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Reiki Training- Level 3 Tami Brady

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Page 1: Reiki Training- Level 3 - · Aura Surgery ... Reiki energies do their job without your interference or influence

Reiki Training- Level 3

Tami Brady

Page 2: Reiki Training- Level 3 - · Aura Surgery ... Reiki energies do their job without your interference or influence

Copyright © 2015 Tami Brady

All rights reserved. No part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system,

without the prior written consent of the publisher.

Page 3: Reiki Training- Level 3 - · Aura Surgery ... Reiki energies do their job without your interference or influence

Table of Contents

The Attunement Process............................................................................................................................... 1

Level Three Attunement ............................................................................................................................... 3

Scanning ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Reiki Symbols ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Reiki Symbols Uses ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Placing Reiki Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 9

The Eastern Tradition Symbols ................................................................................................................... 10

The Western Tradition Symbols .................................................................................................................. 13

Drawing the Symbols .................................................................................................................................. 16

Experiencing the Symbols ........................................................................................................................... 24

The Chakras ................................................................................................................................................. 25

The Seven Main Chakras ............................................................................................................................. 26

Chakra Locations and Properties ................................................................................................................ 27

Chakra Activation ........................................................................................................................................ 30

Balancing the Chakras ................................................................................................................................. 31

Aura Surgery ............................................................................................................................................... 32

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Level 3 Traini

The Attunement Process

As with level one and two of your training, this third level of study requires an attunement. This burst of

energy will continue the cleansing process started by the other attunements and by any self-healings

that you have undertaken since gaining your introductory initiation. Keeping all levels of your being clear

and free of blockages is extremely important. Doing so will allow the healing energies to flow more

freely during healing sessions. Regular upkeep will also continue to support your personal growth and


For this level of study, you will again experience a single attunement. However, the energies actually

being sent by me will be made up of five new Reiki frequencies. As with the previous attunements, each

of these vibrations has a different feeling, flavor, and purpose.

The healing frequencies you have so far are Choku Rei, Sei Heki, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. These are all

energies associated with the traditional form of Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho. Eastern Tradition Reiki.

The energies you will be receiving today are from several Reiki variations. Western Tradition Reiki. These

frequencies would not have been part of the original tradition of Master Usui. However, I find that I

often use these five energies during Reiki sessions. For this reason, I think that you’ll find these energies

quite useful in your own healing sessions.

The first frequency you will be receiving is called Zonar (pronounced Zoe-Nar). It’ commonly called the

infinity or eternity symbol. Zonar seeks to clarify issues and clear unhealthy blockages that impede

personal growth. This characteristic makes this wave of energy very useful for neutralizing emotional

trauma. It’s also very effective for working through karmic attachments and past life issues.

Now, I have to warn you that the feeling of the Infinity symbol can be somewhat disconcerting. I

personally experience this energy as a spinning, drawing in, or deepening which can be quite nauseating.

Terror, alarm, and intense emotional release are also commonly experienced. Be warned, this is an

extremely powerful symbol that often brings out hidden issues which can be quite overwhelming both

to your client and to yourself when felt empathically.

The next frequency you will experience is Harth. It is one of my favorites. As pure unconditional love this

energy is a joy to experience both as a client and a practitioner. There’s a deep feeling of peace with a

slight humming, twitchiness, or static electricity quality.

This is a compassionate symbol seeks to restore love to the client’s life. Thus, this energy encourages the

release of unhealthy, unloving habits or addictions while healing relationships and learning to love

oneself unconditionally. Since the majority of us could use more unconditional love experiences, this is

an important addition to your healing repertoire.

The third frequency you will experience is called (pronounced Mar-Ah), Abiding Joy. This symbol is a

grounding mechanism, best used at the end of a hands-on session to ground the client.

In addition to grounding, Mara tends to clear blockages, especially in the lower chakras. This energy can

also be used to cleanse crystals, clear rooms, and release negativity from inanimate objects.

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Level 3 Traini

Mara seems to work best from the third eye downwards. First, attention seems to be drawn to the

forehead area. Then, the vision blurs slightly. Finally, there is a slight squeezing experience.

The fourth Reiki frequency in this attunement will be Halu (pronounced Hah-Loo). The Harmony symbol

which is used for opening up to a higher consciousness.

I find that Harmony is very rarely used during sessions with clients. It is however, very important when

exploring self-development or while undertaking a spiritual journey. This is due to its inherent

properties to open up and clear the connection to the higher self and breaking up deeply rooted

patterns of denial and self-delusion.

Halu actually contains the Zonar symbol with a little extra. To me, the bothersome effects usually

experienced with Zonar energies are substantially decreased when using Halu. To me, Halu frequency

feels more like a dull ache. There is also an obvious feeling that something is being drawn away.

The final frequency in this attunement is the Reversed Choku Rei. It serves very much like the regular

version of Choku Rei but draws from the earth rather than the Godhead. This gives the frequency a

slightly heavier feeling.

You may have noticed that several times when referring to these five Reiki frequencies that I used the

word symbol. To this point, we have been referring to the various Reiki energies as flavors and simply

allowing the waves to intuitively flow as needed. However, in this level of training, you will be learning

the symbolic representations (written symbol and the associated mantra) of each of the energies you

have in your healing repertoire. This will allow you to call forth particular symbols during a healing

session, fine-tuning the process.

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Level 3 Traini

Level Three Attunement

Throughout this third level attunement, I am going to talk about what I am doing on my end. This will

give you valuable insight into the process. If you like, you can also it somewhat like a guided imagery,

imagining in your mind’s eye what I’m doing to promote mindfulness.

Before I start the actual attunement, please find a quiet place will you will not be disturbed for the next

thirty minutes. Get comfortable. Take a few deep breathes.

Okay, I am starting by placing my hands on the top of your head. For a moment, I close my eyes and take

a few deep breaths to center myself. Calming my mind and focusing my intention on unconditional love

and the healing that comes with such depths of love and acceptance.

Now, I am drawing the master symbol over your crown. Repeating the name 3 times. Dai Ko Myo Dai Ko

Myo Dai Ko Myo.

This master symbol moves into your crown and down into the base of your skull. This serves as a key to

begin the process. In essence, the master symbol awakens your inherent healing abilities.

I ask that you now raise your hands to the top of your head. Hands side by side. Palms facing upwards.

I am now drawing the Zonar in the air above your hands. This symbol moves through your hands, into

your crown chakra, and down into the base of your skull.

Again, I say the symbol mantra three times. Zonar. Zonar. Zonar. This awakens and permanently embeds

this healing frequency into your being. Having the symbol move through your hands begins the process

of clearing the channel you will be used during Reiki healing sessions.

Now, I do the same with each of the other symbols. First Harth. Harth. Harth. Hartha.

Then, Mara. Mara. Mara. Mara.

Next Halo. Halo. Halo. Halo.

Finally, Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei.

Now, you can take your hands down and place your hands on your lap. Hands flat with the palms


I am now drawing the Zonar symbol in front of your third eye. As I repeat Zonar. Zonar. Zonar, the

symbol is moving into the third eye chakra.

Now, I do the same with each of the other symbols. First Harth. Harth. Harth. Hartha.

Then, Mara. Mara. Mara. Mara.

Next Halo. Halo. Halo. Halo.

Finally, Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei.

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Level 3 Traini

Now, I am doing the same process in the air above your hands. Drawing the symbol. Zonar. Zonar.

Zonar. The symbol moving into your hands.

Now, the other four symbols. First Harth. Harth. Harth. Hartha.

Then, Mara. Mara. Mara. Mara.

Next Halo. Halo. Halo. Halo.

Finally, Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei. Reversed Choku Rei.

Cup your hands together and move them in front of your heart. I draw Zonar and blow the symbol over

your hands and into your heart chakra.

As I do so, the energy proceeds up to through your third eye and crown chakras then back down into the

solar plexus chakra and back to your hands.

Now, I do the same with each of the other symbols. First Harth. Over your hands and into your heart


Then, Mara. Over your hands and into your heart chakra.

Next Halo. Over your hands and into your heart chakra.

Finally, Reversed Choku Rei. Over your hands and into your heart chakra.

Looking down into your crown chakra, I imagine seeing right into your heart chakra. Here I place an

affirmation into your heart chakra. You are a confident, conscientious healer. You are a confident,

conscientious healer. You are a confident, conscientious healer.

Now, I bring my hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of your skull. I now seal this process

with Divine Love and Wisdom. In my mind’s eye, I picture a door with the Zonar symbol being closed and

locked as the Zonar frequency is permanently imbedded into your being.

Now, I do the same with each of the other symbols. First Harth. I picture a door with the Harth symbol

being closed and locked as the Harth frequency is permanently imbedded into your being.

Then, Mara. I picture a door with the Mara symbol being closed and locked as the Mara frequency is

permanently imbedded into your being.

Next Halo. I picture a door with the Halo symbol being closed and locked as the Halo frequency is

permanently imbedded into your being.

Finally, Reversed Choku Rei. I picture a door with the Reversed Choku Rei symbol being closed and

locked as the Reversed Choku Rei frequency is permanently imbedded into your being.

I now place my palms on your shoulders. We are both blessed by this process.

Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths. The third level attunement is now

complete. With that said, please take some time to just breathe and take in the process. I find that the

energies tend to continue to move through and cleanse the chakras for some time. For this reason, it is

important for you to take the full half hour to relax and embrace the experience.

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Whenever you are ready, you can open your eyes. I highly suggest that you drink a glass of water and

take some time to relax and be kind to yourself. As soon as possible undertake a self-healing session to

smooth these newly acquired energies.

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Level 3 Traini


By this level of training, it is assumed that you have become comfortable with the notion of letting the

Reiki energies do their job without your interference or influence. Likely, you are also becoming more

natural and intuitive in regards to the presence of dis-ease and differences between the various healing

frequencies during a session. You may also have had experiences where you felt drawn to work on

certain parts of the body. You are now going to learn how to expand your intuitive abilities and make

use of them for the best possible outcome.

By far, the most useful tool for locating anomalies in an individual’s system is scanning. Scanning, as the

name implies, involves examining the body for possible problem zones. After locating the areas of

greatest need, you can then tailor your healing session to meet these requirements. In this way, you can

choose to ignore certain hand positions in favor of others or you may limit your efforts to particular

regions. You may also decide to use advanced techniques (learned later in this level) such as the use of

symbols to direct particular Reiki frequencies to certain spots or aura therapy to break down difficult


The actual process of scanning is fairly straightforward in practice. Simply place your outstretched hands

about 3-5 inches from your clients’ body. Then, slowly move your hands across and down the entire

length of the individual’s whole person. Be sure to keep about 3-5 inches away from the person’s

clothing, just outside the physical aura, for the best results.

My daughter aptly describes this process as being like a laser printer scanning an image. Essentially, this

is what you are doing, feeling the aura so that you can comprehend the detail of the entire physical

being. To me, that’s exactly what scanning feels like too. I tend to feel a slight magnetic pull as my hands

move over the body.

Normally, as I scan, I note anything out of the ordinary. Evidence of blockages and other remnants of

dis-ease (or even the potential of such) can be easily located using this technique. I find that often

problem areas will have distinct temperature changes associated with them. Sometimes, there is even a

distinct feeling of a change in texture, a difference in color, or an odd tonal resonance. As an empath, I

generally experience nausea, pain, or emotional disruptions in these areas.

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Level 3 Traini

Reiki Symbols

As I mentioned earlier, each of the Reiki energy frequencies can be expressed by a symbol and its

associated mantra. Generally speaking, these symbols have been looked upon as sacred. Some

practitioners believe that these representations should be kept secret and should only be transmitted

from master to student, without ever being written. Others, like myself, believe that the benefits of the

unconditional love of Reiki should be a gift that is shared with anyone who wishes to learn.

Often Reiki masters teach symbols in a level two course. I personally find that the amount of

information given in level two is already quite extensive, requiring much practice to master. I think that

adding the symbols at this point can be too much all at once. My first master, Richard Rivard, taught the

course in four levels and I found his structure flowed very nicely.

Of course, Reiki is always best channeled through the practitioner with the energy flowing freely for the

best possible outcome. I find that often, once students learn the symbols, they begin to use them

extensively in their sessions. Without the experience of letting the energies do their job naturally and

allowing intuition to guide the frequency and placements of the healing, new practitioners can

unknowingly reduce their own effectiveness. Thus, I prefer to hold off teaching about symbols until after

students are confident and comfortable with their natural abilities.

For the most part, I highly suggest letting the healing energy flow without any interference. However, at

times, you may feel a pull or a hint of a suggestion in your mind that a certain area requires additional

care. Alternately, you might feel the need to draw a symbol or repeat the mantra of a particular symbol.

For the greatest benefit, you can do both.

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Reiki Symbols Uses

Symbols can be used:

To assist in a healing

To create a field of protective energy

To create a field of harmonising energy

To fill a space in order to create harmony and cooperation

To assist in changing habits

To draw or magnetize something to you

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Placing Reiki Symbols

Before, we get started, please note that for your easy reference, I have created an illustrated booklet of

all the symbols for this program and made it available in a downloadable pdf. You can find this little

booklet in the level four training area.

There are several ways to place symbols. You can trace the actual symbol on the skin with your finger

during the session. I find that this can sometimes be a little distracting for clients, who start to conjure

up images of faith healing when viewing these kinds of actions.

Some practitioners draw symbols in the air (or on a handy piece of paper) before their client arrives.

Then, the healer needs only to grab the symbol from the air or paper and place it in the necessary spot.

Others use their minds to mentally move these images to the afflicted area.

Once you have ingrained the symbols into your mind, I highly suggest using the method I tend to use. In

my mind’s eye, I draw the required symbol while repeating the associated mantra in my head three

times. Then, when I see the symbol start to glow, I direct the image to the appropriate location.

For problem areas, you can magnify any frequency by first placing the Power symbol (Choku Rei), then

the symbol that you wish to magnify, and then the Power symbol once again. You can get a similar but

slightly finer quality by doubling up a particular symbol.

I was taught that symbols should be practiced until you could draw them perfectly without a single flaw.

I completely agree that you should not try to use any symbol on a client until you know how to recreate

a particular image without error. Be aware that even adding an extra line or forgetting a curve could

completely change the meaning of what you are drawing. This could adversely affect your healing


With this said, much can be determined about the client through the tiny flaws of a drawn symbol.

Often unconscious errors such as a little dip, a lump, or extra thickness in the lines may coincide with

very specific problems in the physical body of the individual being worked upon. These indicators are

often positioned as if the entire symbol were a representation of the physical body and the defect

indicating the physical location of the problem.

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The Eastern Tradition Symbols

It has been said that originally Master Usui taught his students three symbols: Choku Rei, Sei Heki, and

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. His master students also received a forth Master symbol. With this final symbol,

the new master could attune his or her own students to Reiki.

Symbols directly represent particular healing frequencies. As such, each of these images has its

individual strengths and uses. Associated with each is a mantra, which is essentially the name of the

character repeated three times as the image is drawn.

In this course, you will learn the first three Eastern Tradition symbols: Choku Rei, Sei Heki, and Hon Sha

Ze Sho Nen. The Master symbol, enabling you to teach and attune your own students, will be taught in

the next level of study.

The first symbol is Choku Rei (pronounced Cho-Koo Ray). It is that all purpose frequency that you

acquired in your very first Reiki attunement. Power or Focus.

As I mentioned before, Choku Rei that can be used alone or to magnify the effects of the other Reiki. To

do so, simply draw Choku Rei, then the sybol you want magnified, and then Choku Rei once again. The

properties of the middle symbol will then be strengthened. Of course, since Choku Rei it is quite

powerful, it serves quite well as a general frequency for any sort of session.

I personally experience the Choku Rei as red with a warm to hot feeling. This naturally warm feeling

makes Choku Rei particularly useful for comfort at the physical level. Since it is also quite powerful, it

can be used to cleanse objects, clear rooms of negativity, nurture plants, or create a more relaxing bath.

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The next symbol is Sei Heki (pronounced Say Heh-Kee). Harmony. This was the first symbol that you

experienced in your level two attunement.

As the name suggests, this is a relaxing symbol used to calm the mind, promote balance, and reinforce

healthy habits. Sei Heki tends to work in the deeper mental and emotional layers of the being. For this

reason, it is particularly useful for treating those with emotional or mental dis-ease, individuals wishing

to work on relationships, and for clearing the mind. Gradually, over time, this energy reinforces healthy

behavior, enhances positive change, and aids in the release of ego conditioning.

I personally experience the first energy as a relaxing blue light. Sometimes, I even experience a slight

breeze. I find this particular wave of energy is very useful for calming the client so that they have a very

restful, relaxing session.

The second energy you received in your second level attunement is the Distant symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho

Nen (pronounced Hon Shah Zeh Show Nen). Of course, this symbol gave you the ability to do Reiki over

a distance.

You may remember that unlike other Reiki frequencies, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen works from the outer layers

of the aura and moves inward. While it is rarely used except when doing distant Reiki it is actually quite

useful in regards to releasing karmic issues.

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In any case, this part of the attunement which will allow you to undertake distant healings. I see this

energy as white (pure Reiki energy). When used alone this frequency seems to pulsate slightly. However,

in practice, this distant energy will almost always be used automatically (without calling for it) in

conjunction with other Reiki frequencies.

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Level 3 Traini

The Western Tradition Symbols

Over time, a variety of frequencies have been added to the original four symbols handed down by

Master Usui. Many of these images have been borrowed from other healing traditions. Others have

been channeled by various Reiki practitioners and added to the traditional system.

The five symbols (Zonar, Harth, Mara, Halu, and the Reversed Choku Rei) that we explore in this section

are those commonly used in Reiki in the western world. Like the traditional Eastern ones, each of these

symbols has its individual strengths and uses. As before, each drawing is associated with a mantra.

Again, this mantra is essentially the name of the representation repeated three times as the character is


The first western Reiki frequency you acquired is called Zonar (pronounced Zoe-Nar). It’ commonly

called the infinity or eternity symbol. Zonar seeks to clarify issues and clear unhealthy blockages that

impede personal growth. This characteristic makes this wave of energy very useful for neutralizing

emotional trauma. It’s also very effective for working through karmic attachments and past life issues.

Now, I have to warn you that the feeling of the Infinity symbol can be somewhat disconcerting. I

personally experience this energy as a spinning, drawing in, or deepening which can be quite nauseating.

Terror, alarm, and intense emotional release are also commonly experienced. Be warned, this is an

extremely powerful symbol that often brings out hidden issues which can be quite overwhelming both

to your client and to yourself when felt empathically.

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The next frequency you will experience is Harth. It is one of my favorites. As pure unconditional love this

energy is a joy to experience both as a client and a practitioner. There’s a deep feeling of peace with a

slight humming, twitchiness, or static electricity quality.

This is a compassionate symbol seeks to restore love to the client’s life. Thus, this energy encourages the

release of unhealthy, unloving habits or addictions while healing relationships and learning to love

oneself unconditionally. Since the majority of us could use more unconditional love experiences, this is

an important addition to your healing repertoire.

The third frequency you will experience is called (pronounced Mar-Ah), Abiding Joy. This symbol is a

grounding mechanism, best used at the end of a hands-on session to ground the client.

In addition to grounding, Mara tends to clear blockages, especially in the lower chakras. This energy can

also be used to cleanse crystals, clear rooms, and release negativity from inanimate objects.

Mara seems to work best from the third eye downwards. First, attention seems to be drawn to the

forehead area. Then, the vision blurs slightly. Finally, there is a slight squeezing experience.

The fourth Reiki frequency in this attunement will be Halu (pronounced Hah-Loo). The Harmony symbol

which is used for opening up to a higher consciousness.

I find that Harmony is very rarely used during sessions with clients. It is however, very important when

exploring self-development or while undertaking a spiritual journey. This is due to its inherent

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properties to open up and clear the connection to the higher self and breaking up deeply rooted

patterns of denial and self-delusion.

Halu actually contains the Zonar symbol with a little extra. To me, the bothersome effects usually

experienced with Zonar energies are substantially decreased when using Halu. To me, Halu frequency

feels more like a dull ache. There is also an obvious feeling that something is being drawn away.

The final frequency in this attunement is the Reversed Choku Rei. It serves very much like the regular

version of Choku Rei but draws from the earth rather than the Godhead. This gives the frequency a

slightly heavier feeling.

You may have noticed that several times when referring to these five Reiki frequencies that I used the

word symbol. To this point, we have been referring to the various Reiki energies as flavors and simply

allowing the waves to intuitively flow as needed. However, in this level of training, you will be learning

the symbolic representations (written symbol and the associated mantra) of each of the energies you

have in your healing repertoire. This will allow you to call forth particular symbols during a healing

session, fine-tuning the process.

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Drawing the Symbols

Choku Rei

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Sei Heki

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Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

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Reversed Choku Rei

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Experiencing the Symbols

Now that you have been attuned to all but the Master symbol, it is time to experiment and get used to

these various frequencies. This will allow you to recognize when certain energies are being called upon

during an intuitive healing session. It will also help you understand a little about how each energy will

feel to your client and how he or she might react to that experience.

For this reason, it is vital that you experience each symbol in a variety of ways. First, sensing the energy

alone. Second, by drawing the symbol and experiencing the resulting energies. Third, the waves called

forth by simply saying the appropriate mantra three times. Fourth, and final, by combining the drawn

symbol and the saying the mantra three times.

Through these experimentations, you will come to see that there are distinct differences between the

various flavors of Reiki. Different colors, vibrations, or even textures. Moreover, there are even slight

variations within a particular frequency depending upon the method used.

Theoretically, you can use these differences to fine-tune as needed in healing sessions. Over time, you

will also find that you are drawn to certain techniques as they feel more natural to you. This is perfectly

fine as we all find our own distinct ways of practicing our craft. Remember that relaxation and allowing

the channel to flow is our ultimate goal. For this reason, comfort is a must.

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The Chakras

Before, we get started, please note that for your easy reference, I have created a booklet with details

about the chakras and made it available in a downloadable pdf. You can find this little booklet in the

level three training area.

Chakras are essentially locations on the various layers of the aura which draw in, filter, and distribute

energy throughout our being. When working efficiently, this energy supports personal growth and

healing of all of the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of our lives. Conversely, imbalance

in these organs can lead to lack or excesses in certain personality traits and negative experiences.

Our physical body and aura contain an infinitely large number of chakras. While you are undertaking

Reiki, energy is being channeled through chakras on your hands, fingertips, and even the bottoms of

your feet. Acupuncturists and other Chinese medicine practitioners also make use of hundreds of other

smaller chakras located throughout the body. Each spot is interconnection though thousands of energy

ways or meridians. When you realize that each level of the aura contains another entirely new set of

each of these chakras, the sheer number of these energy points can be exponential.

Fortunately, for this training, we will only focus on seven of the major chakras. These organs are located

approximately down our spine from crown (top of the head) to root (the base of the spine). These are

the ones that you will likely have heard of before.

One little tidbit. When someone discusses Kundalini rising, they are essentially saying that life energy is

running freely from the base of the spine up through the various chakras until they explode through the

crown. Needless to say, it is a very powerful experience, especially when it occurs spontaneously.

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The Seven Main Chakras

The seven main chakras are located as follows:

Top of Head




Solar Plexus


Base of Spine

Each of these chakras is associated with a specific color and a variety of personality traits or

characteristics. Blockages or stagnancy in these organs tend to constrict the energy flow creating a lack

of a particular characteristic while over activation in these areas hyper accentuate these qualities

leading to excessiveness or negative personality expressions. Either extreme is unhealthy.

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Level 3 Traini

Chakra Locations and Properties

Chakra: Crown (Sahasrara)

Location: Top of Head

Colour: Violet/Gold

Element: Will

Primary Attribute: Oneness

Qualities: Idealism, Connection, Selfless Service, Divine Wisdom

Negative Qualities: Confusion, Alienation, Depression, Senility

Chakra: Third Eye (Ajna)

Location: Middle of Forehead

Colour: Indigo

Element: Light

Primary Attribute: Psychic Abilities

Qualities: Soul Realization, Intuition, Imagination, Concentration

Negative Qualities: Fear, Cynicism, Tension, Detachment

Chakra: Throat (Vishuddhi)

Location: Throat

Colour: Blue

Element: Ether

Primary Attribute: Communication

Qualities: Creative Expression, Reliability, Gentleness, Kindness

Negative Qualities: Depression, Communication Issues, Dishonesty, Stilted Creativity

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Level 3 Traini

Chakra: Heart (Anahata)

Location: Middle of Chest

Colour: Green

Element: Air

Primary Attribute: Unconditional Love

Qualities: Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Contentment

Negative Qualities: Emotional Instability, Repression of Love, Unbalanced, Closed

Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Location: Solar Plexus

Colour: Orange

Element: Fire

Primary Attribute: Personal Skills

Qualities: Will, Personal Power, Energy, Warmth

Negative Qualities: Lack of Humor, Anger, Hate, Lack of Self-Control

Chakra: Sacral (Svadhistana)

Location: Stomach

Colour: Yellow

Element: Water

Primary Attribute: Security

Qualities: Giving and Receiving, Health, Family, Change

Negative Qualities: Jealousy, Envy, Impotence, Over-Indulgence

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Level 3 Traini

Chakra: Root (Muladhara)

Location: Base of Spine

Colour: Red

Element: Earth

Primary Attribute: Self-Preservation

Qualities: Grounding, Individuality, Security, Stillness

Negative Qualities: Self-Centered, Insecurity, Greed, Violence

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Level 3 Traini

Chakra Activation

Chakra Kasei Koyyu ho is a traditional means of activating the chakras. This method uses the breath to

infuse Reiki energies through your body to activate the chakras. This has the added benefit of both

cleansing and activating each of the seven main chakras.

To begin, get comfortable standing, sitting, or laying. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Call

forth your Reiki energies in the usual way.

Bring your hands to your chest, palms together as if in prayer. Then, raise your hands high in the air.

Concentrate on feeling the Reiki energies entering and cleansing your entire body.

Move your hands slowly and place them on your lap. Take slow deep breaths from your abdomen. While

breathing in, visualize Reiki energies entering your crown and moving throughout your body. Feel your

whole body filled with light. Then, as you exhale, breathe out the tension and negative thoughts,

releasing them from your body. Continue this process until you are feeling relaxed.

Once you are feeling relaxed, breathe in the energy from your root chakra and send that energy to your

heart chakra. Feel the energy there. Then, breathe the energy out of the heart chakra.

Next, breathe energy in from the heart chakra and move that energy to your crown. Feel the energy

there. Then, breathe out through the crown.

Now work backwards. Breathing in through the crown, breathing out through the heart chakra. Then,

breathing in through the heart chakra and out the root chakra.

Repeat this entire sequence twice more.

Once you’ve completed this first sequence, you can move onto the other chakras. With each set, start

by breathing in through the root then out through the chakra you want to work on. Then, in through

that chakra and out through the crown. Then, back again as before.

In this way, you will do separate sets for the sacral chakra (root, sacral, crown- then reversed), throat

(root, throat, crown- then reversed), solar plexus (root, solar plexus, crown- then reversed), and third

eye (root, third eye, crown- then reversed). Be sure to do each set three times as before.

Once you’ve done all of the chakras, end with the initial set (root, heart chakra, crown). Then, bring your

hands together as if in prayer and end your session.

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Level 3 Traini

Balancing the Chakras

The easiest way to balance the chakras is with pure white light. Simply direct pure white light into each

of the chakras moving from the base to the crown or bathe the entire body from crown to base in white

light. Alternately, you can send the appropriate color of light to each individual chakra. You can either

work on each of the chakras from base to crown in turn or you can focus on particular chakras that are

most in need of assistance.

If I am doing a chakra balancing at the end of a session, I like to charge up and then use the base chakra

to balance the rest. To do this, simply send Reiki energy to the base chakra using one or both hands held

well above the skin (5-8 inches). Once you feel the energy rotating freely, place your right hand above

the stomach chakra. Your left hand will continue to stay above the base chakra.

Likely you will notice movement of the energy to this next chakra almost immediately. Hold your hand in

place for a few moments letting the Reiki waves move freely. Then, move your right hand up to the next

chakra and continue the process to the crown. Afterwards, you can either leave the chakras open or, if

the client is especially sensitive, you can place a protective skin over each of the chakras.

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Level 3 Traini

Aura Surgery

Once in a while, you may come across a blockage or area of dis-ease that doesn’t seem to react to

regular Reiki treatment or even the use of symbols. Generally, this occurs if the wound is quite

entrenched or deeply hidden within scar tissue.

Sometimes, the area mushrooms into an odd shape and takes on a hard coating. I’ve even felt such

issues as a room with iron walls and padlocks on the doors. Trying to break into, reduce, and then

eliminate such monstrosities normally takes many sessions and a lot of focused attention.

In such cases, aura surgery can be extremely useful. Aura surgery, as the name suggests, is a technique

used to dig out and remove the root of the problem. This method is so powerful that an issue can be

sometimes be completely cleared with just one session.

To me, the actual technique conjures images of faith healers so I try to use it only when absolutely

necessary. To prepare for aura surgery, take a few minutes and draw the Power symbol on the palms of

each of your hands. Then, imagine the aura of your hands. Gently pull the ends of the aura of each of

your fingers about two or three inches, as if you have monster hands with very long fingers.

A few inches over the problem area, use a digging motion with one or both of your hands. In your minds’

eye, see the imbalance and excavate the entire spot until all of the matter has been removed. Be sure to

clear out the overlying aura as well as often such problems swell and distort the form.

Once you have cleansed the blockage, use your left hand to seal off the area. This can be achieved by

making a smooth chopping motion along the skin and then using the right hand to wrap any remnants

around the left hand. See these infected materials being released into nothingness.

When you are done, you can then push the aura of your fingers back into shape. I also like to take a few

moments and send pure Reiki energy to the area.

One of the major problems with this technique is that it is very easy to take on negativity and emotion

released by the client. In this way, you may experience flu-like symptoms or feel like the released issues

have been directly transferred to you. Therefore, after completing aura surgery, be sure to do a good

self-healing and cleansing.