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AccuCell Technical Training

AccuCell Commands & Concepts

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to AccuCell and AccuCore  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with Accucell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Silvaco Characterization Flow

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AccuTools Timing Power Function

Cell Block Core


Timing Power Function

Functional Extraction

Vector Generation

Dynamic Simulation

Model Generation

Block/Core Partitioning Characterization Static

Timing Model Generation

Model Generation



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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Scalable Characterization Solution

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Silvacos’ characterization technology scales-up from standard cells to hard IP cores

Full-Chip Environment

Timing Models .lib (all paths) .lib (compressed) .lib (black box)

Functional Models Verilog (gate level)

Power Models .lib (standard cell)

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to AccuCell and AccuCore  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with AccuCell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Cell Characterization Challenges

 Extensive set-up  Function determination, Vector generation  Optimum load and slope tables

 Custom Cells  I/O Pads, Dynamic, DCVS, Adders, Comparators

 Long Run Time  Setup/Hold  Long Vector Set

 Accuracy  Vector dependent, Measurement techniques

 Results Validation  Tool Maintenance

 New formats and standards, design templates  Scripts re-vamping

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Conventional Tools Script Based Flow

Manual Function Identification

Manual description of transitions

Convert transition to Vectors

Run Simulation

Extract Results

Build model

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to AccuCell and AccuCore  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with Accucell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

The AccuCell Advantage

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Conventional Approach

Manual description of transitions

Convert transition to Vectors

Run Simulation

Manual Function Identification

Extract Results

Build model

Library Validation

Silvaco’s approach


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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Vectors Should Drive Characterization

 Automatic function extraction  Automatic “Smart” vector generation  It is important to only generate the necessary vectors, complete

with no redundancies, for the specific cell characterization needs:  Delays  Output Slews  Input Capacitance  Max Capacitance  Setup and Hold  Power  Automatic table selection  Supports complex cell

 Domino and Dynamic Logic  Differential Logic  Cells with many inputs

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Where to Use AccuCell

 New library characterization  Re-characterize commercial libraries  Create custom PVT for design  Migrate to a new process or foundry  Characterize custom cell libraries  Characterize complex cells

 Domino/Dynamic Cells  Cells with a large number of inputs and/or outputs

 QA of existing libraries

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AccuCell is well-suited for High Performance, Low Power, and Timing Critical Cell Based design flows!

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Flow

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AccuCell Function Extraction

Vector Generation

SPICE Simulations

Config File

SPICE Netlist

Liberty .lib Verilog Datasheet

Model Generations

SPICE Engines

SmartSpice HSPICE Spectre Eldo

  Automatic function extraction:  Advanced CMOS circuit handling:

 Domino, DVCS, Large & complex cells   Automatic vector generation:

  Employs “Smart vector” algorithm for complete vector set with no redundancies

  Simultaneous switching   State/path dependent delays   Input Capacitance   Max_capacitance for output   Tri-state conditions   Setup/hold, recovery/removal, and MPW   Power

  Automatic Table Selection (ATS):   Auto Selected/Optimized input slope and

output capacitance table indices to reduce error

  Automatic model generation   No intermediate steps and template needed

  Outputs   Liberty .lib (timing, power, leakage, noise)   Statistical verilog   Datasheets

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell – SPICE Simulation Engines

 Internal  SmartSpice with high-speed API runs up to 20x faster while maintaining

high-accuracy  External

 HSPICE  Spectre  Eldo

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to AccuCell and AccuCore  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with AccuCell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

LAB 1 Objectives

 Purpose:  To become familiar with setting up cfg files and running AccuCell.

 Setup a AccuCell run  Run AccuCell to characterize a single cell  Run AccuCell to characterize a cell library  Familiarize yourself with the output formats of AccuCell

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Setup – Configuration Files

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Library.cfg Global Library Cell Characterization Settings (unless cell.cfg overrides)


nand.cfg nor.cfg … dff.cfg aoi.cfg

../library/nand ../library/nor ../library/dff ../library/aoi

Individual Cell Characterization Settings (can override library.cfg global settings)

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Setup – Library Config File

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Lib.cfg LIBRARY_NAME lib1 MODEL_TYPE synthesis


#____Specify Process File (mosfet model)information INC_CMD “/home/models/param_file” LIB_CMD “ ‘/home/models/bsim3v3.1’ typ” TEMP 25 SUPPLY_V_HIGH 1.8 TRAN_ANALYSIS_STEP 0.001

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

ACCUCELL Setup – Individual Cell Config Files

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#nand3.cfg IN_FILE_NAME nand3.spi CELL_NAME nand3 TOP_SPICE_SUBCKT nand3



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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Setup – TCL Command File

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gen_lib lib.list library.cfg


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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Running AccuCell

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unix% accucell library.tcl | & tee log

gen_lib lib.list library.cfg

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell – Auto Config File Setup (lib2cfg)

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Silvaco also provides the “lib2cfg” routine which automatically creates the configuration files from an existing Liberty .lib file







Library_sps.lib lib2cfg Library.cfg

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to Silvaco  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with Accucell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

LAB 2 - Objectives

Purpose: To become familiar with AccuCell’s flexible methods of cell


 Run AccuCell with slope and capacitance tables  Run AccuCell with ATS  Calculate input pin capacitance for library cells

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Input Slopes and Output Caps: User Defined Tables

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SLOPE_LOWER_THR 0.3 SLOPE_UPPER_THR 0.7 SLOPE_TABLE {0.10 0.2 0.3 0.4} CAP_TABLE {0.011 0.022 0.044 0.088 0.176}

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Input Slopes and Output Caps: Automatic Table Selection

 Automated means of determining the minimum number of points needed for accurate characterization

 Eliminates the need for costly ‘Over-Sampling’  Significantly reduces runtime

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Input Slopes and Output Caps: Automatic Table Selection (ATS)  ATS is an automated means of determining the minimum number

of points needed for accurate characterization  Eliminates the need for ‘Over-Sampling’  Significantly reduces runtime

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Input Slopes and Output Caps: Automatic Table Selection

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lib.cfg #---- COMMANDS for ATS (Automatic Table Select)

AUTO_TABLE_SELECT {<cap_min> <cap_max>} {<slew_min> <slew_max> ATS_MAX_DELAY_ERROR 0.05 ATS_MAX_SLEW_ERROR 0.05

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Input Pin Cap – Integrate Method

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Technique includes finding the Cin got both the rising and failing output conditions then AVERAGING the two for the final input capacitance (CIN) for the input pin.


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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Max Capacitance

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Techniques include the following steps:

1.  User determines the maximum allowable delay or output slope for the Cell (described in terms of degradation).

2.  AccuCell then determines what C=? will produce the described output slope or delay degradation.

3.  A bi-section algorithm is employed during the converging process to obtain the ultimate max cap value.

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Data Sheets

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Data Sheets generated by AccuCell enhances usability and readability of the characterization data

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to Silvaco  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with Accucell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

LAB 3 – Objectives

 To become familiar characterizing Sequential cells using AccuCell

 Setup an equation file (*.eqn)  Setup AccuCell for Setup/Hold Characterization.  Run AccuCell on a sequential cell

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Setup/Hold Characterization

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 Employs very fast BiSection Algorithm   User selectable criteria methods:

Pass/fail or Pass/fail with degradation   Pass/Fail: User selectable   Upper/Lower thresholds   Degradation: User selectable Percent (%) Degradation

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Setup/Hold Characterization: Degradation Method

 Employs very fast BiSection Algorithm

 Degradation: User selectable percent (%) Degradation

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Commands for SETUP/HOLD

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#--------COMMANDS for SETUP & HOLD

SETHLD_2D 1 SH_DATA_SLOPE_TABLE {0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4} SH_CLK_SLOPE_TABLE {0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0}

# for Delay Degradation (15% degradation) SETHOLD_DELAY 0.15


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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

What does Single_Simulation do?

 SINGLE_SIMULATION 1  Reduce run time significantly if a table is needed for setup/hold  AccuCell puts .data statement in the spice deck to do single simulation

for setup/hold instead of multiple simulations  For external simulators only

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

User Defined Equations and Explicit Tables

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dff.cfg IN_FILE_NAME dff.spi CELL_NAME dff TOP_SPICE_SUBCKT dff #EQN_FILE_NAME dff.eqn #TBL_FILE_NAME dff.tbl

CLOCKS main ck INPUTS d nr ns OUTPUTS nq q


dff.eqn q.0:= ~d & nr & ns & main- | ~nr & ns; q.1:= d & nr & ns & main- | nr & ns; nq.0:=, d & nr & ns & main- | nr & ns; nq.0:= ~d & nr & ns & main- | ~nr & ns;

dff.tbl Please refer to the explict table in the tutorial or Users Guide for more details.

Note: Equations and/or table files are rarely necessary and typically only used for complex cells. It is NOT necessarily required for flip-flop or latches. Use either .eqn or .tbl method but NOT both at the same time in the .cfg file.

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Recovery and Removal

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AccuCell Config Command: CHAR_RECREM <0 or 1> Where 1 requires AccuCell to run recovery and removal calculations. The default is 0

AccuCell Operation AccuCell generates a table for recovery and removal values. The table indices are the same as those for synchronous pin setup and hold value. That is, they are also defined by the following two configuration commands:


Just like for setup and hold measurements, AccuCell also employs bi-section method to perform the recovery and removal measurements.

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Clock Minimum Pulse Width

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 Employs very fast Bisection Algorithm  Supports <Vdd (runt) pulses to find fail point  User-selectable minimum level for runt pulse (Vdd/2 to Vdd)  User selectable criteria methods: Pass/fail or Pass/fail with Degradation  Pass/Fail: User selectable Upper/Lower thresholds  Degradation: User selectable Percent (%) Degradation  Uses SETHOLD_ parameters to control characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Gated Clock Checks

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• Characterize setup/hold for clken->clk • Currently supported in SVC only

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Load Dependency Between Output Pins

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Within a Cell, the delay of a given buffered output of a cell is dependent upon its own loading as well as the loading on any combinationally connected un-buffered output.

For the example above, the CLK->Q delay is dependent on the load presented on NQ. In AccuCell, the user can specify that Characterization be done from CLK->NQ and then NQ->Q using the command


Excerpt from Synopsys.lib

pin (Q) { : timing { related_pin: NQ timing_sense: negative_unate : }

UNBUF_OUT_LIST {{NQ Q negative_unate} {…} {…} }

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Characterizing with Active Drivers

 By default a voltage source with piecewise linear waveform is added directly to the input pins of the cell being characterized

 Optional method – a user defined buffer is inserted, and the voltage source is applied to the input of the applied buffer

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#----COMMANDS for Active Drivers

# user-defined buffer sub-circuit BUF_SUBCKT buf_ckt/home/cust/buffer.sp buffer_ckt {out in} # user-defined load sub-circuit LOAD_SUBCKT load_ckt/home/cust/load.sp load_ckt

#multiplier for slope table SLEW_LOAD_TABLE {1 3 7 9}

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Tri-states Characterization

 Characterizes tri-state cells  Function extracted automatically  Measure

 Input to Output arcs  Enable to Output arcs

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Tri-state Measurement

 Cell is characterized as it is used in the design  Driving another tri-state cell

 Do not have to measure transistors being on or off  No resistors needed for setup of the “Z state” initial condition

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Tri-state Measurement

 Connect two cells together with specified load  Apply vectors

 Force one cell to go from a logic “1” on the output to a “Z”  Force the other cell to go from a “Z” to a logic “0”

 Repeat for “0” to “1” transition

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 Introduction to AccuCell and AccuCore  Cell Characterization  Introduction to AccuCell  Getting Started with Accucell  Methods of Characterization  Sequential Cells  Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

LAB 4 - Objectives

 To become familiar with using AccuCell for Power Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Need for Power Characterization

 Low power applications  Stand by time is critical for all battery powered devices

 High Performance applications  Higher operating frequencies  Power bus sizing  Cooling issues

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Static Power Characterization

 Static (Leakage) Power:  Measured by DC means with optional state dependence  Constant power dissipated by the cell in steady state after the vector is

applied and all transitions are stabilized  Sub-threshold leakage from source to drain;  Current flow through reverse biased diode (diffusion layer & substrate)

 Majority of power dissipation when circuit is inactive  Less than 30% of total dissipation when circuit is active

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Dynamic Power Characterization

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“0” “1”


 Dynamic Power:  Power dissipated when an input transition is

being made   charging/discharging internal and external

capacitive loads on the output;   short circuit current from VDD to GND due to all

transistors on or partially on during switching event  Concurrently with timing characterization as avg

Vdd current  Switching Power

 Charge and discharge the loads  Up to 80%-95% of total power dissipated

 Measurement  Apply input vectors  Measure the power dissipation through the

capacitor  Hidden Power

 Measure when inputs switch but outputs do not

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Power Characterization Model

 AccuCell uses the following circuit configuration for power characterization:

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Power Measurement Advantage

 Current based!  Curve’s nature: Peak, Monotonic, local MINs or MAXs, etc.  Signal-processing-lie technique to filter unwanted numerical noises

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

AccuCell Commands for POWER Characterization

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

State-based Function Extraction

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This algorithm finds logic loops and their state keeping nodes. It then infers clocks and generates an edge-sensitive UDP for each state element

Primitive ff_12in_udp (12in.d.clk.svc.notifier): Output 12in: reg 12in: Input d.clk.svc.notifier

table rl?:?:0; lr?:?:0; Fl?:?:1 0r?:?:1; *0?:?:-; ?f?:?:-; ??*:?:x; endtable endprimitive

primitive ff_q_udp (q.clk.12in.svc.notifier ): output q : reg q: Input clk.12in.svc.notifier:

table rl?:?:0; lr?:?:0; Fl?:?:1 0r?:?:1; *0?:?:-; ?f?:?:-; ??*:?:x; endtable endprimitive

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Verilog TestBench

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Module test:

reg[10:0] dr; reg [10:0] clkr; Wire q; Integer index,count:

ff ff(q,d,clk);

Initial Begin

dr=11’b 00000111000: clkr=11’b01010010010;

for (count=11;count>0;count=count-1 begin index=count-1; d=dr[index]; clk = clkr [index]; end $finish; end

Initial $monitor($time, “%b%b%b “,d,clk,q); endmodule

Module ff (q, d, clk); Output q; Input d, clk ;

reg svc_notifiers;

specify (posedge clk=> (q:clk)) = (0:0:0:0:0:0): delays are tris.tfall $width (posedge clk, 0:0:0. 0:0:0, svc_notifier): $setup (d, posedge clk, 0:0:0, svc_notifier): $hold (posedge clk, d, 0:0:0, svc_notifier): endspecify

Wire 12in;

ff_q_udp ff_q_udp_inst (q, clk.12in.svc_notifier ); Ff_12in_udp ff_12in_udp_inst (12in, d, clk.svc_notifier); endmodule

A verilog testbench module is automatically generated to exercise the cell’s verilog functionality.

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Verilog Timing

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 Timing metrics are represented in a specify block  An SDF annotation flow is supported, so all values in the specify block

(min:ty:max) are set to zero.  Unit delays for functional simulation are not instantiated

 Timing Checks  $setup  $hold  $width  $recover  $removal (not supported by all simulators)

 VLOG_REMOVAL_TC_SUPPORTED controls suppression of this statement

State dependent paths, polarity, and tristate enables are supported

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Sample Verilog

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module nor (out, in1, in2); output out; input in1, in2;

reg svc_notifier; specify

if ((!in2)) (in1-=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if none (in1-=>out) = (0:0::0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if ((!in1)) (in2 -=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall ifnone (in2-=>out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall

endspecify wire net_out_1; not ( net_out_1 , in2 ) ; not ( out_sel_,in1 ) ; and ( out, net_out_1, out_sel_) ;


module nand (out, in1, in2); output out; input in1, in2;

reg svc_notifier; specify

if ((in2)) (in1-=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if none (in1-=>out) = (0:0::0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if ((in1)) (in2 -=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall ifnone (in2-=>out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall

endspecify wire net_out_1; not ( net_out_1 , in2 ) ; not ( out_sel_,in1 ) ; or ( out, net_out_1, out_sel_) ;


module or (out, in1, in2); output out; input in1, in2;

reg svc_notifier; specify

if ((!in2)) (in1+=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if none (in1+=>out) = (0:0::0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if ((!in1)) (in2 +=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall ifnone (in2+=>out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall

endspecify or ( out , 1n2, in1 );


module and(out, in1, in2); output out; input in1, in2;

reg svc_notifier; specify

if ((in2)) (in1+=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if none (in1+=>out) = (0:0::0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall if ((in1)) (in2+-=> out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall ifnone (in2+=>out) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); // delays are tris,tfall

endspecify or ( out , 1n2, in1 );


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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

I/O Cell Characterization

 Multi-Voltage I/O Cells  Bi-Directional I/O Cells

 Open drain, Pull-up keeper  Schmitt trigger

 Characterization:  Delays/Slews  Tri-state Measurements  Capacitance Calculations

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts

Multiple Job Submission

 Allows multiple cells to be characterized simultaneously  Uses industry standard SUN Grid  User selects which machines are available for use

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AccuCell Commands and Concepts


 AccuCell for automated cell library characterization  Automatic function extraction  Automatic “smart” vector generation  Automatic Table Selection (ATS) - accuracy

 Supports complex cells  Domino and dynamic logic  Differential logic  Cells with many inputs

 Supports power characterization

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