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Graduating Class of 2010Receives Their DiplomaNew Facility and on a New Stage

This fall marks the opening of the Auburn Arena. This facility has been in the works for years and will be the beginning of many new Auburn memories for students.

The 2010 Auburn basketball teams will be the first to step foot on their new home court, the first to dribble the ball and the first to make the basket. The 2010 Auburn University graduating class will be the first to walk across the stage, the first to receive their diploma and the first to leave footprints for classes decades later to follow. Marc Evans, a business major graduating in December, said he is honored to be a part of this group of

students. Evans was considering not walking until he received an e-mail saying December graduation would mark the first ceremony in the new arena. “It is a privilege to be the first class to graduate in the Auburn Arena,” said Evans. “My children may be walking across that same stage years from now. That is a memory I don’t want to miss out on.” Lauren Baggett is also graduating in December with a degree in communication.

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“Being the first class to graduate in the Auburn Arena is exciting because it is so cool to say we were the first to do something,” said Baggett. Baggett was a tiger paw for the last three years. She is graduating early and was not able to spend her last semester dancing and cheering for her Auburn Tigers. Fortunately for Bagget, the new arena is designed with a simulated tiger walk that plays Auburn chants and allows fans to relive the tradition of the tiger walk experience. Bagget’s life size picture is on the wall of the Auburn Arena and part of the

simulated tiger walk. “Since I wasn’t able to dance in the new arena I am fortunate to be graduating in it,” said Bagget. “Being a part of the Auburn Arena through the simulated tiger walk is a way for me to remain a part of the Auburn spirit” The new facility is expected to be one of the nicest arenas in the country and will have its grand opening October 15. Evans and Baggett both agree that having their graduation in a building that took years to plan and millions of dollars to build is an honor.


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Achieving the Dream JobIs it What You Know or Who You Know?





Cassidy Caukin never thought she would score her dream job right out of college. She never thought she would be offered an internship at ESPN. Caukin never dreamed her internship experience would turn into a full-time job, but today Caukin’s dreams have become a reality.

Cassidy Caukin is pictured above with Aubie.

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In less than one year all three of Caukin’s dreams came true. She credits where she is today to Auburn University, Eagle Eye Broadcasting and most importantly hard work. Caukin is a 22-year-old Auburn alumni with a bachelor’s degree in radio television and film. “Being a student at Auburn makes you want to become a better person. Everyone at Auburn exudes so much passion, whether it is for Auburn football or for each student’s respected major, the passion is evident and it’s contagious,” said Caukin. When Caukin came to Auburn four years ago she knew no one. Caukin said the transition of leaving her family and starting at a new college was a major fear. “Little did I know that the people in Auburn would be some of the most caring and considerate people I would ever meet. Being around such wonderful people helped me to become a more positive person. I am never afraid to be in a new place where I know no one,” said Caukin. Overcoming that fear was what steered Caukin to Bristol to intern for ESPN. Caukin said she owes her career to the experience she gained working at Eagle Eye. Caukin was a reporter, anchor, host and director during her time at Eagle Eye. She also learned how to cut, edit, write and produce. “This time last year I was editing news packages in the student center. Now I’ll be editing and cutting highlights for ESPN- it’s crazy, but it all started at Eagle Eye,” said Caukin. During her internship Caukin learned time management and how to be successful in a work environment. Instead of meeting expectations, she chose to exceed them. She said her experience at ESPN taught her to take advantage of every opportunity. She wanted to learn as much possible and meet as many people as she could,

and that’s what she did. “If you work hard and let people know that you want to be there and you want to get better, people are going to take notice. As a full-time employee, I will continue to learn and work just as hard, and I’ll always strive to exceed expectations,” said Caukin. Although Caukin said every experience at ESPN has been a memorable one, her favorites so far have been being on the set of College Gameday and meeting Erin Andrews, meeting the President of ESPN and working in the Sportscenter control room. She also got to be on Sportsnation and see a different celebrity or athlete almost everyday. Today Caukin is anxiously awaiting October 4, her first day on the job as an employee. Her job title at ESPN will be Event Production Assistant. She will be assigned to a specific sport and cut highlights that could be shown during a live game or on Sportscenter. Caukin said her advice to other students who have dreams of working for a company as well known as ESPN is to never give up and believe it can happen. “If you would have told me four years ago when I started college that upon graduation I’d be working for ESPN, I would have laughed. I was always told that to get into this industry, you have to know somebody,” said Caukin. “If you make a name for yourself, people will take notice. I never had any connections in the industry, I just worked hard.” Caukin’s hard work paid off and gave her the opportunity to prove how much she wanted to work for ESPN. “If you work hard, believe in yourself and want it bad enough, eventually something will happen,” said Caukin. “Trust me, if I can do it anyone can.” ES


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Auburn University Students are Painting the Campus


Honoring those who have battled cancer

Leukemia, breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and bone cancer are just a few of the types of cancers that affect millions of people every day.

If someone is a survivor, knows someone battling cancer or lost a loved one because of it, that person is changed forever. To honor those affected by cancer, Auburn University students are painting the campus purple. The Relay for Life committee on campus is starting early this fall to rally students to participate in a cancer celebration that will take place April 16, 2011. The celebration is an all day event for students, family and friends to come out to the Auburn Hutsell-Rosen Track and celebrate the lives of cancer survivors and remember those who lost their life battling it. The committee has a booth on Auburn’s concourse with signs covered in stars containing the names of individuals who have battled cancer. “Every star has a story,” said Luis Rodriguez, a sophomore at Auburn

University. Rodriguez’s mother passed away from pancreatic cancer when he was twelve. Rodriguez has been an advocate for cancer and participated in relays since then to give back and share his mother’s story. Paint the campus purple booths will be set up on the concourse now through April. The committee’s goal is to spread awareness about the event. The Relay for Life of Auburn University will start as 6 a.m. and last through the night with games, celebrations and a candle light service. As the sun sets over the plains, the sky will be brightened by the glow of illuminated bags. Each bag will bear the name of someone who has battled cancer. Some will celebrate cancer survivors, and others will help in honoring and remembering those who lost their life too soon. Each

Luis Rodriguez and Taylor Kirk are picured above discussing Relay for Life.

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Auburn University Students are Painting the Campus

PURPLEbag will represent someone special, along with the family and friends who continue to fight back in their honor. The first lap on the track is called ‘survivor lap’ and cancer survivors walk hand in hand while relatives, friends and loved ones cheer on the sidelines. “The survivor lap is an emotional time because you are celebrating the victory over cancer with people who have experienced it,” said Taylor Kirk, a member of the relay for life committee. “It is my favorite part of the event and is a life changing experience.” Auburn University students are encouraged to sign up for Relay for Life. Teams range from groups of eight to 10 people. Each team will fundraise until April and the money will go to the American Cancer Society. Last year 65 teams raised approximately $50,000. “We relay for survivors, we relay

to remember, and we relay to spread hope to those facing cancer today,” said Stephanie Houpy, a member of the committee. To find out more information about the event visit

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Why it Pays to VolunteerChanging Lives through Literacy

The Lee County Literacy Coalition is a nonprofit United Way agency whose mission is to provide one-on-one literacy tutoring to Lee County residents. The LCLC opened its doors 19 years ago to help those who want to learn to read, write and further their education. Many of the learners who come to the LCLC want help in obtaining their GED Diploma, gain literacy skills for jobs, or become better equipped to help their children and grandchildren with schoolwork. Tara Lanier and Laura Wortman are two volunteers at the LCLC. They both started tutoring in September and have a passion for reading and sharing their talent with others. Lanier tutors Mark, a 41-year-old male who recently decided he wants to go to Southern Union and obtain his nursing degree. They meet once a week at the Auburn Library for one hour and study Language Arts. “I almost feel like I am getting more out of the experience than he is,” said Lanier. “Mark has decided at age 41 to make a positive change in his life, and I get to participate in making that change.” Lanier said one of the reasons she chose to get involved in the LCLC is to honor her grandmother and mother. Lanier’s grandmother and mother were both teachers and Lanier said

that through tutoring she honors their memories. Wortman is a freshman at Auburn University. She found out about the LCLC through the volunteer fair at the Student Center. Wortman has a history of tutoring children in English and Spanish so Sue Edge, the director of the LCLC, paired her with Olivia and JiYoung, a mother and daughter who moved to the United States ten months ago from Korea. Wortman tutors the mother and daughter for two hours a week in vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. “It is a great feeling when you pull an image up on the computer and the learner can spell out and use the image in a sentence. Each week they progress and get better and better,” said Wortman. Volunteer tutors usually work with learners for several months. Edge tries to pair tutors and learners based on personality and hobbies in order to make the learner feel as comfortable as possible. “If you have a love for reading and want to help others become passionate about reading, consider volunteering as a tutor,” said

Lanier. “It is a rewarding feeling to know you helped make a positive change in a person’s life.”

LCLC tutor and learner

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Auburn University Students Go Beyond the Requirements to Find the Perfect Job Auburn University students battle the decision of choosing the right major starting on the first day of freshman year. Students are faced with decisions in their first year of college that will affect the rest of their lives. Fortunately, some majors at Auburn require students to partake in an internship. This allows students to get hands-on experience in the professional world before graduation. Austin Mayfield and Chris Cadwell are two Auburn University students whose majors do not require an internship. Although their majors did not require interning, both men decided it would be beneficial for their future careers to find an internship and take advantage of every opportunity. Mayfield is a senior majoring in supply chain management and minoring in marketing. For the past two summers Mayfield has interned at Miltope in Montgomery Ala. working as the assistant marketing coordinator. Miltope sells rugged technology systems to the military. The company manufactures laptops and computers that are environmentally qualified to withstand rough conditions. Their target market is army bases all over the United States. Mayfield’s internship activities

include forecasting and planning for future sales, process mapping, advertising and traveling to trade shows to promote Miltope’s product. “Interning at Miltope allowed me to get hands-on experience in the working world and prepared me for what I will be doing after graduation,” said Mayfield. “Last week my professor discussed process mapping; most students are learning this process for the first time, but I have experience doing it.” Mayfield said the most rewarding part of his internship experience was traveling. Last summer he traveled to Tampa and Huntsville. “The biggest advantage in doing an internship is networking. I got to meet so many people and shadow employees to see what the job is all about,” said Mayfield. Mayfield’s internship experience landed him a job after graduation. His job title will be Marketing Communication and Planning Manager for Miltope. “My advice to all students is to take every opportunity. The more experience you gain in college the better,” said Mayfield. “I got my foot in the door by doing an internship that wasn’t required. My hard work paid off in the end.” Cadwell is a building science major. He interned for GKN Westland Aerospace in Tallassee, Ala. Cadwell assisted in program management and was involved with a project out of New Mexico that was being transferred to GKN headquarters.

Cadwell said when he started the building science program he was not sure what path he wanted to pursue in the major. Through his internship he became passionate about program management and hopes to find a job in that field. “My internship helped me gain experience and see the bigger picture. When I started I learned that you have to look at future long term goals for the company, not in the moment,” said Cadwell. “I learned how to deal with other companies and watch the communication process. I also learned that lack of communication can throw off an entire project.” Cadwell’s favorite part of interning was scheduling. He was in charge of making sure the right parts came in and the building process ran smoothly and as planned. Cadwell said he strongly encourages all students to do an internship, especially if they are uncertain about what career path they want to pursue within their major. “Internships open doors and give you opportunity to advance before graduation,” said Cadwell. “The experience you gain from interning is so much more than what you can receive in a classroom.”

Austin Mayfield and Chris Cadwell

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Tiger Tailgating TraditionsResonate in the Hearts of Students, Alumni and Parents Fall arrives when the leaves begin to turn from colors of green to shades of orange and yellow. The temperature drops from sweltering hot days to cool autumn nights. The change of seasons starts the beginning of Southeastern Conference football. The orange leaves cover the ground, and the orange and blue shakers light up the sky. Auburn football is not just a sport, it is a tradition. The smell of hot dogs and hamburgers and the War Eagle cry stretches from Jordan Hare Stadium and into the homes of Auburn alumni, fans and parents. “The best memory I have of Auburn tailgating was the very first Auburn versus Alabama game on the plains. There were people everywhere and Auburn claimed the first victory. Toomer’s corner had never seen the likes of that night before,” said Patty Cadwell, an Auburn University alumni and parent. Football took off last weekend with the Tigers beginning the season with a win over Arkansas State. Orange and blue took over campus and the same smells and sounds that started years ago still remain today. Tiger Walk,

toomer’s corner and the eagle flying are just a few of the many traditions that take place before each home game and although the size of the crowd has increased the Auburn spirit continues. “My husband and I had a parking pass that was worth its weight in gold!” said Cadwell. “We parked right next to the football field which is now part of the parking area for baseball.” she said. Today, football fans wish parking was still worth its weight in gold said JB Curtis, a business student and a diehard Auburn fanatic. Curtis wakes up at 6 a.m. on the Friday before every home game to mark his tailgating spot of four years. “Rain or shine, good season or bad season, I will be in the amphitheater sitting in my Auburn chair under my Auburn tent waiting on my friends to join me,” said Curtis. “Sometimes I get lucky and find parking right near my tailgate and other Saturdays I find myself walking from my apartment, but it is always worth it. There is nothing like getting hundreds of War Eagles from people you have never met before, but share such a passion with,” he said. Curtis tailgates in the same spot every football season and said ten years from now the only change will be bringing his wife and children. “We play in the SEC which is the greatest conference around. When you get all the fans together fireworks will fly,” said Cadwell. “My husband and I traveled to Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee, but Auburn has the most beautiful campus and the best fans.”

Today, Cadwell does not attend every Auburn tailgate, but she doesn’t miss a game on television. She said her new tradition is grilling, drinking and watching Auburn football from her home and sharing a kiss with her husband after every touchdown. “It makes me realize how lucky I am to still enjoy watching a great football team and anxiously awaiting that next touchdown for my kiss,” said Cadwell. Another alumnus, Nancy Mitchell from the class of 1978, said her favorite Auburn tradition is watching the eagle soar around the perimeter of Jordan Hare stadium with the crowd roaring “WARRRRR EAGLE! Hey!” “I cannot express how this surge of energy pulls up so much emotion in my heart and I have honestly fought back tears more times than I can count,” said Mitchell. When Mitchell attended Auburn, the mascot Aubie had not come onto the scene. Barry Mask became the first Aubie in 1979. Mitchell said that because she did not get to experience it as a student, she is mesmerized as an alumnus today. The tailgating experience at Auburn University is a time where friends, family and even strangers come together to celebrate the entire “feel” of an incredible university. Although some things have changed about Auburn tailgating, one thing remains the same; Auburn students, parents and alumni come together on game days and experience a love for not only a football team but for each other. It is no wonder that fans are always referred to as “The Auburn Family.”

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Jb Curtis, College of Business

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About Me: My name is Whitney Hicks. I am a senior graduating from Auburn University with a bachelor’s degree in public relations. This newsletter contains some of my writing samples created in Indesign. Please contact me if you have any questions.

War Eagle!

Contact Info:[email protected] 334.207.9241

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