Download - American Revolution

  • 1. The American Revolution

2. What were the major causesof the American Revolutionary War? 3. England and the American colonies had disagreements. 4. They disagreed about several things:

  • Who would pay for the French and Indian War?
  • Who would make the laws to govern the colonies?
  • Did England have the right to tax the colonists without their permission?

5. What were the major causes ofconflictbetween Virginia and England? Map of England Early map of Virginia Virginia and the American Revolution 6.

  • Conflictdeveloped between England and the Virginia colony
  • overtaxation
  • over lack ofrepresentation

The Tower Bridge in London, England Virginians did not want to pay more and more taxes to England. The English Parliament made laws affecting Virginia, without giving Virginians a chance to vote on those laws. A part of the fence at Buckingham Palace in London 7. Virginians had become used to making their own laws.The House of Burgesses was the first representative government in the New World (North and South America). 8. Virginians wanted to keep on making their own laws. 9. Finance: pay for England wanted the colonies tofinancea large part of the cost of the war, by paying higher taxes.

  • Over who would pay for the French and Indian War

Conflictdeveloped between England and the Virginia colony 10.

  • over thesourceof politicalauthority.

Thecolonistsfavoredlocalassemblies.England wanted Parliament to rule the colonies. Source:beginning Authority: power to enforce laws (make people obey) 11. How did Virginians respond to the growing conflictbetween the colonistsand Great Britain? 12. Virginians participated in events leading to war with England. 13. VirginiansboycottedBritish goods. Boycott: to refuse to buy or participate in something you believe is wrong 14. Virginians and leaders from other British colonies formed Committees of Correspondence. These committees shared thoughts, ideas, and plans about how they should react to how the colonies were being treated by England. King George III of England 15. Virginians participated in Continental Congresses. Philadelphia Continental Congresses were groups of men who met to decide what to do.They came from all 13 of the British colonies.They met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, because it was in the middle of the colonies, and people could get there from all 13 of the colonies. 16. It was at a Continental Congress that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. 17. Virginians joined militias. Militias were local troops who joined together to defend their homelands.They later became the armies of the American Revolution. 18. Virginians organized the Virginia Convention. The men who went to the Virginia Conventions decided what to do about the problems with England.Eventually they decided to fight England for independence. 19. Virginians appointed Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. 20. What role did Virginians play in the struggle for independence? 21. During the Revolutionary War, Virginians played several roles in the struggle for American independence. 22. Virginians fought against the British from the Battle of Great Bridge to the siege of Yorktown 23. Virginians provided food, clothing and supplies for the Continental Army. 24. Women of Virginia ran the farms and supported troops. 25. How didAfrican Americans feel aboutthe Revolutionary War? 26. African Americans were divided about the war. 27. James Armistead Laffayette was an African-American who spied on the British. 28. Other African-Americans fought for the British because of the promise of freedom. 29.

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