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For a mother, her toddler grows

to be exceptional and endearing. She

has seen his progress from learning

how to stand without help to running

and jumping around the house . As she

nurtures him physically, mentally and

emotionally, it must be remembered

that each child is different from each

other, each having a unique pace of 

development. They must be given

enough time to learn and develop

physically, mentally and socially.

At twelve months old, a mother can

begin teaching him manners such as

“please” and “thank you” which is one of 

the essential things a growing toddler

needs to learn. Teaching a child “toy clean

up time” through games can be helpful to

let him understand that cleaning toys after

use is good and can also be fun. Making

connections between objects and their

names can help a toddler’s vocabulary.

Keep talking to him and labeling things like

pointing a toy car and naming it, pointing a

tree, bird, clouds outside the house and

naming it can also make the toddler have

more knowledge of the things in his

environment as he grows. A 12 month old

child can also be taught slowly about

numbers like counting the stair steps while

climbing with them can do. Learning colors

at their age can be fun too by pointing out

things and naming the color it has and

letting them repeat after you can help their

vocabulary and retaining it in their mind.

Another way to test his learning is to read

him a book and ask him to point or name a

familiar object to him in the picture or you

can ask him simple questions like “where is

your mouth?” or ask him to give you

something, “hand me your toy car”. A

toddler can answer in his own way, using

his own gestures, such as shaking his head

for “no” if he doesn’t like. 

Separation anxiety is very natural

at their age. He loves to depend on his

mother so he’ll be distressed if his mother

leaves. To ease him, his agony must not be

prolonged by quick good byes and just one


At thirteen months old, toddler’s play

mostly involves experimentation like,

“What if I drop my cup?”. He likes to watch

what happens after he does something,

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and  because his memory isn’t well

developed yet, he doesn’t become tire of 

repeating it again. Eating less is normal

because a toddler becomes too busy

exploring and experimenting. Between birth

and their first birthday, toddlers typically

triple in weight and add 10 inches in length.

But between his first and second birthday,

his growth rate slows considerably and he’ll

start to lose his baby fat. A mother can

expect the amount of food his toddler eats

everyday as well his food likes and dislikes

to vary.

A toddler at this age has figured out

how to make his desires known. When he

wants down, he’ll point down, when he

wants his mother’s attention, he’ll tug his

mother’s shirt. And even though he may not

be talking much, he understands a good

percentage of the simple language people

around him use everyday.

At fourteen months old, a toddler

becomes curious about things his mother

say no to, so a little exploration is normal

for him, making sure that the home is safe

enough for him by covering the outlets,

locking the cabinets and keeping the fragile

items out of reach. If possible, a mother can

designate one low-to-the-floor cabinet just

for her toddler’s play and filling it up with

items that can be not minded touched by

the toddler- like plastic containers, toys or

empty boxes  – and occasionally change the

contents for variety. Play is how a toddler

learns about the world.

The toddler relies on the sense of 

security he gets from his favorite stuffed

toy. These items, called “transitional

objects” can be a source of comfort,

especially when his mother his not around.

Although he struggles to master new skills

everyday, his stuffed toy is one thing he

can consistently return to for comfort.

At this age, he should be able to

stand alone, can probably stoop down and

then stand back up again, and if he took his

first steps at an early age, he may even be

working on walking backwards, that is why

the environment must be safe and there

are no slippery stuffs scattered on the floor.

At fifteen months, “NO!” may seem

like his favorite word, but most toddlers go

through this stage. It is their way of 

asserting themselves. His mother might be

able to slow down his usage by keeping his

own “no’s” to a minimum. Instead of saying

“no, don’t  touch that”, try “I’d like you to

play over here”. In this way the toddler will

not develop inferiority on the things he can

do thinking that he will keep making

mistakes again and again.

Every child is born with a particular

way of interacting with the world. This is his

temperament. As he grows, a temperament

unique to a toddler will show. Figuring out

how the toddler is likely to respond can

help, and how the environment can be

modified to help him succeed. Adults can

seek out the circumstances that make them

most comfortable, but the toddler depends  

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completely on his mother. Respecting the

child’s innate characteristics will help him

develop his fullest potential.

He likes talking objects in and out

of containers. He is beginning to get a

sense of how things fit. He also becomes

aware of himself and he will no longer

reach out and try to touch the other baby

in the mirror.

At sixteen months, sometimes the

toddler’s feelings will overwhelm him, and

he will have a tantrum. It’s impossible for

him to stop the rush of tears and anger and

this is his only way to blow off steam.

Unlike us, toddlers cannot change it into

brisk walking. So during a tantrum, the

mother must be patient, available and

willing to offer comfort or leave him alone.

At this stage, the toddler is able to

put his finger to his lips and say “shhh”

whenever he hears too much noise. This

time the toddler can help around the

house, he can hold the broom and use it on

the floor.

During his seventeenth month is the

good time to work on his manners,

demonstrating the type of consideration

that is wanted to be developed in the

toddler. His mother can ask him to please

do things and thank him when he does. The

basic principle that can be conveyed is the

importance of showing respect. “Please”

and “Thank you” should show concern and

involvement- they are not meant to be

routine responses.

In this times, he may have

mastered a handful of words and some

might even be combining a few of them

like “Me drink milk”. 

Eighteen months old toddler will

begin to show that he can think about

things that aren’t present. His memory is

getting better, so he’ll no longer be

confused if you hide an object while he

watches, and then move it to another spot

when he’s looking away. After he discovers

it’s not where he thought it was, he’ll keep


The toddler might have some habits

that soothe him  – like twirling his hair,

rocking or sucking his thumb. Most children

naturally outgrow these behaviors by the

time they’re 4, so there’s probably no need

for the mother to intervene. 

At nineteenth month, the toddler

wants to gain independence. They try to

compromise instead of commands-he will

respond more positively. “You can’t go

outside right now”, you might say, “but we

can read a book now and go outside later”,

instead of “you must pick up your toys

before dinner”, make it “I will pick up the

puzzle pieces if you pick up the blocks”.  

He will get all the stimulation he

needs from unstructured play, so steer clear

of formal lessons until he’s 3. Give the

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toddler a chance to play near other

children, but don’t expect kids to play with

one another at this stage. They will also

likely have trouble sharing, since that’s a

concept most children this age do not fully

understand yet.

The toddler will begin to

understand when things don’t conform to

grown up ideas. He recognizes when

something isn’t how it should be, like a

stuffed bear with an eye missing.

At month twenty, to make

themselves feel more important, and also

to experiment young children resort to

hitting, pushing, biting, tugging, or any

variety of other frowned upon actions. The

mother should not overreact to the

toddler’s behavior. If the mother responds

to him by hitting, it teaches him that hitting

is okay. The mother must calmly make clear

that such actions are never acceptable-no

matter how intense his feelings are.

Twenty one months old, along with

tantrums and exploration, hard-

headedness is another sign of 

toddlerhood. The mother must respect his

preferences and interest and try to give in

to the little things, like which spread to

use. It should be made clear that some

things-like behavior that affect safety are


Twenty two months old, being

scared is a natural part of being a toddler.

He might be frightened of real things- like

strangers  – or unreal things, like witches

and monsters. Take the child’s worries

seriously and let him know that he is

understood. But assure him that he can get

over it, too. If a stranger makes him

uneasy, don’t force him to be social. Let

him warm up on his own schedule. When

what’s scary is imaginary, soothe and

comfort him while slowly encouraging him

to believe he’s safe.  

Twenty three months, one of the

toddler’s favorite words is “why”.

Sometimes he wants an explanation, but

other times it’s satisfying to have found a

question that gets a lengthy answer. Be

patient  –  you don’t want to suppress

either his curiosity or his interest in

communicating. The mother might try to

respond to a why question with a why

answer of her own.  –  “why do you think

that cat ran away?” 

At the twenty forth month, the

toddler can form images in his mind,

organize categories, and arrange things in

order. His memory is getting better and

he’s beginning to understand abstract

concepts like more or less, sooner or later

 – though he still doesn’t understand things

like next month or next year.

“PLAY is a toddler’s way

of learning, so make it the

best learning playground” 

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Anne Margarette L.



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