Page 1: Analyising Double Page Spread


Double page spread is maybe the part I was most excited to look at. I think because they can really reflect the personality the artist wants to put across. Looking and analyzing cover and contents page the double page spread has to stick to the colour scheme or else there wont be a sense of consistency and it will look unnatural. Luckily for this double page spread there isn’t many colours that could cause this problem. The only colour on both pages in red. Knowing that the magazine is ‘Q’ magazine and there main colour is red, they have done well to stick solely to that and make a statement with that one bold red letter covering the text. There isn’t any other colours on the page there is only shades of black and white because any other colours, I personally think would make it look messy and un neat so sticking to just one colour makes it look uniformed. There isn’t a main way in words that this article is introduced apart from the picture, which I think is a good thing in a way because in my opinion no words can make as a bolder statement as what a picture can make. With a single page picture of just the artist on their own you instantly know who the article on the next page will be about.

As addition to the main image on the first page in the top right hand corner the name of the artist is small print. I think the picture makes the biggest statement so they don’t want to over power that with a massive title. The text of the article is a little small in my personal preference and I would like it to be a bigger. The article distinguishes the different main parts of the article with big black bold letter to star of the sentence. However the rest of the article is the same matching up with the title of the artist, it is in serif fonts and I think suits the style that is the main image which is very 1940’s. The little box down the bottom of the page which isn’t very noticeable however it could be classed as important it contains a little logo of the magazine which is still relating to the cover page and the magazine as a whole. There is also the page number which keeps it organized and reformed. This links with the contents page which gives easy navigation for the reader. Moving onto the main image. Much like many images in magazines there is a use of direct address creating intensity between artist and reader and it is a mid shot so you can really capture her features with the additional use of her bold makeup which you couldn’t do with a male artist. The main image also links in very well with the black and white colour scheme and also the 1940’s theme that I am picking up on. The use of the chains and the fact she isn’t wearing much other than that sends a deeper message to readers. Personally I think this symbolizes that she is also exposed and trapped because of the high status that she holds with being famous.

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