






THE SCIENCE BEHIND REIKIMuch research has been done concerned with spiritual healing and the human energy field. A study was carried out, comparing a group of people, animals, bacteria, cultures and other non-human systems where healing was given against those where healing was not given. This ruled out the possibility that healing is based solely on the placebo effect.

Today there are many studies in progress, looking at Reiki, Therapeutic touch, Qigong and other forms of healing. Major researchers are nurses. In 1988, a study was published on prayer healing for patients in a cardiac intensive care unit. This was done in a control group where a number of patients received prayer in addition to orthodox treatment and some only received orthodox treatment. Patients and doctors were not told into which category these patients would come into. At the end of the trial, it was found that patients who had received prayer recovered more quickly and had their medication reduced compared with those who just received orthodox treatment.

It is unfortunate that many doctors still ignore how wonderful healing is and the benefits it brings. They dont take into consideration the technology used for diagnosis such as x-rays ECG machines, and equipment that scans the body is all energy. We are energy and it is around everything. So, in a sense our doctors are using energy medicine. Any intervention with a living system involves energy in one form or another. Energy medicine involves understanding how the body creates and responds to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, including light and sound as well as other forms of energy, such as heat, pressure and gravity. Science does not really understand the origin of these various kinds of energy. Controversial or not, energy medicine based on the use of medical equipment is alive and well in hospitals and medical research centres. Reiki and other forms of hands-on-healing are another form of energy medicine based on scientifically measurable energy fields emitted from the healers hands.


Independent research by Dr Robert Becker and Dr John Zimmerman during the 1980s investigated what happens whilst people practice therapies like Reiki. They found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver become synchronized in the alpha state, characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation , but they pulse in unison with the earths magnetic field, known as the Schuman Resonance. During these moments, the biomagnetic field of the practitioners hands is at least 1000 times greater than normal, and not as a result of internal body current. Toni Bunnell(1997) suggests that the linking of energy fields between practitioner and earth allows the practitioner to draw on the infinitive energy source or universal energy field via the Schuman Resonance. Prof paul Davies and Dr John Gribben in The Matter Myth(1991), discuss the quantum physics view of a living universe in which everything is connected in a living web of interpendence. All of this supports the subjective experience of oneness and expanded consciousness related by those who regularly receive or self-treat with Reiki.

Zimmerman (1990) in the USA and Seto (1992) in Japan further investigated the large pulsating biomagnetic field that is emitted from the hands of energy practitioners whilst they work. They discovered that the pulses are in the same frequencies as brain waves, and sweep up and down from

0.3-30 Hz, focusing mostly in 7-8 Hz, alpha state. Independent medical research has shown that this range of frequencies will stimulate healing in the body, with specific frequencies suitable for different tissues. eg 2Hz encourages nerve regeneration, 7Hz bone growth, 10Hz ligament mending, and 15Hz capillary formation. Physiotherapy equipment based on these principles has been designed to aid soft tissue regeneration, and ultra sound technology is commonly used to clear clogged arteries and disintegrate kidney stones. Also, it has been known for many years that placing an electrical coil around a fracture that refuses to mend will stimulate bone growth and repair.

Becker explains that brainwaves are not confined to the brain, but travel throughout the body via the perineural system, the sheaths of connective tissue surrounding all nerves. During a treatment, these waves begin as relatively weak pulses in the thalamus of the practitioners brain, and gather cumulative strength as they flow as they flow to the peripheral nerves of the body, including the hands. The same effect is mirrored in the person receiving treatment, and Becker suggests that it is this system, more than any other, that regulates injury repair and system rebalance. This highlights one of the special features of Reiki (and similar therapies), that both practitioner and client receive the benefits of a treatment, which makes it very efficient.

It is interesting to note that Dr Becker carried out this study on a world-wide array of cross-cultural subjects, and no matter what their belief systems or customs, or how opposed to each other their customs were, all tested the same. Part of Reikis growing popularity is that it does not impose a set of beliefs, and can therefore be used by people of any background and faith, or none at all. This neutrality makes it particularly appropriate to a medical or prison setting.


The basic physics of induction is important because it helps explain some of the effects of Reiki, laying-on of hands. In essence, the bio-magnetic fields produced by a practitioners hands can induce current flows in the tissue and cells of individuals who are in close proximity. A definition, which is also a hypothesis is : Healing energy, whether produced by a medical device or projected from the human body, is energy of a particular frequency or set of frequencies that stimulates the repair of one or more tissues.

James Oschman Ph.D was asked by William Lee Rand about the fact that Reiki Healers are aware that the energy seems to guide itself and in fact seems to contain a higher intelligence or higher power that creates the exact needed by the client. The Healers hands are guided to the right location and for the right length of time; is there anything in his research which would indicate this possibility.

From a scientific point of view, James replied that the higher intelligence is innate intuitive inner wisdom we all possess and can access when we relax our mental processes and allow our subconscious to sort out what is really going on. Most of the information from our senses goes to our unconscious, where it is processed below our level of awareness. Therefore, if we trust our hunches and intuitions, we are relying on information that is closer to reality than the way we sense reality, simply because they are based on far more information and on information that has had time to be processed with. So, if you are able to leave your thought processes behind, you will find that your hands will go to the right places as if they were drawn there by a magnet. James believes that damaged or diseased tissue gives off signals that are induced into the energy systems of the hands that serve to guide you to the right places.

This information is taken from an article in the Reiki News magazine.


Because of the nature of the master level and the energies that become available to us, being a Reiki master can be an ongoing process involving personal growth. With the master attunement and the use of the master symbol, we receive the opportunity to open more and more completely to the limitless potential of Reiki and to develop in ourselves the qualities that are contained in the Reiki energy. Consider all the aspects of Reiki energy- besides the potential to heal virtually all illness, it also contains unlimited love, joy, peace, compassion, wisdom, abundance and even more. We know these are the qualities of Reiki because people experience them when giving or receiving Reiki treatments. They are especially apparent when we meditate on the source of Reiki. When doing so, many are lifted up into a safe place where they feel completely cared for and become aware of the wonderful possibilities that can come from within.

When we contemplate these things it is easy to become overwhelmed with optimism and the confident understanding that all challenges in life can be met and that our lives can be a glorious experience. The Japanese name for the master level of Reiki is Shinpiden which means Mystery Teaching. The mystery which is spoken of is the mystery of Gods love, wisdom and power. It is a mystery because God has no boundaries; all the attributes of God including wonder, beauty and grace extend far beyond our ability to comprehend. No matter how developed we become, in this life or in any future level of existence, we will never fully understand it. This is why it is and will always remain a wonderful mystery.

When we receive the Usui master symbol and the attunement that empowers it, it creates the possibility for us to become aware of the Ultimate Reality. This is expressed in the definition of the Usui master symbol which indicates that it represents that part of the self that is already completely enlightened! When we use the master symbol, we are actually connecting with our own enlightened selves. This in fact, is the true source of Reiki energy- it actually comes from the deepest and most important part of our own nature, our own enlightened self! While it might appear to some to come from outside ourselves appearing to come down through the crown charka, this is actually an illusion and only appears this way because of our limited awareness.

Reiki comes to us by the Grace of God and it is the same Grace that heals us and fosters our personal growth. Yet development does not take place automatically. Reiki respects our free will and does not force development on us, but if we seek it and intend it, and use Reiki for this purpose, then certainly, we will be guided into a greater healing experience. Try this experiment.

Begin doing Reiki on yourself using the master symbol with your hands in any position that is comfortable. (If you are not a Reiki master but have level 1 or 2, try it anyway without the master symbol.) Then meditate on this affirmation:

I surrender completely to the Reiki energy and the source from which it comes.Repeat this affirmation over and over, then as the Reiki energy continues to flow, with your inner eye, look for the source of Reiki, either within yourself or above. By doing this, you will have many important experiences. These are likely to include becoming more aware of how Reiki is working within you and feeling its amazing qualities. New possibilities for personal growth will be presented and you will be invited closer to the source, you will become aware of amazing insights and have ever increasing experiences of joy, security and peace. This is a wonderful exercise and well worth the time. I suggest you do this everyday and as you do so, these experiences will become stronger. Then, if you choose to accept the healing changes that are presented, deep healing will begin taking place and you will also begin receiving guidance about how to improve your life. While this meditation is simple, it is also very powerful and can lead you into a very happy and healthy state of mind, creating lasting changes that will form the foundation of a more worthwhile life.Reiki can guide you in ways to make its healing power more beneficial and to heal more deeply. And at the same time, it is possible that Reiki will guide you to other healing techniques that are exactly right for you to use in addition to Reiki. You may also receive guidance about changes you need to make that require you to take action. Your ability to make decisions can improve, making it very easy to decide exactly what you need, who to associate with, where to work, etc. and this could result in an entirely new direction for your life!

When you are involved in the healing process, a good way to determine your progress is to use your outer world as an indication of your inner development. This works because we manifest our entire experience through our thoughts and intentions-both conscious and unconscious. When we experience something in our lives, it is because some part of our being has created it. When we accept this idea, and take complete responsibility for what takes place in our lives we enter a very powerful place. We can then change the things that are not healthy and improve every aspect of our lives.If your outer world contains positive experiences, and you are enjoying your life, this means that your inner world is in a similar state. The reverse is also true, so when we experience painful things or are disappointed or experience things that foster fear, worry or doubt, this is because some part of our being is out of balance and needs healing. If something unpleasant or unwanted takes place in your life, rather than blaming other people or circumstances outside yourself, direct your attention inward and look for the part of yourself that has created this unpleasant event. Then use your Reiki healing skills to nurture and heal this part. When you do this, the unpleasant experiences will stop and be replaced by healthy positive experiences.

As we continue on our healing path, we will become aware of a level of consciousness that resides deep within each of us that can bring a wonderful new way of living. It creates a new attitude that is entirely positive and brings with it the ability to solve many problems and create positive results that previously we did not think possible. This higher consciousness is what Jesus was experiencing when he performed miracles and when he had a profoundly positive effect on those around him.This new consciousness is coming to many people now and in a short time will become the normal consciousness, but it has gone by many names and it is becoming more and more available to all of us. Jesus spoke of it as the second coming of Christ and I believe that he did not mean That Jesus would return to earth as he did 2000 years ago, but that the Spirit of Christ would become available to all of us. This Christ consciousness is not limited to those of the Christian religion, but is available to members of all religions and spiritual paths. In fact, this higher way of manifesting our lives has been part of all religious practices and has gone by many names depending on which religious or spiritual group named it. A breakthrough like this is possible with Reiki, so I encourage you to accept this possibility and work with it. Let us release all desire to hold onto negative ways that limit our happiness, but instead, embrace the inner light of Reiki. Within the source of Reiki resides the love of the universe. Those who focus on this love, and surrender to its healing power are opening to wonderful changes that will lead not only to peace within, but to peace on earth. JAPANESE REIKI TECHNIQUES

Due to extensive research into the roots and origins of Reiki by such people as Reiki Masters William Lee Rand, Frank Arjava Petter and others we now have a range of Japanese Reiki Techniques that can be used to complement our Reiki work.

We shall now look at some of these techniques.

JOSHIN KOKYUU-HO: THE BREATHING TECHNIQUEJoshin Kokyuu-Ho means breathing exercise to purify the spirit. It is a breathing technique to strengthen your energy. It will teach you to consciously draw in energy from the cosmos and collect it in your tanden, then you can let the energy flow out through your hands. The tanden or Chinese tantien or dantien is located two or three fingers below the navel.The following exercise is used in martial arts such as Tai Chi for centring. Some people say that the tanden is identical with the second charka.

How to find the tanden:

Then look at the flower and let the image come to you, instead of sending the arrows of your visual

attention toward it. After a while, you may become aware of a very subtle form of breathing that

happens through your eyes, connected with the inhalation and exhalation.

Practice the exercise for ten minutes every day until you feel comfortable using it to treat a human. How to heal with your eyesSpend a few moments becoming centred by breathing slowly and deeply, then begin to look at the place where you wish to send Reiki: let your eyes defocus and soften your gaze. Intend and feel that lovingReiki energy is pouring out through your eyes into the recipient and see them whole, perfect and balanced. You may want to project the Reiki symbols onto the part of the body you want to treat.Continue for a few minutes or until you are guided to move to the next position. REIJI-HO: INTUITIVE HEALINGReiji-Ho means:

REI: energy, spirit, soul.

JI: show, indicate, point out, express, display.

HO: treatment, method, way.

Intuitive development occurs naturally as we grow spiritually through our practice and path work. Indeed, becoming intuitive may even be integral to our further spiritual growth. To listen to our intuition is to listen to our inner teacher, to our inner wisdom, to the voice of our soul. We have an internal set of senses that corresponds to our external senses. We can receive an impression in the form of sight, sound, smell, taste touch or simply knowing. It can be felt that you are intruding into your clients life when you receive images, but the subconscious mind will only reveal to consciousness what is ready to be healed in some way. It is easy to doubt the validity of impressions you receive, but if you relax and trust the Reiki energy more and more, you will begin to feel more comfortable. To Spirit and to the Reiki energy, all time is now, so if when you receive an impression, ask when is this occurring, as it could be something belonging to past events. Sit or stand in a comfortable position next to your recipient and close your eyes.

Focus on your breathing, then intend to activate your intuitive ability.

Place your hands in the prayer position in front of your heart and ask the energy to flow through you freely.

Ask for healing and well-being of your client on every level, whatever that may mean.

Bring your hands up to your third eye and ask Reiki to guide your hands to wherever they are needed.

Wait and see what happens. You may have immediate results as explained above. Use all your senses and knowledge. If you do not have a clear message with this technique, hold one or both of your hands over the clients crown charka and tune into his or her energy. If you still cant tell, then try the Byosen scanning method. When you become skilled at understanding your intuition, you may be able to see the ailments in your clients just by looking at them. Only through time and experience will you understand how you receive your answers, perhaps by a tingling in your hands, a certain warmth, a magnetic feeling, or a knowing. With the Reiji-ho technique, all you have to do is ask.


JACKI: negative energy.

KIRI: to cut.

JOKA-HO: purification technique.

It teaches how to cut off negative energy from any object but must never be used on a living thing.We know that some objects such as crystals, gemstones and metals can take on outside energy. Some of us may have experienced a feeling of I dont like this or it doesnt feel right. We may be feeling the energy of a person who wore or used the object. If the energy feels bad, it doesnt mean that the person was bad. It is just that we are not compatible with the energy.>Hold the object to be cleansed in your non dominant hand. About four inches above the object, cut

through the air horizontally with your dominant hand three times. After the third time, stop the

movement abruptly. While cutting through the air , stay centred in your tanden and hold your breath.

After you have purified the object, give Reiki to it for a few minutes.

>If the object is too big for your hand, place it on the floor in front of you. If it is too big, such as a

building, use distant healing. These are just a few of the Japanese Reiki Techniques available to us; you will find many more in your studies- there are many excellent sources of information. Please feel free to experiment and find what works best for you and for your clients.Next we shall look at a Western Reiki Technique which is in the form of a meditation.

MEDITATION : MEETING YOUR REIKI GUIDE1. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

2. Imagine yourself engulfed and protected by Reiki and divine light.

3. See a figure coming towards you through this light.

4. As the figure comes closer you have a clearer image of what the figure looks like.

5. To begin to connect ask some simple questions and listen to the answers. Know that you will remember these answers. What is the name, gender, appearance or even smell of your Reiki guide.

6. Take the hand of the figure and see if you recognize it. Feel the energy of the Reiki guide.

7. Now ask why this guide has come to you and what its message is for you.

8. Ask the Reiki guide how you will recognize it in the future and if you may call on it at any time you need assistance.

9. Know that the guide will always be there for you.

10. Give thanks for this experience, the presence of your Reiki guide and the protection given.

11. Come back to the room and open slowly and gently open your eyes.

It is a good idea to now make notes of what you experienced in this meditation as it can be helpful to refer back to them in the future.

THE USUI MASTER SYMBOLTranslating the meaning of this symbol from a Japanese/English dictionary the sacred name of this symbol means:

Great being of the Universe, shine on me, be my friend.The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion lists a definition for this symbol as:

Treasure house of the great beaming light

and states that it is a Zen expression for ones own true nature or Buddha-nature, of which one becomes cognizant in the experience of enlightenment or satori.Use of the Usui Master symbol in conjunction with Reiki creates a noticeably stronger channel between the physical self and the Higher self. This allows more of the unlimited wisdom and power of God to manifest directly on the physical plane. It intensifies and focuses the Reiki energy causing it to more firmly establish positive results in a definite, grounded and permanent way. It protects the healing work that it does.

All the qualities of Reiki, including the actions of the other symbols are enhanced by the use of the Usui Master symbol. It seems to bring with it a greater feeling of wholeness, fulfillment and completion. It is very satisfying to feel its power flow through and around you whenever you use it in conjunction with Reiki.

It is similar to the Power symbol in many ways except that it operates on a much higher frequency and brings into use a higher level of divine power. Once you have been attuned to use this symbol, you should always use it first before using the other symbols as it will empower them.

The Usui Master symbol can be used when giving Reiki treatments, and it can also be used to empower any other kind of healing, manifesting or personal transformation work. It can be used as part of a ritual and also in conjunction with physical movement. It can also be used to bless and empower all activities!Let your imagination help you create new uses for it.

Try this anytime after you have received the attunement for the Usui Master symbol. You can do this anywhere at anytime, even while driving. First think of Reiki. You do not have to have your hands on yourself as Reiki will simply begin flowing out your hands regardless of what you are doing with them. Once you feel Reiki flowing, begin chanting the sacred name of the Usui Master symbol three times either out loud or to yourself, followed by: I establish my divine presence on earth, three times.Do this over and over allowing yourself to feel the power you are creating.


All the symbols you have : DKM; CKR; SHK; HSZCN can now be applied in your routine for cleansing a room or workplace. Apply in above order one symbol to each corner chanting respective name three times. The Power symbol can then be applied to ceiling, floor, any windows, doors and then to couch or chair to be used for the treatment.

This routine can be used to prepare healing places, areas for teaching and attunements, the entrance area of your home, and also to clear the air after arguments.

The symbols can also be used to cleanse, empower and programme crystals which can be used for healing and protection. We shall now look at another Western Reiki Technique:

CRYSTAL GRID FOR HEALINGWhen you first bring the crystals home, it is important to cleanse them thoroughly as they easily absorb energy and you dont know how they have been handled prior to you receiving them. To choose a crystal, allow intuition to help and pick the crystal which draws your attention. You may also hold your hand over various crystals and see which one draws your hand to it. Another method is by dowsing using a pendulum.

There are various ways to cleanse your crystal you can hold it under running water and allow it to dry naturally; place it in a bowl of rock salt, making sure it is well covered; leave it in bright sunlight or moonlight; hold it in your hands, draw the Power symbol over it, saying the mantra three times and intend that Reiki should cleanse the crystal.

To empower and programme your crystals once they have been thoroughly cleansed, pick up each crystal individually and draw the Reiki symbols over them, saying their sacred mantras and intending that the crystals be filled with an unlimited supply of Reiki. This will then be held within the crystal and released when required to be used for healing.

Crystals and continuous healing:The lovely thing about this is that the crystals can be charged with Reiki which will continue to send healing and allow you to do other things. This is valuable if there is someone who is really in need of healing.

Placing charged crystals in a grid formation magnifies their power in a similar way to many people treating one person with Reiki. Crystal grids can be any size you want. The crystals can be placed on a cloth, a board or a tray if you want them to be portable , or on a high window ledge or shelf if they can stay in the same place for a long time. Once the crystal grid has been set up it can be left where it is for a long time, providing you remember to clean and cleanse the area and the crystals regularly and

re-empower the grid with Reiki when you place the crystals back in place.

After this initial process of cleansing and blessing, your crystal will be ready for use. There are several methods you can use to send distant Reiki continuously through your crystal, but they are all very similar. Simply take a picture of the person, or if you dont have a picture, you can write the persons name on a piece of paper, then place the paper in your hand and place the crystal over it. Draw the distant symbol over the crystal and picture or name and say the name of the distant symbol three times intending that a Reiki connection be established. You can also add any other Reiki symbols you feel appropriate at this time. Then place both hands over the crystal and picture or name and begin doing Reiki intending that it be sent to the person. While you are doing Reiki, intend that the crystal will absorb your ability to send distant Reiki and that it will send it continuously. After sending Reiki in this way for 10 minutes or so, set the picture or name down and place the crystal on top. Then draw out the distant Reiki symbol again over the crystal and picture or name and then draw out the power symbol. As you do this, intend that Reiki will continuously flow to the person for as long as it is needed or is valuable. If you have done this with a loving purpose, Reiki will continue to flow to the person for many hours or even days if it is needed. It can also be helpful to reaffirm your intentions each day by following the above steps again. This process can also be used with a situation or with goals.

CREATING A CRYSTAL GRID FOR CONTINUOUS REIKI HEALING It is possible to create a grid or pattern using a number of crystals and charge them with Reiki energy so they will continuously send Reiki to yourself or anyone whose picture or name you place in the grid. This advanced technique is more effective than the use of a single crystal and can be used to send Reiki to many people and situations at the same time. It can also be for past situations as well.

The beginning steps are similar to those necessary for using a single crystal. First, choose your crystals asking for guidance in finding those that would work best in your Reiki grid. You will need crystals for the outside part of the grid, one for the centre and one to use as a master crystal. The centre crystal can be a single or double crystal, a pyramid or a crystal ball or a crystal cluster. The master crystal needs to be a longer crystal like a laser and is placed outside the grid, off to the side. It is possible to use other kinds of crystals besides quartz or other stones.

If you prefer to charge your Reiki grid each day to keep it empowered, take the master crystal and hold it between your hands. Then draw the distant symbol over it and any other symbols you are guided to use such as the power symbol or the master symbol. Then do Reiki on the master crystal for a few minutes to charge it with Reiki. As you do this, you can also ask for your guides or other spiritual beings to work with you and to charge the master crystal with love and deep healing.

Once the master crystal is charged, go over to your Reiki grid and use the master crystal to draw out the distant symbol over the Reiki grid. Also draw out any symbols you feel guided to use. Then point the master crystal at the central crystal and begin moving it out to one of the outer crystals, then move it over to the crystal next to it, then move it back to the central crystal again then back out to the same outer crystal, then move over one more crystal and in and out and continue directing the energy of the master crystal in and out and around and around. As you do this, you will be moving in and out, then over one crystal, then in and out, then over one crystal then in and out, then over etc. as though you are cutting out pieces of pie. You will be moving around the grid as you do this. You can go either way, clockwise or anti-clockwise, depending on how you are guided. Go around at least eight or ten times or more.As you charge your Reiki grid with your master crystal, say a continuous series of affirmations or prayers such as I charge this grid with Reiki, with Reiki, to heal, to heal, to heal or I charge this grid with light, with light, to heal, to heal, to heal. You could also add I connect this Reiki grid to my highest spiritual guides, to heal, to heal, to heal, I connect this grid to the power of God, to heal, to heal, to heal.Then, once it is charged, anyone whos name or picture you place in the grid, will continuously receive distant Reiki. You can also place your goals or other situations on a piece of paper and they will be blessed with Reiki also. Dont feel that you shouldnt add your picture or your name to the grid. If you are well, you are able to help others.

If you are not in a position to charge your grid every day, tell your crystals and guides that you would like Reiki to be sent continuously a week, two weeks, or until you say otherwise. Another option is to take a photograph of your grid and keep it with you along with the master crystal. Then using the distant symbol, make your connection to your grid through your photograph and charge it by using the master crystal. This will keep your grid charged and the picture itself will have energy around it and be very healing and protective for you to carry with you during your travels.These are all ideas for you to experiment with and through your intuition, you will find what works for you.

REIKI MOVING MEDITATIONYour state of mind has much to do with your ability to accomplish goals and deal with the challenges of life. Being in a resourceful state of mind is a necessity if you want to achieve the best results. However, there may be times when you have an important task to do and do not find yourself in a positive state of mind. At these times, it is important to have a technique to help you release any negative feelings that might be present and bring in strong, healthy energies to help you accomplish your tasks.

There are many ways to influence your state of mind and one of the most powerful is through the use of your body. There is a direct connection between the mind and the body. Your state of mind is directly affected by your posture and the subtle energies employed in the ways you use your body. Therefore you can change your state of mind by directing your body to move in a positive resourceful way. This is why we dance, exercise and posture can be deeply healing when used with this understanding.

This exercise is similar to Tai Chi exercise and incorporates Reiki energy along with affirmations and physical movement. It helps to anchor Reiki into the aura and physical body; it creates a strong connection with the Earth and heals the lower charkas. It helps you to become more centred in your own power and brings clarity to the mind.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Draw several Reiki symbols on your hands, such as the Usui master symbol and the power symbol or any symbols you are guided to use.

2. Bring your hands together about 6 inches in front of your heart and about 8 to 10 inches apart. Think of Reiki and meditate on the Reiki energy developing and flowing between your hands. You may feel a tingling or warmth in your hands as the energy starts to build.

3. After meditating on the Reiki for a few minutes, move your hands straight up over your head, then turn your palms outward. Swing your arms around in a circle and bring them back to where you started in front of your heart.

4. As you bring your hands back up in front of your heart, take in a deep breath. Then while breathing out, motion your hands downward toward your feet and the Earth and imagine sending the energy down through your legs and feet and deep into the Earth. Imagine that you can feel and see it going down into the Earth.

5. Repeat these steps again and while moving your arms around in a circle, chant the sacred name of the Usui master symbol. Start the chant as you move your hands upward and end it as they come back in front of your heart.

6. Repeat this entire process three times.

This is one set. Do as many sets as you like.

This exercise is very grounding and energizing. Do it before giving a Reiki treatment or before teaching a class; before any important events, or anytime you feel you need to be centred and grounded.

REIKI MEDITATION Part OneReiki meditation works best if done everyday and if done in the morning, however, you can also do it whenever you have the time. Twice a day is that much better. This is a very powerful meditation combining all the value of other types of meditation such as Transcendental Meditation plus the healing power of the Reiki energies. It can bring physical relaxation, mental clarity, including the improved ability to visualize, clairvoyance, enhanced healing skills, and the expansion of consciousness. It can also be used to solve problems and achieve goals and it has the amazing tendency to surround all the areas of concern in your life with a soft, white Reiki mist! Its value increases with regular use.1. Sit quietly in a comfortable position with your hands on your legs or other part of your body, breathing slowly and deeply with your eyes closed as you think of Reiki.

2. Draw the Usui Master symbol in front of you using the whole hand with fingers together, visualizing white or violet light coming from your middle finger thus drawing out the symbol in the air in front of you.3. Hold the image of the symbol in your mind in front of you and repeat the sacred mantra for the Usui Master symbol three times. Say it out loud if no one will hear you or to yourself if others are around. Hold the visual image of the symbol steadily in your mind for several minutes and up to ten minutes. You may use a clock or watch and briefly open your eyes to check the time when you sense it is up. Do not worry if you find your mind has wandered away from the image or if you start thinking about other things. If you discover this has happened, do not berate yourself as this is normal, simply direct your mind back to the image. As you continue this practice each day, your ability to hold the image steadily will strengthen. If you have trouble visualizing, do the best you can.

If you cannot visualize at all, and repeated attempts have not brought improvement, draw the symbol on a piece of paper and focus on it the same way with your eyes open and relaxed. After a while, experiment with closing your eyes and retaining the image.4. When you are finished meditating on the symbol, imagine it moving up into a field of light above you and bring your attention back in front of your eyes.

5. Repeat steps 2 4 with the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional symbol and the Distant Healing symbol.

6. After meditating on the symbols you will be centred and charged with creative healing energies. You will now be ready to go on to the second part of the meditation where you can send Reiki to the projects and challenges of the day, actualize your goals and help or heal others at a distance. REIKI MEDITATION Part Two

MANIFESTING GOALS7. State your goal out loud or to yourself, create a picture of it in your mind to represent the goal accomplished and visualize the four Reiki symbols around it. Hold this image in your mind for several minutes or longer with the thought and feeling of accomplishment. Do this for each goal or project or to send help or healing to others. When you are finished with the image, state: If this be possible within Divine love and wisdom, then let it be so. Then send the image up to the field of light and place it within the other Reiki symbols with a feeling of fulfillment. Accept the idea that the process is complete and that your goal has been established. Believe this to be true, then completely release it from your conscious attention.

If you are not a visualizer, simply write out the goal or healing on a piece af paper stating that it has been achieved along with the four Reiki symbols and hold it between your hands accepting the idea that it is surrounded with light.

8. If you have a Reiki grid, use this time to charge your master crystal which you would have been holding under your right hand during the Reiki meditation. Hold it between your hands and channel Reiki into it as well as projecting the four Reiki symbols into it. Then, after you are finished with the Reiki meditation charge your grid.

9. To finish the Reiki meditation, place your tongue to the roof of your mouth and focus on the area just behind your navel. Then draw the Power symbol down the front of your body with the spiral around the area just below your navel. Pat your stomach three times and repeat the sacred name of the Power symbol three times. Then hold your attention on this spot steadily for several minutes up to 10 minutes or longer. This will release any excess build-up of energy in your head and store it in the power centre.

10. Then, while breathing slowly and deeply, slowly open your eyes.


REIKI AURA CLEARINGPsychic surgery is a phrase with many meanings. To some it refers to drawing negative energy out of the energy field and/or the body, to others it means the removal of thought-forms and to still others it refers to processes such as the removal of memory imprints or soul retrieval. In areas such as the Philippines, psychic surgery means the literal physical removal of cysts or tumours from inside the body by use of the bare hands, with no cutting instruments, scars or healing time. The main reason people are not in optimum health is because they attract or create blocks to the flow of life force energy within themselves. These blocks are usually made of ideas, beliefs and emotions and are usually created because of misunderstanding about how to receive your needs in a healthy way. Blocks to life force energy usually take on a particular shape and lodge themselves in or around the organs of the body or in the charkas or aura. These negative energy blocks can cause health problems as well as other difficulties in life. Once they are removed, the life force energy returns to its normal flow and the persons health is restored.

Psychic surgery can be used to release these negative energy blocks. This process can assist in the healing of any problem or difficulty including emotional difficulties, relationship problems, addictions, spiritual problems as well as physical health problems. It must be kept in mind that if a person has a physical or psychological problem, it is important to advise them to seek medical help, as your treatment is to work in conjunction with medical care.

Psychic surgery can be done by itself or with a normal Reiki treatment; psychic surgery is usually done prior to treatment, but can be done during a treatment.

PART ONEThe first step is to give the cause of the problem an identity. This will allow the client and practitioner to focus directly on the cause and release it. Giving the problem an identity can be very healing in itself, as it allows you to bring the cause into awareness where it can be dealt with. This involves finding the location of the block and deciding what it looks like.

Ask the client to think about the issue they would like to have healed. Note that it is not necessary for them to tell you what the issue is, just ask them to think about it. This can be very helpful to the client, as some issues are so sensitive, that the client may not want to let anyone know about them.

Ask them to close their eyes and meditate on the issue. Ask them, if the cause of this problem were to exist in a part of the body, which part would it be? This is often easy as the client will feel tension or pain in an area of the body whenever they think about the issue. If there is any difficulty in choosing an area, just ask the client to take a guess with the idea, that there is no wrong answer.

Ask them to imagine they are looking into the area they have chosen and ask them, If the cause of this problem had a shape, what shape would it be? This can be any shape, even little spots. If the problem is in more than one area, then deal with the most important location first.

Then ask them, If the shape had a colour, what colour would it be? Then ask, If you could feel its surface, what texture would it have? It could be smooth, slippery, rough, bumpy. Then ask, How heavy is it, how much does it weigh? Then ask, If it could make a sound or say something, what would it be? Remember, there is no wrong answer.

After they get all or most of these answers, the cause will now have a non-verbal identity that the client will be consciously aware of. This process gives the client something to focus on and by having a location, shape, colour, texture, weight and sound, for the cause, the person will be more connected as you proceed with your healing work.

Now ask your client if they are willing to completely let go of this cause and be healed now. Tell them that you are going to send the problem up to the Universe, or God or the Higher Power (whatever you feel is the most applicable). Ask them to focus on the shape and meditate on letting go of it; ask them to acknowledge and be willing to learn any lesson or receive any information necessary for the healing process to take place.Having completed Part one you are now ready to proceed with the Psychic Healing Process.

In the following pages two methods of Psychic Surgery will be described; you may choose to use whichever one you are most comfortable with as well as what is the most appropriate method for each individual client. THE PROCESS 1 The client can be standing, sitting in a chair or laying on a Reiki table.

2 Move behind the client or turn away from them so they cant see what you are drawing on your hands. Then draw the Usui Master Symbol on both hands and clap them together three times, repeating its sacred name to yourself three times. Do the same with the Power Symbol, Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Healing Symbol. Draw the Power Symbol down the front of your body for protection. Draw small Power Symbols over each charka to empower them.

3 Then extend your Reiki fingers. This is done by grabbing hold of your fingers with one hand, and imagine that you are stretching them out about 12-18 inches (30-45cm). As you do this, breathe in through partly closed lips, so you can hear the air flowing. Do this three times for both hands. Then draw a Power Symbol on the ends of the extended fingers and tap them to affirm they are extended and have substance.

4 Psychic surgery is done with your full focus and intention. It is much like a martial art and done with your entire being, using your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self. It is done with complete confidence in your ability, knowing that Reiki is all powerful and that you will succeed. Note that it is your focused intention through which your guides will be able to work, so keep your intention clear and strong. This will be created in part by your posture, so when doing psychic surgery, keep your posture confident, definite and clear, so that there is no question about what you are doing.

5 Say a prayer to yourself, asking God, your guides and all healing beings of light to work with you to create the most powerful healing possible. Ask that the healing take place within divine love and wisdom so that the highest good is created for all concerned.

6 Ask the client where the cause is located in the body and what its shape, colour, texture, weight, sound etc. is. Ask them to focus on the area and be willing to let go of the shape and be healed. Draw the Power Symbol over the area where the block is located.

7 Stand in a powerful position and using the full strength of your total being imagine that you are reaching in and grabbing the negative energy with your extended Reiki fingers, pulling it out and sending it up to God. This is done with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intention the full strength of your being. You may actually be able to see the negative shape or you may be aware of it in some way.

8 When you pull the negative energy out, breath in vigorously through partly closed lips, sucking in your breath. When you release the negative energy up to God, breathe out vigorously, making an audible sound. When using the breath in this way, imagine that you are breathing the negative energy into your hands and not into your lungs. This will prevent you from pulling the negative energy into yourself.

9 Do this process over and over five to ten times or more reaching in, pulling out the shape and sending it up to the light. As you do so, you will feel a change in how the area feels. This means you are making progress. Try pulling from different angles and sides of the area. Allow yourself to be guided as to what to do and how to do it. Let the area that is healing speak to you and guide you. You may be guided to expand the area you are working with or to work higher or lower or to move to the other side of the body.

10 After continuing for one to two minutes or more, stop and ask your client how they feel and if they perceive any change in the shape, colour, texture, weight of the negative energy. They may say that the shape has completely gone. If so, ask them to look very carefully all around inside to be sure that it is completely gone. If there is still something left, continue doing psychic surgery, periodically asking what the shape looks like and continue with this process until it has gone.

11 After the shape has gone, do Reiki on the location to fill it with light and complete the healing. Then step back, make a karate chop in the air between the two of you to break any psychic cord(s) that may have formed. Also retract your Reiki fingers by pushing them back into your physical fingers with your hand while making a blowing sound. You can follow this with a complete hands-on Reiki treatment if you wish.


The preparation and lead up to this technique is the same as for the above method. Having completed stage 6 now visualize that you have a bucket of healing stones or oils.With your extended Reiki fingers imagine that you are teasing out fibres of negative energy. Keep your wrists soft and flexible, open the fingers and smooth-out fibres by gently stroking the fingers from the body towards you.

Imagine that your hands are full of fibres and empty them into your healing bucket.

Keep your clients description in mind and imagine that you are drawing fibres from the outside of the shape, making it smaller and smaller.

Using this technique and following your guidance continue with steps 9-11.This technique is more discreet instead of the sucking and blowing, which you may not feel comfortable with or which you feel may disturb some clients.

A lesson may need to be learned: Most psychic blocks can easily be removed using this process. However, if after doing several sets of psychic surgery, you find that the shape has not changed or has changed very little or if it seems there is some resistance, then it is likely that the cause of the problem has something to communicate to the client before it will be willing to leave. There may be a lesson the client needs to learn and it may be necessary for the client to interact consciously with the cause in order for it to heal.

If you feel this is the case, draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the area and do Reiki there. As you do Reiki, talk directly to the cause and let it know that you respect the information it has to offer and that you are ready to hear what it has to say now. Ask it to tell you what it needs to do in order to heal. Then ask the client to tell you whatever comes into their mind even if it seems like nonsense. You can also start verbalizing whatever comes into your mind. At first it may not make sense, but ask the client to tell you if anything you say has any meaning or connection to the problem and if it causes any feelings or emotions to come up. Ask them to tell you if they get any meaningful ideas about it too. They may feel jealous about a friend or treated someone badly for example. Let the client decide what feels right and what makes sense to them concerning what feelings come up and what they need to do to complete the healing.

After you get an idea of what the client needs to do, ask them if they would be willing to do it right now. If they say yes, then continue to do Reiki on the area and ask them to take some time to focus on the area and the issue and to process it letting go of the anger, or forgiving themselves or releasing the negative issues etc. Ask them to let you know when they feel complete with it.

After they have done this and feel complete, ask them to look into the area and see if the shape is still there. It may be completely gone now, but if it is still there, proceed with more psychic surgery. This time, the shape should release completely. Then do Reiki on the area to fill it with light.

Step back, doing the karate chop and retracting your Reiki fingers as described. You may want to follow psychic surgery with a Reiki treatment.

One session is often all that is needed to completely heal an issue. However, some issues have more than one level, so the person may get some relief, but then experience more symptoms later as a deeper level of the issue comes up to be healed. If this is the case, simply do more psychic surgery to heal the next level.

It is also important to know that as healing takes place, the person could feel other symptoms such as weakness, headaches, diarrhea etc. as the body adjusts to the healing process and begins cleansing. This is sometimes called a healing crisis and is part of the healing. To minimize this, it is important that the client drink more water, eat lightly and rest.

This technique works. It is powerful and is easily learned by anyone willing to take the time to try it. All of our problems are within our ability to solve and it is important to realize that there is always a higher purpose for everything in our lives. What we consider to be a problem, may actually be an opportunity to learn and grow. Using inner guidance and developing new techniques which allow us to tap more deeply into our innate healing abilities is an important part of our growth process as spiritual healers.

There now follows an exercise to practice if you intend to go on to do the Master/Teacher Degree in Reiki. This is part of the technique used when giving Reiki attunements.REIKI III ATTUNEMENT EXERCISE

Contracting the Hui Yin

A muscular contraction of the Hui Yin point is a necessary part of giving Reiki attunements. The Hui Yin point is between the anus and the genitals. When giving attunements, a special type of high frequency Ki enters your system and passes through the Hui Yin point as part of the process. This point must be held for the entire time you are giving attunements to prevent Ki from escaping from this point. Therefore, it is important to practice holding this point to build up your coordination and muscular strength in this area.

Practice contracting the muscles in this area twenty times in a row and then holding them as long as you can. Also practice contracting these muscles continuously while you go about your daily activities. As you continue, it will become easier and easier and you will be able to contract them for longer periods of time. Your muscular coordination will develop so that you will be able to isolate the different muscle groups into back, middle and front. It is the middle area that is important to hold for the attunements. This exercise is similar to the Kagel birth exercises for women.

And finally, I now congratulate you on taking the next step in your Reiki journey and thank you for taking and sharing it with me. I wish you much joy and happiness on your path and if you ever need any help, guidance or encouragement I am here for you. I wish you well in all that you do.Reiki Blessings, Anne Hall xxxx.PAGE 24

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