Page 1: Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery …...1 Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery Leg 1 SKQ2019-18S R/V Sikuliaq 10 August 2019 – 29 August


Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery Leg 1 SKQ2019-18S R/V Sikuliaq 10 August 2019 – 29 August 2019 Seward, AK, USA to Kodiak, AK, USA

TRM recovery using JASON for the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE) Recovery Leg 1.

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Table of Contents Overview & Motivation...…..……………………………………………………… Page 3

Figure 1: AACSE Planned Deployment Sites..………………………..……Page 4 Cruise Objectives and Summary………………………………………….………... Page 5 SKQ2019-18S Science Party……………………………………………………… Page 6 SKQ2019-18S Crew………………………………………………………………. Page 7

Figure 2: Ship Track,,,………………………………………………………Page 8 Cruise Narrative……………………………………………………….………….. Page 9 Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………...Page 28 Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………Page 29

Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………..……..Page 30 Instrument summary, serial numbers and performance Appendix 3………………………………………………………………………... Page 31 Jason Daily Reports

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Overview and Project Motivation The Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Project (AACSE) is a broadband seismic array that collected land and ocean-bottom data during 2018-2019 to investigate the tectonics, structure, and seismicity of the southern Alaskan subduction margin. An array of 75 broad-band ocean bottom seismometers and 30 broad-band land seismometers were deployed on and offshore of the Alaskan Peninsula in May-June 2018 and were recovered in August-September 2019, beginning with this cruise. The array spans ~650 km along-strike and ~500km perpendicular to the Aleutian trench, extending the Earthscope TA offshore and densifying the TA on the Alaskan Peninsula and on the island of Kodiak. This array is designed to image regions of significant along strike variability. In the past century, the study area has hosted more M>8 earthquakes than any other subduction system, but these great earthquakes have not been evenly distributed. The eastern portion of the array bridges the rupture zones of several major earthquakes, including the 1962 Great Alaskan Earthquake, but the area near the Shumagin Islands in the west has not hosted a great earthquake in at least 150 years. GPS measurements suggest this variability in seismicity is related to coupling along the plate interface (Fournier and Freymueller, 2007), and other studies find similar variability in incoming plate structures (Shillington et al., 2015), and composition of volcanic products (Keleman et al, 2003). The AACSE was designed and executed in response to the NSF March 2016 Dear Colleague Letter (DCL 16-061), which sought proposals for a large amphibious seismic array focused on the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone. The objectives of the AACSE align with NSF-GeoPRISMS and NSF-EarthScope program goals, including the following fundamental questions outlined in the GeoPRISMS Subduction Cycles and Deformation, EarthScope and GeoPRISMS Alaska-Aleutians implementation plans:

1. What changes in physical properties cause variation in seismic coupling, the occurrence of great earthquakes and aseismic creep on subduction megathrusts?

2. Is the subducting uppermost mantle hydrated and what controls variations in hydration along-strike?

3. What controls variations in volcanic arc crust/mantle structure, volcanic composition and the geometry of the arc melt production region?

4. How does the flow and volatile release generated by subduction zones interact with large-scale plate flow and the evolution of sub-continental mantle?

All data collected through the project will be archived at the IRIS Data Management Center as soon as possible and will be available to the public immediately upon archival. This project is funded by the National Science Foundation GeoPRISMS, PREEVENTS and Earthscope programs via NSF-OCE Award #1654568.

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Figure 1. AACSE Full Deployment Plan (2018)

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Cruise Objectives and Summary The AACSE Recovery Leg 1 objectives were to recover an array of shallow-and deep-water broadband ocean bottom seismometers designed and managed by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO). A total of 45 LDEO instruments deployed in 2018 were designated for recovery on this cruise, including: 20 trawl-resistant mounted ocean bottom seismometers (TRMs; instrument codes LT##) with an absolute pressure gauge (APG) and hydrophone, 14 ocean bottom seismometers with an absolute pressure gauge and hydrophone (instrument codes LA##), and 11 ocean bottom seismometers with a differential pressure gauge (DPG; instrument codes LD##). All AACSE instruments from LDEO were successfully recovered, with the exception of the following four stations. Recovery of TRM station LT19 was initiated using a line spool elevator, but the cable used to hoist the station onto the ship broke during recovery. Sea conditions and the loose floating lifting cable made recovery unsafe using Jason and LT19 was left on the seafloor at its deployment location. It could be recovered at a future date. The very weak currents seen at the site during the attempted recovery precluded diving on the site again as the location of the lifting line would have been unpredictable. A stronger current would advect the cable in a more predictable direction making diving with Jason safer. Deepwater station LD43 never responded to acoustic release signals, The acoustic communication with this site following the deployment was very spotty and thus failure of the acoustic release systems was a possibility. Recovery of LD43 was then attempted using JASON, but the station was not found in the deployment location or within survey distance. Location of LD43 is unknown. Deepwater stations LD24 and LA27 did not respond to acoustic release signals and are presumed to remain on the seafloor at their respective deployment locations. The large depth of these sites make failure by implosion of the flotation a possibility. The acoustic systems on these sites provided strong communications during the deployment. In addition to recovery of OBS stations, cruise objectives also including recovery and servicing of instruments from other, complementary projects. Temperature probes from University of Washington (Paul Johnson, PI) were deployed with most LDEO OBS instruments during 2018, and were recovered, cleaned, cataloged and returned to the University of Washington at the conclusion of the recovery cruise. Two experimental pressure ocean bottom seismometers (POBS) with strong motion seismic sensors and dual absolute pressure gauges with “A-0-A” drift correcting systems were recovered from AACSE site LA34. One GPS-acoustic benchmark transponder with failing batteries was recovered on acoustic commend and replaced with a second transponder using Jason. The waveglider used for determining precise positioning of the GPSA sites was recovered having been deployed from the R/V Sikuliaq in May. The waveglider had made observations at all three GPSA sites (PIs: Webb, Nooner, Chadwell, Foster).

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AACSE 2019 Recovery Leg 1 (SKQ2019-18S) Science Party Spahr Webb AACSE and GPSA co-PI; cruise co-chief LDEO Aubreya Adams AACSE co-PI; cruise co-chief Colgate Carlos Becerril OBS engineer LDEO Ted Koczynski OBS engineer LDEO Pete Liljegren OBS engineer LDEO Walt Masterson OBS engineer LDEO Jen Granich OBS volunteer LDEO Kiara Daily Graduate student; AACSE Apply to Sail Cornell Andrew Gase Graduate student; AACSE Apply to Sail UT-Austin Helen Janiszewski Postdoc; AACSE Apply to Sail CI-DTM Zongshan Li Graduate student; AACSE Apply to Sail WashU Alberto Collasius JASON Scientist WHOI Christopher Lathan JASON Scientist WHOI Andrew Billings JASON Scientist WHOI Frederick Denton JASON Scientist WHOI Korey Verhein JASON Scientist WHOI James Convery JASON Scientist WHOI Drewie Bewley JASON Scientist WHOI Scott McCue JASON Scientist WHOI James Pelowski JASON Scientist WHOI Steve Hartz Marine Science Technician UAF Dan Naber Marine Science Technician UAF

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AACSE 2019 Recovery Leg 1 (SKQ2019-18S) Crew

Anthony (Diego) Mello Captain

Rick Null Chief Engineer

John Hamill Chief Mate

Arthur Levine 2 Mate

Marian Tudoran 3 Mate

Kevin Reinhardt 1 Engineer

Patrick Bedard 2 Engineer

Jonathan Pierce 3 Engineer

Daniel Montague QMED

Clayton Carroll QMED

James Eldred QMED

Daniel Oliver Electrician

Paul St. Onge Bosun

Robert Worrad AB

Eric Danilson AB

Sam Elliott AB

Simin Boroumand AB

Mark Teckenbrock Chief Steward

Marc Maluda Cook

Tim Morrow Mess Attendant

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Figure 2. AACSE Deployment Leg 1 Ship Track and Deployment Locations

Approximate cruise track showing the sites and the order visited. Some sites were visited more than once.

Cruise track from ship’s navigation

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Cruise Narrative Saturday 10 August 2019 Left dock about 9AM. Went out into the harbor to test heave compensating winch using a test weight. The winch seemed very unstable on its base, bouncing and oscillating while hauling in. Perturbation to system takes order 1 minute to settle down. MRU is very loosely mounted to winch, base of winch very flexible. The winch control was switched from “automatic” to “hydrographic” and appears to be more stable. Winch tech Josh Eaton was transferred to shore using a small boat. Sunday 11 August 2019 Daily notes: Arrived at a location close to our first collection site (LA39, POBS1, POBS2) to do an ROV Jason ballast test. Test began at 19:00 UTC and finished at 19:28 UTC. Arrived at the first collection site at 19:45 UTC. Site: LA39 Sensor: 661 Seismic Logger: 3137 Hydrophone: 768023 APG: 114654 Temperature Probe: S9404 – Iceland, 20233117 – Tidbit On station: 11/08/2019 19:45 UTC Instrument on surface: 20:34 UTC Deployment location: 56.882703 N 151.001099 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1644 m Time on station: 1h Depart station: Site: POBS1 Sensor: SOS sensor 1 Seismic Logger: POBS1 Hydrophone: none APG: dual systems Temperature Probe: none On station: 11/08/2019 20:50 UTC Instrument on surface: 21:58 UTC Deployment location: 56.882357 N 151.004563 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1641 m Time on station: 1h 10 min Depart station: 11/08/2019 22:00 UTC Site: POBS2 Sensor: SOS sensor 2 Seismic Logger: POBS2 Hydrophone: none APG: dual systems

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Temperature Probe: none On station: 11/08/2019 23:33 UTC Instrument on surface: 23:57 UTC Deployment location: 56.880306 N 151.005261 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1655 m Time on station: 1h 30 min Depart station: 12/08/2019 00:03 UTC Monday 12 August 2019 Daily notes: At 00:40 UTC we headed to 2000m for Cassius test. A Cassius dip test started at 01:50 UTC and was complete at 01:54 UTC. Cassius was then deployed on the seafloor an used to calibrate the orientation and azimuth of the Sondardyne short baseline acoustic navigation transponder installed on the R/V/ Sikuliaq’s centerboard. We then remained at this location and at 14:49 UTC underwent active ROV Jason testing of Cassius. The weather was dark and foggy. At 15:27 UTC Cassius was out of the water. At 15:40 UTC we departed this site and headed to LD24. At 16:10 UTC the foggy conditions were clearing. Site: LD24 Notes: We received no indication that the instrument heard or responded to the acoustic signals we sent. We did however remain at the station for 4 hours attempting to bring it to the surface. The weather was overcast but had good visibility so if it were on the surface we believe we would have seen it. Sensor: 2310 Seismic Logger: 3136 Hydrophone: none DPG: 47 On station: 12/08/2019 20:05 UTC Instrument on surface: Instrument did not reach the surface Deployment location: 56.033164 N 150.200412 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4912 m Time on station: 4 h Depart station: 13/08/2019 00:00 UTC Tuesday 13 August 2019 Site: LD40 Sensor: 653 Seismic Logger: 3133 Hydrophone: none DPG: 038 Temperature Probe: S9416 – Iceland, 20233082 – Tidbit On station: 13/08/2019 08:30 UTC Instrument on surface: 09:12 UTC Deployment location: 56.303740 N 152.410232 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1419 m

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Time on station: 1h Depart station: 13/08/2019 09:30 UTC Site: LT02 Notes: We arrived at LT02 early in the morning, before the sun rose and so we remained at the site while we waited for the sun to rise so we could see the TRM pop-up float on the surface. Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 598 Seismic Logger: 3147 Hydrophone: 768013 APG: 114650 APG Logger: 09 Temperature Probe: S9415 – Iceland On station: 13/08/2019 13:57 UTC Instrument on surface: 15:15 UTC Deployment location: 56.693216 N 153.261046 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 152 m Time on station: 1h 30 min Depart station: 13/08/2019 15:30 UTC Heave compensating winch is working OK except starts oscillating with a roughly 1s period as TRM nears surface. This appears to be due the very flexible mounting of the winch to the deck. We add cargo straps to pull the winch hard backwards to the deck. This reduces, but doesn’t eliminate the problem later in the cruise. Site: LT01 Notes: Attempted to recover LT01 by diving to and locating the TRM on the seafloor and then attaching the TRM to the ROV Jason's underside using a winch on Jason. The winch tether snapped with Jason at the surface from loading from wave motion, dropping LT01 back to the seafloor. LT01 was finally recovered using ROV Jason to attach the line-spool elevator. The elevator is released from the seafloor to rise to the surface trailing a line. The TRM is then recovered similarly to using the pop-up floats. A stronger line was attached to ROV Jason's winch for future recoveries. Timeline: ROV Jason was in the water at 20:09 UTC At 23:16 UTC as ROV Jason and LT01 breached the surface the rope between LT01 and ROV Jason snapped and LT01 fell back to the ocean floor. At 14/08/2019 03:06 UTC we dropped the line-spool elevator near to the location of LT01. ROV Jason then located the elevator and connected it to the LT01. Once connected ROV Jason pulled the pin which made the elevator rise to the surface. 06:41 UTC ROV Jason was on board and the elevator was waiting to be retrieved. 08:33 UTC LT01 is on board Recovery: ROV Jason/Line spool elevator

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Sensor: 701 Seismic Logger: 3142 Hydrophone: 768040 APG: 116479 APG Logger: 56 Temperature Probe: S9423 – Iceland On station: 13/08/2019 19:10 UTC Instrument on surface:14/08/2019 08:33 UTC Deployment location: 56.775359 N 152.523112 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 156.00 m Time on station: 13 h Depart station: 13/08/2019 08:33 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1st dive 2h 42 min, 2nd dive 1 h 57 min Wednesday 14 August 2019 Site: LT04 Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 201 Seismic Logger: 3150 Hydrophone: 768032 APG: 116484 APG Logger: 62 Temperature Probe: S9432 – Iceland On station: 14/08/2019 16:00 UTC Instrument on surface:14/08/2019 16:35 UTC Deployment location: 56.111769 N 154.444618 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 157 m Time on station: 1 h Depart station: 14/08/2019 17:00 UTC Thursday 15 August 2019 Site: LT07 Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: TC2315 Seismic Logger: 3146 Hydrophone: 768022 APG: 129768 APG Logger: 73 Temperature Probe: S9399 – Iceland On station: 15/08/2019 00:10 UTC Instrument on surface:15/08/2019 04:00 UTC Deployment location: 56.671500 N 156.119806 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 261.00 m

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Time on station: 4 h Depart station: 15/08/2019 04:10 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1h 40 min Site: LT05 Notes: ROV Jason in water at 01:39 UTC. We replaced the rope used for ROV Jason with stronger rope. Successfully recovered LT05 mounted to bottom of ROV Jason. Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: TC3759 Seismic Logger: 3056 Hydrophone: 768005 APG: 116472 APG Logger: APG010 047 Temperature Probe: S9409 – Iceland On station: 15/08/2019 06:45 UTC Instrument on surface:15/08/2019 09:13 UTC Deployment location: 56.823445 N 155.346663 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 232.00 m Time on station: 2 h 45 min Depart station: 15/08/2019 09:30 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1h Site: LT03 Notes: This station had a lot of snail eggs on it. Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: TC2314 Seismic Logger: 3139 Hydrophone: 768012 APG: 116482 APG Logger: APG011 53 Temperature Probe: S9414 – Iceland On station: 15/08/2019 16:53 UTC Deployment location: 57.866770 N 154.166486 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 198.00 m Time on station: 1 h Depart station: 15/08/2019 18:01 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1h 45 min Friday 16 August 2019 We arrived at what we believe was the LT06 station at 11:00 UTC however the station was unresponsive. At 11:35 UTC we realized that the location in last year’s cruise report was off by a degree. The log sheet documentation and the ship’s log were then consulted. The corrected coordinates are 56.216302 N 155.997700 W. At 11:37 UTC we began transit to the correct location.

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Site: LT06 Notes: ROV Jason was deployed to find and retrieve the TRM however, however we found that the LT06 was upside down. We then deployed the line-spool elevator and attached it to the TRM using Jason to retrieve the station. Very strong seafloor currents during Jason dive order 1m/s. Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: TC2377 Seismic Logger: 3143 Hydrophone: 768016 APG: 114623 APG Logger: 57 Temperature Probe: S9436 – Iceland On station: 16/08/2019 14:59 UTC Instrument on surface:16/08/2019 23:15 UTC Deployment location: 56.216668 N 157.0568631 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 221.00 m Time on station: 8 h 31 min Depart station: 14/08/2019 23:30 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 3h 48 min Saturday 17 August 2019 Site: LT08 Notes: Attempted recovery using the winch under the ROV Jason. Somewhere close to the surface the rope between ROV Jason and LT08 snapped again under wave loading and LT08 went sailing back down to the sea floor and landed upside down. We then surveyed the location of the TRM and decided to return to it later on in the cruise. All later TRM recoveries were performed with a line-spool elevator. Very strong seafloor currents during Jason dive order 1m/s. Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: TC750 Seismic Logger: 3161 Hydrophone: 768001 APG: 115400 APG Logger: 71 Temperature Probe: S9400 – Iceland On station: 17/08/2019 03:00 UTC Instrument on surface: didn’t reach the surface Deployment location: 55.588346 N 156.5976591 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 244 m Time on station: 4 h 00 min

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Depart station: 17/08/2019 07:00 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1h 33 min Site: LT11 Notes: The station is a Pop-up station, it received the signal to pop-up but it did not rise and so ROV Jason was deployed to retrieve the station.. Used ROV Jason to nudge the buoy which was partially released, but hung up on the release mechanism. Pulling up slightly on the buoy with ROV Jason’s arm triggered the full release. Strong currents hindered recovery, endangering entanglement in the failed pop-up line, but the recovery was successful. Recovery: Failed pop-up, ROV Jason assisted retrieval Sensor: 680 Seismic Logger: 3138 Hydrophone: 768036 APG: 116468 APG Logger: 52 Temperature Probe: S9434 – Iceland On station: 17/08/2019 14:51 UTC Instrument on surface:17/08/2019 20:50 UTC Deployment location: 56.120423 N 157.3356188 Water depth (b.s.l.): 159 m Time on station: 6 h 30 min Depart station: 17/08/2019 21:21 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 2h 30 min Sunday 18 August 2019 Site: LT14 Notes: Sent the release signal and the station acknowledged the signal but the pop-up did not come up to the surface. Station was upside down and so required ROV Jason to retrieve it. We sent down the line-spool elevator which was hooked onto the TRM. Captain had concerns about safety with the buoy from the chimney interfering with the elevator which could cause it to rise faster or in a different detection than expected. As a result, we waited until daylight to release the elevator. Probe may have been in the mud. Recovery: Failed pop-up, ROV Jason sent down for retrieval. The line spool elevator was attached to a point such that the float would remain underneath the TRM, driven into the housing by its buoyancy. The tactic worked, the float remained within the TRM until it lifted clear of the surface at which point the float dropped out under its weight. The pop-up line was rapidly recovered on the surface as the TRM was lifted on board. Sensor: 583 Seismic Logger: 3158 Hydrophone: 768022 APG: 116483 APG Logger: APG012 Temperature Probe: S9411 – Iceland

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On station: 18/08/2019 2:08 UTC Instrument on surface:18/08/2019 16:30 UTC Deployment location: 55.700099 N 158.029683 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 126 m Time on station: 15 h Depart station: 18/08/2019 17:00 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 3h Site: LT10 Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 484 Seismic Logger: 3135 Hydrophone: none APG: 129436 APG Logger: 72 Temperature Probe: S9408 – Iceland On station: 18/08/2019 18:11 UTC Instrument on surface:18/08/2019 20:30 UTC Deployment location: 55.6251 N 157.3251 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 98 m Time on station: 2 h 30 min Depart station: 18/08/2019 20:40 UTC Monday 19 August 2019 Site: LT12 Notes: Only a very faint response from the acoustics on the instrument so took some time for it to acknowledge the release signal. Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 2512 Seismic Logger: 3061 Hydrophone: 768028 APG: 129431 APG Logger: 044 Temperature Probe: S9420 – Iceland On station: 19/08/2019 23:30 UTC Instrument on surface:19/08/2019 00:45 UTC Deployment location: 55.207 N 157.778 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 83 m Time on station: 2 h Depart station: 19/08/2019 00:30 UTC Site: LT09 Notes: Enable was sent to the instrument but did not pop-up. TRM deployed upside down. ROV Jason and line-spool elevator deployed to retrieve the station. Recovery: Pop-up but ROV Jason and line elevator for retrieval.

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Sensor: 2521 Seismic Logger: 3160 Hydrophone: 768010 APG: 129886 APG Logger: none Temperature Probe: S9426 – Iceland On station: 19/08/2019 02:53 UTC Instrument on surface: 19/08/2019 07:43 UTC Deployment location: 55.126306 N 157.1959133 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 150 m Time on station: 5 h Depart station: 19/08/2019 07:53 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1 h 26 min Site: LT08 Notes: Returned to LT08. This time we deployed the line-spool elevator as well as ROV Jason. Very strong currents (order 2 knots, 1 m/s at this site). Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: TC750 Seismic Logger: 3161 Hydrophone: 768001 APG: 115400 APG Logger: 71 Temperature Probe: S9400 – Iceland On station: 19/08/2019 14:17 UTC Instrument on surface: 19/08/2019 20:25 UTC Depth and location same as previous entry for LT08 Time on station: 6h 10 min Depart station: 19/08/2019 20:27 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 2 h 37 min Tuesday 20 August 2019 Site: LD36 Sensor: 2347 Seismic Logger: 3079 Hydrophone: none DPG: none Temperature Probe: 1854464 – Antares, 20233116 – Tidbit On station: 20/08/2019 00:14 UTC Instrument on surface:20/08/2019 23:15 UTC Deployment location: 55.252416 N 155.752458 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 916.00 m Time on station: 8 h 31 min Depart station: 14/08/2019 23:30 UTC

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Site: LA25 Sensor: 3832 Seismic Logger: 3141 Hydrophone: 768007 APG: 117994 Temperature Probe: 1854467 – Antares On station: 20/08/2019 03:29 UTC Instrument on surface: 20/08/2019 05:04 UTC Deployment location: 54.890050 N 155.940841 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 2576.00 m Time on station: 2 h Depart station: 20/08/2019 05:29 UTC Site: LA26 Sensor: 3762 Seismic Logger: 3076 Hydrophone: 768033 APG: 121998 Temperature Probe: none On station: 20/08/2019 07:29 UTC Instrument on surface: 20/08/2019 09:09 UTC Deployment location: 54.512878 N 156.256102 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 5089.00 m Time on station: 2 h Depart station: 20/08/2019 09:29 UTC Site: LA28 Notes: The sensor did not drop Sensor: 731 Seismic Logger: 3149 Hydrophone: 768037 APG: 117997 Temperature Probe: 1854465 – Antares On station: 20/08/2019 13:13 UTC Instrument on surface: 20/08/2019 15:12 UTC Deployment location: 54.898337 N 156.603038 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1873.00 m Time on station: 2 h 6 min Depart station: 20/08/2019 15:19 UTC GPS3- GPS transponder MPL014 at site GPS3 recovered using acoustic release. Notes: retrieved transponder U0057A5, address 5210 and installed replacement transponder U003C80 deployed and aligned on benchmark using ROV Jason Retrieved transponder: U0057A5, address 5210 Installed transponder: U00C80

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Benchmark: MPL014 On station: 20/08/2019 17:00 UTC Deployment location: 55.024908 N 156.7363055 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1176.00 m Time on station: 4 hr 00 min Depart station: 20/08/2019 21:00 UTC Site: LA30 Sensor: 2376 Seismic Logger: 3144 Hydrophone: 768008 APG: 117334 Temperature Probe: S9433 – Iceland On station: 21/08/2019 01:05 UTC Instrument on surface: 21/08/2019 02:20 UTC Deployment location: 54.672698 N 157.420323 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1583.00 m Time on station: 1 h 35 min Depart station: 21/08/2019 02:40 UTC Site: LA32 Sensor: 652 Seismic Logger: 3140 Hydrophone: 768034 APG: 117996 Temperature Probe: S9402 – Iceland On station: 21/08/2019 04:17 UTC Instrument on surface: 21/08/2019 05:45 UTC Deployment location: 54.498254 N 157.852213 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1632.00 m Time on station: 1 h 48 min Depart station: 21/08/2019 06:05 UTC Site: LT13 Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: 743 Seismic Logger: 3169 Hydrophone: 768006 APG: 129887 APG Logger: 75 Temperature Probe: S9403 – Iceland On station: 21/08/2019 8:34 UTC Instrument on surface:21/08/2019 13:25 UTC Deployment location: 54.843971 N 158.403324 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 202 m

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Time on station: 5 h 25 min Depart station: 14/08/2019 13:59 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 2h 41 min Site: LT15 Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: 738 Seismic Logger: 3163 Hydrophone: 768029 APG: 116478 APG Logger: APG001 Temperature Probe: S9405 – Iceland On station: 21/08/2019 15:50 UTC Instrument on surface:21/08/2019 19:10 UTC Deployment location: 55.200202 N 158.3592733 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 167 m Time on station: 4 h 47 min Depart station: 14/08/2019 20:03 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1 h 23 min Site: LT16 Recovery: ROV Jason Sensor: 726 Seismic Logger: 3050 Hydrophone: 768017 APG: 116474 APG Logger: 049 Temperature Probe: S9428 – Iceland On station: 21/08/2019 22:10 UTC Instrument on surface:22/08/2019 01:07 UTC Deployment location: 55.492034 N 158.6568309 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 169 m Time on station: 3 h 28 min Depart station: 22/08/2019 01:38 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1 h 31 min Site: LT20 Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 656 Seismic Logger: 3148 Hydrophone: 768021 APG: 116486 APG Logger: none Temperature Probe: S9421 – Iceland On station: 22/08/2019 15:47 UTC Instrument on surface:22/08/2019 15:55 UTC

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Deployment location: 54.8002 N 161.3746 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 150 m Time on station: 1 hr 24 min Depart station: 22/08/2019 17:19 UTC Site: LT17 Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 744 Seismic Logger: 3168 Hydrophone: 768009 APG: 129437 APG Logger: w/CSAC Temperature Probe: S9424 – Iceland On station: 22/08/2019 21:38 UTC Instrument on surface:22/08/2019 22:21 UTC Deployment location: 54.5677 N 160.2016 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 114 m Time on station: 1 h 52 min Depart station: 22/08/2019 23:30 UTC Site: LT18 Notes: Instrument indicated that it was unlevel and therefore unwise to activate the pop-up. We retrieved with ROV Jason and line-spool elevator. The TRM was upside down on the seafloor. Recovery: Pop-up Sensor: 666 Seismic Logger: 3084 Hydrophone: 768026 APG: 118851 APG Logger: N/A Temperature Probe: S9410 – Iceland On station: 23/08/2019 01:00 UTC Instrument on surface: 23/08/2019 04:09 UTC Deployment location: 54.740005 N 160.577522 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 116 m Time on station: 4 h 8 min Depart station: 23/08/2019 05:08 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1 h 43 min Site: LT19 Notes: Not recovered. We successfully attached the TRM to the line-spool elevator with ROV Jason. TRM was right side up. The line broke as the TRM reached the surface. We decided it was unwise to redeploy ROV Jason due to entanglement risk. Attempts to find the broken line at the surface were unsuccessful. The currents at the site were very weak, so that it was impossible to predict were the floating lifting line might lie in azimuth. It

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may be possible to retrieve this site at some future date with an ROV, if the current is stronger. Most of the sites showed much stronger currents during this cruise. Recovery: ROV Jason, not recovered Sensor: 3842 Seismic Logger: 3159 Hydrophone: 768002 APG: 129434 APG Logger: 004 Temperature Probe: S9427 – Iceland On station: 23/08/2019 07:22 UTC Instrument on surface:23/08/2019 11:12 UTC – line broke Deployment location: 54.459966 N 161.05432 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 125 m Time on station: 7 h 48 min Depart station: 23/08/2019 18:00 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 1 h 21 min Waveglider Recovery: waveglider for the Webb/Chadwell/Nooner GPSA Alaskan project was recovered with about 20m of trailing kelp. Location: 54.01488N 160.954 W Recovery time: 23/08/2019 21:00 UTC Site: LD43 Notes: LD43 never responded to attempts to communicate. We sent multiple burn-wire activation messages. LD43 was never sighted at the surface. The station was within diving range of ROV Jason. The acoustic communications to both transponders were very poor during the deployment leg so failure of both systems was a possibility. We dove to the surveyed site but did not find the instrument after surveying a 250 m x 250 m area. Visibility was 10-20m and we found numerous acoustic targets on the sonar, so it is small possibility the instrument is still at the site. The navigated position from the deployment cruise had large errors due to the poor acoustic results from the deployment cruise. Sensor: 2511 Seismic Logger: 3081 Hydrophone: none APG: DPG32 Temperature Probe: S9425 – Iceland On station: 23/08/2019 22:11 UTC Instrument on surface: N.A. Deployment location: 53.953750 N 160.845702 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 2394.00 m Time on station: 15 h 6 min Depart station: 24/08/2019 12:55 UTC ROV Jason dive duration: 6 h 47 min

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Site: LD45 Sensor: 746 Seismic Logger: 3165 Hydrophone: none DPG: 22 Temperature Probe: S9407 – Iceland, 20233128 – Tidbit On station: 24/08/2019 16:53 UTC Instrument on surface:24/08/2019 18:02 UTC Deployment location: 54.102518 N 159.882909 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 1999.00 m Time on station: 1 h 37 min Depart station: 24/08/2019 18:30 UTC Site: LD44 Sensor: L001 Seismic Logger: 3085 Hydrophone: none DPG: 23 Temperature Probe: 1854487 – Antares, 20233122 – Tidbit On station: 24/08/2019 20:59 UTC Instrument on surface:24/08/2019 22:24 UTC Deployment location: 53.830194 N 159.773620 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4663.00 m Time on station: 1 h 36 min Depart station: 24/08/2019 22:35 UTC Site: LD35 Sensor: 658 Seismic Logger: 3166 Hydrophone: none DPG: 020 Temperature Probe: S9401 – Iceland, 20233115 – Tidbit On station: 25/08/2019 02:41 UTC Instrument on surface:25/08/2019 03:56 UTC Deployment location: 54.249511 N 158.871991 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 2023.00 m Time on station: 1 h 31 min Depart station: 25/08/2019 04:10 UTC Site: LA34 Sensor: TC3756 Seismic Logger: 3068 Hydrophone: 768020 APG: 122006 Temperature Probe: 1854466 – Antares

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On station: 25/08/2019 05:44 UTC Instrument on surface:25/08/2019 07:42 UTC Deployment location: 54.044897 N 158.588083 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4600.00 m Time on station: 2 h 16 min Depart station: 25/08/2019 08:00 UTC Site: LA33 Sensor: 2593 Seismic Logger: 3066 Hydrophone: 768015 APG: 121760 Temperature Probe: 1854490 - Antares On station: 25/08/2019 10:21 UTC Instrument on surface:25/08/2019 12:35 UTC Deployment location: 54.152771 N 158.114296 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4493.00 m Time on station: 2 h 39 min Depart station: 25/08/2019 13:00 UTC Site: LA31 Sensor: 742 Seismic Logger: 3064 Hydrophone: 768011 APG: 121759 Temperature Probe: none On station: 25/08/2019 15:08 UTC Instrument on surface:25/08/2019 18:00 UTC Deployment location: 53.802600 N 157.861031 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 5292.00 m Time on station: 2 h 08 min Depart station: 25/08/2019 18:16 UTC Site: LA29 Sensor: 759 Seismic Logger: 3069 Hydrophone: none APG: 121757 Temperature Probe: 1854658 – Antares On station: 25/08/2019 21:31 UTC Instrument on surface:25/08/2019 23:17 UTC Deployment location: 54.291840 N 157.370453 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4403.00 m Time on station: 2 h 10 min Depart station: 25/08/2019 23:41 UTC

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Site: LA27 Notes: Attempted to communicate numerous times. Sent burn enable numerous times. LA27 never acknowledged successful communications. We waited for ~3 hours and never saw the OBS on the surface. Left station, OBS may still be on seafloor perhaps damaged due to glass ball implosion. Sensor: 2518 Seismic Logger: 3071 Hydrophone: 768027 APG: 121754 Temperature Probe: none On station: 26/08/2019 02:53 UTC Instrument on surface: N.A. Deployment location: Water depth (b.s.l.): Time on station: 3 h 11 min Depart station: 24/08/2019 06:04 UTC Site: LA21 Notes: initial rise speed was extremely slow ~5 m/min. Rise speed increased when second weight was finally released. No problems with flotation or flooding of the pressure cases was found on recovery. The most likely cause of the slow initial rise rate is considerable mud had been deposited on the instrument, perhaps due to a turbidity current. Sensor: 654 Seismic Logger: 3078 Hydrophone: 768031 APG: 129511 Temperature Probe: none On station: 26/08/2019 11:50 UTC Instrument on surface:26/08/2019 15:12 UTC Deployment location: 54.369118 N 155.073511 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 5093.00 m Time on station: 5 h 09 min Depart station: 26/08/2019 15:59 UTC Site: LA23 Notes: Sensor: 2279 Seismic Logger: 3151 Hydrophone: 768035 APG: 116584 Temperature Probe: 1854656 – Antares On station: 26/08/2019 19:27 UTC Instrument on surface:26/08/2019 22:00 UTC

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Deployment location: 54.916633 N 155.241133 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 3977.00 m Time on station: 3 h 03 min Depart station: 26/08/2019 22:30 UTC Site: LA22 Sensor: 3760 Seismic Logger: 3760 Hydrophone: 768019 APG: 117992 Temperature Probe: 1854484 – Antares On station: 27/08/2019 00:29 UTC Instrument on surface:27/08/2019 01:31 UTC Deployment location: 55.257568 N 155.152951 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 2161.00 m Time on station: 1 h 20 min Depart station: 27/08/2019 01:51 UTC Site: LD42 Sensor: 2521 Seismic Logger: 3134 Hydrophone: none DPG: 25 Temperature Probe: S9412 – Iceland, 20233114 – Tidbit On station: 27/08/2019 04:15 UTC Instrument on surface: 27/08/2019 04:45 UTC Deployment location: 55.549885 N 154.671428 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 982.00 m Time on station: 0 h 50 min Depart station: 27/08/2019 05:05 UTC Site: LD41 Sensor: 2356 Seismic Logger: 3086 Hydrophone: none DPG: 043 Temperature Probe: 1854413 – Antares, 20233127 – Tidbit On station: 27/08/2019 13:58 UTC Instrument on surface:27/08/2019 15:40 UTC Deployment location: 54.521943 N 153.407360 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4293.00 m Time on station: 2 h 02 min Depart station: 27/08/2019 16:00 UTC

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Site: LD38 Sensor: 740 Seismic Logger: 3162 Hydrophone: none DPG: 39 Temperature Probe: 1854483 – Antares, 20233129 – Tidbit On station: 27/08/2019 22:43 UTC Instrument on surface:28/08/2019 00:41 UTC Deployment location: 55.164906 N 151.675604 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4053.00 m Time on station: 2 h 07 min Depart station: 28/08/2019 00:50 UTC Site: LD37 Sensor: 2357 Seismic Logger: 3167 Hydrophone: none DPG: 09 Temperature Probe: 1854412 – Antares, 20233130 – Tidbit On station: 28/08/2019 04:35 UTC Instrument on surface:28/08/2019 06:30 UTC Deployment location: 55.676425 N 151.100481 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4818.00 m Time on station: 2 h 15 min Depart station: 28/08/2019 06:50 UTC Site: LD24 Notes: Revisited site to attempt communication. Instrument remains unresponsive. Sensor: 2310 Seismic Logger: 3136 Hydrophone: none DPG: 47 On station: 28/08/2019 10:32 UTC Deployment location: 56.033164 N 150.200412 W Water depth (b.s.l.): 4912 m Time on station: 2 h 59 min Depart station: 28/08/2019 13:31 UTC Instrument Deployment and Survey Operations Acoustic surveys of LT03, LT06, LT08, LT09, LT11, LT14, LT15, LT16, LT18 and LT19 were conducted before deploying Jason to speed location of the instrument on the seafloor. The resurveys resulted in small changes (<100m) to the logged instrument location. Locations are updated in the table in Appendix 2.

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Acknowledgements The OBS instruments used in the AACSE are part of the Ocean Bottom

Seismograph Instrument Pool (, which is funded by the National Science Foundation. Instruments recovered during this cruise were designed, maintained and operated by OBS group from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. OBSIP and land data from the project will be archived at the IRIS Data Management Center as soon as possible and will be open to the scientific community immediately upon archival ( We thank the Captain Diego Mello and the crew of the R/V Sikuliaq for their help during recovery.

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Appendix 1. Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations AACSE – Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment APG – OBS with absolute pressure gauge DPG – OBS with differential pressure gauge GPS –A – global position system – acoustics OBS – ocean bottom seismometer POBS – pressure ocean bottom seismometer SKQ – R/V Sikuliaq TRM – trawl resistant mount ocean bottom seismometer UAF – University of Alaska, Fairbanks CI-DTM – Carnegie Institution – Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Colgate – Colgate University Cornell – Cornell University LDEO – Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory UT-Austin – University of Texas, Austin USGS – United States Geological Survey WashU – Washington University in St. Louis WHOI – Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institution

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Appendix 2. Instrument Summary *Lat, Long for TRM: on bottom Revision Sept. 25,2019 with new TRM renavOBS location for deep water is renavigated position if typeface is small. Station Instrument Lat* N Long* W Date (UTC) Time (UTC) Water depth (m)GPSA3 west 55.024908 156.736306 43233 0.86597222 1176 Fetch to be replacedLA21 3078 54.369118 -155.07351 43242 0.66319444 5113LA22 3760 55.257568 -155.15295 43243 0.72152778 2130LA23 3151 54.916341 155.237562 43243 0.52083333 3967LA25 3141 54.89005 -155.94084 43234 0.58333333 2622LA26 3076 54.512878 -156.2561 43242 0.29513889 5103LA27 3071 53.98546 156.632035 43242 0.01319444 5176 not recovered no contactLA28 3149 54.898337 -156.60304 43234 0.77569444 1852LA29 3069 54.29184 -157.37045 43241 0.73958333 4408LA30 3144 54.672698 -157.42032 43235 0.12916667 1564LA31 3064 53.8026 -157.86103 43241 0.40555556 5316LA32 3140 54.498254 -157.85221 43235 0.29791667 1595LA33 3066 54.152771 -158.1143 43241 0.21319444 4478LA34 3068 54.044897 -158.58808 43240 0.88402778 4612LA39 3137 56.882703 -151.0011 43247 0.77916667 1628LD24 3136 56.033071 150.199447 43246 0.02291667 4912 not recovered no contactLD35 3166 54.249511 -158.87199 43236 0.21458333 1993LD36 3079 55.252416 -155.75246 43234 0.33472222 935LD37 3167 55.676425 -151.10048 43245 0.74236111 4826LD38 3162 55.164906 -151.6756 43245 0.47291667 4043LD40 3133 56.30374 -152.41023 43245 0.09722222 1055LD41 3086 54.521943 -153.40736 43243 0.05486111 4284LD42 3134 55.549885 -154.67143 43243 0.93888889 969LD43 3081 53.95375 -160.8457 43239 0.89236111 2324 not recovered no contactLD44 3085 53.830194 -159.77362 43240 0.58958333 4675LD45 3165 54.102518 -159.88291 43240 0.41111111 2019LT01 3142 56.775555 152.522757 43244 0.92777778 156LT02 3159 56.693216 153.261046 43244 0.78819444 152LT03 3139 57.8668 154.1665 43230 0.65625 202LT04 3150 56.111769 154.444618 43244 0.12222222 157LT05 3056 56.823024 155.346907 43231 0.86180556 236LT06 3143 56.21666 155.9979 43232 0.26111111 225 Upside down. Jason corrected longitude, bottom surveyLT07 3146 56.671183 156.119948 43232 1.08 262LT08 3161 55.5883 156.5975 43233 0.42013889 246 LT09 3160 55.1215 157.13892 43234 0.99166667 151 Upside downLT10 3135 55.6251 157.3251 43233 0.27569444 98LT11 3138 56.1202 157.3355 43232 0.49652778 162 Upsiide downLT12 3061 55.207 157.778 43233 0.11875 83 LT13 3169 54.843925 158.34662 43235 0.52847222 203LT14 3158 55.69978 158.03025 43232 0.725 125LT15 3163 55.20023 158.3598 43233 0.01319444 167 LT16 3050 55.491596 158.601325 43232 0.84513889 125 LT17 3168 54.567719 160.201555 43236 0.61875 114LT18 3084 54.74005 160.5814 43237 0.24444444 115 upside downLT19 3159 54.45988 160.99978 43236 0.82708333 125 not recovered, line failure, rightside upLT20 3148 54.8002 161.3746 43237 0.02013889 150POBS1 1 56.882357 -151.00456 43247 0.87638889 1641 POBS2 2 56.880306 -151.00526 43247 0.91458333 1655

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Appendix 3: Jason Daily Reports

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1202 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/13/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 20-25 knots with 4-6 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT01

Reason for Dive Termination: TRM Acquired

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Flex link ground. No impact as we used it during connection.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Tire worked well but 2” bend radius for 7700 lb. BS Amsteel reduced strength enough that we lost package/TRM with a moderate heave very

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available to

science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

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close to surface. As we believe TRM is inverted on bottom we are launching line elevator to connect and recover.

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went very well up until final seconds. The TRM LT01 was found, latched into without difficulty and brought to the surface. Pre-cruise planning with Jason group yielded a good solution to latching into the TRM in a stable manner. Line broke during a modest jerk at the surface due to wave action. Line on winch was somewhat marginal given the weight of TRM. The TRM was moving slightly during ascent, possibly causing wear. Post-dive assessment yielded a plan to replace the line on winch with a heavier line and to maintain some pressure on winch hydraulics to prevent loosening of line to the TRM.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger) Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz) Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1203 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/13/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 20-25 knots with 5-7 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

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Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT01 with line elevator

Reason for Dive Termination: Line elevator attached and released

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Good dive. Everything went well. Acquired TRM. Fetched line elevator and hooked up to TRM. Released manually and recovered vehicle.

Chief Scientist Comments: Well executed dive attaching line spool elevator for recovery of TRM.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger) Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz) Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1204 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/14/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available to

science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/13 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

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Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 2-4 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT02

Reason for Dive Termination: Connection made to TRM

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Everything went well. Acquired TRM. Connected to it and recovered.

Chief Scientist Comments: Well executed dive for recovery of TRM beneath Jason. TRM was found, latched on to, winched beneath Jason and brought to surface. Changing the line on the winch yielded a successful TRM recovery. Applying constant hydraulic pressure to winch provided a very stable connection between the TRM and the tire mounted beneath Jason.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available to

science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 4/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

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Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz) Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1205 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/15/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 2-4 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT03

Reason for Dive Termination: Connection made to TRM

Completed Dive Summaries:

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available to

science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 4/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 4/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

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Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Everything went well. Acquired TRM. Connected to it and recovered.

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went very well. No issues. Position was determined predive using acoustics from ship.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger) Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz) Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1206 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/15/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 2-4 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT03

Reason for Dive Termination: Connection made to TRM

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Everything went well. Acquired TRM. Connected to it and recovered.

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went very well. No problems.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger) Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz) Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1207 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available to

science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 4/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 4/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 4/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

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Report Date: 8/16/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 3-5 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT06

Reason for Dive Termination: Connection made to TRM with line elevator

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. TRM inverted so launched line elevator and attached.

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went very well despite very strong currents that made Jason operations challenging. After LT06 was found inverted, the line elevator was deployed up current, located with Jason, moved and attached to LT06. Release pin was pulled to elevator, Jason retrieved and LT06 lifted using elevator line.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available to

science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 4/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

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Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger) Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz) Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1208 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/16/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 3-5 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Recover TRM #LT08

Reason for Dive Termination: Connection made to TRM with winch.

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 4/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 4/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 4/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 4/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Lost package 5 meters from surface. Line broke at knot.

Chief Scientist Comments: The TRM was found and latched onto the bottom of Jason despite very strong current. The TRM appears to be a little too heavy and large for the winch and lifting line. A small snap roll near the surface resulted in the line parting and the TRM falling to the seafloor. The TRM will be recovered using Jason to attach the line spool elevator later in this cruise.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1209 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/17/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

J2-1208 4/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

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Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 18-25 knots with 4-6 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Nudge pop up on TRM11

Reason for Dive Termination: Pop up released from TRM

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Didn’t get the drift quite right so getting to TRM took a bit longer than planned. Visibility was awful. Got to TRM and observed float had been released but hung up somehow. Gave it a gentle nudge and it flew right into light bar. Quick action from the pilot and engineer allowed us to clear and stay clear. LAR went very well.

Chief Scientist Comments: Pop-up float was stuck just out of the canister. The float rose after a small nudge from the Jason arm. A changing current direction during the dive was noted and corrected for

Dive No. Dates

Max Dept

h Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 4/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 4/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 4/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 4/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 4/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 4/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 4/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

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so that the pop-up buoy appeared at the surface safely aft of the ship’s stern and far from Jason and its cable.

Contact Numbers:



Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1210 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/17/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 5-10 knots with 2-4 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT14

Reason for Dive Termination: Connected to Line elevator

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Vehicle working very well

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Dive went well. Got a fix on LT14 and dropped elevator. Connected and recovered

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went well.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

J2-1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

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Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1211 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/18/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 5-10 knots with 2-4 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT09

Reason for Dive Termination: Connected to Line elevator

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Loss of light for pre dive on 1 fiber. Went composite.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Got a fix on LT09 and dropped elevator. Launched vehicle got connected and recovered

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went well. Uneventful.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1212 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/19/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 5-10 knots with 2-4 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

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Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT08

Reason for Dive Termination: Connected to Line elevator

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Got a fix on LT08 and dropped elevator. Launched vehicle got connected and recovered

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went well despite very strong currents.

Contact Numbers:

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

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WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1213 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/20/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 15-20 knots with 3-5 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Replace MPL014 Benchmark OBS

Reason for Dive Termination: Goals accomplished

Dive No. Dates

Max Dept

h Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Used our Sonardyne system to release and track old transonder to surface. Then tracked new one to seafloor and installed.

Chief Scientist Comments: We first used the sonardyne system to acquire, release and track the fetch transponder on benchmark MPL014 for recovery on the surface. Tracking to the surface was critical as the small fetch transponder was difficult to locate on the surface. The replacement transponder was hung below the surface to confirm acoustic tracking and then dropped, falling within 80m of the benchmark. Jason was used to carry the transponder to the benchmark and to place the transponder onto the benchmark in the correct orientation and with the three centering pins falling into three grooves to align the transponder precisely on the benchmark without disturbing the benchmark. A very successful dive.

Contact Numbers:



Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

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Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1214 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/21/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 3-5 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT14

Reason for Dive Termination: Goals accomplished

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Dropped elevator,connected and recovered

Chief Scientist Comments: A well executed dive with big schools of fish all around Jason.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

J2-1213 8/20 1174 1:06 1:00 00:58 3:04 24:17

J2-1214 8/21 201 1:40 00:21 00:40 2:41 11:13

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Dive number: J2-1215 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/21/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with 3-5 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT15

Reason for Dive Termination: Goals accomplished

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Dropped elevator,connected and recovered

Chief Scientist Comments: A well executed dive. Work accomplished remarkably quickly.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1216 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/21/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

J2-1213 8/20 1174 1:06 1:00 00:58 3:04 24:17

J2-1214 8/21 201 1:40 00:21 00:40 2:41 11:13

J2-1215 8/21 168 00:18 00:22 00:41 1:21 5:22

Page 53: Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery …...1 Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery Leg 1 SKQ2019-18S R/V Sikuliaq 10 August 2019 – 29 August


Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 15-20 knots with 4-6 foot seas

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT16

Reason for Dive Termination: Goals accomplished

Completed Dive Summaries:

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours

on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

J2-1213 8/20 1174 1:06 1:00 00:58 3:04 24:17

J2-1214 8/21 201 1:40 00:21 00:40 2:41 11:13

J2-1215 8/21 168 00:18 00:22 00:41 1:21 5:22

J2-1216 8/21-8/22 169 00:15 00:17 1:00 1:32 4:40

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Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Great dive. Dropped elevator,connected and recovered

Chief Scientist Comments: A well executed dive despite very poor visibility.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1217 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/22/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with a few different swells as large as 6’

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT18

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Reason for Dive Termination: Goals accomplished

Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Good dive. Dropped elevator connected and recovered. Tested backup MRU and modified topside software

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours

on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

J2-1213 8/20 1174 1:06 1:00 00:58 3:04 24:17

J2-1214 8/21 201 1:40 00:21 00:40 2:41 11:13

J2-1215 8/21 168 00:18 00:22 00:41 1:21 5:22

J2-1216 8/21-8/22 169 00:15 00:17 1:00 1:32 4:40

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Chief Scientist Comments: TRM was found and elevator attached without any problems.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1218 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/23/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 10-15 knots with a few different swells as large as 6’

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Attach line elevator to LT19

Reason for Dive Termination: Goals accomplished

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours

on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

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Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Good dive. Dropped elevator connected and recovered.

Chief Scientist Comments: Dive went well. TRM was found and elevator attached without any problems.

Contact Numbers:

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

J2-1213 8/20 1174 1:06 1:00 00:58 3:04 24:17

J2-1214 8/21 201 1:40 00:21 00:40 2:41 11:13

J2-1215 8/21 168 00:18 00:22 00:41 1:21 5:22

J2-1216 8/21-8/22 169 00:15 00:17 1:00 1:32 4:40

Page 58: Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery …...1 Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery Leg 1 SKQ2019-18S R/V Sikuliaq 10 August 2019 – 29 August


WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

ROV Jason Daily Report

Cruise Number: SKQ201918S

Dive number: J2-1219 Chief Scientist: Spahr Webb

Report Date: 8/24/2019 Expedition Leader: Alberto Collasius Jr.

Prepared By: Expedition Leader

Vessel Location: Gulf of Alaska Weather: 5-10 knots with a few different swells as large as 5’

Dive Times: GMT

Dive Activities/Future Activities: Locate OBS LD43 and attach modified line elevator elevator

Reason for Dive Termination: Time up

Dive No. Dates Max

Depth Hours

Descending Hours

Ascending Hours

on Bottom

Hours in


Time On


Time on Deck not available

to science J2-

1202 8/13 158 00:25 00:18 2:06 2:49 0

J2-1203 8/14 157 00:15 00:30 2:02 2:47 4:33

J2-1204 8/15 262 1:26 00:27 00:52 2:45 18:40

Page 59: Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery …...1 Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery Leg 1 SKQ2019-18S R/V Sikuliaq 10 August 2019 – 29 August


Completed Dive Summaries:

Vehicle Status: Working well.

Weather Forecast:

Expedition Leader Comments: Good dive. Dropped elevator, started looking for OBS. Failed to locate and recovered both Jason and Elevator

Chief Scientist Comments: This OBS had had very poor acoustics during the deployment leg, both boards were difficult to enable, and to hear. Thus it was unclear whether the instrument was simply gone due

J2-1205 8/15 232 00:25 00:24 00:38 1:27 3:43

J2-1206 8/15 198 00:19 00:54 00:24 1:37 9:21

J2-1207 8/16 223 00:21 00:41 2:48 3:50 20:25

J2-1208 8/17 243 00:36 00:24 00:34 1:34 9:07

J2-1209 8/17 158 00:15 00:20 1:57 2:32 11:25

J2-1210 8/18 126 00:15 00:14 2:32 3:01 6:57

J2-1211 8/19 149 00:18 00:27 00:42 1:27 21:52

J2-1212 8/19 243 00:31 00:33 1:33 2:37 9:46

J2-1213 8/20 1174 1:06 1:00 00:58 3:04 24:17

J2-1214 8/21 201 1:40 00:21 00:40 2:41 11:13

J2-1215 8/21 168 00:18 00:22 00:41 1:21 5:22

J2-1216 8/21-8/22 169 00:15 00:17 1:00 1:32 4:40

J2-1217 8/23 116 00:20 00:21 1:04 1:43 25:44

J2-1218 8/23 125 00:14 00:20 00:47 01:21 04:24

J2-1219 8/24 2380 01:46 01:31 03:29 06:46 19:08

Page 60: Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery …...1 Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Recovery Leg 1 SKQ2019-18S R/V Sikuliaq 10 August 2019 – 29 August


to some failure, or if the acoustics had just completely failed. We thus made an attempt to locate the OBS on the seafloor expecting the OBS would be a good sonar target. We found a seafloor with a thick carpet of soft sediment, however the sonar detected a number of strong targets that proved to be isolated rocks on the surface and otherwise ledges of rock under the sediment. We did a grid search over an area of about 300 x 300m without the finding the OBS. The accuracy of the position of the OBS was poor, given the difficulty we had had in ranging to the OBS during the deployment leg. It is possible we simply didn’t cover a big enough area to find the OBS, although the search area size was governed by what seemed reasonable estimate of the errors.

Contact Numbers:

WHOI/NDSF Vessel Other

Voice: 508 289 3445 (Cathy Offinger)

Mobile: 774 392 2986 (Matt Heintz)

Email: [email protected]

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