

net an.1 vukh of cixoatiui nmitinx.

Ill auothcr h(iii>-<' ;n the iicigh-

boihood the n*nei who a men;-

l» r of ihf H<iu.-i' 01 l/oiilx. has turn-

ed out bi> i'l :i«nl t;(lili>, stretched;

niailinp ovu the llcor ami porfor-'

ated tlvr round holi't-. I

Both thcw RtranK"' !-p<'i laclci. are

Indiratlooa of the rtll: IncreatilnKl

prevalence of the Kolf habit. The

housefly Is only fonrtMl 4«ys fromen to buuins nniaance.

Many Insects are noted for brIV

llancv and beauty of color. The(JO lien 1)1 file It not merely yellow-

ish, (ui; ill !-ome fjpecles exa •!> the

(0(ir (if liiirnlshPd (joid T! great' gTt'Tl'^.

nioipho l.uttprflies of South \ra«rlra| '^Phave w.MKs of a splendor air |iey<i'.ni,

that of the H^e^t ifeims T: fy arechiefly tilue and opale.--- ' nt.

Allt^ recoftuiw frlei !.< fr. m the

tame nest after havlnt lieen separat-

ed for .»ears. Soni" spool'-. haveriiiii.oiio in a ^ingIe ' oDimiiiilty yat

they at uuce know .ind drive awa>a itrvBtcr.


Kinr".1. Ft;.-I I/et.-'n—Dr. M. K. Dod.l

Second l.'SSOB— Dr. Q. W.Banks. >

C. Sto'" or du' I

T. 8e i;,.oi "W is.loni

at the Keel of ( liritft'


S Prayer Dr S. B. .MiKire

». Coll*<t:on- Dr. J. H Hem10 Henedi'tlon—Dr.


The collection will be equaih divid-

ed between thi Home of the Frlend-

NM( and the I'mon Rescue Mission.

:a\ Wealthl>r C. T

M. Iton-

—ATHrlAI. MIXKD MTH. 1.V n>.

The Red Cross


What is tbe phr;i.'<e thai la every^

where?What la the catch uf the day?What la It voices our lovlnt oat*.

What la It all nen say ?

"This ia fk« atamp tkal earrlea aonaU.

••I Ike nalla dMf «a*ry It!"


They call It a ha.lce and a token.

And emblem, vn ker and sifcn.

A pVodge that pioinlM- oft xpoken,

Slutll enj in a « ,, k benlKn :

And the Red d" - s(ainp » < n all the


Yet caj-i:< .s no mail itself.


" t H fad < -1 -eaMin's craft.

It miauls for .i iioli e aim;.Xnil h<art.s <<w with a noble hiaae.

Honor the ^Microui claim.

Of the Croaa aUiO patkacoaand mail

Tkaft carries n« niai: itself.

— l.ou.wv.iic TIjnef.

WHin; ri.Ai.i K's t<>m, i.AiUiK.

dl.lia DeMlha la llllnolM a.TM.\rf l'*m>ra TabamalosiN.

SprlnB«<»Ul. 111.. Dec. IM Aoord-iiiu to a bulletin by the state hoard(if health, of the 31, 143 rie,.t|i» <ii

I iiiolH diirloK the first ha'.f of the

)ire»ent y <>ar ;i TSfi were from tub« r-

I u :<i«l8. From only one other cause

were there mo'c deathii. 4,117 frompneumonia. The rHtc, of death ia

II lit In . ach I oil" of popu Bllon

1 here is notli.nn .ike a p>K>d bus-

.r-s* plant (o: raisiiiR nu)ne>




OnumII Wilt KnU>rtaiN

Muadajr Aftw Work o( UwOrder li KmapUtai.

The de|cr<e team of the Knighib of

("o'.ii iiilius «i.l leave 8alurda> for

llen.l<'rsoii »h«re work will be dimeIn giviuK li 'her degroei! The mem-bers of the eani will t>c entertained

by the Her lerson lodge. The teamwill return Monda\ Those who will

KD are: Ki d H. Klanagan. .lohn TDonovan. II Keiley. Ur B, 1. Brad-

ley, Morton Hand. John Petty.

Thomas Il"fli<h, Joseph L. Wolff

Ttie Light TTuU Failed.

A dear old country itDtlemaa andhis wife [>aUl a vtalt to the saaddeWhile the stmpte pair ««re walkingnn the l>< ach one evming tkay sud-

denly noiued the ravoivlnf llffct of

a llffhtsh i> The old lady gase.l at

It with o|ien eyes for some niimiies

then she turned to her husband »iih

a puisled look.• Well she eKclalmi d. "If the

man in 'liat ship hasn't It that llgkt

thlk forty times and It has gone out

every time!"—Argonaut

American -Germaa

National Banlt

A Merry Christmas

DnucrmiwJ A Bauer. \V li. Holland,

lianry A. Petler. Mascoo Burnett.

W. F. Bradahaw, 'T. J Atkins.

C. r. RIaka. Uoula W. Kolb.. 1* M* ipiafea*

L. M. RIIIKI^I, l>re.h|t«t.

T. J. ATKINa, VIri rwsMs^j.

Don t worry almul loiir look*.

You will alwaya look good to your

f I lend*

Bet on the leads is for pracilc*- at]

driving, the billiard room is con-

verte.i into a putting fraea.(

A new ana striking esaatp^ ^tbe habit was aslliMtad In the RoyalBontantc Oardaa yaatarilay, whendka sehael •( wM ovaaej lu tarai.l

Qm ot tke irtt paplla waa a famousMarley street physieiaB, a Seotaaian.

wko baa put hinaalt dow* for a lea-

SOB at 7:1( oMh —lalM-

Tka chief aM«mt«a at Ika sekool

MBsMs of sets aad pattlag greens.

Tka kaplaMai. akdar tka poraonal

ikstrnetJaa of #r#MilMal8t are ai-

«08t wflamy aatlwlad ky net-

tiBC kBt tMir atrtka a frao ball and«•« tall wkatkar tt la aliead or pull-

/,.V»r tka advaaead i»lfar forty-fooi

Mti, stretched on telegraph wlraa

•ad gigantic talegraph posts. Bre

provided aad it 's calculated that a

pood pUyer can safely drive at the

net from a distance of forty to Ofty

yards. No reguUr iinks are pro-

vided, but tkera !s vtoBiy ot rpom^r skort approaekoa.—Itoadon Mall,

ie " '

wwtmm or inshct lifb.The range in site in insect life la

greater than among in«mmals. The•ollath is larger in proportion to'

tbe smallest insect than the whale is I

larger thaa tbe smallest moase. !

WkUa aat all have yet been lden-|

tilled the lota) BBBHMf of lasectj

species uBdoaMadly aaeaada one'


The female terminle lives fc.

years, laying eggs at the rate of

cixty a minuteThe teventeen-5 ear loi iisl, or.

proper > ('leads, liven u, the un-

doubted age Indirated by Us nameSixteen of those yeara aie passed as

a grub fur down below the suifaie of

the earth. Other lnee( tg requlr.

B'Vflu' ^ 'Ml - Wh'l'- tlf Ipt 'I'l '"ij.

OsUomiir < <>unty \ iKilor^.

Circuft Judge Thonias P. Cook, of

Murray. WBB IB tka eMjr yaatardayafternoon.

.MaKlt^trate Thomas Jones, of Ca o-

wav county, 'vas In the <"!> last nlRht

He is under ndlctment for partlclpat-

Ine in a nl::!i: rider raid when Praiih

Mai .1:^ »as « h ipped.

.Mr Pat lleale. of C'allowa> coui' >.

was here last night Mr Heale servdon the jur; whi.h tried J.ike Kills 'or

night rid iiR an I voted for aeqol'ial.

Mr. Richard I/Ce. ot Callowaycounty, has returned home after vis-

iting In the cit> .Mr l,ee was i- "illf

of the Caloway loutitv grani! j irv

whi<h published a -igiiej ata'' inent

that th> 1, did not bei.eve the < hargaa

that Judge Thomas P Cook belonged

to tbo algkt rMcra waa troo.

WiU Knier t'nivendly.

Mr. Oeorge S^-ott. a seotor of tb«.

High trhou). will leave JUuary 2 fof

Ueslngton, where be will matriculate

la the civil engineering department

of the State Unlverstty. Mr a<ott la

a member of the senlo( cl.-ss that will

be graduated the of Januai.v. hut

nr. the term at the nuiversity openi

January 4. Mr. BimM made up the

work in HJgh sihn..: and will be

granted his diploma He is a popular

H'gh sibool lio' . a member of the

football team and this >ear was nian-

ai;«- of tl-.i- teuin His matriculation

wi'l niak«' two Paluiah boys In the

civil engineering rteparlnient. as .Mr.

Robert Hailey is a stiijent at the uni-


It '.ikis a to'aii ' determination,

SOI;. " -al l I ni l" Kti' M to hav .w)h

own wav n dis life, an « lieap o'

lira Ins to know what to do m\\ It

after yoa fltiB It"—Wagblagtop'

Wcextend heartiest good

wishes for *

k V

A Mertx Chrisfmas

BfiPPJf ffe^ Yeario4 ilMok fi*«, o4%a* •H*^ }^ tfttnMpatroniMWlit. I|hu mide thii th.* bi(r-

gcM Cbr)Wfpaa in Lur buiin«M



OHHiancAP iHNM ic




Blue Poiata. CaaapB WadtaitaaKadlshe*.

of Vamaio.(n) .mraws. Salted NnU

iiiai d Whitensh. Maltre D'Hote.Cucumbers Poutoea, Jaltaaao

Kentucky Turkey. Cbestaat DNBMkC.Oranb«>rry floaoa.

.\jr|>araguK. Holbuidataa.

8«oetbr«ada Saute Financlere,

n«aoB KggnogNabisco Wafers.

llauDch of VeBlson. Currant Jelly.

Candletl Sweet Poutoaa.Heart* of liOttBce.

Mince Pie p«mphlN PW.Kngiut Plum Paddlog. Hard aad

Brandy Paure.

OM Wadding Cake. Mi

Angel Food.

MarasHHnn Ice CreamAssortod Nats. Claatar latolaa.

OaMBlkait CheeseOoCoa.



City National BankCapital aad Surplus S400,000

Unit ad 0tat«» D«potlt«r7iMWMlPMi MfiptDtpMlli '

Bttt IFishetfar

A Merry ChristmasIMUMnXMtS

S B HiiKhcs. I'lv.-i.lent City .Vatlonal Bank.J. C rnerbac <. Casher t'llv .\at'ona. Bank.A K. .Xnspather, Capitalitt.

8 K. Kow er. of l-'ovt ler ('• inn iiaiiKli & CoJos I,. Kriedm ii of l-'i iedtnan. Keiler & CoHrai k Owen Pi>-sH|eji> Carbnadak* Coal & Coke CoUr J (i. Urooki-. idi.i si. ian.

H. U. HI <;HK.S. •r>-«iil<'iil.

#0N. I,. >-'llll.l>%l \N. Mie.|>rcHkleaL



Tka MtOfaekaa Coaatr Madlwl so>,

clety mat tritk On. Kttarsand ^'ollau

last Bigkt and took up the annual

eleclloB of offloers, after which u

smoker wa& enjoyed. The olBcers

elected were; President, l>r. B. 8.

WilMngham: vii^'-presldeiif. Dr. MII Duliiy; sei retar> l)i \ eriion

HI V the; treaMirijr, Dr. W .1 BatsIlrs H- M. Childless aiil Kiaiik Bo\dwere appointed leU'i^arep to the state

meeting at l.ouioville ik xi \eai.

A pl«a»lnK leanire of the meeting

was the pr<'sJ'iitHi Ion of a gold w alih

fob by the niembeih of the associa-

tion to Dr. Il'ythe in r<-cognltiun of

blk eflc'iant services as serretary. Thegift waa presJiited liy I>r C, E. Pur-

cell in a neat ' rb. whUl. was hap-

pily respoti' ' '>> Ur. Blytbe.

i^oB tkad%a ^aaH apaak at a 'bk>-

•aat'a Mtlea. Ha araa* on the plat-

"P!v<aaad id year* aao <h's biddge

built by your enterprise was part

and parrel of the bowling wilder-

ness. ' He poased tor a momeat."Yes, yellow eHisoaB. only .'• and 40

years ago. ! raptat, this bridge waspart anJ poroel of the howling wilder

aaa." A<aJa be |i«u*ed and thora

vor* criaa of "Oo «a! go on!" He•igp pSttMly ratQad: kavwr. ka waatua:

"I faol it bardly nec«->sary to re-

pBBt that this bridge 5 and i't >nar«

ago was part and parrel i.r the howl-

lag wllderneea. and I w ill ( onclude by

aajring that I wttti it i; a iiait andparpel of a bowMng wHderoesa aaw."—rklladaipkia badger


Kwaenc* of TaSMtO.Ill oiled Whiteflsb. Maltr* D'l

t*ommea JuHenae.KMiHokv Turkey with drCaBlBg.

( iaiil>erry Saace, or

Koaal Haanck of Voalaaa. OanaatJeHy. Mashed or Ballad


A«|Mirsgaa, HoUaadalae,Candled Sweet

Hearts of Uettac*.

agllsb Plum PHddlag. Sraady Ssaceor Maraaehlae laa Ciaam.

Cotao. HUfc. Tea.




VmtX'- IM« J<>«r.

Hli. II Ktirfl.

Blue po ( ' aai pBbamaiv.I.lve |,<>bstet^

I'resh Khrlmp. Newburg.iH'vlbMi t'rabe en eo^llle.

Suapo-BsM'nee t)f Tomato Oonaomme

Roy ale

Cream of Itilcken a l« Relne


C>lery. Hliced Tomaioen. Radishes,

tjacambers n oilvaa..

Plah—Tu tirder.

Babad Lake Trout, Matleaae. BlaakBass. Meunlere P1lf< of

K!oiiMd"r Normaade.Uro . I III )•>.•'!- t.i'nion nutter

Broll<>d i4panifch Maefceral,

Anrhiivy Hnttrr.

Baked Finnan iladdie. Palmer.Papllotte of lidMbui. Hollandai(|a

OHUad Pumpano. Maltre O'HOta.*Katrem (llr^y.)

Breast of ChickwD, Psrislenne.

OysUr Patties with 8hrlni|>s

CreamCalf Brslna. Hantv Ornwned

Bollod Turkey. ()>>tr>r

Mfierlahi In IS .Minutes.

Filet Mlgnoii Uoardlni HSweelttreads, ISugenle a la ('rem«,

Broll«>(| or Raaet tViuab Chirkaa.Veal Chops a la Mllanalse.

Broiled Frsah Mvshroonis on loaai.

Kaglish Mutton Chop. Special

Baked Pol a toe*

mcken hi vera Kaule and Madera,fiamr aMl li<>a«l«.

Oab Ba%r 8i<nik witti Jelly.

Mapat l«la of Venisnn. Curratt Mlp*Mallard l>uck

Kentucky Turkey with

Cranbeiri Sauce,

ri tma Kih* of Beef au Jua.

VrgrtaMrw.HtrliMC Beans. <!reen Peaa,

peas. !t|lillB< h With ) gg.

Corn, Corn on Cob. L4maBeaaa. Fried Tomatoes,

Slewed Tamataas. Hot Aaparasua.Oaadlai or Fr ed

CkalMavar. H<' imi


Head Lettwga. cVHBblaatloa. StatedOutambaw, Lettaae aad To-

ala, atuSad TaMlees.tPaMorf Salad

rraak UsbMar or rmfc Skrlan*.

Bagib* nuB Hafd 'sBd

iskdirJkUMB, lllsaa Pla. ApplePla, 1%kpUb Pto. Aiaarted

Faaey Ckkaa. Pte a la iMde,MaraaehlB* laa Oaaai.

T>altki lee Cresm.Okaaelata tea Craam

dam. Rogaafort. Weatikplil. Swiaa,

Amerlaaa Ofaam, MalweiaoCaaMmbart.OMtea, Mc

Demi taaap. Slagia Pot, Hggla PatTea. Mtlk. par bottJak Sattaf

careful I HhiPtJi Mwar MMt tka

average btM|a*» umlka a aiUaIn eightsea aad aae kalf mlaataa^

wklle tbe ordlaary loltafar. wko kaano bualaeaa oa kia aUad.iwenfi nlne mIniHeti fo walk If

I Mag V«r Home I'ae.

ftcieotlSc knowledge ih sometimesnegligible. "My t>oy." said the kind-

ly Kim -h -.etor In the t nM)lehoy of'

a yoi > *as p.eking n i^hiooms^

in til ectory fields, "\f *are of

piiklng M toadstool loeUa l of a|

niiishroonii they are easy ion.:

fuse. ' ' That be a'l roigbt. s • that

he." said the urchin, "us naln'tl

,a-Koin' "I eat 'em ourselves; tliey'rej

igoln' to Miarket to be sold"'

Bmployes of tbe Illinois Central

railroad sbo|M wMl enjoy a triple

holiday this .\ear, which Is In acrord-

an< e of tbe plan of many of the big

stores and pants of the country..No' .• has ' • .11 posted that tke lo< o-

mnt w ami ' ai departments, with theexiepi nn mI a rrew sufflclnnt to main^tain iiinniiiK repa'rs. will close this

afternoon and not reopen until .Moa-.

lay morning Practically all of lh»i

employes ai' pleased with the t))r<>*|

da;.* off and M-verai hundred passesl

will he Issued to the emplntes. as

many will spend Christmas out of the,



A young !a».\ei war inkll'-d to d«'-

IU«r an oration on tbe (>e<'a>loii of

the dedication of a new bridg«v Hed d not prepare bimself. but had »"

I —IH>N 1 | (>i(«;KT TM \T II \s.

Ikiii <>i \ss<>t:rni» riti iis \\\.

IaIIK HlHHyi AKTIIIts. irtUiPBItT^i AltH mtJHT. STUT/Zll.

There are more than SS.tloo miil-

ve.-M.|s of over flfty tons on the

• an at pwsent.

In tlie IHvone (>uloiiy.

'I'lie little l>e .loiiei) girl ia talking

•<t lur pla\mate. Lucy van Smith.

Oil 1 said stiP. "w» have a1.' IS |. 'lia-

' ilHve voii " Wbafs his iiameT"

-.Mr 11.. . •r•

"Uti. psh.iw' ». bad him, too, butwe didn't like h til - Lipplaaotfa.

Sua—too a Week.

First National Bask.Kjf.

IMUMTIMW8 Wallace Well. H. I.. Hoev»«.

U<-o l^ngaul. J Well

S. 1. Lavy. P. H. RIaba.

M. Bloom.

A Merry Christmas7%OmmdAtl

Uvery court 'sv consistent with conservative kank

ing assiii I'd i|e-io . ,.i ..

If you arc c inieuiplalmg any chaugo In )our

baaft va akaall ka p:i>it to coafer witk yoa.

il.Ii.UMVI T. A.

Dealers in only high grade Hay, Corn and .Oats. Millers oi CREAM meal, sacked

in 6, 12, 24 and 48 pouod bags. Not genuine without our label Ask your grocer


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