Download - April 14, 2019


April 14, 2019

Readings for April 14, 2019, Palm Sunday

Lk 19:28-40 (37)/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14--23:56

or 23:1-49

Gospel Meditation:

Palm Sunday is a strange day in our liturgical calendar.

We begin by waving palms, but somewhere in the middle,

we call for Jesus to be cruci!ied. We celebrate today an

equally paradoxical God, one who comes to save through


"I tell you, if they keep

silent, the stones will cry

out!" Jesus, who so often in

the Gospels tries to hide his

true identity, speaks

thunderously to the Pharisees

who would still the rejoicing

crowd. At the Last Supper,

Jesus con!irms the Messianic

promise to his disciples,

saying "I confer a kingdom on

you, just as my Father has

conferred one on me." Yet,

before the night is over, Jesus

has been betrayed.

We hear the tragedy

unfold in Luke's Passion

narrative. Jesus is abused by

the council of elders, denied

by Peter, whipped by Roman

soldiers, and condemned to

death by Pilate. But what else

do we see? Jesus heals

someone who came to arrest

him, forgives his torturers,

promises a repentant man paradise, and - by his loving

endurance - converts a centurion at the foot of the cross.

Jesus is both Redeemer of the World and Suffering

Servant. In taking on the mantle of Messiah, Jesus does

not only receive our praise and our accolades, but he

bears our burdens and sins and does so with the deepest

love. He may go about our salvation in a paradoxical way,

but he is dearer to our own suffering hearts for it. This

week, we remember that no sorrow of our own is beyond

the reach of the compassion of God.

Inspiration for the week:

Once hailed with blessings and hosannas as he

approached the Mount of Olives, the same God is nailed to

a cross amid cries for His cruci!ixion. What an ironic twist

of fate. What an unjust end to this compassionate, simple,

and loving life. Life's ironies and cruelties are

dramatically witnessed today and throughout this Holy

Week. The thread of God's love is woven through it all as

it reveals God's transforming, redemptive, and salvi!ic

plan. It is all necessary: the

hardship and the joy, the

suffering and the glory, the

disappointment and the

inheritance. When life takes a

turn for the worse, we often

question where God is. Are we

ready to walk through our lives

as did Jesus, with a persistent

trust that regardless how

dif!icult our journey, all will

work out in the end. "Father,

into your hands I commend my


Readings for April 21, 2019,

Easter Sunday: Acts 10:34a,

37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-

8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or

Lk 24:13-35

First Reading:

"He commissioned us to

preach to the people and

testify that he is the one

appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead."

(Acts 10:42)

Second Reading: When Christ your life appears, then you

too will appear with him in glory. (Col 3:4)

Gospel: Then the other disciple also went in, the one

who had arrived at the tomb !irst, and he saw and

believed. (Jn 20:8)

What it means to be a


By Youth Faith

Formation Director,

Amy Slick

When looking into the de!inition

of catechism or catechesis I found

many different descriptions.

However the one the captured my attention the most was this:

"Catechesis is nothing other than the process of transmitting

the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it,

understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in

many ways." (General Directory for Catechesis #105)

I can easily add a few other descriptors as well. Such as

amazing, giving, compassionate, God-serving and many more.

In past articles, I’ve described different parts of my position

that I love. This article will be no different. In fact, it’s my

favorite yet.

One of the hardest, although rewarding, part of my job is the

recruiting of catechists. However, once complete and training is

done (yes! There is training!), I have the privilege of learning so

much from these men and women.

They give time every week to share

their faith with the children of our

program. Many have stated they learn

just as much as the kids!

This past week I’ve talked with

many of these catechists. They were

thrilled to share their thoughts on this

wonderful ministry. When asked WHY

they chose to sign up, many stated it

was because they felt it was their duty

(good ole Catholic guilt!).

Catechist Amy Merschbrock

stated, “I first started to teach Faith

Formation to do something for and with

my kids. After the !irst year of teaching,

it turned into something for me. Teaching has helped me stay

connected to my faith and I love sharing it with the kids each


Monica Negron (!irst-year catechist) added, “I became a

catechist because I want to be closer to God by helping the

younger kids learn the importance of faith and Jesus’s teachings

in our lives. It’s a way of giving back to my church and our


My next question was an easy one for our catechists. What

are their favorite parts of being a catechist? This received such

an overwhelming response that it was hard to choose which to


Catechist Lance Gunkel stated, “Witnessing how kind

and generous the kids are in our parish.”

Catechist Hillary Sonntag added, “My favorite part about

being a catechist is teaching the children more about faith and

kindness. They also teach me things when we walk through

certain topics.”

Nick Harvey concluded with, “For me, being a catechist

is so rewarding because you get to have an impact on the youth of

our community. With so many negative voices in the world

around them, I want to be a positive voice in their lives that

hopefully gives them sound advice they need to deal with

everyday problems they face. I learn more about our Catholic

faith myself by being a teacher as well.”

Finally, I asked our wonderful catechists to provide tips for

any individuals thinking about signing up or becoming a new

catechist. This just shows how wonderful and helpful our

catechists are. They are excited to welcome more catechists and

teach them all they need to know.

I loved Kiley Skadburg’s advice, as it shows how supportive

our catechists are of each other. She said, “My biggest tip for

new catechists would be this: It doesn’t have to be hard or a big

commitment! Just develop a consistent schedule for your class

and stick to it. For the littles ones, there are lots of resources for

class that you can use for crafts. Plus, there are a lot of teachers

{Catechists} who are willing to share their methods, so just ask!”

Kara Larson stated, “The feeling you get for volunteer-

ing with Faith Formation is worth every nervous feeling you may

have ahead of time. If you feel it is important enough to sign your

child up for Faith Formation, shouldn’t it be just as important for

you to be a part of that experience.”

Longtime catechist Laura Martins ended with a fun tip! “I

strongly encourage signing up with a friend and co-teaching. It

makes the schedule and planning super


One last tip/helpful hint from

Monday catechist Michelle Fischbach

was, “Our new catechism materials

make preparations easy.”

It’s as simple as that! You get

training, make friends and memories

for life, plus the materials and lessons

are provided for you. Each year I get to

spend every week with 130 catechists.

Every year I’m excited to see my new

friends doing something good not only

for themselves but for the greater

good. How lucky am I?

Father has been speaking a lot

about Now is the Time. He is 100% right. Now is the time to

take that step you’ve been nervous about. Now is the time to

join the biggest volunteer ministry in our parish. Now is the

time to not only continue your learning of faith, but to pass it on

to the children of our future. And at this I will end but not with-

out a !inal quote from catechist Meg Jackson: “And the party for

catechists at the end of the year is pretty fun!” Did I not mention

that? Why, yes! There is a wonderful dinner after every year

celebrating our amazing catechists. As fun and wonderful as

this party is, I guarantee it won’t be as rewarding as being a


Join me in thanking these 130 catechists who spend time

each week with the children of our parish. For without

them, this program would not be as successful as it is.

Interested in learning more or signing up to be a catechist

in the 19/20 youth formation year (beginning in Septem-

ber)? Contact me at [email protected].

Easter Flower Dona!ons

In celebration of the resurrection of Christ, I/we would like to donate to the fund for a lily.

Name: Phone: ____________________________________________________

In Memory of: ____________________________________________________

- OR -

In Praise/Thanksgiving for: _________________________________________

Cost of each !lower is $15.00; Make checks payable to St. Boniface Catholic Church; deadline for ordering is April 14th.

If you would like to donate to the fund for a lily for our Easter decorating, please complete this form and drop it in the basket on the gathering space table with your donation; or mail it to the parish of!ice at 1200 Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA 50263; or pay online at Your donation will be listed in the bulletin on Easter weekend. Please print clearly so we get the spelling of names correct. The deadline for ordering is Sunday, April 14th. Any questions, please call 515-987-4597.

An Evening of Re!lection & Forgiveness was held last Thursday evening, and those who joined us re!lected and prayed on ways to bring themselves closer to God and with others. During the evening, all guests were encouraged to take a moment and write down what was blocking them from having a deeper relationship with God and others.

Once completed, they were nailed to the cross. With the sound of the music and of the hammers, all were able to listen for ways God was speaking to them during this Lenten Season.


Graduate Information


We will recognize St. Boniface’s

graduating seniors in the bulletin and in

a display in the gathering space the

weekend of May 11/12. Please

respond by April 22 with a senior picture and the

information requested in an email from Nancy Horsch.

Also in that email was a request for information

related to the May 12 Senior Mass. If you are the parent

of a senior and you did not get this email, please contact

Nancy at [email protected] or call


Parishioner in Need

A parishioner who is physically handicapped with

limited computer skills would appreciate some help with

light of!ice work. This would be in their Waukee home,

generally looking at 2 days a week for 4 hours/day. They

have a PC computer with Epson printer/scanner and are

mainly wanting help putting old pictures into the

computer. (The pay is better than McDonald’s, but not as

good as Apple’s…) If you are able to help, please contact

Sara in the parish of!ice for more information,

[email protected]. Thank you for making

a difference!

Newcomers Meeting Sunday, April 14, 11:30 a.m., Mary & Joseph Room

If you would like to become a member of our

parish, please plan to attend the meeting held the second

Sunday of the month after 10:30 a.m. Mass or call the

office at 515-987-4597 to pre-register for a meeting.

Spanish Mass Sunday,

April 14, 4:30 p.m. La Comunidad Catolica de

St. Boniface lo invita a Ud. a

nuestra Misa en Espanol

(Bilingue – algunas partes

seran en ingles) mensual

cada segundo Domingo del mes a las 4:30 p.m.

St. Boniface Catholic Community welcomes you to join

us for our monthly Spanish Mass (some parts will be in

English) every second Sunday of every month at

4:30 p.m.

Joppa Outreach for families

and individuals.

Make a real difference!

Volunteer one Sunday

per month.

St. Boniface will support Joppa Outreach with family

or individual volunteers to join experienced teams for

Sunday afternoon visits to homeless camps or recently

housed people in aftercare. Volunteers typically

participate once a month.

Outreach teams are made up of two to four adults,

plus youth, and will travel in one or two vehicles. The

primary roles of outreach teams is to demonstrate

unconditional love, build and grow relationships, deliver

food, supplies, inquire about housing goals, and

encourage positive steps forward. Outreach workers will

assist their route leaders in one of many roles.

It’s hard to express just how important this is to those

being served. For more information, please contact Jan

Bagby [email protected] or call 515-720-0152.

Thank you!

Holy Week & Easter Services: Palm Sunday Mass

April 14 at 9 and 10:30 am

Holy Thursday Mass

April 18 at 7 pm (No 8 am mass)

Good Friday Service

April 19 at 7pm

Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil

April 20 at 8 pm

(No 5:30 pm Mass)

Easter Sunday Mass

April 21 at 9:00 and 11:00 am

Be a Gift Bearer

Here’s an easy way to help at Mass—be a

gift-bearer! You don’t need to sign up beforehand to let

us know you’re interested. Just pick up the

“gift-bearer card” on your way into Mass, hand it to an

usher and then bring the gifts forward to the altar

before communion. The gift bearer card is on the small

table near the baptism font; just ask an usher for help.

Gluten Free Hosts

Are you currently receiving a gluten-free host at mass? Would you like to learn how you can? Con-tact Sara Krohnke, health and wellness minister at 515-987-4597 to !ind out more information and the new options available to you.

Be sure to check out, check in, like us, and follow us on our Facebook page: St. Boniface Catholic Community. This is a great place to stay connected and up to date on what’s happening at

St. Boniface and the many ways to be involved.

$100,000 $226,735

Active Duty Members

If you know of any parishioners in active duty, we’d like to honor them by putting their picture on the wall map. Please contact Joanne Henderson at [email protected] for more details. God Bless.

Annual Diocesan Appeal Goal: $226,735.00

Thank you to everyone has given to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. So far we have received $114,150 from 328 parishioners. Simply !ill out a pledge card and place it in the collection basket or drop it in the mail. If you prefer to pay online with a

credit or debit card, please visit the diocese’s website at: be sure to

select “Waukee, St. Boniface,” as your parish selection. We appreciate any level of gift you can give to assist us in meeting our goal. Thank you for prayerfully considering a gift and thank you to those of you who

have already made one. ~ Fr. Vince



Splash Canyon VBS

Registration will be

open from

April 22nd to May 13th

God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride

All children who are 4 years old (and potty trained) before June 10 are invited to join us in the preschool

room for an exciting week at VBS! Preschool camp will meet in the Mary and Joseph Room where we will do crafts, tell stories, sing and dance, go outdoors, have

free play, and snack! At the end of each day, we will join the older campers in the Parish Hall for more singing

and dancing, and this is where you can pick up your child.

We look forward to having you join us for Splash Canyon - God’s promise on life’s wild ride!!

Volunteers Needed

Looking for a ful!illing way to spend your time this sum-mer? We are in need of energetic volunteers, 6th grad-ers to adults, to help us make VBS a fun and meaningful

week. Love to tell stories/read in a charismatic way? Volunteer to read the Bible story!! Love being outside

and playing? Help with the game center!! Is music your thing? We ALWAYS need help here! Registration opens

April 22nd for volunteers. We hope you will Join the adventure!

Grace Within Spring Performance

Any girl entering 1st grade through 5th grade is invited to join Grace Within this fall. Grace Within is a

unique opportunity for girls to build their relationship with God through dance and conversation of giving

back to our community. It’s also a mentor based program with mentors who have been part of Grace

Within since grade school. If you are interested in registering your daughter or would like more

information, please contact Monica Vanorny at [email protected] or at

[email protected]. “Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds

and glorify your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16

Worth it, come what may

Everything in life has something to teach us, if we only allow ourselves to look at it deeply enough. I don’t talk

about this incident much —for obvious reasons—but I don’t forget it. I mean, who can you talk to about what you

learned from your dog?

His name was Danny. He was one of those wiry, intense, frenetic kind of Irish setters who go through life at high

speed, laughing all the way. I have dozens of funny stories about him. Those are the ones I tell. There is one story,

however, that is not funny at all. It comes back to me at strange times of life, at those moments when I am feeling most

defensive and very vulnerable.

It was hunting season. The woods behind the monastery are thick, wide, and off-limits to hunters. Danny ran in

those woods every day.

One afternoon he came back from a run, stood looking at me quiet as a stone for a moment, and then lay down,

stretched out the length of the throw rug in front of my desk, and looked at me lethargic and sloe-eyed. Something was

wrong: no barking for the biscuit, no nudging my hands off the keyboard. Just the look. I got up from behind the desk,

knelt down beside him, and ran my hands through the long scarlet feathering that covered his !lanks and rib cage.

When I felt it, he !linched only a hair and then gave a deep, slow sigh. I parted his hair with both hands and saw the

bullet hole in his ribs. There had been no sound, no agitation, no hysteria, no meanness. Just the trust that if he looked

at me long enough, I would understand; if he waited long enough, it would be alright again.

And it was, of course. The vet removed the bullet and, little by little, we loved him back to the same breathless en-

ergy and total irrepressibility he’d shown before the shooting. But I was never able to forget the incident as easily as

he apparently had. I went on being troubled by the shooting, of course, but as the months went by, I found myself even

more overwhelmed by the way the dog had responded to it. I got the distinct impression that it had been a good run in

the woods and that it was worth it come what may.

The memory of the event touches my own life yet. I learned the power of vulnerability, of opening yourself to life,

of entrusting yourself to other arms, come what may, and presuming that, in the end, it will all have been worth it. I

learned from Danny that somehow, someway, if and when we are cut down in the delirium of life, we will have all the

resources we need to carry us through.


14 Sunday

9:00 a.m. Mass, Church

9:00 a.m. Last Pre-K/K Youth Faith Formation Classes

9:30 a.m. Word & Communion Service, Legacy Retirement

10:00 a.m. Pre-K/K Program, Parish Hall

10:30 a.m. Mass, Church

10:30 a.m. Last Pre-K/K Youth Faith Formation Classes

11:30 a.m. Pre-K/K Program, Parish Hall

11:30 a.m. Newcomers Meeting, Mary and Joseph Room

1:00 p.m. 8th Grade Retreat, M & J Room and Parish Hall

4:30 p.m. Spanish Mass, Church

5:00 p.m. 8th Grade Retreat Dinner, Parish Hall

6:30 p.m. Knights 1st Degree Ceremony, Mary and Joseph Room

15 Monday

9:00 a.m. Walk With Ease, Romero

5:30 p.m. Prime-Time Health Workshop, Mary and Joseph Room

5:45 p.m. Youth Faith Formation Classes

7:00 p.m. Prayer Group, Chapel

16 Tuesday

4:00 p.m. Eucharist Centers, South Hallway Classrooms

5:30 p.m. Mass, Chapel

6:30 p.m. El Salvador Core Team Meeting, Conf. Room

7:00 p.m. Knights Monthly Meeting, Mary and Joseph Room

17 Wednesday

9:00 a.m. Walk With Ease, Romero

10:00 a.m. Playgroup, Mary and Joseph Room

2:00 p.m. Connecting Through Grief Support Group, M & J Room

4:30 p.m. Youth Faith Formation Classes

5:45 p.m. Youth Faith Formation Classes

6:30 p.m. Choir Practice, Church

7:00 p.m. Youth Faith Formation Classes

7:00 p.m. 8th GradeEaster Baskets & Interviews

18 Thursday

6:30 a.m. Men of Boniface, Mary and Joseph Room

8:00 a.m. NO Mass

8:30 a.m. Scripture Study Group, Romero

4:00 p.m. Eucharist Centers, South Hallway Classrooms

7:00 p.m. Holy Thursday Mass

19 Friday Good Friday - Parish Office will be closed

7:00 p.m. Good Friday Service, Church

20 Saturday Holy Saturday

NO 5 pm Mass

8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil, Church

21 Sunday Easter Sunday

9:00 a.m. Mass

11:00 a.m. Mass

13 Saturday 5:30 p.m.

Mass Intention Russ Singer, son of Rod & Rose Singer

14 Sunday 9:00 a.m.

Mass Intention Wilbur Miller, father of Kent Miller & father-in-law of Kathy Miller

14 Sunday 10:30 a.m.

Mass Intention Arnold Wunder, father of Laura Christensen

16 Tuesday 5:30 p.m.

Mass Intention Irene Lause, mother of Mike Lause

18 Holy Thursday 7:00 p.m.

Greeters Diane Konicek Pat Broderick

Greeter Needed Greeter Needed

Hand Washing Fr. Vince Peggy Martin

Karen Dluhos Hand Washer Needed

Lectors Becky Brdicko Barb Arkwright

Servers Carter Ihrke

Sienna Schneider

Audrey Doud

Communion Catherine Witte Fr. Vince

Liz Cosner Tim Doud

Diane Konicek Marilyn Pollak

Dena Forret Craig Schneider

Joe Emerson Steve Smith

Margaret Marcouiller Christine Smith

19 Friday 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Service

Greeters Gary Wiedenfeld Greeter Needed

Kristin Wiedenfeld Greeter Needed

Ushers Trish Kallemeier Diane Konicek

Ed Schooley Usher Needed

Lectors Liz Cosner - Reading 1 Mike Kellar - Gospel 2

Anne Vaske - Reading 2 Tom Hromatka - Gospel 3

Tamara Barrett - Gospel 1

Servers Owen Schneider Server Needed

Ronan Kindy

Communion No Cups Joan Schooley

Lori Hurkin

Maggie O'Rourke

Marilyn Pollak

Liz Cosner

Dena Forret

20 Saturday 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil

Mass Intention Blessing on RCIA Members joining the church

Greeters Trish Kallemeier Karen Dluhos

Rick Kallemeier Greeter Needed

Ushers Jim Mahoney Diane Konicek

Susan Mahoney Peggy Martin

Lectors Catherine Witte Annette Edgington

Servers Leyton Clines Carter Ihrke

Jordyn Clines

Communion Tim Doud Fr. Vince

Karen Dluhos Tamara Barrett

Catherine Witte Melissa Clines

Liz Cosner Marie Kayser

Craig Schneider Leslie Schneider

Daryl Stall Sheila Gleason

21 Easter Sunday 9:00 a.m.

Mass Intention Parish of St. Boniface

Greeters Mary Scheve Greeter Needed

Greeter Needed Greeter Needed

Ushers Ray Scheve Patricia Schoff

Matt Hackett Tim Eischeid

Usher Needed Usher Needed

Lectors Michael Anderson Susan Dunn

Servers Lily Bailiff Adrian Anderson

Reagan Anderson

Communion Wanda Conway Alissa Anderson

Tom Dunn Chad Bailiff

Molly Allen Bob Thies

Steve Smith Catherine Witte

Christine Smith Chuck Lee

Judy Ralston-Hansen Amy Duder

Donna Heckman Angie Klein

Bruno Andreini Marsha Eischeid

Colleen Dougherty Fr. Vince

Cup Refiller: Dena Forret

21 Easter Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Mass Intention Parish of St. Boniface

Greeters Greeter Needed Greeter Needed

Greeter Needed Greeter Needed

Ushers Ed Schooley Usher Needed

Jason Sagebiel Usher Needed

Terry Bartholomew Usher Needed

Lectors Jennifer Crittensen Lori Hurkin

Servers Ronin Kindy Server Needed

Server Needed

Communion Lori Hurkin Daryl Stall

Nancy Reese Joan Schooley

Teresa Shafer Nick Gruber

Dean Kayser Terry Hysell

Jane Landes Sheila Sailer

CM Needed Juan Garcia

CM Needed Heather Garcia

CM Needed Monica Hysell

CM Needed Fr. Vince

Cup Refiller: Needed

Week of April 7, 2019

Registered Households: 1721

Tithes needed 31,560.00Tithes received 26,682.28Short for the week -4,877.72Short for fiscal 2018/19 -35,969.37

Plate 931.45Total Debt payment 2018/19 387,061.00

Building Faith needed 3,270.00Building Faith received 2,345.35Short for the week -924.65Short for fiscal 2018/19 -10,064.28


Join us for the 2019 Mary’s Meals Run 5K / 10K on

Saturday, May 11 at 9 a.m. This year’s race starts

and ends at Holy Trinity Catholic Church and School!

As always, your registration – whether 5K or 10K,

walking or running – feeds one hungry child in Malawi

for the entire school year through Mary’s Meals. Fun

and upbeat music at the start and Hurt’s Donuts at the

!inish line. Register today and follow us on Facebook!

Bishop Drumm Garage Sale

Thursdays, from May 2-September 27th, 8:30-12:30

at the Bishop Drumm Retirement Center garage, 5834

Winwood Drive.

Donations will be accepted after April 16th. Items

needed: household goods, children and adult clothing,

furniture in good condition, toys, books. For questions

please call Sue Jansen, 515-279-1843. Proceeds go to the

needs of the Bishop Drumm Care Center.

Position available:

RCIA Director at Sacred Heart Parish

The RCIA Director coordinates and leads the RCIA

process at Sacred Heart Church, with the primary

purpose of preparing non-Catholic adults for full com-

munion with the Catholic Church. Strong understanding

and adherence to Catholic teaching and a welcoming

spirit are required.

Position is approximately 15 hrs/week with !lexible

hours, but the normal group sessions and rites require

participation on evenings and weekends. Full job

description available at

Interested parties should send resume to Nancy Gion

at [email protected] by no later than

May 10, 2019.

Dowling Catholic High School 2019 Girls Swimming and Diving Team

Incoming Freshmen and New to the

Team Information Meeting

Thursday, April 25 at 6 pm in the DCHS Media Center

All incoming freshmen and New to the team members

interested in participating in swimming or diving are

encouraged to attend the Team Information Meeting

meeting with their parents. Framework of the season,

how the team is structured, and fees and

forms will be shared.

Please RSVP to Head Coach Frankie Hanson at

[email protected].

S . B"#$%&'( C)*+')

1200 Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA 50263

Office Phone: 515-987-4597

Faith Formation Phone: 515-850-1883

Office Fax: 515-987-5272

E-mail: [email protected]


Office hours: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

L$ *+,$'&- C(-(/+& $"#0

Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.; Thursdays at 8:00 a.m.

S&'+&1(# "% R('"#'$-$& $"# Saturday 5:00 p.m. or by appointment

B&2 $010 &#3 M&++$&,(0

Contact the parish office about preparations

H"4 " R(,$0 (+

If you would like to become a member of St. Boniface, please call the church office to pre-register for a Newcomer Reception meeting held the second Sunday of each month in the Mary & Joseph room follow-ing the 10:30 a.m. Mass.

Bulletin deadline: Tuesday by noon

E-mail: [email protected]

P&+$0) C"# &' 0


Fr. Vince Rosonke, 515-778-9370 (cell), [email protected]

Director of Youth Faith Formation

Amy Slick, [email protected]

Youth Faith Formation Coordinator

Nora Morales, [email protected]

Director of Music Ministry & Renewal and Ministries Formation

Sarah Graf, [email protected]

High School Youth Ministry Leader

T. J. Irvin, [email protected] Confirmation Coordinator

Lori Hurkin, [email protected] Health & Wellness Minister

Sara Krohnke, [email protected]

Life-Long Formation and Pastor Support

Deb Purcell, [email protected]

Communication and Parish Life Development

Christina Bell, [email protected] Finance & Facilities Manager

Cathy Bellis, [email protected]

Administrative Coordinator

Nancy Horsch, [email protected]

Bookkeeping and Facilities Assistant

Monica Vanorny, [email protected]

Office Associates

Vicki Spenner, [email protected]

Tiffany Hilgenberg, [email protected]

Pastoral Council President

Dick Brdicko, [email protected]

Finance Council President

Jim Simmons, [email protected]

Community Outreach Ministry

Katy Hildman, 515-339-2523, [email protected] Kelly Grimm, 515-450-8162, [email protected]

Knights of Columbus

Mark Masters, 515-491-2594, [email protected]

Prayer Connection Minister

Sara Krohnke, 515-987-4597, [email protected]

Meals Ministry

Mary Ann Saluri, [email protected]

Pete Comito - CPA470 W. Hickman Rd.

Waukee, IA


Pete Comito - CPA470 W. Hickman Rd.

Waukee, IA


Disaster Restoration Services

Water/Fire Mold/Trauma


Irene’s Flowers274-3859 •

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Travis Gaule Financial Advisor, Parishioner

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Waukee, IA 50263


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Brianne Day, D.O.

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Meet Mary Jo Pucelik.

A long-time parishioner and volunteer

Mary Jo grew up in a small farm community in southeast Iowa

surrounded by cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Her dad was a

farmer and her mother was a teacher/homemaker. Mary Jo became a nurse,

and while in nursing school, she met and married her husband, Robert, who

was in medical school. They went on to have three children and moved to

both coasts and three states in the Midwest throughout the children's school

years while !inding and establishing a place for her husband to practice

medicine. Finally in 2000, Mary Jo and her husband moved to Waukee from

Waterloo, IA, and immediately joined St. Boniface. Volunteering has been a

big part of her life. She has always been heavily involved in various church

choruses and choirs beginning in her teenage years. She was also involved in her children’s schools, local

hospitals, and more, so volunteering at St. Boniface was a “natural !it.”

Mary Jo !irst began serving the St. Boniface parish by making newborn Baptismal bibs and sashes for

adults. For more than seven years in that service, she has sewn more than 200 bibs and sashes! She’s

always looking for more ways where she can “use the skills God gave her”.

Mary Jo completed a four year program co-sponsored by the Des Moines Diocese and Creighton

University, earning a Certi!icate of Spirituality. Her knowledge has allowed her to develop RCIA

presentations and to facilitate small groups and daytime scripture/study groups over the last 13 years. She

has also assisted the previous Adult Faith Formation Director in launching parish programs. The daytime

group she currently facilitates has grown from eight women the !irst year, to approximately 30 women this

year. It’s the friendship of these women and choir members that has carried her through life struggles over

the past few years.

Mary Jo has taken on many roles within the Music Ministry

since joining the parish. She has assisted the choir directors in

preparation of music, managed the repertoire and members list,

and had the responsibility of scheduling cantors and

accompanists. She’s the one who changes the song numbers at the

front of church, so if anything is wrong---blame her. :)

When asked about her fondest memory that’s made a difference

in her faith, she said it was the !irst Christ Renews His Parish

Retreat in 2006. The Spiritual Director said, “Ladies, this is not your mother’s church.” Her !irst thought

was “Oh good,” and began wondering what it was. His answer, “Make it

YOUR church.” Her connection to God and the way she serves our

community have evolved since attending the retreat. Today, she still

assists the music director, facilitates small groups, and continues to sew

puri!icators used during Mass. Her mantra: “Trust & surrender to God.”

Those closest to Mary Jo know there are two scriptures she quotes

and relies on: The !irst is, “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, not on

your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He

will carry you through.” Proverbs 3:5-6. The second is, “Stand silent!

Know that I am God!”: Psalm 46:10.

This year’s Lenten theme is "Now is the Time,” and the book the

parish is studying is about creating "holy moments." A great way to

create those holy moments in the time of now is by volunteering and

serving the St. Boniface community, and there are many ways to do so

for a parish Mary Jo calls home.

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