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Ancillary Tasks- Film Posters and Film Reviews

Poster Convention feature length films…

-Large image relating to the film- usually main character and Normally central-Relation to the film genre- title appearance, colours, key signifiers from the image-Large title-Names of director, actors involved etc-Release date -Tagline -Ratings- (stars)-Opinions -Quotes

Comedy films usually have a plain, bold capitalised title. The image has some sort of comical element to it- most commonly the facial expression is often the key part to it (grin). Usually have a bright colour contrast going with the comical theme to it (bright-cheerful-put a smile on anyone's face leading to comedy). The main character centralised on the poster. Title either at the top or bottom. Main actors at top of poster and any other important names at the bottom. Most often they are based on an everyday event with some sort of comical twist to it e.g. :The Hangover, most people know what it is like to get drunk and so could relate to this film as most people have a tendency of doing something stupid when they get in such a state which this film takes to the extremes giving this film its comical element. Brides Maids, many people get married everyday and has to choose a Bridesmaid, this film takes to the extreme by having the bridesmaids compete to be maid of honour. Each of these films follow the conventions mentioned on the previous slide.



Horror/ Thriller posters consist of a more dark colour scheme with the colour red often featured resembling blood and death. They usually show the main character either the victim or the killer. The only exception to the ones above is the cabin in the woods which shows a distorted house which also identifies it as being this genre as it is unusual as it is not a typical image of a house that you would expect to see, and it is really creepy which goes well with the theme of horror/ thriller films. This is the same as the other comedy posters with the layout they have chosen to put it in. Names at the bottom involved, a slogan or main actor from the film at the top. Centralized character. Each of these films follow the conventions previously mentioned.


Romance film posters usually contain an image of the couple having an intimate moment which is shown in the ones above bar P.S. I love you which shows pictures of them together instead. They have a fairly bright contrast which goes with the idea of them being quite happy. The female stands out in the majority of romance posters as she is usually enlarged more than the male and since these are aimed more for a female audience would make sense to have the female as the main character also showing her bigger would encourage the female audience as they are more dominant in them. They move the story along giving the company there main selling point. All the above images are centralized bar The Time Travellers wife where it is more to the left which makes it different from all the rest and could get an audience interested in this film as it stands out from the rest. However, they still follow typical conventions of a poster.

Short Films Conventions…

•Main central image-showing the main character/ two characters of the short film

•Title-bold, usually central

•Only a few colours

•Company at the top

•Occasionally include names

•Simpler design

Short Film Posters…Disney Pixar…

The company that produced the film placed at the top of the poster. Disney/ Pixar are a well known film company and would encourage an audience to watch this, especially if they have watched other films produced by them that they have enjoyed.

The title of the film placed below the production company. The title is relevant to what the film is about. Appropriate to the genre.The image shows the main character/ characters of the short film. It allows the audience to get some idea as to what it is going to be about but not giving too much of the story away.

Simple background-allows the image/text to stand out. Also having a contrast relevant to the rest of the poster and theme of the short film.

Short Film poster analysisDisney Pixar continue…

Production company at the top- main selling point

The title of the short film has a more appropriate font to it. It goes well with the theme of the short film. The musical instruments enhance the story of the short and emphasis that something is going to happen to the man but also showing him to play more than one instrument going with the idea of a band.

The image shows the main character of the short but does not show her face making the audience question what will happen. The title says ‘Man’, which gives the audience something to question as it is a girl shown in the image making people wonder what part she is going to be playing.

The background to the poster is more complex than the other two Pixar poster films. It shows the setting to the short which makes it different and stands out.

This short film poster does have one difference to it than the other two, it shows the names of the main people involved in the making of the film. Which is a good thing to include as it might show the names of people that could be known to the audience and encourage them to watch it. However, since this is a short film it is not as appropriate to include.

Film Festival posters…

Analysis of Film Festival posters…

‘RONAN’S ESCAPE’ a really simple poster that shows a person presumably the main character. It also uses a simple background showing the location which enhances the escape of the person as there is no buildings just a field in the middle of nowhere. Showing the main character to be a silhouette in the distance emphasises he is running/ escaping from something leaving the audience to question what is going on. The title has been made really small which is quite odd as usually the creator of the poster would draw the attention of an audience through the use of the title but this does it through the use of its imagery. This also includes the people that were involved in the making of the short film.

‘CHIEF’ another example from a film festival short film poster. This again shows one person on the poster making him the main character of the short film which goes with the conventions of a short film poster. It also shows the people involved in the making of the short film at the bottom of the poster which seems to be a common convention of where this is placed. It seems that for the film festival posters they have a tendency to include this.

The middle one still follows the conventions having a plain background with the main character centralised. The title at the top. This also includes a release date in the top right hand corner.

Final Poster Design…

The main character sat at a desk when in her dream sequence. The only thing on there is the sketchbook containing the stalker as a drawing with the title appearing above the image or on the desk. The background to the character will be black with her being in a spotlight. This would not appear in the short film itself but does relate to the short film being made. As I have changed my idea for locations, props and how it is going to be done I thought it would be more appropriate going for something more like this design as it would identify something is going to happen. Having the hand come out from the piece of paper depicts this. Since in the short film the drawing comes to life, it is a key part to the short film and would be appropriate to include in the poster. Having her looking scared denotes that it is happening to her. This design should be able to get a female audience drawn to this as the protagonist is being shown who is a female. But also the male audience.

Film Review

Film Review Conventions…

• Bold title- usually capitalised• A large picture taking up half a page or

full depending on if it is a double page spread or single- usually consisting of the main character or an important part of the film.

• An opinion of the film with a star rating• First paragraph containing a short

summary of the film• Quotes from the film. (usually more for

feature length films.• Very first letter usually bigger than the

rest and coloured differently to stand out to the audience more.

• Actor’s names, directors.

Film Review Templates…

These are some of the templates I have found while trying to find a structure of a film review to use.

Template 1- quite a basic layout. Uses two pictures. Could be used.

Template 2- similar to the first template but including a star rating and two columns of text. Since the ones I have looked at uses a column layout this is the one that seems to be most appropriate to use.

Template 3- a lot of images in the layout not appropriate for mine as it is a short film, would be better for a feature length

However, these are all double page spreads and I will probably just use a single as it is a short film.

Film Review ONE

Picture taking up half the review, shows the main two characters looking like they are having an intimate moment. This catches the eye as it is the main item on the page.

The title ‘New Moon’ has been capitalised with quite a rounded font to make it aimed for more of a younger audience.

Column layout typical for a film review.

“In Cinema's” providing an advertisement opportunity for the company encouraging the consumer to go to the cinema to watch this new film.

Tagline placed under the title to give a slight snippet as to what to be expecting and especially seeing that this is the sequel to Twilight the audience would understand what is meant ‘Bella’s hungry like the wolf…’ It is a play on words with having in the first her going out with a vampire to the second wanting the wolf.

This goes with the idea of the tagline as this says ‘romance and snogs’ which emphasises the tagline having a greater impact to what has been said. It also stands out as it goes against the rest of the text making it spread out more to catch an audiences attention.

‘Look closer’ is an odd extra to have as this is not common to have on all reviews but does give more insist into what the film is about.

Film Review TWO

Main picture of a man and woman with both in focus making them the main characters of the film. Image standsOut and would catch the Audiences attention

Star rating placed at the bottom right hand corner of the review which is a typical place for this to be placed or under the title.

A lot of writing so target audience is aimed at an older one a younger person would lose interest.

Title at the top- usually the title would appear below the image or just on the edge of the picture at the bottom. By using white it stands out against the picture catching the audiences attention

Additional information, release date, certification, cast etc. This will provide the audience with extra information and base whether or not they would want to watch it based on who is in it

Column layout typical for a film review.

Additional images used to give more insight into the film. This gives the audience more to look at.

My Film Review…

What the film review looks so far. The image that I am going to include is going to be something similar to that of the poster I will be creating. This goes with some of the conventions of a film review.

I have used a three column layout and left space on the right hand side providing additional images from the short film or other films that would be of interest.

At the top I have also provided additional information of the film e.g. actors, this may get removed when the picture is added.

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