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Wear a Pearl for Security & StabilityIn Hindi and Sanskrit Pearl is calledMotiorMuktaand in PersianMukhavid.A good quality pearl is one, which is soft to touch, white in colour, and sparkling in appearance. A black spot on a pearl is considered inauspicious and such a stone should not be worn. In astrology, such a pearl is known as Crows pearl and is supposed to bring ill luck or health problems, on one who wears it. The pearl should be at least two or four carats in weight, and set in silver or gold. If set in a ring it should be worn on the index or the little finger of either hand. For women, it is advisable to be worn in a pendent for good results. Wearing the pearl on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday proves very favourable and propitious. And if the Moon transit the constellation Pushya on the day one wears a pearl, it yields remarkable results. A proper study of an individual s birth chart is very important before one decides to wear a gemstone. Though wearing a pearl is considered harmless by astrologers, but those suffering from epilepsy, asthma, dysentery, colitis, or cancer, should be particularly careful while choosing this gemstone.In astrology the moon is supposed to rule pearls. Those governed by Moon can be recognised from their tall, round figures. They have grey eyes and generally curly hairs. Men governed by Moon grow bald in mid thirties. People ruled by the Moon are restless, though lazy by disposition. They are temperamental and unstable in their relationship. Since they are gifted with quick, fertile brain they can easily grasp new ideas though they could be slow in executing their plans.The Moon rules over work connected with shipping, politics, cinema industry, jewellery, interior decoration, photography, painting, or writing. In your birth chart the strength of the Moon will decide the degree of success you will enjoy in your career. Those associated with the above mentioned professions could wear pearl to enhance their career prospects.The pearl is worn to achieve stability in ones life and career. The Moon being the cold planet, its improper and unfavourable positioning in birth chart often causes cold and migraine. For such persons wearing a pearl can bring a lot of relief. Women suffering from gynaecological complaints or irregularity of monthly cycle are advised to wear this gemstone. Children, especially new born, who are constantly ill, are supposed to benefit a lot by wearing a pearl around their neck.To conclude, when wearing a pearl do not set it in combination with diamond, blue sapphire, or hessonite, for it is supposed to be hostile and inimical to these gemstones.Coral for MangalikCoral is governed by planet Mars. In astrology great importance is attached to this planet, especially when considering a match for marriage. The position of the planet Mars in individual nativity decides the happiness or failure of conjugality. In this feature we shall briefly discuss the properties of coral and its effects upon the wearer. In Hindi and Sanskrit it is known asMoonga, Praval, Vidrum and Angarakmani. In Persian it is known asMirzan.Coral is found in the sea. A good quality coral is shinning red in colour with slight orange hue. It should be round or oval, or triangular in shape. A long narrow coral should not be worn for it brings ill luck. White spots found on coral portend health problems to the wearer. A double shade on coral is considered inauspicious. The coral should be set in gold. Its weight should be between three to six carats. The ring should be worn in the ring finger of the right hand.In astrology Mars, the ruler of coral is attributed to having a fiery temperament, animal spirit and fighting power. It signifies energy, ambitions and desire. Armed forces and the police personnel are ruled by the red planet Mars. Engineers, doctors especially dental surgeons, lawyers, and those dealing in iron and steel, dry fruits, intoxicants and landed estates and building contractors are all governed by the Mars. Mars also rules transport, and automobile dealers. Those belonging to the professions mentioned above can wear coral for enhancing their career prospects. Those born with Mars predominant in their birth chart are medium in height, muscular and they have well-developed chest and shoulders, narrow waist and dark brown hair. They generally have a rosy or ruddy complexion and light coloured eyes. Such people can wear coral to derive maximum benefits through its prophylactic qualities.Women born under beneficial placement of Mars in their birth chart are assured of a long and happy married life. Wearing of coral by such women assures them stable and prosperous life. Astrologers hold coral in high regards as wearing it assures protection against burns, wounds, accidents, and ill luck. But to enjoy such a fortunate trait and felicity, one must be born with a strong Mars, the ruler of coral. If one is afflicted with acute fever, smallpox, measles, mumps, ulcers in the intestines, then one should not wear this gemstones. In Hindu system of astrology, certain placement of Mars in a birth-chart is considered very inauspicious and detrimental to marital bliss. Such cases are known asMangalik,or those havingMangal dosha.Theres general belief that aMangalikperson should marry aMangalikto balance the negative effects of Mars. It is not the scope of the present features to give details ofMangal-dosha, and how to minimise its negative influences. However, aMangalikperson can wear coral to mitigate the harmful effects or malefic influence of Mars.Contrary results like theft loss of job, accident etc. are experienced by those who either have a weak Mars in their birth-chart or if coral does not suit a person. This gem should not be set in combination with emerald, blue, sapphire or hessonite.Wear a Ruby for Power & FameRuby is a precious gem, dark red in colour. In Hindi and Sanskrit, it is known asManek, Lohit, Pasmaraga, VasuratnaandRaviratna. In Persian it is calledYakut.Ruby is available in various shades of red. A good ruby is bright and sparkling red in colour. When exposed to the rays of the morning Sun, it emits red coloured rays. While buying a ruby, one should be extremely careful that gem is flawless, that is, it should not have cracks or spots in it. Sometimes imitation rubies are sold as genuine, and it is impossible for us to distinguish between the two. Garnets, red spinel, or red tourmaline can easily be passed off as rubies. The ruby should be at least of three carets in weight. But it being an expensive gemstone, even if one buys this gem of lesser in weight, it is still believed to confer beneficial results. It should be set in gold ring and to be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Wearing a ruby ring on Sunday proves favourable and propitious. If one wears it on the day when moon is transiting the constellationPushya, Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, orUttarashada,it is supposed to bring remarkable results.The Sun the giver of life is the ruler of ruby. Agriculture, agricultural goods, a farmer who ploughs the fields, and those in politics or connected with government, is governed by the Sun. In every sphere of activity, fame and popularity is the domain of the Sun. One can be highly successful or rich but to be famous one must have the Sun in favourable position in ones birth chart. Such a person can derive great benefit by wearing a ruby.Sun being the source of energy, the centre of creation, is also the indicator of progeny in astrology. It being the fiery planet, infertility in the women can be caused by a weak Sun in their nativity. If planets like Jupiter and Venus are also weak in a horoscope, such women tends to become frigid and can never bear children. In some cases birth of daughter or daughters are indicated. Wearing a ruby in such cases is supposed to minimise the ill effects of the weak Sun such as inferiority complex, inhibitions and melancholia.Those who suffer from heart aliments such as palpitation, irregular circulation, and blood pressure or from ophthalmic complaints can wear ruby as a remedial measure. Ruby should be worn singly and not in combination with other gemstones.A proper study of ones birth- chart is of utmost importance before one decides to wear a gemstone. Astrologers in comparison to precious stones like blue sapphire, coral and hessonite (Gomed) consider ruby relatively harmless.Cats Eye: Lovers CharmCats eye is a white coloured opaque gemstone. At night it shines like a Cats eye and hence the name. In Hindi and Sanskrit it is known asLahsaniya, Vaidurya, orVidur-ratna. Cats eye also comes in various shades of yellow, pale green and black as well. Cats eye is marked by a pattern of white stripe on it. The gem having a single white line in the centre of the stone is considered extremely auspicious for bringing prosperity and good health. A gem, which lacks lustre or has a net like formation should be rejected. A red coloured Cats eye or which has a white dot rather than a stripe is supposed to cause friction in ones love life. Cats eye should be three carat in weight and set in a sliver ring. It can be worn either on the middle or little finger of either hand.In astrology, Ketu, Dragons tail is considered to be ruler of Cats eye. Ketu, though referred to as a planet, is an imaginary point formed by the intersection of the Suns orb and the Moons elliptic. The elliptic intersect at two points, 180 degrees apart, and these two are known as Moons nodes. When the Moons motion is from north to south, the point is called the south node or the descending node (Ketu). Since this is an imaginary point, the intersection of the path of two luminaries, namely the Sun and the Moon, it is referred to asChayya Graha,shadowy planet in Hindu system of astrology. And in this system of astrology, Ketu signifies the end, the unknown, inner self, and high form of learning, mysticism and enlightenment. A weak Ketu in birth chart makes one lazy, lethargic, and good-for-nothing. Such an individual, despite education and learning, may waste away his life doing nothing, because Ketu symbolise negation or the end. In the higher sense negation can be interpreted as detachment or renunciation. A well-placed Ketu in ones horoscope indicates profound wisdom and learning. Wearing a Cats eye could assist those pursuing higher education. Even those who, despite a sound academic background, fail to find steady employment should wear Cats eye for improving their prospects. Those engaged in mining, research, or investigative work can also wear this gemstone for achieving progress and stability in their career.If one is born with Ketu in exaltation or in a very important position in birth chart, such a person even if he or she has taken birth in a poor family will become very rich. Such person should wear Cats eye to hasten their success. A strong Ketu governs those who have risen in life from rags to riches.In astrology Ketu a planet indicating negation, is considered to create obstacles in love and matrimony. Those desirous of marriage, yet having failed to come across the right person or unmarried, due to other reasons usually have a weak Ketu in their horoscope. Such a person should wear Cats eye to improve their marriage prospects. Women suffering from gynaecological complaints, or an irregular monthly cycle, are also advised to wear this gem. Those who practiceYoga Sadhanaor purse higher knowledge can wear this gemstone to advantage. It is believed one can attain great occult powers and acquire intuition by propitiating Ketu represented by Cats eyeHowever, before deciding to wear this gem. A through study of ones birth chart is of utmost importance, even though a Cats eye is considered relatively safe as compared to gems like the blue sapphire, coral or Gomed.Diamonds for AllVenus, the planet representing love, romance and monetary affluence, rules the Diamonds. In Hindi and Sanskrit the Diamond is calledHeera, Vijra, Pavi, Kalish,Arksetc. The Diamond, the most sparkling of all gemstones, is alsoRatnarajathe king of gems. A pure white and transparent Diamond is considered the best. It has a sparkling appearance and emits rays of variegated colours. A Diamond with a bluish hue is considered most auspicious. It is known as a blue flame Diamond. The gem, which has a reddish glow, should be rejected, as it is supposed to bring ill lick to the wearer. A Diamond with black dots should not be worn, for it is believed to bring health problems. Diamond being the most favoured gem, there are imitation Diamonds sold as real in the market. Unscrupulous traders pass off sometimes Rutile, or Zircon, or even simple glass as a Diamond. Such gemstones will not yield any results to the wearer. Select the Diamond at least twenty-five cents, set it in platinum, silver or gold, and wear it on the little finger of the either hand. Wearing a diamond on Friday proves extremely propitious. Women can also wear a diamond in a pendent around their neck or wear as ear-studs. Venus is attributed with feminine traits.Those governed by Venus are average in height, fair complexioned, slightly plump, good0-looking, and have sparkling eyes. They are endowed with a pleasant voice, and have very cheerful disposition. Depending upon other planetary configurations in a birth chart, a strong Venus gives artistic inclinations and success in theatre, cinema, or fine arts. Venus governs all those associated with the automobile industry, silk mills, glass factories, or mines. They can wear a Diamond for the advancement of their career. The planet Venus also rules those employed in the airlines, hotel industry, tea, coffee, and rubber plantations. Such persons should wear Diamond to enhance their career prospects.Venus indicates love and marriage. A good Venus in a horoscope brings about strong romantic inclinations, which are fulfilled. Even a week Venus causes multiplicity of love affairs, but subsequently leads to disappointment and despair. Such people can wear a Diamond to bring stability in their love life. Those having constant troubles in love or marriage should present a Diamond to their mate to improve their relationship. Apart from this being a valuable gift and a romantic gesture, the prophylactic qualities of diamond could work wonders in a love relationship.A strong and well-placed Venus in horoscope brings about an early marriage. Such person should opt for diamond for conjugal bliss and material prosperity. However, women finding it difficult to conceive are advised not to wear a diamond, because in astrology, Venus does not favour progeny. Venus also indicates sudden wealth. Those lucky in gambling or speculation, or in lotteries, are generally born with strong Venus in their birth chart. The saying lucky in gambling and unlucky in love is definitely wrong for those blessed with strong Venus. However, Venus can cause havoc in ones life. Venus indicates indulgence in gambling, amusement and vice. An unfavourable or malefic Venus in nativity can lead to excessive indulgence and addiction to alcohol, gambling and such vices. Such individuals should never wear a diamond for it will only strengthen rather than check the evil influence of Venus.Those suffering from skin or venereal disease and women with defective ovaries should not wear Diamonds.To conclude, it is better to consult an astrologer, before deciding ones birthstone. However, if choosing a Diamond wear a single Diamond, for the number of gemstones also makes a major difference in its remedial properties? Never combine the diamond with ruby, pearl, topaz or cats eye

DWIJW, TIRTHE, MANTRE, AUSHADHE, BHESHAJE GURAU | YADRISHI BHAWANA YASYA TADRISHI PHALAM LABHET ||That means, pilgrimage, Brahmin, mantra, gemstones, medicines and teacher give the same result as one has feelings about them.

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