Page 3: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

1st Paragraph Afraid Story ______________________________________________________________________________


















Page 4: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

1st Paragraph Introduction

The Devil Dressed Up Have you ever heard of an insane person in rainbow pants, large

shoes, a powdery white face, a scarlet red nose, a crazy orange wig and

tear drops falling from his face? If you haven’t you are the luckiest per-

son in the world! Clowns to me, are grotesque and frightening. I despise

glancing at these creatures! To me, a clown means a dreadful scare and pee in my

pants! Clowns are like devils in disguise to me.


Blackness all around me. No visible lights around not even a night-

light or the moon to guide me. I am petrified of darkness. When the

clock reaches the pm hours, my body starts to shake a little. To me this

means that the bright sunny thing called a sun is dipping into the hori-

zon. All that equals darkness, blackness, and creepiness! I don’t know if

you have guessed this but I am terrified of pitch black nights. Darkness

plagues me on a daily basis.

Page 5: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

2nd Paragraph Afraid Story ______________________________________________________________________________


















Page 6: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

2nd Paragraph Introduction

My fixation or scarification began when I was twenty

years old. Prior to these years, clowns were my friends. I grew up

with Bozo the Clown. Bozo was always jolly and cheerful. Howev-

er, all this changed my junior year in college. After visiting

Statesville Prison Haunted House, I’ve never envisioned the same

image of clowns in my head. I became deathly afraid of these horrifying crea-


I don’t remember the exact moment that darkness became my

enemy. I use to sleep comfortably in my bedroom dreaming won-

derful dreams while minding my own business. As I grew older

with age, the more violence that crept into my fragile mind. I

found that Television, I-pads, video games, and commercials aid-

ed in my terror of nights and darkness. Am I doomed to survive

the nights alone?

Page 7: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

3rd Paragraph Afraid Story _________________________________________________________________________________

















Page 8: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

3rd Paragraph Afraid Story

I consider clowns to be the devil in disguise.

My life changed forever that night at the haunted

house. Now clowns, jump out at me in my dreams,

my thoughts, and my day to day chores. I can hardly

complete a day without seeing these freaks. I now

see clowns chasing me and scaring me at every opportunity that

they might have. I no longer see a cheery clown, now I spy a clown

with deadly teeth, paint melting down their faces and

a look of devilry dancing in their eyes. These clowns

have come for death.


Page 9: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

3rd Paragraph Afraid Story

Darkness is not my friend and I have no

desire to become his friend. Darkness brings the

boogey man, zombies, monsters, shooters, and

criminals out to roam the Earth every night.

Blackness and darkness are not leaving my side

anytime soon. That leaves me with limited options. The night

is what scares me the most. I could switch on the light to help

me combat this evil thing. But, the light for some

reason always fails me. The time is still night time

and darkness is evil and always prevails!

Page 10: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

4th Paragraph Afraid Story _________________________________________________________________________________

















Page 11: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

4th Paragraph Afraid Story

All in all to me clowns are dreadful crea-

tures dressed up in disguise. I have had many failed

attempts at making clowns my friends. I know that

they are out there in the world to scare me. But at

age 43, I have to be braver. All these creatures are, are just adults

and kids dressed up. Not one clown has ever actually attacked me.

So therefore there is no logical reason behind my fear.

I hope one day in the future, I will make these creatures

my friends. Until then, I will try my best to think of

clowns as jolly happy people.

Page 12: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned

4th Paragraph Afraid Story

Over all darkness creeps me out. I have

thought of so many evil things roaming the streets

and my houses for far to long. I know that all of this

“Scarediness” is just my brain playing tricks on me.

There are no such things as monsters. However, my 8 year old

mind doesn’t actually know this yet. I hope in time that being

afraid of the dark will leave my fears. For now, I sleep

in a Star Wars sleeping bag on the floor in my moth-

er’s room. For now, I feel safest when I am closest to

my mom and four legged friend Chewie.

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The Devil Dressed Up

Have you ever heard of an insane person in rainbow pants,

large shoes, a powdery white face, a scarlet red nose, a crazy orange wig

and tear drops falling from his face? If you haven’t you are the luckiest per-

son in the world! Clowns to me, are grotesque and frightening. I despise

glancing at these creatures! To me, a clown means a dreadful scare and pee

in my pants! Clowns are like devils in disguise to me. My fixation or scarification began when I was twenty years old. Prior

to these years, clowns were my friends. I grew up with Bozo the Clown. Bozo

was always jolly and cheerful. However, all this changed my jun-

ior year in college. After visiting Statesville Prison Haunted

House, I’ve never envisioned the same image of clowns in my

head. I became deathly afraid of these horrifying creatures.

Page 14: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned


The Devil Dressed Up

I consider clowns to be the devil in disguise. My life changed for-

ever that night at the haunted house. Now clowns, jump out at me in my

dreams, my thoughts, and my day to day chores. I can hardly complete a

day without seeing these freaks. I now see clowns chasing me and scaring

me at every opportunity that they might have. I no longer see a cheery

clown, now I spy a clown with deadly teeth, paint melting down their faces

and a look of devilry dancing in their eyes. These clowns have come for death.

All in all to me clowns are dreadful creatures dressed up in dis-

guise. I have had many failed attempts at making clowns my friends. I

know that they are out there in the world to scare me. But at age 43, I

have to be braver. All these creatures are, are just adults and kids

dressed up. Not one clown has ever actually attacked me. So therefore

there is no logical reason behind my fear. I hope one day in the future, I

will make these creatures my friends. Until then, I will try my best to

think of clowns as jolly happy people.

Page 15: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned


Blackness all around me. No visible lights around not even a

nightlight or the moon to guide me. I am petrified of darkness.

When the clock reaches the pm hours, my body starts to shake a

little. To me this means that the bright sunny thing called a sun is

dipping into the horizon. All that equals darkness, blackness, and

creepiness! I don’t know if you have guessed this but I am terrified

of pitch black nights. Darkness plagues me on a daily basis.

I don’t remember the exact moment that darkness be-

came my enemy. I use to sleep comfortably in my bedroom

dreaming wonderful dreams while minding my own business. As

I grew older with age, the more violence that crept into my fragile

mind. I found that Television, I-pads, video games, and commer-

cials aided in my terror of nights and darkness. Am I doomed to

survive the nights alone?

Page 16: A Personal Narrative · A Personal Narrative. Afraid Vocabulary dazed bewildered petrified scared scary traumatized Feared fear despise gruesome ugly awful threshold helpless moaned


Darkness is not my friend and I have no desire to become

his friend. Darkness brings the boogey man, zombies, monsters,

shooters, and criminals out to roam the Earth every night. Blackness

and darkness are not leaving my side anytime soon. That leaves me

with limited options. The night is what scares me the most. I could

switch on the light to help me combat this evil thing. But, the light

for some reason always fails me. The time is still night time and darkness is evil and al-

ways prevails!

Over all darkness creeps me out. I have thought of so many evil things

roaming the streets and my houses for far to long. I know that all of this

“Scarediness” is just my brain playing tricks on me. There are no such things as

monsters. However, my 8 year old mind doesn’t actually know this yet. I hope

in time that being afraid of the dark will leave my fears. For now, I sleep in a Star

Wars sleeping bag on the floor in my mother’s room. For now, I feel safest

when I am closest to my mom and four legged friend Chewie.


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Jolly Old Nothing

A plump round man dressed in red and white clothing

creeping into your home at night is not my idea of fun! To me,

this jolly man is a frightening creature. How does one person

think that stalking innocent children on a daily basis is a good

thing! I hate the idea that a person nobody really knows

sneaks into our homes in the middle of the night with an evil horrid laugh! To

me, this is the most absurd thing ever. Yes, I dread this jolly man called, the

world calls Santa. Ever since I can remember back to my childhood days, Santa

pops into my head. I believe my fears came at a very young age. Know-

ing that Santa can report to back to your parents on a daily basis gave

me the creeps! How could Old St. Nick know that I pulled my sister’s

hair??? Or used my mother’s lipstick on my dollies? All I know if that I

had a spy in my house and Santa was the culprit.

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Jolly Old Nothing

I believe another way that Santa began to freak me was he was

EVERYWHERE! As a child, I didn’t understand how all the Santa’s in a 100

mile radius could possibly be the same guy and be at my house knowing if

was being naughty or nice. Every mall, every street corner, every party , the

Jolly Man was present. The mathematics on this was impossible! Santa was

taunting me. My mother waited many years to tell me these Mall Santa’s

were the “Fake” Santa’s. That these Santa’s reported back to the real one. That did release

some anxiety about this jolly man. But I still was afraid! Santa STILL knows what I do on a daily


All in all, Santa creeps me out. The month of December is a frightful

month. But in the end, my mother convinced my sister to let me sleep with her

in the month of December. Such a relief! Bunking in my sister’s room has

not by any stopped my fear of the Jolly Old Man, but being next to my sister I

have gained some strength. I hope in the future that I will be brave enough to

conquer my Santa fears. Until then, my sister can be my body guard.

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