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The most targeted advertising technology worldwide.

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The greatest opportunities to attract more Commercial prospects include employing these tactics:

• Work with the top 18 ad exchanges to ensure all interested commercial property owners and facility managers are seeing your marketing message.

• Launch “Competitor Conquesting” and use the marketing efforts of other security companies to generate revenue for you.

• Maximize collected data by using “Data Onboarding” to keep current messaging, calls to action, and brand awareness in front of potential and repeat commercial clients. While they are at work on smartphone and even personal tablet or computerwork, on smartphone, and even personal tablet or computer.

• Employ “Site retargeting” and “Search targeting” to ensure no potential client slips through gaps in marketing strategy.

• Use ILS as another resource of intel to monitor site traffic and understand campaign impact.

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Behavioral TargetingBehavioral Targeting

With a Targeted Campaign, we use optimized keywords and context to recognize potential clients by their search queries.

Major aspects of our process include:

• Internal proprietary data• Identify buying intent from 22 billion searches per month across the weby y g p• Qualify prospects based on historical behavior• Deliver a custom-tailored number of impressions to targeted prospects• Campaign flexibility – cross industry, multiple products, multiple behaviors,

Geo-TargetingGeo Targeting• Real-time bidding exchanges

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Target youraudience by

• 97% of website visitors leave without performing a conversion action

• We retarget these commercial property owners/facility manager to decrease site abandonment and positively impact conversion rates

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Follow yourprospects…

Your ad will follow your prospects after they leave your site.

These display ads will appear on many of the sites your prospect visits while they are p y pp y y p p yengaging in behavior consistent with your target profile.

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…backto you.

Your display campaign funnels your target audience back to your site.

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Our In House AgencyOur In-House Agency

Our team of Art Directors are dedicated to telling your story and getting your message to your customersmessage to your customers.

Our agency-quality Art Directors are available to help build unique creative available to help build unique creative and work closely with you to refine your vision.

Already have creative? Our team will help to resize current messaging to fit advertising spaces throughout the internet. All artwork comes with unlimited revisions and will be optimized not only to buyer behavior, but also to the market’s reaction to the digital advertisements.

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Target youraudience by

93% of Purchases begin with online research.

Each prospect exhibits unique behavior as they navigate the web. p p q y g

Worldwide Media Direct leverages proprietary data and expertise to ensure that we target your exact desired client at the most opportune moment without waste.

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Follow yourprospects…

Your ad will follow your prospects after they search for any keywords or phrases that directly relate to you and/or your competition.

These display ads will appear on many of the sites your prospects visit immediately after they have engaged in “Buying Behavior”.

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Banner Delivery and yCampaign Execution

Once your platform is completely built and your artwork is designed, we will deliver your banners through the 18 top tier ad exchanges. By working with all of the major ad exchanges we can ensure that YOUR prospects will see the ad in 

native ad sections as they search throughout the internet.

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Put a digital “net” around your competitors’ site, and target their clients.

Your ad will follow your prospects after they leave your competitors’ site.

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These display ads will appear on the sites your prospects visit after they have engaged in this type of “Buying Behavior”.

Th i k h b i i d i !The more your competitor markets, the more business is driven to you!

Ex: If a prospect goes directly to your competitor’s website and is displaying correct borrowing behavior, your ad will be served as this prospect moves to other websites

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Harness your existing data mined from your website newslettersHarness your existing data mined from your website, newsletters and email accounts. E‐Web Strategy can target your leads on sites 

they visit most outside of the retargeting profile.

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We live in a fast‐paced world and we don’t want to be confined to our desks Prospectsto be confined to our desks.  Prospects increasingly conducts business on smartphones. 

The shift to mobile usage will have an effect on our marketing efforts.  Advertising via mobile devices is a different process than traditionaldevices is a different process than traditional desktop ads.  A mobile, responsive campaign adds a layer of creative complexity.  To best serve the mobile experience, a mobile optimized targeted campaign allows us to create ad sizes compatible with all mobile deviceswith all mobile devices.

To ensure that your Targeted Campaign can reach your potential customers on their mobile devices, E‐Web Strategy distributes up to 20% of your campaign to smartphones and tabletscampaign to smartphones and tablets.

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The goal for online marketers is to deliver the sales team new, qualified leads,  It’s proven that having an online presence via company website is greatan online presence via company website is great for marketing and general brand awareness, but what about generating leads?

97% ‐ 97% of site visitors are anonymous.  That’s like having 100 people in your store, and you only have the ability to talk to one.  Anonymous visitor identification, or Inbound Lead Summary, is a powerful technology geared specifically to online 

k id if ll i i i d idmarketers to identify all site visitors and provides website owners with information on the visitor. 

Thanks to this information, what once were anonymous users moving through your site areanonymous users moving through your site are now identified leads

WMDI is excited to announce that ILS now comes standard with

devery Targeted Campaign!

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Company TargetingTargeting

Directly target specific companies with a customized ad including their company name, call to action and your company name/logo. 

Ad is delivered only to individuals who work at the target company. 

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• Identify your prospects based on buying behaviorde t y you p ospects based o buy g be a o• Build Targeted banner messages for each marketing initiativeg

• Deliver your message to prospects who search for your services or competitors’ services and those who visit your site or competitors’ sites

• Receive daily lead reports• Ongoing optimization and ever improving conversions

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