
    Discover beyond ordinary…

    1 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject - ENGLISH

    1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow based on the information given in the


    1. Mankind‟s fascination with gold is as old as civilization itself. The ancient Egyptians esteemed gold, which had

    religious significance to them and King Tutankhamen, was buried in a solid gold coffin 3500 years ago. The

    wandering Israelites worshipped a golden calf and the legendary king Midas asked that everything he touched be

    turned into gold.

    2. Not only is gold beautiful, but it is virtually indestructible. It will not rust or corrode; gold coins and products

    fabricated from the metal have survived undamaged for centuries. Gold is extremely easy to work with, one ounce,

    which is about the size of a cube of sugar, can be beaten into a sheet nearly 100 square feet in size, and becomes so

    thin that light passes through it. An ounce of gold can also be stretched into a wire 50 miles long. Gold conducts

    electricity better than any other substance except copper and silver and it is particularly

    important in the modern electronic industry.

    3. People have always longed to possess gold. Unfortunately, this longing has also brought out the worst in the

    human character. The Spanish conquistadores robbed palaces, temples and graves and killed thousands of Indians in

    their ruthless search for gold. Often the only rule in young California during the days of the gold rush was exercised

    by the mob with a rope. Even today, the economic running of South Africa‟s gold mines depends largely on the

    employment of black laborers who are paid about £ 40 a month, plus room and board and who must work in

    conditions that can only be described as cruel. About 400 miners are killed in mine accidents in South Africa each

    year, or one for every two tons of gold produced.

    4. Much of gold‟s value lies in its scarcity. Only about 80,000 tons have been mined in the history of the world. All of

    it could be stored in a vault 60 feet square or a super tanker.

    5. Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard, when the Master of the Mint, Sir Isaac Newton,

    established a fixed price for gold in 1717. But until the big discoveries of gold in the last half of the nineteenth

    century-starting in California in 1848 and later in Australia and South Africa-there simply wasn‟t enough gold around

    for all the trading nations to-ink their currencies to the precious metal.

    6. An out-of-work prospector named George Harrison launched South Africa in to the gold age in 1886 when he

    discovered the metal on a farm near what is now Johannesburg. Harrison was given a 12 pound reward by the farmer.

    He then disappeared and reportedly was eaten by a lion.

    7. One of the big gold-mining areas in the Soviet Union is the Kolyma River region, once in famous for its prison

    camp. The camp has gone, but in a way nothing has changed. Many ex prisoners have stayed on to work in the mines

    and are supervised, by ex-guards.


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    2 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    8. Despite the current rush to buy gold, 75 percent of the metal goes into jewellery. Italy is the biggest user of gold

    for this purpose and money Italian Jewelers even tear up their wooden floors and burn them to recover the tiny flecks

    of gold.

    Answer the following questions briefly:

    (i) What are the two advantages of gold?

    (ii) “The fascination for gold is as old as civilization”. How is it proved by the author?

    (iii) Which country is first to adopt the gold standard?

    (iv) Where did George Harrison discover gold?

    (v) Why is Kolyma River region famous?

    (vi) How did the longing to possess gold bring out the worst in the human character?

    (vii) How is gold virtually indestructible?

    (viii) Which country is the biggest user of gold for jewellery purpose?

    2. Read the passage given below and on that basis answer the questions that follow.

    1. Education is the beginning of empowerment. It is a key to happy and satisfactory life for the special children, who

    are cruelly segregated from the society. In India, there are around 35 million disabled children but less than one

    percent have access to education. The most pressing need is to bestow the precious gift of education on them and let

    them be the bearer of torch towards the path of progress.

    2. Special children, without education, are a burden on their families as well as society. The crude discrimination

    between normal and abnormal children leads to severe psychological disorders, giving birth to frustration which we

    all know, is not healthy for any progressing nation. Several NGOs are working towards the upliftment and betterment

    of such children, but again a grave problem that is faced by the volunteers is lack of motivation in such children and

    even their families. Those who are from the well-to-do families may not find

    themselves in this menace, but those belonging to the lower economic section feel that the effort to obtain education

    is simply wastage of time and energy not to say anything about money.

    3. Another factor which is hindering the path of education for such children is the lack of opportunities or facilities

    available in schools. Even if the parents do send such children to school, the schools themselves are sadly lacking the

    facilities to cater to their needs. The government has started the „Integrated System of Education‟ that enables the

    disabled to study with normal children in normal circumstances with few facilities for them. Yet again we find

    psychological barriers amongst impaired children that they cast themselves in a hard mould. Special schools have

    also been established by the government and NGOs to meet specific needs of such children but their number is

    pitiably low as compared to the normal schools.

    4. There is an urgent need to strike at the roots of this neglect to enable the disabled.


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    3 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    A. Answer the following questions briefly:

    (i) Who are special children?

    (ii) Why is education important for „special children‟?

    (iii) Why should the discrimination between normal and „special‟ children be avoided?

    (iv) What is the hindrance on the path of education for „special‟ children?

    B. Find a word in the passage which conveys similar meaning as the following:

    (i) Separated

    (ii) Authorization

    (iii) Bias

    (iv) With something absent or lessened

    3. You are Ram / Rani of Carmel School, Shornur. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board regarding

    the upcoming Annual Day Celebration in your school.

    4. You are Supriya / Suraj of DAV Public School, Nerul. As the Student Coordinator of the Green Drive initiated by

    your School to mark the occasion of the World Wildlife Day on 3rd March, draft a notice urging the students to

    preserve the forests and wildlife.

    5. While walking in a park in your neighborhood you found a small plastic bag containing some documents and some

    cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the park notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it

    from you. You are Amar/Amrita 9399123456.

    6. You are Asma/Ashish, the head girl/boy of XYZ international school. Your school is soon going to publish the

    annual magazine next month. Write a notice for the notice board of your school inviting students to submit write-ups.

    7. Put the adjectives in the correct form (comparative, superlative):

    a. Her dress is (pretty) ....................................................... than mine.

    b. Cheetahs are (fast) ........................................ animals we can find.

    c. Eating fruit and vegetables is (healthy) ...................... than eating hot dogs.

    d. I like milk (good) .......................... than coffee.

    e. China has (many) ........................... people than any other country in the world.

    f. The blue whale is (heavy) ................................ animal in the world.

    g. Which is (big) ........................., Portugal or Spain?

    h. Travelling by plane is (comfortable) ............................ than travelling by car.

    i. He is (untidy) ......................................... person in class.


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    4 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    j. 10 Buying things from plastic is (bad) .....................than buying things from recycled paper.

    k. The Nile is (long) ........................... river in the world.

    l. In Mark‟s opinion History is (difficult) .................................... than Geography. However, it is (interesting)


    m. Antarctica is one of (cold) ................................... places on Earth.

    n. Greece is (hot) ................................ than England.

    o. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who‟s (pretty) ............................... of them all?

    p. Elvis Presley is one of (popular) ................................. rock singers ever.

    q. Jenny is (tall) .................................than Alice even though she is (young) ..............................

    r. Switzerland is one of (rich) ...............................countries in the world.

    s. People in Africa are the (poor) ................................ in the world.

    t. Alexander the Great was a (good) ................................ leader than Xerxes.

    8. Complete the sentences given below with the best adverb from the box given.

    slowly, carefully, beautifully, well, loudly, carelessly, easily, excitedly, finally, suddenly, quickly, quietly

    Hint: Not every adverb is needed. No adverb can be repeated.

    a. Come here ____________________. You have to see this!

    b. We knew that she had got the job when we saw her ______________________ talking on the phone.

    c. He ________________________ put the vase on the table. It fell to the floor.

    d. Sharon is throwing a party on Saturday. She ____________________ finished her PhD.

    e. Let‟s walk ________________________. I don‟t want to be the first one at the meeting.

    f. Alex _______________________ put up the bookshelves. It was too difficult for me to do on my own.

    g. Everything happened so _______________________. We had to move to California in less than a month.

    h. Why does he always have to talk so _______________________. You can hear him in the next room!

    i. Although she speaks five languages, she did not do __________________________ on the translation exam.

    j. I was so surprised. His new apartment was _____________________________ decorated.

    9. Read Ch 1 and 2 of „It so Happened‟ for PA 1.

    10. Learn all the covered chapters and poetry from „Honeydew‟ for PA 1.

    11. Do all the written in file.


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    5 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject - Hindi

    1.अ ऩठित गदमयॊश को ऩढ़कय नीच ेठदए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तय दीजजए – रैंगगक असभानता बायत भें भुख्म साभाजजक भुद्दा है जजसभें भहहराएॉ ऩुरुषवादी प्रबुत्व देश भें पऩछड़ती जा यही है। ऩुरुष औय भहहरा को फयाफयी ऩय राने के लरमे भहहरा सशजततकयण भें तेजी राने की जरुयत है। सबी ऺेत्रों भें भहहराओॊ का उत्थान याष्ट्र की प्राथलभकता भें शालभर होना चाहहमे। भहहरा औय ऩुरुष के फीच की असभानता कई सभस्माओॊ को जन्भ देती है जो याष्ट्र के पवकास भें फड़ी फाधा के रुऩ भें साभने आ सकती है। मे भहहराओॊ का जन्भलसद्ध अगधकाय है कक उन्हें सभाज भें ऩुरुषों के फयाफय भहत्व लभरे। वास्तव भें सशजततकयण को राने के लरमे भहहराओॊ को अऩने अगधकायों से अवगत होना चाहहमे। न केवर घयेरू औय ऩारयवारयक जजम्भेदारयमों फजकक भहहराओॊ को हय ऺेत्रों भें सकिम औय सकायात्भक बूलभका ननबानी चाहहमे। उन्हें अऩने आस -ऩास औय देश भें होने वारी घटनाओॊ को बी जानना चाहहमे।

    भहहरा सशजततकयण भें मे ताकत है कक वो सभाज औय देश भें फहुत कुछ फदर सकें । वो सभाज भें ककसी सभस्मा को ऩुरुषों से फेहतय ढॊग से ननऩट सकती है। वो देश औय ऩरयवाय के लरमे अगधक जनसॊख्मा के नुकसान को अच्छी तयह से सभझ सकती है। अच्छे ऩारयवारयक मोजना से वो देश औय ऩरयवाय की आगथिक जस्थनत का प्रफॊधन कयने भें ऩूयी तयह से सऺभ है। ऩुरुषों की अऩेऺा भहहराएॉ ककसी बी प्रबावकायी हहॊसा को सॊबारने भें सऺभ है चाहे वो ऩारयवारयक हो मा साभाजजक।

    भहहरा सशजततकयण के द्वाया मे सॊबव है कक एक भजफूत अथिव्मवस्था के भहहरा -ऩुरुष सभानता वारे वारे देश को ऩुरुषवादीी प्रबाव वारे देश से फदरा जा सकता है। भहहरा सशजततकयण की भदद से बफना अगधक प्रमास ककमे ऩरयवाय के हय सदस्म का पवकास आसानी से हो सकता है। एक भहहरा ऩरयवाय भें सबी चीजों के लरमे फेहद जजम्भेदाय भानी जाती है अत :वो सबी सभस्माओॊ का सभाधान अच्छी तयह से कय सकती है। भहहराओॊ के सशतत होने से ऩूया सभाज अऩने आऩ सशतत हो जामेगा।

    भनुष्ट्म, आगथिक मा ऩमािवयण से सॊफॊगधत कोई बी छोटी मा फड़ी सभस्मा का फेहतय उऩाम भहहरा सशजततकयण है। पऩछरे कुछ वषों भें हभें भहहरा सशजततकयण का पामदा लभर यहा है। भहहराएॉ अऩने स्वास््म, लशऺा, नौकयी, तथा ऩरयवाय, देश औय सभाज के प्रनत जजम्भेदायी को रेकय ज्मादा सचते यहती है। वो हय ऺेत्र भें प्रभुखता से बाग रेती है औय अऩनी रुगच प्रदलशित कयती है। अॊतत :कई वषों के सॊघषि के फाद सही याह ऩय चरने के लरमे उन्हें उनका अगधकाय लभर यहा है।


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    6 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    क )कौन सय भुद्दय हभयये देश कय भुख्म भुद्दय है ,जजसभें भठहरयएॉ पऩछयड़ी जय यही हैं ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ख )देश भें भजफूत अथथव्मवस्थय कैसे रयई जय सकती है ?

    ग )भठहरय सशजततकयण के तमय पयमदे हैं ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    घ )उऩमुथतत गदमयॊश कय शीषथक लरखखए | _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. अऩठित ऩदमयॊश को ऩढ़कय नीच ेठदए गमे प्रश्नों के उत्तय लरखखए - भैमा कफहुॊ फढैगी चोटी। ककती फेय भोहह दधू पऩमत बइ मह अजहूॊ है छोटी॥ तू जो कहनत फर की फेनी ज्मों ह्वै है राॊफी भोटी। काढत गुहत न्हवावत जैहै नागगन -सी बुई रोटी॥ काचो दधू पऩमावनत ऩगच ऩगच देनत न भाखन योटी। सूयदास बत्रबुवन भनभोहन हरय हरधय की जोटी॥ क )श्री कृष्ण अऩनी भयॉ से तमय लशकयमत कयते हैं ?


    ख )ककसकी चोटी रम्फी औय भोटी है ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    7 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    ग )श्री कृष्ण को तमय खयनय ऩसॊद है ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3.ऩठित गदमयॊश को ऩढ़कय नीच ेठदए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तय दीजजए – वैसे तो भेये भाभा के गाॉव का होने के कायण भुझ ेफदरू को ‘फदरू भाभा’ कहना चाहहए था ऩयॊतु भैं उसे ‘फदरू भाभा’ न कहकय फदरू काका कहा कयता था जैसा कक गाॉव के सबी फच्च ेउसे कहा कयते थे। फदरू का भकान कुछ ऊॉ च ेऩय फना था। भकान के साभने फड़ा -सा सहन था जजसभें एक ऩुयाना नीभ का वृऺ रगा था। उसी के नीचे फैठकय फदरू अऩना काभ ककमा कयता था। फगर भें बठी दहकती यहती जजसभें वह राख पऩघरामा कयता। साभने एक रकड़ी की चौखट ऩड़ी यहती जजस ऩय राख के भुरामभ होने ऩय वह उसे सराख के सभान ऩतरा कयके चडू़ी का आकाय देता। ऩास भें चाय -छह पवलबन्न आकाय की फेरननुभा भुॊगेरयमाॉ यखी यहतीॊ ज ीो आगे से कुछ ऩतरी औय ऩीछे से भोटी होतीॊ। राख की चडू़ी का आकाय देकय वह उन्हें भुॉगेरयमों ऩय चढाकय गोर औय गचकना फनाता औय तफ एक -एक कय ऩूये हाथ की चड़ूड़माॉ फना चकुने के ऩश्चात वह उन ऩय यॊग कयता।

    क )रेखक को फदरू को ककस सॊफोधन से ऩुकययनय चयठहए थय ऩय वह ककस सॊफोधन से ऩुकययतय थय औय तमों ?


    ख )फदरू कय भकयन कैसय थय ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ग )फदरू अऩनय कयभ कहयॉ कयतय थय ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    घ )फदरू अऩनय कयभ कैसे कयतय थय ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    8 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    4.ऩठित ऩदमयॊश को ऩढ़कय नीच ेठदए गमे प्रश्नों के उत्तय लरखखए - हभ दीवानों की तमा हस्ती, हैं आज महाॉ, कर वहाॉ चरे भस्ती का आरभ साथ चरा, हभ धरू उड़ाते साथ चरे।

    आमे फनकय उकरास अबी, सफ कहते ही यह गमे अये तुभ कैसे आमे, कहाॉ चरे? आॊसू फनकय फह चरे अबी सफ कहते ही यह गमे अये तुभ कैसे आमे, कहाॉ चरे?

    क )दीवानों की तमा हस्ती होती है ? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ख )कपव कैसे फनकय आमे औय कैसे फनकय जाने की फात कह यहें है ? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ग) कपव औय कपवता का नाभ लरखखए

    5 .ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के पवरोभ शब्द मयद कयके लरखखए –

    क )अनतवजृष्ट्ट - ______________ ख )अनुयाग - _______________

    ग )आधाय - ______________ घ )आर्द्ि - _______________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    9 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    ङ )उन्ननत - ______________ च )शीत - _______________

    छ )शुकक - ______________ ज )औगचत्म - ______________

    झ )अननवामि - ______________ ञ )कीनति - ______________

    ट )लशष्ट्ट - ______________ ठ )आरस्म - ______________

    ड )उत्कृष्ट्ट - _______________ ढ )कृबत्रभ - ______________

    ण )कननष्ट्ठ - _______________ त )कृऩण - ______________

    6 .ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के तीन -तीन ऩमयथमवयची शब्द मयद कयके लरखखए –

    क )उऩेऺा - _____________ ______________ __________________

    ख )चभक - _____________ ______________ __________________

    ग )उगचत - _____________ ______________ __________________

    घ )इॊर्द् - _____________ _______________ _________________

    ङ )चतुय - _____________ _______________ _________________

    च )अभतृ - _____________ _______________ __________________

    छ )अॊग - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    ज )ध्वज - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    झ )अवगुण - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    ञ )ननभिर - _____________ _______________ ___________________

    ट )कऩड़ा - _____________ _______________ ___________________


    Discover beyond ordinary…

    10 | P a g e

    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    7 .अशुद्ध शब्दों ऩय गोरय रगयकय उनके शुद्ध रूऩ लरखखए –

    क )हभें शभता का बाव यखना चाहहए |

    ख )जीवन भें नई सपुनति औय नव प्राण बयो |

    ग )जीवन का एक ही उददेस्म होना चाहहए |

    घ )हभें ऩुन् ननयभान की तैमायी कयनी चाहहए |

    8 .कोष्िक भें से उऩमुथतत शब्दों को चनुकय खयरी जगह बरयए –

    (क) दमुोधन की ________________ बीभ अगधक फरशारी थे | (उऩेऺा / अऩेऺा)

    (ख) हभें अऩना सभम _____________नहीॊ कयना चाहहए | (ज़ामा / जामा )

    (ग) गॊगा का जर फहुत _____________ होता है | (ऩवन / ऩावन)

    (घ) वह व्मामाभ कयने का ____________ था | (आहद / आदी)

    (ङ) तुरसी दास ने अऩने काव्म भें ____________ बाषा का प्रमोग ककमा है | (अवधी / अवधी)

    9 .ठदए गए सभश्रतु शब्दों के अथथ लरखकय वयतमों भें प्रमोग कीजजए –

    क )अनर –______________________________________________ __________

    अननर -__________ _____________________________________________

    ख )ग्रह - ____________ _____________________________________________

    गहृ –______________________________________________ ____________

    ग )तयखण - ___________ _____________________________________________


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    तयणी -___________ _____________________________________________

    घ )अऩेऺा - __________ _____________________________________________

    उऩेऺा -___________ _____________________________________________

    ङ )ओय - ____________ ____________________________________________

    औय –_____________________________________________ ____________

    च )नीय - ___________ ______________________________________________

    नीड़ – ___________ ______________________________________________

    छ )आहद –_____________________________________________ ___________

    आदी -____________ ____________________________________________

    10 .यचनयत्भक रेखन (ठहन्दी व्मयकयण ऩुजस्तकय भें कयमथ कयनय हैं) “अॊतरयऺ भें बायत के फढते कदभ ”पवषम ऩय 300 शब्दों भें एक ननफॊध लरखखए | 11 .किमयत्भक गनतपवधध (कयमथ स्िेऩफुक भें कयनय है ) ककन्ही ऩाॉच वैऻाननकों के गचत्र गचऩकाकय उनका सॊक्षऺप्तजीवन ऩरयचम लरखखए | 12 .ऩयि - 4 ‘दीवयनों की हस्ती ’के आधयय ऩय फेकयय चीजों से एक छोटय एवॊ उत्तभ प्रनतरूऩ

    ( भयडर )तैमयय कीजजए | 13 .ऩयठ्मऩुस्तक के ऩयि – 1 ,2,3,4, के प्रश्नोत्तय मयद कयें |


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject - Maths

    Note: Do all the question in a separate notebook (thin sheet).

    1. How many rational numbers lie between −1

    10 and


    10. Find any three out of them.

    2. A 1771

    3 m long rope is cut into equal pieces, each measuring 7


    3m. How many such pieces are there?

    3. Fill in the blanks:-

    i. The rational number that are equal to their own reciprocals are ___________ and


    ii. If a rational number is greater than 1, then its reciprocal is _______________ than 1.

    4. Nidhi 3 times as many Rs 2 coins as she has Rs 5 coins. If she has in all a sum of Rs 77, how many coins

    of each denomination does she have?

    5. Ram is now 9 years older than Shyam. The ratio of the age of Ram after 10 years and that of Shyam 10

    years ago is 2:1. What are the present ages of Ram and Shyam?

    6. Find the value of x if:-

    i. 3𝑥+4 − (𝑥−1)

    5𝑥−3 =



    ii. 2

    3(4x-1) – (4x -


    2 ) =



    iii. 7𝑥

    5 = x- 5

    iv. 3x + 2

    3 = 2x +1

    7. If x= - 9, then form two valid equations for x.

    8. In a parallelogram HENS, HE=3x, HS=15 SN= 18 and EN = y+ 5. Find the value of x and y.

    9. Write are the properties of square that makes it different from rectangle.

    10. The ratio of two sides of a rectangle is 3:4. If its perimeter is 98 cm, find the length of each diagonal of

    the rectangle.

    11. Identify the type of quadrilateral(s) by the given information:-

    i. A quadrilateral which is equiangular but not equilateral.

    ii. A quadrilateral whose both pairs of opposite sides are equal.

    iii. A parallelogram with each angle as 900.

    iv. A quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect each other at 900.

    12. The angles of a regular hexagon are x, x+200, x+ 60

    0, x+ 40

    0, x+ 10

    0, x+50

    0. Find the largest and the

    smallest angle.

    13. Represent −2

    5 ,


    5 and


    5 on the same number line.

    14. Find the consecutive even numbers whose sum is 234.

    15. 2

    3 of a number is 10 more than two-thirds of the number. Find the number.


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    16. Divide 4500 into two parts such that 5% of the first part is equal to 10% of the second part. Find the value

    of each part.

    17. The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3:5:7:9. Find the measure of each angle.

    18. Construct a rhombus ABCD in which AB= 4cm and diagonal AC is 6.5 cm.

    19. Construct a parallelogram, one of whose sides is 5.2cm and whose diagonals are 6cm and 6.4 cm.

    20.Construct a trapezium ABCD in which AB= 6cm, BC=4cm, CD=3.2, Angle B=750 and DC is parallel to



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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject - Science

    1. Let‟s make this summer vacation a little interesting by taking a step toward saving our planet Earth. Plant a

    tree and click pictures every week showing the development of the seed throughout the month. Paste these

    pictures in your notebook.

    2. What is Global Warming? Make a creative project on the topic. Also include what steps did you took this

    summer to reduce it?

    3. What are different types of irrigation methods. Paste pictures of different types of methods.

    4. Make a chart of different types of disease caused by micro organisms.

    5. Collect complete information about diseases caused by micro organism. Make a report on how it is caused,

    how it spreads, how can we stop it.

    6. Do the following creative work according to your Roll. numbers:-

    Roll No. 1-10 : Different types of modern irrigation method.

    Roll No. 11-21: Different types of soil preparation equipment.

    Roll No. 22-32: : Flow chart of Nitrogen Cycle

    7. Prepare CH.1, CH.2, CH.3, CH.4 for P.A 1

    (NOTE: Students are free to use their creativity while attempting the questions given above)


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject – S.S.T (HISTORY)

    Answer the following questions.

    1. Who was James Mill?



    2. What was a Farman?



    3. Who wrote the book „A History of British India‟?



    4. Name the two rulers under whose leadership Mysore became powerful.



    5. Who did the company install in place of Mr Jafar?



    6. Why did the British preserve official documents?



    7. When did Vasco da Gama discover the sea-route to India?




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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    8.Why did the British preserve official documents? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    9. How will the information historians get from old newspapers be different from that found in police report ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10 .What attracted European trading companies to India ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)


    Answer the following questions.

    1. What is sustainable development?



    2. What is a biotic resource?



    3. What is a localized resource?



    4. What is federalism?



    5. What is secularism?



    6. What is tyranny?



    7. What is a Constitution?





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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)




    8. What would happen if there were no restrictions on the power of elected representatives?



    9. How are non muslim are treated in Saudi Arabia ?



    10. Why does a democratic country need a Constitution ?








    11. Why is it important to separate religion from state ?











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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)







    12.Why are human resources important?









    13.What is an actual resource?






    14.How are human resources different from natural resources ?






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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    15. What do you understand by the word utility?




    Note * R.No:- 1-10 List out five resources you use in your home and five you use in your class room paste

    pictures. Write their uses. Think of a few renewable resources and mention how their stock may get affected

    by their overuse.

    R.No .11-20 Make a project on “Three Branches of Government”

    R.No. 21-33 Make a project on Indian Industries you can make any model of the machine used by different


    15. Revise all syllabus of PA-1


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject – G.K. (Week 1 From 29April to 3 May)

    Note : To make Newspaper reading part of daily routine. School has taken initiative to make students read

    newspaper by giving worksheets based on current affairs for G.K. To solve this you need to go through the

    newspaper for finding their correct answer.

    1. On 29 April 2019 which created a new record in Indian aviation history by becoming the first to fly a plane

    without additional fuel?

    2. World‟s first malaria vaccine named RTS,S trade name Mosquirix was launched in which country on

    occasion of World Malaria Day observed on 25 april?

    3. On 1 May 2019, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) listed Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief

    Masood Azhar as a designated global terrorist, thus giving India a huge diplomatic victory. What is the

    name of the UNSC Committee that gave this listing to Masood Azhar?

    4. Naruhito became the new Emperor of Japan as he succeeded to the Chrysanthemum Throne on 1 May

    2019, following the abdication of his father, Akihito, on 30 April 2019. He is overall the ………member of

    the Japanese dynasty.

    5. The US oil sanctions on which two countries came into effect from 2 May 2019 that is expected to push oil

    prices globally?

    6. Cyclone Fani is gaining strength over southeast Bay of Bengal, the name of this cyclone was suggested by

    which country?

    7. India‟s second mission on moon Chandrayaan-2 will be launched by this year in july. What is the name of a

    rover that will be landed on moon‟s surface?

    8. What is the name of the screenwriter and comedian who won the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential elections as

    he out-staged the incumbent Petro Poroshenko on 21 April 2019?


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    9. Which iconic anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre was observed during April 2019?

    10. What is the name of Nepal‟s first satellite that was launched on 18 April 2019?

    11. Which global IT behemoth hit the trillion-dollar valuation mark for the first time ever on 25 April 2019?

    12. Which team won football‟s Santosh Trophy for 2018-19 after winning the final on 21 April 2019?

    Subject – G.K. (Week 2 From 6 May to 10 May)

    13. What is the name given to the extremely severe cyclonic storm that made landfall in eastern India on 3 May

    2019 and affected the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal?

    14. INS Vela, which is launched under Indian Navy‟s Project-75, is the joint venture of India and which of the following countries?

    15. Bandana, who set a new Guinness World Record on „Longest Dancing Marathon by an

    Individual‟, is from which country?

    16. Which country is the current chair of the 2019 G-7 summit?

    17. Who is the newly appointed Prime Minister of Mali?

    18. Who has been elected as the new President of Panama?


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    19. The book “Game Changer” is the autobiography of which of the following cricketers?

    20. What is the theme of the 2019 World Asthma Day (WAD)?

    21. What is the theme of the 2019 edition of World Red Cross Day (WRCD)?

    22. Which country‟s privately developed rocket „Momo-3‟ reached outer space?

    Subject – G.K. (Week 3 From 13 May to 17 May)

    1. Who has been appointed as the first female match referee by ICC?

    2. Who has become the world’s first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo in a Light Sports Aircraft (LSA)?

    3. Teresa Island is located in which of the following union territories of India?

    4. Which of the bowlers has been adjudged as 2019 CEAT International Bowler of the Year?

    5. Who of the following spinners has become the world’s most successful women’s ODI spinner?

    6. Yuvika 2019, which is in news recently, is associated to which of the organizations?


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    Name:___________________ Class__________


    Summer Holiday Assignment 2019-20

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    7. Which Indian cricketer has been featured in the world’s first exclusive women’s cricket magazine


    8. What is the theme of the 2019 edition of International Nurses Day (IND)?

    9. Apache Guardian helicopters, sometimes seen in news, is associated to which of the following countries?

    10. Who has been sworn-in as the new Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court?

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